Volume 28 Issue V A Citizen’s Update Inside This Issue Mayor’s Message, Check out upcoming election issues and more. . . . p. 2-3 Council Corner. . . . . p. 4-5 Human Services, Activities, Trips and more. . . . . p. 6-9 Fall Train Ride with Chamber of Commerce, Firefighter’s Clambake, Booville, Apple Butter Festival, Beautification Award Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 10-11 Safety and Services, Fire Safety, Natural Gas News and more. . . . . . . . p. 12-13 Recreation Updates, Athletics, Aquatics and Fitness. . . . . . . . . . p. 14-18 What’s Coming Up in Local Theater, Adopt a Family Program and more. . . . p.19 f r o m t h e City o f Fall 2014 Brecksville Shred Your Documents Day The immensely successful Shred Your Documents Day returns on Saturday, September 13 from 9 to noon at the Brecksville Municipal Parking Lot. It is the last Shredding Day until the spring. Here’s your chance to securely shred all those confidential documents that should not go in the trash. Plus, it’s a great way to recycle paper. The City is asking everyone who attends to bring a voluntary contribution of canned goods for “Brecksville Pantry,” which supplies food monthly to people who have been hurt by the economic times. The Pantry is always in need of peanut butter and jelly, canned tuna, spaghetti and sauce, canned vegetables and canned fruit. The only kinds of beans needed are baked beans or pork and beans. Also cereal, paper products, bar soap and toothpaste are needed. Gift cards from Heinen’s and Marc’s to purchase fresh meat and frozen orange juice are greatly appreciated. The Pantry has a strict policy that out of respect for our recipients we will not distribute outdated food. Please check the expiration date on each item. It is most unfortunate that we have to dispose a significant amount of outdated goods. Do NOT include: Here are the guidelines: • Envelopes • Newspapers, phone Do include: • Faxes books (small paper clips and staples do • Manila file folders - bleachable • Magazines not have to be removed) • Greeting cards • Binders • Accounting ledger paper • Laser printer paper • Books • Adding machine tape • Legal pad paper • Pendaflex folders • Advertisements • Post-it notes • Food & candy wrappers • Booklets, brochures • NCR paper • Copy machine paper • Waxed paper • Receipts • Colored paper –20 lb. • Napkins • All types of white paper • Computer paper • Styrofoam containers mayor’s message MetroHealth has erected a construction sign announcing the Brecksville MetroHealth Center which is to open in the year 2016. In the coming months, there will be more information provided regarding the scope of this project and the amenities to be offered by MetroHealth. The City continues to work closely with their management and we are impressed at their willingness to work so closely with our City and to address the needs of not only our community but also the surrounding communities. Jobs added to our community and the services provided for the region make this project an outstanding opportunity for the area. A FOND FAREWELL AND CONGRATULATIONS TO GREEN THUMBS Patrolman Michael Prorock retired from the Police Department on August 4 after 33 years of dedicated service. He is the second police officer to retire this year, and there will be one other this November when Police Chief Michael Carlin will retire. He also has been a member of our department for 33 years. City Council honored and commended Officer Prorock for his service to the community at the August 19 City Council meeting at which time he was presented a Resolution of Commendation and a clock as a symbol of his service to the community. We wish Mike and his family the very best for a healthy and long retirement. Also at the August 19 City Council meeting, the Brecksville Beautification Committee announced its awards (see page 10 and 11). Congratulations to Linda and Anthony Baratta (9205 Mercer), Scott Warren and Kim Wayne (7023 Oakes Road), Cynthia and Lee Carver Gunn (8508 Chippewa Trail) and John Hudec (9101 Chippewa Road.) These four locations demonstrate the excellence many of our residents attain in the design and maintenance of their properties. It is absolutely remarkable the level of beautification these residents have brought to their properties, they certainly enhance their neighborhood and the entire City. We thank them for their efforts, and we express our sincere appreciation to the Brecksville Beautification Committee for their many tireless efforts with this award program and the many things they do to beautify our community. 2 ONE OF CITY GOVERNMENT’S MOST IMPORT JOBS IS… Economic Development, and it continues to be one of the major initiatives by the Administration. Growing jobs, retaining jobs and promoting expansion and development within our City is paramount to our operations as well as capital improvements. Closing the gap of revenues lost as a result of the closing of the VA Hospital and the weakened economy since 2008 has been our major goal. We have also maintained the reduction in City staff that was made some five years ago which reduces the cost of government. All that being said, we hope that you have reviewed the City’s PAFR which was recently mailed to all homes in our community. Therein you will find our budget of appropriations, expenditures and revenues which clearly indicate our ability to maintain the level of services we provide today. I want to acknowledge the fine work of our Finance Department and all Department Heads, as well as all City staff who together provide this Administration and the residents of this City the level of services we expect and deserve. ORANGE BARRELS Construction, construction, construction. This summer many projects have taken place improving our streets, storm and sanitary sewers and the ongoing major project to replace the Dominion gas line in the median of Rt. 21. I thank all of you for exercising caution as well as patience during these projects. We ask you to continue to be diligent when driving through these areas and please continue to demonstrate patience as there are some delays and slower moving traffic. Our Service Department paved many streets this summer. The largest projects were Barr Road and Snowville Road, as well as a dozen other streets. This year we initiated the use of a new paving machine which provides us with the most up-to-date technology and expands our ability to pave our own streets rather than paying the high cost of having others perform the work. We have saved millions of dollars over the years that have gone to other projects that have improved our community. THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE Perspectus Architecture, the designer of the new police and court facility, and Panzica Construction, the construction and management firm under contract with the City for this project have been meeting with the staff this summer and into the fall. Their work at this point is gathering information from the City staff to determine the components that will make up our new police and court facility. At the same time, we are developing a budget for the project based upon the results of this work. Once the elements and, thereafter, the design near completion, we will begin the process to advertise for bids for construction that will lead to this new facility. We anticipate construction to begin in 2015. The Brandstetter Carroll Co. has been hired to review the Citizens Blossom Hill Master Plan recommendations and provide the City with design and drawings based upon these recommendations. Once those scenarios are presented to the Administration, they will, in turn, be presented to City Council for their recommendations for the future of our Blossom Hill property. It is the intent of our Recreation Commission, City Administration and City Council to continue to move forward with the development of Blossom and adding to our facilities in an effort to keep up with the needs of our community. We will be making those recommendations public this fall. I again want to thank the Advisory Committee as well as the many residents who provided feedback to the City. The Stadium Drive Horticultural and Vehicle Storage Facility is under contract to be constructed. Construction will begin very soon, and it is anticipated to last approximately 6 to 7 months. This new facility will replace the former bus garage on Stadium Drive and will house our Horticultural Department, all of its equipment, supplies and staff and act as a storage facility for Human Services vehicles and other seasonal equipment and vehicles that are part of our Service Department and Human Services programs. This building has been designed to help beautify the streetscape along Stadium Drive and will provide a much needed facility for these departments. Now that the new Blossom Hill service building is open, we will be removing the two original service buildings that are dilapidated. Their removal will provide additional parking areas and enhance the look of the property. DON’T DISMISS THE COMING ELECTION AS FEDERAL ONLY! This fall’s Election will be on Tuesday, November 4. Absentee ballot voting begins on October 7. We will be electing State office holders, state legislature members, county judges and officials as well as deciding many issues placed on the ballot for this election. The City of Brecksville and the BrecksvilleBroadview Heights City School District have placed issues on the ballot. I encourage you to vote this fall and be part of the decision making process. Don’t leave the decision on issues and election of office holders up to your fellow citizens, exercise your right to vote and speak with your vote. I do certainly encourage you to support the City issues as they will enhance our ability to continue sensible zoning and the use of property. The following is a list of those local issues: BRECKSVILLE-BROADVIEW HTS. CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal) A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Brecksville‐Broadview Heights City School District for the purpose of current operating expenses at a rate of 5.8 mills and for general permanent improvements at a rate of 1 mill to constitute a tax at a rate not exceeding 6.8 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to 68 cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a continuing period of time commencing in 2015, first due in calendar year 2016. CITY OF BRECKSVILLE Proposed Zoning Amendment Shall Section 1155.03(a)(2)A of the Planning and Zoning Code of the City of Brecksville be amended to permit hospitals as an allowable use in the Office Building District? CITY OF BRECKSVILLE Proposed Zoning Amendment Shall section 1155.04(a)(2)A.2. of the Planning and Zoning Code of the City of Brecksville be amended to permit outdoor dining and carry‐out as allowable uses in the Local Business District? CITY OF BRECKSVILLE Proposed Zoning Amendment Shall Section 1157.03 of the Planning and Zoning Code of the City of Brecksville be amended to permit medical laboratories and hospitals as