THE SENATOR SCHOLARSHIP SCOOP 2014-2015 EDITION #10-- NOVEMBER 10-16, 2014 Don't miss the Senator Scholarship Scoop, which is available every Monday Morning with the latest news about SCHOLARSHIPS, TESTING INFORMATION, COLLEGE VISITS, GRANTS, and endless trivial information. You are responsible for all directions, deadlines and specific criteria required for each application. Read the information carefully! The Scoop is available online at, go to “Guidance” then “The Scoop”, or you can pick one up in the Guidance Office. This Week: Wednesday, November 12—UNR Representative at 1:15 in the Tech Center Conference Room. Saturday, November 15—Priority Deadline--UNR Freshman Admission and Scholarship Applications due to UNR. COLLEGE VISITS: Wednesday, November 12—UNR Representative at 1:15 in the Tech Center Conference Room NEW NEWS & SCHOLARSHIPS 1. JFK PROFILE IN COURAGE ESSAY CONTEST – 9th through 12th grade students are eligible to enter this essay contest with cash prizes ranging from $500 to $10,000. For contest information, go to Due to the sponsor 1/5/15. 2. KERRI ANN OXOBY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP – This scholarship is in memory of Kerri Oxoby, a 1994 Carson High School graduate. Two (2) $3,000 scholarships are available to student athletes who have a 3.25 GPA, or students who have participated in extra-curricular activities such as drama, etc., and plan to attend UNR next fall. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and are due back to Guidance 2/3/15. 3. CHS COMMON SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM – The CHS Common Scholarship Application is now available online at You will need to go to Academics at the top, then to the “Counseling Department” tab and then “Common Scholarship Application” in the left column. With this application, students are able to apply for many different scholarships. Applications will be due to the Guidance Office on 1/23/15. No late applications will be accepted. This application will eliminate repetitious filling out of the same application. It is very important that much time and energy is spent in preparing this form. OLD NEWS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 1. ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION "MOST VALUABLE STUDENT" SCHOLARSHIP AWARD -- This is an excellent scholarship in which we have local winners whose applications are sent to the national finals. Application is available online at Follow all directions very closely. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. The completed application is due to the Carson City Elks Lodge #2177, 515 N. Nevada St., Carson City, NV 89703-8825 by 12/5/14. 2. DICK STODDARD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP – This scholarship of $2,000 will be awarded to a student who has overcome challenges in life and who plans to attend school beyond high school. A short essay is required. Pick up and return applications in the Guidance Office by 3/4/15. 3. D’ASCOLI HEALTH SERVICES SCHOLARSHIP – This is a $500 scholarship that will be awarded to a senior interested in pursuing a career in the dental field. Community and school involvement and financial need will also be considered. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and are due to the Guidance Office 1/29/15. 4. #BETHEOUTLIER SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION – 5 $2,000 scholarships will be awarded. This is open to all high school students, and awards are based on a 30-60 second video based on your reading and reaction to the book, Ingredients of Outliers, or Ingredients of Young Outliers. For more information, visit Submissions are due 12/31/14. 5. MILITARY SCHOLARSHIP/CAREER OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES EVENING – Interested students, juniors and below, with their parents or guardians are invited to attend this evening which will provide information about the nation’s military academies, university ROTC programs, and the National Guard. The event will take place on Monday, November 24 from 5:00 pm to 8 p.m. at South Reno United Methodist Church, 200 De Spain Lane, Reno, NV. 6. GATES MILLENNIUM SCHOLARS – To be eligible for this scholarship you must be African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American or Hispanic American, be a citizen/legal permanent resident or national of the U.S., have a cumulative GPA of 3.3, demonstrate leadership abilities, participated in community service, and extracurricular activities and meet the Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria. Apply on line at by 1/14/15. 7. THE CONGRESS-BUNDESTAG YOUTH EXCHANGE – This program provides full scholarships to American high school students to live and study in Germany for one academic year. They are currently recruiting for the 2015-2016 program year. Students have to be between 15 and 18 at the start of the program and have at least a 3.0 GPA. For more information, visit Application due dates vary from December to February. 8. GE - REAGAN FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – Exceptional student leaders are invited to apply. This program awards up to 20 collegebound students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship with $10,000 renewable scholarships. Apply at Due to the sponsor 1/8/15, but it is to your advantage to submit the application as soon as possible. They will take applications until 1/8/15 or until 25,000 applications have been submitted, whichever comes first. 9. YOUTH VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP AWARD – To be considered for this $500 scholarship, students must have completed a minimum of 50 hours of volunteer work, and have a 3.5 cumulative GPA. Apply online at Due to the sponsor 11/29/14. 10. BOSTON UNIVERSITY TRUSTEE SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION – Seniors can earn a 4 year full tuition scholarship to Boston University. For more information go to Application deadline is 12/1/14, and student must be nominated by the principal by that date. 11. RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE SCHOLARSHIP – Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northern Nevada will award 37 scholarships to high school seniors. Applicants must be seniors living in Northern Nevada with a 2.7 minimum GPA who will be attending an accredited post-secondary education institute following graduation. Apply online at by 1/20/15. 