The Official Newsletter of the Calgary Marlborough Community Association
Nov. 07 - Jelly Bean Dance at 6:30pm
Nov. 29 – Christmas Craft Sale at 9:30am
Photo courtesy of Darby
Upcoming Events
Visit: www.marlboroughca.com
November 2014
President .............................................. Steve Hurley
Past President ...............................Peter McLaughlin
1st Vice Pres ...................................Donna O’Connor
2nd Vice Pres ........................................ Robert Grey
Secretary ..................................................Celia Long
Treasurer ..........................................Heather Carling
Adult Social ............................ Jeannine Hayes-Grey
Assistant Social ..................................... Barb Cosens
Bingo .....................Margaret Berger, 403-273-7952
Casino ........................................Dawn Svenningsen
Children’s Events .................................... Susan Cook
Community Pride ...................... Carlos Arceabrego
Lounge .......................................................... Vacant
Marketing .......................................... Noel Mercado
Membership.........................................Sarah Delisle
Newsletter .................................................... Vacant
Phoning .................................. Jeannine Hayes-Grey
Scholarship ........................................ Laurie Wordie
Seniors ...............................................Richard Crowe
Social Media...................................... Taylor Graham
Sports ...................................................Alex Penney
Chris Akkerman School.............................Celia Long
Neighbourhood Services
.....................................Katie Thorpe, 403-366-3957
Calgary Police Service – (CSO) ... Cts. Tracey Renaud
50 plus ............................................. Lenora Schwab
Tom Campbell, Hall Manager ..........., 403-273-5894
................................................... Fax: 403-248-1366
HALL RENTAL RATES- info & booking
Call: 403-273-5894 E-mail: calmarca@telus.net
Main Hall capacity - 400
Upper Hall capacity - 60
Lounge capacity - 80
Activity Room capacity - 35
Meeting Room capacity - 20
Main and Upper halls come with kitchen facilities
Calgary Marlborough
Community Association
636 Marlborough Way NE (403) 273-5894
Memberships are now available on-line
President’s Report
As I mentioned in my first report going back to the February newsletter the goal of the
executive board was to continue to grow certain programs and processes but our main goal for
2014 was to tidy up our day to day housekeeping processes throughout our facility. We still
have work to do but I believe we made great stride with our accomplishments this year.
We continue to look for volunteers to help with our ongoing strategy. Our goal was to target
a large portion of the 8200 residents that live in Marlborough and invite those folks into our
community association and our membership program. Strategies included door knocking,
membership drives, social media and other event marketing strategies. Unfortunately it takes
volunteers to grow those initiatives and going back to my original point we are always looking
for great volunteers to assist with various duties on the board or executive.
The CMCA board are working on our new policies and procedures and have completed
our up-to-date bylaws which have been received and confirmed with the registries folks.
Heather can elaborate on the bylaws in her report.
We have welcomed a number of new faces to the CMCA Board of Directors, we’ve
incorporated some folks to look after our sports director and our social media side of our
business so I encourage everyone to visit our Facebook page and our social media sites and like
or View the site and send us your comments are always looking for feedback.
In April we rolled out our new website Marlboroughca.com If you visited our new site
throughout the year you would’ve seen frequent updates some great pictures and some
excellent content showing you of the programs that are going on at the hall and throughout
the community. This is another example of our communication strategy trying to reach out
to our large community base with frequent updates and information opportunities on current
topics and challenges.
The month of April starts to become very busy time for all of the board folks in the
community as April is community volunteer appreciation month plus all the number of
Continued on page 7
The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be
considered to reflect those of the community association. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate but is not
warranted to be so. The community association does not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these
ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services.
We publish ten issues per year in each
of these fine communities:
is the official newsletter of the
Calgary Marlborough
Community Association
Proudly published by:
Bridgeland/Riverside • Renfrew
Crescent Heights • Crossroads
Highland Park • Tuxedo Park • Rundle
Marlborough• Marlborough Park
Mt. Pleasant • Winston Heights
Best Service
Best Quality
Best Value
November 2014
Printed using environmentally friendly
vegatable-based inks and recycled paper.
Marlborough Messenger
• discount levels up to 40%
• target one or many communities
• colour advertising available
• reach your target market effectively
• community newsletters contain the
news that residents want to read
For advertising information
email: ellisevansdesign@shaw.ca
or call 403-276-8108.
All new fashions
all the time!
Mark Your Calendar!
COMMUNITY MEETINGS are held the FIRST SUNDAY of the month at 7:00 p.m. at
636 Marlborough Way N.E. (second level in the Activity Room). Everyone is welcome! Still
some vacancies on the Board – get involved. Next scheduled meetings are November 2 and
December 7.
