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Prairie Village, KS 66208
7231 Mission Road
St. Ann Catholic Church
Stewardship Opportunities
2014 - 2015
Your talent is God’s gift to you.
What you do with your talent is your gift to God.
Stewardship Sign Up
Please fill out the contact information on the commitment card located on
the last page of this booklet. In an effort to cut down on future postage,
please provide a family email address if available.
If you are going to discontinue a ministry, please contact the group or
ministry coordinator.
2 Easy Ways to Sign Up!
1. Online registry is fast and easy! Visit the parish website at:
stannpv.org and click on the stewardship sign up button.
2. Complete the commitment card from the booklet. You can stamp
and mail, drop off at the parish office or place it in the collection
God gives each of us 24 hours in a day. It is essential to balance those
hours to spend time with our Lord in prayer, with our families, and at our
work. We need to ask ourselves: Do we spend meaningful time in prayer
each day? Do we spend quality time with our families? Do we spend an
efficient amount of time at work? Do we spend an appropriate amount of
those 24 hours offering our time for the benefit of others?
God has entrusted each of us with unique skills and talents. We must take
time to recognize those gifts and discern how we can offer them to our
parish, archdiocese, and community.
VIRTUS Training
Anyone who volunteers for a ministry or organization that involves
children at St. Ann or in the archdiocese must participate in Virtus
training. Participation in this training, completion of all the necessary
paperwork, and a cleared background check are required at St. Ann prior
to interaction with children. Watch the bulletin for training dates, contact
the parish office or visit www.virtus.org for details.
Family Name:______________________Email:_________________________
Address:___________________________Phone: ________________________
Please fill out one form for all family members who will be volunteering. Simply
write the family member’s first name on the line next to the ministry selected. In
an effort to be better stewards by reducing parish mailing costs, we are asking for
your email address if available. This will enable us to send many parish
correspondences by email.
Liturgy & Prayer
Altar Linen
Altar Server
EMHC at Mass
Children’s Choir
High School Choir
St. Cecilia Choir
Pray the Rosary
Prayer Chain
Vocation, Prayer, Crucifix Adoration
And Fasting
Worship Environment
Catechesis of the Good
RCIA Sponsor
School of Religion
Totus Tuus
Youth Group - Adult
Youth Group - Support
Ministries of Care
Blood Drive
Condolence Committee
EMHC to Assisted Living
EMHC to Homebound
EMHC to Hospital
Food Kitchen
Food Pantry
Respect Life
Respite Care
Rides for Parishioners
Serra Club
Thanksgiving Clothing Drive
Troop Support
Visit Assisted Living/
Parish Life
Buildings and Grounds
CYO Sports
Church Cleaning
Cub and Boy Scouts
Endowment Trustee
Fall Festival
Finance Council
Knights of Columbus
Men’s Club
Parish Circles
Parish Clerical Help
Special Events
St. Ann School Council
Women’s Club
Yard Maintenance
Parish Circles
St. Ann School Council
The Parish is divided into six smaller
communities or "circles." Each circle
promotes friendship through
spirituality, social gatherings, service to
parishioners in need, and welcome
visits to new parishioners. Contact:
Mimi O'Laughlin, 913-488-9335,
School Council advises the pastor and
principal on school matters to further
the mission and goals of the school.
The council advises on issues related to
strategic planning, policies and
standards for the school, and serves as
a liaison between school families and
administration. Members are appointed
by the pastor and principal, after
consultation with the current
Council. Contact: Courtney Sprague,
913-238-8618, csprague14@gmail.com
Parish Clerical Help
Help is needed with general clerical
duties at the parish office-answering
phones, copying, typing, filing and large
mailings. Computer skills are
beneficial. Commitment can vary to fit
your schedule. Contact: Leah Nguyen,
SAYA (St. Ann Young Adults)
SAYA fosters community among the
next generation of parish and school
leadership, donors, and pillars of our
community. SAYA is open to all
parishioners ages 22-39, married, single,
school families etc. SAYA Catholic
Corner meets every fourth Thursday
for fellowship, stewardship, and
spiritual growth. Contact: Amy
Guerich, 913-602-0714,
aguerich@steppandrothwell.com or
like our Facebook page for
Special Events Committee
This committee handles all the special
celebrations, new parishioner brunches
and receptions for the parish.