allowable uses in the Office‐ Laboratory District? CITY OF BRECKSVILLE Proposed Zoning Amendment Shall Section 1157.04(a)(2) of the Planning and Zoning Code of the City of Brecksville be amended to permit the manufacturing of medical devices as an allowable use in the Manufacturing‐Distribution District? CITY OF BRECKSVILLE Proposed Zoning Amendment Shall Section 1157.04(a)(2) of the Planning and Zoning Code of the City of Brecksville be amended to permit the manufacturing of electronic devices as an allowable use in the Manufacturing‐Distribution District? CITY OF BRECKSVILLE Proposed Zoning Amendment Shall the Zoning Map of the City of Brecksville be amended to change the classification of 6949 Mill Road (PP#601‐30‐003) and 8736 Brecksville Road (PP# 601‐30‐034) from “R‐20 Single Family District” to “Planned Development Overlay District,” and 8700 Brecksville Road (part of PP# 601‐30‐035) from “Community Facilities District” to “Planned Development Overlay District?” CAUTION! It is back to school time, and we extend our very best to the students, hoping that the upcoming year will be rewarding as well as enjoyable. Now that schools are open, we ask that you drive carefully, paying attention to school zones, school buses and watch for children walking or riding their bikes to and from school. Briefly, I thank the City staff and all of those who participated in our Home Days, the Kiwanis Horse Show, the Concerts on the Square, our recreation programs and a special thanks to our Human Services volunteers. There was so much this summer that added to the daily routines of our residents, and we certainly appreciate the efforts of all those involved. COMING UP On September 6, the Brecksville Firefighters’ Association will hold its annual clambake. Knowing how generous the community has been in the past, we hope that you will again enjoy this opportunity to buy a wonderful clambake and attend an evening full of enjoyment while you are helping to support the Brecksville Firefighters’ Association. Halloween will be on Friday, October 31. Trick or Treat time is 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Please drive safely and watch closely for our children as they move about the community on this special night. The City will present its Boo-Ville celebration on Sunday, October 26 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at our Blossom facility on Oakes Road. I encourage our families to participate in the events at Boo-Ville, and I wish you all a very safe and spooky Halloween. There are many opportunities to enjoy this fall season with the Brecksville Historical Association, with its Brecksville History Hike on September 21, its Apple Butter Festival on October 5 and the last days of the season that its museum will be open. We encourage you to support the Brecksville Historical Association which has launched its most recent Cat’s Meow honoring the 1952 version of the Fire Station. Please contact the Brecksville Historical Association if you would like to purchase the latest Cat’s Meow. I wish you all a very colorful fall season. I wish our students excellence, our athletic teams success, and each and every one of you good health and prosperity. We wished that for you in the beginning of 2014, and we wish that for you as the year heads into its last quarter. Please don’t forget to vote. Jerry N. Hruby, Mayor Natural Gas & Electricity Information Meeting is September 17 Each year Brecksville holds an informational meeting about natural gas and electricity prices. If you want to be sure you are paying the lowest gas rate in the upcoming heating season this meeting is a must. This year’s meeting will be on Wednesday, September 17 at 6:30 pm at the Human Services Center, 2 Community Drive. It is very important to bring your most recent Dominion East Ohio Gas bill and your most recent Illuminating Company bill with you. That way we can provide one-onone advice. The gas rate on your August Dominion bill should have been no higher than $4.83 and your September bill should be no higher than $4.23. If it is you need to attend the meeting. From now to the end of the year you will be bombarded with phone calls and letters trying to get you to switch to their respective companies. There is no offer that you want to take. All residents should be with NOPEC for gas and electricity. 3 council corner R E P O R T S As summer comes to an end, we now look forward to the crisp and cool air that autumn brings to Brecksville. The Service Department employees are completing the various road improvement and construction projects with the onset of winter weather just around the corner. As you drive around town throughout the fall, you will notice several projects aimed at either improving our road surfaces or fixing various sewer and slope failures. Also, Dominion Gas will be continuing their gas line replacement project along Brecksville Road. While these repairs are being completed, please obey the posted traffic signs and drive cautiously around the worksites. Over the course of the summer, City Council has authorized the hiring of Perspectus Architects as the design architects for our new police station and mayor’s court building. In addition, Panzica Construction was hired as the Construction Manager At-Risk for the project. Both entities are working together along with the City Administration to design and budget this project. We are anticipating some work to begin on the site before the year is over. We also anticipate construction to begin by the end of the year on the final phase of our Stadium Drive Improvement plan which will include the razing of the old “bus garage” building and the construction of a new Service Vehicle Garage and Horticulture Office building. Finally, it is the City’s intent to raze the two older white storage buildings at Blossom and add much needed parking space in return. Once again, the City’s financial statements were audited and we have received a “clean” opinion from the State Auditor’s office. That opinion can be obtained on the internet from the State Auditor’s webpage. Every year the City prepares and publishes a document called the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) which details the City’s financial accounts and activities. While this document is voluminous and very detailed, a more user-friendly document is also prepared for our residents. This document is the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) and a copy was mailed to every home and business in Brecksville back in July. After you have had a chance to review the PAFR, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us by calling City Hall or via email at information@brecksville.oh.us. I’d like to make everyone aware of some important dates and events occurring this fall around town: Shred Your Documents Day 9am September 13; Brecksville History Hike September 21, Noon-3pm; Historical Association Apple Butter Festival October 5, 1-5pm; Booville at Blossom October 26, 1-4pm; Trick or Treat October 31, 6-8pm. Finally, Tuesday November 4 is Election Day. There are numerous issues that will be on the ballot for your consideration including a BBHCSD renewal levy and several City of Brecksville zoning amendment proposals. I encourage everyone to become informed of the various issues on the ballot and please vote. Sincerely, Greg Skaljac, City Council President buildings & grounds LOUIS N. CAROUSE, JR. As summer comes to a close and fall is near, Buildings and Grounds continues to have many projects ongoing and in the planning stages. Many projects are taking place at the Community Center, including the carpeting of the Game Room, which includes the carpeting and glue removal for $5,857.62 from vendors D&R Carpet and Magic Carpet Floor Care. The wooden floors in the Fitness Rooms are being screened and refinished by Flooring Specialties for $7,299.00 and the indoor and outdoor pools are receiving new special needs lifts from Lincoln Aquatics and Hastings Waterworks at a cost of $11,000.00. Outdoors, the pillars for the covered walkways are undergoing repairs and maintenance. 4 F R O M C O M M I T T E E C H A I R P E R S O N S Blossom projects are also many. Sidewalks on the east side of the artificial turf field are being completed and the now vacated white storage buildings are ready for demolition. The City will replace them with additional parking. Water line replacement is being done at the Co-op Preschool for $3,325.58 by The Plumbing Source and Lake Erie Winnelson. Brandstetter Carroll has contracted with the City for work on the Blossom Master Plan including site analysis and building program review for $5,000.00. Bids for the Stadium Drive Horticulture and Storage Facility are being reviewed and a contractor and building schedule are expected soon. The Highland Drive baseball field is in operation. And our major project, the Police and Court Facility continues to move forward. Since our last report, Council has authorized D.G. Bohning and Assoc. to do a topographic and utility survey of the site property across from the Fire Station. Also, the Selection Committee recommended and Council approved Panzica Construction Company to be the Construction Manager at Risk to work with Perspectus Architecture and to construct the building. The retrofit of City Hall where the Police currently reside is now planned to be done by City personnel as it will be done more efficiently and at a lower cost. As always, thank you for your patience for any inconvenience that these projects may present. safety-service • • • • • • • NORA MURPHY The Safety-Service Committee has recommended and City Council has approved the following items: For the Service Department • A motion to approve an expenditure of $23,000.00 for guardrail reconstruction and replacement projects to be completed in 2014. • A motion for the Purchasing Director to seek bids for a new rear loading rubbish packer. A motion for the Purchasing Director to advertise for bids to upgrade air quality devices in the Brecksville Service Garage. A motion authorizing a second year renewal contract with Cargill, Inc. for the provision of sodium chloride. An ordinance authorizing the purchase of replacement generators and transfer switches from Generator Systems through the State of Ohio Administrative Services Purchasing Program. For the Police Department: An Ordinance authorizing a State Contract purchase in the amount of $14,177.60 for nineteen ballistic vests to replace as required, ballistic vests purchases in 2009. A motion to approve an amount of $7,800.00 for the conversion from CRIS/REDDS software system to LEADS . A Resolution to appoint Christopher J. Wirkus, Robert C. Conte, and Thomas J. Kanasz to the position of Police Patrolman. For the Fire Department: An Ordinance authorizing the destruction of two Pedi-Pal Child Restraint Seats that are no longer needed for a municipal purpose. The seats are outdated and cannot be sold to the public. Please drive safely as our children return to school. streets & sidewalks GERALD F. BROSKI The Brecksville