Congregation Sons of Israel CONTINUING THE VISION — BUILDING OUR FUTURE NOVEMBER 2014 8 Cheshvan—8 Kislev 5775 The First Annual Frederick Jelinek Memorial Lecture “Is Peace Possible in Our Lifetime? An Insider’s Analysis of The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process” Featuring David Makovsky November 16, 2014 See page 15 for more details. Co-sponsored by The Rabbi’s Circle at CSI. NOVEMBER DATES TO REMEMBER: Nov. 1: Nov. 4: Nov. 7: Nov. 8: Jewish Music Through the Ages NO SCHOOL-ELECTION DAY Shorashim/Chagigat Hatorah Babysitting Night sy k how ea ...AND... Nov. 8: Nov. 11: Nov. 12: Nov. 15: Loo ade it! we’ve m Comedy Night (see page 17) NO SCHOOL-VETERANS’ DAY NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL TEACHER-IN-SERVICE Rick Recht Concert NOVEMBER 1—MIDNIGHT RUN!! Midnight Run is a program where volunteers from CSI bring clothing, food and some companionship to New York City’s homeless population. We need your help by sending in food, or money to purchase food, and by volunteering your time. This is not only a mitzvah, but a rewarding experience as well. See page 6 for more information, and thanks! Did you know…? Our “Adult Learning, Family and Youth Programs” booklet is available on our website, as is each month’s Bulletin. Visit us at Nov. 16: Nov. 26-30: Nov. 27-28: Check out our facebook page! It is new and improved. Like us! [our website is being updated too!] Todah Rabbah from CSI From The Rabbi Cantorial Notes Religious School News Todah Rabbah (cont’d) News from the NS P.T.A. Babysitter List Mazal Tov and Condolences page 2 page 3 page 5 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 page 10 From the President Recent Donations Birthdays and Anniversaries Comedy Night Flyer Calendar This Month’s B’nai Mitzvah Sisterhood News From our Rabbinic Fellow First Annual Frederick Jelinek Memorial Lecture NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL THANKSGIVING BREAK OFFICE CLOSED-NO SCHOOL HAPPY THANKSGIVING! FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE EVENTS page 11 page 13 page 16 page 17 page 18 page 21 page 23 page 25 David Makovsky Lecture Donation Form Advertisements page 25 page 31 page 32 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Page 2 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Phone: (914) 762-2700 Fax: (914) 941-3465 OUR MISSION STATEMENT (adopted 1999, revised 2007): Congregation Sons of Israel is an egalitarian, Conservative synagogue dedicated to imparting Jewish values and traditions from generation to generation in a welcoming participatory environment. We are a caring community committed to lifelong Jewish learning, the observance of mitzvot, meaningful prayer and charitable deeds. We promote spiritual, cultural and social connections within our community, to the State of Israel, and to Jews worldwide. Rabbi Steven C. Kane Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz Educational Director: Roni Shapiro Ben-David all those who made food donations for Operation Isaiah! We will publish the names of all those who helped “schlep” in the December Bulletin. Elliott Barish for being awarded the Pesichas Neilah Honor; Jill Greenstein for being awarded the Kalat Bereshit Honor; and Bob Davis for being awarded the Hatan HaTorah Honor. MOR E INF O ON P AGE 9. Synagogue Director: Ellen Green Johnson School Admin./Office Mgr.: Doreen Gioio OFFICERS: Jack Zinn, President Steven Bender, VP Aaron Gershowitz, VP Lisa Goodkin, VP Roberta Kay, VP Bob Margolies, Treasurer Eric Nadler, VP, Secretary Andrew Kagan, Past President Bulletin Editor: Jolie Levy Bulletin Printer: THE DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES FOR THE DECEMBER BULLETIN IS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10. November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 3 FROM THE RABBI Steven C. Kane Each year I have tried to bring to our community a leading voice on the subject of Israel. Those who are familiar with the names of writers, journalists and people in the media whose specialty is the Middle East will recognize an all-star line up of people who have spoken at CSI. Khaled Abu-Toameh, Peter Beinart, Daniel Gordis, Linda Gradstein, Jeffrey Goldberg, Yosi Klein Ha-Levi, Ambassador Michael Oren and Ari Shavit are among those who have enlightened us over the years. This year is no exception! Our guest speaker this fall is David Makovsky, the Zeigler Distinguished Fellow and Director of The Washington Institute's Project on Arab-Israeli peace. Mr. Makovsky is often a featured commentator on Arab-Israeli affairs for the PBS' Newshour and has appeared in many major newspapers and publications including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and Foreign Affairs. Most interesting are his 2011 maps on alternative territorial solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which were reprinted by the New York Times in the paper's first interactive treatment of an op-ed. His widely acclaimed September 2012 New Yorker essay, "The Silent Strike," focused on the U.S.-Israel dynamics leading up to the 2007 Israeli attack on Syrian nuclear facilities. Last year I had invited Mr. Makovsky to be our Scholar-in-Residence and was looking forward to listening to him. Then, in November he was asked by Every Child Deserves A Jewish Education! Secretary of State John Kerry to join the U.S. team of negotiators trying to forge a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians and had to back out of his commitment to us. After almost a year as the Secretary of State's Special Advisor, he stepped down in September and resumed his work at the Washington Institute. He immediately contacted me, saying "he owed us one," and agreed to be our featured speaker this fall. His talk, on Sunday, November 16, at 5:00 p.m. is entitled "Is Peace Possible in our Lifetime? An Insider's Analysis of The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process." I am so pleased that this year's talk has been made possible by the Jelinek family, in memory of Frederick Jelinek a Holocaust survivor and a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence. His son and daughter-in-law, William and Melissa Jelinek, and their children, Sophie and Benjamin, have chosen a beautiful way to memorialize him. As with all of our major lectures, this program is free and open to the public. Please join us for what I am certain will be a fascinating first-hand report and analysis of the events in the Middle East. L'hitraot, SEE PAGE 12 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS LECTURE. Please Support our Lev Program! Donations are needed to pay for our Lev program for the 2014-2015 school year. Lev means “heart.” CSI believes that all children, regardless of their developmental, emotional or cognitive challenges, should receive a Jewish education. These special children are mainstreamed into our classes, or, if necessary, are placed in a selfcontained special Lev class. Many people in the past few years have given generously to support our Lev program. Without their support, we could not have given children with varying emotional, behavioral and learning needs the opportunity to join our Religious School program. We help children who range from developmentally delayed to autistic. Thanks to your generous donations, they, too, can have a Jewish education. Please make donations to the Mitzner Family Tuition Assistance Fund indicating they are to be used for the Lev Program. Page 4 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 5 CANTORIAL NOTES Hazzan Jeffrey Shiovitz For 27 years, CSI has hosted some of the Jewish music world’s biggest and best performers. We have seen and heard Debbie Friedman, Safam, the Klezmatics, Theodore Bikel, Shlock Rock, Shuly Natan, Yoel Sharabi, Frank London, Jack Mendelson and Andy Statman. On Saturday evening, November 15th, we are thrilled to present one of today's top Jewish Rock n' Rollers-Rick Recht! Rick Recht is the top-touring musician in Jewish music today, playing over 150 concerts a year in the United States and abroad. He is widely recognized for his appeal to youth and family audiences not only as an exceptional musician, singer/songwriter and entertainer, but also as a role model for involvement in Jewish life. Rick is