Volunteers are needed to help set up,
bake, serve and clean up. Contact:
Barbie O’Toole, 913-262-7064,
StARS St. Ann Remarkable Seniors
This group meets monthly and
activities vary. Members often meet for
breakfast after Mass, potluck dinners or
enjoy tours and activities in the city or
surrounding areas. If you would like to
be included on an email list, please
contact me! Contact: Mimi O’Laughlin,
Stewardship Opportunities
The first quality of a Christian steward is being grateful. Stewardship is
awareness that our resources of time, talent, and treasure are gifts from
God. It is an essential part of our Christian mission, to give back to God
the gifts that we have been given, through service and ministry to our
community. Your time and talent help keep our parish alive, healthy and
thriving. Not only do you benefit the parish and grow spiritually, but
what a great opportunity to meet new friends within our parish
Each year, we are asked to prayerfully plan and make stewardship of
Women’s Club
time and talent a part of our lives. St. Ann parishioners can share their
The Women’s Club has need for
volunteers of all ages in many areas.
Service projects include: Church
Cleaning, Condolence Committee,
Special Events Committee, Nut Sale
and Troop Support. Social activities
include: Card Party and MotherDaughter Breakfast. It is a wonderful
way to meet the ladies of our parish.
Contact: Kathleen Wendland,913-8317674, kathleenhwendland@gmail.coom
gifts in a multitude of ways. There are over 50 ministries, groups and
Yard Maintenance Committee
Thank you for considering how God is calling you to be a good steward
This committee helps maintain the
lawns and shrubs adjoining the office,
school and Young Child Center.
Volunteers give a few hours a month to
assist in this work. Contact: Curt
Marchand, 913-652-9711,
of your time and talent in service to our parish family, archdiocese and
committees listed within this booklet. Please review each ministry and
prayerfully consider where the Lord is calling you and your family to
Ministry positions are one of the ways school families fulfill their
requirement to be considered active parishioners and thus receive
reduced tuition in our parish school and local Catholic high schools.
How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good
He has done for me?” Psalm 116:12
Liturgy and Prayer
Proclaim the Word of God at Mass!
The frequency of service is determined
Adoration of the Eucharist takes place
by the number of participants.
Wednesdays and Fridays after the 8:05
Education on the Theology of the
a.m. Mass. Adoration continues
Word and training sessions are
through the day and evening until 11:00
provided. Contact: Mary Leeper 913p.m. on Wednesday and 6:00 p.m. on
638-7749, queensweet@kc.rr.com
Friday. Wednesday morning Adoration
begins with prayer for vocations. Sign Cantor
up for a one-hour time slot. Contact:
Cantors lead the congregation in the
Jane Peck, 816-363-5699,
sung prayer of the liturgy. Cantors
should have both an essential ability to
Altar Linen
learn the music of the liturgy as well as
the confidence to stand before the
Launder and iron altar linens, server
congregation and animate the
robes, and priest albs at home.
assembly’s participation. Contact:
Frequency depends on the number of
Michael Podrebarac,
participants. Contact: Bev Vyhanek,
Altar Server
Children’s Choir
Servers assist the priest during the
Mass, including weddings and funerals.
Open to students from 5th grade
through high school. Training is
offered in the fall. Schedule training
through St. Ann School or School of
Religion. Contact: Emily Wobker 913660-1115, ewobker@stannpv.org
Children in 5th - 8th grade will learn
the basics of singing and music reading,
while taking an active role as musical
leaders at parish liturgies. Exceptionally
motivated or musically experienced
younger children are also welcome. The
choir sings at Mass and rehearses
throughout the school year. Contact:
Amy Cramer, 913-648-1934,
Extraordinary Minister of
Holy Communion
Assist the priest in the distribution of
Holy Communion during Mass.
Education on the Theology of the
Eucharist and training will be provided.
Contact: Lynn LaNoue, 913-362-2453,
Greeters welcome people before each
weekend Mass and distribute bulletins
after Mass. Open to all members and
families of the parish. Contact: Ernie
High School Choir
This group is for singers who are in
their high school choirs and want to
help add to the beauty of weekly Mass.