Service Department once again is making great progress on a very aggressive annual road program. Millions of taxpayer dollars have been saved over the years through the city performing inhouse roadway improvements. City Council recently approved the purchase of a new Vogele paver. The current paver being used by the Service Department was purchased in 1999. In order to expedite improvements to county roads within Brecksville, the City of Brecksville and Cuyahoga County have entered into agree- ments that provide for the city to be reimbursed for resurfacing roads. In 2014, Cuyahoga County agreed to reimburse the City of Brecksville the amount of $84,850.00 for the resurfacing of Barr Road from Edgerton to Highland Drive; and the amount of $851,495.00 for the resurfacing of Snowville Road from Brecksville Road to Riverview Road. The Service Director and City Engineer work closely to coordinate utility projects with scheduled paving projects. Resurfacing projects sometimes have to be held off until utility projects are completed. The resurfacing of Barr Road from Edgerton Road to Highland Drive was delayed to allow properties mandated by the Ohio Board of Health to connect to a sanitary sewer the opportunity to do so. City officials advised the property owners that cutting the roadway in order to make the sanitary sewer connection would not be an option once Barr Road was resurfaced; and that project is now complete. Resurfacing of Snowville Road was also delayed due to a sanitary sewer installation project; and, most recently, due to a culvert replacement project for which the city received federal funding. The resurfacing of Snowville Road is a major project that was scheduled as late as possible this paving season. The resurfacing of Farview Road is scheduled in 2014 after the completion of a storm sewer project. In the event the project has to be delayed until next year due to time constraints, consideration might be given to using the funds budgeted in 2014 to perform another priority project, if enough time and manpower is available. Please be aware of construction projects and use caution, especially with regard to traffic maintenance, when traveling throughout the city. Dominion East Ohio Gas is replacing a 20” gas main on Brecksville Road from Sprague Road to Parkview Drive; construction is ongoing through September. ODOT is currently replacing the bridge the on Valley Parkway over I-77 within Brecksville. Schools will reopen in August. Please exercise caution on loading and unloading of our students from buses. utilities MICHAEL HARWOOD We provide the following update on projects that are currently in either construction or in the design and/or bidding process. Construction Projects: • 7467-7505 Amber Lane Creek Re-Alignment; the project’s construction was completed at the end of June. • Snowville Road Culvert Replacement Project; the project is currently under construction, and is projected to be completed by the end of August. • Farview Road Storm Sewer Improvement Project; the project was bid, the contract has been awarded and the project construction started of August 4, the overall construction duration is four months. Projects Construction Documents Complete, Issue for Bid: • Stadium Drive Pump Station Improvement Project, Old Quarry Pump Station Project, and the Carriage Hill Pump Station Abandonment Project; the project’s design and construction documents have been completed, the three projects will be presented to City Council for approval to issue for bid. • Deer Run Culvert Replacement Project; the project’s design and construction documents have been completed, the project will be presented to City Council for approval to issue for bid. At any time that you have questions in regard to a specific project or any project in general please do not hesitate to call. legislation KIM VERAS As mentioned in the Home Days edition of the Brecksville Bulletin, the November 4, 2014 general election ballot will contain six proposed rezoning issues recommended by the Planning Commission and adopted by Brecksville City Council. Per the Brecksville City Charter, “Any legislation passed by Council or proposed by initiative petition which refers to a change in existing zoning or to a change in any use regulations controlling the use or development of land shall not become effective or binding upon the municipality unless and until the same be submitted to the electors of the municipality and approved by a fifty-five (55%) favorable vote of all votes cast for this issue by the qualified electors of the city…” Also per the requirements of the Brecksville City Charter, every proposed zoning ordinance is read in its entirety on three separate occasions and advertised according to law in order to provide the public ample opportunity to submit comments or questions on each issue. Ordinance No. 4861, a proposed zoning amendment most recently adopted by City Council, provides for the submission to the electors of the City of Brecksville the question of amending the zoning map by changing the classification of Permanent Parcel Numbers 601-30-003 and 601-30-034 from the R-20 Single Family District to the Planned Development Overlay District, and a portion of Permanent Parcel Number 601-30-035 from the Community Facilities District to the Planned Development Overlay District, for the purpose of planning and constructing an assisted living facility. Several years ago, City Council and the Administration decided to budget funds each year for the preservation of original City Council minutes, ordinances, and resolutions dating back to 1921, and other historical records that date back even further. KOFILE preservation services has been contracted to perform these services and has done an excellent job of restoring and preserving the city’s historical records. The Brecksville Code of Ordinances is available for reference during normal business hours at the Brecksville Branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library and also in the Clerk of Council’s office at Brecksville City Hall. Requests for ordinances may be submitted to: mscullin@brecksville.oh.us. finance LAURA REDINGER This summer, Laura Sarosta joined the Finance Department as Assistant Finance Director. Laura brings with her many years of local government. The Finance Committee welcomes her to the team and looks forward to working with her once she gets up to speed with her new responsibilities. The City recently completed an issuance of $2 million of Notes in anticipation of the issuance of Bonds for the purpose of paying costs of constructing the new City Service Center garage on Stadium Drive. The Notes Issuance was successfully priced at a cost of 20 basis points as a result of our superior credit rating and outstanding financial position. Thank you to the Finance Director and the Administration for successfully completing another annual audit. At the post Audit Committee meeting, the Committee learned that the audit was completed without any significant issues identified or recommendations made to the administration. We are fortunate to have a dedicated team working for the best interest of the Community. 5 human services center Personal Needs BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS – Every Monday from 9 to 11:45 – Free! Lower level in the Nurses Station MEDITATION — FREE Guided meditation is every first and third Tuesday of the month from 7:00 to 8:45 in Room A at the Human Services Center. Come and relax your mind and body. Open to all ages and it’s free. RECOVERY Recovery, Inc. meets Fridays from 10:00 to noon. Having trouble dealing with your emotions? Recovery, Inc. is a self help program that will help you cope in a friendly, small-group atmosphere. Meetings are held in a private room. Free coffee! BRECKSVILLE PANTRY The Human Services Center distributes food once each month to families of all ages who are in need. If you or someone you know needs assistance please contact the Human Services Center at 5262499. FOOD DONATIONS The Brecksville Pantry is always in need of food donations or gift cards to Marc’s and Heinen’s to buy fresh meat and produce. We especially need canned tuna, canned fruit, spaghetti and spaghetti sauce, cereal and paper products. Please bring your donations to the Human Services Center at 2 Community Drive. Many thanks for all the donations at Shredding Days and thanks to you individual donors who drop off food regularly at the Human Services Center! MEALS ON WHEELS The Human Services Center is the headquarters for the local Meals on Wheels program. Volunteers deliver a warm lunch and cold supper Monday through Friday mornings. Cost is $25 per week. Call 526-2499 for enrollment information. SENIOR TRANSPORTATION Need a ride? Transportation is available for residents 60 and over, Monday through Friday from 9 to 4. Our cars will take you to a medical appointment anywhere in Cuyahoga County. Our van will take you on errands on Tuesday and Thursday. Our bus will take you to a restaurant on Wednesday and a shopping mall on Friday. An application on file is necessary. Call the Human Services Center for more information at 526-2499. Cards and Games Free for registered members Canasta – Tuesdays from 1 to 4 and Wednesdays from 12:30 to 3:30 Dominoes – Thursdays from 1:00 to 4:00 Intermediate Bridge – Tuesdays from 12:30 – 3:30 Duplicate Bridge – Mondays and Fridays from 12:45 to 4. – Bring a partner or just bring yourself. Bridge After Dark – Every Thursday from 7 to 9:45 Texas Hold ’Em – Fridays from 10:00 to noon. Bring a canned food item to “buy” chips. You might win a free lunch. 