The Premier Exposition for the Microelectronics Manufacturing Supply Chain December 3 Wed. ▶ 5 Fri. 10:00ー17:00 Tokyo Big Sight East Exhibition Hall, Conference Tower Organizer: SEMI® Supported by: /&8-0$"5*0/'03 Tokyo Big Sight For registration, please visit ▶▶▶ U.S. Department of Commerce; Japan LED Association; Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging; The Japan Society of Applied Physics; Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association; The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry; The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society; The Vacuum Society of Japan; Japan Vacuum Industry Association; Japan Electronics Packaging and Circuits Association; Nippon Electronic Device Industry Association; Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan #PPUI/P )BMM The New SEMICON Japan New Venue – New Exhibits – New Technologies – New Programs New Venue: Tokyo Big Sight NJOBDDFTTGSPN5PLZP4UBUJPOPS)BOFEB"JSQPSU World of IoT A new technology showcase for IoT enablers Over 100 hours of Technology and Business Programs A one-stop information resource for microelectronics manufacturing 5IFXPSMEUIFNFPG4&.*$0/oJT “without limits.” There are no limits to where technology can take us or to where we can take technology. Explore opportunity without limits in 4&.*$0/+BQBO Global executives of IoT leading Company. The remarks in the forums and the seminars attract attentions from the world. World of IoT will bring together leading global electronics and microelectronics companies whose innovations are driving the expansion of mobile, cloud computing, and network-connected devices. Held in conjunction with 4&.*$0/+BQBO8PSMEPG*P5JTB “show-within-a-show” and is the only exhibit showcase and conference of its kind in Japan. Yuzuru Utsumi Chikatomo Hodo "3.,, Accenture Japan Ltd Gary E. Dickerson Kosuke Hirano "QQMJFE.BUFSJBMT*OD Intel K.K. Ken NIshimura Shinichi Abe TechCrunch Japan Google Japan, Inc. Donald Jones Tsuyoshi Kinoshita $JTDP4ZTUFNT(, 4DSJQQT5SBOTMBUJPOBM 4DJFODF*OTUJUVUF Global leading players of IoT provide solutions, technologies and services in the following areas in Hall 3. Tomoyuki Suzuki Yasuo Naruke 4POZ$PSQ 504)*#"$PSQ Tokuhisa Nomura World of IoT Exhibition area t"VUPNPUJWF1PXFS%FWJDF t)FBMUIDBSF t%1SJOUFST IoT related seminars and events: Check t.PCJMF t4FOTPST.&.4 t4FDVSJUZ marks in seminars and events lists. SEMICON Japan 2014 Sponsorship(Alphabetical order) Platinum Sponsors Gold Sponsors Kazuaki Sawada 5PZPUB.PUPS$PSQ 5PZPIBTIJ6OJWFSTJUZ of Technology Madoka Sawa Takeshi Idezawa .JDSPTPGU+BQBO LINE Corp. BTPG4FQ innovation Explore the Future of Innovation at the Exhibition Hall 'PSUIFMBUFTUFYIJCJUJPOJOGPSNBUJPOBOEMJTUPGFYIJCJUPSTQMFBTFWJTJU▶ East Hall 3 East Hall 2 East Hall 1 SEMICON Lounge Back-end Process / Materials & Overall Process Zone Front-end Process Zone Special Showcase 製造イノベーション Manufacturing パビリオン Innovation Pavilion Ecosystem Pavilion Secondary Equipment Pavilion Visitor Registration 化学物質管理対策 Chemical Materials パビリオン Management Pavilion From nearest station Visitor Registration Seminars by exhibitors It is held in Tokyo Big Sight Conference Tower Front-end Process Zone Seminars SEMI Standards Meetings others East Hall 4 East Hall 5 Construction of two process zones and four theme pavilions Front-end Process Zone Manufacturing Innovation Pavilion 'FBUVSJOHFYIJCJUPSTGPDVTFEPOEFWJDFEFTJHOBOE EFTJHOUPPMT8BGFSNBOVGBDUVSJOH'SPOUFOEXBGFS QSPDFTTFRVJQNFOUUPPMTBOEQBSUT'SPOUFOE1SPDFTT to account for 80% of device markets spreads. Back-end / Materials & Overall Process Zone 'FBUVSJOHFYIJCJUPSTTIPXDBTJOHCBDLFOEQSPDFTT technologies (packaging, test, and