8B Weekend November 8, 2014 CLASSIFIEDS Your Montague County News Source www.bowienewsonline.com Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services Legal Notice RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS OIL AND GAS DIVISION DISTRICT 09 Rule 37 Case No. 0293446 DATE OF ISSUANCE: Oct 28, 2014 Status/Permit No. 798483 NOTICE OF PROTEST DEADLINE: 5:00 PM, Dec 2, 2014 Address: Railroad Commission of Texas ATTN: Drilling Permit Unit, P. O. Box 12967 Austin, Texas 78711-2967 Fax: (512) 463-6780 Email: SWR37@RRC.STATE. TX.US NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the EOG RESOURCES, INC., [RRC Operator No. 253162] has made application for a spacing exception permit under the provisions of Railroad Commission Statewide Rule 37 (16 Tex. Admin. Code section 3.37). Applicant seeks exception to the LEASE LINE requirement for the RECOMPLETION permit in Sec. 28, Bk., ET RR CO - SETTLE, J F Survey, A-726, WILDCAT and WALES (VIOLA) Fields, MONTAGUE County, being 4.2 miles SE direction from MONTAGUE, Texas. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS of Railroad Commission rules and regulations, this application may be granted WITHOUT A HEARING if no protest to the application is received within the deadline. An affected person is entitled to protest this application. Affected persons include owners of record and the operator or lessees of record of adjacent tracts and tracts nearer to the proposed well than the minimum lease line spacing distance. If a hearing is called, the applicant has the burden to prove the need for an exception. A Protestant should be prepared to establish standing as an affected person, and to appear at the hearing either in person or by qualified representative and protest the application with cross-examination or presentation of a direct case. The rules of evidence are applicable in the hearing. If you have any questions regarding the hearing procedure, please contact the Commission's Docket Services Department at (512)463-6848. If you have questions which are specific to the Application or the information set forth in this Notice, please contact the Commission's Drilling Permit Unit at rule 37 (512)4636751. IF YOU WISH TO REQUEST A HEARING ON THIS APPLICATION, YOU MUST FILL OUT, SIGN AND MAIL, FAX, E-MAIL OR DELIVER TO THE AUSTIN OFFICE OF THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS THE ENCLOSED NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPEAR IN PROTEST. A COPY OF THE INTENT TO APPEAR IN PROTEST MUST ALSO BE MAILED, DELIVERED, FAXED OR E-MAILED ON THE SAME DATE TO THE APPLICANT AT THE ADDRESS SHOWN ON THE SERVICE LIST. THIS INTENT TO APPEAR IN PROTEST MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE RAILROAD COMMISSION'S AUSTIN OFFICE AT THE ADDRESS, FAX NUMBER OR E-MAIL ADDRESS SET OUT ABOVE NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM ON: Dec. 2, 2014 IMPORTANT: THE MAILBOX RULE DOES NOT APPLY. IF NO PROTEST IS RECEIVED WITHIN SUCH TIME, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO FILE A PROTEST AND THE REQUESTED PERMIT MAY BE GRANTED ADMINISTRATIVELY, TO BE EFFECTIVE THE DAY FOLLOWING THE TERMINATION OF SUCH 21 DAY PERIOD. The location and identity of the well is as shown below: FIELD: WILDCAT Lease/ Unit Name: EDGE Lease/ Unit Well No.: 1 Lease/ Unit Acres: 82.63 Nearest Lease Line (ft): 365.0 Lease Lines: 281.0 F NW L, 400.0 F NE L Survey Lines: 281.0 F NW L, 400.0 F NE L Wellbore Profile(s): Directional Bottom Hole: BH1BH County: MONTAGUE Section: 28 Block: Abstract: 726 Survey: ET RR CO/SETTLE, J F Lease Lines: 591.0 F NW L 365.0 F NE L Survey Lines: 591.0 F NW L 365.0 F NE L FIELD: WALES (VIOLA) Lease/Unit Name: EDGE Lease/Unit Well No.: 1 Lease/Unit Acres : 82.63 Nearest Lease Line (ft): 365.0 Lease Lines: 281.0 F NW L, 400.0 F NE L Survey Lines: 281.0 F NW L, 400.0 F NE L Wellbore Profile(s): Directional Bottom Hole: BH1 BH County: MONTAGUE Section: 28 Block: Abstract: 726 Survey: ET RR CO/SETTLE, J F Lease Lines: 591.0 F NW L 365.0 F NE L Survey Lines: 591.0 F NW L 365.0 F NE L Field Rules for ALL fields on the permit application are as follows: WILDCAT: County regular rules 467/1200, 40.0 acres. WALES (VIOLA): County regular rules 467/1200, 40.0 acres. This well is to be drilled to an approximate depth of 7471 feet. If you have questions regarding this application, please contact the Applicant's representative, Rober t Humphreys, at (817)339-9380. 