Salisbury Park Primary School 5th November 2014 Issue 2 Term 4 Dates to Remember NOVEMBER Friday 7th 8.45 am Assembly Miss Blair Excursion Redgum 2 and Redgum 4Poo Doo Gurus Monday 10th Physical Education Week Tuesday 11th Remembrance Day Wednesday 12th Kindy Transition Begins Saturday 15th Salisbury Pageant Monday 17th Head Start to High School for Year 6’s at SEHS Friday 21st Sports Day DECEMBER Tuesday 2nd 6.30 pm Gov Council Mtg Friday 5th 8.45 am Assembly Mr Sutton Leadership Team: Principal - Graham Elliott Deputy Principal - Mary McDeed Dear Parents, I would like to take this opportunity to officially welcome Melissa Field to the school. Melissa was due to start at the school next year however she agreed to come back a term early and has taken over Carly Neilson’s position teaching the reception students. Melissa is incredibly dedicated and has settled in really well and we are very lucky to have her at our site permanently. Welcome to our community Melissa. Melissa will be teaching one of our Junior Primary Classes in 2015. We have recently had our new water tanks installed so that we can recycle the run off from the gym roof and use it on our very successful student gardens. Each garden now has its’ own tap and drip feed system so that our gardens can flourish through the hot weather. We have worked hard over the last three years to teach the students the importance of recycling and reusing and our worm farm, chicken coup, colour coded recycling bins, recycling cages for our cans, bottles and juice containers all add to the children understanding the very important concept of sustainability. Why is Sustainability Important / Our Future Depends Upon It Sustainability is important because all the choices we pursue and all the actions that we make today will affect everything in the future. We need to make sound decisions at present in order to avoid limiting the choices of generations to come. The concept of sustainability is a major perspective within the National Education Curriculum and I commend our students for their positive attitude towards recycling and reusing. Thank-you to all of the parents and teachers who gave so generously of their time and supported the Halloween disco on Friday night. The discos at this school are amazing and the students always get into the spirit of the evening with some wonderful costumes and scary face painting. A big thankyou also to Gabriano’s Pizza for providing us with such great pizza at such a cheap price. Gabriano’s has supported us for many years and in my last three years at the school the price has not gone up so on behalf of the students and the staff a big thankyou. I must let you know that the DJ was blown away by the manners and respect from the students who attended and he DJ’s at a lot of different schools and venues. Our school values of: Honesty, Respect, Fairness and Belonging are very important to us and our children make me very proud when I receive this sort of feedback and I get it often about our students, remember ‘Manners are timeless’. Finally, this time of the year gets very busy. Coming up we have our Remembrance Day assembly, Kindy transition visits, Salisbury Pageant and Sports Day. I would like to thank the parent community in advance as I have already had several parents volunteer to cook the barbecue or serve on the cake stall. As usual I will be asking for cake and biscuit donations for the Sports day cake stall. This community has proven itself to be very generous in the past and I ask that all cakes/biscuits (and special Principal treats) be dropped off to the school on Thursday the 20th of November, the day before Sports Day, so that my wonderful parent fundraising group can price the items. Thankyou for your ongoing support, this is a great school and a great community Take Care, Graham. WHAT A GREAT HALLOWEEN DISCO THANK YOU TO OUR FUNDRAISING TEAM AND ALL THE DISCO HELPERS Congratulations to our winners: Best Dressed—Zoe Miller,Thomas Pederick-Hull, Kaitee Rush and Jaycob Birg-Smith. Best Dancers—Jay Lloyd, Chloe Sheppard, Elysse Klein and George Wong-Woolford. Door Prize—Emmerson Jans and Shannen Johnston. Values: Belonging, Fairness, Honesty and Respect Literacy and Values Award Winners Students are recognised each fortnight for their excellence in a number of learning areas. Teachers will nominate students who have displayed excellent work in Literacy, and in their modelling of our school values of: Respect, Honesty, Belonging and Fairness. Congratulations to this fortnights recipients: Literacy— Caitlin, Josh, Aiden, Geoffrey, Alyssa, Samantha, Zoe, Alisha, Jay, Madison, Dallas, Harley, Taylor, Kira, Kevin, and David. MultiLit/MiniLit — Caitlin and Alyssa. Values — Tegan, Zaine, Christian, Emily, Taylor, Rhiana, William, Imogen, Paige, Stefan, Kay-Lee, Sean, Thomas, Mitchal, Jaycob and Kain. Sports—Lacey, Christian, Roy, Brodie, Shi-Anne, Dallas, Thomas. Traffic Monitors Thankyou to all of our monitors who have helped us last fortnight: Alyssa, Geoffrey, Caitlin, Nikki, Rosie and Diane. Next term our monitors are: Week starting Monday 10th November: Oliver Hill, David Mapstone and Ken Hin. Week starting Monday 17th November: Alyssa White, Caitlin Stevenson and Brey Hurkmans. Freemont-Elizabeth City High School Special Music Scholarships for 2015—Students currently from Year 7 And Adelaide North Primary Music Hub for students from Year 2—7 This is an intensive music course, including choir, available for students who are currently learning an instrument, or who have a special talent or interest in music, and would like to study it at greater depth. Entry