assembly), advanced materials, services, software, components, parts, and cross-over technologies. This pavilion will showcase innovative process and manufacturing technologies and materials that enable smarter and faster devices at lower manufacturing costs. Secondary Equipment Pavilion 5IF4FDPOEBSZ&RVJQNFOU1BWJMJPOXJMMQSPWJEFOFX business opportunities to the exhibitors that supply secondary equipment and related components and services. Ecosystem Pavilion Chemical Materials Management Pavilion Ecosystem Pavilion is designed to facilitate partnership across the microelectronics supply chain from materials and components suppliers to manufacturing service providers. 5IF$IFNJDBM.BUFSJBMT.BOBHFNFOU1BWJMJPOJT designed to showcase those companies providing technologies, services, and solutions for chemical materials management. Regional Pavilions 3FHJPOBM1BWJMJPOTBU4&.*$0/+BQBOBSFEFTJHOFEUPGBDJMJUBUFHMPCBMJOUFSBDUJPOTXJUISFHJPOBMCVTJOFTTTFHNFOUT t641BWJMJPO t Kyusyu Pavilion Exhibition Hall t German Pavilion t4NBMM&OUFSQSJTFT1BWJMJPO Venue: East Exhibition Hall, Tokyo Big Sight Seminars by exhibitors A new product, leading-edge technology, a development concept, etc. 'SFF Exhibitor's Seminar Room Venue Venue Venue t TCCI Pavilion t Tohoku Pavilion ● ● ● Free Networking Events Students Events Happy Hour The Kosen Date ●5IV%FDo Venue ● Participating exhibitors will be announced in November. A casual networking event held at participating exhibitor booths. Featuring presentations from the National College in Technology. Date ●8FE%FDo'SJ%FDo Venue ● Exhibition Hall East Hall 1 Innovation Lounge・ Networking Reception East Hall 3 Date ●8FE%FDo'SJ%FDo Venue ● Innovation Lounge, East Hall 1 Connect with the engineers of the same generation in the industry at this networking reception for young engineers. Technical briefing session by the exhibition companies in charge for students Date ●5IV%FDo Venue ● Exhibition Hall East Hall 4 (Invitation only) Contact for Exhibition Attendee support tools ▶ t7JTJUPSTPGUIFFYIJCJUJPOBSFTUSPOHMZFODPVSBHFEUPQSFSFHJTUFSWJBUIFXFCTJUF t1SFSFHJTUSBUJPOJTSFRVJSFEGPSBMMTFNJOBSTBOEFWFOUT 4&.*$0/+BQBO.BOBHFNFOU4VQQPSU Tel: +81.50.5804.1281 Joint technical briefing session t E xhibitor Search: Please visit official Web site. "WBJMBCMFGSPNCFHJOOJOHPG/PW*OUFSBDUJWF'MPPS1MBO to search for companies that are exhibiting in 2014. How to register Please visit ▶ t NEDIA Pavilion Contact for Seminars & Events 4&.*+BQBO&WFOU3FHJTUSBUJPO 5FM&NBJMKFWFOUJOGP!TFNJPSH t The SEMICON Japan Mobile App. -Available for Download from Nov. 25. 5IF4&.*$0/+BQBO.PCJMF"QQJTBGVMMGVODUJPOFE JOUFSBDUJWFHVJEFUP4&.*$0/+BQBOBWBJMBCMFGPS iPhone, iPad, and Android devices). information More than 100 Hours of Seminars and Events Venue: East Hall 3, East Exhibition Hall, Tokyo Big Sight Wed., Dec. 3 10:20 –12:00 12:50 –14:30 14:50 –16:30 Thu., Dec. 4 Fri., Dec. 5 STS Special Session STS DFM Session STS Test Session What will Big Data and IoT Bring? Information is changing the world when things are connected with sensors to generate enormous amount of information that then create new services. Come to develop your business acumen to grab the opportunity. Improve Competitiveness through DMF/DFR As the complexity in semiconductor manufacturing JODSFBTFT%'.%'3CFDPNFTFWFSNPSFJNQPSUBOU UPEBZ'SPOUMJOFSFTFBSDIFSTBOEFOHJOFFSTXJMMQSFTFOU the latest development in fab-light/fables era. Challenges for a Quality / Cost Balance How can test technologies satisfy both quality and cost requirements in a diversified semiconductor industry? Leading test experts will present the latest developments and future directions for test. STS Power Device Session (1) STS Advanced Lithography Session (1) STS MEMS / Sensor Session (1) SiC/GaN Power Devices: The Signs of a Leap 'VMMTDBMFDPNNFSDJBMJ[BUJPOPG4J$BOE(B/QPXFS devices is expected shortly. This session will discuss UIF4J$BOE(B/QPXFSEFWJDFEFWFMPQNFOUJO+BQBO including the national project. EUVL ? on the Way to Reality &67MJUIPHSBQIZJODMVEJOHUIFMJHIUTPVSDFJTHBJOJOH long time stability required for practical use. This session will report the current status of the equipment and the light source as well as user’s expectation. Social Infrastructure and MEMS Sensors #VJMEJOHTPDJBMJOGSBTUSVDUVSFGPSTNBSUFSBOETBGFSMJGF with sensors is the challenge of today, such as the smart agriculture and prevention of accidents. This TFTTJPOXJMMFYQMPSFUIFQPTTJCJMJUJFTPG.&.4JOUIF social infrastructure. STS Power Device Session (2) STS Advanced Lithography Session (2) STS MEMS / Sensors Session (2) SiC/GaN Power Devices: The Signs of a Leap 'VMMTDBMFDPNNFSDJBMJ[BUJPOPG4J$BOE(B/QPXFS devices is expected shortly. This session will discuss UIF4J$BOE(B/QPXFSEFWJDFEFWFMPQNFOUJO+BQBO including the national project. Alternate Patterning Technologies As a solution for further scaling to lower the chip cost, integration of conventional and new patterning technologies emerges in the current lithography development. This session will discuss candidate technologies. Smart Devices and MEMS 1.2 billion smartphones are expected to be shipped in 2014, and wearable devices market ramps rapidly. This TFTTJPOXJMMFYQMPSFUIFQPTTJCJMJUZPG.&.4GSPNUIF various viewpoints. Venue: East Hall 5, East Exhibition Hall, Tokyo Big Sight Wed., Dec. 3 10:20 –12:00 12:50 –14:30 14:50 –16:30 Free Thu., Dec. 4 Free Fri., Dec. 5 SEMATECH Manufacturing Forum Secondary Equipment Business Seminar Innovation Lounge Spin-off Program Challenges and Opportunities for the Semiconductor Supply Chain 4&."5&$)UFDIOJDBMFYQFSUTXJMMTIBSFFNFSHJOH concepts and technologies in semiconductor manufacturing and discuss the importance of synergies across the industry. New Trend in Secondary Equipment 2 Japan semiconductor industry is experiencing significant changes including restructuring and acquisitions. In this QSPHSBNBGPSFJHODBQJUBM*%.BOBOBMZTUBOEBCBDLFOE equipment supplier will present their insights. Challenge of Young Engineers 450mm Status from the Viewpoint of SEMI Standards STS Advanced Devices / Processes Session (1) STS TSV / 2.5D / 3D Session 4JODF4&.*IBTQVCMJTIFEPWFSFJHIUFFO NNXBGFS4UBOEBSETPOXBGFSTDBSSJFSTBOE MPBEQPSUT5IJTQSPHSBNXJMMTVNNFSJ[FUIFMBUFTU EFWFMPQNFOUJOUIFNN4&.*4UBOEBSET($ will also report updated information. Future Vision for Advanced Device New materials, technologies and device structures are required for higher integration and higher performance. This session will provide the latest technology information essential to your business execution. SEMI EHS & Sustainability Update 2014 STS Advanced Devices / Processes Session (2) Effective Usage of Water Resource in Semiconductor for Manufacturing Factory 3FDZDMFBOESFVTFPGSFTPVSDFTBSFJNQPSUBOUBU semiconductor fabs for cost reduction and productivity improvement. This session will focus on water from the viewpoints of equipment, components, and fab operation. Future Vision for Advanced Device New materials, technologies and device structures are required for higher integration and higher performance. This session will provide the latest technology information essential to your business execution. :PVOHFOHJOFFSTJOPVSJOEVTUSZXJMMUBMLBCPVUUIFJS FYQFSJFODFTBOEESFBNTGPS3%QSPKFDUTJOBQBOFM discussion. All young engineers are encouraged to participate to take-away motivation and inspiration for the future. This is the 3D Jisso Solution for