37,39,41,43cts September, 2014, and the 8th day of October, 2014 and to me, as Sheriff, directed and delivered, I will proceed to sell at 10:00 A.M. on the 2nd day of December, 2014, which is the first Tuesday of said month, at the East door of the Courthouse of said Montague County, in the City of Montague, Texas, the following described property, to wit: Cause No: 2010-0450M-CV GOLDBURG INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. ROSS DEWVALL Personal Property being described as a Conner Single Wide Mobile Home, Label Number TXS0568756, Serial Number X429408447, with a value in excess of $1,000.00 located in Montague County, Texas; Cause No: 2011-0108M-CV CITY OF BOWIE VS. MELVIN GRISSOM AND CAROLYN GRISSOM Tract 1: Part of Lots 1, 2, 23 and 24, Block 38, Cummins Addition, Montague County, Texas, as the same appears on a map or plat thereof filed in the office of the County Clerk of Montague County, Texas; 505 Cummings per MCAD; Tract 2: Lot 4, Block 4, Barry Addition, Montague County, Texas, as the same appears on a map or plat thereof filed in the office of the County Clerk of Montague County, Texas; 1307 Rock per MCAD; Tract 3: Lot 6, Block 2, Harris Addition, Montague County, Texas, as the same appears on a map or plat thereof filed in the office of the County Clerk of Montague County, Texas; 805 Sessions per MCAD; Tract 4: Part of Lot 15, Block 10, Oaklawn Addition, Montague County, Texas, as the same appears on a map or plat thereof filed in the office of the County Clerk of Montague County, Texas; 200 Orchard per MCAD; Tract 5: 4.840 acres, more or less, Abstract 1335, T R Willis Survey, Montague County, Texas, as more particularly described in a deed recorded in Volume 272 at Page 747 filed in the office of the County Clerk in the Official Public Records in Montague County, Texas; Tract 6: 0.730 acres, more or less, Abstract 1335, T R Willis Survey, Montague County, Texas, as more particularly described in a deed recorded in Volume 232 at Page 145 filed in the office of the County Clerk in the Official Public Records of Montague County, Texas; Cause No: 2011-0399M-CV BOWIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL VS. LYNN DEE MARTIN AND PEGGY FAYE MARTIN Tract 1: 5.0 acres, more or less, Abstract 730, Block 67, Tutus County School Land Survey, with a 14x48 Sheraton mobile home, Label Number MD*0008043/44, Serial Number 12312960A/B, Manufatured by Redman Homes Inc., located in Montague County, Texas, as more particularly described in a deed recorded in the office of the County Clerk filed in Volume 170 at Page 56 of the Official Public Records of Montague County, Texas; 237 Body Rd per MCAD; Tract 2: 17.150 acres, more of less, Abstract 730, Block 67, Titus County School Land Survey, Montague County, Texas, as more particularly described in a deed recorded in the office of the County Clerk filed in Volume 253 at Page 133 of the Official Public Records of Montague County, Texas; Cause No: 2010-0000038M-CV GOLDBURG INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. DARREL D. MCCOY ETUX SHIRLEY MCCOY Personal property being described as a 1998 Solitaire Mobile Home, Label #TRA0412719/20, Serial # EHIMOK2663F/B, 14X76, located in Montague County, Texas with a value in excess of $500.00; Cause No: 2011-0560MCV BOWIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. DANNY AND PEGGY MOORE Par t of Lot 9, Block 12, Lindsey Addition, Montague County, Texas, as the same appears on a map or plat thereof filed in the office of the County Clerk of Montague County, Texas; 410 Ussery per MCAD; Personal Prop- erty being described as a 1986 Mobile Home, Cedar Ridge Model, Label #TEX0398696, Serial # OC05870626, 16X76, located in Montague County, Texas, with a value in excess of $500.00; Cause No: 2011-0365M-CV BOWIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. FRANK ROOP 0.380 acres, more or less, Block 15, Abstract 319, Hill County School Land, Montague County, Texas, as more particularly described in a deed recorded in the office of the County Clerk filed in Volume 189 at Page 876 of the Official Public Records of Montague County, Texas; 306 Hudspeth per MCAD. Levied on the 4th day of November, 2014, as the property of said Defendants to satisfy the judgements rendered in the above styled and numbered causes, plus all taxes, penalties, interest, and attorney fees accrued to the date of sale and all costs recoverable by law in favor of each jurisdiction. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND THIS 4th day of November, 2014. Paul Cunningham, Sheriff, Montague County, Texas By J.T. Mitchell, Deputy. 39,41,43cts Auto 2010 MERCEDES-B Stock# A88184. $24,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)872-5455. 38-39pb 2007 TOYOTA TACOMA Stock# 717671. $18,500. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)872-5455. 38-39pb BLOW OUT SALE BMG AUTO Low Down Payments, Financing For Everyone! Two Locations in Decatur 940626-8000. 39-40cts $700 DOWN FORD EXPEDITION 3 to choose from. Best deal going on Family Size SUV.. Clean, Safe, Reliable, Low Pa y m e n t s . . . 9 4 0 - 6 2 7 1470. 39-40cts KLEMENT CJD Sales hours Mon. Fri. 8:00 - 7:00 Saturday 8:00-6:00 Service Monday- Friday 7:30- 6:00. 39-40pb 2007 DODGE CREW 1500 Stock# 706199. $11,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)872-5455. 38-39pb 2007 GMC ENVOY Stock# 787913. $8,950. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)872-5455. 38-39pb GMC SIERRA 4X4 Great Truck, Low Down Payment.. Credit Builder!!! Call For Details. 940-6271470. 39-40cts 2009 CHEVY 1500 X-CAB Stock# 966335. $21,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)872-5455. 38-39pb JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Low Down Lower Monthly Payments... Great SUV 940-627-1470. 39-40cts NOTICE OF SHERIFF SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MONTAGUE. By the virtue of Orders of Sale issued out the Honorable 97th District Court of Montague County in the following cases on the 18th day of June, 2014, the 22nd day of September, 2014, the 23rd day of September, 2014, the 24th day of September, 2014, the 26th day of September, 2014, the 29th day of To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email bowieclassifieds22@sbcglobal.net or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie. Your Montague County News Source www.bowienewsonline.com CLASSIFIEDS 9B Weekend November 8, 2014 Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services Auto 2007 JEEP WRANGLER Lets Get Ready To Off Road ! Fun For Everyone Call for lowest Down Lowest Payments on a Pre Owned Wrangler 940-6271470. 39-40cts CHEVY TAHOE’S STARTING AT $1000 DOWN $165 PAYMENT DON’T MISS THIS ONE! 940-6268000. 39-40cts 2009 HONDA CIVIC COUPE Stock# 914080. $6,950. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)872-5455. 38-39pb 2013 KIA FORTE, HYUNDAI SONATA, CHEVY MALIBU Blow Out Savings on Like New Cars!!! 940-6268000. 39-40cts LEXUS ES 350, GS 430.... LUXURY AT AFFORDABLE PRICE Low Down, Easy Payments. 940-626-8000. 39-40cts 2008 FORERUNNER SPORT EDITION Excellent condition, one owner, 209,000 miles, new tires. $9,875. 940-7352433. 39nc 04 NISSAN ARMADA, BLACK, AUTOMATIC Great Condition....Low Down Payment. 940-6268000. 39-40cts 2007 CHEVY COLORADO CREW CAB Automatic, Extra Nice Truck at Low Down Low Payment Headquar ters 940-627-1470. 39-40cts 2010 TOYOTA COROLLA 5 Stock# A37496. $13,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)872-5455. 38-39pb 2004 GMC YUKON Stock# 476283. $10,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)872-5455. 38-39pb 2007 CHEVY TAHOE Stock# 786802. $17,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)872-5455. 38-39pb 2012 BMW X3 Stock# C89446. $35,900. Lipscomb Auto Center (940)872-5455. 39-40pb Employment CITY OF BOWIE Is accepting application for a full time position in the Finance Department for a Payroll/Accounts Payable Clerk. High school dipolma, GED, or equivalent required. Previous experience in payroll and accounts payable required. Applications and job requirements are available at City Hall, 304 Lindsey St. or on the city’s website www. citofbowietx.com. Position open until filled. Applications will be subject to the Open Records Act. EOE. 37-40cts PRIMARY CARE ATTENDANTS Needed for part time work, housekeeping, personal care and other tasks. No experience necessar y. WHHS in business since 1969. Please call 940-3225752 for application and information. 