6 Mah Jongg – Wednesdays from 9 to Noon Pinochle – Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 - 3 FITNESS PROGRAMS YOGA WITH DENISE CLEMENT Mondays from 9:15 am to 10:15 am Wednesdays from 7:30 am to 8:30 am Stretch, tone, build strength and work the heart. Dress comfortably, bring a mat and water bottle. Email Denise at yogadc@yahoo. com (You too can be as slim as Denise!) A “punch pass” for 6 sessions is $30 for Brecksville residents, $40 for non residents. Walk-ins are $7 for members, $9 for non members and $11 for non resident, non members. TAI CHI WITH KEN OWEN Tai Chi for Arthritis - Wednesdays from 11:00 to Noon – FREE class with paid membership in either the Community Center or Human Services Center - A specialized version to help you deal with those aches and pains. It really works! Tai Chi is the ancient Chinese exercise experience that is the just right exercise for people who are looking to stretch and tone without getting sore! A great way to loosen up those tight muscles. ARMCHAIR EXERCISE WITH “CHARLIE” SKIBA Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:45 – 11:45 – Totally free! You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll be able to do sitting down that will make you feel better! ARMCHAIR YOGA WITH JOYCE BARCHET Mondays and Fridays from 10:45 to 11:45 – Totally free! A relaxing class concentrating on alignment of poses creating strength, flexibility and tone. DANCE FOR FOLKS WITH PARKINSON’S There is a great dance class for people with Parkinson’s. The class is on the second Saturday of the month from 11 to noon on the second floor of the Brecksville Human Services Center. For more information please contact instructors Fred and Dianne Discenzo at 526-8531. The class is free for everyone. The Human Services Center is at 2 Community Drive. Call 526-2499 for directions. ARTS AND CRAFTS WATERCOLOR WITH JUDY ROSZAK Mondays from 9:30 to 11:30 – It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or have been painting all your life. Classes are small enabling Judy to give one-on-one personal instruction regardless of your ability. A “punch pass” for 6 sessions is $30 for Brecksville residents, $40 for non residents. Walk-ins are $7 for members, $9 for non members and $11 for non resident, non members. THE HANDCRAFTERS Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00 – Learn how to make greeting cards, place cards and almost anything using all sorts of things including wallpaper. Or knit, crochet, cross stitch, needlepoint, tat and scrapbook. Oh yes, a little bit of chit chat goes on too. You’ll make new friends. Free to registered members. COMPUTERS The Human Services Center has three computers and a printer and e-mail and Internet capability just waiting for you. Walk in anytime except Thursday from 1 – 3:30 and sit right down. Free! BRECKSVILLE COMPUTER USERS GROUP Thursdays from 6:30 to 9 in the old school at Blossom. If your computer is sick with a virus or whatever, they can help. Call for more info at 526-8836. Or join up if you love tinkering with computers. Sorry, they don’t fix iPads. Volunteer Nurses, Doctors and EMTs are Needed The City of Brecksville’s Department of Human Services has a critical need for volunteer nurses, doctors and EMTs. These professionals, both actively working and retired do BP’s every Monday morning from 9 to 11:45 and once a month they do basic checks on the department’s volunteer drivers. If you can volunteer for just several hours a month please call the Brecksville Department of Human Services at 526-2499. TR S LE BR S C K VI L E Amish Country A R V ELE Monday, September 15 8:30am - 4:00pm Come spend a day in Amish Country, visit Cobletz Chocolates, P. Graham Dunn Engravings, Country Store, Carlisle Gifts & many more shops. Lunch will be an all you can eat buffet at Der Dutchman (included). We will be guided through the “Warther Museum” to see the wood and ivory carvings of steam locomotives the Smithsonian has called “priceless works of art”. Cost for residents is $44 and non-residents $54. Ethnic Market Tour Monday, October 6 We will be exploring the wonderful & varied food stores which serve our ethnically diverse population. Stops include, Lebanese, Greek, Asian, Polish, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Romanian & Slovak Shops. For more information on these trips call 526-2499. Register at the Brecksville Human Services Center or Brecksville Community Center. Registration is required. “90+ Birthday Club” The Department of Human Services has the “90+ Birthday Club.” Here’s how it works. We will send you a birthday card during the month of your birthday and in the card we will have an invitation to join us at the Brecksville Human Services Center for a free lunch on Thursday when we have our Feast ‘n Flick program. We will pick you up and take you home in one of our Human Services transportation vehicles so you must call us to schedule a pick-up and which Thursday during your birthday month you would like to come to lunch. We want to reach as many 90+ seniors in our community so if you are, or know someone who is or will be 90 this year, please call the Human Services Center at 526-2499 and ask for Linda DePompei to get your name on our list. Cheers for our Drivers! Pat Jordan, John Zupanc and Doug Miller are three of our loyal drivers who take seniors to appointments. And a huge thanks to Sheryl Greve, Tom Hoinski and Laura Williams who drive for Wheels on Meals. We always need more drivers for both programs, especially mini van and mini bus drivers. Volunteer please by calling 526-2499. Flu Shots Are Coming for Brecksville Seniors! The Brecksville Human Services Center is providing flu shots for seniors administered by CVS on Friday, October 10 from 10-1pm. An appointment will be necessary. Call the Brecksville Human Services Center at 526-2499, Monday through Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm starting September 10 to make an appointment. Flu shots will be given for people 60 and older and those with a “diagnosed chronic illness.” If you have Medicare Part B and are eligible for coverage, there is no charge or co pay but you must present your Medicare card and any secondary insurance card. CVS can bill any United Health Care, federal employees and Aetna plan for a $0 co pay for you. If you are not insured by Medicare or these carriers for a flu shot the price per shot is $31.99. Again all coverage ID cards must be brought with you. Low Income Snow Plowing for Seniors The Department of Human Services offers driveway snow plowing for low income seniors. The program is solely for low income seniors 70 and over who have no one to clear their driveway. All residents who desire the service must apply regardless of whether you have qualified in the past. Applications are available at the Human Services Center. Proof of age and income is required. The only proof of income document acceptable is a letter from the Ohio Department of Development indicating household eligibility for the 2013-2014 or 2014 -2015 Home Energy Assistance Program, commonly referred to as HEAP. There is a $10 annual fee for the service. 7 human services center Free Pizza and Bingo at the Brecksville Human Services Center! Thanks to the folks at Home Instead Senior Care in Brecksville and a variety of other local care specialists, there is free pizza and Bingo at the Brecksville Human Services Center on the third Wednesday of each month starting at noon. The next two scheduled days are Wednesday, September 17 and Wednesday, October 15. Come on down and have some fun! It is necessary to make a reservation. Call the Human Services front desk at 526-2499 prior to that day. Learn to Play Bridge Beginning in September Learn to Play Bridge will be on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month 7:00 - 9:00 pm at the Brecksville Human Services Center. Experienced instructors on hand. FREE until December 31, 2014. No need to register, just show up! Must be a Human Services member. Tuesday Brunch Bunch September 9 Sausage gravy over biscuit with scrambled eggs, sausage patty, lettuce & tomato, orange juice, coffee, tea. 16 Eggs Benedict, red-skin potatoes, fresh fruit, orange juice, coffee, tea. therapy pool schedule monday 8:30-9:00 Doctor Approved Self-Directed Therapy 9:00-10:00 Liquid Strength 10:00-11:00 Arthritis Class 6:30-7:30 Nora’s Water Exercise 11:00-6:30 7:30-8:00 Self-Directed Therapy tuesday 8:30-6:00 Self-Directed Therapy 6:00-7:00 Aquafit 7:00-8:00 Self-Directed Therapy 23 Scrambled eggs, sausage links, hash brown potatoes, fresh fruit, orange juice, coffee, tea. 30 Breakfast Quiche, bacon, hash brown potatoes, lettuce & tomato, orange juice, coffee, tea. October 7 Vegetable Strata, ham, red skin potatoes, fresh fruit, orange juice, coffee, tea. 13 Kitchen Closed 21 Pancakes, sausage links, applesauce, orange juice, coffee, tea. 28 Egg stacker, freshly baked muffins, fruit cup, orange juice, coffee, tea. Brunch is $5.00 per person wednesday 8:30-9:00 Self-Directed Therapy 9:00-10:00 Liquid Strength 10:00-11:00 Arthritis Class 11:00-6:30 Art of All Seasons Self-Directed Therapy 6:30-7:30 Nora’s Water Exercise 12:30-6:30 7:30-8:00 Self-Directed Therapy thursday 8:30-6:30 Self-Directed Therapy 6:30-7:30 Learn to Swim (Pool Closed) 7:30-8:00 Self-Directed Therapy friday 8:30-9:00 Self-Directed Therapy 9:00-10:00 Liquid Strength 10:00-11:00 Arthritis Class 11:00-4:50 Self-Directed Therapy saturday 9:00-10:00 YogAerobics 10:15-12:00 Self-Directed Therapy sunday (pool is closed) 8 The fifth annual “Art of all Seasons” show will be at the Brecksville Human Services Center, 2 Community Drive October 6 through October 9. This free event will start with an Opening Tea on Monday October 6 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Show times are Monday, October 6 from 1:00 to 4:00, Tuesday, October 7 from 10:00 to 4:00, Wednesday, October 8 from 10 to 4 and Thursday, October 9 from 10:00 to 3:00. Come see the imagination and creativity of seniors who participate in watercolor classes at the Brecksville Human Services Center and Strongsville’s Ehrnfelt Senior Center. The works of art are by the students of Judi Roszak, art instructor at both centers. Judi teaches students of all levels of ability every Monday at the Brecksville Human Services Center from 9:30 to 11:30. HELP! The Human Services Center has an urgent need for volunteer drivers for our award-winning senior transportation service. You can drive our cars, van or mini bus. No special license required. Call 526-2499. September 11 Beef pot pie; mashed potatoes; oven-roasted tomatoes; Hungarian cucumber salad; dinner roll; peaches & cream cheesecake. The Monuments Man ¸ 18 Italian Wedding Soup Florentine with pasta; lettuce & tomato; ciabatta bread; anti pasta salad; Kirkwood Inn apple cake. Still Mine ¸ 25 Our annual GALIK EXTRAVAGANZA!! Roast pork loin; mashed potatoes with gravy; sweet & sour red cabbage; dumplings; rye bread; applesauce; cherry strudel. The Book Thief ¸ October 2 5-Hour beef stew; lettuce and tomato; French bread baguette; jellied cranberry, orange, and apple salad; cream puff. No Movie 9 Chicken Cordon Bleu; orzo with lemon and chives; broccoli florets; wheat roll; garden greens salad; peach pie. No Movie Senior Wellness Day Senior Wellness Day will return on Friday, October 17 at the Brecksville Human Services Center. The day will begin at 9 with a free continental breakfast. Senior Wellness Day sponsors are CAPA, the Community Awareness and Prevention Association, and the Human Services Departments of Brecksville and Broadview Heights. There will be entertaining and informative speakers. Also bring your September or October gas and electricity bills to learn if your rate is too high. Senior Wellness Day will conclude with a free light lunch at noon. Brecksville and Broadview Heights seniors should call their respective senior centers to register by Friday, October 10. Attendance is limited to 90. Brecksville residents should call 526-2499 and Broadview Hts. residents should call 526-4074. restaurant and mall trips 16 No Lunch Served No Movie 23 Baked ziti with four cheeses; Italian green beans; garlic roll; romaine salad with lemony Caesar dressing; chocolate candy bar cake. The Hobbit, The Desolation of Smaug ¸ 30 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Happy Halloween Parade!! Join in the fun; wear a costume! Ham & asparagus mummies with Hollandaise sauce; ghostly scalloped potatoes; chilly cheddar bay biscuits; pumpkin cake with scream cheese frosting. Parkland ¸ september TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 3 Sokolowski’sCleveland Brecksville Errands 9 10 Brecksville Errands 16 23 All meals include beverage, salad, dinner roll, and dessert. Cost is $7 for residents and $9 non-resident guests. 