The high school choir sings throughout
the year and on Christmas Eve and
Easter Sunday. Rehearsals are on the
Saturday mornings before we sing at a
weekend Mass. We are always looking
for instrumentalists, too! Contact: Amy
Cramer, 913-648-1934,
Both regular volunteers and substitutes
are needed. Contact: Marilyn Finan,
913-652-0108, mkfinan1@yahoo.com
Finance Council
Finance Council advises the pastor on
financial management of the parish
Cub and Boy Scouts
including annual budget preparation,
financial policies and internal controls.
Scouting provides boys and young men
The council meets monthly except July
an opportunity to practice leadership
and December. These are appointed
skills while preparing themselves for
positions. Please submit your name if
adulthood. Visit the St. Ann Scouts
you are interested in serving. Chair:
website via the St. Ann Church website
Paul Yeoman, 913-905-4040,
under the ministry tab. Contact: (Cub
Scouts 1st - 5th grades) Steve Roth, 913642-3863, sjroth@sbcglobal.net, (Boy Knights of Columbus
Scouts 6th grade and up), Terrence
St. Ann Council 12093 meets the third
Gallagher, scoutmaster, 913-642-4163,
Wednesday evening of each month.
Members are active Catholic men who
Endowment Trustee Board
have joined in a fraternal organization
to assist the pastor, the parish and the
The Board of Trustees for the St. Ann
community in a wide range of
Endowment Fund is responsible for
charitable causes, religious functions,
promoting the endowment fund within
and athletic and educational activities.
the parish, establishing investment
Contact: Jeff Bittner, Grand Knight,
policy, ensuring that fund assets are
invested in accordance with defined
objectives and monitoring investment
performance. These are appointed
Men’s Club
positions. Please submit your name if
The Men’s Club is an organization for
you are interested in serving. Contact:
the men of St. Ann. The club holds
Jim Lisson, 913-432-5624,
quarterly social functions to offer
financial support of the parish
Fall Festival
including the school. Contact: Mark
Sullivan, 913-626-5240,
The Fall Festival is the main parish
fundraiser held in October. The
celebration includes dinner, a silent and MOSAYC (Mothers of St. Ann Young
live auction, and fellowship. There are Children)
many ways to get involved including:
MOSAYC offers mothers of young
helping to solicit auction items, set-up,
children a spiritual connection to the
taking a shift attending the bar or
Church, encourages involvement in
auction table, writing thank you notes,
service projects and provides social
event clean-up, etc. Contacts: Jenny
activities for families. Contacts: Angela
Housley, 913-486-3525,
Evangelidis, 913-271-4318,
jhousley@lockton.com, Gina
mosaycstanns@gmail.com, Kirsten
Robinson, 913-579-6011,
Kellerman, 913-362-4601,
Respite Care
Volunteers are trained in the skills
necessary to provide companionship
and a minimum of care to a
homebound person allowing the
person’s caregiver time to care for
themselves. Training is provided
through the Archdiocesan Council of
Catholic Women and each volunteer is
insured in this ministry through the
National Council of Catholic Women.
Contact: Pat Centner, 913-660-1120,
Mogren, 913-649-2824,
smogren@me.com A sub-committee
provides prayer support. Contact: Sue
Fagan, 913-341-3554
Visitors to Assisted Living/
Homebound Parishioners
Volunteers visit parishioners who are
limited to their home or an assisted
living facility. The timing of regular
visits is determined by the volunteer
and the individual being assisted.