37-40cts Advanced Rehabilitation Healthcare of Bowie Is currently seeking a Business Development Specialist. Applicant should be able to identify sales leads, discuss services to new clients and maintain good working relationships with current clients. This position requires a bachelors degree in marketing or equivalent marketing experience with sales background preferred. Qualified individual should be highly motivated, energetic, works well under pressure, great communicator, good listener, and able to multitask numerous projects. Job Duties will include but not limited to: Following up new business opportunities and scheduling meetings PowerPoint presentations, Communicating new service developments to prospective clients, Overseeing the development of marketing literature, Writing reports , Providing management with feedback. If this job description interests you, please apply today. Advanced Rehab will train right individual. Please submit resume or application to Randysettle@ Bowie.admin@apexltc. com. Applications may be picked up at 700 W. Highway 287 S. Bowie, Texas. E OE pb SANDFORD OIL Seeking CDL Dr ivers. Class A and B. $1/hr. plus incentive pay, paid insurance, paid vacation, safety bonuses. Must be willing to travel. If interested please call 940-627-1005. pb STARK TRANSPORTATION, PIPE LINE & OILFIELD SERVICES Is hiring drivers in Bowie, TX. Drivers needed: Class A with tanker endorsement, must be willing to travel, 100% paid healthcare for employee, 401(k) + matching, background check required. Drug testing required. Call 940-872-3681. www.starktransportation. com. 38-45cts CDL-A DRIVER NEEDED Must have clean record, tanker endorsement, and at least 3-years driving experience. Must be able to obtain a TWIC card. Paid vacations and paid Holidays. Must apply in person at Gilco Lubricants, 206 CR4384, Decatur, (940)433-2754. 38-41cts LOOKING FOR WORK? SEEKING NEW HIRES? Look no further than The Bowie News employment section. Contact Kathy Miller at 940-872-2247 ext. 120. She will be glad to assist you in any way possible. 39nctfc YOUR AD HERE! In delivering an advertising message there is no better way to be seen and promote your business, real estate etc. The Bowie News. Call Kathy at 940872-2247. 17tfcnc CITY OF BOWIE Is accepting application for a full time position in the Water Department for a Heavy Equipment Operator. High school dipolma, GED, or equivalent required. Valid State of Texas Class B driver’s license required. Applications and job requirements are available at City Hall, 304 Lindsey St. or on the city’s website www.citofbowietx.com. Position open until filled. Applications will be subject to the Open Records Act. EOE. 37-40cts TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED IN BOWIE YARD Class A CDL with tanker endorsement. Must have truck driving experience. Call 940-736-0758 8 a.m.-5 p.m. only. 37-44cts BOWIE ISD TRANSPORTATION ASST. / DRIVER Full time position, hourly rate of $14.20 plus benefits. Need a Class B CDL w/P and S Endorsement. Contact: Lauri Crescenzo Support Service Building, 708 Old Wise Rd. 940-8721642. 39-40pb POSITIONS AVAILABLE Service Techs, Parts Salesman and Facility Maintenance. Apply online at www.ag-power.com. pb To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email bowieclassifieds22@sbcglobal.net or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie. 10B Weekend November 8, 2014 CLASSIFIEDS Your Montague County News Source www.bowienewsonline.com Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services Employment NOW HIRING RNS, LVNS, CNAS AND SITTERS Traveling required. (325) 670-0090 texasnurseconnection.com Please call Mon-Fri, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 33-40pd LINDSEY STATE JAIL Jacksboro, Texas is hiring for correctional officers and a business computer instructor. Apply online at ccajob.com, if assistance is needed for applying online, call 940-567-2272. Minimum 18 years old, valid DL, HS diploma or equivalent, drug screen, company paid medical and background investigation. 39-44pb FOR SALE Teller counter from the former Bowie Bank building. It is a long ‘L’ shaped counter with laminate tops, marble inset, built-in metal locking cabinetry and shelving. Approximately 26.5’ x 14.5’. Buyer is responsible for removal, disposal and clean up of counter area. To see the unit, visit The Bowie News office, 200 Walnut St., Bowie. 