Oct. 29 - Second session of Dance lessons start at 7pm
Oct. 29 – Drop in Sports night at 8:30 – 10 pm every Wednesday
Nov. 02 - Community Board Meeting at 7pm
Nov. 07 - Jelly Bean Dance at 6:30pm
Nov. 29 – Christmas Craft Sale at 9:30am
Nov. 29 – Open Stage in the lounge hosted by the Arthrighteous Brothers
Dec. 07 – Community Board Meeting at 7pm
Bob Lee Scholarship
Congratulations to Shannon Stouten the recipient of this year’s $500 scholarship presented
to her at the AGM on Oct. 22. We wish Shannon all the best in her studies at Mount Royal
Bingo Fundraiser
Volunteers needed: Please call Marg at 403-273-7952 or email her at margaretberger@shaw.
ca. All volunteers receive credits towards programs.
Upcoming dates:
Tuesday Nov. 25 (4:45pm- 9:30pm)
Wed. Dec. 3 (10:45am -3:30pm)
Sat. Dec. 20 (8:30 am -11:30 am)
Sat. Dec. 20 (10:45 am – 3:30 pm)
Community Pride
holiday season pieces
for you
and gifts for those
who make you jolly.
(including baby to youth)
36 - 4th Street NE
1½ blocks north of Memorial Drive
on southbound Edmonton Trail.
Mon: Noon-6pm
Tues to Thurs: 11am - 7pm
Fri: 11am-5pm
Sat: 10am-6pm Sun: Noon-4pm
FREE On site Parking!
Keep calling 311 to report abandoned shopping carts, as bylaw is actively monitoring and
impounding them.
If you have used oil, old paint, household
chemicals, used propane tanks, old car batteries,
etc. call 311 for the closest free drop off area. Old
electronics, cell phones, batteries and printer cartridges can be recycled FREE at Staples. Remember, the back alley is not a drop off area! Keep your
blue and black bins out of sight to discourage people
from going through them.
Keep your alley clean!
Christmas Craft Sale
Nov. 29 - Marlborough main hall from 9:30am – 3:30pm. 70 tables of hand crafted items;
hourly draws for $25 shopping sprees. Stop by the concession for a free coffee or tea.
This is your one stop shop for Christmas goodies, knitting, ornaments, wood workings,
jewelery, honey, quilts, pottery and plenty more!
Children’s Christmas Party
Children’s Christmas Party will be on Sunday, Dec. 14. Crafts, Food, Gifts and a visit from
Santa. Stay tuned for more info in the December newsletter and on the website.
Visit: www.marlboroughca.com
November 2014
Volunteer Opportunity - Editor
Your Marlborough Messenger community newsletter needs a selfstarter to volunteer a few hours a month, at home, in the position of
newsletter editor. Duties include requesting and organizing editorial
submissions from your community association and neighbourhood.
Basic computer skills, such as e-mailing and formating simple
Word files, are all that is rerquired. Support and instruction are provided for this undemanding, but important, volunteer position.
If interested, or for more information, please contact Donna
O’Connor via calmarca@telus.net
Casino volunteers needed
Your Marlborough Community is looking for volunteers for the
community findraising casino on Tuesday Feb. 10 and Wednesday,
Feb. 11th at The Cash Casino.
There are a variety of shifts available. Volunteer work at these casino fundraisers is easy, interesting and fun! Free meal and transportation, if necessary, will be provided. If you can spare some time to
help out the community association please contact Dawn at 403248-7272 or the office at 403-273-5894.
Fireside Lounge
The Fireside Lounge is currently open the last Saturday of the
month 7:00pm for Open Stage night and drop-in euchre. All
community members, residents and their guests are invited to join
us for the evening. Lounge facilities include HDTV, fireplace, dart
boards, pool table and shuffleboard. All the games are free! Note that
while the lounge is open for families until 9:00pm, we do ask that the
kids be supervised, and they are only allowed to play the games with
an adult in attendance.
The Fireside Lounge is also available for rent for private parties
(please call the office at 273-5894 for more information)
Jam sessions in the Fireside Lounge – all welcome. Always looking for musicians to sing or play, and an audience to entertain. Music
starts around 8pm. Next jam session is on Nov. 29.
Wednesday Community Time
Dance Lessons: Started Oct. 29 and run to Nov.19. It’s not to late
to get involved. ($40member, $50non member)
Drop in Sports: Wed. 7:30 – 10 (Free with a community membership) Check the website for the sport activity of the night. Must
be 14 years and older to attend unless accompanied by an adult.
If anyone is interested in starting a book exchange on Wednesdays
please call the office.
Do you have any ideas on what you would like to see happen on
Wednesday Community Time? We are open to any suggestions, as
this is your day! Just call or email the office with your idea.
Befit & Age Well Exercise Classes
Friday 9am – 10 am. Cost: $10 for 10 classes plus community
membership. To register call the office @403-273-5894
Certified Alberta Fitness Leader specializing in Arthritis and aging
well exercises.
November 2014
Marlborough Messenger
Dance Lessons
Fall Dance Lessons with Dancin’ Dean
Connect with new friends and old friends to learn some Jive! These
are adult lessons.
