EightCAP, Inc. Weatherization Assistance Program Request for Proposals: Contractor Services for Muskegon and Oceana Counties Only PROPOSALS and INQUIRIES SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO: EightCAP, Inc. Manager of Self-Sufficiency Programs 904 Oak Drive Greenville, MI 48838 Proposals must be SEALED and Labeled: “Weatherization Bid Proposal” (All proposals are due by 4:00 p.m., EST, Friday, November 21, 2014) 1 I.) Introduction EightCAP, Inc., hereafter referred to as “Agency”, is a non-profit organization that operates/administers a Weatherization Assistance Program (“WAP”) in Gratiot, Ionia, Isabella, Montcalm, Muskegon and Oceana Counties. EightCAP, Inc. is a private, nonprofit corporation and is exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Administrative Offices are located at 904 Oak Drive, Greenville, MI 48838. The United States Department of Energy’s (DOE) WAP reduces energy costs for lowincome households by increasing the energy efficiency of their single family homes, multiunit homes and/or mobile homes and educating clients on energy-saving behaviors while ensuring their health and safety. WAP prioritizes services to the elderly, people with disabilities, and families with children. The Agency’s professionally trained Weatherization Inspectors use computerized energy audits and advanced diagnostic equipment to determine the most cost-effective measures appropriate for each home. Typical measures may include: sealing ducts; tuning and repairing heating and cooling systems; mitigating air infiltration; and reducing electric base load consumption. The Agency is soliciting proposals from contractors in order to identify those that will be eligible to perform work under the WAP. Selected contractor(s) will install measures in the homes of clients enrolled in the WAP. The Agency prefers to have one contractor to perform all of the general contractor work for the Weatherization Assistance Program; however, contracts will be awarded based on the elements listed in the “Selection Consideration” section of this document. Selected contractor(s) will be placed on the agency Contractor Contact List and each job – or a bundle of jobs, at the Agency’s discretion – will be awarded to a company on the list. A “job” is an individual property to be weatherized which may be comprised of a mobile home, single-family home, or multifamily housing. Jobs will be awarded to a contractor on the agency contractor list based on which contractor is able to perform the job at the lowest cost, barring the presence of any non-economic factors. Weatherization work shall be aligned with National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL) Job Task Analysis (JTA) is a foundation for any valid credentialing program and helps identify the core knowledge areas, critical work function, and/or skills typically found across a representative sampling of current practitioners or job incumbent workers. Empirical results from a job analysis provide examinees and the public with valid, reliable, fair, and realistic assessment that reflects the skills, knowledge and abilities required to competently perform a job. Any selected contractors must comply with all applicable Standard Work Specifications (“SWS”), Community Services Program Manual (“CSPM”), United States Department of Energy (“DOE”) regulations/program notices, National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL) Job Task Analysis (JTA), and any other applicable rules/regulations (copies of the SWS and CSPM are available from the Agency upon request). Failure to comply in any of the terms contained in these documents may result in any contract that is awarded being suspended or revoked. 2 II.) Contractor Performance EightCAP expects contractors to complete jobs in a timely, professional manner as well as all necessary paperwork being completed accurately. The agency will track the following data for each contractor for each job: - Whether the job was started on time Whether the job was completed on time Condition of job site and customer satisfaction Accuracy and timeliness of invoices from Contractor to Agency Accuracy and completeness of the documentation required from contractor Work not completed in accordance within the standards of applicable building codes and the Standard of Work Specifications (SWS) - Invoices submitted in a timely manner, with appropriate back up documentation. Written notifications will be known as “findings.” If there are two findings in the same category, or a total of three from all categories, within a 12-month period, the contractor will be required to attend a meeting at which a Corrective Action Plan will be developed, along with an explanation of how the items in the Corrective Action Plan will correct the identified issues. Jobs will not be issued to the contractor until a Corrective Action Plan has been implemented. If a contractor has six findings within a 12 month period, the agency will cease assigning jobs to the deficient contractor and initiate the RFP Process to identify another contractor to conduct WAP work or work with other contractors on the agency roster to complete production goals. III.) Selection Committee The selection committee will be chaired by the Manager of Self-Sufficiency Programs (WAP Manager) and include the following staff members of the Agency: - Lead Inspector Vice President for Finance IV.) Contractor Procurement Process A. Key Dates (all dates are 2014): 1. Formal Advertising Period November 4-6 2. Request for Proposals Issued November 7 3. Inquiries due to EightCAP for questions/clarifications November 13 4. Modifications to Request for Proposals, if applicable November 17 5. Quotations due and opened November 21(4:00pm EST) 6. Quotation Evaluation/Selection November 24 7. Agreement(s) Signed November 26 EightCAP, Inc. Weatherization Assistance Program reserves the right to proceed under a modified version of this schedule. 3 B. Availability of Contractor Application/Quotation Proposal Packet Proposal packets shall be made available to any interested party at all EightCAP, Inc. Weatherization Assistance Program intake sites; 310 W. Michigan, Mt. Pleasant, MI; 327 W. Main, Ionia, MI; 525 N. State St., Alma, MI; EightCAP. Inc. Main Office, 904 Oak Drive, Greenville, MI; Weatherization Office, 906 Oak Drive, Greenville, MI. A packet can also be obtained by calling EightCAP at (616) 754-9315 x. 3420. Solicitation Notices, at a minimum, will be posted at the EightCAP, Inc. Weatherization Office, on the EightCAP, Inc. website (www.eightcap.org), Michigan Community Action’s website (www.mcaaa.org), Central Area Michigan Works! Consortium (www.camwc.org), and in the following newspapers: The Muskegon Chronicle (Muskegon), Oceana Herald Journal (Oceana), Grand Rapids Press, and Greenville Daily News. The Solicitation Notice will provide information on where RFP packets can be obtained. C. Acceptable Methods of Proposal(s) Submission SEALED proposals must be received at the EightCAP Administrative Office by 4:00pm, EST, Friday, November 21, 2014. This office is located at 904 Oak Dr. (Turk Lake), Greenville, MI 48838. It is the sole responsibility of prospective Offeror to take notice of the date and time proposals are due, and to ensure their submittals are received prior to the due date and time. Postmarks will NOT be accepted. Faxed and E-mailed copies will also not be considered. Late proposals will be returned to the Offeror without consideration. Only one copy of each proposal is required. D. EightCAP, Inc. assumes no responsibility for representations concerning conditions made by its Officers or Staff prior to the execution of an agreement, unless such representations are specifically incorporated into the RFP by subsequent official written Addendum(s). Oral conversations pertaining to modifications or clarifications of the RFP shall not be considered part of the RFP unless confirmed in writing by official written Addendum(s). E. Inquiries Regarding Procurement Process All inquiries concerning this Request for Proposals must be submitted in writing and addressed to: Manager of Self-Sufficiency Programs EightCAP, Inc. 904 Oak Dr. Greenville, MI 48838 christaj@8cap.org During the procurement process, prospective Offeror shall contact only the individual named above. 