Flecknoe: Grandborough: Willoughby: Leamington Hastings: Leam Valley Messenger Flecknoe Grandborough Leamington Hastings Willoughby October/November 2014 Rev Jane Close The Vicarage, Lower Street Willoughby Tel: 01788 899226 Mobile: 07958 685423 We will remember them 01788 891338 01788 810997 01788 890498 01926 812724 In our Remembrance Services we hope to honour all those who served in the ‘Great War’ so that future generations will never forget the sacrifices our families, friends and neighbours made. We hope to give an insight into what these people went through, the journey they travelled and where they came from and who they were – Lest we forget. Rev Jane Reader: Dr Alec Parker Orchard Cottage Broadwell Tel: 01926 812548 If you wish to contact Rev Jane by e-mail, her address is: revj.close@btinternet.com Sue Thomas Tracy Pawsey Bert Ogle Thelma Gee ♦♦♦♦♦ From the Registers Baptisms: We welcome you into the life and membership of the church: Henry William Twinn on 3rd August at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Broadwell. One hundred years ago in 1914, World War One was declared and hundreds of young men left home to join the fighting, some never to return from a war that claimed the lives of over 16 million people across the globe and changed the world for everyone. Zabian Edward Carey on 7th September at All Saints’ Church, Leamington Hastings. Weddings: We congratulate those who have recently married: Today we can still make connections to the tragic events of the First World War through our own family history, the heritage of our communities locally or in other countries, and by the long-term impact on the world we live in today. The war affected families and friends in different ways, from the home front to the front-line in the trenches in this country and abroad. This year on Remembrance Sunday 9 th November we will be holding Remembrance Services, in St Peter’s Church, Grandborough, for the Parishes of Flecknoe, Grandborough and Willoughby, and in All Saints’ Church, Leamington Hastings, for the Parish of Leamington Hastings. Both services will be at 10.30 am. The churches have been researching the names read out from their parish’s memorial roll call and there will be on display a memory board showing photos and memorabilia of some who took part in the conflict. We are asking for anyone with local stories to come forward and contribute to this exhibition. You may have a cherished photograph of a relative, a medal, or an identity card; you may have a typed-up story from the war period to including the peace celebrations in 1919. We should like to add the stories and items to this exhibition, alongside any other WW1 objects, memorabilia. Eleanor Carroll and John Dove on 16th August at St Peter’s Church, Grandborough. st Will Nichols and Jody Bemrose on 31 August at St Peter’s Church, Grandborough. Alice Rathbone and Richard Foxon on 20th September at St Nicholas’ Church, Willoughby ♦♦♦♦♦ Broadwell ‘Babytime’ A coffee morning for Mums and babies in The Church of the Good Shepherd, Broadwell. The next dates are Friday 10th and Friday 24th October 10.30 am – 12.00 noon. Come and meet other mums and babies/toddlers and enjoy the coffee, chat, cake and play. Want more information phone Rev Jane 01788 899226. If you have a story or objects and photographs to share, then please contact: - 1 - - 2 - Bible Group Meeting Church Services Thursday 2nd October 5th October Sat 11th Oct 12th October th 19 October Tuesday 21st October 26th October 2nd Nov Thursday 6th Nov Sat 8th Nov 9th Nov 16th Nov Tues 18th Nov 23rd Nov 30th Nov Thursday 4th December 7th December Grandborough 4.00 pm Messy Church Grandborough Leamington Hastings C of GS, Broadwelll Flecknoe Willoughby Grandborough Leamington Hastings Grandborough Willoughby C of GS, Broadwell 9.00 am 11.00 am 10.00 am 9.00 am 11.00 am 5.00 pm 9.00 am 11.00 am 6.00 pm 7.30 pm Holy Communion Holy Communiuon Messy Church Holy Communion Family Service Harvest Service/Supper Holy Communion W┼W.com Evensong Healing Service Flecknoe Willoughby Leamington Hastings Grandborough Leamington Hastings Grandborough 9.00 am 11.00 am 6.00 pm 9.00 am 11.00 am 4.00 pm The Breakfast Service Holy Communion Evening Worship Holy Communion Holy Communion Messy church On Wednesday 22nd October and Wednesday 19th November, the monthly Benefice Bible Group will be meeting at 10.00 am in Willoughby Vicarage. All welcome. Benefice Christingle Service th On Sunday 7 December, we will be holding a Benefice Christingle Service. We hope you will join us for this joyful and moving service at St Nicholas’ Church, Willoughby at 4.00 pm - Shine a light in the darkness for children this Christmas. Carol Concert Wolfhampcote