QUEEN OF APOSTLES PARISH RIVERTON (Under the Care of the Pallottines) 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Yr A) 16th November 2014 55 Tudor Avenue Riverton WA 6148 Tel: (08) 6188 6877 Fax: (08) 9457 2424 E: qoariverton@ozemail.com.au www.queenofapostleschurch.org.au ENTRANCE ANTIPHON (if no song): The Lord said: I think thoughts of peace and not of affliction. You will call upon me, and I will answer you, and I will lead back your captives from every place. FIRST READING: PARISH PRIEST: Fr Paul Manickathan SAC Mob: 0408 410 029 E:frpaulmanickathan@ozemail.com.au Fr John Flynn SAC E: flynnjohnb@ozemail.com.au Secretary: Tricia Wisolith. Caretaker: Agnelo Monteiro 0478 060 325 Apostlecare: Contact 6188 6877 Pastoral Worker: Sr Charla OSM—Ph 9354 5083 MASS TIMES RIVERTON: SUNDAY: 6.00pm (Sat) 7.30am, 9.00am, 7.00pm Weekdays: Mon – Fri: 6.30am, 8.am. Sat: 7.30am Rosary & Benediction : 7pm Wed Rosary before 7.30am Mass on Sat. Reconciliation & Holy Hour: Sat 4.00pm – 5.00pm RESPONSORIAL PSALM: MASS TIMES ROSSMOYNE: SUNDAY: 7pm (Sat), 9am (Sun) Weekdays: Mon: No Mass, Tues—Fri : 9.00am, Holy Hour: Tuesdays after 9.30am Queen of Apostles Primary School: Principal: Shaun O’Neill 9457 4913 Ps 127:1-5.R.v.1 R/: Happy are those who fear the Lord. 1. O blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways! By the labour of your hands you shall eat. You will be happy and prosper. R/ 2. Your wife like a fruitful vine in the heart of your house; your children like shoots of the olive, around your table. R/ 3. Indeed thus shall be blessed the man who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Zion in a happy Jerusalem all the days of your life. R/ ROSSMOYNE St Vincent Pallotti Chapel 60 Fifth Avenue Rossmoyne 6148 Tel 9354 4061 0201 Fax 9457 0532 RECTOR: Fr. Ray Hevern SAC Proverbs 31:10-13,19-20,30-31 A perfect wife—who can find her? She is far beyond the price of pearls. Her husband‟s heart has confidence in her, from her he will derive no little profit. Advantage and not hurt she brings him all the days of her life. She is always busy with wool and with flex, she does her work with eager hands. She sets her hands to the distaff, her fingers grasp the spindle. She holds out her hand to the poor, she opens her arms to the needy. Charm is deceitful, and beauty empty; the woman who is wise is the one to praise. Give her a share in what her hands have worked for, and let her works till her praises at the city gates. The Word of the Lord. R: Thanks be to God ROSTER FOR THIS WEEKEND 15th & 16th Nov 2014 Church Cleaning: G Lobban, N Trebley, C Wall, V Paradiso, E Luboya, T Pickett Church Flowers: D. Suresh Collection Counters: P Rodrigues, T Rodrigues Time 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 7.00pm Acolyte I Gunawan E D’Souza G Edmonds D Regnard EMHC M Burke, J Bowden M Ernest D O’Leary C Byrne-Quinn L Wallace, N Vallis A D’Souza C Lobo, C Leon Servite Sister J Patching J Allen, S Regnard B Haryanto L Jarzabkowski Servers J & J Palatra M & A Thyparambil C Kusnadi, T Leeson L & J Patching A Kunnukuzhiyil J Joe Lectors R1: J Ee R2: P de San Miguel GI : D Kader R1: J Spencer R2: A Imms GI : J Spencer Family Mass R1: K Kirika R2: P Martinez GI: C Kirika Ushers J K Joseph C Harkness R Hendricks R U’Chong Locke Family P & A White, C Rago J Davies-Moore M/Media F Thomas-Dass P Sarmidi B Kusnadi J Thomas ROSTER FOR NEXT WEEKEND 22nd & 23rd Nov 2014 Church Cleaning: J Norrish, B Suraweera, D Talpawela, V Francis, M Dias Church Flowers: Thomas-Dass Family Collection Counters: A Tuckwell, C Kirika Time 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 7.00pm Acolyte E John R U’Chong V Ialeggio M Bordas EMHC A Fernando, S Lobo M Banaszczyk D Mouttet M O’Connor M Soanes A Masten, J Nagle J Andrew, R Fisher T Rodrigues L Puckeridge H Bordas W Spence P Wong, S John Servers B John, J & J Biju R Kottukappally J & J George J Thayil J & L Allen J Ng Lectors R1: T O’Leary R2: A Dass GI: C Villan R1: A D’Souza R2: E D’Souza GI: J O’Mahony R1: J Patching R2: C Sapienza GI: D Hackwill R1: R Regnard R2: J Davies-Moore GI: M McLean Ushers G & A Griffin S Foy, T McLaren A & P Payne C & K Kirika, H Thomas M/Media A Fernando A D’Souza G Yii J Collars MEETINGS THIS WEEK: Monday 9am - Mothers Prayers Group Monday 7pm - Legion of Mary Tuesday 7pm -St Vincent de Paul Society 7pm Tuesday—Faith Enrichment Committee CLOW LEADERS MEETING-Sat.22nd at 10.30am COMMEMORATIVE EDITIONS OF THE RECORD. The Second of the four commemorative editions of The Record newspaper covering articles relating to Catholic life between 1874 and 1924 can be found in parishes this weekend at the usual price of $2. The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink is being held throughout the Archdiocese this weekend. If you did not collect Archbishop Costelloe’s personal letter at Mass last weekend, please collect one as you leave, and read his message, or, use one of the special giving envelopes which have been provided on the pews for you today. We urge you to give generous support to help the work of our Archdiocesan social service agencies and help people in need. You can mail your gift in the reply-paid envelope provided, or return your envelope & donation to the Parish any time in the coming weeks. WANTED VOLUNTEERS TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE -the Christmas message from our Pastors to the far corners of our parish. You can do your bit by allocating a portion (large or small) of your valuable time to dropping the message into letterboxes