C82MPR Practical and statistical methods, 3 November 2014 Egocentric and allocentric representations in spatial memory Tobias Bast Tobias.bast@nottingham.ac.uk Matt Buckley lpxmgb@nottingham.ac.uk School of Psychology 1 Objectives for this practical • To learn about: - the relevance of spatial memory and cutting-edge research on spatial memory; - two types of representations, egocentric and allocentric ones, that can support spatial memory and ways to study them. • To design and perform behavioural experiments that investigate allocentric and egocentric representations in spatial memory. • To analyse and interprete the findings. • To present them to the group and write them up as a research report. 2 Suggested reading • Reviews giving an overview of the field (recommended reading for all!): - Burgess, N. (2008)Spatial cognition and the brain. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1124:77-97. - Burgess, N. (2006) Spatial memory: How egocentric and allocentric combine. Trends Cogn. Sci. 10:551-557. • Specific papers, depending on what experiment you decide to do. • Further reading as much as you like, depending on your interest! 3 Relevance of spatial memory •‘Space plays a role in all our behaviour. We live in it, move through it, explore it, defend it.’ (O‘Keefe & Nadel, 1978, The hippocampus as a cognitive map, Chpt. 1, p. 5; http://www.cognitivemap.net/HCMpdf/HCMChapters.html). •Spatial memory is critical for many every-day tasks. Note: Many varieties of spatial memory – different spatial scales, declarative, procedural, rapidly and incrementally acquired, allocentric and egocentric, etc. •Spatial memory can define the context of events and is a key component of episodic memory, the memory of unique personally experienced events (see Burgess et al., 2002, Neuron 35:625; Nadel & Hardt, 2004, Neuropsychology 18:473). 4 Cross-species studies of spatial memory – a unique window into the brain substrates of a complex cognitive process Spatial memory can readily be studied in animals, including rats, offering a unique opportunity to characterise in detail the neurobiological substrates of a complex cognitive process (e.g., Burgess, 2008, AnnNYAcadSci1124:77; Nakazawa et al, 2004, NatureRevNeurosci 5:361). Behavioural tests of spatial memory . . . Radial arm maze Water maze Event arena etc. Olton & Samuelson (1976) JExpPsychol;AnimBehProc2:97 http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/ Day et al (2003) Nature 424:205 Morris_water_maze Bast et al (2005) JNeurosci 25:5845 Also see personal account of how it was ‘invented’: Morris, 2003, PhilTransRoySocB 358:643. . . . can be combined with neurobiological analysis and manipulation of the brain etc. Lesion and pharmacological manipulation of hippocampus Single-unit recordings 5 Cross-species studies of spatial memory – a unique window into the brain substrates of a cognitive dysfunction Deficits in spatial memory (especially of the rapidly acquired, allocentric type) come with normal age-related cognitive decline (e.g., Rosenzweig & Barnes, 2003, ProgNeurobiol 69:143), are marked in Alzheimer‘s disease and its precursor state MCI (e.g., Hort et al., 2007, PNAS 104:4042), and are a component of the neuro-cognitive deficits in schizophrenia (e.g., Glahn et al., 2003, BiolPsychiatry 53:624-626; Al-Uszri et al (2006) BrJPsychiatry 189:132) . Thus, spatial memory tests may serve as cross-species tools to research these conditions in humans and in relevant animal models. 6 Egocentric and allocentric representations in spatial memory Viewpoint Self-motion New viewpoint Egocentric spatial representation: location is encoded in relation to own body; egocentric representations may be updated from one viewpoint to another based on information of the observer’s self motion. Allocentric (or geocentric) spatial representation: location is encoded in relation to the external world; viewpoint independent. 7 Egocentric spatial representations – gain-field responses of neurons in posterior parietal cortex •Eye-position dependent modulation of neuronal firing to stimuli in the neuron’s receptive field. 8 •Neuronal firing codes for a specific location relative to the animal’s head. Andersen et al (1985) Science 230:456 Allocentric spatial representations – place cells, grid cells, boundary cells Boundary cells in entorhinal cortex Hippocampus Entorhinal cortex Place cells in hippocampus Discovered by O‘Keefe & Dostrovsky (1971) O‘Keefe et al (1998) PhilTransRSocLondB 335:1333 Place cells have also been found in human hippocampus Ekstrom et al. (2003) Nature 424:124. Grid cells in entorhinal cortex Solstad et al (2008) Science 322:1865 Boundary vector cells in subiculum Hafting et al (2005) Nature 436:801 Lever et al (2009) JNeurosci 29:9771 9 10 http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2014/press.html Rat paradigms to study spatial memory Radial arm maze Water maze Event arena etc. Olton & Samuelson (1976) JExpPsychol;AnimBehavProc2:97 http://www.scholarpedia.org/ article/Morris_water_maze Day et al (2003) Nature 424:205 Bast et al (2005) JNeurosci 25:5845 • Often explicitly designed to require allocentric representations as much as possible (in order to study hippocampal function): -Spatial relations that define locations are large scale (in relation to rat body) -Salient distal cues define location -Rat’s ‘viewpoint’, i.e. starting point, is moved between learning trials or between learning and testing (however note: even in the radial arm maze where rats always start from centre, i.e. same position, they seem to rely on allocentric representations). • Have been used extensively to study role of the hippocampus and local synaptic plasticity to allocentric spatial memory. 