Winners %*$TPMVUJPOTIBWFCFFOBEBQUFEUP$.04TFOTPST POMZ#VUUPEBZNFNPSZDPNQBOJFTBSFBOOPVODJOHUIF adoption in their volume production. This session will EJTDVTTUIF547%*$DIBMMFOHFT STS Packaging Session Catch the Wave of IoT Era IoT is going to change our life and business. This session will introduce packaging technologies that contribute the coming IoT era by enabling high speed communication systems. Conference Tower Wed., Dec. 3 SEMI EHS Standards Energetics Workshop Thu., Dec. 4 Paid Emerging Chemistries and their Combinations Introducing Risks to Semiconductor Manufacturing Operations, Fab, Environment and Life Time ● o Venue ● 3PPN$POGFSFODF5PXFS' SEMI Presidents Reception Paid Time ● o Venue ● 3FDFQUJPO)BMM#$POGFSFODF5PXFS' SEMATECH Symposium Fri., Dec. 5 Free Future vision for semiconductor manufacturing technologies Time ● o Venue ● 3PPN$POGFSFODF5PXFS' Int'l EHS Compliance & Regulatory Seminar Paid Regulatory trends for semiconductor manufacturing equipment and their impact on supply chain Time ● o Venue ● 3PPN$POGFSFODF5PXFS' Hospitality Seminar TRUMPF Huettinger Free Plasma with its application examples and choice of power supply Time ● o Venue ● 3PPN$POGFSFODF5PXFS' SEMI Standards Friendship Party Time ● o Venue ● 3PPN$POGFSFODF5PXFS' Sustainable Manufacturing & High Tech Facility Forum Paid More and More High-Tech Facility – More Green and More Intelligent Time ● 10:00–15:00 Venue ● 3PPN$POGFSFODF5PXFS' Venue: Reception Hall A, Conference Tower 1F, Tokyo Big Sight Japanese–English Interpretation Available Free This exciting conference event consists of nine sessions over three days, featuring a powerful line-up of global industry experts and business leaders. Get inspired by some of the leading names in industry and business. Wed., Dec. 3 9:30 –10:00 Thu., Dec. 4 Opening Ceremony Opening Session“Women in Business” IT Forum Strategy for diversity soken by Female Top Executives Time ● 10:00–12:20 Leading female executives from around the world and Japan will share their perspectives on the strengths, challenges, and opportunities in bringing more women to the highest levels of business management. 10:20 –12:00 supported by US Embassy This session will explore the technological and business models driving development and shaping the future of electronics. Executives from leading global companies will share the perspectives and strategies. Mary Puma CEO Axcelis Technologies, Inc. Chieko Asakawa IBM Research-Tokyo,IBM Fellow IBM Japan, Ltd. –16:30 CP Hung Corporate R&D, Vice President ASE Suresh Ramalingam Senior Director, Packaging Design and Technology Xilinx Hiroshi Yamada Senior Research Scientist Electron Devices Laboratory, Corporate Reseach & Development Center Toshiba Corp. Takeshi Idezawa Chief Operating Officer LINE Corp. Ken Nishimura TechCrunch Japan AOL Online Japan Opening Keynotes: IoT Forum GSA Forum: The Future: Brought by IoT The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to bring revolutionary change in areas including communication, health care, education, transportation, and the environment. Leading industry experts and executives will present their perspectives and insights on how IoT technology will transform innovation, technology, and society as a whole. Strategy foward the IoT Era Which technologies and business models will take the lead in the coming IoT era? Key industry executive management and engineers will explore the future of IoT and present their business and technology strategies. Current intelligent and flexible wired an wireless systems are interconnected for specific applications. In the coming era of IoT, "systems of systems" will need to work together over a variety of