NEXT SAT 'S FEAT URED PROGRAM MOCAREADS Chinese Yankee by Ruthanne Lum McCunn Sat, Nov 8 | 2:30 pm "History that speaks to the heart with the aches of struggle, challenges of identity, & the search for love against all odds." West Point attendee Gus Lee Bibliophiles, journey back into history with award-winning author Ruthanne Lum McCunn through stories of Ah Yee Way (aka Thomas Sylvanus) and his remarkable life. More > UPCOMING SIGNAT URE PROGRAMS MOCACITIZEN Fighting For The Dream: Voices of Chinese American Veterans Thurs, Nov 6 | 7:00pm Wilem Wong, U.S. A rmy Reserve. In honor of Veterans Day, join author Victoria Moy and Chinese American veterans, Lester Fong, U.S. Navy; Pakee Fang, U.S. Marine Corps; and Wilem Wong, U.S. Army Reserve, for a discussion on war, military service, and American identity. More > MOCACITIZEN What's Up with the Hyphen? A Conversation on Chinese American Identity with Eric Liu Wed, Nov 12 | 7:00 pm Eric Liu. What are the nuances of "Chinese American", "Chinese-American", and "Chinese/American"? Eric Liu, author, educator, and civic entrepreneur, will examine how we compose an American identity and what it means to be a citizen in America. Liu served as a White House speechwriter and was the deputy domestic-policy adviser to President Clinton. More > MOCAREADS Into the Wilds of a Changing China with Val Wang Thurs, Nov 20 | 7:00 pm Beijing Bastard: Into the Wilds of a Changing China by V al Wang. Val Wang will share her unique Chinese American perspective of life in contemporary China. Val embarked on a unique form of rebellion in the ancient capital. Her humorous and moving memoir chronicles her coming-of-age journey and also discovery of a city rebelling against its roots. Val will read from her new memoir, Beijing Bastard, and share film excerpts from China's Sixth Generation directors. Moderated by Lesley Yiping Qin, Asian CineVision's Program Manager. Book signing to follow. This program is co-presented by Asian CineVision (ACV). EXHIBITION SPECIAL More > TAKE A SELFIE 'Waves of Identity' on view through March 1, 2015 SAVE T HE DAT E! Come explore the archive environment uniquely re-created in Waves of Identity! In this exhibition, check out over 200 artifacts, videos, oral histories, and costumes evoking the lives, complexities, and aspirations of Chinese American communities. Stop by the vintage phone booth to take a fun photo and share it with us on Facebook Join us for a conversation followed by a special two-hour music set with or Instagram! #mocanyc DJ Daniel Wang as he takes us for a spin on the 90s Chinatown music scene, African American dance music, and New York's queer club culture. More > Chill out and dance to melodic tracks with dance rarities from this internationally renowned DJ! Beverages generously sponsored by Tiger Beer. Co-presented by New Forms Media Society (Vancouver, BC; DJ Daniel Wang. Brooklyn, NY). 12/4 MOCAMIX DJ DANIEL WANG More > T HINGS T O DO AT MOCA! Phone booth with Chinesestyle roof on view at 'Waves of Identity.' AROUND T OWN EXHIBITION Chinese American: Exclusion/Inclusion This new exhibition at the New-York Historical Society reveals the multifaceted history of trade, immigration and cultural exchange between China and the U.S. and raises the question "What does it mean to be an American?" More > Members see it first! MOCA Members enjoy exclusive access to exhibition previews, special events, and program discounts. Individual Membership starts at $60. BECOME A MEMBER T ODAY > MOCA IS NOW ON INSTAGRAM! Follow us at @mocanyc. Museum of Chinese in A merica 215 Centre Street New York, NY 10013 (212) 619-4785
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