Startied Wednesday, Oct. 29 for 5 weeks (still room for you!)
7:00 to 8:30pm at the CMCA Hall
Members $40, non-members $50. To register call the office at
Yoga Classes
Two weekly classes starting Monday at 7:30-9pm and Thursday at
1:30 – 3pm. For more information and to register call Marg at 403273-7952 or email: margaretberger@shaw.ca
Girl Guide Cookie Idea!
Did you recently purchase those delicious mint cookies from
your local Girl Guide? Now what should you do with them? Well,
of course besides eat them. Did you ever wonder what you could
transform those wonderful cookies into? Here is an idea:
Thin Mint Cheesecake Cupcakes
(Source: www.handletheheat.com/thin-mint-cheesecake-cupcakes)
Yield: 18 cupcakes
- Yoga - Fireside Lounge - 7:30 to 9pm
- Seniors Social Walking (drop in) – main hall,
8:30 to 10:30am
- Drop in Sports (Check website or Facebook for the activity)
- Seniors Social Walking (drop in) – main hall,
8:30 to 10:30am
- Yoga - Fireside Room - 1:30 - 3:00pm
- 50 Plus Whist & Bridge – Upper Hall 1:00 – 3:30
- Lounge Open - 7 - 10pm
- Be Fit & Age Well exercise class, main hall - 9 -10am
SATURDAY - Fireside Lounge open last Saturday of
the month at 7pm. Open Stage and Euchre. Everyone
• 18 thin mint cookies, Girl Guide variety- (Contact Meribeth at
403-874-7297 if require cookies)
• 16 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
• 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
• 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted and slightly cooled
• 1/4 cup sugar
• pinch of salt
• 1 teaspoon pure peppermint extract
• 2 large eggs, at room temperature
• Preheat oven to 275°F - Line standard muffin tins with paper
liners. Place 1 cookie in the bottom of each of 18 lined cups.
• In bowl beat the cream cheese, yogurt, and melted chocolate at
medium speed until smooth, scraping down sides of bowl as needed.
Add in sugar and a pinch of salt and beat until combined. Beat in
peppermint extract.
• Beat in one egg at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl
as needed.
• Spoon batter evenly among the 18 lined cups, filling each almost
to the top Smooth out the top of each filled cup.
• Bake, rotating pans halfway through, until filling is set, 22-24
minutes. Let cool on a wire rack. Chill in the refrigerator for at least
2 hours, or up to overnight, before serving.
Airplane Noise
Please launch complaints with the following:
Calgary Airport Authority Nose Concern Hotline:
(403) 735-1408
Hon. Deepak Obhrai:
Please “cc” complaints to all politicians and incumbent’s in all levels of government. They may have no power to affect change but need
to know we continue to be unhappy and need them to exert some
pressure to Transport Canada to effect change.
Some email addresses are listed below:
Prime Minister Harper: PM@pm.gc.ca
Minister of Transportation: lisa.raitt@parl.gc.ca
Transport Canada: question@tc.gc.ca
Environment Canada: enviroinfor@ec.gc.ca
NAV Canada: service@navcanada.ca
Minister of Health: ministerministre@hc-sc.gc.ca
Civil Aviation Comm. Centre: services@tc.gc.ca
Premier of Alberta: premier@gov.ab.ca
MLA Moe Emery: MoeAmery@gmail.com
Mayor Nenshi: themayor@calgary.ca
Andre Chabot: ward10@calgary.ca
Keep calling and emailing, the more complaints the better!
Visit: www.marlboroughca.com
November 2014
President’s Report, from page 3
events that we look after for example ladies night out various jellybean
dance is open stages different board meetings are highly successful
community cleanup or boots fair and finally how are stampede
breakfast. This year’s stampede breakfast seen well over 1000 people
in attendance spectacular job to all the volunteers and all the folks
that came out to help in the coordinating of this event.
Another great process that we incorporated we work very closely
with our city of Calgary community representative and developed an
action plan business plan moving forward this was a well-attended
by all board members to develop a growth strategy not only for our
memberships but our overall business plan for the next five years.
Similar to the business plan process was the corridor program. For
ongoing information on the corridor program please download their
information poster via the following link, posters online here - http://
Finally, The new airport runway! We have been involved with the
various meetings throughout the noise abatement process. We are
committed to the community to be engaged with future meetings.
We will continue to update our residents as we receive information.
I ask that you continue to report your concerns to the YYC hotline.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email our CMCA
2014 Action Items and projects that are ongoing
• Community Bylaw involvement in a 311 community campaign
• Store Manager involvement directly related to the shopping cart
• Open house meet & greets through the year to bridge relationship
• Back yard mechanics and small home based business reduction
• Untidy yards and abandoned car parts, couches, cars, garbage
• Executive meetings and subcommittee meetings as required.
• Membership requirements for community clean up pickups and
drop offs.
