SUPPORTERS THE POTTERS MARKET 56 Stockdale Road O’Connor 9337 6888 12 Inc Southlands Fabric & Sewing Centre 7 Cooper Avenue Kenwick 29 Yampi Way, Willetton WA 6155 Postal address: 9332 8277 P O Box 23 Maddington 6989 KRAFT DAZE SEWING WORLD 7/80 ATTFIELD STREET MADDINGTON NEWSLETTER - NOVEMBER 2014 TELE: 9459 7843 OFFICE BEARERS 1780 Albany Highway KENWICK 9459 1244 ROTARY Gosnells President Dee Hart 9397 5276 Vice President Valda Ross 0438 233 234 Treasurer Marion Marshall 9310 7945 Secretary Dianne Grammer 9452 9434 Public Relations Barbara Heal 9359 4748 COMMITTEE MEMBERS HOUSE OF QUILTS Spencer Rd. Thornlie Greg Camden RIOT ARTS & CRAFTS 2 MORGAN ROAD Kathleen Harrington 9459 5174 9258 6675 Serena Howard 0414 667 363 Robin Lethlean 9458 7452 Administration Joy Watson 0403 864 469 Newsletter Editor Joy Watson 9459 7228 REDCLIFFE Proof reader Marion Marshall TELE: 9277 8753 OFFICE PHONE: Cannington 9459 7228 Monday, Tuesday & Thursday Shop 1089 Westfield Carousel 1382 Albany Hwy 9398 3282 Pat Miller Thornlie Square Shopping Centre Sue Rankin Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year To you all 9.30 to 12noon EMAIL: MEMBERS PHONE 9452 3161 PATRONS Olwen Searle JP Dr Judyth Watson Patricia Morris AM J.P and Freeman of the City of Gosnells 12 With regard to any matters concerning the Club please contact any of the above Executive Officers or Committee Members. 2 11 A NOTE FROM YOUR PRESIDENT Mosaic Coordinator’s report Spring is here the grass is riz, I wonder where the sunshine is. (only thing I could rhyme with is.) The cold weather hasn’t left us yet, please be considerate to others by remaining home if you have the sniffles and sneezes, your friends will thank you. The time is upon us to seriously think of the Exhibition, the Committee have already commenced the countdown, it is now up to the members to spread the word, Joy has been working hard to get the leaflets done so that you can put in letterboxes around your neighbourhood. The prizes are coming in and a special thank you to all those who have donated their time and their efforts in making these delightful items. Please support these wonderful talented people by selling the raffle tickets and promoting Liddelow. It is also time for the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ‐ due to a commitment with the Fire Brigade I had to change the date to the 1ST NOVEMBER ‐ for this I apologise but the commitment has been a long standing one which I cannot change. I would like to see all the members attend ‐ it’s your club and by attending it is showing that you are interested in the running of it ‐ we would also like to have a representative of each group to become a Committee member, to enable you to know exactly what is happening within other groups as well as your own. Nomination forms are available from the office. Our attendance numbers remained strong during the winter months despite members being on holiday. We welcomed several new members to the mosaic group last term and it is great to see their enthusiasm for learning something new. We participated in the 21st Birthday celebrations at Kenwick Library by providing a small children’s project that attracted more than 60 children during the day. Lyn did a great job in representing the group during the visit to Thornlie Square where she spoke to the public about the club and demonstrated her skills at mosaics. We have been busy working on the garden pot that will be our contribution to the raffle prize and the works for the exhibition. Congratulations to Elizabeth Kaminski on winning people’s choice at the Spotlight Open Day. We will have a wide variety of mosaics on display during the exhibition featuring many different styles and materials. Members have been encouraged to experiment and there will be some interesting mosaics on display. I’m sure the sewing machine will come in very handy. Best wishes to everyone for a successful exhibition. Dorothy Burke I hope to see you at the meeting. Regards MORE GREAT HINTS Dee Hart Nothing in life is to be feared Let yourself It is only to be understood. Be Yourself 2 To remove scratches from timber articles use baby oil or coloured wax crayons. For light scratches and stains, put some baby oil on a soft cloth and rub the surface, for larger scratches use the same coloured wax crayon (mix the crayons if necessary) as the article by drawing over the scratch. Polish with a soft cloth. Find the