in an area convenient to you, in early December. Can we count on you? Please enter your contact details on the clipboard in the church foyer or phone the Parish Office on 6188 6877. ALL SINGERS WELCOME to join the Choirs in preparation for an ECUMENICAL CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE to be held at the Anglican Church, Beatrice Avenue, Shelley 7.30pm Thurs 11th Dec followed by supper. Combined Choirs from the local district: Catholic, Uniting and Anglican Churches and their parishioners will join in this Annual Ecumenical Celebration in preparation for Christmas. Rehearsals will be held at 7.30pm Tues 25th Nov & Tues 2nd UAC - GATHER & SHARE Dec, Thurs 5th Dec at Uniting Church, Herald has been POSTPONED, date TBA. Ave, Willetton & dress rehearsal on Tues 9th Dec, at Anglican Church, Beatrice Ave, JOSEPH COOKE RESIDENTS Shelley. CAROL SERVICE—7.30pm 11th Dec. wish to thank everyone who participated in the If you are interested in joining the choirs for Fete recently. The final result was $2006.20 this occasion, please write your name and THANK YOU phone number on the list in the Church foyer. SACRAMENTS FOR 2015 Parents who would like to enrol their children for the Sacraments in 2015 are advised to please contact Ashley on 0403317731 or Fr. Paul on 6188 6877. Dates for Sacraments 2015 Confirmation - Sunday 24th May, Reconciliation –Tuesday 8th Sept, First Eucharist - Sunday 13 and 20 September. Enrolment Forms are available at the Parish Office or website http:// www.queenofapostleschurch.org.au/page3.html School / Parish Christmas Carols 6pm on 5th Dec at the School Oval. All parishioners are invited to come, bring a picnic tea and join in the festive celebration singing with our parish and school St Vincent de Paul Society Summer Clothing & Bric-a-Brac Drive will take place on the weekend 29th & 30th Nov Bags will be available for you to take home after all Masses next weekend. Please give generously. Rummage through and your cupboards and wardrobes and return filled bags the following weekend. All donations gratefully appreciated. BABY SHOWER FOR JESUS As we prepare for Christmas and the birth of Jesus we are inviting everyone to donate gifts (no toys) , including monetary to Pregnancy Assistance, a crisis pregnancy centre and outreach supporting newborn babies and their families. This endeavour is supported by Mother’s Prayers Group and the Craft Group in our parish. These gifts can be placed in the church foyer and will be collected until 14th Dec and then sent to Pregnancy Assistance. NEW ROSTERS are available in the Church Foyer for those who are involved in our Parish Church as Acolytes, EMHC, Altar Servers, Lectors, Ushers, Multimedia, Collection Counters, Cleaners and Flowers. Your generosity is gratefully appreciated. Please pick your copy up today. Thank You. SECOND READING: Thessalonians 5:1-6 You will not be expecting us to write anything to you, brothers, about „times and seasons‟, since you know very well that the Day of the Lord is going to come like a thief in the night. It is when people are saying „How quiet and peaceful it is‟ that the worst suddenly happens, as suddenly as labour pains come on a pregnant woman; and there will be no way for anybody to evade it. But it is not as if you live in the dark, my brothers, for that Day to overtake you like a thief. No, you are all sons of light and sons of the day: we do not belong to the night or to darkness, so we should not go on sleeping, as everyone else does, but stay wide awake and sober. The Word of the Lord. R: Thanks be to God Reflections of St Vincent Pallotti The cooperation in the salvation of souls is not one’s own, but a gift of God. For, it makes us similar to Jesus Christ, and the image of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; [and] make us similar to God in His glory. (OOCC,XI, pp. 258-259) GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, Alleluia! Live in me and let me live in you, says the Lord; my branches bear much fruit. Alleluia! GOSPEL: Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples: ‟The kingdom of heaven is like a man on his way abroad who summoned his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one; each in proportion to his ability. Then he set out. The man who had received the five talents promptly went and traded with them and made five more. The man who had received two made two more in the same way. But the main who had received one went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master‟s money. Now a long time after, the master of those servants came back and went through his accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents came forward bringing five more. “Sir,” he said “you entrusted me with five talents; here are five more that I have made.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have shown you can be faithful in small things, I will trust you with greater; come and join in your master‟s happiness.” Next the man with the two talents came forward. “Sir,” he said “you entrusted me with two talents; here are two more that I have made.