• Entertainment options for the lounge.Event and Lounge
marketing will be a focus for the executive in 2014.
• Trade Show events for the main hall.
• Other Parking lot type events (Farmers Market, Car or Bike
• Executives to attend various offsite meetings throughout the year
and report back to the board.
• Building upgrades and maintenance improvements.
• Airport runway noise issues
• 36th Ave Corridor program
In closing, I would like to thank the current board, residents and
supporting staff that makes our community association function.
Special thanks to all the folks from the City of Calgary and supporting
association that include the CMCA in their daily process. Regards,
Steve Hurley, President
Calgary Marlborough Community Association
November 2014
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CALL US AT 403-288-4444
#102-16 AVENUE NE
Marlborough Messenger
Marlborough Christmas Craft Sale
Nov. 29 - Main hall
from 9:30am – 3:30pm
70 Tables of hand crafted items
Hourly draws for $25 shopping sprees
Stop by the concession for
a free Coffee or Tea
This is your one stop shop for
Christmas goodies, knitting, ornaments, wood workings, jewelery, honey,
quilts, pottery and plenty more!
Tickets $40(members)/$50(non-members)
Ticket deadline December 5th
Call 403-273-5894 to get yours today!
Visit: www.marlboroughca.com
November 2014
Your CMCA community newsletter
is published ten times per year.
Dec and Jan are combined into
a single issue; July and Aug are
combined into a single issue.
Editorial deadlines are the 8th of
the month prior to issue month.
Eg: July 2014 issue editorial
deadline is June 8th.
NOTE: one exception - the Sept
issue editorial deadline is Aug 1st.
Sept issues are distributed earlier.
Send your editorial submissions
to: newscmca@gmail.com
For advertising info contact:
Need help?
Check the
on page 14.
Happy Hour 11am-7pm Everyday���Daily Specials
Take Out & Delivery���NTN Trivia ��Pool tables
Christmas Party
Sunday, Dec. 14
Crafts, Food, Gifts and a visit from Santa.
Stay tuned for more info in the
December newsletter and on the website.
November 2014
Marlborough Messenger
Area Events and
Resource Guide
Tuxedo Park Community Association
Hall: 202 29 Avenue NE
Ph: 403-277-8689
Editor: communications@tuxedoparkcommunity.ca
Renfrew Community Association
Hall: 811 Radford Road NE Ph: 403-230-7055
Hall Rentals: Call 403-230-7055 and leave message.
Newsletter: newsletter@renfrewcommunity.ca
Marlborough Park Community Association
Hall: 6021 Madigan Drive NE
Hall Rentals: Call 403-248-1775
Newsletter email: marlpark@shaw.ca
Jazzercise at Tuxedo Hall: Tuesdays and Thursdays - 5:30pm visit
www.tuxedoparkcommunity.ca/events for more info
Renfrew Bingo - The little hall with the big payouts!
Saturday and Monday evenings. Nickel Games at 6:10pm, regular
games at 6:50pm, Satellite at 8:45pm. Concession open.
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, November 11, Remembrance Day Tea
Friday, November 28, Jelly Bean Dance from 6-9pm
Saturday, December 06, Santa Breakfast, 9-11am
(Possibly a Craft & Christmas Sale in lower hall at same time, email
communications@tuxedoparkcommunity.ca to rent a table)
Sunday ,December 21 Cloth, Paper, Scissors Drop-In Crafting!
from 11am-4pm. Free for Tuxedo Park members! Call Chrystina at 403244-2418 for information.
Friday, January 23, Jelly Bean Dance from 6-9pm
Jelly Bean Dances: A fun activity for all children from Grades 1 to 6 to
attend. 6 to 9 p.m. Admission fee is only $3 per child, adults are free.
Food, drinks and glow sticks available at a nominal fee. We welcome
parents to stay and help volunteer. We always need parents to help
supervise children on the dance floor, etc.
November 21, 2014 - Christmas Dance Party
NIA on Monday nights from 6:45 - 7:45 pm
Yoga on Tuesday nights from 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Drop-in Tai Chi on Tuesdays from 9:15 - 10:15 am
Drop-in volleyball on Wednesday from 8:30 - 10:30 pm ($4 each)
Drop In Crib every Monday night at 7pm. Everyone welcome.
LOMA Whist Club Wednesdays at 1pm, $3 each, no partner required
Seniors Crib Club every Friday at 1pm. Call Virginia at 403-366 -3042.
Get involved!
Your community
needs... YOU!
Crescent Heights Community Association
Hall: 1101 - 2nd Street NW
Hall Rentals: Call 403-804-5600
Newsletter email: chcaview@gmail.com
Calyx Art Show: Saturday, Oct 18 and Sunday, Oct 19
10am – 4pm at the community hall
SUNDAYS: Pentecostal Church Public Service 10am – noon
MONDAYS: Fitness Class 5-7pm, call Lana 403-999-5373
Dance and Fitness 7:30 – 9:30pm.