C of GS, Broadwelll Grandborough Leamington Hastings Leamington Hastings Grandborough Willoughby C of GS, Broadwell Flecknoe Willoughby Leamington Hastings Flecknoe - Benefice Grandborough 10.00 am 10.30 am 10.30 am 9.00 am 11.00 am 6.00 pm 7.30 pm 9.00 am 11.00 pm 6.00 pm 10.30 am 4.00 pm Messy Church Remembrance Sunday Grandborough Leamington Hastings Willoughby 9.00 am 11.00 am 4.00 pm Holy Communion Holy Communion Benefice Christingle Holy Communion W┼W.com Evensong Healing Service The Breakfast Service Holy Communion Evening Worship Holy Communion Messy Church Make a note in your diaries for the Carol Concert to be held on 13th December at 4.00 pm at Wolfhampcote. Farmers’ Market, Grandborough Come and join us at our next Farmers’ Markets held on Thursday 2nd October and Thursday 6th November from 10.00 am – 12.30 pm. Buy some local produce and enjoy a chat and cup of tea. Cym Baseley Caked in Bread Flavors Fowlers Dairies Simon Heywood Paddocks Products Piper & Son Bruce Roberts The Old Chapel Fudge Company Squisito The Lost Farm (Woodbine Meats) The Jam Lady ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ Church News and Notices Healing Services The next Healing Services will be held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 21 st October and Tuesday 18th November, in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Broadwell. All welcome. -3 - Home spun wool/garments Fresh bread Pies, pickles, bakery Cheese Organic vegetables Poultry, Gammon, Bacon Fresh Fish Honey produce Fudge Italian Deli Dexter Beef, Manx Lamb, Pork Preserves, greeting cards Flecknoe Holiday Club We were greatly blessed at the Holiday Club again this year. A big thank you to all the children from across the Benefice and from further afield who came to the Holiday Club in August and made it so enjoyable for everyone. They were all a great credit to their parents. Many thanks also to all the helpers who worked so hard and enabled everything to run so smoothly. - 4 - Our theme this year was water and some magnificent collages were made showing Jesus with his disciples stilling the waters on Lake Galilee and Peter walking on water. A great feature this year was showing the children every stage of the making of bread. With the harvest in progress the wheat grain was being gathered from the fields round the village. On Wednesday 27th August we had a special visit to Charlecotte Mill where wheat grain was milled into flour using great millstones driven by a water wheel. The next day the children used this flour to make scones for their parents to sample. We also visited the historic Charlecotte Church and the grounds of Charlecotte Park now run by the National Trust. Harvest Supper Following the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, the children made pots to carry water and crafted the people of the story. A visit was also made to a local pond to identify the creatures living there and time was set aside for the children to play games. It was a great credit to all that so much was packed into three days without a mishap. St. Peter’s Church would like to thank Grandborough Broadband supporters - your monthly contributions have bought a new ride-on, mulching lawnmower, costing just under £2,000. Andrew and Mark would like to thank you all for supporting BB and especially to the working party who recently “volunteered” to tree lop in order to improve the line of sight from Stockton to the church tower. Big Breakfast Harvest Festival service will be held at 5.00 pm on Sunday 12th October, followed by Harvest Supper in the church. Please come along and join us. Adults £6; children £2.50. (Please bring your own drinks). Tickets from Sarah 810344; Charmaine 810166; Dorothy 814994 or another PCC member. Grandborough Broadband Women’s Institute We will be holding our second Big Breakfast in Flecknoe Village Hall on Saturday 15th November, building on the success of the event held on 18th January. This will run from 8.30 am to 12 noon and is open to anyone who would like to eat well and meet their fellow villagers. ♦♦♦♦♦ Grandborough Messy Church Our first meeting after the summer break was very successful with a turnout of 20 children. The theme was World War 1. The children enjoyed making a very colourful poster of red poppies which will be on display in the church for our Remembrance Service in November. They also made poppies to take home with them and Joy Coling told them a true story about the war. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 2 nd October when we will be talking about Harvest - The parable of the Rich Fool. We will be making barns out of boxes, apple printing, and seed pictures. Harvest soup is on the menu and this will be made by the children as part of their activities. If you have not already been to Messy Church, why not come along and give it a try 4.00 – 6.pm. Churchyard Cleaning Do you have an hour or two to spare on Saturday 11 th October between 10.00 am and midday? If you do, we would be delighted if you could come along and help clean up the churchyard. Bring some of your garden tools along with you .- 5 - On Wednesday 15th October, Sandra South will be giving a talk on ‘My Trip to Nepal.’ The meeting will be held in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Visitors welcome. On Wednesday 19th November the AGM will be held in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Cheese and wine will be served at the end of the meeting ♦♦♦♦♦ Leamington Hastings Indoor Christmas Market Saturday 29th November 2014 All Saints’ Church, Leamington Hastings 11.30 am - 2.30 pm Many local craft stalls, produce, light lunches, Father Christmas, tea, coffee, and homemade cakes Children’s corner, Raffle and more……… Anyone interested in having a stall, please contact Karen 01926 812363 and Jane Cresswell 01926 633223 We look forward to welcoming everyone to a wonderful event to promote local crafts, baking, and produce. Plenty of parking. - 6 - Willoughby Church Choir Harvest Day Fun Choir members needed for St Nicholas’ Church. If you would like to sing in a church choir please contact Brian Sunderland 01926 633032 The Willoughby Society Our Family Show (suitable age 6+) from Live & Local will be held on Friday 17th October at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. “Kakatsitsi – Master Drummers from Ghana.” Tickets (including hot supper) can be purchased from: Leonie Tromans 01788 890700 and Roger Atkins 01788 891799. Please bring your own drinks. A colourful, energetic and entertaining drumming,dancing, and singing from Ghana. show, bursting with traditional Our October meeting is on the 29th at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. After our taste of Africa our talk is much closer to home. Richard Jackson will be talking about 'Willoughby Ancient and Modern' come along and learn something new about our village. Visitors are always welcome at our meetings. We had an amazing day on Sunday 14 th Sept. At our 11.00 am Harvest Service, Rev Barbara Clutton preached, the children led some harvest prayers, and we dedicated and blessed the mural ‘God’s Creation’ which Louise Leaky and the children of Willoughby designed and painted on Willoughby’s big Family Activity Day back in May. In the afternoon we held a Treasure Hunt competition, tea and cake stall, face painting, glitter body art, tombola, hook the duck, lucky dips, a bring and buy produce stall. Tower trips and Teddy Parachute drops, where over 40 very brave teddy bears, piglets and rabbits, after a thorough health and safety check - jumped from the tower and parachuted to the ground. William Whittaker’s bear ‘Daniel’ pictured left made his jump in his Army uniform (possibly his army training helped). Thank you so much to everyone involved in making this such a successful day, particularly Karen Duggan and her team and Bert Ogle and his team. We raised £350 for Church funds. Rev Jane. On the 26th November it will be our Annual General Meeting held, as usual, at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. Women’s Institute at th Our October meeting is on Thursday 16 October at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Rosemary Leonard (a professional singer) will be entertaining us with ‘Songs from the Musicals’. This is a change from the programme as Dave Talbot has had to cancel due to illness. The competition is for an old record (45/78/33). The November meeting is on Thursday 20 th at 7.30 pm in the usual venue. This will be our Annual General Meeting followed by a Ploughman’s Supper and a glass of wine. The competition is for a decorative coaster. Thursday Club 6.00 pm on Wednesday 5th November 2014 No tickets this year Donations only, so come prepared! Donations before the night to Bert Ogle at 'The Willows' Main Street 890498 Come and enjoy the soup, hot dogs and fireworks. The next meeting is on the 9th October and the speaker will be Martin Sirot Smith Sulgave Manor and The History of the Washingtons. Our November meeting is on the 13th, Andy Smith - Andy Entertains. All welcome. Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult who ensures that they do not endanger themselves. Offers of help to Elaine Heckford on 890256 th Please note the latest date for items to be included in the next Leam Valley Messenger is 15 November. Reports should be sent to: dorothyjjohnson@outlook.com, Tel: 814994. - 7 - - 8 -
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