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have shown you can be faithful in small things, I will trust you with greater; come and join in your master‟s happiness.” Last came forward the man who had the one talent. “Sir,” said he, “ I had heard you were a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered; so I was afraid, and I went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here it is; it was yours, you have it back.” But his master answered him, „You wicked and lazy servant! So you knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered? Well then, you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have recovered my capital with interest. So now, take the talent from him and give it to the man who has the five talents. For to everyone who has will be given more, and he will have more than enough; but from the man who has not, even what he has will be taken away. As for this good-for-nothing servant, throw him out into the dark, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.” The Gospel of the Lord. R: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ. COMMUNION ANTIPHON (if no song): To be near God is my happiness, to place my hope in God the Lord. Next Week: Christ The King (Yr A), Ezekiel 34:11-12,15-17, Ps 22:1-3,5-6.R.v.1, Corin15:20-26,28, Matthew 25:31-46 Excerpts from the English translation of the Roman Missal (c) 1973. ICEL, and the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1982, ICEL. All rights reserved. QUEEN OF APOSTLES PARISH RIVERTON (Under the Care of the Pallottines) Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (Yr A) 9th November 2014 55 Tudor Avenue Riverton WA 6148 Tel: (08) 6188 6877 Fax: (08) 9457 2424 E: qoariverton@ozemail.com.au www.queenofapostleschurch.org.au ENTRANCE ANTIPHON (if no song): I saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. FIRST READING: PARISH PRIEST: Fr Paul Manickathan SAC Mob: 0408 410 029 E:frpaulmanickathan@ozemail.com.au Fr John Flynn SAC E: flynnjohnb@ozemail.com.au Secretary: Tricia Wisolith. Caretaker: Agnelo Monteiro 0478 060 325 Apostlecare: Contact 6188 6877 Pastoral Worker: Sr Charla OSM—Ph 9354 5083 MASS TIMES RIVERTON: SUNDAY: 6.00pm (Sat) 7.30am, 9.00am, 7.00pm Weekdays: Mon – Fri: 6.30am, 8.am. Sat: 7.30am Rosary & Benediction : 7pm Wed Rosary before 7.30am Mass on Sat. Reconciliation & Holy Hour: Sat 4.00pm – 5.00pm ROSSMOYNE St Vincent Pallotti Chapel 60 Fifth Avenue Rossmoyne 6148 Tel 9354 4061 0201 Fax 9457 0532 RECTOR: Fr. Ray Hevern SAC MASS TIMES ROSSMOYNE: SUNDAY: 7pm (Sat), 9am (Sun) Weekdays: Mon: No Mass, Tues—Fri : 9.00am, Holy Hour: Tuesdays after 9.30am Queen of Apostles Primary School: Principal: Shaun O’Neill 9457 4913 Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12 The angel brought me to the entrance of the Temple, where a stream came out from under the Temple threshold and flowed eastwards, since the Temple faced east. The water flowed from under the right side of the Temple, south of the altar. He took me out by the north gate and led me right round outside as far as the outer east gate where the water flowed out on the right-hand side. The man went to the east holding his measuring line and measured off a thousand cubits; he made me wade across the stream; the water reached my ankles. He measured off another thousand and made me wade across the stream again; the water reached my knees. He measured off another thousand and made me wade across again; the water reached my waist. He measured off another thousand; it was now a river which I could not cross; the stream had swollen and was now deep water, a river impossible to cross. He then said, „Do you see, son of man?‟ He took me further, then brought me back to the bank of the river. When I got back, there were many trees on each bank of the river. He said, ‟This water flows east down to the Arabah and to the sea; and flowing into the sea it makes its waters wholesome. Wherever the river flows, all living creatures teeming in it will live. Fish will be very plentiful, for wherever the water goes it brings health, and life teems wherever the river flows. Along the river, on either bank, will grow every kind of fruit tree with leaves that never wither and fruit that never fails, they will bear new fruit every month, because this water comes from the sanctuary. And their fruit will be good to eat and the leaves medicinal. The Word of the Lord. ROSTER FOR THIS WEEKEND 8th & 9th Nov 2014 Church Cleaning: R Lavery, S Nicolai, L Puckridge, S Collier, F Douglas Church Flowers: Y Nazareth Collection Counters: K & M O’Connor Time 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 7.00pm Acolyte C Griffin P Sackett C Leon K Morgan EMHC P de San Miguel C Reilly, G Boyce L Thomas-Dass A Masten Servite Sister J Nagle, A Chrun A Tuckwell I Kusnadi A Ambrose S John, W Spence P Martinez M McLean Servers S & S Singho A Monteiro J Bowden T O’Meara D Suraweera M Hackwill, S Stevens J & G Van Den Einden D Geneste Lectors R1: R Fernandes R2: M Burke GI: L Bray R1: S Coulsen R2: R Fulford GI: M Fulford R1: L Jarzabkowski R2: L Geneste GI: C Collars Ushers Thomas-Dass Family K & M O’Connor D Hackwill, R Fisher S Regnard, Conocono Fly M/Media R Fernandes A Tuckwell K Kirika R1: C FitzSimons R2: T McLaren GI: M FitzSimons A Churn ROSTER FOR NEXT WEEKEND 15th & 16th Nov 2014 Church Cleaning: G Lobban, N Trebley, C Wall, V Paradiso, E luboya, T Pickett Church Flowers: Collection Counters: R Rodrigues, T Rodrigues Time 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 7.00pm Acolyte I Gunawan E D’Souza G Edmonds D Regnard EMHC M Burke M Ernest, D O’Leary J Bowden C Byrne-Quinn L Wallace, N Vallis A D’Souza C Lobo, C Leon Servite Sister J Patching J Allen, S Regnard B Haryanto L Jarzabkowski Servers J & J Palatra M & A Thyparambil C Kusnadi, T Leeson L & J Patching A Kannukuzhiyil J Joe Lectors R1: J Ee R2: P de San Miguel GI: D Kader Family Mass R1: K Kirika R2: P Martinez GI: C Kirika Ushers