First Lutheran Church THE CALL

November 2014
First Lutheran
6400 State Line Road - Mission
Hills, Kansas 66208
Interim Pastor:
Michael Brecke, 920.421.0941,
Parish Assistant:
Dudley Hogue, 816.519.2314,
Director of Music:
Nick Brown, 913.232.3665,
Jordan Buchhorst, 507.273.1568,
Director of First Lutheran Early Education Center:
Tiffany Johnson, 913.677.2230,
First Lutheran Church is a welcoming community that
strengthens people in their commitment to the Lord and supports
them in sharing the love of Jesus Christ with others.
Unless otherwise noted, Sunday worship services are held at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. and include Holy Communion, with Interim Pastor Brecke preaching and presiding. Sunday Church School begins at 9:15 a.m. for all ages (Sept. -­‐ May). Child care is available beginning at 8:00 a.m. Visitors are always welcome! Sunday, November 2 All Saints Day! Sunday, November 9 Twenty-­‐second Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, November 16 Twenty-­‐third Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, November 23 Christ the King Sunday! Sunday, November 30 10:30 a.m. Jazz Service First Sunday in Advent! Parish Calendar
Sunday, November 2 – All Saints Sunday
8:15 a.m. – Worship Service - Chapel
10:30 a.m. - Worship Service – Sanctuary
Monday, November 3
7:00 p.m. Church Council – Library
Wednesday, September 10
6:30 p.m. – Bell Choir – Sanctuary
7:30 p.m. – Chancel Choir - Sanctuary
Sunday, November 9 – Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
8:15 a.m. Worship Service – Chapel
10:30 a.m. Worship Service – Sanctuary
11:30 a.m. – Julmarknaad – Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, November 12
10:00 a.m. – Adult Bible Study – Room 107
6:30 p.m. – Bell Choir – Sanctuary
7:30 p.m. – Chancel Choir – Sanctuary
Thursday, November 13
6:30 p.m. – Worship & Music Committee – Fellowship Area
Friday, November 14
6:00 p.m. – Facklan/VASA Lodge – Fireside Room
Sunday, November 16 – Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
8:15 a.m. Worship Service – Chapel
10:30 a.m. Worship Service – Sanctuary
11:10 a.m. – Congregational Meeting – Sanctuary
2:00 p.m. – KS State School for the Blind Concert – Sanctuary
3:00 p.m. – Youth Game Night – Youth Room
Tuesday, November 18
10:00 a.m. – Member Care Committee – Library
7:00 p.m. – FLC Book Club – Ballentine home
Wednesday, November 19
10:00 a.m. – Adult Bible Study – Room 107
6:30 p.m. – Bell Choir – Sanctuary
7:30 p.m. – Chancel Choir – Sanctuary
Saturday, November 22
11:00 a.m. – Set up for Thanksgiving Dinner – Fellowship Hall
Sunday, November 23 – Christ the King Sunday!
8:15 a.m. Worship Service – Chapel
10:30 a.m. Worship Service – Sanctuary
5:00 p.m. – Thanksgiving Dinner & Service – Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, November 26
10:00 a.m. – Adult Bible Study – Room 107
6:30 p.m. – Bell Choir – Sanctuary
7:30 p.m. – Chancel Choir – Sanctuary
Thursday, November 27
Friday, November 28
Sunday, November 30 – First Sunday in Advent!
8:15 a.m. Worship Service – Chapel
10:30 a.m. JAZZ Worship Service – Sanctuary
Sunday, November 16 – 11:00 a.m.!
Annual Congregational Meeting will be held in the
The 10:30 a.m. service will be shortened, and
beginning at approximately 11:00 a.m. – we will
hold the Annual
Congregational Meeting.
Significant changes to the budget process, and
the budget itself will be presented and
Approval of the budget for 2015 will be the
main agenda item.
Make sure you have these dates on
your calendar!
Sunday, November 30 – Hanging of the Greens – following the
10:30 a.m. service. Pizza before – and lots of fun during!
Sunday, December 14 – ONE SERVICE ONLY at 10:30 a.m.
The Music Department presents Darkness into Light – a Christmas
Musical Journey by Mary McDonald
Sunday, December 21 – Children’s Christmas Pageant at the 10:30
service, followed by Christmas Caroling to our shut-in members!
Wednesday, December 24 – Christmas Eve Services at 5:00 and
11:00 p.m.
Hanging of the GREENS is coming
On Sunday, November 30, we will decorate the sanctuary and
chapel for the Advent/Christmas season.
Please join us at 11:45 a.m. for a pizza lunch, and then help us
decorate! No special talents are needed – there are jobs for
everyone. Please plan to help by signing up on the bulletin board
in the fellowship area. Thank you!