TUESDAYS: CHCA Traffic and Planning Meetings - open to public
WEDNESDAYS: Tai Chi 7:00 – 9:00pm
THURSDAYS: Fitness Class 5:30-8pm. For info call Lana 403-999-5373
Yoga 8:00 – 9:00pm, info email: mike@jonesco.ab.ca
For more a more detailed Hall Calendar and for event and activities
contact information please visit:
Wild Rose United Church - Turkey Supper with Pie
Saturday, Nov 15. Two sittings - 5pm and 6:30pm.
Adults: $15, Seniors: $13, Youth (12-17): $13, Children (4-12): $7
Under 4 - free. For more information call 403-277-5576.
Wild Rose United is located at 1317-1 Street NW.
Crescent Heights High School - Empties for equipment
Crescent Heights High School’s monthly drop-off bottle drives have
started up again. Thanks for helping support various clubs and
teams - your donations make a huge difference to us! Drop-offs take
place the second Saturday of the month from 10 am-noon. Upcomig
dates: Nov 8, Dec 13, Jan 10, Feb 14, Mar 14, April 11, May 9 and June
13. Thanks for your continuing support!
Annual Flea Market: Saturday, November 8th. 10am to 3pm
Tables $10. Contact: Linda at 403-277-3626 for information.
Bottle drop: Drop your bottles off at Hall Parking lot the last Saturday
of every month and support RCA events and Calgary Drop In Centre.
Friday Pub Night: Renfrew Pub is open in the Social Room downstairs
in the hall every Friday evening from 7pm to close. Friendly bartenders
and free pool, darts, foosball and shuffleboard. See you there!
Adult Pub Night: Acoustic Jam, Friday November 14.
We will be hosting an adult only acoustic Jam on Nov 14th in the pub.
Bring your voice, your instruments and your soul, man! And don’t forget
your friends.
Renfrew United Church Events
Saturday, November 15 – Coff ee Party – 9:30am
Friday, November 21 – Seniors Card Party – 1:00pm
Saturday, November 22 – Poinsettia Tea & Bazaar – 1 to 3pm
Calgary Marlborough Community Association
Hall: 636 Marlborough Way NE Ph: 403-273-5894
Hall Rentals: Call 403-273-5894 or email
Newsletter email: cmccnews50@yahoo.com
Open Stage nights - November 29
Jam sessions in The Fireside Lounge – all welcome. Always looking for
musicians to sing or play, and an audience to entertain. Music starts
around 8:00 p.m.
Holiday Craft and Scholastic Book Fair - Nov. 16 from 10am - 3-pm.
Location: Marlborough Park Community Association
6021 Madigan Drive NE
Jelly Bean Dance: Friday, November 28, 6:30 – 9:30pm
AGES 12 AND UNDER (Parent supervision advised for younger children)
Pop, hotdogs & candy for sale. Lots of dance contests and door prizes
Breakfast with Santa - December 21
There will be a gift from Santa for children who are registered.
Registration Deadline: December 14, 2014. No walk-ins allowed. All
children attending must be accompanied by at least one parent or
Members:* Family of 4 - $30.00 Child (ages 3-17) - $6.00
Adult (ages 18+) - $12.00
under 2 free
*Must present current MPCA card to receive members price
Non-members:* Family of 4 - $40.00 Child (ages 3-17) - $8.00
Adult (ages 18+) - $15.00
under 2 free
Blood Services Clinic - December 24 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
New Years Eve Party - December 31
$80 per couple for members. $100 per couple for non-members.
Includes dinner, party favors and door prizes! Tickets will be available to
purchase at the hall beginning November 15!
COCKTAILS AT: 6:30pm DINNER AT: 7:00pm DANCE AT: 9:00pm
Marlborough Park PreSchool: There are still a few spaces available.
Please call the office at 403-248-1775.
Vibrant Speakers Toastmasters Club
Come and learn to communicate with confi dence. Guests are always
welcome. Meetings are on Mondays at 7pm at Marlborough Park
Community Centre. Call Ben at 403-325-1313 for more information.
JELLY BEAN DANCE: Friday, November 07, 6:30 – 9:30pm
AGES 12 AND UNDER (Parent supervision advised for younger children)
Pop, hotdogs & candy for sale. Lots of dance contests and door prizes.
Befit & Age Well Exercise Classes: Friday 9 – 10 am starting Sept. 5
Cost: $10 for 10 classes plus community membership. To register call
the office @403-273-5894. Certified Alberta Fitness Leader specializing
in Arthritis & aging well exercises.
Yoga Classes: Two weekly classes starting:
Mon. Sept 8 at 7:30-9:00pm and Thurs. Sept 11 at 1:30 – 3:00pm
For more information and to register call Marg @403-273-7952
or email: margaretberger@shaw.ca
Christmas Craft Sale: Nov. 29, 9:30am – 3:30pm
70 tables of hand crafted items; hourly draws for $25 shopping sprees.