J K Joseph, C Harkness R Hendricks, R U’Chong Locke Family P & A White, J D-Moore, C Rago M/Media F Thomas-Dass B Kusnadi J Thomas R1: J Spencer R2: A Imms GI: J Spencer P Sarmidi MEETINGS THIS WEEK: Monday 9am - Mothers Prayers Group Monday 7pm - Legion of Mary Tuesday 7pm -St Vincent de Paul Society CHRISTMAS CARDS for sale in the foyer. FAMILY MASS at 9am 16th November Parents with children who will be available and are interested in helping with reading at Mass are asked to contact Kelly Gostt by Monday 10th November 0417910602 or E: kelly_gostt@hartleys.com.au The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink will be held next weekend 15/16 November. Please collect your copy of Archbishop Costelloe’s personal letter at Mass this weekend, read his message during the week and give generously to support the valuable work of our Archdiocesan social service agencies. You can mail your donation directly in the reply-paid envelope provided, or return your envelope & donation for a Special Collection which will be held at Mass next weekend. You may also donate (securely) online by credit card at www.lifelink.com.au WANTED VOLUNTEERS TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE -the Christmas message from our Pastors to the far corners of our parish. You can do your bit by allocating a portion (large or small) of your valuable time to dropping the message into letterboxes in an area convenient to you, in early December. Can we count on you? Please enter your contact details on the clipboard in the church foyer or phone the Parish Office on 6188 6877. The Pallottine Family invites you to a GATHER & SHARE “How do we live the Charism of St Vincent Pallotti” WA Young Salesian - Summer Camp 5-9 January 2015 Are you between 12-15 yrs or starting Year 7 in 2015? Come and join us for this 5 day fun filled camp at Nanga Bush, Dwellingup. Only $190 ($38 a day) Contact your Parish Priest, visit the website or contact Graham on 0418 979 600 for more info or to pick up a form. www.wayoungsalesians.com Embrace the Grace 2014 – ―Let Us Be Lights of Hope‖. 3-7 December 2014 . The largest Catholic Youth Conference in WA. What is hope? If our hope is indeed in a living God, why does God appear to be silent in our world today amidst war, terrorism, disasters and our own personal struggles? What is the light of hope? Come engage with life’s biggest questions with dynamic speakers, music, sports, drama, prayer and more. 3-7 December 2014 in New Norcia, for young The is the new weekly people aged 16-30. Cost $325.00 with e– newsletter for the Archdiocese of Perth. sponsorship available. Registration at It is distributed in a digital formal to individual http://cym.com.au/embrace-grace-2014/. Contact Catholic Youth Ministry Perth to subscribers. To subscribe simply go to RSVP or for more information www.therecord.com.au and click on the subscribe image link on the front page of the admin@cym.com.au 94227912. Parishioners website. For those who don’t have the internet wishing to attend the programme and wanting a printed copy of the e-Record is available for Financial assistance may contact Fr. Paul. $1 in the foyer at 6pm on Fri 28th Nov at the Parish House. Come and share with the Pallottine Family how we can live the charism of St Vincent. A light meal will be provided. For catering purposes please write your name and phone no. on the list in the foyer e-RECORD Other good CATHOLIC NEWS WEBSITES CathNews A service of Church Resources For more than a decade, CathNews has been Australia’s leading, faith-based electronic newsletter and website. And now, we have entered a new phase – with a new look, and expanded content and features. Have a look around the site, and discover for yourself… Go to www.cathnews.com ZENIT—The world seen from Rome. Go to www.zenit.org Youth Leaders URGENTLY NEEDED to lead a Youth Group for High School students in our Parish. Parishioners who are willing and able, please call Fr Paul 6188 6877 RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Ps 45:2-3,5-6,8-9.R.v.5 R/: The waters of the river gladden the city of God Reflections of St Vincent Pallotti 1. God is for us a refuge and strength, Every Catholic … a helper close at hand, in time of distress: should rejoice, because so we shall not fear though the earth should rock, though the mountains fall into the depths of the sea. his talents, knowledge, 2. The waters of a river give joy to God‟s city, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within, it cannot be shaken; God will help it at the dawning of the day. R/ 3. learning, studies, power, nobility, profession, art, earthly goods, riches, service, prayers … done for the spreading of The Lord of hosts is with us: faith and rekindling of charily … can the God of Jacob is our stronghold. acquire the merit of the apostolate. Come, consider the works of the Lord the redoubtable deeds he has done on the earth. R/ . (OOCC,IV, p. 326) SECOND READING: Corinthians 3:9-11,16-17 You are God‟s building. By the grace God gave me, I succeeded as an architect and laid the foundations, on which someone else is doing the building. Everyone doing the building must work carefully. For the foundation, nobody can lay any other than the one which has already been laid, that is, Jesus Christ. Didn‟t you realize that you were God‟s temple and that the Spirit of God was living among you? If anybody should destroy the temple of God, God will destroy him, because the temple of God is sacred; and you are that temple. The Word of the Lord. R: Thanks be to God GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, Alleluia! I have chosen and sanctified this house, says the Lord, that my name may remain in it for all time. Alleluia! GOSPEL: John 2:13-22 Just before the Jewish Passover Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and in the temple he found people selling cattle and sheep and pigeons, and the money changers sitting at their counters there. Making a whip out of some cord, he drove them all out of the Temple, cattle and sheep as well, scattered the money changers‟ coins, knocked their tables over and said to the pigeon-sellers, „Take all this out of here and stop turning my Father‟s house into a market.