end of the sticky tape roll by dusting with powder or flour, it will leave a white line where the end is. Thanks Dee (This will be great for finding the edge of the wrap on the Sunday Times) 11 10 Monday Night Pottery Great This year the Monday Night pottery class has been small but very productive. The class has been focussing on wheel work. I am pleased to say that Desma and Jason Inspiration. have both mastered throwing and have been producing some very interesting one off pieces with their challenge going forward to make sets. It is relatively easy to make Thanks Bob one of anything it is much harder to make at set of six (mugs or bowls) all the same. There are two simple secrets to throwing sets the more you throw the better and more consistent you become, and for a set of six, make ten or more and pick the best six. 3 Public Relations Report The second visit by the Club to Thornlie Square was during the first week of the school holidays. Although this was not a preferred time we were well represented by members of several groups who demonstrated their skills and sold their works. Tickets for the raffle were also sold. The Club is grateful to the Management of Thornlie Square who continue to be a great supporter of our Organisation. We have been preparing for the upcoming Annual Exhibition by arranging press and radio advertising. We have also glazed and fired some of our earlier masterpieces. The joy of pottery for me is that every time you glaze and fire a pot you just never know how it will turn out. While you think you have done everything the same you just never know and the glazing makes or breaks your pot. For me the easy part is the throwing, the real skill is in the decoration and glazing. The City of Gosnells has invited Liddelow to be part of their Christmas Edition of the Artist’s Lounge. This event, hosted by the City will be an all ages event where participants will be invited to make Christmas themed decorations. The event will be held at Liddelow on Saturday 13 December between 9.00 am – 12.00 noon. Further information will be available shortly. If you are already a member of Liddelow and free on a Monday Night and simply want to have a play on a pottery wheel or want to improve your throwing skills you are welcome to join the class on a casual basis. Just give me a call on 0407 476487 to make sure that there will be a spare pottery wheel on the night. As part of planning for 2015, the date for the next Open Day at Liddelow has been locked in as Sunday 15 March. Once again, this will be part of the City of Gosnells Home-grown Festival. Gary Merritt Best wishes to all groups for a successful Exhibition. Tuesday Porcelain Painting The Porcelain Artists are in full swing this term. Now meeting on a Tuesday morning from 9.00am, they now number 7. The ladies are looking forward to displaying their work at the Spring Exhibition and to swelling their ranks with new members eager to learn this craft. Already donations of their work have been made for the Christmas room at the Spring Exhibition. Regards Valda Dorothy and Barbara ‘Nothing is impossible– the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!’ Audrey Hepburn NEW CLASSES COMING UP IN THE NEW YEAR. WATCH THIS SPACE COMMITTEE AND MEMBERS OF LIDDELOW HOMESTEAD ARTS & CRAFTS CLUB Inc. A BIG THANK YOU BANKWEST FOR YOUR SUPPORT 10 3 MEMBERS WELCOME ALL members are welcome to attend committee meetings held every third Thursday of the month at 12.30 pm. Any questions or suggestions may be brought up in General business. If you are unable to attend a meeting you can put your questions in writing (this is important) and given to Joy at the office or to any committee member. Lyn for taking care of the shops, They are looking fantastic. MEMBERS, Bring along your beautiful crafts for Lyn to display in the professional way that she does. Dave a big THANK YOU for all the work you have put in, replacing the shelving and the painting. The shops look wonderful. CONGRATULATIONS MARION Marion took out First and Second prize for Sewing in the 2014 Canning Show. WELL DONE! 4 Members please note NEWS FROM THE SHED 9 This is the last newsletter for 2014. The next one will be March 2015 The deadline for that will be February 23rd Enjoy your Xmas holidays, I’m sure you will have lots to talk about when you return. A big thank you in advance to all who are entering the exhibition, many of our members are turning out