the national music spokesperson for the PJ Library and the Director of the Song Leader Boot Camp. I attended his boot camp two years ago and knew that I wanted to bring him to Ha Mishpacha With Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz Tuesday, November 11, 12:30 p.m. (LUNCH WILL BE SERVED) “The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit” By Lucette Lagnado Book review by Dr. Ellen Weiser Ha Mishpacha means “the family.” This is a group for couples and singles over 65. Each month, a different musical, cultural, social or educational program will be presented. We meet the second Tuesday of each month, but please check the CSI calendar just to be sure. More info: call Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz at 923-0175 GREET OLD FRIENDS & MEET NEW ONES! CSI. He is energetic, enthusiastic and lots of fun! Rick is also the founder and Director of Jewish Rock Radio, the first high-caliber 24/7 Jewish rock internet radio station. He has played before every major Jewish organization in every Jewish movement. Before shifting to Jewish music in 1999, Rick opened concerts for national acts such as The Guess Who, Chris Rock, America, Three Dog Night, The Allman Brothers and more. I know that you will not want to miss this upbeat and great concert. He is especially known for engaging his audiences and encouraging participation. I hope to see you on the 15th. It promises to be another great evening of music at CSI. The first program of this year’s Jewish Music Through The Ages will take place on Saturday evening, November 1st, at the home of Lisa and Eric Nadler. The topic for this year will be a threepart series entitled “CSI’s Top 100 Jewish Songs (According to the Cantor!).” If you are interested in attending, please contact Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz at 923-0175 or The program, which begins at 8:00, will include dessert too. This is the 27th year for this program. You will be surprised at some of the selections! PLEASE JOIN US! WANT TO JOIN THE CSI CHOIR? If you sing tenor or bass and would like to sing with the CSI Choir, please call either Judy Boehr (762-1984) or Cantor Shiovitz (923-0175). Page 6 Congregation Sons of Israel Shorashim Parents: Friday, November 7, your child will be officially welcomed into the Religious School and the beginning of his/her formal Jewish studies. At this Shabbat service, the Shorashim class will be blessed under a tallit on the bimah by the Rabbi and Cantor. They will sing Shabbat songs, perform a skit and each child will receive a certificate and a miniature Torah of his/her own. (SHH! This part is a surprise!) Students go to their classroom (Room 14) at 6:15 for the procession into the sanctuary. After the service, at 7:30, there will be a special oneg in their honor. We ask that children be in Shabbat clothing. We look forward to seeing you on November 7th, at 6:30PM for the service. Please remember that it is Shabbat and no picture taking is allowed. November 2014 November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 7 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS Roni Shapiro, Educational Director I always knew why I should be part of a synagogue and part of a Jewish community. I knew it deep in my heart. What I find hard to do is to show others why. How can I explain to a prospective family how their children learn ethics and Jewish values at our Religious School? How can I demonstrate that every curriculum area—bible, Israel, history, holidays and Tzedakah—is taught through recognizing the Jewish values that are reflected or brought out through the practice or study of that curriculum area? What words or story can I use to show that we are a single community that would really touch them and show them the feeling that I have in my heart? When my mother died on September 4, my CSI community immediately reached out to me. My children were driven to their activities. Food, prayer books, chairs, and kippot were delivered. My house was cleaned. Plans were made, notifications went out, and both the Rabbi and Cantor were there for me. Congregants with children in the school, with children that graduated from the school years ago, and those that never had children in the school, and some that I didn’t even know well, came to support me and make sure that my family’s needs were being met. I wasn’t ready yet to jump back in right after shiva was over, so the synagogue gave me more time. When I returned to CSI a couple of days after shiva was over, our students gave me hugs and told to me how sorry they were for my loss. The older children have been helping me continue saying kaddish in our school prayer session. As a Jewish mom, I was proud of these children and how they reached out to me. It proved to me that our values are being passed to our children, both at home and at our CSI Religious School. I’m sure that their Jewish education helped to give them the tools and the understanding to be the mentches that they are. That same week that I returned, Nursery School, Religious School and High School/Youth Programs were being launched. Not only did my synagogue community reach out to me, but CSI was there to help several other families at the same time, helping some families mourn and giving financial help to others. When someone joins the synagogue, it makes it possible for us to help so many others that are in need and to provide programs and services for all of us. While you might not think belonging to CSI gives back to you every day, I am asking you to trust me. When you need us, we will be there. I’m overwhelmed and proud to be part of such a community, and I know now what to tell someone next time when I need to tell them how important it is to be part of the Jewish community and to give their children a Jewish education in a synagogue. I want to thank our entire congregation for its support during my time of need, and know that we are there for you. JUNIOR CONGREGATION KADIMA SERVICE A special learning service for Alef, Bet and Gimel A special learning service for 6th and 7th graders Saturday, November 8 11:00-12:00 YES! SERVICE CREDIT IS GIVEN! Saturday, November 1 10:30-12:00 (Upstairs) YES! SERVICE CREDIT IS GIVEN! (put your service card in front of the box) (put your service card behind the tab that says “Shabbat Morning Attendance behind here”) Future Junior Congregation Dates: Nov. 8, 22; Dec. 6, 13; Jan. 10, 24, 31; Feb. 7, 28; Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28, Apr. 18, 25; May 2, 16 Service is led by Sheera Zuckerman Future Kadima Service Dates: Nov. 1, 8, 15; Dec. 6, 13; Jan. 10, 31; Feb. 28; Mar. 21; Apr. 18 PLEASE REMEMBER that both Junior Congregation and Kadima Services take place on Shabbat. Children, as well as anyone else coming inside the building on Shabbat, should be dressed appropriately. Shabbat is a “special” and holy time, and children should wear “special” clothing. No sweatpants, jeans, sports uniforms, etc. Page 8 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 ...TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED MAKE CSI’s 5775 HIGH HOLIDAYS SO MEANINGFUL FOR SO MANY PEOPLE. NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SMALL YOUR CONTRIBUTION WAS, WE GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR EFFORTS. IF WE’VE OVERLOOKED ANYONE, WE APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE. Rabbi Steven Kane and Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz for another terrific year of their leadership and for making our services meaningful and enjoyable for everyone Roni Ben-David Shapiro for organizing the Children’s Services and to the service leaders: Toni Band Tamar Drucker Robyn Shiovitz Sheera Zuckerman Susan Palefsky Jacob Roth Sam Roth Joseph Schluger Arielle Schutt Jade Schutt Zohra Shaukat Talia Shiovitz Harrison Singer Sarah Teitelbaum Lily Woolf Andy Kagan Dan Levine Neil Schluger Claude Tusk Marty Weinberg Helen Chuckrow Josh Diamond Sharman Gans Andy Kagan Ronnie Kent Emily Sack Suzy Silverman Nathan Holzberg David Kolbrener Mark Kovler David Leibert Maya Levine Marissa Lewis Those who lead High Holiday Prayers: Bob Davis Jack Freeman Michelle Korzen Tova Shapiro High Holiday Torah/Haftarah Readers: Bennett Ashley Sarina Cohn Bob Davis Jonathan