4 In no case shall oral communications take precedence over written communications. Only written communications shall be binding on the RFP. F. RFP Modifications EightCAP, Inc. shall prepare written Modifications(s) if needed. All modifications to this RFP shall be prepared by EightCAP, Inc. and formally issued to all holders on record of RFP documents. Addenda shall be issued no later than the date specified in the schedule. Written addenda shall serve to amend the RFP documents accordingly. G. Proposals may be judged nonresponsive and removed from further consideration if they are received at the EightCAP Administrative Offices after the deadline as noted above, or are incomplete. V.) Number of Contracts to be Awarded The Agency prefers to have one firm to perform all of the general contractor work for the Weatherization Assistance Program. However, if one contractor cannot be identified to cover the respective counties, contracts will be awarded on a county-by-county basis, with a separate roster kept for each county. VI.) Selection Considerations The Bid and Selection Process shall be conducted in a manner to provide, to the maximum extent practical, open and free competition. Notice of intent to contract will be posted on the EightCAP, Inc. website, MCA website, with Michigan Works!, and in daily newspapers within EightCAP, Inc.’s jurisdiction. Contractor Application/quotation Proposal packet shall be sent to all applicable contractors listed with EightCAP, Inc. as having expressed interest. Failure to meet and/or provide the Agency with any one of the following will result in the contractor’s proposal being disqualified. Failure to provide the Agency with proof of the respondent’s qualification will also be grounds for disqualification. A. Minimum Qualifications (mandatory) 1. General liability insurance in the minimum amount of $2,000,000. Contractors shall name EightCAP, Inc. as an additional insured party to address application and equipment damage that occurs during agreement or service operations. 2. Worker’s compensation insurance 3. “Acknowledgement of Dignity of Low Income Clients and Non-solicitation Agreement” B. Licensing Requirements (mandatory) 1. Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) License as required for trade 5 C. Certification/Training Requirements (mandatory) 1. Lead Safe Work (“LSW”): Contractors and their personnel who work on a dwelling as part of the WAP are required to obtain the Lead Safe Work Training and pass a test for certification (any new staff members are required to become LSW Certified prior to working on the dwellings as specified under the WAP). Individuals who are not certified will not be permitted to work on dwellings in the WAP unless they are accompanied by, or in the presence of, contractor staff who have attended required training and passed a test for certification. Documentation relative to active LSW certification shall be forwarded to the Agency. 2. Indoor Air Quality/Mold Training (“IAQ”): Weatherization contractors and their personnel who work on a dwelling as part of the WAP are required to obtain the IAQ training and pass a test for certification. Those who attend and pass this training will be authorized to work on the dwellings as specified under the WAP. Individuals who have not attended one of these training sessions will not be permitted to work on the homes in the WAP unless they are accompanied by, or in the presence of, staff who have attended required training and passed a test for certification. Documentation relative to active IAQ Certification shall be forwarded to the Agency. 3. ASHRAE 62.2-2013: Weatherization contractors and their personnel who work on a dwelling as part of the WAP are required to obtain the ASHRAE 62.2-2013 training and pass a test for certification. Those who attend and pass this training will be authorized to work on the dwellings as specified under the WAP. Individuals who have not attended one of these training sessions will not be permitted to work on the homes in the WAP unless they are accompanied by, or in the presence of, staff who have attended required training and passed a test for certification. Documentation relative to active ASHRAE 62.2-2013 Certification shall be forwarded to the Agency. D. Selection Criteria The proposals that are submitted to the Agency by respondents that are able to satisfy the requirements in subsections A, B, and C of this section may be awarded points in each of the categories below. Points will be awarded at the sole discretion of the Selection Committee. 1. Experience relevant to installation of approved Weatherization Measures (20 points) 2. Pricing (20 points) 3. Capacity for completion of accurate work within allotted time frames (i.e. number of employees, appropriate equipment/tools, vehicles for transport) (15 points) 6 4. Ability to perform weatherization jobs in these two EightCAP, Inc. Counties (Muskegon and Oceana Counties in Michigan). (10 points) 5. Formal Training specific to Weatherization measures (i.e., Mobile Homes, remodel/retrofit, etc.) (10 points) 6. Capacity for effective reporting and compliance with Program (i.e. office staff/management procedures, etc.) (10 points) 7. Business references related to professionalism (5 points) 8. Client references related to quality of work and reliability (5 points) 9. Small business and/or Minority and/or Woman Owned business (5 points) E. At its sole discretion, the Selection Committee may contact respondents that submit a proposal for clarification or additional documentation pertaining to any of the materials submitted in response to the RFP, or pertaining to the items listed in Subsection D. F. Information provided in response to this RFP is subject to verification. Misleading and/or inaccurate information shall be grounds for disqualification at any stage in the procurement process. G. EightCAP, Inc. reserves the right to accept or reject any part of any proposals, and to accept or reject any or all proposals without penalty. EightCAP, Inc. reserves the right to waive minor deficiencies and informalities if, in the judgment of EightCAP, Inc., the best interests of EightCAP, Inc. shall be served. H. Approved Contractors shall be notified in writing. Rejected applicants shall be notified in writing that they were not selected. VII.) Required Components of Offeror Application Packet A. The following documents must be submitted by each Offeror in response to the RFP. Failure to provide any of the following may result in their proposal being judged as nonresponsive. 1. Completed EightCAP, Inc., Weatherization Contractor Application Form including Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and other Responsibility Matters (Attachment A) 2. EightCAP, Inc. Weatherization Contractor Quotation Proposal Form (Attachment B) 3. Sample EightCAP, Inc. Agency Agreement (Attachment C) 4. EightCAP, Inc. Appeal Process (Attachment D) 5. Acknowledgement of Dignity of Low Income Clients and Non-solicitation Agreement (Attachment E) 7 B. The following supporting documentation must also be submitted as part of each Offeror’s submittal: 1. Minimum of two (2) letters of professional business references related to applicant’s professionalism (i.e. materials supplier, general contractor, etc.) 2. Minimum of two (2) letters of client references related to quality of work and reliability; 3. Description of applicant company policies regarding employee conduct on jobsites; 4. Information regarding size of business, number of employees, legal ownership (i.e. sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation, etc.); 5. Declaration of small business, minority-owned firm and/or women’s business enterprise (if applicable); 6. Educational background of Contractor-applicant (principle applicant, employees and other relevant persons); 7. Any specialty training/certification relevant to Weatherization/Energy conservation practices (i.e. training specific to remodel/retrofit, mobile home, Lead Safe, etc.) 8. A brief description of contractor-applicant’s understanding of Weatherization and measures and how they are to be applied in the field; and 9. An indication of number of Weatherization jobs, contractor-applicant is willing to accept and feels capable of completing per month. VIII.) Statement of Work CONTRACTOR shall furnish all supervision, technical personnel, labor, machinery, tools, equipment, material, and services; and perform all work required in accordance with the attached specifications that are made a part hereof, as fully set forth herein (see ATTACHMENT A). The property(ies) to be contracted for will be included in the Inspection Orders, issued by the AGENCY as the property(ies) is (are) determined eligible for service. (Refer to Special Condition #1.) CONTRACTOR agrees to install said items in a good and workmanlike manner at such times and such places as designated by the AGENCY. 