Hightech by Gerster: Heat treatment solutions for power generating equipments. 1 Hightech by Gerster: Heat treatment solutions for the power generating industry. Since 1950 Gerster has been a recognised Swiss based specialist for technical heat treatments with an international clientele. Based on more than 100 heat treatment systems for through hardening/annealing and surface hardening, Gerster offers creative and customised heat treatment solutions for complex and demanding requirements of components up to several tons. Consequently Gerster commits itself to continuous development of new heat treatment processes, in particular in the field of surface hardening and vacuum treatments. Gerster gained certification of its quality system in 1987 as the first Swiss company offering heat treatment services. Since then Gerster has continuously improved its processes to meet the highest quality standards in demanding industry sectors. Gerster is pleased to offer you the following heat treatment services: Boronising of bolts against fretting wear. 2 Induction hardening of gear wheels. Surface hardening By means of surface hardening Gerster offers a cost efficient solution to attain wear resistance in large steel structures. Gerster’s surface hardening processes include flame hardening, induction hardening and laser hardening. The following surface hardening services are available: complete surface hardening of wheels: up to ø 840 mm x 11,000 mm gap free encircling surface hardening of discs and gears: up to ø 1100 mm x 750 mm tooth-by-tooth or gap-by-gap hardening of gears: all modulus sizes, up to ø 3000 mm, up to 5 t tooth-by-tooth or gap-by-gap harden ing of gear racks: up to modulus 20, up to a length of 3000 mm hardening of flat surfaces of structure parts: up to 20 t local laser hardening of components: up to a length of 5,800 mm Through hardening/annealing Gerster offers controlled heat treatment of components using vacuum furnaces equipped with pressurised gas quenching systems or inert gas furnaces with furnace cooling. The following services are available: solution annealing up to 1250 °C inert gas quench pressure up to 10 bar component dimensions up to 900 mm x 900 mm x 750 mm component weights up to 700 kg Inertgas laserhardened sealing surfaces (material: spheroidal graphite cast iron). Thermochemical diffusion methods: Gerster specialities A full range of furnaces for carburising, nitriding and nitrocarburising treatments is available to provide you with the most effective technical and economic heat treatment solution to attain high wear and fatigue resistance. Solution nitriding (HARD-INOX® -P) is one of Gerster’s particular specialities. It has become a technically and economically attractive alternative to meet enhanced requirements with regard to corrosion and wear resistance of martensitic, austenitic and duplex stainless steel components. With boronising Gerster offers a heat treatment solution that provides high resistance against fretting wear and corrosion for application at elevated temperatures. Boronising is suitable for nickel based alloys like IN718 as well as for austenitic stainless steels or quenched and tempered martensitic steels. High temperature brazing Brazing is an attractive joining solution for high temperature components. With more than 20 years high temperature brazing experience with vacuum-, flameand induction-brazing, Gerster can support you with the necessary knowhow to achieve high mechanical integrity in brazed joints. Gerster’s particular strength is the combination of the brazing task with the general heat treatment tasks like through-hardening or solution annealing, case-hardening or solution nitriding (HARD-INOX® -P). Supplementary services – consulting In addition to various heat treatments, the following services are offered: cryogenic treatments: down to –180 °C for parts up to 900 mm x 900 mm x 1700 mm straightening: up to 250 t press force up to ø 250 mm x 8,000 mm surface crack inspection: based on magnetic particle testing and dye penetrant testing (PT) laboratory services for metallo graphic investigations, chemical analysis and corrosion testing Heat treatment methods provide a lot of opportunities to enhance the performance of components. The full range of opportunities is often not known to component designers. In order to provide customers with state-of-the-art knowledge on heat treatments, Gerster offers individual consulting as well as on site training of design engineers. 3 Härterei Gerster AG Güterstrasse 3 Postfach CH-4622 Egerkingen Switzerland Telephone +41 (0)62 388 70 00 Fax +41 (0)62 398 31 12 gersterag@gerster.ch www.gerster.ch Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 Automotive Quality Standard ISO/TS 16949:2009 Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004 Hightech by Gerster. Laser technology Laser hardening Through hardening/annealing Hardening under inert gas conditions Vacuum hardening with pressurised gas quenching Tempering Annealing under inert gas conditions Stress relief treatments Cryogenic treatments down to –180 °C Precipitation hardening of aluminium alloys Brazing Under vacuum conditions Under inert gas conditions Inductive With flame 4 Thermochemical diffusion methods Carburising Carbonitriding Case hardening Gas nitriding Oxinitriding Gas nitrocarburisation Pronox Micropulse-Plasma nitriding Plasox Boronising Performance enhancing treatments for stainless steels SolNit-A®, SolNit-M®, HARD-INOX® Consulting and additional services 300 / 06.2010 Surface hardening Induction hardening Dual frequency hardening Flame hardening Non-destructive determination of hardening depth
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