to this course is by audition only, through a relatively simple procedure. Students attend 1 1/2 hours on Tuesdays and perform in 2 concerts per year. Please ask at the office for more information or application forms. Help We are in need of dark blue shorts for emergencies. If you have any to spare please drop them off at the office. Thank you Head Lice Please make a regular time every week to check your children for signs of head lice. Take action to kill and remove the lice and their eggs before, during and after treatment. Free head lice shampoo is available from the office for school card holders. Goddard Drive, Salisbury Park SA5109 PO Box 910, Salisbury SA 5108 Email: Phone: 82816422 COMMUNITY NEWS Kapunda’s Mega Community Garage Sales—Family Fun When: Satur day 8th November fr om 8am—4pm Where: maps available from Kapunda Visitor Centre Sausage sizzle from 8 am in the main street. Information: 8566 2902 Credit Union Christmas Pageant When: Satur day November 8th fr om 9.30 am Where: Adelaide Mawson Centre Christmas Market When: Satur day 15th November fr om 10 am—1 pm Where: 2-8 Main Street Mawson Lakes Free Parenting Seminar—Living with a Toddler (attend in person or view the webcast) When: Monday 24th November fr om 7.15—9.00 pm Where: Riverbank Room Adelaide Convention Centre Online http://par antingsa.eventbr phone: 8303 1660 email: health.par Values: Belonging, Fairness, Honesty and Respect INSIGHTS Building parent-school partnerships WORDS Malcolm Dix Oh, so serious! When Malcolm Dix found himself taking life too quickly and too seriously, he decided to take a dose of his own medicine. Everywhere I go I hear from parents that they are too busy, too stressed, and have too much to do and not enough time. Many social observers say parents seeing themselves as ‘time poor’ is at epidemic levels, a belief that is only compounded by technology that enables us to be connected 24/7. At one point I personally had to take some time to stop and honestly reflect upon my own life and that of my family. It didn’t take long for me to see that I too had become caught up in the ‘busyness’ of life. I knew that for the sake of my kids and my family, I had to make a change but it requires a day-in day-out conscious level of commitment – a commitment to practise joy, fun, patience, forgiveness, silliness, bad dancing and reflection. Currently I’m doing seven things to calm my life down and that of my family while trying to create more space for my children to simply enjoy their childhood. (Some of the following I’m sure you already do but it’s taken me a while to figure them out). My strategies to slow down and not be so busy are as follows: 1 Eat together as a family at the table at least four nights a week There has been more and more written about the importance of families eating together and the positive effect it has on children and adults alike. I have to say I’m enjoying it. 2 Avoid watching the nightly news 5 Exercise together I’ve stopped watching the news and to my surprise the sky never collapsed as I had feared. I’m a much happier man not watching the oh-so-depressing’ news. I exercise with my kids at least four times a week, usually at the local park kicking the footy, throwing a frisbee, running with our dog and so on. I have realised that the best way to get them all moving is by moving myself too. 3 Turn off the TV and sit around an open fire I’ve constructed a simple fire pit in our innercity backyard and every second weekend my partner, the kids and I toast marshmallows, listen to funny songs, talk and look up at the stars. Who needs to go camping to enjoy the outdoors! My eldest boy (13 years old) is also learning to set a fire and his younger brothers are learning a lot about flames, hot coals and what happens to marshmallows when they are left in the fire for too long. Meanwhile my 16-year-old daughter will stare at the flames for an hour thinking about who knows what … but for me this is better than seeing her staring at social media or watching mindless television. 4 Dance together I’ve made the conscious decision to start dancing in the kitchen with my kids at least three times a week. I can’t dance to save myself, however I have three boys and if they are ever going to learn to dance and be comfortable with moving their bodies, I suddenly realized I have to lead the way. This parenting caper sure can be humiliating at times, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. 6 Explore nature together I’ve started spending more time in nature with my kids by taking them to the river, the hills, lakes, nature parks. I keep it local, with the occasional longer drive on weekends. I contacted my local council and found so many fun things to do as a family in my local area that I never knew existed … who would have thunk it! 7 Limit your own social networking I have severely reduced my time spent on social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc. My personality type could disappear into social media and never come back so I knew I had to significantly change my ways and, once again, it’s all about positive role modelling for my kids. So there you have it, my strategies for simplifying and calming my family life. As a result I’m happier, less stressed and far more ‘present’ for everyone which, in turn, is having a positive effect on my kids. Malcolm Dix e from Michael Grose. Join Stay one step ahead of your kids with great ideas & expert advic You’ll be so glad you did. Michael’s NEW Parentingideas Club today at parentingideasclu © 2014 Michael Grose
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