R © lub Information

October 11, 2014
november 29th
Club Information
ARRL Exam age given at 9 AM on the second Saturday of the month in the lower level conference
area of Falmouth Town Hall; $15 fee; 2 forms of ID; current license or unexpired CSXEE’s, and
any prior FRN.
Falmouth Amateur Radio Association
Next Meeting:
Membership dues are due on January 1st, member $20, family $30, student $10, first year of new
licence $5. New applications or renewals are available at www.falara.org. ARRL membership
can be handled by FARA and is encouraged. Make checks payable to FARA. Mail to FARA, Box
815, East Falmouth, MA 02574.
Club facilities are available Massachusetts Military Reservation (Otis) but require proper identification for base access. See website for details.
President, Richard Wiklund, K1MGH
Vice President, Gerald Campbell, KB1NNH
Secretary, Henry Brown, K1WCC
Treasurer, Saul Dinman, K1BI
Director, Ralph Swenson, N1YHS
Director, Gene Bradeen, KX1C
Director, Ben Fleck. K2LYE
Director, Robert Courtemanche, N1WAT
FARA 146.655 - pl 88.5
N1YHS 147.375 + pl 110.9
KB1ZEG 145.21- 600 D-STAR
November 8th, 16th
FARAFEST, 9AM to 12 Noon,
Upper Cape Cod Vocational
Technical High School,
Sandwich Road, Bourne
November 29th Meeting at Otis,
9:30 AM, speaker will be Steve
Schwarm, W3EVE, “APRS”.
December 18th, FARA
Christmas Party at Falmouth
Yacht Club, 6-9PM, $35 per
person (send checks to Gerry
Campbell, 43 Partridge Lane,
East Falmouth, MA 02536).
Nominations for new officers
will be presented at the
November meeting, election
and installation at the January
Sale of equipment:
Total Income: $422
Internet access:
Post Office:
Office supplies:
Approved expenses: $1100
New members: 0
Total active members: 87
Inactive members:
ARRL membership: 52%
Opening balance: $11,228
Closing balance: $11,174
Minutes of the LAST MONTH’S meeting
Attendance: Present were all Officers and the following members and guests:
Ric, KC1RL, Ernie, KB1LQQ, Eric, N1WCO, Ben, K2LYE, George, N1GJ, Gene, KX1C, Ed, WB1DSG, Doug, N1OEI,
Bob, WA1DRQ, Ralph, N1YHS, Paul, K1COD, Barbara, KB1GSU, Tom, N1EZL, Bob, N1WAT, Don, N1JCT, Doug,
N1JBG, Chris, KC1BZK, Judy, KB1SRO, Fred, K1QLG, Dick, KB1KMP, Jim, KC2LMH, Herb, AK1V and Alden, K1IZB.
Also, Shayna Swenson and Geoffrey Swenson, guests.
Secretary's Report for September was moved and SO VOTED.
VE Report: 1 upgrade from Tech to Extra
2M Report: Ben, K2LYE, reported that the 2 meter net is still
active, at 8:30 PM Monday nights on 146.655 repeater.
Old Business: The Family Picnic at the Club Station on October 18 was a success with good food, fellowship and weather.
Thanks to Bob, N1WAT and Ralph N1YHS and to all who brought food and participated.
Cape Cod Marathon October 25. Gene, KX1C said the Marathon went off without a hitch and thanked those who participated.
FARAFEST Nov. 8 at UCR . Ralph, N1YHS reported that the inside room is now sold out, but there are still a few hallway tables available. We must be out of there by 1 PM so Ralph is looking for cleanup help. Food will be available from the cafeteria.
Judy KB1SRO noted that flyers were passed out at the Genesis and Whitman Clubs.
New Rotor. The AS-4 beam is at Jim's house. Jim will disassemble the rotor and advise the club. Bob, N1WAT advised that a
braking circuit can be installed in that rotor.
New Business:
Internet access at Club: Dick, K1MGH and Ralph, N1YHS are working on this with Peter, W1UU. They are trying to find a
line of sight path from Peter's transmit location to the club. A few solutions are under consideration.
Base access: Ralph explained the changes to the access protocol. We will all soon get non-military ID's. For now, you need to
stop at the Bourne gate and get a day pass to go into the club. He brought forms for members to fill out.
New Venue for meetings: Henry, K1WCC, Gerry, KB1NNH, Tom, N1EZL and Dick, K1MGH spoke about a possible new
venue. Henry has spoken to the Fire Chief and he agreed to let us meet at the EOC room at the FFR HQ on Main Street.
Problem with that location is parking. We do have the Hermann Room at the Falmouth Public Library available. This has an excellent
A/V setup, plenty of light, chairs and windows, as well as plenty of parking. Motion: hold the January 2015 meeting on January 29 at
the library room at 7 PM. SO VOTED. Dick will provide a map and directions in the newsletter.