11 Brecksville Errands Wasabi-Independence Hudson Park 19 Brecksville Errands 25 Fiore’s Italian Steakhouse-Fairlawn TUESDAY Brecksville Errands WEDNESDAY 1 Montrose Strip 26 Great Northern Mall 7 8 Brecksville Errands 14 15 22 Brecksville Errands Brecksville Errands 23 Korea HouseCleveland 29 Chicago Deli-Solon FRIDAY 3 Southpark Mall 10 Brecksville Errands 16 Blue CanyonTwinsburg Brecksville Errands 28 Brecksville Errands 9 Sittoo’s Pita and Salads-Parma Brecksville Errands 21 THURSDAY 2 Mapleside FarmsBrunswick Brecksville Errands The annual AARP Smart Driver Course will be Monday, October 6 from 9 to 1 at the Brecksville Human Services Center. Bill McGonegal is the instructor. Some car insurance companies will give you a discount for completing the class. The fee is $15.00 for AARP members and $20.00 for non-members, payable by check the day of the class. Call 526-2499 to sign up. 12 october Please Note: There are no meals served during the week of a City holiday. Brecksville AARP Smart Driver Course Legacy Village Brecksville Errands 18 24 FRIDAY 5 Brecksville Errands Corleone’s-Parma 17 Brecksville Errands THURSDAY 4 Crocker Park 17 West Side Market 24 Macy’s on the Heights Brecksville Errands 30 Brecksville Errands 31 Pleasant Valley 9 Second Annual Celebrate Fall in the Valley The Brecksville Chamber of Commerce invites you to its second annual Celebrate Fall in the Valley event on Saturday, October 18 from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Come aboard the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad and enjoy wine, beer and delicious hors d’oeuvres as we travel from the Independence Station to Akron and back. The evening also includes a raffle offering lots of great items from local vendors. Boarding begins at 6:00 pm at the Independence Station located at 7900 Old Rockside Road in Independence. The train departs promptly at 6:30 pm. Ticket prices for this event are $45 - $65 depending on the train car. Each ticket purchased includes: u one seat in the assigned car u food and beverage The 44th Annual Brecksville Firefighters’ Association u special commemorative gift specially designed by Sarah Costic of the Richfield Art Studio To purchase your tickets, visit www.brecksvillechamber.com/purchaseyour-tickets or contact one of our committee members: u Judy Makowski – 216.447.7392 u Matt Harper – 440.546.0555 u Dianne Carouse Hutchison – 440.717.0194 If you’d like to donate a gift for our silent auction, please contact the Chamber office at 526-7350 and one of our volunteers will contact you to arrange a pickup. Clambake & Steak Roast Saturday, September 6 Serving is from 6-9 pm Brecksville Service Garage Parking in the Municipal parking lot. This gala is exceeded in size by only Home Days itself and it benefits the philanthropic activities of the Firefighters Association. After the clams and steaks dancing begins at 9 and goes ‘til midnight. Local merchants always provide a ton of raffle prizes. Tickets are $35/person, $10 for an extra dozen of clams. They must be purchased in advance from any firefighter or by calling the fire station at 526-2640. Brecksville History Hike Join volunteer naturalist Fred Losi for a late summer walking tour of historic Brecksville. Brecksville Historical Association members will help guide us on this visit starting from our Cleveland Metroparks, targeting many different buildings and structures surrounding the Brecksville Town Square. Participants are encouraged to visit the Squire Rich Museum and Herb Garden after the walk for cookies and refreshments. Meet at the Brecksville Nature Center for a 2 miles paved hike which includes Town Square. Then visit Squire Rich Museum 2-5 pm. For questions, call 526-7165 or e-mail the historical association at bassociation@att.net Square Dancing at Highland Drive Square Dancing at School Highland Try a fun, free night of square dancing at Highland Drive School. Drive School The first 2 lessons are free for first timers on September 11 and 18. Regular lessons will begin on September 25. Classes for new dancers are held every Thursday evening from 7-9 pm. Casual attire is recommended. No partner needed and all ages are welcome. Cost is $5 per person, per night. Brecksv So “shell out” the bucks and get to the clambake. It’s a great party! Linda and Anthony Baratta, Mercer Lane 10 John H Trick or Treat Friday, October 31 6-8 pm Art Classes Offered Two exciting art forms will be taught at the Brecksville Human Services Center this fall. Peggy Wertheim, professional artist and educator, will teach both. “Silk Painting: Create Your Own Silk Scarves.” Thursdays, October 16, 23 and 30 from 1-4 pm. Discover, enjoy and create fine radiant art on silk. No experience necessary, no mistakes can be made. A myriad of design ideas, reference books and a handout packet are provided. “Marbleizing on Paper with Carrageenen and Acrylic Paints.” Thursdays, November 6, 13, and 20 from 1-4 pm. A traditional ancient art form that doesn’t take years to master. “Marbling” provides instant gratification and success. Paper and silk will be used to create 20-30 marbled papers. They’re great for holiday greeting cards, scrapbooking, quilting, collages, holiday framed art and more. Cost for each art form class is $60 for 3 sessions plus a $35 materials fee. To register call the Brecksville Human Services Center at 526-2499. If you have questions call Peggy at 330-467-1013. Annual Booville Halloween Party Sunday, Oct. 26 1 pm -4 pm Blossom Hill Complex Costume Contests & Lots of Activities for the Kids Brecksville Historical Association Apple Butter Festival Sunday, October 5 from 1-5 pm Squire Rich Museum 9367 Brecksville Rd. ville Beautification Awards Hudec, Chippewa Road 11 Scott Warren and Kim Wayne, Oakes Road Cynthia and Lee Carver Gunn, Chippewa Trail safety & service Prepare Your Pipes for the Winter l Cold winter months can cause pipes to freeze and burst. Some insurance policies will not pay claims unless prior care was taken to prevent freezing. The Brecksville Fire Department says to avoid frozen pipes, flooding, and costly repairs: l Check and insulate pipes in unheated areas, basement, crawl space and exterior walls. These usually freeze first. City Offices Holiday Hours Brecksville City Hall, the Service Department and the Human Services Center will be closed on Labor Day Monday, September 1. The Community Center will be open from 10 - 5. On Columbus Day, Monday, October 13, all City offices & facilities will be open and rubbish will be collected. Proper Use of Wood Stoves l Drain outside faucets which are susceptible. Cut off water inside that controls the faucet, then open the faucet handle and allow the remaining water to drain out. The use of wood stoves has significantly increased in recent years. Unfortunately, wood stove and chimney fires have also increased. Wood stoves require extra care in installing, operating and maintaining as compared to conventional heat sources. l If you will be away from your house, leave your heating thermostat at a reasonable temperature and open faucets to let them drip slightly. This may prevent freezing. Use the following steps when deciding to purchase, install and use a wood burning stove in your home: l If you will be away for several months, shut off the water and drain the system. Call a plumber for proper procedures. l If you have a loss of heat, check the pipes, open faucets and allow them to drip slightly. If pipes in freeze-prone areas have not been insulated, newspaper may be used for temporary insulation. l Consult a professional for special low level heat for a pipe that keeps freezing. Do not rig your own system. It could create a fire hazard. l Never attempt to thaw a pipe by using a hair dryer; it may explode. l Locate your main shut-off valve for your water system before the weather turns frigid. If pipes burst, turn off the main valve to avoid further damage. Be sure you are not standing in any water. Purchase only wood stoves that have been listed by a recognized testing agency, such as Underwriters Laboratory (UL). Contact the building department to ascertain whether a building permit is required for wood stove installation. Have the wood stove installed by a professional. Then have the completed installation inspected by the building department. Once installed: Keep all flammable material at least three feet from the wood stove. Purchase a screen to place around the wood stove to prevent children and pets from being accidentally burned. Never leave children unattended in the room with the wood stove while a fire is burning. Burn only dry, well-seasoned wood. Never use a flammable liquid to start or revive a fire in a wood stove. Many deaths have occurred by ignoring this one safety warning. Never use your wood stove to burn trash. Natural Gas & Electricity News If you have NOPEC’s fixed rate the rate on your August bill will be $4.89. If you are in NOPEC’s variable rate program the rate will be $4.81. This coming winter’s price, and prices going forward will be greatly affected by how much gas goes into storage by the time the heating season officially begins on November 1st. Our recommendation is to continue doing nothing. No change is necessary…UNLESS…your rate is above $5.04 on your July bill or $4.89 on your August bill. If it is call 526-2499 for a consultation. We will not determine what to do for this winter until mid September at the earliest. We strongly recommend that everyone right now should be buying their gas from NOPEC/NextEra Energy, either fixed or variable rate. Right now either is fine. Also, the annual onslaught of calls from the privately-owned gas suppliers has begun and will drive you crazy until it tapers off around Christmas. You can also expect a ton of mailers from those people. Your response to every one of those calls should be “No thanks!” And ignore the mailers too. 12 Creosote is the product of incomplete combustion and creosote buildup can cause a chimney fire. Opening the air inlets or the wood stove door and allowing the wood to burn freely for 10-15 minutes several times a week will reduce creosote build-up. Know the signs of a chimney fire If you hear a loud roar, sucking sounds and shaking pipes. Make sure everyone knows what to do. Practice fire drills and learn how to use a fire extinguisher. If you think you have a chimney fire, call the fire department immediately. Cut off the fire’s air supply by closing any intake vents in the firebox. Close the damper. Get everyone out of the house. Dispose of ashes by placing them in metal containers. Do not put in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Ashes can retain enough heat to start a fire for several days. Wet ashes to make sure they are cold. For additional