some really nice work. Another thank you must go to John Currie for his donation of 150 skipping ropes for the Christmas Shoe Box charity, well done John. Finally the woodies will hold their windup on Friday 12th December, and will close down until Monday 12th January 2015. A big thank you once again to Lorraine and Sue for the wonderful work you do in the garden. It is going to look fantastic for the Exhibition. PLEASE NOTE If you want to read or download our constitution check out our website or notice board. Congratulations Desme. Desma McLeod had success at the recent Kelmscott show where she won awards for her photography. *Best Exhibit in Group. *Adults, Baby Study - First Prize. *Adults, Child or Children at play - First Prize. *Examiner Newspaper Award, Most points in Adult Photography, Group K2. Desma attends Monday night pottery and only took up photography in July this year. Keep turning, Dave Barrett CHRISTMAS ROOM. Donations for the Christmas Room are needed within the next 2 weeks. All profit from sales go to the Club and if everyone donated one or more pieces of work we would have at least 200 items to sell. Norma York works very hard every year to set up a Christmas theme in the room and works even harder to sell the items over the weekend. Please hand your items to Norma York a Wednesday machine embroiderer, a committee member or your group leader. Any festive or non festive new items would be greatly appreciated. Wednesday Art Group Welcome back to Susie and Cath. Cath had a small mishap whilst on holiday in Bali. She slipped on the wet tiles at the pool, which left her having to have eight stitches, luckily nothing was broken, but lost her self-respect at the time. Pauline is very busy getting ready for the big move to her new home in the Hills. Has anyone seen the stapler gun??? Please replace it or let us know where you have put it. Margaret Wilmot After she fainted, my mother was raced to the hospital. Her Doctor asked “Why do you think you passed out?” Looking at him oddly, Mum replied, “Because I woke up of the floor.” Jeffrey Ward Source Jason McLeod 4 9 8 5 THURSDAY POTTERS GREAT HINTS The get rid of weeds overnight, spray with undiluted vinegar. Thanks Margaret. A few uses for WD40 Removes stains from stainless steel sinks. Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill. Keeps ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing. Removes tomato stains from clothing. Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots. Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors. Keeps scissors working smoothly. Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes. It removes black scuff marks from the kitchen floor! Once again it is exhibition time and the majority of our group will be entering. The exhibition is a good time to display our craft and try to lift the standard by trying new glaze methods and different ways of working the clay. With computer technology there are many sites that can be accessed so that you can watch potters from around the world share their skills. We wish all who enter the best of luck. We also wish to thank Joe Taylor, a pottery teacher and Life Member of Liddelow Homestead Arts & Crafts Club Inc. for once again taking on the task of judging this year. Lyn Barrett SHOP NEWS Wednesday Embroidery – Judyth Watson room We have had good attendances for the last couple of months with ladies busy with their various crafts. Our sessions are still full although we have had a couple of ladies decide not to continue coming for difference reasons, however we have got new and returned members to keep our numbers up. August saw a small group of us fly off to Bali for a week to top up our fabric and Haberdashery supplies, we all got to make our own piece of Batik one Sunday morning at Helmis’ place. Helmi is the proprietor of Madj Batik Fabrics in Sulawesi St Denpasar, he makes all the batik from white fabric, it’s such a great choice. Helmi also exports to Textile traders here in WA. The second weekend in September we were off to Pinjarra for our annual weekend at Fairbridge Farm. We had a great weekend involving a few small pleasantries from the hosting group. It is quite a site to see so many females in one room, it is great to mingle. A big thank you to Elizabeth, for all your effort yet again in the organising of this event and happy hour, and to Pat for getting the girls to save their pennies so we have