8 IX.) Invoice Requirements for Selected Contractors A. All private contractor invoices are required to contain the agency-assigned job number and itemized labor/material costs for each job. B. The Grantee is required to use the invoice and the IWC work order pages to verify actual work completed prior to payment to the subcontractor. C. Agency-generated Work Orders shall subcontractor/crew/foreman or designee. be signed and dated by the X.) Economy of Presentation Proposals must address the specific RFP requirements. All items requested by the RFP shall be answered clearly and concisely. Additional promotional materials that are not responsive to a specific requirement shall not be considered as part of the proposals response package. XI.) Costs for Preparation of Proposals No payments shall be made to cover costs incurred by any Offeror in the preparation or submission of the proposals, nor any other associated costs. XII.) Background Checks for Contractors and their Personnel Contractors and their employees must to submit to a criminal records check, to be performed by EightCAP. Any conviction of felony or serious misdemeanor subsequent to the criminal background check must be disclosed to EightCAP; this disclosure is mandatory. Failure to disclose or disallow an employee will result in disqualification of contractor (to be determined at the sole discretion of EightCAP, Inc.); Contractor agrees to submit all required information to the Agency for the purpose of conducting background checks on each of its employees engaged in handling client information or entering the Agency’s client’s homes to perform work related to the Weatherization Assistance Program. XIII.) Liaison The Manager of Self-Sufficiency Programs, will serve as the liaison for the applicant/contractor. The liaison will coordinate the services and provide communication between the Agency and the applicant/contractor and the chosen contractor(s). Submission of a signed proposal(s) is acknowledgment and acceptance of all terms and conditions of the solicitation. EightCAP, Inc. reserves the right to reject all proposals. 9 ATTACHMENT A EightCAP, Inc. Weatherization Assistance Program WEATHERIZATION CONTRACTOR APPLICATION 10 CONTRACTOR APPLICATION Name of Contractor/Applicant:____________________________________________________ Company/Business Name:________________________________________________________ Business Address:_______________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: ___________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________ Please indicate which type of structure/shelter your firm is able and willing to perform weatherization measures on: __ Single Family Structures ONLY __Mobile Homes ONLY __Multi-unit Structures ONLY __Single Family Structures AND Mobile Homes __Single Family Structures AND Multi-unit Structures __Multi-unit Structures AND Mobile Homes __Single Family AND Mobile Homes AND Multi-unit Please indicate which counties you are able and willing to perform these services in, by placing an “X” next to the applicable county(ies): __ Muskegon __ Oceana State of MI (LARA) License #: _________________________ Expires: __________________ Employer Tax ID#__________________________________ Are you registered with a Minority/Women’s Business Enterprise Program or LSA: __________ Company Legal Configuration: ____________________________________________________ (i.e. sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, corporation, etc.) Company Principle Officer: _______________________________________________________ Number of Years in Business: ______________________________ What is the smallest value job you have done? $__________________ What is the largest value job you have done? $__________________ Type of Residential construction work performed over the last two (2) years: ( ) New Construction ( ) Home Remodeling ( ) Home Repair/Retrofit ( ) Weatherization 11 Experience relevant to installation of approved Weatherization Measures: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ List any relevant Training or Certifications (attach proof of same): ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Describe Experience in Weatherization or Energy related repairs: (attach extra sheets if needed): ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ List Work for any Rehab Programs/Municipalities/etc.: ___________________________________________________________________________ Describe company/business management/office staff: (i.e. number of employees, office staff, data entry capabilities, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Describe company/business construction crews/staff (i.e. number of employees, crew managers, subcontractors, etc.): ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Describe company/business equipment/tools relevant to the type of service(s) you are submitting this RFQ for: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Number and type of company vehicles: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ List of specialty Equipment/Tools: (i.e. blower door, duct blaster, inspection camera, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Please provide a range for the number of jobs you are willing to accept and complete PER MONTH for ALL of the counties that you are able and willing to perform weatherization work in (as indicated above): ___________________________________________________________________________ 12 Provide a brief description of your understanding of Weatherization Measures and/or Energy Related housing repairs: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ List two (2) major suppliers from whom you purchase most of your materials/supplies: ___________________________________________________________________________ Additional Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proof of LARA License required for your trade 2. Proof of General Liability Insurance (min. $2,000,000.00 coverage) 3. Proof of Worker’s Compensation Insurance (or statement showing proof of exemption) 4. Minimum of two (2) letters of business reference related to professionalism 5. Minimum of two (2) letters of client references related to quality of work and reliability 6. Declaration of minority ownership (if applicable) and copy of Certificate from a Minority/Women Business Program, if applicable. 7. Proof of any special certifications/training as listed in application By submitting my application/quotation for the EightCAP, Inc. Weatherization Assistance Program, I hereby exhibit my willingness to adhere to State of Michigan Weatherization Assistance Program Standards as set forth in the Technical Weatherization Policies in addition to EightCAP, Inc. Weatherization Assistance Program policies and procedures. Further, I certify that I have authority to make this proposal on behalf of my organization including any prices being offered herein, and that I have not participated in, and shall not participate in, any action contrary to the requirements of this document. Further, I affirm that I nor anyone employed by the Offeror has not given any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount, trip, favor, or service to an EightCAP, Inc. member in connection with the submitted quotations. Failure to sign the proposal, or signing it with a false statement, shall void the submitted quotations or any resulting agreements, and the Offeror shall be removed from all supplier/contractor lists. I also hereby certify all information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that any falsification of information provided shall result in rejection of my application. Signed: ________________________________________ Dated: ________________________ Full Name Printed: ______________________________________________________________ 13 CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS PRIMARY COVERED TRANSACTIONS This certification is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 29 CFR Part 98, Section 98.510, Participants’ responsibilities. The regulations were published as Part VII of the May 26, 1988 Federal Register (pages 19160-19211). (Before Signing Certification, Read Attached Instruction) 1. The prospective contractor certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it an its principals: a. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; b. Have not within a three (3) year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or Local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; c. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State or Local) with commission of any of the offense enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and d. Have not within a three (3) year period preceding this application/quotation had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or Local) terminated for cause or default. 2. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ______________________________________ ___________________________________ Full Name (printed) Title ______________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Date 14 ATTACHMENT B EightCAP, Inc. Weatherization Assistance Program Quotation Proposal Forms 15 Name: ____________________________ Quotation Proposal Form EightCAP Inc. Weatherization Assistance Program Weatherization Measure Window Replacement (by sq ft + unit labor) MAJOR BYPASSES & INFILTRATION MEASURES Material Cost Labor Cost Comment Material Cost Labor Cost Comment Door - insulated steel (each) Door - insulated steel (w. lite) each Door - CUSTOM sized (each) Door - standard mobile (each) Door - mobile combo unit (each) Sliding Glass Door (5ft) each Sliding Glass Door (6ft) each Extension Jambs (2x6) per door Extension Jambs (2x6) windows (per lin.ft) Attic/knee wall access (install & insulate) each Attic/knee wall access (insulate existing) each Attic pull-down hatch cover (install & insulate) Attic walk-up stair comver (install & insulate) Replace broken glass (sq ft) Replace broken glass (thermal pane) sq ft Window sash lock (each) Weather-strips door (each) Window casing - primed (linear foot) Door casing - exterior - primed 16 ft (each) Door casing - ext primed (linear ft) Door casing - interior - primed 16ft (each) Door casing - int primed (linear ft) Door sweep (each) 16 Threshold (added o/existing)each Threshold - remove & replace (each) Mod-kit (each) Key lock/lockset/deadbolt (each) Caulk (linear ft) Air-seal foam application (skim coat) sq ft Pack & Seal around plumbing (each) Outlet/switch insulator (each) Drywall repair - u/10 sq ft (each) Drywall repair - 10 sq ft or more (sq ft) Drywall repair (o/16 sq ft fire-tape only) sq ft Patch Hole - 2" or less - (each) Search & Seal (labor) per hour Search & Seal (materials) per hour WALL INSULATION Material Cost Labor Cost Comment Material Cost Labor Cost Comment Material Cost Labor Cost Comment Blown Cellulose R13 densepack (sq ft) Blown Cellulose R13 2 hole method (sq ft) Blown Cellulose r21 (2x6) densepack (sq ft) Fiberglass batt R13 (sq ft) Additional labor: brick (sq ft) Additional labor: interior blow (sq ft) Additional labor: second story (sq ft) Mobile Blown FG (per bag) WINDOW RETROFIT OPTIONS Weatherize window Window sealing (per measure) Storm Window Storm Window (mobile unit) ATTIC INSULATION Blown Cellulose R11 (sq ft) Blown Cellulose R19 (sq ft) 17 Blown Cellulose R30 (sq ft) Blown Cellulose R38 (sq ft) Blown Fiberglass R19 (sq ft) Blown Fiberglass R30 (sq ft) Blown Fiberglass R38 (sq ft) Fiberglass Batt R13 (sq ft) Fiberglass Batt R19 (sq ft) Fiberglass Batt R 30 (sq ft) Blown cellulose R3.7 (inch) sq ft Knee wall: fiberglass batt R13 (sq ft) Knee wall: encapsulated R13 (sq ft) Rafter: tube slopes, dense pack R13 (sq ft) Rafter: tube slopes, dense pack R19 (sq ft) Mobile blown FG (per bag) FOUNDATION INSULATION Material Cost Box Sill R13 (sq ft) Fiberglass Box Sill R19 (sq ft) Fiberglass Box Sill - 2 part foam R10 (sq ft) Box Sill - 2 part foam R19 (sq ft) Box Sill foam/FG Hybrid (R19) sq ft Walls & 2ft Drape - R13 batt (sq ft) Walls (Eco-cell 1.5" R6) sq ft Walls (Eco-cell 2.5" R10) sq ft Walls Fire-rated Foam (1" R6) hard foam Walls Fire-rated Foam (1.5" R9.8) hard foam Walls Fire-rated 2 part foam R10 (sq ft) Walls Encapsulated FG R11 (fire-rated) Walls encapsulated FG R13 (fire-rated) Floor (FG batt R19) sq ft Floor (FG batt R30) sq ft Floor (FG batt R38) sq ft 18 Labor Cost Comment Floor (encapsulated FG R19) sq ft Floor (encapsulated FG R30) sq ft Floor (encapsulated FG R38) sq ft Mobile blown FG (per bag) BASELOADS: CFL INSTALLATION HEALTH & SAFETY Material Cost Labor Cost Comment Material Cost Labor Cost Comment Labor Cost Comment Smoke/CO detector installation Dryer Vent - 8ft & under (each) Dryer Vent - over 8ft (each) Exhaust (insulated w. baffled termination) u/35ft Exhaust (insulated w. baffled termination) o/35ft Exhaust fan motor assembly installed Electrical Evaluation (wiring/knob & tube) Electrical Repairs (licensed electrician invoice attached) LEAD SAFE WORK SET-UP INCIDENTAL REPAIRS Install foundation access door Building permit (each) Vapor Barrier - under 25 sq ft (each) Vapor Barrier - 25 sq ft or more (sq ft) Attic Prep: Knob & Tube isolation (baffles) per hour Attic Prep: recessed can covers (each) Attic Prep: removal of damaged insulation (per hr) Mobile Belly Repair u/10 sq ft (patch) fabric only Mobile Belly Repair o/10 sq ft fabric only (per sq ft) N/A N/A Mobile Belly patch (w/insulation) per sq ft OPTIONAL WEATHERIZATION MEASURES Material Cost DWH Insulation blanket (each) Pipe Insulation (linear ft) 19 DUCTS Material Cost Labor Cost Comment Material Cost Labor Cost Comment Material Cost Labor Cost Comment Duct Sealing (each) Duct Repairs (per measure) Duct Insulation (linear ft) AV - ATTIC VENTING COSTS Attic/Gable vent - 12x12 (each) Attic/Gable vent - 12x18 (each) Attic/Gable vent - 18x24 (each) Gable Access Door Hinged (each) Soffit vent (each) Roof Vent slant back (each) Ridge Vent (linear foot) Install Soffit vent (w. chute) 1st story (each) Install Soffit vent (w. chute) 2nd story (each) Install vent chute (each) FV - FOUNDATION VENTING COSTS Foundation vent - auto (poured wall) each Foundation vent - auto (block wall) each Foundation vent - standard Miscellaneous Repairs/Cost per hour Actual cost of Material plus 15% Comments Note: Other materials may be substituted on a case by case basis with the AGENCY’S written prior approval. Weatherization measures not specified on the price list will be negotiated with the CONTRACTOR on a job by job basis (e.g. time and materials) or prices will be requested through a supplemental bid. The AGENCY reserves the right to delete any such measure if the price is deemed inappropriate. 