EMG + Inertial Measurement Acceleration • Rotation • Direction Specifications 14.7 g 37mm x 26mm x 15mm 40 m Range 20-450 Hz, 80 dB/dec Raw & “fused” orientation Sport science Motion analysis Ergonomics Biomechanics research Rehabilitation Exoskeloton Gait analysis Key Points Trigno™ IM 1 What types of hardware are in the Trigno™ Inertial Measurement (IM) sensors? The Trigno™ IM sensor contains Delsys’ patented parallel-bar EMG hardware, accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. 2 How many signals does a single Trigno™ IM sensor record? Each Trigno™ IM sensor records a total of 10 signals. These consist of EMG, 3D accelerometry, 3D rotational velocity and 3D orientation. 3 The Trigno™ Inertial Measurement (IM) Sensor incorporates 9 DOF Inertial Measurement scheme into the DELSYS wireless EMG sensor, providing 10 channels of high-resolution, 16-bit, real-time data to study: EMG Acceleration Rotation Direction Our patented parallel-bar approach uses two EMG inputs with proprietary stabilizing references, creating a high quality EMG signal while reducing noise sources. Triaxial acceleration is measured using an accelerometer, which records at 148 samples per second and up to ±16g with 3 additional selectable ranges. Triaxial rotational Triaxial magnetic orientation is measured using a magnetometer, which records at 74 samples per second in the ±1 mT range. velocity is measured using a gyroscope, which records at 148 samples per second and up to ±2000 degrees per second with 3 additional selectable ranges. 4 How do I collect and process the IM data? Raw signals may be collected digitally using EMGworks®. In addition, we also provide the user with a digital software development kit (SDK), which can be used to stream the data directly into 3rd party applications (LabView, MATLAB, C/C++ based programs, etc.). Are the Trigno™ IM sensors compatible with existing Trigno™ Base Stations? Yes, the Trigno™ IM sensors are compatible with all existing base stations. Request a Quote www.delsys.com DELSYS, INC. 23 Strathmore Road • Natick, MA 01760 T 508-545-8200 • F 508-975-4551 • info@delsys.com
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