Stop by the concession for a free coffee or tea. This is your one stop shop
for Christmas goodies, knitting, ornaments, wood workings, jewelery,
honey, quilts, pottery and plenty more!
Visit: www.marlboroughca.com
November 2014
Rundle Community Association
Hall: 2409 - 50 St. NE
Hall Rentals: Call 403-280-4752
Newsletter email: rumbles@shaw.ca
“I live in Crossroads!”
Crossroads Community Association
Hall: 1803 14 Avenue NE Ph: 403-277-6201
Hall Rentals: Call the hall at 403-277-6201
Newsletter email: convenor.editor@gmail.com
Facebook page: http://on.fb.me/fqqjLG
CRAFT SALE - November 22, 10am – 4pm
If you are a home crafter, please contact us to book your table for our
community craft sale. $20/table, contact Wendy at 403-280-4752.
Winston Hts - Mountview Community Association
Hall: 520 - 27 Avenue NE
Hall Rentals: Call 403-276-5474 or
Email hallmanager@winstonheights.ca
Newsletter email: newsletter@winstonheights.ca
Santa’s Breakfast & Craft Sale: Mark your calendars!
Saturday, December 13 and runs from 9:30am to 2:00pm.
Santa is a very busy guy this time of year, but he will be making an
appearance at our community hall; 520 – 27 Ave. NE.
If you’d like to volunteer, please email newsletter@winstonheights.ca
or if you’re interested in being a vendor at the craft sale, information is
available at winstonheights.ca.
Fitness Classes for the Older Adult: Classes $5/person. These classes
are drop-in, no need to register, just come out and enjoy!
We will be offering yoga every Tuesday at 9:30am and Zumba Gold
every second Thursday at 9:30am. Our days for November are the 6th
and 20th and our dates for December are 4th and 18th. As well, if you
have any questions about the classes you can contact Mary-Beth Walsh
at (403) 209-1691.
Book Club: We meet at the hall in the board room from 7 to 9pm.
Tuesday, November 18th: A House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhout and
Sara Corbett will be our book club selection. For more information
contact Mary-Beth Walsh at marybethwalshn2@gmail.com or at (403)
Area Events and
Resource Guide
The Rundle Summit Pub at the hall - Rundle’s best kept secret!
The Summit Pub also offers pool tables, dart boards, as well as cribbage
games on Tuesday and euchre on Thursdays. Wing night is still on
Wednesdays. Families are welcome! New menu! Check it out!
TEXAS HOLD’EM ON Saturday nights at 7pm
NOTE: taking a break over the summer.
Crib Night at the Rundle Summit Pub! Tuesdays 7 to 9pm
NOTE: taking a break over the summer.
Karaoke at the Rundle Summit Pub! Bring your singing voice and
warble your favourite tune! Hallowe’en Karaoke, October 31.
Fun begins at 8pm. NO CHARGE . Prizes for costumes!
Crossroads Winter Family Festival: Sunday November 30th
Come meet your neighbors and build your community by volunteering at
the Winter Family Festival! Volunteer Shifts from 9:30am-5:00pm, meals
included. Volunteers age 14 and up. Call Melody Holmes at 403-4728189, or emailmelodyh@calgaryfamily.org to get involved.
Crossroads Pub Night - Friday November 28th
Join Frank for some Community fun!
Horizon District Reunion Potluck
for LEADERS associated with Horizon District GIRL GUIDES
Sunday, November 2, 11am to 3pm at the Crossroads Community Centre
Share your memories, friendship and stories. Tell us about your Guiding
years, units, camps etc. Bring your camp dishes, favorite pot luck dish
and $5.00 for essentials.
RSVP: elainelingnau@yahoo.ca / call: 403-828-1575
Mount Pleasant Community Association
Hall: 602 - 22nd Avenue NW
Hall Rentals: Call 403-282-1314 or email:
Newsletter email: publicity@mpca.ca
Pleasant Times – Upper Hall, 602 22 Ave. NW
Pleasant Times is an adults-only group that meets at 1pm on the 2nd
Wednesday of each month in the Upper Hall, 602 22 Ave. NW.
Join us for good conversation, games, refreshments, and the opportunity to add your ideas for outings and other activities. If you’d like to
join us or be informed of our planned activities and trips in advance,
please contact Linda at (403) 289-8390 or lohanlon@telus.net.
Book Club - 4th Tuesday of the month from 7 to 9pm in the Lower Hall.
Our November 25th book will be The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed
Out The Window And Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson. We don’t have a
meeting in December.
MPCA Playgroup - The Mount Pleasant Playgroup is a parent and tot
playtime in the MPCA lower hall. Programs are held Monday to Friday
mornings from 9:30 am to 11:30am. For more information you can
email mpp.chair@gmail.com.