installation tips and safety procedures, call the Brecksville Fire Department at 526-2640. Fall Leaf Collection Begins Yard waste and grass pickup will end on Thursday, October 23. Fall Leaf Collection begins on Monday, October 20 and will end on Friday, November 28. When snowplows are operating, leaf vacuum service is suspended. Watch for signs in your neighborhood indication an impending leaf sweep. Leaves must be close to the street, but not on the street. Daily scheduling is not possible. Back to School Tips From Our Police Department The Brecksville Police Department would like to take this opportunity to review some issues that will help keep our children safe while in transit to and from school. Parents should teach or review with their children the following ideas: u Talk to your children frequently about the potential danger of strangers. u Listen to your child, a good listening ear may detect a subtle clue that your child might have a problem. At School and Play u Safe walking practices to and from the bus stop or school u u How and where to wait for the bus safely including how to deal with strangers Make sure you know the exact way your child goes to and from school. u u What to do if the bus is late or does not arrive Encourage your child to walk with and play with a friend. There is safety in numbers. u Teach your children to display confidence when walking or playing. All drivers should be aware of the following: u The speed limit in all school zones is 20 MPH u u When a school bus is stopped to pick up or drop off children, vehicles must also stop a minimum of 10' from the front or rear of the bus, depending on their direction of travel Encourage your child to look out for other children’s safety as well and report anything suspicious to you. u Let your child know that it is ok with you if they avoid strangers when they are away from you. At Home Alone If a bus is stopped on a street which has fewer than 4 lanes, all traffic in either direction must stop. If traveling on a road with 4 lanes or more, only the traffic traveling in the same direction as the bus must stop. u Before leaving your child home alone, make sure they are competent to do so and emotionally prepared to do so as well. u The department has worked with the schools in developing security and crisis plans. Safety of our children is the responsibility of the entire community. Please be careful and look out for them when driving. Make sure there are phone numbers readily available in the event your child needs to contact you. Phone numbers of neighbors should also be available by each phone. u Make sure your child checks in with you at work as soon as they arrive home. Agree on rules to follow when your child is home alone. (friends, computer use, cooking, playing outside) u Instruct your child never to open the door for anyone or converse with someone on the phone unless they are sure it is you or someone they are permitted to talk to. Caller ID or an answering machine will help with this. u Make sure they know how to work the door and window locks and keep them locked at all times. u Protecting our most valuable asset, our children, takes time, patience and common sense. Consider the following safety tips: Cover the Basics u Practice with your children their phone number (including area code), address, and full name. Talk to them about how and when to make emergency phone calls, both at home and in public. u Walk the neighborhood with your children. Point out the safe places they can go in the event of an emergency. Point out dangerous areas for them to avoid. w h a t ’ s september 1Labor Day, all City Offices Closed Community Ctr. open 10am-5pm 2 City Council 8 pm 4 Planning Commission 7 pm 6 Firefighters Clambake 6 pm until… Service Garage o n t h e c i t y 22 Recreation Commission 7:30 pm 25 Planning Commission 7 pm october 4 CodeRED Telephone Test At Noon 5 Historical Association Apple Butter Festival Squire Rich Museum 1-5pm 8Board of Zoning Appeals 8 pm 11Patriot Day – Please Fly The Flag 13Shred Your Documents 9-noon 7 City Council 8 pm 9 Planning Commission 7 pm 13 Columbus Day City Hall Is Open and 16 City Council 8 pm 17 Telecommunications Commission 15 Telecommunications Commission Service Garage 7 pm Rubbish Will be Picked Up Board of Zoning Appeals 8 pm c a l e n d a r 20 Leaf Collection Begins Recreation Commission 7:30 pm 23 Planning Commission 7 pm End of Yardwaste Collection 26 City Halloween Party at Blossom 1:00 – 4:00 27 Recreation Commission 7:30 pm 31Trick or Treat Night 6:00 – 8:00 pm All meetings are at City Hall unless noted otherwise. 7 pm 13 community center Start Smart Soccer Program Ages 3-5 year olds SessionDates A B Sept 10-Oct 15 Sept 10-Oct 15 Time 6:00-7:00 pm* 7:00-8:00 pm* Registration In progress and ends September 9. Cost $35 for BCC members and $45 for residents Description Start Smart Soccer is a parent-child program for children ages 3-5 who are interested in having fun and learning the fundamentals of soccer. Start Smart Soccer allows children the opportunity to work one-on-one with a parent, teaches a variety of soccer skills, offers exercises that become increasingly more challenging as the class progresses and as children show improvement, and is taught with fun, safe, developmentally appropriate equipment. Location Brecksville Community Center Field House Gym Contact the Brecksville Community Center for more information at 546-2300. Men’s Basketball League OPEN DIVISION - Men’s Open Division (18 and up)—10 Teams Total 35 Plus DIVISION - Men’s 35 Plus Division—12 Teams Total 50 Plus Division - Men’s 50 Plus Division—6 Teams Total Sundays January 4 - April 19, 2015 Locations Brecksville Community Center 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm & 8:30pm Blossom Hill 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm Cost $200.00 Per Team—Due at Registration *$35.00 due before each game for referee and scorers (*This cost cannot be incorporated into team fee. Must be paid prior to each game.) Registration: begins November 1 for residents and November 15 for non-residents. Team Managers should register team at the front desk of the Brecksville Community Center. Register early. Space is limited and is not guaranteed. Deadline to register is December 12, 2014. Mandatory Meeting There is a mandatory meeting for all team managers on Sunday, December 14, 2014 at 5:00pm in the Brecksville Community Center. (Teams must be registered prior to meeting in order to attend.) Girls Volleyball Clinic Ages 9-13 year olds in Grades 4-8 DivisionDays Dates Times Grades 4-5 Thursdays Jan. 15-Feb. 26 4:00-5:30 pm Grades 6-8 Tuesdays Jan. 13-Feb. 24 4:00-5:30 pm Registration Begins November 1 for residents and November 8 for non-Residents. Ends January 2, 2015. Description Bump! Set! Spike! The Brecksville Recreation Department offers a volleyball clinic for girls in grades 4-8. Girls will develop skills, learn proper volleyball techniques and have a great time playing matches. The clinic is instructed by players from the Baldwin-Wallace Women’s Volleyball team. Should either class not fill up, there may be the possibility of combining sessions.. Contact For more information, please contact Pete Kormos at the Brecksville Community Center 546-2300. 14 Grades Boys and Girls Basketball 3rd & 4th Grade Boys and Girls 5th & 6th Grade Boys and Girls 7th & 8th Grade Boys and Girls Games November-February, Saturday between 9am-3pm Practices One night a week Monday-Friday between 3pm –10pm and begining in early November. (All schedules are subject to change) Registration September 1 for residents and for non-residents September 8. Cost $50 for BCC members, $60 for residents and $70 for non-residents. Description Brecksville Recreation Youth Basketball is a recreational league stressing skill development, team work and fun. Practices are held one evening a week beginning in November with games being played on Saturdays beginning in December. The league usually is completed by the middle of February. Practices are held at either Blossom Hill or a school facility. Games are played at the Brecksville Community Center or at neighboring Recreation Centers. No carpool or special requests for team and player placement will be taken. There will be one head coach and one assistant coach per team. Coaches kids will be placed on same team. If you want to guarantee your child is on a specific team, you should look into coaching. Location Brecksville Community Center and surrounding communities *All coaches are subject to a mandatory background check. Participants need to be open to practicing any evening of the week. Special requests cannot be taken. Space is limited, please register early. No refunds, credits only will be given. There is a $5 cancellation fee. Youth Wrestling Ages 6-12 year olds Practice Begins November through March DatesTime Weds./Thurs.6:00-8:00pm Meets begin early December Sunday Meets 9:00am-1:00pm Registration September 1 for residents and for non-residents September 8. Cost $60 for BCC members $70 for residents A $5 cancellation fee Additional Costs Must purchase own shoes, head gear, pads and mouth piece Description The Brecksville Recreation Youth Wrestling program is a developmental program for boys. Boys are divided by their ability and practice on Wednesday and Thursday evenings at the Brecksville-Broadview Hts. H.S. Meets are held on Sundays at the Strongsville H.S. and allow kids to compete against wrestlers in their weight and abiltiy class. Gym Time DatesDaysTime September 8 M/W/F 10:30 am-1:30 pm Join the fun! Bring your kids in for fun and games and let them burn off some energy. Various toys and equipment will be available for use in the fieldhouse. Bring your lunch and eat with your friends, too! There is no Gym Time when school is cancelled due to weather conditions or scheduled school holidays. Fitness Schedule 6:05 am Monday Spinning® Cross Train Challenge Tuesday Spinning® Wednesday Spinning® & Weights Thursday Spinning® Friday Spinning® Cross Train Challenge 8:05 am Saturday Sunday Spinning® 8:15 am 8:30 am Spinning® Hatha Yoga Spinning® & Weights Chaos Yoga Sculpt & Power Yoga Spinning® Power Tone Beginning Yoga 9:00 am 9:30 am Spinning® Straight to the Core 10:00 am 10:15 am Barre 10:30 am 10:45 am 11:00 am NOON 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm Yoga 20-20-20 Spinning® Cardio Weight Interval Spinning® Power Tone & Stretch Spinning® Power Vinyasa Yoga Zumba FREE Armchair Yoga FREE Armchair Exercise Spinning® Cross Train Challenge Reps & Sets Circuit Group Training Spinning® Power Tone & Stretch Yoga Free Tai Chi Barre Spinning® Power Tone & Stretch Spinning® FREE Armchair Exercise FREE Armchair Yoga Power Tone & Core Spinning® Reps & Sets Circuit Group Training Spinning® Spinning® Effective September 2. Please check out www.brecksville.oh.us/departments/recreation for all fitness class descriptions. Family Fun Events The Brecksville Health & Wellness Initiative Healthy Bake-Off Contest September 24 at 5 pm Pick your favorite healthy recipe and bring a sampling to the Community Center. Recipes will be judged and a prize awarded for the most delicious, healthy and nutritious sampling. Entry forms for the Bake-off will be at the front desk of the Community Center beginning August 30. The entry form must be returned to the front desk by September 20 to reserve space for the Bake-Off sampling. Community Center Healthy Wellness Day September 24—All Day Long! Free Fitness Classes Wellness Screenings Bake-Off Cuyahoga County Board of Health Information Information Sessions for Family Health Winner will be chosen on September 24 at 5 pm. Family Bike Ride Save the Date, October 12 from Noon-2pm Oakes Grove Picnic Area in the MetroParks, look for more details on the events page of the city website, www.brecksville.oh.us Map Your Mileage Program Beginning September 2 Travel the road to better health by scheduling an appointment for a body fat test and initial weigh in. Pick your destination from anywhere in the continental USA on the map and log miles on the exercise equipment of your choice. Reach your goal by December 30, 2014, and achieve a prize beyond better health. For more information, call 546-2320. More events to come...check out the events page of the city website, www.brecksville.oh.us for dates and times. 