‟ Then his disciples remembered the words of scripture: Zeal for your house will devour me. The Jews intervened and said, „What sign can you show to justify what you have done?‟ Jesus answered, „Destroy this sanctuary, and in three days I will raise it up.‟ The Jews replied, „It has taken forty-six years to build this sanctuary: are you going to raise it up in three days?‟ But he was speaking of the sanctuary that was his body, and when Jesus rose from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the scripture and the words he had said. The Gospel of the Lord. R: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ. COMMUNION ANTIPHON (if no song): Be built up like living stones, into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood. Next Week: 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time (Yr A), Prov 31:10-13,19-20,30-31, Ps 127L1-5.R.v.1,Thes 5:1-6, Mat 25:14-30 Excerpts from the English translation of the Roman Missal (c) 1973. ICEL, and the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1982, ICEL. All rights reserved. QUEEN OF APOSTLES PARISH RIVERTON (Under the Care of the Pallottines) All Souls Day (Yr A) 2nd November 2014 55 Tudor Avenue Riverton WA 6148 Tel: (08) 6188 6877 Fax: (08) 9457 2424 E: qoariverton@ozemail.com.au www.queenofapostleschurch.org.au PARISH PRIEST: Fr Paul Manickathan SAC Mob: 0408 410 029 E:frpaulmanickathan@ozemail.com.au Fr John Flynn SAC E: flynnjohnb@ozemail.com.au Secretary: Tricia Wisolith. Caretaker: Agnelo Monteiro 0478 060 325 Apostlecare: Contact 6188 6877 Pastoral Worker: Sr Charla OSM—Ph 9354 5083 MASS TIMES RIVERTON: SUNDAY: 6.00pm (Sat) 7.30am, 9.00am, 7.00pm Weekdays: Mon – Fri: 6.30am, 8.am. Sat: 7.30am Rosary & Benediction : 7pm Wed Rosary before 7.30am Mass on Sat. Reconciliation & Holy Hour: Sat 4.00pm – 5.00pm ROSSMOYNE St Vincent Pallotti Chapel 60 Fifth Avenue Rossmoyne 6148 Tel 9354 4061 0201 Fax 9457 0532 RECTOR: Fr. Ray Hevern SAC MASS TIMES ROSSMOYNE: SUNDAY: 7pm (Sat), 9am (Sun) Weekdays: Mon: No Mass, Tues—Fri : 9.00am, Holy Hour: Tuesdays after 9.30am Queen of Apostles Primary School: Principal: Shaun O’Neill 9457 4913 ENTRANCE ANTIPHON (if no song): Just as Jesus died and has risen again, so through Jesus God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep; and as in Adam all die, so also in Christ will all be brought to life. FIRST READING: Isaiah 25:6-9 On this mountain, the Lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples a banquet of rich food. On this mountain he will remove the mourning veil covering all peoples, and the shroud enwrapping all nations, he will destroy Death for ever. The Lord will wipe away the tears from every cheek; he will take away his people‟s shame everywhere on earth, for the Lord has said so. That day, it will be said: See, this is our God in whom we hoped for salvation; the Lord is the one in whom we hoped. We exult and we rejoice that he has saved us. The Word of the Lord. R: Thanks be to God RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Ps 26:1,4,7-9,13-14.R.v.1 R/: The Lord is my light and my salvation. 1. The Lord is my light and my help; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; before whom shall I shrink? R/ 2. There is one thing I ask of the Lord, for this I long, to live in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life, to savour the sweetness of the Lord, to behold his temple. R/ 3. O Lord, hear my voice when I call; have mercy and answer. It is your face, O Lord, that I seek; hide not your face. R/ ROSTER FOR THIS WEEKEND 1st & 2nd Nov 2014 Church Cleaning: M McLean, A Vicente, M McGinty, J Rosette. Church Flowers: E Gajda Collection Counters: R Medbury, T Rodrigues Time 6.00pm Acolyte S Ernest EMHC A Fernando, S Lobo M Banaszczyk D Moutett Servers R & R Fernandes R Gomes Lectors R1: J Cheedhaparambil R2: D Joy GI: J Thayil Ushers P D’Souza S Lobo, P Couzens M/Media Y Nazareth 7.30am 9.00am N Vallis M O’Connor M Soanes, A D’Souza R1: J Kavanagh R2: S Foy GI: M Kavanagh R U’Chong 7.00pm I Kusnadi V Mathew J Andrew, I Kusnadi T Rodrigues L Puckridge L Jarzabkowski S Regnard H Bordas, P Wong P Bodycoat, C Mathew T West. A Biju, A J Joseph C Chakkiath R1: M Edmonds R2: A Bruce Do GI: K Selvaraj R1: M Rodrigues R2: A Theruviparambil GI: A Biju K Cole A Manickam S Drew, K King W Spence B Kusnadi M Rodrigues ROSTER FOR NEXT WEEKEND 8th & 9th Nov 2014 Church Cleaning: R Lavery, S Nicolai, L Puckridge, S Collier, F Douglas Church Flowers: Y Nazareth Collection Counters: K & M O’Connor Time 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 7.00pm Acolyte C Griffin P Sackett C Leon K Morgan EMHC P de San Miguel C Reilly, G Boyce L Thomas-Dass A Masten, J Nagle Servite Sister A Churn A Tuckwell I Kusnadi A Ambrose S John, W Spence P Martinez M McLean Servers S & S Singho A Monteiro, J Bowden Lectors R1: R Fernandes