connections including the Internet. This forum will explore the design and system requirements and cooperation needed to advance the promise of IoT. Chikatomo Hodo President Accenture Japan Ltd Tsuyoshi Kinoshita Managing Director, Technology Cisco Systems G.K. Donald Jones Chief Digital Officer Scripps Translational Science Institute Kosuke Hirano Senior Executive Officer, Business Development Intel K.K. Tokuhisa Nomura Executive General Manager, Electronics Field Toyota Motor Corp. Tomoyuki Suzuki EVP, Corporate Executive, Charge of Corporate R&D, Device Sony Corp. Kazuaki Sawada Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronic Information Engineering Toyohashi Univershitu of Technology Yuzuru Utdumi President ARM K.K. 14:50 Amid the mounting expectations of 2.5D / 3D IC volume production, top engineers at leading companies will discuss its cost, process, adoption and equipment readiness for rapid development. Shinichi Abe Enterprise Business, Japan, Managing Director Director Google Japan, Inc. Miwako Doi Auditor National Institute of Information and Communications Technology –14:30 2.5D / 3D IC Forum Madoka Sawa Microsoft Technology Center MTC Director Microsoft Japan Makiko Eda CEO Intel K.K. 12:50 Fri., Dec. 5 IoT & Its Application Shozo Saito Senior Advisor, Toshiba & Board of Director, GSA Toshiba Corp. Janusz Bryzek CEO and Chairman TSensors Summit, Inc. A panel discussion representing semiconductor, medical, auto, equipment and materials is scheduled after the presentations. Semiconductor Executive Forum SEMI Market Forum Manufacturing Innovation Forum Innovation without limits Top executives of the global semiconductor industry will present their perspectives on the innovation without limits in both technologies and business areas to figure out the future of the semiconductor industry. The coming IoT revolution will lead significant change in the entire semiconductor supply chain. In this forum, leading analysts will give insights across the supply chain to help you develop strategies into the future. Manufacturing Technologies for Sub-10nm Era The IoT revolution will create vast demand for low-cost, high-performance devices. Executives at leading companies will discuss the innovations required to meet the demand, with a view to the sub-10nm generation. Yasuo Naruke Executive Officer, Corporate Executive Vice President and CEO, Semi conductor & Storage Products Company Toshiba Corp. Akira Minamikawa Japan Research Director IHS Techonology IHS global Inc. Tsuyoshi Abe Director and Senior Executive Officer, Vice President General Manager of Technology & Manufacturing Group Japan Intel K.K. Jim Feldhan President SEMICO Research Corp. Gary E. Dickerson President and Chief Executive Officer Applied Materials, Inc. The Latest News 6OWFJMJOHPGUIFMBUFTUOFXT as it breaks! Traffic information to Tokyo Big Sight t 5 PLZP#JH4JHIUJTBNJOXBMLGSPN “Kokusai Tenji-jo” 4UBPG5PLZP3JOLBJTFO t 5PLZP#JH4JHIUJTBNJOXBMLGSPN,PLVTBJ5FOKJKP 4FJNPO4UBPG4IJO,PUTV4ZTUFN:63*,".0.& Hattori Ryuichiro Senior Managing Consultant Global Business Services Global Center of Competence Electronics IBM Japan, Ltd. Dan Tracy Senior Director SEMI Industry Research & Statistics 1MFBTFWJTJU5PLZP#JH4JHIUPGGJDJBMXFCTJUF By train Yuichiro Yamazaki CTO, Director of Strategic Planning NGR Inc. Risto Puhakka President VLSI Research Inc. By bus t :PVDBOHFU-JNPVTJOFCVTTFSWJDFTUP5PLZP#JH4JHIU from Haneda airport, Narita airport, and a bus service GSPN5PLZP4UB Hotels: :PVDBOVTFUIFIPUFMBSPVOE5PLZP#JH4JHIUBUBO advantageous special discount rate. Attn.:+5#(MPCBM.BSLFUJOH5SBWFM4&.*$0/+BQBO +5#%FTL TEL: Email:
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