15 community center Kids n Company I This class is designed for children 6 months to 2 years of age. A responsible adult participant who is comfortable in the water must accompany each child during all class sessions. Please Note: A discount will be given when 3 or more children are registered for the same type of program. Location Human Services Therapy Pool Dates Day Time Activity # Learn to Swim 10/2-11/20Thursdays6:30 -7:00pm342261-41 10/4-11/22Saturdays 12:30 - 1:00pm342261-61 Levels 1 Registration Residents in progress, Non-residents begin September 8 Dates Fees: Community Center Member 40.00 Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Resident 50.00 10/2-11/20Thursday4:30 - 5:20pm Kids n Company II This class is designed for children 2 years to 4 years of age. A responsible adult participant who is comfortable in the water must accompany each child during all class sessions. Water exploration is encouraged, having fun is mandatory! Location Human Services Therapy Pool Dates Day Time Activity # 10/2-11/20Thursdays7:00 - 7:30pm 342262-41 10/4-11/22Saturdays 12:00 - 12:30pm 342262-61 Registration Residents in progress, Non-residents begin September 8 Fees: Community Center Member 40.00 Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Resident 50.00 NOTE Children who are not potty trained must wear swim diapers in the water at all times. No child suffering from diarrhea will be allowed to participate in the program. Swim diapers are available for purchase at the Community Center front desk if needed. Time Activity # 342161-41 10/2-11/20Thursday5:30 - 6:20pm 342161-42 10/4-11/22 342161-61 Saturdays 10:00 - 10:50am Day Time Levels 2 Dates Activity # 10/2-11/20Thursday4:30 - 5:20pm 342162-41 10/2-11/20Thursday5:30 - 6:20pm 342162-42 10/4-11/22 Saturdays 10:00 - 10:50am 342162-61 Day Time Activity # Levels 3 Dates 10/2-11/20Thursday4:30 - 5:20pm 342163-41 10/2-11/20Thursday5:30 - 6:20pm 342163-42 10/4-11/22 Saturdays 10:00 - 10:50am 342163-61 10/4-11/22 Saturdays 11:00 - 11:50am 342163-62 Day Time Activity # Levels 4 Dates Preschool I Day 10/2-11/20Thursday4:30 - 5:20pm 342164-41 10/2-11/20Thursday5:30 - 6:20pm 342164-42 Location BCC–Brecksville Community Center 10/4-11/22 Saturdays 10:00 - 10:50am 342164-61 Dates 10/4-11/22 Saturdays 11:00 - 11:50am 342164-62 Day Time This class is designed for children 4 and 5 years of age. Please refer to the website for more information. www.brecksville.oh.us/departments/recreation. Day Time Activity # 10/2-11/20Thursdays4:30- 5:05pm 342263-31 10/4-11/22 342263-61 Saturdays 11:00 - 11:35am Registration Residents in progress, Non-residents begin September 8 Fees: Community Center Member 40.00 Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Resident 50.00 Preschool II This class is designed for children 4 and 5 years of age. Please refer to the website for more information. www.brecksville.oh.us/departments/recreation. Location BCC–Brecksville Community Center Dates Day Time Activity # 10/2-11/20Thursdays5:30- 6:05pm 342264-31 10/4-11/22 342264-61 Saturdays 11:00 - 11:35am Registration Residents in progress, Non-residents begin September 8 Fees: Community Center Member 40.00 Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Resident 50.00 16 Levels 5 Dates Activity # 10/2-11/20Thursday4:30 - 5:20pm 342165-41 10/2-11/20Thursday5:30 - 6:20pm 342165-42 10/4-11/22 Saturdays 10:00 - 10:50am 342165-61 10/4-11/22 Saturdays 11:00 - 11:50am 342165-62 Day Time Activity # Levels 6.1 Dates 10/2-11/20Thursday4:30 - 5:20pm 342166-41 10/2-11/20Thursday5:30 - 6:20pm 342166-42 10/4-11/22 Saturdays 10:00 - 10:50am 342166-61 10/4-11/22 Saturdays 11:00 - 11:50am 342166-62 Registration Residents in progress, Non-residents begin September 8 Location BCC–Brecksville Community Center Fees Community Center Member 45.00 Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Resident 55.00 For Your Information Community Center Indoor Pool Annual Shutdown will be the week of September 8 Competitive Swim Instruction Program This is a quarterly offered program for Fall, Winter and Spring that will focus on competitive swim techniques and endurance for youth, ages 7-13. This program is considered an extension of the Learn-to-Swim program. • Times and days of program offerings will vary from season to season. • It is designed for those that have participated in at least the Level 5 Learn-to-Swim or equivalent. • This program is restricted to Brecksville residents only. • Sessions will be scheduled for eight (8) meetings. • Each offering is considered a separate session with separate fees. Participants should only register for sessions that they can attend. The program requires participants to perform continuous lap swimming. Participants should be able to swim a minimum of ten (10) continuous laps before registering. Location Brecksville Community Center Pool Dates Day Time Activity # 9/23-11/18Tuesdays5:30-6:45pm342362-21 9/26-11/21Fridays5:30- 6:45pm342362-51 No Class on October 31 and November 11 Registration Residents begin September 1, Non-residents begin September 8 Location Brecksville Community Center Indoor Pool Fees Community Center Member 20.00 Resident 30.00 Don’t Forget! You can register online at https://webtrac.brecksville.oh.us American Red Cross Baby Sitting Training Courses Dates Day Time Activity # 10/17 & 10/24Friday 9:00am-12:30pm N/A 12/29 & 12/30M/T 9:00am-12:30pm N/A The purpose of the American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training course is to provide individuals, ages 11 to 15, with the information and skills necessary to provide safe and responsible care for infants and children in the absence of parents or adult guardians. This training will help participants develop skills in leadership and professionalism, basic care, safety and safe play and first aid. Students will also be taught what to do if an infant or child is choking or needs rescue breathing. Registration call 546-2300 to reserve your space Cost $55 for BCC members $65 for residents $75 for non-residents Lifeguard Training Ages 15 & up Days Times Tues/Thurs. Sept 17-Oct 3 4:00-8pm Registration In progress for residents and September 8 for non-Residents. Cost $220 Brecksville Community Center Members and $235 for Brecksville Residents. Lifeguards protect their community by preventing, recognizing, and responding to water-related emergencies. In order to get a job at most facilities, you need to become certified, and most employers look for American Red Cross Certification. Obtain your 2-year certification by taking a Lifeguarding course from the American Red Cross*. Courses take as little as 24 hours and emphasize hands-on training, supported by classroom instruction. 5 Reasons to be a Lifeguard 1. Learn to save lives in and out of the water 2. Develop your leadership, communication and teaching skills 3. Build your resume 4. Earn money 5. Stay in great physical condition Prerequisites • Must be at least 15 years old by the last day of class • Swim 300 yards continuously, demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. • Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs. • Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds. • Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. • Surface dive, feet-first or head-first, to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object. • Surface and swim 20 yards on back, with both hands holding the object. • Exit the water without using a ladder or steps. If you are unsure of your ability to pass the prerequisites, please call Erin at 5462318 to schedule time to complete them. We are unable to provide a refund (only credits given) if you do not pass prerequisite skills. Age: 3 months - 5 years Monday’s 10am -1pm Thursday’s 11-2pm Looking for a fun and exciting daytime activity to do with your child? Then drop in to our swim time! We provide water toys, games and approved life jackets in the pool. Swim time can help your child develop a comfort level in the water. FREE for BCC members $2 per family for residents $4 per family for non-residents Swim Time begins February 10, 2015 and ends June 5, 2015 17 community center Taekwondo Fall Session I: September 2 - October 25 Session II: October 28 - December 20 Come see what everyone is talking about! Our Taekwondo program offers training to kids and adults ages 4 and up. All classes meet at the Brecksville Community Center. Head Instructor: Jason Pierantozzi Tiny Tigers Taekwondo (Beginner Class) Boys and Girls ages 4-6 The Tiny Tiger program is a specialized program for children 4 thru 6 years of age. The program is geared to develop: Listening and Awareness Skills, Attention Span and Coordination Skills. DayTime Saturdays 9:00-9:30 am Cost $20.00 BCC Members, $25.00 Brecksville Residents, $30 Non-residents Advanced Tiny Tigers Taekwondo Boys and Girls ages 4-6 The Advanced Tiny Tigers Program is a specialized program for children 4-6 years of age whom have taken Tiny Tigers Taekwondo. The program is geared to develop: Listening and Awareness Skills, Attention Span and Coordination Skills. Class is held on Tuesdays and Saturdays. DaysTime Tuesdays 5:30-6:00 pm Saturdays 9:30-10:00 am Cost $40.00 BCC Members and $50.00 Brecksville Residents, $60 Nonresidents Karate for Kids (White, Orange and Yellow Belts) Boys and Girls ages 7-12 The Taekwondo for Kids program is faster paced than the Tiny Tigers program. It shares some of the same goals, which include integrity, perseverance, discipline, honesty, respect, self-control, leadership, self-confidence and self-esteem. These building blocks, along with Songahm Taekwondo are intended to develop a more complete person. Class is held on both Thursdays and Saturdays. DaysTime Thursday6:30-7:00pm Saturdays10:00-10:30am Cost $50.00 BCC Members and $60.00 