Contact: Pat Centner, 913-660-1120,
Rides for Parishioners
Volunteers transport individuals to and
from a designated appointment or for a
weekend Mass. Requests are handled
individually and the timing is arranged
between the parishioner and their
volunteer. Contact: Pat Centner, 913660-1120, patcentner@stannpv.org
Serra Club
The Serra Club promotes and supports
vocations to the priesthood and
religious life. Parishioners can belong
to one of two Serra Clubs. One group
meets monthly and the other group
meets every two weeks. Contact: John
Caton, 913-209-9900,
Parish Life
Buildings and Grounds Committee
The Buildings and Grounds Committee
is an advisory body to the Pastor with
respect to facility issues and oversees
facility improvement and maintenance
projects. Expertise in design,
construction and engineering is
beneficial but not necessary. Meetings
are at 11:00 a.m. the 2nd Tuesday of
each month. Contact: Bill Schafer, 913660-1128, bschafer@stannpv.org
CYO Sports
Become an active participant in St. Ann
Parish Catholic Youth Organization
Thanksgiving Clothing Drive
sports programs. Volunteers coach or
assist the coaches with football,
Volunteers are needed to sort and
volleyball, basketball and track/cross
deliver clothing to the El Centro agency
country. Experience and knowledge of
in Kansas City, Kansas after the fall
the sport is helpful - enthusiasm and
clothing collection. Contact: Jim
support for our youth is required.
Savage, 913-341-1549,
Contact: Athletic Director, Brock Ryan,
913-927-9690, broxtr17@yahoo.com
Troop Support
Church Cleaning
Volunteers meet monthly to pack and
Volunteers are needed to help with
mail donated personal and “basic need”
light cleaning chores Friday mornings
items to our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan
after Mass (once a month) and for two
and in harm’s way. Contact: Suzanne
major cleaning sessions during the year.
Prayer Chain
Instrumentalists such as flautists,
clarinetists and violinists offer their
talents during Mass by playing solo
pieces or by accompanying the cantor
or choir. Qualified instrumentalists
should be able to perform publicly with
both ability and confidence. Contact:
Michael Podrebarac,
liturgy@archkck.org, Amy Cramer,
648-1934, amycramer@kc.rr.com, Jess
Guislain, 262-7961,
As a prayer chain member, a person
lifts up others in prayer. Requests are
sent out to each member via email or
telephone, as you prefer. This is one of
the Spiritual Works of Mercy. Contact:
Molly Freeman,
St. Cecilia Choir
The adult choir sings at the 9:00 a.m.
Mass on Sundays from Labor Day
through Pentecost, feast days and
special occasions. The choir supports
the congregation in its musical
participation in the liturgy. Adults and
high school students are welcome. The
ability to read music is helpful but not
required. Rehearsals are on Sundays at
8 a.m. before Mass. Contact: Michael
Podrebarac, liturgy@archkck.org
POPS (Parents Offering Prayers)
POPS is a monthly gathering of parents
offering prayers for St. Ann School
students, teachers and staff. Please
watch the school website for time and
location information. Join us! Contact:
Stephanie Freeman, 913-481-8575,
Pray the Rosary
Are you willing to LEAD the rosary?
The schedule is Claridge Court at 10:00
a.m. on the 1st Saturday and Brighton
Gardens, on the 1st, 3rd and 5th
Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. The prayer lasts
about 20-30 minutes. The amount of
time spent with these folks is priceless.
Contact: Pat Centner, 913-660-1120,
Sacristans prepare for all Masses by
ensuring that the items necessary for
worship are always available and also
assists the priest before and after each
Mass. Contact: Barbara Buckley, 913362-7861
Ushers take up the collection, assist in
the communion procession, distribute
bulletins and help clean up the
entrances before and after Mass.
Ushers are assigned to the Mass that
they regularly attend. Contact: Jack
Buckley, 913-362-7861,
Vocation Prayer, Crucifix Adoration
and Fasting
Support more new vocations through
prayer, adoration and fasting on the
First Friday of each month. We fast
and pray so that more young men and
women may enter into the priesthood
and religious life. Contact: Bob Vohs,
913-341-2787, rvohs1@kc.rr.com
Worship Environment Team
Volunteers help create a beautiful
worship environment especially during
Advent and Lent. A large team is
needed to help with the installation of
banners, floral arrangements and other
enhancements to the worship space.
Contact: Sandy Krumm 913-362-0962,
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
and takes place each summer. College
age students and seminarians come for
a week of fun, prayer and formation.
Volunteers assist students, provide
meals, host the missionaries and help
with snacks throughout the week.
Contact: Maureen Leach, 913-6601195, mleach@stannpv.org
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a
Montessori-based model of religious
education for children ages 3-12.