36tfcnc CITY OF BOWIE Is taking applications for the position of city secretary. The city secretary is appointed by the city council. The city secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of all council meetings, serves as official custodian of the records of the city, arrange for holding of municipal elections. May be required to work overtime at night and/or weekends and attend meetings as required. Five years progressive experience in secretarial work, including two years in municipal government or extensive experience in relating fields. Bachelor’s degree in related field preferred or business college courses or related course work; Municipal Clerk’s Certification preferred. Applications and job requirements are available at City Hall, 304 Lindsey St. or on the city’s website www.cityofbowietx. com. Application deadline is November 19th. Applications will be subject to the Open Records Act. EOE. 39-41cts 28 X 70 MODULAR OFFICE TO BE MOVED 5 enclosed offices and a lobby area. Currently at 800 West Wise Street in Bowie, TX. Call Wellington State Bank at 940-8724400. 39-40pb For Sale FOR RENT R.V. trailers $350-$400/ month. Plus $150-$200/ deposit, plus electric. Also spaces available. 940-3666329. 36-39pd FIXIN TWO REMODELING Paint, tile, drywall, windows, doors, etc. Speciality in bathrooms. Free estimates. Call George DeStraitis. 940-235-8553. 37-44cts WOODS TRAILERS Sand blasting, painting, lawn furniture, beds, tables/ chairs, trailers, portable sand blasting. Woods Trailers 940-872-5266. We accept all major credit cards. 30-78cts HOMESTEAD METALS Open to the Public. Aluminum cans, tin & iron, radiators, copper, brass, wheels, batteries, etc. 235 FM 371, Gainesville, TX. 940-6680391. 39-40pb YOUR AD HERE! The Bowie News. Call Kathy at 940-872-2247. 37tfcnc Services MEDS & MEALS Notice to senior citizens sick or shut-ins! Although you are not a senior citizen, you may qualify. Call 469-6320835. pb To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email bowieclassifieds22@sbcglobal.net or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie. Your Montague County News Source www.bowienewsonline.com CLASSIFIEDS 11B Weekend November 8, 2014 Legal Notices • Auto • Employment • Merchandise • Services TEXAS CUSTOM TRAILERS Wade Watson, 2050 North Hwy. 287 Decatur, TX. 940627-2100. Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 noon. Sales, Service, Parts and Repair. pb Services W&S REMODELING AND CONSTRUCTION Will- 940-232-5507, Shawn- 940-232-3422. 36-43pd THE BOWIE NEWS Is looking for a Freelance Writer. The right candidate for this opportunity should have reliable transportation, and a creative thinker. Experience with interviewing, photography and writing skills are helpful but not required. Send resume to P.O. Box 831, Bowie, TX. DUTY’S DIRT All type of hauling and excavating. House pads, ponds, clear and level lots, roads, septic and backhoe work, delivery of fill dirt. No job too Big or small. Call when quality counts. 940-6276868. FM 51 South, 5 miles South of Decatur, TX. pb HOUSE LEVELING AND FOUNDATION REPAIR Level brick homes with slab or pier and beam. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. Call 940-691-0668 or 940-7331307. 24-49pd W&S REMODELING AND CONSTRUCTION Will- 940-232-5507, Shawn- 940-232-3422. 36-43pd AFFORDABLE FENCING All types, including chain link, wood, privacy, vinyl, farm fencing, installation or repairs. 940-626-9290. www.affordablefence.net 32-39cts YOUR AD HERE! In delivering an advertising message there is no better way to be seen and promote your business, real estate etc. The Bowie News. Call Kathy at 940872-2247. 17tfcnc IN LAWS CLEANING SERVICE Need your house or small office cleaned? Give us a call. Free estimates. References upon request. Bobbie Benson, 940-440-2049 or April Angel, 940-7333536. 37-44pd WAYNE’S BARBER SHOP Tues-Fri 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.- 12 noon. 103 W. Hwy. 82 Nocona, TX. 940825-6609. pb TRIPLE R COLLISION REPAIR Quality body work, custom paint, “I-Car” certified, 24 hour towing. 525 Montague Hwy. Kip, 940-867-4671 or John, 940-867-3126. pb To place your classified call 940-872-2247, email bowieclassifieds22@sbcglobal.net or come by 200 Walnut St., Bowie.
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