Gold Julia Goodkin Rebecca Handsman Noam Gilboard Faith Kavy The CSI Choir: Sharon Alpert Rochelle Auslander Judy Boehr The Custodial Staff Everyone who volunteered to be an Usher The High Holiday Babysitters The Security Staff Chair “setter uppers” Michael Teitelbaum for organizing the Sukkah-building volunteers Sukkah Builders (see the picture on page 23) The Office Staff Bette Slutsky for her continued help with the Memorial Booklet The teens who helped put out the Prayer Books and Adult Learning Booklets Ellen & Steve Weiser for the new Ben Gavra Torah cover Our High Holiday silver-polishing crew Our younger Shofar blowers: Max Hertz, Lea Levine, Maxwell Parker-Blue, Caleb Schumacher, Jonah Schumacher (with special thanks to Cantor Shiovitz for teaching them!) Our not-as-young Shofar blowers: Andy Kagan, David Fishkin, David Shiovitz, Claude Tusk Yasher Koach!! Family Shabbat Service - Nov 1 Join Adam Zagoria-Moffet, our new Rabbinic Fellow and Youth Director, for a family Shabbat service on November 1st, open to all children and families in 1st through 7th grades! The service will begin at 10:30 am in the Social Hall and will conclude with kiddush with the rest of the congregation. The service will be abbreviated, adapted, and highly musical - so bring your family and your ruach! Questions? Email Rabbi Adam at November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 9 NEWS FROM THE NURSERY SCHOOL P.T.A. Fall is always busy in the nursery school, with the children celebrating all the holidays and the parents enjoying the first parents' events of the year. Last month the moms had a night to themselves, and coming up on November 15th is the annual cocktail party for the moms and the dads. Everyone is looking forward to the Thanksgiving Feast, held the day before Thanksgiving. We're never sure which activity the kids enjoy more - the baking or the eating! Delivery of the delicious Zomick's challahs has begun, but if you haven't yet placed your order, don't worry - you still can! Order forms are available in the office or on page 6 of this Bulletin. The PTA appreciates your support! The PTA is sponsoring a Holiday Gift Boutique on Thursday, December 4th, from 6:30-9:30 pm. We are looking for vendors to participate. Anyone interested in setting up a table and selling your products should contact Lauren Lucht at We welcome everyone to come shop, enjoy some wine and snacks, and take a chance at winning one of our fabulous raffle prizes. Feel free to bring a friend with you! Adults to work with students on Tuesday, Wednesday or Sunday: These volunteers help in classrooms or work one-on-one with our children. You do not have to be fluent in Hebrew, but a basic knowledge of reading Hebrew is necessary. Drop-in volunteers are welcome too. Teenagers interested in a paying job or community service working with children in our Lev program on Sundays from 9-11 AM: These volunteers help in classrooms or work one-on-one with our special needs children. Working with these special needs students is a wonderful mitzvah and looks great on your college application. Work opportunities for our teens are also available on Wednesdays, and community service is available on Tuesdays. Please contact Roni Shapiro. PLEASE JOIN THE CSI WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB! MEETING DATES: DEC. 14 JAN. 25 MAR. 1 APR. 19 The meetings are all at 7:00 PM at Roni Shapiro’s home: 26 Pocantico Road, Ossining Books include: The Goodbye Cookie by Marcia Meislin,* Jerusalem Maiden by Talia Carner, The Nazi Officer’s Wife by Edith Hahn Beer, The Midwife of Venice by Roberta Rich, The Other Half of My Soul by Bahia Abrams, The Fruit of Her Hands: The Story of Shira of Ashkenaz by Michele Cameron, The Girl in the Green Sweater by Krytyna Chiger, and Women’s Minyan by Naomi Ragen. OUR MEETINGS ARE FUN AND ENLIGHTENING! MAKE NEW FRIENDS! *Marcia Meislin is coming to speak at the November 23 Rosh Chodesh. We have made applesauce, shook the lulav, marched with torahs, had an animal parade, and that's not all! PJ Library has had a fun time celebrating all of the holidays with our friends! The year kicked off with a Rosh Hashanah All About Apples program. Kids chomped all different colors of apples and decided which was tastiest. They also created cards and a banner. We read a book that taught us how to make applesauce and of course we finished with dinner. It was a busy afternoon! Sukkot was celebrated with flair! We built edible sukkahs, swirled sand art, and took time to smell the etrog! The morning was a buzz with activity! Simchas Torah and Noah's Ark Shabbat involved parades- because, everyone loves a parade! Rainbows, animals, torahs, and cute kids made these events memorable! Of course what would these events be without stories and snacks? We heard the story of Noah's Ark and gobbled some animal crackers! Be on the lookout for our Chanukah program details! Time is going quickly for PJ Library! Page 10 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 Have a friend or neighbor interested in synagogue life? Ask them to contact one of the following: Roberta Bar-Levav, Membership Chair, at or Ellen Johnson, Synagogue Director, at We welcome inter-faith families! Interfaith parents are full participants in all life cycle events, programs, and classes and are welcome to serve on CSI's committees. NEW MEMBER SHABBAT AND DINNER Friday, December 6 DO YOU RECOGNIZE THESE TALLIT CLIPS? They were found in the sanctuary after the High Holidays. Please let the office know if they are yours. WALTER HOLZBERG ZOE SCHEIER KATYA DIDONATO SARAH DOLGIN KATIE KATZ DANIEL BIRNBAUM MARISSA LEWIS LILY WOOLF Mazal Tov to: Our Condolences to: Get Well Wishes to: The Gift Shop of CSI, Matanah, is always open during Sunday Religious School hours. Come take a look at the wonderful gifts available, some of which are imported from Israel. Chanukah will be here before you know it!! For assistance outside of Matanah hours, please send an email to BABYSITTERS 2014-15 11TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 373-4186 703-1183 787-0465 267-7079 406-3913 845-418-0684 886-5871 874-7352 The Graham Family on the arrival of Alexander Edward Graham. Daniel Silvershein on the loss of his mother, Joyce. Steve Katz, on the loss of his father, Hyman. Joan Birnbach, on the loss of her father, Sherwin Gmora. Barbara Nackman, Dan Singer, Ann Studen. November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 11 FROM THE PRESIDENT Jack H. Zinn What’s your favorite Jewish holiday? We just went through a whirlwind of them. Our saddest day of the year, Tisha B’Av, leads up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Only five days after Yom Kippur we celebrate Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah. With those in the past, we start looking to our next holiday, Chanukah. Not long after is Purim, and it feels like just a week or two afterwards is Pesach. Shavuot is seven weeks after that, with Lag B’Omer in between. I had always assumed that our kids liked Chanukah the best. It’s certainly less cleaning and cooking than Pesach, though finding so many presents for everyone can increase the stress of Chanukah quite a bit. It turns out, though, that around here it’s Sukkot, ending in Simchat Torah. While Chanukah has presents, Sukkot is just more fun. The year that Ian was born, CSI was encouraging Sukkah building, and we picked up a flyer for a kit at the synagogue. At that time, the quick-snap metal ones were not that popular or had not been developed yet, but we decided to take the plunge and buy the kit. We shopped for wood and brought all the materials home. We measured and cut the wood, and screwed the brackets onto the planks. Soon our Sukkah took shape. We invited friends and family to come and have a meal or bite to eat. Each year since then, we have reconstructed the Sukkah on our deck, right outside the kitchen door. It’s much easier after the first year, as there’s no cutting and the brackets stay attached on one end. Over the years though, something special happened: it became not only a tradition for our family, but also the highlight of the High Holiday season. Our kids soon realized they loved to use a power drill, stand on stepstools, and build the Sukkah together. There is a lot of lifting and even a hint of danger as the planks go overhead. They even like schlepping the wood from the garage up to the deck. I usually try to spread the task of building the Sukkah over four days; one to take the wood out and pile it on the deck and another to assemble, which is definitely their favorite. On a third day, we unravel the vinyl weave green “wall,” wrap it around, and fasten it with Velcro ties on the top and bottom. On Erev Sukkot, we find branches and other greenery to cut, and we drag it up to the deck and make the roof, topped off with some trellises to secure everything. They really get into each step, and they are proud to have created a “building,” even if temporary. We try to eat out there when we can, weather permitting. A few years ago, we started to regularly purchase a lulav and etrog set from the synagogue. Growing up in a large JCC in Rockland County, I recall that two or three congregants and the Rabbi and Cantor would have them and would parade with them. At CSI, there were more than 40 congregants who paraded with their sets on the first day of Sukkot. It’s a wonderful site and a good feeling to participate with so many others. It’s a strange ritual, but one that dates back thousands of years and connects us to our roots in a way that no other ritual really does. If you have never experienced it, come next year – we have congregational sets, and other congregants will gladly “gift” theirs to you for you to use as well. Like a fireworks finale, Sukkot ends with Simchat Torah. On Erev Simchat Torah, CSI has a fantastic band (many thanks to our incredible band members!). There’s great music and lots of dancing with the Torahs. Weather permitting, we open the walls and celebrate outside as well. After dancing, the adults form a large circle around the outside of the seats in the sanctuary. The Rabbi unrolls the entire Torah, and the adults hold it vertically so we can all see it. The kids then go on a walking tour of the Torah, compressing the history and the stories into just a few minutes. Seeing the entire scroll at one time, spanning around almost the entire sanctuary, is an amazing site. You can really see the special areas, like Shir Ha’Yam, the Song of the Sea, which is sung by the Israelites after the Egyptian army is swallowed by the sea. The first line of this section is also found on the wall above our ark, and has our name, “B’nai Yisrael,” right in the center. So why is this our favorite holiday? We really have to work for it, building it with our hands. There’s something to show for it. And then we can feel the peace of sitting in it—Sukkat Shalom. We can smell the etrog’s beautiful, lemony scent and wait to write a date on it after the holiday and put in the jar with the others from previous years – the etrog doesn’t rot, but instead just shrivels and turns brown, so you can keep a collection of them. We can have family and friends share a meal, and it’s a time to visit with others. And then we end with a big celebration with live music and dancing, and hopefully meeting a few new friends. Ours is Sukkot & Simchat Torah. What’s your favorite Jewish holiday? Let me know at 2014-15 Board of Trustees Jack Zinn, President Trustees 3 years: Steven Bender, V.P. Robin Ginsberg Aaron Gershowitz, V.P. Daniel Levine Lisa Goodkin, V.P. Barbara Palefsky Roberta Kay, V.P. Neil Schluger Robert Margolies, Fred Schulman Treasurer Mara Weissmann Eric Nadler, V.P. Secretary Andrew Kagan, Immediate Past President Trustees 2 years: Antony Anisman Doron Bar-Levav Ira Eisenstein Pamela Schumacher Lawrence Smoler Mark Wancier Trustees 1 Year: Lauren Benjamin Annleah Berger Michael Casper Josh Diamond Jonathan Gellman Daniel Silvershein Page 12 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 & Have teamed up with and need TEENS (in Grades 8-12) to do a Mitzvah…. Here’s how you can help: Drop off food* - Today through November 26th in the CSI lobby; monetary donations to the Office. Then…teens join us on… November 27, Thanksgiving morning, at 9:15 am at CSI for breakfast. Teens will sort and pack food then they will travel by bus to Neighbor’s Link and distribute 150 large grocery bags of food! We will return to CSI about 12:00 noon. For more info, email Adam at *Canned vegetables, canned fruit, beans, rice, pasta, boxed cereal, canned tuna, peanut butter or money to purchase these items. Ahavat Ha-Beriot – “Love of All of God’s Creations” is sponsored by November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 13 ABRAHAM COHEN/FRED STARLER MEMORIAL TZEDAKAH FUND In memory of Helen Houtkin Gail & Norman Starler BUILDING IMPROVEMENT FUND In memory of Bernard Horowitz CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of Joshua Balog's engagement to Lisa Sommer Thank you to Cantor Shiovitz In memory of Iris Shapiro In memory of T. Rae Lyons Thank you to Cantor Shiovitz CARING COMMUNITY In memory of Harry Litwen In memory of George Donneson Thank you to all the ladies that moved and set up Belle Feldman In memory of T. Rae Lyons In memory of Sarah Leider In memory of Inge N. deHerzenberg Amy & Philip Horowitz Gilbert & Sharon Balog CONTRIBUTIONS OOPS! We’re very sorry. These contributions were inadvertently overlooked in the October Bulletin. Susan Eisenstein Susan Wattenberg Ally & Rudy Masry Patty, David, Andrew & Julia Stiffman Roberta Freilich Adele, Lauree & David Feldman Roberta Freilich Judy & Alan Duke Rochelle & Marc Auslander Adele Feldman Joanne & Bill Roddy Sylvia & Susan Eisenstein The Kleinman Family CONTRIBUTIONS (received by October 10, 2014) ABRAHAM COHEN/FRED STARLER MEMORIAL TZEDAKAH FUND In memory of T.Rae Lyons Gail and Norman Starler CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of Hannah & Madeline Rosenberg's B'Not Mitzvah In memory of Iris Shapiro In memory of Shirley Szlechter CARING COMMUNITY In memory of Paul Balog In memory of Jeanne White In memory of T. Rae Lyons In memory of Elinore Thaler Speedy Recovery to Etti Cziment In honor of Joyce & Bert Koyner Mark & Marnie Rosenberg Sheera Shapiro Henry & Barbara Schoenfeld Gilbert Balog Selma Sherman Selma Sherman Jill & Joel Greenstein Leon White Judy & Alan Duke CSI gratefully acknowledges all donations. We strive to list donations completely and accurately. If we have missed any, simply let us know and we will make a special acknowledgment immediately! Your understanding of any inadvertent, human error is very much appreciated! EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Iris Shapiro Barbara & Norman Block Robin & Sam Ginsberg Milton & Blossom Glassman Mara & Greg Mortman The Zaretzky Family Ruth Baer Susan & Peter Diamond & Family Barbara Weiss The Schiffman Family The Baretz Family Deane, Abbe & Eliza Marcus Joanne Suna Bette & Gary Slutsky Class 3C at Solomon Schechter Westchester (Tova Shapiro's Class) Nursery & Religious School Teachers, Office Staff & Custodial Staff Page 14 Congregation Sons of Israel ETZ CHAIM - TREE OF LIFE FUND In memory of Roger Marc Baretz Thank you The Baretz Family Miriam & Hyman Mendelowitz GILBERT KAVY MEMORIAL BUILDING FUND In memory of Marie Goldstein Alice & Stanley Goldstein IRA KESTENBAUM BEAUTIFICATION FUND Just because….. In memory of Iris Shapiro In memory of Elinore Thaler Malvina & Bruce Browne Ryna & Naftali Lustig Ryna & Naftali Lustig November 2014 JEFFREY DITTELMAN/ROBINOV CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Elmer White Leon White Elliott Barish Speedy Recovery to Barbara Nackman Rabbi Steven C. Kane & Family Dan Singer Mazal Tov on the engagement of Marian Rabbi Steven C. Kane & Family & Seth Natter's son, Benjamin, to Ruth Martinez KIDDUSH FUND In memory of Albert Cohen In memory of Bertha Banks In memory of Shirley Szlechter Daniel & Nancy Cohen Nan & Allen Banks Henry & Barbara Schoenfeld MINYAN BREAKFAST FUND In memory of Manuel Brodsky Mara & Greg Mortman MITZNER FAMILY SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS FUND In memory of Joel R. Krooks Bernard & Robin Krooks Mazal Tov on Ian Zinn's Bar Mitzvah The Schumacher Family Stephanie & Michael Casper Bob & Marilyn Margolies PRAYER BOOK FUND In memory of Bertha Banks Nan & Allen Banks RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of Dustin Lea In memory of Shirley Szlechter In honor of The Schutt family In memory of Jack Rappaport, T. Rae Lyons & George Donneson SAMANTHA SILVERMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Lella Britz & Iris Shapiro STUDY IN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In honor of Dan Levine reading Shacharit on Rosh Hashanah Francine & Robert Goldstein Henry & Barbara Schoenfeld Gale Kaufman Rosalyn Rappaport Suzy Silverman Ryna & Naftali Lustig CSI Rosh Chodesh Sisterhood Presents Coming Out Of The Cupboard: Women, Jews, And Food R.S.V.P. A Workshop By Marcia Meislin Congregation sons of Israel November 23, 2014 7:00-8:30pm to November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 15 Page 16 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES November 2014 The following children are celebrating birthdays during the month of November and will be called to the bimah to receive a blessing on Friday, November 7, during our 7:00 PM Family Night/Shabbat Rocks service. Only the names of those present will be called. Please take your name card out of the “birthday box” in the front lobby and present it to a Ritual Committee usher. Sarina Cohn Oliver Fijman Sarah Fishkin Max Hertz Samantha Kilman Gabrielle Kogan Jacob Kronethal Joshua Markowitz Sophie Nadel Abigail Nass Emily Newman Tyler Plank Benjamin Raphael Ethan Schwartz Zara Singer Emma Smoler Abigail Sofer Marley Stern Benjamin Sternschein Matthew Sternschein Sarah Teitelbaum Aidan Wohl Ryan Wohl George Wrubel Matthew Zaretzky Ian Zinn MAZAL TOV to our members who are celebrating anniversaries during the month of November: Date Years 34 1 Bruce & Barbara Silverstein 4 Barry & Libby Spitzer 30 Adam & Helene Rude 24 5 Paul & Renee Horowitz 26 6 Michael & Stephanie Casper 15 7 Jason & Dara Mirsky 15 9 Alan & Daphne Crosswell 28 11 Corey & Emily Ginsburg 14 12 Daniel Silvershein & Judy Schwab 20 13 Calvin & Phyllis Neider 26 Jonathan & Wendy Gottlieb Date 20 Howard & Libbe Pavony Michael & Anna Orientale Years 37 20 22 Mark & Elise Mottel Lewis & Jodi Baretz 28 23 Richard & Sheera Zuckerman Benjamin & Jennifer Pergament 28 David & Marion Kessler 17 12 11 25 Mathew & Carolyn Linett 26 Peter & Randi Schonfeld 14 51 20 28 Louis & Barbara Wachtel David & Debra Silberman Bernard & Robin Krooks 28 Victor & Mary Sternberg 16 Jordan & Laura Russin 6 33 16 Joseph Craig & Pamela Roth-Craig 9 29 Michael & Marion Jablansky 30 Donald & Susan Weisstuch 17 Jeffrey & Beverley Wizwer 23 15 20 22 56 November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 17 All of the fun of going to a NYC comedy club without the hassles of driving, come join us at CSI for an evening of comedy on Saturday Night, November 8, 2014 at 7:30 PM starring Robin Fox Winner of the Ladies of Laughter Competition 2012 @Gotham Comedy Club and Winner of Gilda’s Club 11th Annual Laugh-off 2010 The evening will also feature wine and desserts. Tickets cost $30 per person Please make your reservations early so that we can adequately plan for refreshments. Payments can be made by check payable to CSI or at the door on the evening of the event. Any questions, please contact Ellen Weiser at or Debra Young at ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name__________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ Phone number _________________________________________________ Number of Tickets ____________________________________________ Page 18 Congregation Sons of Israel Sun Mon 9 Cheshvan 3 9:00am-Group A Bar/ Bat Mitzvah Class 9:15am-Minyan 10:00am-Megillat Esther Trope Class 10:30am-Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class 11:00am-High School 11:00am-Teen Book Club 9 16 Cheshvan 9:15am-Minyan 9:00am-Kristallnacht Program 10:00am-Megillat Esther Trope Class 10:15am-Poetry of Yehuda Amichai 10:30am-Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class Tue COLOR KEY: NURSERY SCHOOL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL YOUTH IMPORTANT NOTE is open every Sunday during Religious School hours. 2 November 2014 10 Cheshvan 4 7:15am-Minyan NS-Fire Drill 11:00am-Women’s Torah Study 7:30pm-Men’s Club 7:30pm-Sisterhood Executive Board 8:45pm-Talmud 11 Cheshvan NO NURSERY OR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NS Parent/Teacher Conf. 11:15am-Jews In The News 12:30pm-Yiddush Club 7:00pm-Caring Committee 7:00pm-Education Committee 10 17 Cheshvan 11 18 Cheshvan 7:15am-Minyan 11:15am-Jews In The News 11:00am-Women’s Torah 12:30pm-HaMishpacha Study Luncheon 7:00pm-USY & Kadima @ NO NURSERY OR Grand Prix RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 7:30pm-Five Things You Always Wanted to Know… 8:45pm-Talmud 16 23 Cheshvan 17 24 Cheshvan 18 25 Cheshvan 9:00am-Bet Family Program 7:15am-Minyan NS-Sign Language 9:00am-Group A Bar/ Bat Mitzvah Class 8:00am-NS Staff Meeting 11:15am-Jews In The News 9:15am-Minyan 7:30pm-Sisterhood Mah Jongg 12:30pm-Yiddush Club 10:00am-Megillat Esther Trope Class 8:45pm-Talmud Heh class trip to cemetery 10:00am-Men’s Club Music Through the Ages 7:30pm-Executive 10:15am-Poetry of Yehuda Amichai Committee 10:30am-Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class 11am-Cookie Club 11am-High School 5:00pm-First Annual Frederick Jelinek Memorial Lecture featuring David Makovsky 23 1 Kislev 24 2 Kislev 25 3 Kislev 8:15am-RS Staff Meeting 7:15am-Minyan NS-Thanksgiving cooking 9:15am-Minyan NS-Thanksgiving cooking 11:15am-Jews In The News 10:00am-Megillat Esther Trope Class NO TALMUD CLASS 7:30pm-Board of Trustees 10:15am-Poetry of Yehuda Amichai Sunday 30 8 Kislev 11:00am-High School 11:00am-Teen Book Club 9:15am-Minyan 11:15-Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class NO SCHOOL 7:00pm-Rosh Chodesh with Roni November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Wed Thu Page 19 Fri Sat 1 5 12 Cheshvan 6 13 Cheshvan NS-Nature of Things 7:15am-Minyan 5:30pm-Farm to NS-Challah Making Table 9:15am-Playgroup 12 19 Cheshvan 13 20 Cheshvan NS-Music 7:15am-Minyan NO RELIGIOUS NS-Challah Making SCHOOL 9:15am-Playgroup RS WAHS Teacher-in10:30am-Ha MishService pacha Discussion 5:30pm-Farm to Group Table 8 Cheshvan Lech Lecha 9:10am-Shabbat service SHABBAT ends 10:30am-Family Service one hour after 10:30am-Kadima candle lighting 5:30pm-Mincha/Havdallah BAT MITZVAH of ASHLEY GOLDSTEIN time. 8:00pm-Jewish Music Through the Ages 8:30pm-MIDNIGHT RUN 15 Cheshvan 7 14 Cheshvan 8 Vayeira 6:30pm-Shorashim 9:10am-Shabbat service Chagigat Hatorah/ BAR MITZVAH of ALEXANDER MARSHAK Shabbat Rocks/Family 10:30am-Adult Learning Night 10:30am-Kadima 11:00am-Jr. Cong. 11:00am-Bereshit & Bagels During Kiddush: The Zohar 5:30pm-Babysitting Night CL: 4:25 7:30pm-C0MEDY NIGHT 14 21 Cheshvan 15 22 Cheshvan Chayei Sarah 6:00pm-Kabbalat 9:10am-Shabbat service Shabbat 10:30am-Kadima 4:15pm-Mincha/Havdallah BAR MITZVAH of JACOB KRONETHAL 8:00pm-RICK RECHT CONCERT 19 26 Cheshvan 20 27 Cheshvan 21 28 Cheshvan 22 29 Cheshvan Toldos NS Hide & Seek Drill 7:15am-Minyan 6:00pm-Kabbalat Shabbat 9:10am-Shabbat service 9:15am-Playgroup BAT MITZVAH of ZARA SINGER 11:00am-Jr. Cong. 4:15pm-Mincha/ Havdallah BAR MITZVAH of JACOB AFRAMIAN 26 4 Kislev 27 5 Kislev 28 6 Kislev 29 10:45am-NS 9:15am-Minyan 5:00pm-Kabbalat Thanksgiving feast 9:15am-Neighbor’s Shabbat Turkey Drop-Off Link NO NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED 7 Kislev Vayeitzei 9:10am-Shabbat service B’NEI MITZVAH of BRETT & EMMA SMOLER 3:45pm-Mincha/Havdallah BAR MITZVAH of IAN ZINN Page 20 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 BULLETIN ADVERTISING CSI has made a few changes to its bulletin advertising procedures beginning October 2014: All CSI Bulletin advertisers will be able to place COLOR ads. This will give our sponsors the opportunity to publish eye-catching ads that will pop off the pages. One-month advertising options are available. The on-line bulletin posted on CSI’s website will now include advertisements! CSI’s monthly bulletins reach over 600 homes. If you shop at an advertiser from our bulletin, please remember to tell them that you saw their ad in our bulletin! Are you interested in placing an ad of your own? Do you know of a local business you frequent or new store in town which you think would benefit from placing an ad with us? Jolie Levy, Bulletin Editor, will be glad to answer any questions and send you the new ad rates. Jolie may be reached at 762-2700 or by emailing her at Our local businesses need our support. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS. Make Your Move steps in when you're feeling overwhelmed by a move to a more manageable space. Allow us to guide you or a family member through this difficult process. Visit our website or call for more information. November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 21 TO NOVEMBER’S B’NAI MITZVAH My name is Ashley Goldstein and I am being called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on November 1, 2014. I live in Briarcliff Manor with my parents Jill and Eric and brother Jason. I attend Briarcliff Middle School in the 7th grade and in my spare time love to play basketball and lacrosse. For my Bat Mitzvah project, I volunteered at the Westchester Food Bank where I packed fruits, vegetables, and other food products that were then delivered to communities in need. There were many different people that I met while volunteering and even though we had just met, we all worked happily packing food as a team for a great cause and to make a difference. Even before I had to do a Bat Mitzvah project it deeply upset me to see homeless people on the streets of the city and think of their situations and that they might not have food or shelter. I was curious to know what happened in their lives to make them homeless and wondered how I could help. After working at the Food Bank, I truly feel as though I made a difference and I helped people that weren’t as fortunate as I am. I will continue to work at the Food Bank after my Bat Mitzvah. I am so proud to become a Bat Mitzvah because I have done so much work to reach this point. I would like to thank Rabbi Kane, Cantor Shiovitz, Roni Shapiro and everyone who has supported me to reach this special day in my life. * * * My name is Jake Kronethal. I live with my dad, Steven, my mom, Andrea, my brother, Brandon, and my dog, Gabby, in Pleasantville. I attend Briarcliff Middle School where I am an 8th grader this year. I am excited to say that my Bar Mitzvah is coming up soon on November 15, 2014. At school, I play multiple sports such as basketball, soccer, and baseball. I also enjoy spending time with my friends after school. I take part in many travel sports teams and CSI basketball. I attend Tyler Hill Camp, a sleepaway camp in Tyler Hill, Pennsylvania. I look forward to returning for my sixth summer. For my mitzvah project I participated in helping out at The Mercy Center in the Bronx. The Mercy Center is a place where underprivileged families can go for many purposes and services. One activity I take part in is a turkey drive, where we raise money to purchase and deliver turkeys to The Mercy Center to distribute to the families. Last year we had raised enough money to buy 175 turkeys! This year we hope to buy raise enough to buy 200 turkeys! I also visited for Valentine’s Day and we baked cookies and brought them to the kids and helped them with their homework. This year will be my fourth year doing this kind act. I attended CSI in preschool, as well as Hebrew School, so this milestone is very special to my family and me. I would like to thank my nursery school teachers as well as my Hebrew school teachers, Roni Shapiro, Cantor Shiovitz, and Rabbi Kane for helping me prepare for my special day and getting me here. * * * Shalom, my name is Zara Singer, and my Bat Mitzvah will finally arrive on the 22nd of November, 2014. I live in Briarcliff Manor with my two brothers Harrison and Jared, my parents Jill and Danny, and our golden doodle, Indiana. I attended Solomon Schechter day school from kindergarten to seventh grade, and recently transferred to Pocantico Hills Middle School. For as long as I can remember, I have been involved in performing arts like acting, singing and dancing. I do participate in a few theater clubs at school and I attend Belvoir Terrace Performing Arts Camp in Lenox, Massachusetts. Also, I have recently taken on writing. I’ve always loved reading all kinds of books, from biographies to romance, and sci-fi, but it wasn’t until a few months ago that I found out that I also enjoy participating on the other end. I especially like to write poetry. For my Mitzvah project, I am volunteering as a mentor to a challenged child at the Edenwald Center, which is a home for children and teenagers with behavior and cognitive issues. I’m so thankful to be able to contribute and help these kids, and maybe put a smile on someone’s face. Considering what these kids have been through, I’m really glad that I get to be someone that they can talk to or just hang out and play games with. Also, my family and I are planning a bat mitzvah for me in Israel to celebrate with our family there, and it will actually be taking place on Thanksgiving Day. While in Israel, my family and I are going to participate in an organization called Leked. Leked is a not-forprofit organization that helps distribute food to those in need. We will be picking up food at one of their farms, as well as distributing leftover cooked food to the homeless on a Shabbat evening. I would like to thank Cantor Shiovitz, Roni Shapiro, and Rabbi Kane for helping me prepare for my bat mitzvah, all of my teachers at Schechter who taught me so much of what I needed to know to prepare for this day, my friends for being so excited, my brothers because I don’t want to leave them out, and of course my parents who not (Continued on page 22) Page 22 Congregation Sons of Israel only pushed me really, really hard to practice, but also for supporting me and providing me with this amazing opportunity. * * * Hi my name is Brett Smoler and my B’nai Mitzvah is on November 29, 2014. I am glad to be sharing the big day with my sister Emma! I live in Briarcliff with my parents Jodie and Lawrence, my sister Emma and my dog Riley. I have lived here for eleven years. I am in 8th grade at Briarcliff Middle School. Last year I received a Regional Award for my grade for the Briarcliff Middle School Reflections contest for my art submission. I play modified baseball for Briarcliff Middle School and I also play baseball in a league for 13-16 year olds in Ossining. I play second base and outfield for both teams. In the winter, I play on CSI’s basketball team which my father coaches, and also play tennis year round. Mostly, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, being outdoors and playing X-box. In the summer I attend Camp Lokanda in the Catskills and I really love it! I have been going for 5 summers and I am looking forward to going back this summer. For my mitzvah project I was a “Buddy” for a program called the Miracle League of Westchester where I helped to teach kids with autism and/or with physical disabilities to play baseball. It made me feel great to spend time with the kids, so I guess it did it as much for me as it did for them. I plan to continue this beyond my Bar Mitzvah and have been offered a paid job supporting the program. I’d like to thank my parents for motivating me when I was studying, I would like to thank my teachers for teaching me Hebrew, and lastly, I would like to thank the Cantor and Rabbi for helping me to learn my Torah portion, songs, and prayers. * * * Hi, my name is Emma Smoler. I will be called to the torah with my brother Brett, on November 29th to recite the portion Vayeitzei as a B’nai mitzvah. Alongside me on the big day will be my brother Brett, my Mom Jodie, and my Dad Lawrence. My family and I currently live in Briarcliff Manor where I attend Briarcliff Middle School. I am in 7th grade where I play the clarinet in the school band. During my free time, I play on three soccer teams where I play goalie as well as midfield. I also play tennis and lacrosse. During the summer I attend Camp Lokanda. This year will be my 5th summer! At Lokanda I met many great friends and have made memories that I’ll never forget! For my mitzvah project I have been volunteering at the SPCA. Here I have taken part in a program where I clicker train dogs. The goal of this program is to train dogs, mostly pit bulls, to behave appropriately, that way when people come by, the dog will not bark, and hopefully this will make the dog look more adoptable. I decided to November 2014 volunteer because of my dog Riley. When we “rescued” him from a dirty, disgusting pet store, he was lost and needed love. Once we gave him the love and care he needed, Riley stepped out of his shell and started be active. Riley is currently 5 years old, and will be turning six the day of my Bat Mitzvah! My personal goal with this mitzvah project is to train these dogs to behave, so they will get adopted into the loving home they need. With my B’nai right around the corner, I’m excited and anxious to become a Bat Mitzvah. I would like to give a special thanks to all my teachers at CSI, as well as Rabbi Kane and Cantor Shiovitz because none of this would be possible without them. Also, I would like to give a special thanks to my Mom and Dad. Without them I would have never had the opportunity to celebrate this occasion. Again, everyone has been amazing in helping me make my way to the bimah! * * * Ian Joseph Zinn will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on November 29, 2014. Ian lives in Croton on Hudson with his mother Darlene Fairman, his father Jack Zinn, and his sister Rebecca. He also has a dog named Guinness and a cat named Harley. Ian is in eighth grade at Westlake Middle School in Thornwood. Ian has been coming to CSI since he started nursery school in the “twos class” and attends Hebrew School in CSI’s Lev class for children with special needs. Ian has an Autism Spectrum Disorder. As his mitzvah project, Ian helped Judy Boehr in various social action committee projects by, for example, helping to deliver food to the Ossining Food Pantry for Project Isaiah, stacking chairs and sweeping floors after the CSI sponsored Christmas dinner at the First Presbyterian Church in Ossining, and stapling flyers for this year’s food drive. Here is what Ian had to say about his Bar Mitzvah: I wear a suit. A handkerchief is in the pocket of my suit. I wear a tallit and a kippah. I can read the Torah. I can read Hebrew. Do Havdallah when you turn off the lights. It gets dark. Light the candle, smell the spices, drink grape juice. After the words you say, they sing Shavuah Tov! I see the Peanuts Gang decorations and food and drinks and tables and chairs and balloons. I want to see the Zinns, Fairmans, Rothsteins, Saatis, and hundreds of people singing and dancing, “We Are Family,” a musical message for all. Eat some cake and say, “Mazel Tov!” Every Bar Mitzvah is a joyous event, a great blessing not only to the child’s family, but to the entire Jewish community as it welcomes another Jewish adult. But the Bar Mitzvah of a child with special needs is also a great testament to the community itself. A hearty Mazel Tov to Ian for his accomplishments, and to the entire CSI family for the group mitzvah of opening its hearts and minds to a special child, helping him to reach this occasion. November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 23 SISTERHOOD NEWS By Marion Jablansky, Secretary The first mah jongg night was well attended. As always, there was a beginners’ table. If you have always wanted to learn how to play, now’s the time! The next mah jongg game will be Monday, November 17, at 7:30 at CSI. The only requirements are Sisterhood membership and the willingness to have fun. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Katz at Also, we are always looking for new ideas, so if you have any suggestions or wish to lead or help with an activity, please let us know. Our officers/chairpersons are always open to new ideas. President: Robin Ginsberg Treasurer/ Financial Secretary: Sharon Richter Recording Secretary: Beth Levine The gift shop is open for business. Chanukah will be here Corresponding Secretary/ Bulletin: Marion Jablansky before you know it. There are lots of wonderful gifts, as Membership: Annleah Berger well as candles and menorahs, to make your holiday Mah Jongg Chair: Cheryl Katz brighter. And as you know by now, many products are Gift Shop: Annleah Berger/ Robin Ginsberg from Israel. Please stop by on Sundays when Religious Jill Greenstein/Marion Jablansky School is in session, or send an email to Sharon Orenstein to make an appointment. = the website for Women’s There is a lot more to look forward to for Sisterhood. League for Conservative Judaism, the There’s Mishloach Manot, Sisterhood Shabbat, and an organization to which your Sisterhood author’s visit. There’s Rosh Chodesh with Roni and the belongs. Log in and check it out today! monthly mah jongg games. And there are always surprisGift tip: Kiddish cups, challah knives and candlesticks to es ahead. brighten your Shabbat table. The gift shop has lots to As you can see, there is a lot going on at CSI Sisterhood. choose from! Please don’t forget to pay your dues. You don’t won’t to miss any of these or future activities. The CSI bulletin and the CSI website are great sources of information. Continue to read future bulletins, as well as check the website for future Sisterhood programs. Remember to join Sisterhood! We started our new fiscal year on July 1. Sisterhood Membership 2014-2015 Please send your $36.00 check for dues payable to: CSI Sisterhood and return it with this form to: CSI Sisterhood 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Name_____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ Address___________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________ For questions concerning membership or to sign up for a Sisterhood committee, please call Annleah Berger, 762-5312, or email Thank you to our Sukkah Builders! Back row, l-r: Sarina Cohn, Josh Diamond, Sarah Teitelbaum Middle row: Michael & Laura Teitelbaum, Michael & John Palefsky, Ricardo Ayoya Front row: Segundo and Carlos Ayabaca Page 24 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 25 FROM OUR RABBINIC FELLOW & YOUTH DIRECTOR Adam Zagoria-Moffet Six Weeks and Six Holidays In Well, I've been at CSI now for six weeks - which means I'm just about at the stage where I've stopped needing to have to mentally correct 'Crime Scene Investigation' to 'Congregation Sons of Israel.' It also means that I've started to see more of the community and the lovely people who make it a kehilla kedosha, a sacred congregation. Being a kehilla kedosha is a lot more than being a synagogue - which is a term reserved for the place where the congregation meets. In six weeks, I've seen that CSI is a great synagogue (I mean, who doesn't love garage doors on the sanctuary), but it is an even better kehilla kedosha. In the six weeks I've been here, there have been six significant holidays. I don't know about you, but it's usually right about this point in the Jewish calendar where I'm finding the prospect of more divinely mandated dinner parties somewhat frightening. This is all to say, I've only really seen CSI function in holiday-mode, and that's shown off some of its best features. However, I'm looking forward to the return to normalcy that follows Simchat Torah, to the slow decline of temperatures and light levels as we approach winter, and to the consistency of Shabbat after Shabbat, not inundated with holidays. I'm looking forward to teaching and learning more with all of you, especially the secrets of the universe (yes, we're doing that - check out my Zohar class the second Shabbat of each month). I'm looking forward to the warm and vibrant family service that I'm hoping to cultivate, starting on November 1st. Mostly, I'm just looking forward to growing more comfortable, getting to know more faces, and slowly forgetting that I ever thought those three letters had anything to do with forensics. Moadim l'Simcha, Adam PS. My family is looking to purchase a used car. We're looking for something reliable and safe, ideally 4x4 or AWD and we have about $3500 to spend. If you have something on the market or know of someone selling a trustworthy used car, please be in touch at or 762-2700. The First Annual Frederick Jelinek Memorial Lecture “Is Peace Possible in Our Lifetime? An Insider’s Analysis of The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process” Featuring David Makovsky David Makovsky just served as senior advisor to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and was a member of the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiating team in 2013-14. He is the Ziegler Distinguished Fellow and the Director of The Washington Institute’s Project on Arab-Israel Peace. He is also an adjunct lecturer in Middle Eastern Studies at Johns Hopkins University’s Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Mr. Makovsky’s commentary on the peace process and the Arab-Israeli conflict has appeared in several publications including Foreign Affairs, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Foreign Policy and National Interest. He appears frequently on television and radio and serves as a regular commentator on Arab-Israeli affairs for PBS’ NewsHour. 