November Youth Game Night:
Game nights are always a blast! We have board games,
card games, video games, pool, ping pong, foosball, and
music. Chips and drinks are provided, and friends are
always welcome. It is geared toward children in middle
school and high school, but we won't turn you away if you
just love playing games and want to have a great time! Our
next one is scheduled for Sunday, November 16th, 3 - 8pm in
the youth room. Feel free to come and go at whatever times
work best for you, and costumes are welcome in the spirit of
Halloween! Any questions, speak with Jason Greenawalt at or (816) 437-7314. I hope to see you
Bring your spare change to church!
The Sunday School Youth would like to help First
members lose weight! The youth will be taking a
special collection of loose change at both services
on Nov. 16. The loose change will go toward
Lutheran World Relief's effort to fight hunger. The
Sunday School Youth will be collecting change
during the month of November in their "God's
Global Barnyard" Banks. After the money is
collected and counted the youth will vote on an
animal to donate through the Lutheran World
Relief's Good Gifts. Any questions contact Helen
Scheuch at 913-649-3284.
November and MLM!
The November food items for the Metro Lutheran
Ministry Food Pantry will be boxes of macaroni and
cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cans of chicken
or tuna. Please bring to church anytime during the
month of November and place in box in
narthex. Thanks goes out to John Taylor who
graciously delivers these food items!
Thank you, First Lutheran!
The Social Ministry Committee would like to thank First
for all the diapers donated for SafeHome. John
Scheuch delivered a car load on Sunday. There will be
a lot of "Happy Bottoms" at Safehome!
Thanksgiving Dinner and Service!
Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board in the
Fellowship Area for our Thanksgiving Dinner and
Service. Sign up to help set up, clean up, work in
the kitchen, be a server, or help wash dishes. If
you’re coming to dinner, please bring a side dish
according to the first letter of your last name to
share (should have at least 15 servings). A-G:
Vegetable, H-R: Salad, S-Z: Dessert. Everything
else is provided. Mark your calendar for 5:00 p.m.
on Sunday, November 23!
Editor’s note: The side dish list above is correct
– there was a different list printed in the bulletin
at one time – it was incorrect. Sorry for the
A fundraiser for the Kansas Braille
Fall Talent Recital
Featuring Current and Former
Kansas State School for the Blind students
First Lutheran Church, 6400 State Line Rd
M ission Hills, Kansas
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Reception to follow
D onations are greatly appreciated .
What Does Your Neighbor Need?
The Metro Lutheran Ministry Christmas Store is December 6
through December 13, 2014 at Immanuel Lutheran Church
located at 1700 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO. The
Christmas Store helps 1,000 needy families (about 3,000
individuals) have a merrier Christmas. Each family member
receives a donated gift and the whole family receives a
blanket, food vouchers, a Bible, and other gifts. MLM needs
many "Christmas Store Elves" to make the Christmas Store
possible as well as "gifts".
The Social Ministry Committee is asking First to please
select a tag from the Christmas tree in the narthex and bring
the purchased item(s), unwrapped, to church and place
under the tree during the month of November. Thanks for all
the gifts donated during July and for your continued support.
Any questions contact John or Helen Scheuch
at 913-649-3284.
FLC Book Club: Read with us!
Love to read? So do we! The First Lutheran Church
Book Club is an informal, friendly group that meets the
third Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. to discuss that
month’s book selection. We meet in members’ homes,
taking turns leading the discussion. And because we
are Lutheran, after all, the evening always includes
snacks and beverages. Here’s the list for the rest of
November 18
Hosting – Emily Ballentine
Discussion Leader – Bev
Book – The Explanation for Everything by Lauren Grodstein
December 16
Hosting – Melanie
Discussion Leader – Emily
Book – The All of It by Jeannette Haien
Council minutes from October 20, 2014:
Attending were Kristine Stone, Tessa Singer, Marilyn Moss, Lori
Saar, Sharlene Snyder, James Trefz, Bob Thesman, Linda
Rehwaldt, Helen Scheuch, and J.D. Perkins. Not present were
Lillian Brown, Pastor Michael Brecke, George Heymach, and Rick
Huyett. Also attending was Ron Burkhardt.
J.D. Perkins called the meeting to order.
Ron Burkhardt, Chair of the Finance Committee, then presented
the Proposed 2015 Budget with the changes requested by the
Council at the October 13, 2014 meeting.
Discussion followed by Council members on how to reduce the 73,011.35 on the proposed budget.
A concern was expressed about the Social Ministries Committee
line being removed and included as part of the Ministries Beyond
Expenses. A motion was made and seconded to rename Ministries
Beyond Expenses (64000) Social Ministries Committee Expenses
and removing Benevolence-Synod (64100) as part of the Social
Ministries Committee Expenses. Discussion followed and the
motion was approved. The Benevolence-Synod will be a separate
line item but still included in the budget. Helen Scheuch, as a
member of the Social Ministries, requested that the Food Resource
Bank (64200) line item be removed from the proposed budget.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to remove the
Exceptional Reserve (61900) at 10,000.00 and rename it
Contingency Fund with an account set up with a beginning balance
of 2,500.00. Members will then be able to contribute to this
A motion was made, seconded and approved to present a balanced
budget by increasing Offerings (40100) to make up for the deficit.