spending money for the weekend. That’s all for this time, enjoy the Exhibition. Please REMEMBER to fill out your tags correctly by placing your name or initials, membership number and price on the front and a brief description of the item on the back. Please ensure you do this then there will be no mistaking who the money should go to if the item is sold. Thanks Dave for putting up the shelving for the woodturning and mosaics, also the old shelving and cupboard doors have been repainted. The white shelving has made the room brighter and the work stands out. New work is needed all the time, so please think about adding to the shops, the club does take 20% commission. Lyn Barrett FLOWERS. Donations of flowers and greenery for the exhibition would be appreciated, can they please be at the club on Thursday 20th November, thank you. Serena 8 5 6 7 Saturday Children's Pottery Treasurers report Here we are at the end of another eventful year, with the Exhibition ready to go on the 22nd November. THORNLIE SQUARE NEWS Oct 2014 Income from Thornlie Square Invoices $1895.60 Less 80% Commission to Artists - $1516.50 Total= $ 379.10 = 20% Commission to Liddelow Homestead Banked on 21/10/2014 - Liddelow Commission $ 385.30 = $6.20 Over Your Commission is now ready for collection if you haven’t already collected it please call to the office during office hours and Joy or myself will pay you. My thanks to Barbara King for calculating the Artists' Commission, very much appreciated. I will ask that all students that have work to go in the Exhibition to bring it to their class on Sat 15th as it will be set up on the Monday. Prizes and certificates will be given to the class the Saturday after the exhibition. This year as usual will be very hard to judge it will also be judged on effort and finishing off of work that has been done through the year. Christopher and Jackson will be leaving us after this to go on a long holiday. I know they are looking forward to it so enjoy. Hopefully they will return next year. I wish to thank Emily and Kaliya for their assistance at the beginning of term after my operation and Gary for helping with the kiln. Also Joy and Marion from the office side who organizes our certificates and prizes etc. The students and I would like to thank Marge Stuart and Carole Almond and an anonymous donation towards the children's prizes. Marion. RAFFLE 2014 News Please Note to date I have banked Through the school holidays there were some birthday's so Happy birthday to those children who celebrated another year. On 23/09/14 = $610.00 = 61 Books Sold Welcome back to Zeke who we missed whilst he was away with a badly broken arm. On 20/10/14 = $1457.00 = 145.7 Books Sold Our last class this year will be on 20th Dec when we will have a sausage sizzle as usual this is appreciation from myself to my class for the good behaviour and effort put into their work. I'm sure your parents are proud of you, I am and so are a lot of other members of the club. Total Banked to Date = $2067.00 I hope the members that still have books outstanding to return them by the end of October either sold or unsold so I can figure out how many we will have for selling to public for the Exhibition. You can leave them in the office with Joy or hand them to me if you see me about. But please have them returned at the very latest by first week in November. Otherwise I will have to chase you up!!!! There were 25.1 Books sold at Thornlie Square equates to $251.00 great effort thanks to all who sold them there. Yours Truly Next term will start on the 7th of February 2015. I would like names of any students returning next year hopefully all of you to give me your names at the end of this term. This will be our last news letter for this year so I hope you all have a nice Christmas with your families Kathrine A WARM WELCOME TO: M Marshall Kristy Del Borrello (Patchwork) Hon Treasurer Nicholas and Christian Day (Woodturning) Kaye Lefevre (Patchwork) Dianne Grammer (Patchwork) My thanks to Barbara King for calculating the Artists’ Commission. Very much appreciated. Heather Heggie (Porcelain Painting) Nancy Hegge (Porcelain Painting) Des Houldsworth (Woodturning) Gillian McDonald (Embroidery) Maryam Alhammed (Childrens Pottery) Jaqui Floyd (Mosaics) Eleanor Tearle (C/Pottery) Poppy Smith (C/Pottery) Petra Cole (Pottery) We hope you enjoy your stay with us. 6 7
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