The Club Christmas Party will be held on Dec 18th at the Falmouth Yacht Club, 290 Clinton Avenue, Falmouth. from 6 PM to 9
PM. Cost per person is $35. Send your checks to Gerry Campbell, KB1NNH, 43 Partridge Lane, East Falmouth, MA 02536. Buffet
with fish and turkey catered by the Yacht Club caterer. We are holding a Yankee Swap, bring a radio related gift that you don't need
and take something (that you don't need?).
President's Report-Dick, K1MGH announced that he has personally endowed the FARA Scholarship Fund by $12,500. He explained
the process and encouraged other club members to donate to the fund. He was prompted to do this by the excellent candidates who
applied for the FARA Scholarship last year. We need to do more for the student community and may encourage some to get licensed
and participate in the club.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM for the presentation by Doug, N1JBG about his participation in communications for the Colorado Hard
Rock 100 Mountain Endurance Run, in which ham radio is the primary communicator.
Respectfully submitted,
Henry Brown K1WCC
Club Secretary
Location of FARA meetings at the Falmouth Public Library beginning in January 2014:
Spark Gap
Richard Wiklund, K1MGH
President of FARA
There are some changes coming FARA! The January meeting will be a bit like the parties we had in the Navy, “Hail and Farewell” as some of the old guard moves on to different duties and newbies take over the
reins. The only difference, however, is that the “old guard” isn’t going anywhere. They will remain as key
members of FARA and will provide support to the “newbies”.
Why are we going to change a good thing? Well because change is integral to growth and innovation and, in
my three years as President of FARA, I’ve received numerous comments suggesting change in our newsletter, web site, recruiting of members, the need for “young blood”, rebuilding of the way we do Field Day,
and perhaps the need for accountability. Over the past several months I have talked with all of our current
officers and Board members and they are all in favor of change and willing to let new people take over leadership with a goal of revitalizing FARA, recruiting new members, bringing lapsed members back into the
fold, develop a means of improving some of the club’s equipment, and expanding our scholarship program.
I have been President for three years and I’ve had a great time doing it. I have tried to bring in outside
speakers whenever possible and to vary the topics that they present. The “Spark Gap” has been a challenge
because it is a forum for technical advances in methodology as well as equipment. I have tried to present
new equipment that I have used and thought might be of interest to the Newsletter readers. I’ve also taken
the liberty both in the Spark Gap and in my presentations at monthly meetings to talk about our travels and
how ham radio fit into our mobile life. One of the things I’m most proud of as President is establishing the
FARA Scholarship Program for high school seniors in the Upper Cape area who are interested in pursing a
career in technology. In the first year we had only two applicants but the winner was a very talented young
woman with a clear goal of a career in audio-visual production. In the second year, we had six applications
and three of the candidates were extremely strong with near perfect academic records. All three are pursing careers in electrical engineering at Columbia, Harvard, and MIT. The awards have been limited to one
award of $500 for one year. The three strong candidates from this year clearly showed the need to expand
this program.
The change that is coming will result in a “clean sweep” of the executive offices of President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer. At the November meeting I will recommend a slate of officers that is strongly supported by the current leadership, officers and Board Directors. The only open office at this time in the proposed slate is that of Vice President. If any member would like to step up for that office, please contact me
as soon as possible. Unlike many organizations, accepting the office of Vice President is not an immediate
invitation to become President! I held no office in FARA before succeeding Geoff Allsup as President.
TIME: 6:00 TO 9:00 pm
43 Partridge Lane, East Falmouth, MA 02536
NAME: __________________________________________
NUMBER COMING: _______________________________
AMOUNT ENCLOSED: _____________________________
Print and mail this form with your check to Gerry.
QSO’s & Member Contributions
Eva D. Nungesser, 1919 ~ 2014, SK
Eva was hard to forget. She was one of the early Tech in a Weekend class members, joining in 1997. She
had a Tech Plus license and later got her General upgrade Her license expired in 2011 and evidently was
not renewed. She had been moved by her family to Erie PA some time ago and we kept her on our roles
as a comp recipient of the newsletter after she moved. That all stopped when we switched to an E-letter
because she had no email address. She and her husband went through WW II in London and many of her
tales were from there. They immigrated to the US in 1945. She had what many would call a noted career
in Nursing having worked for the VA. An excerpt of her obit follows: Eva Dean (Page) Nungesser, 95, of
Erie, Pa and formerly of East Falmouth, MA passed away on October 12, 2014 at Millcreek Community
Hospital from complications from pneumonia. She was a retired RN and professor of Nursing at Cape
Cod Community College and Massasoit Community College in MA. She worked at the Veteran's Hospital in Brockton MA as a charge nurse in the psychiatric ward from 1954 to 1969. She earned her Master's
Degree in Child Psychiatry for Nursing from Boston University in 1959. Prior to moving to Massachusetts, she worked at the Walter Reed Medical Hospital in Washington D.C. She remained close to her
many siblings in England after emigrating to the United States in 1945. She enjoyed her family and
friends, fishing, sailing and amateur radio communications. She was a member of the Eastern Star in
Sandwich MA and of the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association of Falmouth, MA. (Saul, K1BI)
Eva Dean (Page) Nungesser, 95, of Erie, Pa and formerly of East Falmouth, MA passed away on October
12, 2014 at Millcreek Community Hospital from complications from pneumonia. She was a retired RN
and professor of Nursing at Cape Cod Community College and Massasoit Community College in
MA. She worked at the Veteran’s Hospital in Brockton MA as a charge nurse in the psychiatric ward
from 1954 to 1969. She earned her Master’s Degree in Child Psychiatry for Nursing from Boston University in 1959. Prior to moving to Massachusetts, she worked at the Walter Reed Medical Hospital in Washington D.C. She remained close to her many siblings in England after emigrating to the United States in
1945. She enjoyed her family and friends, fishing, sailing and amateur radio communications. She was a
member of the Eastern Star in Sandwich MA and of the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association of Falmouth, MA.
