Lowercroft Newsletter

Mrs T Townsend
Lowercroft Primary School
Ashington Drive
Bury BL8 2TS
24th October 2014
0161 761 2798
Lowercroft Raises £750 for
Macmillan Cancer Support
The Macmillan coffee afternoon was a huge success and raised a
staggering £750. Thank you to everyone who supported this
worthwhile event especially to Year 5 and Year 6 for their
spectacular cakes and to Year 6 who helped with the games, raffles
and serving of cakes. A special thank you also goes to last year’s
Year 6 parents for a £50 donation and to Madeleine Foley in Year 5
who baked a delicious cake for the teachers and raised a £18.80 for
If you were one of the parents who came to watch your child
perform after an extremely successful day of music with Travelling
by Tuba I am sure you will agree with me that it was well worth
watching. It was lovely to see every child join in with the
morning’s show and then every junior child playing an instrument in
the performance at the end of the day. If you missed out, don’t
worry we are inviting them back again next year! If your child was
inspired to take up the tuba or any other instrument after watching
the show or having seen the Bury music teachers perform at the
beginning of the year, please contact school for more information
individual and group lessons. We can arrange to have them in
school either during or at the end of the day.
Blue Cookie
Monster Cakes!”
Year 6 get their maracas out for
Travelling by Tuba!
Harvest Festival
Well done to Year 1, Year 4 and Year 6 who
took part in the Harvest Assembly…you were
Thank you for all the wonderful donations
for Porch Boxes. They were very warmly
and gratefully received by the charity. It is
always good to know that by supporting this
project we will have made a positive
difference to someone local who has found
themselves in a crisis.
Year 4 produced a powerful and moving
film about homelessness. Please see
Mr Moss for a copy of the film.
Reading at Lowercroft
This year one of our key goals is to enthuse all
Lowercroft children with a genuine excitement for
books and reading. Throughout the year we will be
introducing your child to different types of books
and holding events in an attempt to encourage
them to discover new authors and genres (eg nonfiction, comics, novels, poetry etc).
competitions, themed days, visitors and parental
involvement! Watch this space for more details.
What a lovely class!
Open Day for September 2015 intake If you have
a child who is due to start school next September
(born between 1.09.10 to 31.08.11) and if you have
not yet put them on our admissions list please
contact school.
Reception have settled in really well, made lots of
new friends and are looking forward to their first
whole school performance of the Nativity!
Contact telephone numbers Please keep school
informed of any changes to your telephone
numbers for emergency contacts and for the text
messaging service.
What’s the time Mr Wolf?
Name labels The lost property box is already
filling up with items of uniform, water bottles & PE
kit which do not have names on. Would you
uniform/bottles/games kit are marked with your
child’s name.
Key Stage 1 children’s learning was enriched this
week when a visitor brought toys and games from
the past 100 years! Great fun was had playing
Hoopla, spinning tops and ‘In and out the dusty
bluebells’, amongst other things! They will be
finishing the week off with a Teddy Bear’s Picnic.
More Books for School!
Record numbers of Mr Gum books were ordered by
Year 3 children at the book fair last week!
Scholastic, who provide the book fair, told us that
out of all the schools in the North West, Lowercroft
had sold the most books over the last 12 months
raising an impressive £1000 for us to spend on more
books for school!
Year 4 museum opening soon!
Without giving too much away Year 4 has been busy
working on restructuring their classroom into a
museum of archaeological interest. Look out for
more information about opening times and
admission fees.
Outstanding Homework Projects
Year 5 impressed Mrs Lansdale and Mrs Townsend
with their incredible homework projects. Look out
for them on the website.
Snacks and drinks in school All KS1 pupils receive
a piece of fruit at morning break and therefore do
not need to bring in snacks from home. KS2 pupils
may bring a piece of fruit or dried fruit from home
for their snack.
We ask that crisps, biscuits or snack bars are not
brought into school. As we have a number of
pupils in school with severe nut allergies we
would therefore request that no form of nuts, or
products containing nuts, are brought into
PE & Earrings The school uniform policy states that
small studs can be worn during the school day.
