5. Put the ball on your hand. Use your thumb and little finger to squeeze the ball. Wipe it and then sprinkle some baby powder on the surface. Made of TPR. Att träna med Gelfyllda bollar 6. Put the ball on a flat surface. Use your fingertips to press the ball. Manufactured For: Valentine International Ltd., Taiwan R.O.C. Authorized European Representative: Medica Surgical Innovations Limited BB2 4PB, United Kingdom Made in Taiwan Rev. 060309 Hand Therap Hand Therapy Balls AA9800 Rosa – Extra mjuk 11 11007, 11008, 11009, 11010, 11007, 11008, 11009,AA9801 11010,Blå 11011, 10914, – Mjuk 11018-55, 11018-65, 11018-55, 11018-65, 11017, 11016, 110 110 Hand Th Hand Therapy B 11007, 11008, 11009, AA9802 Grön – Medium USER INSTRUCTI Orange – Hård 7. For round shape balls 7. on 1. Hold the ball on you mo 1. Hold the ball on your hand. Press the ball. AA9804 Svart – Extra hård to and fro among you1 1. Hold the ball on your hand. Press the ball.11008, 11009, move 11007, 11010, 11011, USER INSTRUCTIONS USER INSTRUCTIONS AA9803 11018-55, 11018-6 11018-55, 11018-65, 11017, 1101 8. Put the surface. U USER INSTRUCTIONS your 7. Forindex roundfing sh USER INSTRUCTIONS 1. Hold the ball your hand. Press 2. theUse ball. 2. Use your index finger andon middle 2. Use your index finger and middle finger move to hold tothe andball fro 1. Hold the ball on your hand. Press finger to hold the ball. the Clipball. upward. finger to hold the ball. Clip upward. Do not overuse. Ove 1. Håll bollen i handen och kläm ihop den. wrh 3. eat For or rou wrist tired. Do not ForHold round shape 3. For round shape balls 3. only: two ballsballs only: Hold two balls Ta on your ha Talk and to your if ther on your hand. Move one ball upward the doctor on your hand. Move one ball upward and thefinger 2. Use your index and middle irr other ball 2. Placera bollen mellan två fingrar och kläm ihop bollen. irritation. other ball downward at the same time. ball downward at the same 2.other Use your index finger and middle finger totime. hold the ball. Clip upward. finger to hold the ball. Clip upward. M DoINST notand o 4. Use your thumb MAINTENANCE 4. Use your thumb and index finger to 3. Placera bollen mellan tummen och pekfingret . 3. For round shape balls only: Hold two balls 4. Use your thumb and index finger to Do wrist tired. Do pinch the ball. not expose to and the the sunlig Tryck ihop bollen. pinch ball. 3. For the round shape balls only: Holdhand. two Move balls Do on your one ball upward pinch the ball. Bew Talk clean to your anddo on your hand. Move one ball upward the Before other ball and downward at thestoring, same time. Wst 5. Put it andirritation. then sprinkle 5. Put ball on your Use your other ballyour downward atthe the same time.hand. Wipe 5. Put the ball on hand. Use your su 4. Lägg bollen i handflatan. Tryck ihop bollen mellan tummen och fingrarna. thumb surface. Made of TPR. thumb and the little finger to squeeze the thumb and little finger to squeeze Arbeta gärna med ett finger itaget. 4. Use your thumb and index finger to ball. M MAINTENAN ball. Manufactured For: ball. 4. Use your thumb11015, and index finger to pinch the ball. Va 9, 11010, 11011, 10914, Do10914, not expose Valentine International Ltd. 11007, 11008, 11009, 11010, 11011, 6. Put the ball on a fla Au pinch the ball. 6. Put the ball on a flat surface. Use your Authorized European Rep 6. Put the ball on a flat surface. Use your Before storing, 5. Lägg bollen på ett plant underlag och tryck på bollen med fingertopparna. M 18-65, 11017, 11016, 11019 fingertips to press th onMedica your hand. Use your Surgical Innovations fingertips to press the ball.5. Put the ball 11018-55, 11018-65, 11017, 11016, 110 fingertips to press the ball. BB Wipe it and the 4PB, Kingdom 5. Put the ball on your hand. Useand yourlittle BB2 thumb finger toUnited squeeze the M surface. Made Made in Taiwan thumb and little finger toball. squeeze the 7.handflatan For round upp shape balls only: Make the ball 6. Vänd och lägg bollen på fingrarna. 7. For round shape balls onl USER INSTRUCTIONS Manufactured ball.fingers. to mellan and frofingrarna. among your Flyttamove bollen move to and fro amongIntern your 1. Hold the ball on your hand. Press the ball. 6. Put the ball on a flat surface. Use your Valentine Therapy Balls Hand Therapy Balls alls the 6. Put the ball on a flat surface. Useto your fingertips press the ball. 8. Put the ball on a flat to press the ball. 7. Lägg bollen påfingertips ett plant underlag. Tryck ihoptoden med handflatan. surface. Use your palm press the ball. Authorized Eu Medica Surgical 8. Put the b BB2 4PB, United surface. Us Made in Taiwan 2. Use your finger and middle Gelbollarna kan index rengöras i ljummet vatten med diskmedel. finger to hold the ball. Clip upward. not overuse. Overuse may make handden and glatta ytan. När de torkat,Do pudra gärna med barnpuder för attyour behålla Do not overuse. Over wrist tired. Do not eat or hold the ball in your mouth. wrist tired. Do not eat or h 3. For round Hold two or balls Talk to your doctor if shape there balls is anyonly: inflammation Talk to your doctor if there irritation.on your hand. Move one ball upward and the irritation. Södergatan 38, 195 47 MÄRSTA, other ball downward at the same time. Tel 08-591 292 50 • Fax 08-591 297 84 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS info@euforia.se • www.euforia.se MAINTENANCE INSTR Do not expose theindex sunlight or lay 4. Use your thumbtoand finger to in a humid location. Do not expose to the sunlig Before storing, clean and wash the ball in warm water. pinch the ball.
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