Brecksville Residents, $70 Nonresidents Intermediate Karate for Kids (Camo, Green and Purple Belts) Boys and Girls ages 7-12 The Taekwondo for Kids program is faster paced than the Tiny Tiger program. It shares some of the same goals, which include integrity, perseverance, discipline, honesty, respect, self-control, leadership, self-confidence and self-esteem. These building blocks, along with Songahm Taekwondo are intended to develop a more complete person. Class is held on both Thursday and Saturday. DayTime Thursday 7:00-7:30pm Saturdays 10:30-11:00am Cost $50.00 BCC Members and $60.00 Brecksville Residents, $70 Nonresidents Advanced Karate for Kids (Blue, Brown, Red & Red/Black Belts) Boys and Girls ages 7-12 The Advanced Karate for Kids program is for those students who have progressed to a certain belt level. It continues to develop the goals and disciplines of the Karate for Kids program. Class is held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Days Time Tuesdays6:00-6:30pm Wednesdays6:00-6:45pm Saturdays11:00-11:30am Cost $60.00 BCC Members and $70.00 Brecksville Residents, $80 Non-residents First Degree Black Belt Karate All Ages The Black Belt program is for those students who have progressed to the level of black belt. It continues to develop the goals and disciplines of the Advanced Karate for Kids program. Class is held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. DaysTime Tuesday6:30-7:15pm Wednesday7:30-8:15pm Saturdays (All Black Belts) 11:30am-12:15pm Cost $60.00 BCC Members and $70.00 Brecksville Residents, $80 Non-residents Second and Third Degree Black Belt Karate All Ages The Black Belt program is for those students who have progressed to the level of black belt. It continues to develop the goals and disciplines of the Advanced Karate for Kids program. Class is held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. DaysTime Tuesday7:15-8:00pm Thursday7:30-8:15pm Saturdays (All Black Belts) 11:30am-12:15pm Cost $60.00 BCC Members and $70.00 Brecksville Residents, $80 Non-residents Taekwondo for Adults and Teens Ages 13 and up Taekwondo for Adults and Teens focuses on teaching Korean Karate techniques such as kicking, blocks and self-defense. It also stresses the foundational goals of a positive mental attitude and high goal setting. Class is held on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. DaysTime Wednesdays8:15-9:00pm Thursdays8:15-9:00pm Saturdays 12:15-1:00pm Cost $60.00 BCC Members and $70.00 Brecksville Residents, $80 Non-residents Registration begins 9/1 residents and 9/8 non-residents Additional costs are associated with this program. Uniforms are available for purchase through the instructor. Additional gear is required as a student progresses through the belt ranks. For complete list of required equipment, please speak to the instructor. Please Note: November 27 & November 29 - no classes for Thanksgiving weekend 18 & more City Ordinance Pertaining To Political Signs Many residents frequently comment on Brecksville’s inherent beauty and the sign ordinance was created to help maintain Brecksville’s appearance that we all enjoy and appreciate. Please be prudent in the display of political signs. Section 1187.14 (Pertaining to political signs and edited for brevity) • Permit not required • Ground political signs may be erected, with the owner’s permission, and be located at least 12 inches behind the right-of- way line. The sign(s) shall be securely placed in order to prevent being displaced by weather conditions. • The following additional regulations shall apply to all political signs: A. The sign shall not be posted in the public right-of-way, tree lawns located within the public rights-of-way or any property owned or leased by the city, the state, the United States of America or any other public entity without the consent of such governmental entity. B. No sign shall be erected on a vacant lot or on a lot with an unoccupied building without the owner’s permission. C. The political sign shall not be illuminated. D. Political signs placed in the public-right-of way, tree lawns located within the public rights-of-way or any property owned or leased by the city, the state, the United States of America or any other public entity without the consent of such governmental entity shall be removed by the Building Department, Police Department and/or Service Department and stored at the Service Department complex for a minimum of 72 hours and shall thereafter be destroyed. Honor the Past! That’s exactly what Old Station Cycle has done with an extensive renovation of both inside and outside of their building while keeping its charm. Originally a gas station that kept the wheels of automobiles moving, it now focuses on moving wheels with manpower. The flower boxes and recycled brick walkway under construction are the perfect finishing touches. Bravo! Brecksville Center for the Arts The Art Zone – FREE for kids and family members to work together on art activities (supplies & instructions provided), Summer Hours: Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 10am – 2pm. Upcoming Gallery Shows & Hours: Tues-Wed-Thur 10am – 3pm (Closed Monday & Friday): FREE October 3 – 31 Women’s Art League November 14 – December 17 Lens Buddies (offshoot of Cleveland Photographic Society) HEARTFELT HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE – back by popular demand after a 2 year hiatus! Save the date Saturday, November 8 (8am to 4pm) and Sunday, November 9 (10am to 2pm). The show will be held at our Center on 8997 Highland Drive with shuttle service provided by the City of Brecksville from the Muni Lot. Lions, Tigers and Bears, OH MY!!!! Bears have been migrating to Ohio from Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky and Michigan. The bears are generally 2 to 3 years of age and are looking for a place to live. Our park systems provide refuge for them. Last year a bear was sighted in the Bedford area. Recently, this August a bear was sighted in Brecksville in a Fitzwater neighborhood eating from a food dish left out for cats. As with any wildlife you want to avoid leaving any food outside. Do not feed your cat or dog outside or make sure you bring in the dishes immediately after your pet is finished eating. Birdseed is also an attractive snack for bears and other unwanted wildlife. Keep garbage cans in your garage or shed until garbage pickup day. Last but not least clean the grease from your grill each time you use it. What should you do if you see a bear? First and foremost, REMAIN CALM! Generally, bears are not aggressive and do not want to be near you. If the bear is aware of you and does not leave, AVOID EYE CONTACT and BACK AWAY SLOWLY. Allow the bear a route to escape. DO NOT RUN or climb a tree – the “prey drive” could kick in and cause the bear to chase you. Notify the police immediately. Most sightings of bears occur between Memorial Day and July 4th. Adopt–A–Family Adopt-A-Family is a partner program with the Yuletide Hunger Program. Adopt-A-Family enables a family, business, church or service organization to provide Christmas gifts for less fortunate families in Brecksville, Broadview Hts., Seven Hills and Independence. If you would like to adopt a family please call the Human Services Center at 526-2499 from October 6 through November 14. Theater on the Square presents… Directed by Bruce Orendorf September 26-27, October 3-5, October 10-12 Brecksville Bicentennial Books You can still buy the Bicentennial Commemorative Book, Honor the Past, Embrace the Present, Envision the Future. The book was published to commemorate the Brecksville Bicentennial. The $45 book also comes with a DVD containing videos and photos of the 2011 year-long Bicentennial celebration. Purchase the book at City Hall or The Human Services Center. 19 Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Cleveland, OH Permit #4291 9069 Brecksville Road, • Brecksville, OH 44141 ERIAL T A M DATED ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER BRECKSVILLE, OHIO 44141 printed on recycled paper city hall City Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351 Mayor/Safety Director Jerry N. Hruby . . . . . . . . . 526-4351 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . res. 526-7646 Law Department David J. Matty, Law Director . . . . . 526-4351 City Prosecutor/Assistant Law Director Sergio DiGeronimo . . . . . 546-9200 Clerk of Courts Shelley Kazimore . . . . . . 526-2620 Finance Department Virginia Price, Director . 526-4351 Police Department, Michael J. Carlin III, Chief of Police non-emergency . . . . . . . . 526-8900 Building Department Scott Packard, Bldg. Commissioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-2630 Department of Recreation Tom Tupa, Director . . . . . 546-2300 Animal Warden Cliffette Thacker . . . . . . 526-8900 Department of Human Services Ted Lux, Director . . . . . . 526-2499 Fire Department, Edwin Egut, Chief non-emergency . . . . . . . . 526-2640 Purchasing Department Becki Burlingham, Director . . . . . 526-4351 City Engineer Gerald Wise . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351 Service Department . . . . 526-1384 Ron Weidig, Service Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351 frequently called phone numbers Cemetery Sexton Kristen Kouri . . . . . . . . . . 526-2603 Brecksville Bulletin Jinny Farr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546-2319 city council Cuyahoga County Library Brecksville Branch. . . . . 526-1102 Brecksville Metroparks Nature Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-1012 Board of Education Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-4000 Brecksville Service Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-1384 Brecksville Center for the Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-6232 Brecksville-Broadview Heights Post Office. . . . . . . . . . . 838-5191 Gerald F. Broski . . . . . . . . res. 526-2068 Brecksville Community Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546-2300 Human Services Center.526-2499 Louis N. Carouse, Jr. . . . . res. 526-4963 Brecksville Historical Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-7165 Brecksville Little Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4477 Brecksville Theater on the Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-3443 Independence License Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (216) 642-1373 Regional Income Tax Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-0900 Recycling Department. . 526-2643 Get Brecksville Information on the web www.brecksville.oh.us and on Time Warner Ch.20 Greg Skaljac, President . . res. 717-0362 Mike Harwood, Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . res. 546-0521 Nora Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . res. 526-8655 Laura Redinger . . . . . . . . . res. 717-1531 Kim Veras . . . . . . . . . . . . . res. 717-0868 Mary Scullin, Clerk . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351 EMERGENCY: CALL 911
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