20 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING PRICE QUOTATIONS ATTIC INSULATION Measure Description Number 1 Blown Cellulose - R-11 Material (per square foot) Labor (per square foot) Other 2 Blown Fiberglass - R-11 N/A N/A N/A 3 Fiberglass batts - R-11 N/A N/A N/A 4 Blown Cellulose - R-19 5 Blown Fiberglass - R-19 6 Fiberglass batts - R-19 7 Blown Cellulose - R-30 8 Blown Fiberglass - R-30 9 Fiberglass batts - R-30 10 Blown Cellulose - R-38 11 Blown Fiberglass - R-38 12 Fiberglass batts - R-38 13 Blown Cellulose - R-49 N/A N/A N/A 14 Blown Fiberglass - R-49 N/A N/A N/A 21 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING PRICE QUOTATIONS (continued) SILL INSULATION Measure Description Number 15 Fiberglass Batts - R-19 16 Material (per square foot) Labor (per square foot) Other 1" Spray foam + R13 F/G -R-20 FOUNDATION WALL INSULATION Measure Description Number 17 Rigid Foam Board - R-12 Material (per square foot) N/A Labor (per square foot) N/A Other N/A 18 R13 Fiberglass batts Perimeter (includes visqueen) N/A N/A N/A 19 R19 Fiberglass batts Perimeter - R-19 N/A N/A N/A 22 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING PRICE QUOTATIONS (continued) FLOOR INSULATION Measure Description Number 20 Fiberglass Batts - R-11 Material (per square foot) N/A Labor (per square foot) N/A Other N/A 21 Spray Foam - R-11 N/A N/A N/A 22 Blown Cellulose - R-11 N/A N/A N/A 23 Blown Fiberglass - R-11 N/A N/A N/A 24 Fiberglass Batts - R-19 25 Spray Foam - R-19 N/A N/A N/A 26 Blown Cellulose - R-19 N/A N/A N/A 27 Blown Fiberglass - R-19 N/A N/A N/A 28 Fiberglass Batts - R-30 29 Spray Foam - R-30 N/A N/A N/A 30 Blown Cellulose - R-30 N/A N/A N/A 31 Blown Fiberglass - R-30 N/A N/A N/A 32 Fiberglass Batts - R-38 33 Spray Foam - R-38 N/A N/A N/A 34 Blown Cellulose - R-38 N/A N/A N/A 35 Blown Fiberglass - R-38 N/A N/A N/A 23 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING PRICE QUOTATIONS (continued) WALL INSULATION Measure Description Number 36 Blown Cellulose - 2x4 Filled Material (per square foot) Labor (per square foot) Other 37 Blown Fiberglass - 2x4 Filled N/A N/A N/A 38 Injection Foam - 2x4 Filled N/A N/A N/A 39 Fiberglass Batts - 2x4 Filled 40 Core Fill - R-11.27 N/A N/A N/A 41 Spray Foam - 3" - 2x4 Filled N/A N/A N/A Material (per square foot) Labor (per square foot) Other KNEEWALL INSULATION Measure Description Number 42 Fiberglass Batts - R-13 43 Fiberglass Batts - R-19 N/A N/A N/A 44 Spray Foam - R-14 N/A N/A N/A Labor (per square foot) Other DUCT INSULATION Measure Number 45 Duct Insulation Description Material (per square foot) 24 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING PRICE QUOTATIONS (continued) WINDOW SEALING Measure Number 46 Window Sealing Description Material (per window) Labor (per window) Other Labor (per square foot) Other STORM WINDOWS Measure Number 47 Storm Window Description Material (per square foot) WINDOW REPLACEMENT Measure Description Number 48 Window Replacement Material (per square foot) N/A Labor (per square foot) N/A Other N/A LOW-E WINDOWS Measure Number 49 Low E Window Description Material (per square foot) N/A Labor (per square foot) N/A Other N/A FURNACE TUNE UP Measure Number 50 Description Furnace Tuneup Material (Heating Equipment) N/A Labor (Each) Other N/A N/A SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING PRICE QUOTATIONS (continued) 25 SMART THERMOSTAT Measure Description Number 51 Smart Thermostat Installation Material (Each) N/A Labor (Each) N/A Other N/A COMPACT FLORESENT LIGHTBULBS Measure Number 52 5 Watt Bulb Description Material (Each) Agency Supplied 53 7 Watt Bulb Agency Supplied 54 9 Watt Bulb Agency Supplied 55 13 Watt Bulb Agency Supplied 56 18 Watt Bulb Agency Supplied 57 25 Watt Bulb Agency Supplied 58 26 Watt Bulb Agency Supplied 59 38 Watt Bulb Agency Supplied 60 11 Watt Flood Agency Supplied 61 15 Watt Flood 62 18 Watt Flood Labor (Each Install) Other MOBILE HOME PRICE QUOTATIONS DUCT SEALING Measure Number 63 Description Material (Insulation) Duct Sealing (setup cost) w/Mastic Fiber Tape 26 Labor (Each) Other N/A N/A WALL INSULATION Measure Number 64 Description Material Labor Other Faced Batt - R-13 (per square foot) N/A N/A N/A 65 Cellulose, Blown (per bag) N/A N/A N/A 66 Fiberglass, Blown (per bag) N/A N/A N/A FLOOR INSULATION Measure Number 67 Cellulose, Blown (per bag) 68 Fiberglass, Blown (per bag) Description Material (per bag) N/A Labor (per bag) N/A Other N/A ROOF INSULATION Measure Number 69 Cellulose, Blown (per bag) 70 Fiberglass, Blown (per bag) Description Material (per bag) N/A 27 Labor (per bag) N/A Other N/A MOBILE HOME PRICE QUOTATIONS (continued) REPLACEMENT DOORS Measure Description Number 71 Replacement Door Material (per door) Labor (per door) Other Labor (per door) Other Labor (per window) Other Labor (per square foot) Other STORM DOORS Measure Number 72 Storm Door Material (per door) Description WINDOW SEALING Measure Description Number 73 Window Sealing(using weather strip sash lock-replacing stops) Material (per window) WINDOW REPLACEMENT Measure Description Number 74 Window Replacement Material (per square foot) 28 MOBILE HOME PRICE QUOTATIONS (continued) STORM WINDOWS Measure Description Number 75 Plastic storm windows 76 Material (per square foot) Labor (per square foot) Other Glass storm windows (openable) SETBACK THERMOSTAT Measure Description Number 77 Setback Thermostat Installation Material (Each) N/A Labor (Each) N/A Other N/A HEATING SYSTEM TUNE UP Measure Number 78 Material (Heating Equipment) N/A Description Heating System Tune Up 29 Labor (Each) Other N/A N/A MOBILE HOME PRICE QUOTATIONS (continued) COMPACT FLORESENT LIGHTBULBS Measure Number 79 5 Watt Bulb Description Material (Each) N/A Labor (Each Install) N/A Other N/A 80 7 Watt Bulb N/A N/A N/A 81 9 Watt Bulb N/A N/A N/A 82 13 Watt Bulb Agency Supplied 83 18 Watt Bulb N/A N/A N/A 84 25 Watt Bulb Agency Supplied 85 26 Watt Bulb N/A N/A N/A 86 38 Watt Bulb N/A N/A N/A 87 11 Watt Flood N/A N/A N/A 88 15 Watt Flood N/A N/A N/A 89 18 Watt Flood N/A N/A N/A 30 HEALTH AND SAFETY MEASURES Measure Number 90 Smoke Detector Material (Each) Agency Supplied Description 91 Dryer Hood 92 Dryer Flex Duct (0 - 9 feet) Labor (Each Install) Other Dryer Flex Duct (9- 25 Feet 93 Dryer Rigid Duct 94 CO Monitor/Detector Agency Supplied AGENCY-SPECIFIC MEASURES / may apply to single-family homes or mobile homes Measure Number Material (Each) Description Labor (per hour) Other Labor (per hour) Other HOURLY LABOR RATE Measure Number Material (Each) N/A Description Rate of Labor per Hour 31 N/A ATTACHMENT C EightCAP, Inc. Example of CONTRACT FOR SERVICES (this is for example purposes only and subject to change prior to execution) 32 CONTRACT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN EIGHTCAP, INC. (Hereinafter referred to as the AGENCY) AND ______________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR) FOR Weatherization Assistance Program Private Contracting Project Beginning_________________ and Ending_________________ Contract # ____________ Date_________________ 33 I.) WITNESS WHEREAS, the AGENCY has been given the authority to subcontract in the State of Michigan to implement the U.S. Department of Energy’s “Weatherization Assistance Program for Low-Income Persons” program pursuant to Title IV, Part A of the Energy Conservation and Production Act of 1976, 42 USC 6861-6862, as amended; and WHEREAS, the AGENCY desires to engage the CONTRACTOR to assist in the performance of the aforementioned programs; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and subject to the conditions contained herein, the AGENCY and the CONTRACTOR hereto do mutually agree as follows: II.) STATEMENT OF WORK CONTRACTOR shall furnish all supervision, technical personnel, labor, machinery, tools, equipment, material, and services; and perform all work required in accordance with the attached specifications that are made a part hereof, as fully set forth herein (see ATTACHMENT A). The property(ies) to be contracted for will be included in the Inspection Orders, issued by the AGENCY as the property(ies) is (are) determined eligible for service. (Refer to Special Condition #1.) CONTRACTOR agrees to install said items in a good and workmanlike manner at such times and such places as designated by the AGENCY. III.) SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. No work shall begin until the AGENCY issues a written Proceed Order, including the Inspection Work Order to the CONTRACTOR. The Proceed Order will identify the property(ies) that was (were) inspected, and the dates by which the work will need to be completed and the report turned in to EightCAP (SEE ATTACHMENT B). B. The CONTRACTOR must complete the inspection on the properties identified within ten (10) working days after issuance of the Inspection Order. At the option of the AGENCY, this contract may be canceled by failure of the CONTRACTOR to begin work by or on the date specified. C. All work shall be completed in a professional manner acceptable to the AGENCY. All materials must be installed in accordance with all applicable Standard Work Specifications (“SWS”), Community Services Program Manual (“CSPM”), United States Department of Energy (“DOE”) regulations/program notices, National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL) Job Task Analysis (JTA), and any other applicable rules/regulations (copies of the SWS and CSPM are available from the Agency upon request). All prices are for weatherization measures installed according to industry and program standards and include labor material, permits, job site 34 cleanup, overhead and all other costs included as ATTACHMENT B and incorporated herein by reference. Prices should reflect all costs associated with the delivery and installation. All materials used in the weatherization program must meet the specifications provided by the AGENCY. All prices for cellulose insulation materials shall meet federal recycled materials specifications. D. Other materials may be substituted on a case by case basis with the AGENCY’S written prior approval. E. Weatherization measures not specified on the price list will be negotiated with the CONTRACTOR on a job by job basis (e.g. time and materials) or prices will be requested through a supplemental bid. The AGENCY reserves the right to delete any such measure if the price is deemed inappropriate. F. It will be the responsibility of the AGENCY to identify the work that will be performed on each house; it will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to perform his/her own measurements in compliance with any and all local/State Codes and/or ordinances. G. CONTRACTOR agrees that time is of the essence and that all work shall be completed within thirty (30) days of issuance of the Proceed Order and for each calendar day after expiration of such thirty (30) period that the work is not completed, CONTRACTOR shall be liable for liquidated damages of $25 per day which shall be deducted from AGENCY’S payment to CONTRACTOR. Extensions of time for completion of work may be permitted provided that written requests for extensions detailing the reasons therefore are received and accepted by AGENCY prior to the expiration of the initial thirty- (30) day period. H. The CONTRACTOR shall: 1. Keep the premises broom clean and orderly during the course of the work and remove debris at the completion of the inspection. 2. Guarantee the work performed for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date of final acceptance of all the work required by the Agreement. 3. Permit the AGENCY or its designee to examine and inspect the premises where the Weatherization work is being or has been performed. 4. To protect the property against damage and theft. 5. Repair all surfaces and work damaged by the CONTRACTOR resulting from work under this Contract at no additional cost to the AGENCY. “Repair” means the surface is to be placed in equal or new condition either by patching or replacing. The finished work shall match adjacent work in design, dimension, texture, and 35 hue. Any repairs or corrective actions necessary shall be completed within two (2) weeks of notification. I. CONTRACTOR shall procure, at his own expense, all necessary licensing required by law to perform the inspections released to him under this Contract, and to arrange on CONTRACTOR’S own time and expense any other miscellaneous charges that might be necessary to perform the work called for. CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to reimbursement for any building permits necessary for the completion of measures ordered on the IWC. J. Should any dispute arise in respect to the construction or meaning of the items contained in the work order, or should any dispute arise in respect to the true value of the extra work or of the work omitted, or of improper workmanship or materials, or of any loss sustained by the Owner or the AGENCY, and if the manner of its estimation is not herein otherwise provided for, the same shall be determined as follows: Procedures for settling disputes will conform to those policies set forth in the Michigan Administrative Procedures Act of 1969 (P.A. 306, as amended); Chapter 4, Section 24.271-24.287. K. CONTRACTOR agrees that he/she will perform all work or his/her employees or his/her sub-contractors, if any may be used. Minimum material and installation standards and specifications are identified within ATTACHMENT C hereto; and all work performed must conform to these standards. L. CONTRACTOR shall, with respect to AGENCY, be considered an independent contractor and, as such, shall be solely responsible for the performance, general direction, supervision and efficient business administration of the work and for the furnishing of all equipment, tools, and materials necessary to the proper execution of the work. M. All work performed by the CONTRACTOR shall be paid for the AGENCY at the prices indicated on ATTACHMENT B, CONTRACTOR shall invoice AGENCY upon completion of the job. The invoice form must show the contract number on the invoice. The CONTRACTOR shall also prepare a detailed invoice support report on a form to be provided by AGENCY. Acceptance of faulty work or failure to discover defects will not relieve the CONTRACTOR of responsibility as set forth herein. N. AGENCY may inspect any completed installation job and withhold payment to the CONTRACTOR until the installation job has been approved by AGENCY. CONTRACTOR shall also participate with AGENCY in determining reasonable corrective measures that may be necessary, and CONTRACTOR will proceed to complete such reasonable corrective measures at CONTRACTOR’S expense. If corrective measures are required, an additional inspection of such corrected work may be made by AGENCY. If such inspection is made, the agency may determine a reasonable monetary amount which the CONTRACTOR is to compensate AGENCY 36 for the expense related to such additional inspection. Factors that may be included in this calculation are the reimbursement of the amount of wages and fringe benefits for inspection staff spent on additional inspections and/or trips to the jobs site (this includes time spent on the job site as well as in the office), mileage (using the IRS rate that was in effect on the day that the mileage was incurred), supplies, the use of any equipment that was used in the inspection. All sub-contractors that might be used by the CONTRACTOR are bound by the same requirements, standards, licensing, insurance coverage, and all other provisions included herein that govern the CONTRACTOR’S activities. O. The CONTRACTOR agrees hereby to indemnify and save members of the AGENCY and any of its employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character, time and description brought for or because of any damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property by or from the successful bidder or by or in consequence of any neglect in safeguarding the work or in performance of the work or through defective workmanship or materials, or by or on account of any act, omission, or misconduct of the CONTRACTOR or any of his/her representatives, servants, or employees. P. In the event any suit or other proceedings, for any claim, loss, damage, cost, charge, or expense covered by the CONTRACTOR’S forgoing indemnity should be brought against AGENCY or any of its officers, agents, or employees, CONTRACTOR hereby covenants and agrees to assume the defense thereof and defend the same at CONTRACTOR’S own expense and to pay any and all costs, charges, attorney’s fees, and other expenses, and any and all judgments that may be incurred by, or obtained against AGENCY or any of its officers, agents, or employees in such suits or other proceedings. In the event of any judgment or other lien being placed upon the property of AGENCY in such suits or other proceedings, CONTRACTOR shall at once cause the same to be dissolved and discharged by giving bond or otherwise. Q. CONTRACTOR shall not use the name of the AGENCY in any of its advertisements, business forms, or brochures. IV. CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE The AGENCY will track the following data for each CONTRACTOR for each job: - Whether the job was started on time Whether the job was completed on time Condition of job site and customer satisfaction Accuracy and timeliness of invoices from Contractor