R2: M Burke GI: L Bray R1: C FitzSimons R2: T McLaren GI: M FitzSimons R1: S Coulson R2: R Fulford GI: M Fulford R1: L Jarzabkowski R2: L Geneste GI: C Collars Ushers Thomas-Dass Family K & M O’Connor D Hackwill, R Fisher S Regnard, Conocono Fly M/Media R Fernandes A Churn A Tuckwell K Kirika T O’Meara, M Hackwill J & G Van Den Einden D Suraweera, S Stevens D Geneste MEETINGS THIS WEEK: Monday 9am - Mothers Prayers Group Monday 7pm - Legion of Mary Tuesday 7pm -St Vincent de Paul Society Tuesday 7pm– Parish Pastoral Council OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY to Joan Nagle APOSTLECARE SUNDAY This Sunday 2nd November the St Vincent De Paul Society will gratefully accept any food tins, non–perishable food to distribute to the needy of the Parish and near by areas. and Family. Mr. John Nagle died on during the week. Please pray for the repose of John’s soul and Articles can be left in the box in the foyer. for Joan his beloved wife and all the family that USHERS MEETING –Saturday 8th Nov. at 2.pm God will grant them peace and consolation in this in the Church. A good opportunity for you to time of loss and sadness. RIP. WEDDING CONGRATULATIONS to Janelle D‟Souza and Jason Morris who were married at Herne Hill on Friday afternoon. meet others of the same ministry, over a cuppa. Hoping to see you all there. November Prison Chaplain/Pastoral Worker Catholic Prison Ministry is inviting Month of Holy Souls applications for a Chaplain/Pastoral The Book of Life is in the Worker to work 1-2 days per week. The foyer. Please enter the successful applicant will provide spiritual names of your deceased friends or relatives whom you wish to be prayed for. and emotional support to prisoners and Mass Offerings can also be placed in the staff in prison, as well as leading regular collection basket at Mass on Sundays and Sunday worship services. For further both will be taken up to the sanctuary at information and an application package, the Offertory Procession. please contact Fr David Shelton on 0417 938 168 or email dshelton@iinet.net.au. PLEASE PRAY FOR Applications close 7 November 2014. the Secondary & Tertiary level Students undergoing Embrace the Grace 2014 – ―Let Us Be major exams in the next few Lights of Hope‖. 3-7 December 2014 . weeks. Students asking for support may The largest Catholic Youth Conference in WA. What is hope? If our hope is indeed in a living write their name in the book in the Church God, why does God appear to be silent in our Foyer. Parishioners supporting students world today amidst war, terrorism, disasters through prayer may write their name and our own personal struggles? down next to the name of the student/s What is the light of hope? Come engage with they wish to support. life’s biggest questions with dynamic speakers, music, sports, drama, prayer and more. 3-7 December 2014 in New Norcia, for young people aged 16-30. Cost $325.00 with -the Christmas message from our Pastors - sponsorship available. Registration at http://cym.com.au/embrace-grace-2014/. to the far corners of our parish. Contact Catholic Youth Ministry Perth to You can do your bit by allocating a portion RSVP or for more information (large or small) of your valuable time to dropping the message into letterboxes in an admin@cym.com.au 9422 7912. area convenient to you, in early December. COMMEMORATIVE EDITIONS Can we count on you? Please enter your contact details on the OF THE RECORD clipboard in the church foyer or phone the The first of the four commemorative Parish Office on 6188 6877. editions of The Record newspaper covering articles relating to The Pallottine Family invites you to Catholic life between 1874 and 1924 a GATHER & SHARE can be found in parishes this weekend “How do we live the Charism at the usual price of $2. of St Vincent Pallotti” The second edition (1925-1964) will be at 6pm on Fri 28th Nov at the Parish House. distributed on 12 Nov; A light meal will be provided. For catering the third edition (1965-1994) on 26 Nov, purposes please write your name and phone and the final edition (1995-2014) no. on the list in the foyer or 0431 017 484 on 10 December. Further info: contact Jamie O‟Brien on 08 9220 5900 or The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for editor@therecord.com.au. LifeLink will be held on the weekend 15/16 WANTED VOLUNTEERS TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE 4. I am sure I shall see the Lord‟s goodness in the land of the living. Hope in him, hold firm and take heart. Hope in the Lord! R/ SECOND READING: Isaiah 25:6-9 Reflections of St Vincent Pallotti Death comes on unexpectedly. The life is short. Time is passing. Today alive! Tomorrow dead! … One God who sees us! One moment that escapes us … One eternity that awaits us. Hope is not deceptive, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given to us. We were still helpless when at his appointed moment Christ died for sinful men. It is not easy to die even for a good man—though of course for someone really worthy, a man might be (OCL. I 16, p. 46) prepared to die—but what proves that God loves us is that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Having died to make us righteous, it is likely that he would now fail to save us from God‟s anger? When we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, we were still enemies; now that we have been reconciled, surely we may count on being saved by the life of his Son? Not merely because we have been reconciled but because we are filled with joyful trust in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have already gained our reconciliation. The Word of the Lord. R: Thanks be to God GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, Alleluia! This is the will of my Father, says the Lord, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given to me, and that I should raise it up on the last day. Alleluia! GOSPEL: Matthew 11:25-30 Jesus exclaimed, ‟I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children. Yes, Father, for that is what it pleased you to do. Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, just as no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. „Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.‟ The Gospel of the Lord. R: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ. COMMUNION ANTIPHON (if no song): I am the Resurrection and the Life, says the Lord. Whoever believes in me, even though he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will not die for ever. Next Week: Ded Lateran Basilica, Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12, Ps 45:2-3,5-6,8-9.R.v.5, Cor 3:9-11,16-17, John 2:13-22 Excerpts from the English translation of the Roman Missal (c) 1973. ICEL, and the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1982, ICEL. All rights reserved. QUEEN OF APOSTLES PARISH RIVERTON (Under the Care of the Pallottines) 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Yr A) 26th October 2014 55 Tudor Avenue Riverton WA 6148 Tel: (08) 6188 6877 Fax: (08) 9457 2424 E: qoariverton@ozemail.com.au www.queenofapostleschurch.org.au PARISH PRIEST: Fr Paul Manickathan SAC Mob: 0408 410 029 E:frpaulmanickathan@ozemail.com.au Fr John Flynn SAC E: flynnjohnb@ozemail.com.au Secretary: Tricia Wisolith. Caretaker: Agnelo Monteiro 0478 060 325 Apostlecare: Contact 6188 6877 Pastoral Worker: Sr Charla OSM—Ph 9354 5083 MASS TIMES RIVERTON: SUNDAY: 6.00pm (Sat) 7.30am, 9.00am, 7.00pm Weekdays: Mon – Fri: 6.30am, 8.am. Sat: 7.30am Rosary & Benediction : 7pm Wed Rosary before 7.30am Mass on Sat. Reconciliation & Holy Hour: Sat 4.00pm – 5.00pm ROSSMOYNE St Vincent Pallotti Chapel 60 Fifth Avenue Rossmoyne 6148 Tel 9354 4061 0201 Fax 9457 0532 RECTOR: Fr. Ray Hevern SAC MASS TIMES ROSSMOYNE: SUNDAY: 7pm (Sat), 9am (Sun) Weekdays: Mon: No Mass, Tues—Fri : 9.00am, Holy Hour: Tuesdays after 9.30am Queen of Apostles Primary School: Principal: Shaun O’Neill 9457 4913 ENTRANCE ANTIPHON (if no song): Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice; turn to the Lord and his strength; constantly seek his face. FIRST READING: Exodus 22:20-26 The Lord said to Moses, „Tell the sons of Israel this, “You must not molest the stranger or oppress him, for you lived as strangers in the land of Egypt. You must not be harsh with the widow, or with the orphan; if you are harsh with them, they will surely cry out to me, and be sure I shall hear their cry; my anger will flare and I shall kill you with the sword, your own wives will be widows, your own children orphans. “If you lend money to any of my people, to any poor man among you, you must not play the usurer with him: you must not demand interest from him. “If you take another‟s cloak as a pledge, you must give it back to him before sunset. It is all the covering he has; it is the cloak he wraps his body in; what else would he sleep in? If he cries to me, I will listen, for I am full of pity”‟. The word of the Lord. R: Thanks be to God RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Ps 17:2-4.47.51.R.v.2 R/: I love you, Lord, my strength. 1. I love you, Lord, my strength, my rock, my fortress, my saviour. My God is the rock where I take refuge; my shield, my mighty help, my stronghold. The Lord is worthy of all praise: when I call I am saved from my foes. R/ 2. Long life to the Lord, my rock! Praised be the God who saves me. He has given great victories to his king. and shown his love for his anointed. R/ ROSTER FOR THIS WEEKEND 25th & 26th Oct 2014 Church Cleaning: P Suraweera, R Dhonajanan, E Gajda, E Sullivan, A Hayes Church Flowers: Thomas-Dass Family Collection Counters: C Byrne-Quinn, B Doughty Time 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 7.00pm Acolyte D Quadros B George V Ialeggio M Bordas EMHC P de San Miguel M Ernest, J Bowden D O’Leary Servite Sister C Byrne-Quinn L Wallace, A Churn C Lobo, C Leon Servite Sister R Fisher W Spence, J Allen P Martinez B Haryanto Servers A J Paily, S B Joseph R Vathapallil R Purathael J & J George J & L Allen Lectors R1: E John R2: M Fernandes GI : J Wisolith R1: B Williams R2: J Sackett GI: P Sackett R1: C How R2: GI: J How R1: J Davies-Moore R2: M McLean GI: S Regnard Ushers C & A Griffin S Foy, T McLaren A & P Payne C & K Kirika, H Thomas M/Media J Thayil E D’Souza T Ambrose E Conocono ROSTER FOR NEXT WEEKEND 1st & 2nd Nov 2014 Church Cleaning: M McLean, A Vicente, M McGinty, J Rosette,. Church Flowers: E Gajda Collection Counters: R Medbury, M Moe, R Hegney Time 6.00pm Acolyte S Ernest EMHC A Fernando, D Mouttet M Banaszczyk, S Lobo Servers R & R Fernandes R Gomes Lectors R1: J Cheedhaparambil R2: D Joy GI: J Thayil Ushers P D’Souza, S Lobo, P Couzens M/Media Y Nazareth 7.30am 9.00am N Vallis, M O’Connor M Soanes, A D’Souza R1: J Kavanagh R2: S Foy GI: M Kavanagh R U’Chong MEETINGS THIS WEEK: Monday 9am - Mothers Prayers Group Monday 7pm - Legion of Mary Tuesday 7pm -St Vincent de Paul Society OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY to Cecilia Little and Family on the death of her beloved husband HAROLD LITTLE who died on Thursday. Harold