Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Day 49 of 180 PICTURE RETAKE DAY: Wednesday Nov 12th, retake envelopes are in the information rack outside of the reception area. PULL TABS FOR NH KIDS: Please collect the pull tabs from beverage cans. The NH Shriners will collect and use the proceeds to transport NH children to and from the Shriners Hospitals. FOOD DRIVE: Nov 4th to Nov. 21 sponsored by the Student Council. Please help us collect non-perishable items for our Ashland families in need. Show your AES spirit and remember every can helps! AES FALL HARVEST DANCE: AES students only! Friday, Nov 21st, 6:30 to 9:30 (AES café). Please mark your calendars. This dance is sponsored by the Student Council. FALL SPORTS AWARDS PRESENTATION: Wednesday, November 5th, 6:00 PM in the Cafeteria. PLYMOUTH WRESTLING: Grades 6, 7, & 8… Start Date is Nov. 17th 3:30 to 5:30 at Plymouth Elementary School. For more information contact Coach Matt Friend 545-9001 Mfriend@pemibaker.org. Flyers are in the office. VISION SCREENING: Thursday Nov 6th for Grades K-2 and 6-8. Permission forms were due Thursday, Oct 30th. THE SCHOOL STORE IS NOW BACK!! The store is open Tues and Friday mornings during morning meeting. All proceeds help fund student council events and projects. FREE THANKSGIVING DINNER BASKETS: Do you know a family who could us some support during the Holiday Season? Continuing a long held tradition, Plymouth State University, in partnership with United Campus Ministry, Sodexo, and the PBU Alumni Group will provide free meals to all who request them. Contact Kathy Tardif at 5352673. Baskets will be delivered on Monday 11/24/14. OPERATION SANTA CLAUS: Information can be found on the AES website SKI AND SKATE SALE: Nov. 14 &15, sponsored by Plymouth parks and Rec….Flyers are in the office. SAU DANCE: Friday, Nov 7, 6:30-9:30, Sponsored by the Plymouth Elementary School…cost is $5.00. Sign-up sheet is in the office. TODAY’S LUNCH: Sloppy Joe on Wheat Bun, Roasted Sweet Potatoes & Banana TOMORROW’S LUNCH: Pasta with Meat Sauce, Garlic Roll, Kale Salad & Frozen Fruit Sorbet Remember you can check the menu at any time by visiting the Café Services website at http://www.freshpickscafe.com/hampshireschool/Ashland-31.htm This Week at Ashland Elementary School Tuesday, Nov. 4 Wednesday, Nov. 5 Thursday, Nov. 6 Friday, Nov Election Day 5:30 SB Policy Committee Meeting 6:30 SB Meeting (Library) 7:00 Planning Board (Library) 6:00 Fall Sports Awards (cafeteria) Intermediate Tier to Lego Land Vision Screening for Primary and Middle Tier 8:00 Banking 2:40 Staff Meeting 5:30 Town Budget Committee Meeting (Library) 8:00 All School Meeting, hosted by Mr. Jones’s class 6:30 SAU Dance @ Plymouth
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