WHAT IS ASD? SUPPORT AUTISM SA THIS YEAR WHEN YOU SEND OUT YOUR SEASON’S GREETINGS Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that affects the development of an individual across their life span. Social communication, restricted interests and behaviours and sensory processing differences are the main areas of development affected. ASD affects one in 100 individuals (Fernell and Gillberg, 2010) in Australia and more males than females. The male to female ratio is approximately 4:1 (Freitag, 2007, Abrahams and Geschwind, 2010). Individual cards are $0.95 each Special offer – Pack of TEN cards for $9.00 ASD2319_Oct14 1/262 Marion Road, Netley PO Box 304, MARLESTON DC SA 5033 P (08) 8379 6976 F (08) 8338 1216 E admin@autismsa.org.au www.autismsa.org.au XMAS CARDS 2014 CHRISTMAS CARD OFFER CHRISTMAS CARD ORDER FORM Card ONE ‘Holding Hands’ Please complete the form and return it in the Autism SA reply paid envelope enclosed or alternatively order your 2014 Christmas Cards online at www.autismsa.org.au. For further information or assistance please call David Palmer, Administration Assistant, Marketing and Communications on (08) 8462 0652. Wording: “Peace on earth good will to all.” Size: 21cm x 10.5cm Pack of Ten Card TWO ‘Christmas Bauble’ 1. Wording: “Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.” Size: 12.5cm x 12.5cm Pack of Ten YOUR DETAILS: Full Name: Wording: “May all your Christmas dreams come true.” Size: 12.7cm x 17cm Pack of Ten Postal Address: 4. 3. Card FOUR ‘Christmas Koalas’ Suburb: State: Postcode: ORDER DETAILS: Wording: “Warmest wishes for the festive season.” Size:15.5cm x 10.5cm Pack of Ten All card packs are $9.00 each and have 10 cards in each pack. Card FIVE ‘Christmas Wreath’ Wording: “May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you all through the year.” Size: 12.5cm x 12.5cm Pack of Ten Daytime Telephone: 2. CArd THREE ‘White Dove’ 5. 6. Pack/s of No.1 cards @ $9 ea $ Pack/s of No.2 cards @ $9 ea $ Pack/s of No.3 cards @ $9 ea $ Pack/s of No.4 cards @ $9 ea $ Pack/s of No.5 cards @ $9 ea $ Pack/s of No.6 cards @ $9 ea $ Card SIX ‘Christmas Pudding’ Autism SA Baseball Caps @ $20 ea$ Wording: “May all your Christmas dreams come true.” Size: 12.5cm x 12.5cm Pack of Ten Pink Giraffe Toys @ $10 ea$ Purple Giraffe Toys @ $10 ea$ AUTISM SA BASEBALL CAP Blue Giraffe Toys @ $10 ea$ One Size Fits All. Autism SA embroided to front of cap Giraffe Keyring @ $5 ea$ AUTISM SA GIRAFFE These adorable stuffed toys are available in Pink, Purple, Green and Blue. AUTISM SA GIRAFFE KEYRING Handy and adorable for your set of keys. Green Giraffe Toys @ $10 ea$ I would also like to make a donation of $ (donations $2 or more are tax deductible) Postage and Handling $ 2.00 Total (includes $2.00 Postage and Handling)$ PAYMENT DETAILS: Please note minimum credit card order is $10 Cheque Money Order Full name on card: Card Number: Expiry Date: ___/___ Signature: VISA MASTERCARD
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