Her husband Fredrick D. Nungesser of East Falmouth MA, predeceased her in October 1989. She leaves
behind a son, Daniel F. Nungesser and daughter-in-law, Laura (Puskarich) Nungesser of Erie, Pa, a granddaughter Kendra L. (Nungesser) Garcia and her husband Pedro Garcia of Kingston, MA and two greatgrandchildren Abigail and Nicholas Garcia both of Kingston, MA.
Visiting hours will be held at the Chapman Cole & Gleason Funeral Home, 475 Main St., Falmouth, from 2
-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. on Thursday, October 16th and from 11-12 p.m. on Friday, October 17th. A funeral service will be held at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, October 17th at St. Barnabas Chapel, located behind the church at
91 Main Street in Falmouth. Burial will follow at 2 p.m. at the Massachusetts National Cemetery, Connery
Ave, Bourne. (Obituary)
What is this all about? Well, I did tell you in the Spark Gap that there is change coming to FARA !
About half of my career in medicine was spent at academic institutions, including the University of Virginia, Medical College of Virginia, Yale
University, and Harvard University. I have been involved in the training of college students, medical students, interns and residents, and staff
physicians. And, along the way, I have authored or co-authored about 28 papers and chapters. So it should come as no surprise that I believe
that the FARA Scholarship Program may well be one of the most important community services that FARA provides.
Therefore, I would like to announce that I have established the FARA Scholarship Program with Franklin Templeton Investments with an
initial contribution of $12,500. The criteria for scholarship awards will continue to be a career interest in technology and a track record of
solid academic performance. Any high school senior from the Upper Cape Cod area will be considered . Ham radio licensure and financial
need may be considered but will not be given primary consideration.
I will be the Trustee of the Program for as long as I am capable unless I make the decision to turn it over to another. If I am still Trustee at
the time of my death, my wife, Claire, will succeed me as Trustee and will have the authority to pass on that responsibility. In the event that
FARA should be disbanded, all of the assets of the Program will be distributed to prior scholarship recipients still in a degree educational program. The funds of the Foundation will not be used for any other purpose than supporting educational training of qualified applicants.
As Trustee, I will appoint three Program Advisors from the Board of Directors and Officers of FARA. The Advisors will be asked to solicit
applications from the area schools, interview candidates, and make recommendations for scholarship awards. In addition, I will select a Financial Advisor of my choice, who will monitor the growth of the Foundation and make recommendations for the investment of the Foundation’s assets. The FARA Treasurer will receive periodic financial reports from the Program.
The FARA Scholarship Program is a tax-exempt charitable foundation. Any individual, business, or corporation, including FARA itself, may
contribute a tax-deductible contribution to the Program. FARA members are encouraged to donate any amount they wish to the Program
(see next page). Checks should be made out to FARA Scholarship Program forwarded to me at my home address (79 Bay Road, North Falmouth, MA 02556). Separate checks may be submitted to the Treasurer with payment of your dues.
The goal of the FARA Scholarship Program is to grow the assets to the point where the return on investment will allow us to offer additional
and larger scholarships to our selected candidates.
Dick Wiklund, President
 MEMBER: ____________________________________________ $20 ARRL RENEWAL $39:  YES  NO
 FAMILY: _____________________________________________ $30 other levels of ARRL dues are at ARRL.org
 NEW LICENCEE: _______________________________________ $5
CALL SIGN: _____ ADDRESS: ________________________ TOWN: _______________ STATE: __ ZIP: _______
EMAIL: ___________________________________________ PHONE: ( _ _ _) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
Please make checks payable to FARA. Print this page and mail to Box 815, West Falmouth, MA 02574. If you are not sure if you’ve paid
your dues, check the membership list at www.falara.org. If you name is dimmed, you need to pay your dues. Please consider paying your
ARRL dues through FARA, it helps the Club.
NAME: ________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________
TOWN: _______________________________________________________
STATE: _____ ZIP: __________ TEL: ______________________________
EMAIL: ____________________________________ (will not be shared)
 $1,000
 $250
 $100
 $10
 Other: ____________
Memorial Donation: ______________________________________________________________
Any amount contributed to the Program will be greatly appreciate. 100% of donated monies will be used to fund FARA
Print this page, make checks payable to FARA Scholarship Program. Mail to 79 Bay Road, North Falmouth MA 02556
Items for sale: