53rd Annual Convention & Trade Show CONVENTION INFORMATION & REGISTRATION We invite you to join the ENERGY & FOCUS of the Automotive Recyclers Association of New York! The Automotive Recyclers Association of New York is pleased to announce that its 53rd Annual Convention & Trade Show will take place at the Desmond Hotel & Conference Center in Albany on November 6-8, 2014. Automotive Recyclers from across New York State, the Northeast and Canada will come together at in the Capital of the Empire State for professional business development, to learn about the latest trends, practices, equipment and technology—and to celebrate our industry and the accomplishments of ARANY! Our 2014 theme is “Automotive Recycling…A Capital Idea!”—and we are tying-in our location in New York State’s Capital City with the knowledge and experience that all convention attendees and supporters will obtain through their presence and participation—knowledge that will help improve their operations, enhance their recycling efforts, and increase the bottom line! DON’T MISS OUT! REGISTER TODAY! Your presence will make an impact on New York State’s Automotive Recyclers! We look forward to seeing you in Albany this November! - The 53rd Convention & Trade Show Planning Committee 2014 ARANY CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW SCHEDULE Thursday, November 6, 2014 ARANY has invited leaders from neighboring states and Canadian provinces to come together for The Summit, an open forum where leaders can discuss and debate issues that impact the industry across the region and develop strategies for promoting greater cooperation. The Summit will run from 12:00 – 5:30 p.m. in Town Hall If you would like to learn more about The Summit or be considered for participation, please contact the ARANY Office at 1-800-944-7278 or info@arany.com. The Summit is sponsored by Tracey Road Equipment. REGISTER TODAY! Sign-Up by October 31st and Save $$$ with the Early Bird Special! Register by using the enclosed form or by going online at www.arany.com. 2014 ARANY CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW SCHEDULE (Continued) Thursday, November 6, 2014 Vendor Preliminary Registration & Set-Up – King Street Opens at 3:00 p.m. Convention Registration – King Street Opens at 5:00 p.m. Convention Kick-Off Party & Equipment Demonstrations at Tracey Road Equipment – Albany 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Join us as we formally kick-off this year’s Convention & Trade Show with a Party with equipment demonstrations, including the Kobelco Model SK210D-9 Multi-Dismantling Machine. 115 Railroad Avenue Albany, NY 12205 Friday, November 7, 2014 Vendor Registration & Set-Up – King Street Opens at 6:00 a.m. Convention Registration – King Street Opens at 7:00 a.m. Breakfast – King Street 7:00 – 8:30 a.m. Annual Membership Meeting & Election of Officers – Town Hall 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Join us as we report on this year’s progress and get the latest news from ARANY. General Session 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. A View from New York State Government: Doing “Green Business” in New York with Eugene Leff, Deputy Commissioner of Remediation and Materials Management New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Learn about the role New York State is playing to help promote “Green Business,” as well as the latest updates from DEC. Break 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. Concurrent Sessions 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Managing from the Eye of the Storm With Robert & Chad Counts, Counts Business Consulting The pace of the industry is such that catching a mistake or problem at the earliest possible moment is critical. It can impact your time, your stress and most importantly your profitability. Come and learn the critical and predictive data that will help drive your company forward. or Special Disaster Track Disaster Preparedness & Recovery I: When Disaster Happens This year, we are running a special disaster track throughout the convention. There will be 3 sessions offered—offering outstanding insights and advice on how your yard can be prepared for the worst. Each of these sessions will be presented by veteran Automotive Recyclers and subject matter experts. 2014 ARANY CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW SCHEDULE (Continued) Friday, November 7, 2014 Lunch Lunch Presentation – An Update from ARANY Government Affairs 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Workers’ Compensation Reclassification This panel presentation will present ARANY’s pursuit of a change in Workers’ Compensation classifications—in order to provide greater classification flexibility and save money. Representatives from ARANY leadership, staff, government affairs and Haylor, Freyer & Coon will provide updates and discuss strategy development for this important effort. or Special Disaster Track Disaster Preparedness & Recovery II: Rebuilding After Disaster The second panel presentation in this special series. Trade Show Open – Meet Our Outstanding Vendors & Supporters! 