11 ‘Standard’ water maze paradigm – learning of a constant platform location across several trials with a changing start position Hippoc. lesion Cortical lesion Control Annulus crossing on probe trials ( without platform ) Sample swim paths on trial 28 Trials 12 RGM Morris et al (1982) Nature 297:681 Allocentric and egocentric spatial representations in the water maze Variable start positions a Control Fornix lesion Constant start position b c Old start New start •Allocentric representations are necessary •Hippocampus is required (a) •Egocentric representations can be used •Hippocampus is not required (b) Allocentric, but not egocentric, spatial memory requires the hippocampus. •Intact rats ‘automatically’ encode an allocentric representation which they can use if required (c) 13 Data from Eichenbaum et al (1990) JNeurosci 10:331, as redrawn by Eichenbaum (2000) Nature Rev Neurosci 1:41 Studying spatial memory in humans Object-place memory test, paper & pen Detection of change in object location * Object-place memory test in virtual town * * * James&Kimura( 1997) EvolHumBehav 18:155 Burgess et al (2004) Cognition 94:149 King et et al (2002) Hippocampus 12:811 Object-place memory test in natural large-scale environment Tests based on rat paradigms Invisible-sensor task (water maze analogue) Water maze (virtual) 8-arm radial maze Astur et al. (1998) BehavBrainRes 93:185 Smith et et al (2008) Cognition 107:1102 Bohbot et al. (2002) PhysiolRes 51 (Suppl. 1):S49 14 Allocentric and egocentric representations in spatial memory Detection-of-a-change-in-object-location paradigm Learning phase: Subject studies object array for a few seconds. * * * * Test: After retention delay of a few seconds, during which the subject is blindfolded and one object location is changed, subject is asked which one has moved. To examine the contribution of allocentric or egocentric representations, the effects of subject movement (S) or table rotation (T) between Learning and Test can be examined. Effects of S, T or their combination (ST) Conclusions •Both allocentric and egocentric representations contribute to spatial memory in this paradigm. •Egocentric memory can be updated based on self-motion (idiothetic) cues. Data from Wang & Simons (1999), as redrawn by Burgess et al. (2004). 15 Burgess et al (2004) Cognition 94:149; also see Burgess (2008) AnnNYAcadSci 1124:77 and Wang & Simons (1999) Cognition 70:191 Egocentric and allocentric spatial memory in patients with hippocampal damage Virtual town Presentation phase (encoding) Hippocampal atrophy due to perinatal anoxia Control Jon Jon’s performance is especially impaired if allocentric representations are required Control Jon Test phase Same view Alternative view (note: no selfmotion cues) Conclusion Hippocampus is especially important for allocentric representations (see also Holdstock et al., 2000, Neuropsychologia 38:410). 16 King et et al (2002) Hippocampus 12:811 Some research ideas for your experiments . . . . 17 Experiments using the detection-of-a-change-in-object-location paradigm * * * * • Suggestion: Use the ‘simple’ version without cue card and involving only S, T, and S+T rotations (Wang and Simons, 1999). • Can the rotation effects indicating spatial updating based on self-motion cues be replicated (compare Banta Lavenex et al., 2011, BehavBrainRes)? Design – 4 within-subjects conditions: N, S, T, ST. Data from Wang & Simons (1999), as redrawn by Burgess et al. (2004). • Is there faster forgetting of egocentric memory that has been updated based on self-motion cues? Rat studies suggest memories based on self-motion cues might be very short lasting (see Futter & Aggleton, 2006,QuartJExpPsychol 59:77; also compare Chen et al., 2011, Neuropsychologia 49:49). Design – 2X2 design: 2 types of rotation (N and S), each tested at 2 retention delays (e.g., 10 and 60 s). 18 Novel paper & pen versions of established large-scale one-trial place or objectplace memory tests for humans and rats Presentation phase (encoding) Virtual town Event arena Water maze Test phase Same view Alternative view/start King et et al (2002) Hippocampus 12:811 Bast et al (2005) JNeurosci 25:5845 Steele&Morris (1999) Hippocampus 9:118 • Can you devise paper & pen versions? What performance measures could be used? • How would you study the contribution of allocentric and egocentric representations? 19 Presentation (encoding) 20 Test (same view) 21 Test (alternative view) 22 Presentation (encoding) 23 Test (recall, same view) 24 Test (recall, alternative view) 25 Other possibilities • Use psychopie if you want. • Compare allocentric and egocentric memory in a test similar to the invisiblesensor paradigm of Bohbot et al., 2002, PhysiolRes 51 (Suppl. 1):S49 (if you find an appropriate space). Key points to consider in planning your experiments • Clearly defined performance measures. • Clearly defined testing procedures: instruction of the subjects, presentation times, what happens between presentation and study phases, constant and reproducible spatial cue arrangements, etc. • Counterbalancing, i.e. control for the effects of a confounding variable by ensuring these effects are equal or comparable in all experimental conditions. 26 Next steps Today (3 November) •Arrange yourselves into groups of 5-6 students. •Discuss which paradigm you might want to use and decide which specific literature you read. Next Monday (10 November) •Groups should have a clear idea of what they want to investigate. •Work on experimental procedures and design and check with us. Monday, 17 November •We will be available to discuss problems, but you will not need to attend session if you feel comfortable with your experiment. Monday, 24 November •By then you should have collected most of your data! •We will discuss the analysis of your experimental data. Monday, 1 December •Oral presentations (10-15 min plus 2 min discussion) by each group. All meetings Monday, 2-4 PM, in Room A5. Reports due Monday 8 December, by 4 pm. 27
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