to Agency Accuracy and completeness of the documentation required from contractor Work not completed in accordance within the standards of applicable building codes and/or Department of Energy Standard Work Specifications 37 - Invoices submitted in a timely manner, with appropriate back up documentation. - Results of Contractor Performance Survey Written notifications will be known as “findings.” If there are two findings in the same category, or a total of three from all categories, within a 12-month period, the contractor will be required to attend a meeting at which a Corrective Action Plan will be developed, along with an explanation of how the items in the Corrective Action Plan will correct the identified issues. Jobs will not be issued to the contractor until a Corrective Action Plan has been implemented. If a contractor has six findings within a 12 month period, the agency will cease assigning jobs to the deficient contractor and initiate the RFP Process to identify another contractor to conduct WAP work or work with other contractors on the agency roster to complete production goals. V. INSURANCE The CONTRACTOR must provide proof that it has obtained the minimum levels of insurance coverage indicated or required by law, whichever is greater. The insurance must protect EightCAP, Inc. from claims which may arise out of, or result from, or are alleged to arise out of, or result from, the CONTRATOR’S performance of services under the terms of this Agreement, whether the services are performed by the CONTRCTOR or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by them for whose act they may be liable. The CONTRACTOR waives all rights against AGENCY, its departments, divisions, agencies, offices, commissions, officers, employees and agents for the recovery of damages that are covered by insurance policies of the CONTRACTOR is required to maintain under this Agreement. The CONTRACTORS failure to obtain and maintain the required insurance will not limit waiver. All insurance coverage provided relative to this Agreement is primary and noncontributing to any comparable liability insurance (including self-insurance) carried by the AGENCY. Where specific limits are shown, they are the minimum acceptable limits. If the CONTRACTOR’S policy contains higher limits, the AGENCY must be entitles to coverage to the extent of the higher limits. The CONTRACTOR must maintain all required insurance coverage throughout the term of this Agreement and any extensions. However, in the case of claims-made Commercial General Liability policies, the CONTRACTOR must secure tail coverage for at least three years following the termination of this Agreement. 38 The CONTRACTOR must provide, within five business days, written notice to the Weatherization Coordinator at EightCAP if any policy required under this Agreement is cancelled. The minimum limits of coverage specified are not intended, and may not be construed to limit any liability or indemnity of the CONTRACTOR to any indemnified party or other persons. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for the payment of all deductibles. If the CONTRACTOR fails to pay any premium for a required insurance policy, of if any insurer cancels or significantly reduces any required insurance without the AGENCY’s approval, the AGENCY may, after giving the CONTRACTOR at least 30 days’ notice, pay the premium or procure similar insurance coverage from another company or companies. The AGENCY may deduct any part of the cost from any payment due the CONTRACTOR, or require the CONTRACTOR to pay that cost upon demand. The CONTRACTOR is required to pay for, maintain and provide evidence that the following minimum insurance coverages are in effect during the life of the Contract; and that EightCAP is named as “additional insured” in the contractor’s insurance policies: Commercial General Liability with the following minimum coverage: $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit other than Products/Completed Operations $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury Limit $1,000,000 Each Occurrence Limit Deductible maximum: $50,000 Each Occurrence The CONTRACTOR must list the AGENCY, its departments, divisions, agencies, offices, commissions, officers, employees and agents as additional insureds on the Commercial General Liability certificate. The CONTRACTOR also agrees to provide evidence that insurance policies contain a waiver of subrogation by the insurance company. Motor vehicle insurance with the following minimum coverage: $1,000,000 per Occurrence Worker’s Compensation Statutory requirements for the State of Michigan The CONTRACTOR must provide Workers’ Compensation coverage according to the applicable laws governing work activities in the State of Michigan. If the applicable coverage is provided by a self-insurer, the CONTRACTOR must provide proof of an approved self-insured authority by the State of Michigan. For employees working 39 outside of the State of Michigan, the CONTRACTOR must provide certificate of insurance proving mandated coverage levels for the jurisdictions where the employee’s activities occur. Cyber Liability covering information security and privacy liability, privacy notification costs, regulatory defense and penalties, and website media content liability Minimal Limits: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Annual Aggregate The CONTRACTOR must list the AGENCY, its departments, divisions, agencies, offices, commissions, officers, employees and agents as additional insured on the certificate. Employers Liability insurance with the following minimum limits: $100,000 each incident $100,000 each employee by disease $500,000 aggregate disease The CONTRACTOR must list the AGENCY, its departments, divisions, agencies, offices, commissions, officers, employees and agents as additional insured on the certificate. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) Insurance with the following minimum coverage: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 annual aggregate Deductible maximum: $50,000 Per Loss Certificated of Insurance and Other Requirements Before this Agreement is signed, and not less than 20 days before the insurance expiration date every year thereafter, the CONTRACTOR must provide evidence that the AGENCY, its departments, divisions, offices, commissions, officers, employees and agents are listed as additional insureds as required. The CONTRACTOR must provide the Weatherization Coordinator with all applicable certificates of insurance verifying insurance coverage or providing, if approved, satisfactory evidence of self-insurance as required in this sections. Each certificate must be on the standard ACORD form or equivalent. The provisions of the various insurance policies are subject to AGENCY’S approval and the CONTRACTOR at the request of AGENCY shall furnish a copy of the insurance policies. 40 V.) LICENSE The CONTRACTOR will furnish to the AGENCY a copy of either its Builder’s License, or Maintenance and Alteration Contractor’s License issued by the Michigan Department of Energy, Licensing and Economic Growth prior to the signing of the Contract. VI.) MINIMUM WAGE RATES It is required that a minimum wage be paid to all workers no less than the amount established by the State of Michigan Minimum Wage Rates. VII.) OTHER REQUIREMENTS a. The CONTRACTOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the “Definition, Standards, and Specifications for a Weatherized House” as provided by the AGENCY. In addition, the CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to comply with all the specifications, requirements, terms, and similar material contained in that document. b. CONTRACTOR must comply with all applicable Standard Work Specifications (“SWS”), Community Services Program Manual (“CSPM”), United States Department of Energy (“DOE”) regulations/program notices, National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL) Job Task Analysis (JTA), and any other applicable rules/regulations. Copies of the SWS, CSPM and JTA are available from the Agency upon request. Failure to comply in any of the terms contained in these documents may result in any contract that is awarded being suspended