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Annual Gala Cocktail Party, Banquet & Auction A wonderful celebration of our association and industry! Cocktail Hour sponsored by Milton CAT. Bid on fantastic auction items! Greetings from ARA: A National Update 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. Saturday, November 8, 2014 Convention Registration – King Street Opens at 7:00 a.m. Breakfast – King Street 7:00 – 9:00 a.m. Keynote Session 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Mastering the Art of Success for Automotive Recycling with D.J. Harrington, CSP D.J. Harrington is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Phone Logic, Inc., an international training company based in Atlanta, Georgia. D.J. serves as a consultant and trainer to over 1,000 privately owned businesses throughout the country, training personnel at all levels of the company – from the operator to the customer service reps, to the sales staff and the president of the company Break 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. REGISTER TODAY! Sign-Up by October 31st and Save $$$ with the Early Bird Special! Register by using the enclosed form or by going online at www.arany.com. 2014 ARANY CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW SCHEDULE (Continued) Saturday, November 8, 2014 Concurrent Sessions 11:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. Yard Management System Updates & Training Learn the latest from Car-Part.com, Hollander, Pinnacle & CRUSH or Job Description Workshop Job descriptions are a vital part of a successful business. They serve as a resource in hiring, assisting with a Workers’ Compensation claim, or Department of Labor audit. This facilitated discussion will use the collective wisdom and experience of the group to brainstorm and develop job descriptions for all the jobs and roles found in our yards. The results of the workshop will assist in developing these job descriptions as a resource for all ARANY members. or Special Disaster Track Disaster Preparedness & Recovery III: Awareness & Tips for Employees The third panel presentation in this special series. Concurrent Sessions 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. The Fast and the Furious with Robert & Chad Counts, Counts Business Consulting Production staff determines the experience your customers have with your parts and your service. Join us as we dive into the fast paced world of production. Your production staff is also the largest percent of your employee cost. Are they the best managed and the most focused? or Better Communications in the Digital Age: Customer Service & Yard-to-Yard Tips for Success with D.J. Harrington, CSP Our keynote speaker will share wisdom on building effective communications for ensuring success throughout your operations. or What You Need to Know This panel presentation will cover being prepared for audits and inspections; best practices; and how everyone employed at the yard can contribute to a safe and successful operation. Trade Show & Lunch on Trade Show Floor 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Convention Closing – Social & Fun Event! 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. ARANY Race Night at Fastrax Raceway Join us as we bring our weekend to a close with ARANY’s version of “Fast & Furious” as we see who can claim the title of ARANY’s Fastest! Food, drink, races, prizes & more! Racing tips from ARANY’s own Matt Fink 2014 ARANY CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW REGISTRATION FEES Full Package Member Non-Member 2 Day Package (No Gala Banquet) $285 (by 10/24); $310 (after 10/25) Member $305 (by 10/24); $330 (after 10/25) Non-Member $215 (by 10/24); $240 (after 10/25) $235 (by 10/24); $260 (after 10/25) All Programs and Concurrent Sessions Trade Show Admittance Thursday Evening Kick-Off Party Friday Gala Cocktail Hour & Banquet Breakfast, Breaks & Lunch on Friday & Saturday Saturday Evening Convention Closing Event All Programs and Concurrent sessions Trade Show Admittance Thursday Evening Kick-Off Party Breakfast, Breaks & Lunch on Friday & Saturday Saturday Evening Convention Closing Event Friday Only with Gala Banquet 1 Day Package Member Non-Member $205 (by 10/24); $225 (after 10/25) Member $225 (by 10/24); $250 (after 10/25) Non-Member $155 (by 10/24); $180 (after 10/25) $175 (by 10/24); $200 (after 