NOVEMBER 2014 Volume 25:11 Meet the last Monday of each month at the Golden Corral. Eat at 6 PM, Meet at 7 PM . CHAPTER DIRECTORS RUSS & KJ KIMMET ASSISTANT CHAPTER DIRECTORS AL & CINDY BIDWELL EDUCATORS JIM HALL TREASURER NAN HALL MEMBER ENHANCEMENT CONNIE & MICKEY TURNER RIDE COORDINATOR JIM HALL SUNSHINE COUPLE PAT & TOM MURRAY NEWSLETTER EDITOR LEN & TELAINA WRIGLEY DISTRICT DIRECTORS GARY & PATTI HAMILTON REGION N DIRECTORS ALAN & CAROLYN LITTLE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RAY & SANDIY GARRIS “Friends for FUN, SAFETY and KNOWLEDGE” Kickstands Up…. Wingin’ it with Russ & Kj….. October was a good month for Chapter Q. It started out with a dinner Ride to Woody’s enjoying good pizza and good friends. There were 18 Chapter members that were in attendance: Connie & Mickey Turner and Keith, Al & Cindy Bidwell, Dave Jones, Jim Bell, Jim & Nan Hall, Jeff & Cathy Smith, James, Tori, Zack, & Gabe Raxner, Paula Jones, Russ & Kj Kimmet. It was really good to see so many turn out for our dinner ride. October 11th Found Chapter Q members at Cheatham Dam having hot dogs & hamburgers sitting around a roaring fire tell stories laughing and having great time. Even though the weather was cold & wet it was good to see a good turnout. Q Members attending were Al & Cindy Bidwell, Jeff & Cathy Smith, Mickey & Connie Turner & Keith, Jim & Nan Hall & Russ and Kj Kimmet. The next dinner ride was October 16th at Zaxby’s. It was a good turn out and after a good meal we all ended up at Dairy Queen for Ice Cream for another gab section. It is really nice to set with friends and just talk about anything and have a good time doing it. Those eating Ice Cream were: Mickey & Connie Turner & Keith, Jim & Nan Hall, Al & Cindy Bidwell, Russ & Kj Kimmet. Saturday the 18th of October 5 Q members & 2 dear friends got together to travel to Bell Buckle for their annual Craft Show. It was a nice day for a road trip. Bell Buckle did a great job putting on this show and by the amount people that were there it was a good success. Making the road trip was Cindy Bidwell, Jim Bell, Jim & Nan Hall, Russ Kimmet and Frank & Dana Wall. It was a good day that was topped off with a good meal at Toots Restaurant with good friends. November 8th will be Chapter Q’s annual Veterans Day Parade, we are hoping for another great turnout to display all flags of this great country and the flags of the best military branches in the world. Our annual meet and greet night will be Friday night, November 7th, at Golden Coral 6:00 to 8:30PM. I know we are all proud of this country, and want to be able to show how proud we all are. This year’s parade will be in conjunction with APSU Home Coming Parade. We will start putting the flags on our bikes at 7:00AM and be ready to roll sometime just after 8:00AM. December will be here before we know. The Chapter will have the Christmas dinner on the 6th at Lylewood Inn, and the cost will be $20.00 per person Nonrefundable. We will need your money and reservation no later than November 15th. There will be a signup sheet for the party at the gathering. Kj & I both have great hope that all Q members will be at the Christmas Party. After all Christmas is not Christmas without Family. Remember, If it ain’t fun… Don’t DO IT! Russ & Kj Kimmet, Chapter Directors Chapter Q was seleted Chapter of the Year For 2011 & 2013 TN District & Region N Veteran’s Day Parade Clarksville, TN November 8, 2014 For those that would like to join us for this awesome event we will be meeting at the Skyline Bowling Alley located at 201 Kraft Street between 7:00 AM & 7:30 AM November 8th. We will place all the flags ( 64 flags) on the bikes and need to be in the stage line by 8:00 AM on 8th Street. For those arriving Friday night (Nov. 7th), arrangements have been made for an area at Golden Corral located at 2811 Wilma Rudolph Blvd. (exit 4 of I24) for dinner and a mix & mingle from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM. For more information or questions please contact any Chapter Q member, or call Russ & Kj 615-512-3407 or 931-980-0738 email: From the Desk of the Assistant Chapter Directors............ Hello folks how !me flies. Another month has gone by but it was a fun month. We went to Woody’s pizza and it was good. Meanwhile some of us went to the Rally in the Valley in VA. We had our picnic at Cheatham Dam. The food was good and the rain held off the whole !me we were there. We had a big fire going in the fireplace and Russ and Jim cooked the food. Everyone enjoyed cooking hotdogs and marshmallows in the fireplace. Al and I went to chapter A and chapter N mee!ng to pass along the info of the Veterans parade in hopes of a great turnout to fly all our flags and support our military and vets. We cannot do this without your help and our fellow chapters help. So come on down and enjoy our meet and greet the night before at the Golden Corral from 6-8 pm. You all know the October gathering is our Halloween gathering so come in costume and win some prizes and have fun doing it. See you there. Have Fun Ride Safe Albert & Cynthia Bidwell Asst. Chapter Directors Laughter, Fun, Friends AND Ice Cream!!!!!! Rider Education Hello everyone! Where has the riding season gone? As the days get shorter and the nights get longer and the temperatures start to drop. What is around the next curve? Well, unfortunately it is time to prepare our mechanical friend for a long winter’s nap. However before you park it for a few months it is recommended that you change the oil and filter to remove the contaminants such as dirt and moisture. These things could cause corrosion inside your engine. You should check all your levels and fluids. While you are preforming your end of season check go ahead and complete any service you may have been putting off. You should be able to make a appointment with your favorite service department fairly easy during this time of year. Maybe it would be a good time to change those tires. With your bike properly prepared you will be ready to ride that first warm spring day instead of saying I wish I had gotten that taken care of so I could of rode today! Once you get your bike back from service go ahead and wash and wax it ! Disconnect your battery, put some stabil in the full gas tank. Remember to connect the trickle charger to battery every month. For those of you that may ride all year. Remember to dress in layers! Be aware of constant changing road conditions! Be safe and Be Seen! Remember most drivers will not be looking for motorcycles in the winter time. REMEMBER: NEVER RIDE FASTER THAN YOUR GAURDIAN ANGLE CAN FLY! Ride like your life depends on it! Because it does! Ride Safe Jim Hall Chapter Educator REGION N Announcement From Alan & Carolyn Lile Well, it's time that we officially release the news that we will be stepping down as Region N Director. We wanted to wait until the rally season was past, so as not to be a distraction. I can honestly say that it's the best position we've been fortunate enough to hold, during our GWRRA years. I feel it was made that way because of the great supportive people we've had the privilege to serve along side. I've spoken with some of you, and you're aware of our family situation, primarily my mother who lives alone next door to us. She deserves being cared for, and I feel the responsibility to be there for her as much as possible. My Dad passed away three months after we assumed the Region Director's role, and it's been very challenging for her and us for the past two years We're not planning to disappear, but will be spending more time close to home for awhile. Our rally attendance may be limited to day trips instead of spending the entire weekends. As for the next RDs... the plan, as I understand it, is for Mike and Angie Mitchell to assume the duties on a temporary basis, no longer than a year. During that time, Mike will be seeking a more long term arrangement, as he looks for someone willing, qualified, prepared and eager to step up. Please feel free to share any of this email with your chapters, and if you know of anyone interested in being considered for the RD position, have them contact me or Mike. I'll be happy to discuss the duties / responsibilities and of course the salary the GREAT retirement plan!!! Our tenure will end on December 31st, 2014, but until then, things will continue as normal. If you need to order any patches, pins, goodies or MFA materials, please do so by the 15th of November. I want to be able to have all bills paid and cleared by the time we close our financial year. If you have any questions for us, feel free to email or give us a