However to comply with Health and Safety, pupils
will now be asked to remove their earrings for PE
lessons and sports clubs. If your child cannot take
their earrings out by themselves there are 2
options available to you:
1. Your child does not wear earrings on PE days
2. The earrings are cover with surgical/plaster
These precautions have been put into place to
reduce the risk of earrings causing injury during PE
Health and Safety Before and After School
The climbing trees, Activity Trail, Tyre
Trail, Hobbit Hole and Texture Kitchen are
great outdoor resources to play on but
they are intended to be used during the
school day only. Please do not let your
children play on them before or after
Thank you for your cooperation with
these matters.
There will be some nonuniform days in November to
bring in items for the
Christmas Fair. Watch out
for the PTA newsletter with
more details.
Can you help?
We always need help running
our events.
If you could help during an
event or setting up/
clearing up please get in
Please contact school and
they will pass your details
onto us.
Thank you
Scholastic Book
Scholastic Book Club
magazines were sent home
recently. You can order
online at;
Your books will be delivered
to school (free p&p).
See page 23 of the magazine for
more details.
Our school reference number
is 12304192
Please do not send your orders
into school.
Half Term Holiday & Dinner Money
School Closes at 3.30pm on Friday 24th October and reopens on Tuesday 4th
November. Dinners are currently £2 per day for KS2 pupils.
Dinner money for the next half term (from 4.11.14 to 18.12.14) will be £66.00
Please make cheques payable to Bury Council and write your child’s name on
the reverse. If you pay online and would like to check if your child has any
credits please telephone school.
Lowercroft Primary School...Excellence in Education
Parking at the beginning and end of the
school day Following an incident
yesterday when a pupil and parent were
forced off the pavement into the road by a
reversing car which sped off without any
acknowledgment of the seriousness of the
incident, we have been forced to contact
the Parking Enforcement Officers of the
council. I must remind your that there is
no parking or stopping allowed on the
double yellow lines and zig zag markings.
These laws are there for your safety,
especially that of your children.
Christmas Fair
Saturday 29th November
12noon until 2.00pm
Everybody Welcome!
Valuing everyone in the community
Birthday Celebrations at Lowercroft As a
special treat to celebrate pupils’ birthdays
they can come to school in their ‘own
clothes’. If your child’s birthday falls at the
weekend they may come to school on the
Friday in non-uniform. This makes it fair for all
pupils, especially the pupils with food
allergies, who may not be able to eat treats
brought in by school friends. Please ensure
that their ‘own clothes’ are suitable for taking
part in school activities including outside play.
Sweets, chocolates and cakes will not be
accepted by school staff to give out to
pupils. Your co-operation in this matter is
greatly appreciated to ensure the safety of
our pupils.
Diary Dates
The environment area
is prepared for the
new gardening season
Pilates class (adults) Every
Monday evening 6.30pm in the
school hall £5 per class
Half Term School closes at
3.30pm on Friday 24th October
and reopens on Tuesday 4th
November at 8.55am
Texture Kitchen Activity
afternoon: Friday 7th
November - KS1 and EYFS –
an afternoon of fun with an
outdoor play specialist
Remembrance Activity Day
Monday 10th Whole school
Key Stage 1 Parents: Engage
and support your child with
reading. November 11th at
7pm in the school hall. Letter
to follow.
Children in Need Be a Hero!
14th November. Whole school
dress up as a hero day
Open Day for Reception
2015 Intake Tuesday 18th
November – please contact
school for details if you have
not received a letter from us.
Flu Immunisation Day
Tuesday 25th November- if
you have not yet completed a
consent form please contact
We have lots of exciting
events planned in December.
Details of these will be sent
home in a special Christmas
Edition Newsletter next half
Clubs timetable
The clubs listed below will be taking place during next half
term. Please remember to send a separate kit in
to school for after school clubs. This will ensure
children’s school PE kits are not taken home and
forgotten. Thank you.
Football Y3 & Y4
3.30pm – 4.15pm
Netball Y5 & 6
3.30pm - 4.15pm
Young Dragons Karate
3.30pm - 4.30pm
8.00am - 8.55am Y5 & Y6
Street Dance Y 1 & 2
3.30pm - 4.30pm (FULL)
Softball/Handball Y5 & Y6
3.30pm - 4.30pm Y3 & Y4
Please inform school in writing if your child will not
be attending any of the club sessions so that the
teacher or coach in charge knows in advance that
they will not be attending.
Likewise if they no longer wish to attend a club
please inform school in writing