10/25) All Programs and Concurrent Sessions Trade Show Admittance Friday Gala Cocktail Hour & Banquet Breakfast, Breaks & Lunch on Friday All Programs and Concurrent Sessions Trade Show Admittance Breakfast, Breaks & Lunch on Selected Day Trade Show Only Admission Single Event Tickets Advance Purchase Ticket $35.00 On-Site Purchase Ticket & $45.00 Non-Member Hours: Friday 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Saturday 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Thursday Evening Kick-Off Party $35.00 Friday Evening Gala Cocktail Hour & Banquet $85.00 Saturday Evening Closing Event $30.00 Children’s Pricing Ages 2 and Under Ages 3 to 11: Full Package 2 Day (No Gala) Friday Only with Gala Gala Only Saturday Only with Closing Event Trade Show Ages 12+ Free $160 $120 $95 $45 $75 Free Adult Rates Members Non-Memb $40.00 $95.00 $35.00 For Further Information or Convention Registration Assistance If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the ARANY Office at 1-800-944-7278 or info@arany.com. CONVENTION ACCOMMODATIONS All Convention attendees are encouraged to arrange their accommodations at the Desmond, our Headquarters Hotel. A special convention rate of $129.00 is available. Call 1-800-448-3500 to make your reservations. Tell them you are with the Automotive Recyclers of New York room block. Room block will be released on October 27, 2014! Make your reservations today! 53rd Annual Convention & Trade Show ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR ATTENDEES & SUPPORTERS ATTENTION MEMBERS & SUPPORTERS… BE SEEN BY AUTOMOTIVE RECYCLERS… PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS… HELP US ADVANCE THE WORK OF ARANY…HOW? Exhibit at the Trade Show/Advertise in the Convention Program – For more information on these great visibility and marketing opportunities, please contact the ARANY Office at 1-800-944-7278 or info@arany.com. Welcoming Bags – Participating members, vendors & sponsors can contribute to the Convention Welcoming Bags that are distributed to all attendees. All items for the Welcoming Bags should be shipped to: ARANY, 1450 Western Avenue, Suite 101, Albany, NY 12203 and must be received by November 3rd. Donate an Auction Item or Basket – Our Annual Convention Auctions help raise valuable funds to support the work of ARANY and the New York Automotive Recyclers Political Action Committee, by raising our visibility at the State Capitol. We appreciate your ongoing and generous support. Anyone interested in donating to the auctions can contact us at 1-800-944-7278 or info@arany.com. Cancellations and Refunds ARANY will issue refunds on the following schedule: Cancellation up to 30 days prior to the event (10/6/14) 100% Refund Cancellation up to 2 weeks prior to the event (10/23/14) 50% Refund Cancellation up to 1 week prior to the event (10/30/14) 25% Refund Cancellations after 10/30/13 will not be eligible for a refund. REGISTER TODAY! Sign-Up by October 31st and Save $$$ with the Early Bird Special! Register by using the enclosed form or by going online at www.arany.com. We look forward to seeing you in Albany! JOIN US! 53rd Annual Convention & Trade Show Attendee Registration Form Please complete this form and submit with payment to choices listed below. Company Name:_________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State/Province: ________________ Zip: ___________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Note: 1st figure listed is the Early Bird Rate (by 10/31/14)/2nd figure is for registrations from 11/1/14 on. MEMBER REGISTRATION FEES Name Full Package $285/310 2 Day No Gala $215/240 Name Full Package $305/330 2 Day No Gala $235/260 Friday w/ Gala $205/225 Friday No Gala $155/180 Saturday No PM Event $155/180 Gala Only $85 Trade Show Only $35 Kick-Off Party Only $35 Saturday Eve. Event Only $30 Trade Show Only $45 Kick-Off Party Only $40 Saturday Eve.Event Only $35 NON-MEMBER REGISTRATION FEES Friday w/ Gala $225/250 Friday No Gala $175/200 Saturday No PM Event $175/200 Gala Only $95 PAYMENT INFORMATION Total Enclosed: $_______________ __ Check Enclosed (Please make payable to: ARANY) __ Credit Card: __ Visa __ MasterCard __ Amex __ Discover Name on Card: __________________________________________________ Card Number: ___________________________________________________ Expiration Date: _________________________ Security #: ______________ Submit Registration Form to: ARANY, 1450 Western Avenue, Suite 101, Albany, NY 12203-3539 or Fax to: 518-463-8656 or E-Mail to: info@arany.com Questions? Please contact the ARANY Office at: 1-800-944-7278 or info@arany.com For Hotel Reservations: Contact the Desmond Hotel at: 1-800-448-3500. Book under “ARANY.”
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