12. UCHICAGO NO BARRIERS PROGRAM – This program offers students a waiver of application fees for families who apply for financial aid, need-based financial aid awarded as grants, and a streamlined process to apply for need-based aid. For more information, go to 13. SULLIVAN LEADERSHIP AWARD – Seattle University is offering scholarships for full tuition, room and board, and books. Award criteria are academic excellence, leadership, service, and communication. For more information or to apply, please visit or email: Students must apply to the University of Seattle, and fill out a separate Sullivan Leadership Award. Due to the sponsor 11/15/14. 14. CATCHING THE DREAM SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – Eligible students must be ¼ or more degree American Indian, enrolled members of a US Tribe, and planning to attend an accredited college. Students must also have high SAT/ACT scores, and a high GPA. For eligible students, this program will pay for their SAT or ACT tests, help them find scholarship money, and write college application essays. Email to, or call 505-262-2351 for more information. 15. FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION ESSAY CONTEST – FRA is sponsoring an essay contest. The topic is “Why I Am Proud to be an American”. This is open to grades 7-12. Grand prize is a $5,000 scholarship with additional scholarship prizes of $2,500 for first place, $1,500 for second place, and $1,000 for third place. Pick up information in the Guidance Office. Entries must be received by the sponsor by 12/1/14. 16. NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS (NFIB) YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR AWARD – Scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 will be awarded to students with interests in becoming an entrepreneur or owning a business. Log on to for further details. Application deadline is 12/18/14. 17. SOROPTIMIST GIRL OF THE MONTH AWARD -- All senior girls are qualified to apply for this special recognition provided by the Soroptimist International of Carson City. One girl from CHS will be selected each month throughout the school year. One of those girls will receive a $1,000 scholarship at the end of the year. Pick up applications in the Guidance Office. Due to Guidance 11/28/14. 18. SCHOLASTIC ART & WRITING AWARDS -- $10 million in scholarships available to artists and writers. All students in grades 7-12 can participate. Deadlines vary by region. For more information, visit 19. WESTERN UNDERGRADUATE EXCHANGE SCHOLARSHIP -- Are you interested in attending a college or university out of state? This program makes it possible for Nevada students to go to selected schools in Arizona, Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming at resident tuition fees + 50%. Some majors may be limited. Contact admissions office today or make an appointment with your counselor to check out specific schools and majors. 20. SAT QUESTION OF THE DAY – Students who would like to practice for the SAT should sign up for the SAT Question of the day. There are three ways to do it: bookmark the SAT Question of the Day page on, follow @SATQuestion on Twitter, or download the official app from iTunes. Of course, we recommend practicing for the tests as much as possible, but every little bit helps. 21. NEVADA CAREER INFORMATION SYSTEMS – This website offers a wealth of information from choosing a career field, to choosing a college, to paying for college. Visit, click on “NCIS”, then choose “Carson City” from the pull-down menu and enter your zip code. You will be taken to the homepage from which you can access tons of information. For scholarships, click on the plus sign by “Learn about Schools”, then go to “Paying for School”. Click on the “Clusters Index” tab on the top to see a list of scholarships within categories. Deadlines and qualifications vary. This is a website you should use throughout the year, and even while you are in college. 22. ZINCH.COM – offers scholarships weekly and monthly. More information is on the website. Go to the link on their website at to sign up for a webinar 23. AMERICAN COLLEGE FOUNDATION (ACF) – The ACF will be offering awards ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 through their Visionary Scholarship Program. A 500 word essay is required. These scholarships are for current freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Apply at: You will have to register and will receive an application packet within 2 weeks from the time you register. Be sure to allow enough time for your completed application to be received by the deadline of 4/1/15. 24. ATTENTION SENIORS – If you have not already taken the ACT or SAT, or would like to retake them, you need to register for a fall date as soon as possible. Many schools base their scholarship awards on these scores, and they are required for admission and placement at 4-year universities and colleges. Test dates and registration deadlines are printed at the end of this bulletin. 25. SPORTQUEST PLAYING WITH A PURPOSE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – This is a national program that honors and encourages high school student athletes who excel athletically, academically, and have committed their life to following Christ. Applying student athletes must be current high school sophomore, juniors, or seniors, maintain a “C” grade average or higher, be a current varsity level athlete in one or more sports, and be a committed follower of Jesus Christ. To apply online, visit: Due 2/1/15. 26. COMMON APPLICATION – You can apply for admission to over 500 colleges and universities with only one application. Go to to view participating colleges and apply. Applications are now open, and deadlines vary. 27. SCHOLARSHIPEXPERTS.COM – This is a free scholarship matching service with a database of over 2.4 million scholarships worth over $14 billion dollars. Please visit Deadlines vary. 28. ATTENTION ATHLETES – Are you a senior planning on playing a sport at a Division I or II college next year? If so, you must go to the Clearinghouse Website at and follow the instructions given. A copy must be printed out and brought into the Guidance Office so a transcript can be sent. 29. UNR FRESHMAN ADMISSION & SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS – Apply online at The PRIORITY deadline is 11/15/14. Get your application in early to better your chances of earning scholarship money! TESTING INFORMATION Go on line at for SAT registration and for ACT registration. The first tests to be given at CHS are: TEST TEST DATE REGISTRATION POSTMARKED BY SAT ACT SAT ACT December 6, 2014 December 13, 2014 January 24, 2014 February 7, 2015 November 6, 2014 November 7, 2014 December 29, 2014 January 9, 2015
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