Page 2 - November 2014 - The Challenger City of Las Vegas November Senior Special Events The city of Las Vegas active adult and senior centers offer exercise, fitness, craft, arts, dance, music and computer classes; cards; games; discussion and social groups; luncheons; sports; and special events Monday through Friday to residents age 50 and better. Many of these activities contribute to wellness and a healthy lifestyle. A listing of classes and activities is published in the Beyond the Neon Leisure Guide, available in the centers and online at All activities are subject to change. Most activities require $2 annual membership to city of Las Vegas Senior Citizen Programs, available at all senior and active adult centers. Centers will be closed Nov. 11, 27-28 for holiday observance. Battle at Gettysburg Seminar (ages 50+) Mondays, Nov. 3-24; 9 to 11:30 a.m. Free with annual $2 city of Las Vegas Active Adult/Senior Programs membership. Centennial Hills Active Adult Center, 6601 N. Buffalo Drive, 702-229-1702. Nov. 3: Overview of the Civil War April 1861 – May 1863; Nov. 10: The Accidental Meeting; Nov. 17: Battle Day 2: Little Round Top, The Wheatfield, The Peach Orchard and Culp’s Hill; Nov. 24: Pickett’s Charge and Lee’s Retreat Advance registration required. Registration opens Oct. 20. Call 702-229-1702 to register. Wetlands Park Trip (ages 50+) Tuesday, Nov. 4, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost: $5. Lieburn Senior Center, 6230 Garwood Ave., 702-229-1600. A fun visit to the new visitors’ center at the Wetlands Park and a guided tour. Bring a bag lunch. Call 702-229-1600 to register by Oct. 30. Las Vegas Senior Center Veterans’ Celebration Luncheon (ages 50+) Thursday, Nov. 6, 11:30 a.m. Free for veterans; $5 all others. City of Las Vegas Senior Programs membership required. Las Vegas Senior Center, 702229-6454. Veterans who are 50 years of age or older are invited to attend The Challenger is published monthly in Nevada. Nevada’s only independent Health/Rehab, Seniors, & People With Disabilities newspaper. Vol. 18 No. 11 PO Box 530005, Henderson, NV 89053. Phone: 702-496-8198. E-mail: Web: Lee & Toni Brasted, Publishers Note: Editorial material does not necessarily reflect the views of The Challenger newspaper. Unsolicited material will be considered for publication, but The Challenger cannot be responsible for loss or damages to items submitted. Submissions are the author’s warranty that the material is not an infringement on the rights of others and that the material may be published without further approval. The Challenger newspaper is not responsible for any of the advertising copy in this publication. No part of this publication may be reprinted without the permission of the publishers. Celebrating 18 years! Thank you Nevada! this luncheon. At the luncheon, celebrate veterans’ service to our country with names be added to the center’s plaque and a short ceremony. Veterans to fill out a form concerning their military service. They are invited to attend the flag ceremony held at the Dula Gym at 10:30 a.m. Lieburn Breakfast (ages 50+) Friday, Nov. 7, 8:30 a.m. Cost: $4. Advance registration required by Nov. 4. Lieburn Senior Center, 6230 Garwood Ave., 702-229-1600. Enjoy sausage-and-egg casserole, fruit, toast, juice and coffee. Call 702-229-1600 to register. Scarecrow Making & Chili (ages 50+) Friday, Nov. 7, 10 a.m. to noon. Cost: $5 Derfelt Senior Center, 3343 W. Washington Ave. in Lorenzi Park, 702-229-6601. Use the provided PVC “skeleton” and base to build your scarecrow. Pick-up a supply/idea list at registration. You’ll also enjoy a chili lunch! Advance registration required. Gobbling Good Time Luncheon (ages 50+) Wednesday, Nov. 12, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost: $5. Derfelt Senior Center, 3343 W. Washington Ave. in Lorenzi Park, 702-229-6601. Enjoy traditional Thanksgiving cuisine with friends and fun. Thelma the Turkey just might make an appearance! Call 702-229-6601 to register; advance registration required. Craft-A-Teer Holiday Craft Fair (all ages) Friday, Nov. 14, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free admission and open to the public. Doolittle Senior Center, 1930 N. J. St., 702-229-6125. Purchase exclusively handmade blankets, jewelry, crafts and more at this holiday craft fair. If you are interested in being a vendor at this event, call 702-229-6125 by Nov. 7. Doolittle Senior Center “I’ve Got Talent Showcase” & Brunch (all ages) Thursday, November 20, 11 a.m. showcase with brunch immediately after. Showcase free and open to the public; $5 brunch. Showcase at West Las Vegas Library Theater, located at 951 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Brunch at adjacent Doolittle Senior Center, 1930 N. J. St., 702229-6125. Senior singers, dancers, musicians and comedians will entertain. Brunch reservations open now until full. For more information or brunch reservations, call 702-2296125. Bingo! (ages 50+) Thursday, Nov. 20, 11 a.m. Cost: $5 with annual $2 city of Las Vegas Active Adult/Senior Programs membership. Centennial Hills Active Adult Center, 6601 N. Buffalo Drive, 702-229-1702. Thanksgiving Lunch, Tuesday, Nov. 25, noon. Cost: $5 with city of Las Vegas Senior Programs Membership. Las Vegas Senior Center, 451 E. Bonanza Road, 702-229-6454. Enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal with all of the trimmings. Advance registration. A Nevada based company, since 1979 Complementary Prescriptions™ has earned the reputation as “the brand doctors trust” when it comes to Science and Nutrition. Our co-publisher TONI BRASTED has joined their team to help Nevadans to get healthier! See page 8 for more.
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