or revoked. c. The CONTRACTOR and its employees shall participate in training as required by the AGENCY. d. Temporary Suspension of Contractor (Force Majeure) i. If, at any time during the period covered by this Contract, the desired program as set forth in the proposal, in the opinion of the AGENCY, cannot be continued in such a manner as to adequately fulfill the intent of statute or regulations, due to act of God, strike, or other disaster, the AGENCY may, in its discretion, upon two (2) days written notice to the CONTRACTOR, suspend the Contract indefinitely, until the interference due to the above mentioned act of God, disaster, or other danger has passed, at which time, upon two (2) days written notice being received and concurred in by the AGENCY at its discretion, the Contract shall be reinstated and thereafter remain in effect until the program period stated the terms of actual duration of days has been fulfilled. ii. During the term of suspension, the AGENCY and CONTRACTOR shall retain and hold available any and all funds approved for application to the Contract and shall not, during this period, otherwise expend or apply them, the funds to be held in readiness for the immediate reinstitution of this Contract. 41 e. Termination or Suspension (For Cause) i. If through any cause the CONTRACTOR shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Contract, or in the event of violation of any of the covenants contained herein, the AGENCY shall thereupon have the right to terminate or suspend this Contract by giving written notice in the form of a certified letter to the CONTRACTOR specifying the rationale for the decision and the effective date of termination or suspension. In such even all records, unused monies, and such amounts as may have been expended contrary to the terms of this Contract shall be turned over to the AGENCY. ii. Notwithstanding the above, the CONTRACTOR shall not be relieved of liability to the AGENCY for damages sustained by the AGENCY by virtue of any breach of this Contract by the CONTRACTOR, and the AGENCY may withhold any payments hereunder until such time as the exact amount of reimbursement due the AGENCY from the CONTRACTOR is determined. f. Termination (For Convenience) The AGENCY or CONTRACTOR may terminate this Contract at any time by giving written notice to the other party of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least ten (10) days before the effective date of such termination. g. Amendments This Contract shall not be subject to any alteration, amendment, extension or rescission by any previous, contemporary, or subsequent purported written or oral statement or agreement except as the AGENCY may order pursuant to this section of the Contract; except, however, that amendment, alteration, extension or rescission subsequent to the effective date of this Contract will be effective to the extent to which a properly submitted amended proposal or request for rescission or extension is considered, approved, and made a part hereof by the AGENCY. h. Entire Agreement This Contract, when signed by the AGENCY and the CONTRACTOR, constitutes the full and complete understanding of all parties and may be in any manner interpreted or fulfilled in contradiction of its expressed terms as provided herein. 42 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this AGREEMENT to be executed in two (2) original copies on the day and year first above written. Agency: EightCAP, Inc. Contractor: By: By: Position: President Position: Date: Date: Attest: Attest: Address: Telephone: State License #: ATTACHMENTS: A. B. C. D. E. F. Weatherization Contractor Application Quotation Proposal Form Example of Contract for Services EightCAP, Inc. Appeal Process Acknowledgement of Dignity of Low Income Clients and Non Solicitation Agreement State of Michigan Assurances. 43 ATTACHMENT D EightCAP,Inc. APPEAL PROCESS 44 EIGHTCAP, INC. APPLICANT APPEAL PROCEDURE This appeal procedure is applicable to grants under contract with State of Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS) and Bureau of Community Action and Economic Opportunity, as well as all other grant programs currently utilized by EightCAP, Inc. The purpose of this appeal procedure is to assure fair and equal treatment and access of all applicants to benefits and services. Programs operated by EightCAP, Inc. are subject to eligibility requirements mandated by program regulations and are also subject to the availability of funds. 1. This procedure is applicable to: 1) all individuals or households denied partial or full assistance to services and specific tangible benefits, such as Weatherization, fuel assistance, etc.; and 2) contractors that are denied a contract or have funding terminated for cause. 2. To schedule an appeal review, complete the “Request for Appeal” before and send it with copies of any additional information which you feel may qualify you within thirty (30) days of receipt of denial to: Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Officer, EightCAP, Inc., 904 Oak Drive, Greenville, MI 48838-8230. REQUEST FOR APPEAL Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ County: _______________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Date Original Application Was Made: _________________________________________________ Benefits/Services Applied For and Denied: ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Statement of Applicant’s Reasons for Appeal (use back of sheet if necessary, attach additional information and documentation as appropriate): _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ 45 EightCAP, Inc. Applicant Appeal Procedure 3. You will be notified of an Appeal Review which will be scheduled within thirty (30) working days of the receipt of your request. You have the right to attend the Appeal Review with an Attorney, friend, or other representative who you would like present to provide additional supporting information. A record of the proceedings, including additional written and verbal documentation shall be maintained by EightCAP, Inc. for a period of three (3) years. 4. You will be notified, in writing, within fifteen (15) working days after the decision of the Appeals Review Committee, stating the applicant’s eligibility or sustaining the original denial, and the reasons for the Committee’s decision. 5. You also have the right to request within fifteen (15) days of the Appeal Review Committee’s decision a review by the State of Michigan Department of Human Services and Bureau of Community Action and Economic Opportunity if you still believe you are eligible for denied benefits. Send your written request to: Department of Human Services Administrative Hearings P.O. Box 30037 235 South Grand Avenue Lansing, MI 48909 The decision rendered by Administrative Hearings is the final step in the Appeal Procedure. 46 ATTACHMENT E Acknowledgement of Dignity of Low Income Clients and Non-solicitation Agreement 47 Acknowledgement of Dignity of Low Income Clients and Non-solicitation Agreement On behalf of ______________(insert firm/individual name), I do affirm my (our) understanding that the households being served by the EightCAP, Inc. Weatherization Assistance Program have qualified for the program, in part, because of their status as “low-income”, and that the individuals receiving services and their property are to be treated with dignity and respect. Further, if a contract is awarded to ____________ ______________(insert firm/individual name), it is understood that solicitations for any Weatherization Assistant Program-qualified measures on the clients’ homes is strictly prohibited until the time the Weatherization Assistance Program has completed work on the residence, the file is closed out, and written clearance has been requested and received by the CONTRACTOR. Reports to EightCAP of a breach of any of the provisions outlined herein are grounds for action up to and including rescission of any contracts awarded to the CONTRACTOR. ___________________________(signature of authorized official) ___________________________(date) ___________________________(printed name) ___________________________(witness) 48
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