Ron will make the changes recommended to the Proposed 2015
Budget. The approved proposed 2015 budget will need to be
presented to the congregation 10 days before the Congregational
The next Council Meeting will be November 3, 2014.
The Congregational Meeting will be November 16, 2014.
The meeting concluded with The Lord’s Prayer.
Council minutes from November 3, 2014:
First Lutheran Church Council Minutes November 3, 2014
Attending were J.D. Perkins, Marilyn Moss, Kristine Stone, Tessa
Singer, Lori Saar, Sharlene Snyder, Linda Rehwaldt, James Trefz,
George Heymach, Helen Scheuch, and Bob Thesman. Not present
were Pastor Michael Brecke, Lillian Brown, and Rick Huyett.
Also attending were Ron Burkhardt, Jim Brandt, Terry and Diane
President J.D. Perkins called the meeting to order and then read a
devotion and prayer from Pastor Michael.
A Christian Education Committee Report, the October 2014
Interim Pastor’s Report, an Updated Proposed 2015 Budget and
Additional Notes to the Updated Proposed 2015 Budget were
Jim Brandt then shared some ideas about using the Congregational
Meeting on November 16, 2014 as an opportunity for community
building. He expressed the need to build a community and build
up each other in our faith.
After Ron presented the updated proposed 2015 budget there was
more discussion about showing a deficit or balanced budget.
Council members were reminded that a motion was made and
approved at the October 20, 2014 meeting to present a balanced
budget by increasing offerings (40100) to make up for the deficit.
There were concerns about where the revenue was going to come
from and how some of the necessary property repairs and
maintenance were going to be paid for. In an effort to save some
money there was some discussion about the use of volunteers
instead of paying for some of the services the church receives. It
was also noted that 10,000.00 was budgeted for Benevolence –
Synod (64100) but only 2,500.00 has been sent to the Synod.
Several council members also expressed the need to weekly let the
congregation know what the givings are and what is needed to
maintain a balanced budget.
At the November 16, 2014 Congregational Meeting J.D. and Ron
will present the proposed 2015 budget. After the church service is
done church council members will circulate, thanking and
welcoming members for staying for the meeting. Council will then
sit together in the front as the meeting is conducted. A member of
the Call Committee will give a brief update.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the
amendments of the pastor salary (65010) – Car Allowance
$3,852.00, Housing Allowance $16,500, Partial Self-Empl Tax
Offset $4967.50, Pastor Salary $48,435.00.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to make the decision
about the 2014 contribution to Benevolence Synod at the next
The next Council Meeting will be December 8, 2014.
The meeting concluded with The Lord’s Prayer.
AnneMarie Ball
Bev Bellinger
Howard Breeding 11/14
John Carey
Diane Doran
George Heymach 11/17
Ginnie Hilyard
Debra Hohly
Joyce Huyett
Joan Leavens
Linda Light
Connor Mailes
Sloan Meyer
Tracey Meyer
Nicholas Ratterman 11/8
Grant Schumer
Carol Stevens
Ramona Walker
(If your birthday or anniversary is not listed, it
means we don’t have it in the database! Email it to
Dudley at,
and we’ll add it!)
Worship Assistants –October
Children’s Sermon Host Teams November 2 Diane Stafford November 9 Joan Leavens November 16 Linda Rehwaldt November 23 Keith Wiedenkeller November 30 Jim Brandt November 2 Sonja Abrahamson November 9 Sonja Abrahamson, John Taylor November 16 Sonja Abrahamson, Joe Hudec November 23 John Taylor, Sonja Abrahamson November 30 Sonja Abrahamson, Joe Hudec Lectors Communion Assistants November 2 November 2 8:15 – John Scheuch Trudy Hadl, Jason Greenawalt 10:30 – Debra Hohly Joan Leavens, Claire Bolton November 9 November 9 8:15 – Melanie Stevens Linda Nelson, Anita Martin 10:30 – Joan Leavens Jim Brandt, Kathy Fuger November 16 November 16 8:15 – George Heymach Janie Schmidt, Jason Greenawalt 10:30 – Phyllis Shaft Debra Hohly, Dudley Hogue November 23 November 23 8:15 – Rick Van Tuyl Janet & John Taylor 10:30 – Keith Wiedenkeller Emily Ballentine, Joan Leavens November 30 November 30 8:15 – Carol Kornitzer Anne & Keith Wiedenkeller 10:30 – Laura Whaley James Whaley, John Carey Liturgical Assistants November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 Dudley Hogue Jason G
reenawalt D
ebra H
ohly Anita Martin November 30 -­‐ Blue Notes If you’re listed as a worship assistant, and haven’t received materials you need,
please contact Dudley in the office at
We remember in prayer all who are in need
of God’s presence and care . . . especially:
Members of our First Community:
Leslie Schweder, Margaret Altman, Clarice Oeltjen, Alice Silver, Sandy
VanTuyl, Joyce Huyett, Travis Wiedenkeller, Carol Windsor.