5:00 PM Talk, followed by Q & A. Special Thanks to the Jelinek Family for their sponsorship of this lecture in memory of Frederick Jelinek. Page 26 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 THE CSI RELIGIOUS SCHOOL P.T.A. NEEDS YOUR HELP Please contact Roni Shapiro if you can help out and volunteer. The Religious students and teachers need your help. The following programs happen for your children and teachers through your dues and by you supporting our PTA fundraisers. When you register your children for Religious school, please send in an additional check for $36 payable to RS PTA dues. PTA sponsored activities: First day of school snack for all students First day of school breakfast for teachers Open house informational meeting and coffee High Holiday Volunteers Apples and honey for students for Rosh Hashanah Sukkot snacks to eat in Sukkah Family Bingo afternoon Chanukah Zimriyah, Tzedakah Fair, Latke making, Sufganiot making, Chanukah treats for Dreydel, Lego Kristallnacht Holocaust Speaker Israeli soldier visits, Israeli soldier Gadna program Breakfast for family Sunday morning learning programs, Shorashim, Prozdor 1, Prozdor 2, Lev, Alef, Bet and Gimel Special art projects for Shorashim, Prozdor 1, Prozdor 2 and Lev Bar Mitzvah workshop Tu-Bishvat snacks Purim Carnival food, Hamentachen baking Israeli dancing Alef Siddur cover workshop Israel Independence Day snacks Yom Hashoah Holocaust speaker High school graduates gifts Last day of school snacks End of year teacher gifts and celebration Staff development training Computer games Subsidize class trips to Lower east Side, Tolerance Center When we have extra funds, big programs like the Israeli scout’s concert and Israel Defense force choir are able to come to CSI. In past years, we have had story tellers, authors and special educational shows. In addition to your dues, we need volunteers to help at programs. You should have received a PTA volunteer form. Please let us know if you need one. Please help; it is only through your support that we can create an experience for your children that encourages a love of Jewish learning, Israel and culture. Thank you to Jenean Eichenholtz and Ivy Lewis for all that they do for our PTA. In Addition, thank you to Beth Roth and Sonia Matthison, our Education Committee chair people, for all that they do to make our school great. We are only getting better! Dear Rabbi Kane, It is hard for me to describe exactly what emotions I My name is Danielle Tobias. I am a lone soldier in the feel when I read these letters for the first time - it is IDF from Houston, Texas living in Ein Dor - with your amazing. daughter, Tamar. While this specific Jewish community does not know A few days ago when coming back to the kibbutz for me personally, I feel such an immense sense of affection and love from them, and I feel that they the first time after a week in the army, I was truly do care for me, as a lone soldier. surprised to see a large envelope addressed to the Garin as a whole. When opening the letter, I was While to you the letters may seem like a simple incredibly pleased for what I found inside - dozens of gesture, I can promise you - it is so much more than beautiful, heart-filled handwritten letters. that. Not only did we receive letters written by the children On behalf of Garin Ein Dor, and all of lone soldiers, of your schul - but they were actually personalized to I thank you and your community so much for your us specifically! kindness. I now have four beautiful cards with MY name on All the best, them written with so much love and affection from amazing people back in America hanging on my wall. Danielle Tobias November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 27 C kies for Kid’s Club (C.K.C.) Families of children join the C.K.C. at CSI as we do a mitzvah. Come bake cookies for families that have children who are sick and draw pictures for the children in the hospital. Sunday, November 16, 2014 11:00-12:00am At Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor (914) 762 – 2700 RSVP to Cookies & pictures will be brought to the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, NY PLEASE BRING 1 SMALL COOKIE DECORATION ITEM (I.E. SPRINKLES) OPEN TO CHILDREN/FAMILIES OF 2 YEAR OLDS – 7 YEAR OLDS – Bring your friends. Looking for volunteers to deliver. Page 28 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 Don’t forget… November 8 is Comedy Night at CSI! CSI appreciates you sharing your children with us. We want to say thanks by offering parents a chance to enjoy a night out. TWO DATES: Saturday, November 8, 2014 Saturday, January 10, 2015 MOVIES GAMES PIZZA DINNER ...and MORE! 5:30—9:00 PM This is FREE for all children ages 2-11 registered in any CSI program. Please R.S.V.P. to by the Mondays preceding these dates so we can plan a fun evening for your children. November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 29 CSI Nursery School & Religious School Turkey Drive Dear Nursery & Religious School Parents, As you know, on November 26, we will be collecting turkeys that will be brought to the Star of Bethlehem Church in Ossining for distribution among those who need them. Our goal this year is 115 turkeys. Last year, many families brought turkeys while others gave us money to buy turkeys. Either way, our nursery & religious school community did a wonderful mitzvah of feeding the hungry. This year, if you are planning on giving money for turkeys, instead of bringing one to the parking lot that morning, we are asking you to please bring the money to the school office, by November 24th. We will be able to order turkeys and get the best prices instead of being forced to purchase the most expensive ones and travel to many stores to get them. Believe it or not, some of our local stores run out of turkeys. Please fill out the bottom of this sheet, so that we know how many turkeys we need to order. Thank you all in advance for participating in this mitzvah. Happy Thanksgiving! You Can Do A Mitzvah…! ___________________________________________________________________ Name of children ____________________________________________ _____Yes, I will bring in a turkey on 11/26 Enclosed is $__________money to buy a turkey (please drop off by 11/24). Please make checks out to CSI with “Turkey” in the memo. Page 30 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 CSI NURSERY SCHOOL MOMMY AND ME PLAYGROUP 2014-2015 For infants to children up to 23 months Come with your little one and make new friends while we: Sing songs Play parachute games Create projects and listen to stories Or be more active and help your child: Climb through tunnels Slide down slides Jump on the trampoline Play on the mats Or Bounce in the Jumpy castle Thursday mornings from 9:15-10:15 October 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20 December 4, 11, 18 Minimum enrollment is 5. Cost is $152.00 Checks are made payable to CSI Playgroup. Sign up now! If you have any questions, please call 762-2700 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of child ________________________ Birthday ________________ Address ________________________________ Parent name _____________ Phone number ______________________ Email ________________________ November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 31 Page 32 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 33 Page 34 Congregation Sons of Israel November 2014 November 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 35 Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Current Resident Or: Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID White Plains, NY Permit No. 10086
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