Volunteers help make materials and
Youth Group Adult Volunteer
assist the catechists. Contacts: Janet
Lovick, 913-424-6385,
Adult volunteers attend middle school
janetlovick@gmail.com Lynn Smith,
and high school youth group meetings,
816-582-9025 lynnmariekc@yahoo.com
serve as small group leaders and help
facilitate simple activities. Those 18 and
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation)
older are invited to volunteer. Time
commitment is 2-3 hours per week.
Sponsors make a faith journey
Contact: Shaw Leach, 913-660-1196,
supporting the RCIA candidates.
Sponsors are asked to attend the weekly
Youth Group Support Volunteer
sessions during the second half of the
RCIA year. Contact: Andrew Lynch,
Provide support for the youth group
913-660-1116, alynch@stannpv.org
and the youth minister on an as needed
basis. This could include providing
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation)
snacks, help with mailings, help prepare
for a big event, etc. Contact: Shaw
Volunteers encourage and support
Leach, 913-660-1196,
inquirers and catechumens in their
study and in the RCIA process as well
as accompany those inquiring about the
Catholic Church on their faith journey. Ministries of Care
Contact: Andrew Lynch, 913-660-1116,
Blood Drive
School of Religion Volunteer
Volunteers are needed to share their
Catholic faith with youth of the parish
in different ways. SOR offers religious
education for preschool - 8th grade.
Classes are held from 4:30 pm to 5:30
pm. Contact: Maureen Leach 913-6601195, mleach@stannpv.org
Vacation Bible School (Totus
Totus Tuus (Totally Yours) is a one
week religious formation program for
the youth of our parish (grades 1 - 12)
Sponsored by the St. Ann Knights of
Columbus in association with the
Community Blood Bank. All donations
are used in local hospitals. Please
contact us if you would like to be a
donor to this life saving service and
receive information for each St. Ann
drive. Contact: Phil Wheeler, 913-2625558, philwheeler6811@yahoo.com,
Phil Needham, 913-649-4868,
Condolence Committee
Fridays of the month; or the third
Monday of the month. Additionally,
After the funeral liturgy, this committee
each team takes one fifth Friday each
provides lunch in the Parish Hall for
year. Each team has a captain and
families of the deceased. Volunteers are
training is supplied for the distribution
needed to prepare and deliver a side
of Holy Communion and for the
dish for the lunch to the Parish Hall.
procedures of the hospital.
Contact: Jackie Miller, 913-362-7428,
Contact: Pat Centner, 913-660-1120,
Extraordinary Minister of Holy
Food Kitchen
Communion to Assisted Living
KCK Hot Lunch Program
There are parishioners who reside at
Volunteers donate and serve hot,
various continuing care facilities outside
nutritious food to the needy on the
of our parish boundaries. Individuals
fourth Monday of each month.
are needed to visit and take
Contact: Rosie Bohan, 913-722-5109,
communion to our parishioners in a
particular facility. Volunteers must be
able to drive and be willing to be
Food Pantry
trained as extraordinary ministers of
Emergency Assistance
Holy Communion.
On the weekend of the second Sunday
Contact: Pat Centner, 913-660-1120,
of each month, non-perishable food is
collected at St. Ann Church and
Extraordinary Minister of Holy
delivered to Family Support Catholic
Communion to Homebound
Charities Food Pantry, 9720 W. 87th
Street, Overland Park, KS. Volunteers
Volunteers provide Holy Communion
are needed to gather, load and deliver
to homebound parishioners and those
the food items.
who are recuperating at home after a
Contact: Judy Donnelly, 913-341-8483,
recent hospital stay. Ministry is done on
a weekly basis or as needed. Education
on the theology of the Eucharist and
Respect Life
training is provided for anyone
These volunteers strive to bring
interested in becoming a Eucharistic
awareness and education to the
Minister to the homebound.
community on all Respect Life issues
Contact: Pat Kolarik 913-362-3527,
and solicit the parish to action on
Respect Life projects, activities and
Extraordinary Minister of Holy
Communion to Shawnee Mission
Contact: Terry Dittrich, 913-649-8744,
Medical Center
As a Johnson County parish, we assist
with the distribution of Communion to
all of the Catholic patients at Shawnee
Mission Medical Center. We have four
teams and each team takes one of the
following times: first, second, third