Homebound and Shut-in Members:
Had Lerew, Betty Sharp, Connie Wicks.
Those Serving in the Military:
Crystal Menezes,Talia Menezes, Jason Reynolds, Matt Norburg,
Cody Gabriel, Jay Reiniger.
Members of our Extended Community:
Hilda Nitschke, mother of Debra Hohly; Terry Denny, friend of the
Leaven’s family; Jeff, Jerry & Tresa, friends of Lyle & Clarice Oeltjen;
Logan Johnson, cousin of Marilyn Jolliff; Walter Rehwaldt, father of Peter
Rehwaldt; Marianne Whaley, mother of James Whaley; Taylor Jacobsen,
granddaughter of Kathy Fuger; Ezra Erickson, friend of the Jolliff family;
Gail Dull, Mary K. Bingham, Cousin Karen, Lucy Grimes, Virginia Woods,
Jim McClure, & Cathy Riley, family & friends of Carol McClure; Amy
Dredek & Tonia Dierksen, friends & family of Darcy Lang; Gary Watson,
friend of the Jolliff family; Barbara Swenson, cousin of Anita Martin; Bob
Denes, father of Rachel Messina; Niza Webber & Everett Stamer, friends
of the Stevens family; Chuck Giesige, father of Julie Koch; Sonny Lingle,
father of Yvette Sparks; Kathy Gersch, friend of J.D. Perkins & Joe
Hudec; Jerry Monson, father of Marilyn Moss; Marilyn Aylward, friend of
Dorothy Ferm; C. Louise Laubach, Janet Klug, Lauren White, Sam
Ousley, friends & family John & Helen Scheuch; Rick Haselrick, father of
Melissa Jolliff; Ronda Meyer, Ernest Prewitt, Denise Meyer, George
Bayless, Merrill Nelson, Gwynaeth Ann Pospech-Walulik, friends & family
of Lillian Brown; Leigh Ann Morris, sister of Keith Wiedenkeller; Lois Will,
sister of Laura Whaley; Danny Griffith, son of Dee Griffith; Richard Love,
friend of Rich Toftness & Keith Hohly; Carla Cook, sister of Cecelia Ball;
Tim Farmer, Marcia Gingrich, & LeaAnn England, friends & family of
Cecelia & Duane Ball; Kevin Carr, friend of the Powell family; Cheryl
Morrison & Jim Everage, family & friend of James Trefz; Colin Smith,
great-grandson of Elly Swenson; Hannah Melvin, niece of Diane Doran;
Pat Monson, sister-in-law of Marilyn Moss; Rick Crary, family of Sharlene
Snyder; Peggy Hunter, friend of Anita & Dwayne Martin; Robert & Ruby
Magnuson, mother & father of Kathy Fuger; Beth Watilo, Pauline Decker
& Barbara Marracino, friends & family of Bev Bellinger; Evelyn Costigan,
& Ann Cody, friends of Dee Griffith.
Welcome Statement - First Lutheran Church
Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to welcome all people, and indeed
First Lutheran Church has a long history and cherished identity
as a welcoming congregation.
We welcome all who are seeking spiritual growth and enrichment.
We offer Christian worship in the Lutheran tradition with the goals
of making worship meaningful and readily accessible for the
participant. Communion is open to all who are drawn to the table.
We welcome children and embrace our role as extended family.
We offer a place of worship where children are seen, heard, and
respected and accepted for who they are, as they are, and guided in
their faith development.
We welcome the diversity of families present in our society. We
are committed to ministry with persons in a variety of family
We welcome gay and lesbian people as participants and members
in our congregation.
We welcome persons of color and persons whose primary
language is not English. We are eager to nurture exchange among
all cultures.
We welcome persons with varying disabilities, including physical,
mental and emotional. Our building is handicap accessible, and we
strive to provide other accommodations as needed.
We welcome people of all economic backgrounds.
YOU ARE WELCOME to learn of Jesus Christ and to share
fellowship, time, talent and treasure to His greater glory.
Volume 45 number 11, November, 2014
THE CALL is published monthly by the church staff. Articles, reports and
items of information and interest are welcome. The deadline for the subsequent
edition is the 15th of each month. To receive The CALL, please contact the
church office at 913.362.4150 or email