Bridgeland Riverside Community Association
Hall: 917 Centre Avenue NE
Ph: 403-263-5755, Hall email: hall@brcacalgary.org
Newsletter email: newsletter@brcacalgary.org
Visit our web site at: www.brcacalgary.org for a complete
listing of programs and classes.
Big PLANS for Little Kids: Do you have questions about whether you
child is ready for kindergarten? Rosedale Playschool presents a free
evening with Heather Kinahan B.Ed., B.Sc. and educational coordinator
for Big PLANS for Little Kids. She will be speaking about Kindergarten
Readiness. Join us on November 27th at 7:00 pm at the Bridgeland
community hall. Please RSVP to www.rosedaleplayschool.com
In Flanders Fields - by John McCrae
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
November 2014
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields
Marlborough Messenger
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Seniors In Action
Calgary Reads
Marlborough 50 + Club:
2014- 2015 Executive:
President – Pat Eberle
Vice President – Al Kreutz
Treasurer- Ron Abernethy Secretary- Sheila Foster
Community Laison – Lenora Schwab Attendance – Connie Sheen
Kitchen Co-ordinators – VACANT - need volunteers
International Child’s Day
Whist and bridge will start on Thurs. Sept 11 at 1pm (doors open
at 12:30) in the upper hall (elevator available). Pot luck lunch every
third Thurs of the month. New members welcomed.
Military Whist at 7pm (the 4th Friday of the month).
Be Fit & Age Well Exercise Class: Fridays, 9am – 10 am
Certified Alberta Fitness Leader specializing in Arthritis & aging
well exercises. Cost: $10 for 10 classes plus community membership.
To register call the office at 403-273-5894
FREE Walking Program: Tuesday and Thursday mornings from
8:30 to 10:30am. Call 403-273-5894 for more info.
Seniors’ Sentiments: As a Community Association we endeavour to
reach out to all our seniors, and those with disabilities, whatever their
needs might be. As winter approaches we are planning to provide a
Snow Removal Program.
The City of Calgary promotes the Snow Angel program, which
encourages “Neighbors helping Neighbors”. We believe this is the
natural thing to do.
If you have a neighbor that is unable to shovel their sidewalk, be
a good neighbor and do it for them. It also keeps the bylaw officers
The Marlborough Community Association encourages you to get
Are you a senior needing help? Are you a Neighbor willing to
help? Are you a student able to help and need some extra spending money?
We could use a representative from the community to promote
the program.
For information about snow removal or becoming a student helper
or a representative call Jennifer at403-764-6867.
Will you be celebrating with your child?
Initially proclaimed in 1925 by the World Conference for the
Well-being of Children, a universal day to honour the children of the
world has gone through several incarnations over the decades before
becoming internationally recognized in 1954. Observed on November 20, International Child’s Day marks the day on which the United
Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of
the Child, in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
in 1989.
In Canada, National Child’s Day was written in parliamentary
law in 1993, to help promote awareness about the 1989 convention
which spells out the basic human rights to which children under the
age of 18 are entitled.
This November 20th, the Calgary Public Library (CPL) is celebrating children and encouraging play and literacy by holding a
Colossal Play Date at CPL locations throughout the city. Children
aged three and older are encouraged to bring an adult and drop
to various library locations from
10:30 a.m. to noon.
If you and your child (or grandchild) aren’t able to participate in
the CPL events, take the opportunity to celebrate your child and to
help them embrace the love of learning by reading to your youngster
every day, but especially on November 20th. Reading aloud to children is the single most important thing parents and caregivers can
do to help children develop language and early-literacy skills -and to
build a life-long love of reading!
Make it playful, make it fun, make it count.
For literacy-building resources, tip sheets, games and more
visit: calgaryreads.com
Canadian Blood Services
Donor Clinic Location:
6021 Madigan Drive NE
Canadian Blood Services would like to see
120 people at each event. The next clinic will be
held on Wednesday, Dec. 24 from 9am to 2pm.
It takes less than an hour from start to finish.
Visit: www.marlboroughca.com
November 2014
- Clip and Save -
Newsletter Delivery
How often is the newsletter printed?
The newsletter is published ten times
per year. Two issues are combined
month issues - July/August and
Where is the newsletter delivered?
All homes, apartments and condos in
your community should receive the
How is the newsletter delivered?
Your community newsletter is delivered
by Canada Post.
Who pays for the delivery?
The Calgary Marlborough Community
Association pays for newsletter delivery.
If I have a ‘no-flyers’ sign on my mailbox how do I get the newsletter?
Community newsletters are classified as
official information and, as such, must
be delivered by Canada Post to every
address on every letter-carrier route.
There are no options for non-delivery
of official information mail-outs.
If you don’t receive
your newsletter...
Your community association pays a lot
of money for newsletter delivery but we
need your help to monitor the delivery
and to report delivery problems.
If you, your friends or neighbours are
not receiving the newsletter please
follow these steps:
1) Talk to your letter-carrier or leave a
note or a sign on your mailbox insisting
on delivery.