was one of the first indigenous residents at the Pallottine Centre in Rossmoyne in the 1960’s, and became a champion footballer for Perth and for the State. RIP. 7.00pm I Kusnadi V Mathew J Andrew, T Rodrigues L Puckridge, I Kusnadi L Jarzabkowski, P Wong S Regnard, H Bordas P Bodycoat, C Matthew T West, S Joseph Shaju A Biju, A J Joseph C Chakkiath R1: M Edmonds R2: A Bruce Do GI: K Sundar R1: M Rodrigues R2: A Theruviparambil GI: A Biju K Cole A Manickam S Drew, K King W Spence B Kusnadi M Rodrigues REMINDER LITURGICAL MINISTRIES MEETING at the Parish House meeting room. EMHC: 2pm Saturday 1st November APOSTLECARE SUNDAY Next Sunday 2nd November the St Vincent De Paul Society will gratefully accept any food tins, non–perishable food to distribute to the needy of the Parish and near by areas. Articles can be left in the box in the foyer. Prison Chaplain/Pastoral Worker Catholic Prison Ministry is inviting applications for a Chaplain/Pastoral Worker to work 1-2 days per week. The successful applicant will provide spiritual and emotional support to prisoners and staff in prison, as well as leading regular Sunday worship services. For further information and an application package, please contact Fr David Shelton on 0417 938 168 or email dshelton@iinet.net.au. Applications close 7 November 2014. November Month of Holy Souls The Book of Life is in the foyer. Please enter the names of your deceased friends or relatives whom you wish to be prayed for. Mass Offerings can also be placed in the collection basket at Mass on Sundays and both will be taken up to the sanctuary at the Offertory Procession. ALL SOULS DAY Sun. 2nd November. Schoenstatt Spring Fair Sunday 2rd Nov. 10am—3pm. 9 Talus Drive, Armadale. Food, prizes & bargains galore. Fun for all the family. Grand Raffle drawn—2pm (Europe—return trip for two) Support the Schoenstatt Sisters. Parish Dance CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF INTEREST Those who have paid for tickets can get a refund. Please call Mary McLean on 0400 553 140 MINI-FETE 10am—2pm Sun 26th October Joseph Cooke Hostel, Houtmans St (off Fifth Ave), Rossmoyne. Craft, jewellery, cakes & raffles. Donations gratefully received at the Fete or at U3/36 Fifth Ave. Raffle tickets $2 ea or 3 for $5. ACOLYTE EVENING The Centre for Liturgy will hold an evening for acolytes and their spouses on Wednesday, 19 November 2014 from 7pm to 9pm at the Vietnamese Catholic Community Centre, 3 Victoria Rd, Westminster. This will be an opportunity to reflect on how the Gospel of Jesus can be proclaimed through ministry. Bishop Don Sproxton and Sr Kerry Willison will both share reflections. Registration is essential for catering purposes. Further info: Centre for Liturgy on 08 9207 3350 or liturgy.centre@perthcatholic.org.au. Acolytes from our Parish interested in attending this evening please contact the Centre for Liturgy. e RECORD available form the foyer of the church. PLEASE PRAY FOR the Secondary & Tertiary level Students undergoing major exams in the next few weeks. Students asking for support may write their name in the book in the Church Foyer. Parishioners supporting students through prayer may write their name down next to the name of the student/s they wish to support. SECOND READING: Reflections of You observed the sort of life we lived when we were with you, which was for your instruction, and you St Vincent Pallotti were led to become imitators of us, and of the Lord; Even if [my God] You never loved me, and it was with the joy of the Holy Spirit that you took even if You hated me always to the gospel, in spite of the great opposition all and tormented me around you. This has made you the great example to as much as possible … all believers in Macedonia and Achaia since it was still I would love You from you that the word of the Lord started to and want to love You spread—and not only throughout Macedonia and as much as You merit, Achaia, for the news of your faith in God has spread because You are everywhere. We do not need to tell people about it: infinitely lovable, other people tell us how we started the work among through Yourself you, how you broke with idolatry when you were and in Yourself. converted to God and became servants of the real (OOCC,X, pp. 207-208; STA 321) living God; and how you are now waiting for Jesus, his Son, whom he raised from the dead, to come from heaven to save us from the retribution which is coming. The Word of the Lord. R: Thanks be to God Thessalonians 1:5-10 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, Alleluia! All who love me will keep my words, and my Father will love them and we will come to them. Alleluia! GOSPEL: Matthew 22:34-4- When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees they got together and, to disconcert him, one of them put a question, „Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?‟ Jesus said, „You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: you must love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets also.‟ The Gospel of the Lord. R: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ. COMMUNION ANTIPHON (if no song): We will ring out our joy at your saving help and exult in the name of our God. Next Week: All Souls’ Day (Yr A), Isaiah 25:6-9, Ps 26:1,4,7-9,13-14.R.v.1, Romans 5:5-11, Matthew 11:25-30 Excerpts from the English translation of the Roman Missal (c) 1973. ICEL, and the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1982, ICEL. All rights reserved.
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