2) Call Canada Post at 1-800-267-1177
and insist they initiate a case file and
reply to you with an explanation. Be
3) E-mail ellisevansdesign@shaw.ca and
provide your address and postal code.
Friday, November 7 • 6:30 – 9:30pm • $3 ADMISSION
(Parent supervision advised for younger children)
- Clip and Save November 2014
Please contact Sarah at 403-474-6712
Marlborough Messenger
Area Classified Ads
All Classified ads must be prepaid
Call 403-276-8108 to book your ad.
Kindermusik at Renfrew Hall. Sing, play and
learn with your child. For more info call (403)
457-4126 or email: placusta@me.com
Tony Peterson Eavestrough
Free estimates, prompt service, quality work
Call Tony 403-230-7428 (Since 1990)
Music lessons - Preschoolers to adults.
In-home or studio. Call 403-689-9464 or
email info@wingspanschoolofmusic.com
Are you buying or selling a business?
Are you behind in your taxes?
Need assistance in
business development
Corporate, Personal
& Business tax filing.
35 year’s experience
Please Call: Ferose Rattani
Certified Practising Accountant
Tel: 403 230 3030
E Mail: ferose@telus.net
Adopt - Foster - Volunteer - Donate
Our volunteers range in age from
young children to seniors and all
are animal-lovers who are looking to
make a difference.
To learn more, please visit
Hughes’ House B & B. Crescent Hts. area.
Family-friendly. Visiting relative specials.
403.804.4431 Visit www.hugheshouse.ca
Lotus Belly Dance Studio with Ariellah
Beginner to Advanced - Mon-Thr and Sat
www.bellydancetoo.com Call (403) 247-9776
or email: lotusbellydance@shaw.ca
HATE PAINTING? We love it!
References/Bonded. Free est. Non-abrasive,
ph-neutral, biodegradable supplies + microfibre cloths for top quality residential cleaning.
Call (403) 719-4052 or (587) 434-0798.
Experienced, reliable, bonded residential
cleaner is now accepting new clients.
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and references, enviro friendly options too!
Free estimates, call Carol at 403-614-8522
Small-Med. Home and Office Cleaning
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dclutternow@yahoo.com; 403-689-9464
Tub tired looking-hard to clean-don’t like the
color? Call Obe / Arlene at BathMaster for
all refinishing needs! Call 403-293-4810
or calgary.bath@bathmaster.com
NSP SERVICES - Deck Renovation:
Free estimates. CALL 403-999-3603
Transform your existing decor into the
dream home you’ve always wanted!
(403) 285-9303
FREE QUOTE: (403) 862-5577
Serving Calgary for over 23 yrs!
Sadochok Preschool/Daycare. Close to
downtown. Full & part time spots available.
More info, please call 403-264-3437.
Tuxedo Park Dayhome - nutritious meals.
Qualified Educators. Call 403 276-4368 or
403 771-0088, Gina For Sept. openings.
3 editions: 10% OFF 5 editions: 15% OFF 10 editions: 20% OFF
Text ads only. Prices do not include GST.
Drop- In Pilates $8. Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30 pm
Renfrew Baptist Church Basement
1204 Renfrew Dr. N.E. 403 277-2292
Certified Instructor - Everyone Welcome!
Calgary Comfort
by Design Ltd
(403) 404-2255
FALL SPECIAL! - Black Dragon Taekwondo
2 for 1 memberships / $50. Call for booking/enrollment details - 403-601-1228.
Plumbing, Heating, Gas Fitting
Kitchens, Bathrooms,
Custom Showers, Garage Heaters
Youth Choir (Mon) & Adult Choir (Wed) at
Scandinavian Ctr. 739-20 Ave NW. Call Marg
at 403-273-6681or m2468rabe@shaw.ca
Companionship, projects, errands, memory
books. 403-998-0051 tammy.str@shaw.ca
First three lines ...............$79 (less than $7.50/community)
Each additional line ..... +$15
Over 27,000
BOLD font .................... +$15
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Custom font ...........+$20/line
We also do repairs and small
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Call us for reasonable rates
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Regular Size - 1 edition ................. $119 (+GST)
Regular Size - 5 editions ............... $479 (+GST)
Regular Size - 10 editions ............. $899 (+GST)
Large Size - 1 edition..................... $169 (+GST)
Large Size - 5 editions ................... $699 (+GST)
Large Size - 10 editions ............... $1299 (+GST)
Frequency discounts have been applied to multi-edition display rates.
E-mail: ellisevansdesign@shaw.ca or phone 403-276-8108 to place your ad!
Visit: www.marlboroughca.com
November 2014
IT anymore.
November 2014
Secure Document Disposal is our great NEW
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Just buy a secure envelope from us (for
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It’s way more convenient than using a home
shredder. Easy peasy. Safe and secure.
Visit AMARegistries.ca/Secure
for more info.
Marlborough Messenger
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