call @ 704-485-4756. Thanks again for your continued support and friendship. You're an amazing group of dedicated GWRRA volunteers, and we're blessed to have you in our lives!!! Sincerely, Alan & Carolyn Little Region N Directors Happy Anniversary Chapter Couples For November We Send Happy Birthday Wishes For November Chapter Birthdays Cory Raster Nov. 16 Vincent Regur Nov. 27 Bob & Shelly Britt Nov. 17 Max & Paula Jones Nov. 24 You say it’s your birthday… well happy birthday to ya... Please let us know if we have missed anyone! CHAPTER Q RIDE SCHEDULE 2014 DATE DESTINATION Nov 7 Golden Corral (Veterans Meet & Greet) 6:00 to 8:30 PM Nov 8 Veteran’s Day Parade Skyline Bowling Alley 7:00 AM Nov 15 TN Ops Nov 20 Campbell’s Kitchen DEPARTURE LOCATION TIME (Gladeville Community Center) 1-5 PM Meet at Location Dover Rd 6:30 PM Any listed rides are subject to change, members will be notified by Email, text & / or phone. Please arrive early and have a full tank and empty bladder…... December 6 TN-Q Christmas Party RSVP no later than November 15!!!! Chapter Q members may send ads for bikes &/or bike items for sale or wanted to buy to the newsletter editor at & Please Email call or text (931-980-0738) to let us know if you will or will not be able to attend the above rides and or dinner rides at least 24 hours prior to meeting or ride. Thanks so much! From the Desk of the Secretary/Treasure……… Our September gathering had 16 members and 3 visitors present. Assistant Chapter Directors Al and Cindy Bidwell conducted the gathering. Al received the coveted Turkey Award and also Al and Cindy won the 50/50 drawing. They had good evening!! This month we went to Woody's Pizza Restaurant for a dinner ride and also had a fun time at our chapter picnic at Cheatham Dam with Al and Cindy Bidwell, Mickey, Connie and Keith Turner, Jeff and Cathy Smith, Russ and Kj Kimmet and Jim and me attending. Christmas party, Veteran's Day Parade and chapter picnic sign up sheets were at the gathering. If you are planning to attend the Christmas Party please bring your payment to the October gathering. The cost is $20.00 plus tip per person. It will be at Lylewood Inn and Mandy will serve Turkey and dressing and ham with all the trimmings. She always serves a really good meal. We will also have a gift exchange. We hope everyone will attend and enjoy the end of year fun. We will have a Meet and Greet the night before the Veteran's Day Parade at Golden Corral restaurant for the visitors coming to participate in the parade the next day. Please come and enjoy visiting with the folks coming to take part in the parade. Several of us went to the Bell Buckle Craft Fair on the chapter ride. We had a fun day walking through the craft fair and then stopped at Toot's for a late lunch or early dinner on the way back home. Hope to see you at the October gathering. Remember to wear your favorite Halloween costume and join in the fun! Ride safe, Nan Hall Secretary/Treasurer Dinner Rides for November November 7 Golden Corral Dinner prior to Veteran’s Day Parade w/sister chapters 6:00 - 8:30 PM November 20 Campell’s Kitchen Meet at Location Dover Road 6:30 PM If you have any questions or need directions call or email Russ & Kj … ……...As Our Journey Continues I have printed the following article in the Newsletter before. I think it is appropriate for this time of year when the geese are heading south and I think it is appropriate this year as our Chapter (once again) is going through transition. No matter who is “leading” Chapter Q, we are still “a” Chapter Q and we are all a part of the flock (just like the geese). THE GEESE STORY In the fall when you see geese heading South for the winter flying along in the “V” formation, you might be interested in knowing what science has discovered about why they fly that way. It has been learned that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in a “V” formation, the whole flock adds at least 71 % greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go through it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the power of the flock. When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wing and another goose takes over. The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep their speed. Finally when a goose gets sick or is wounded by a gunshot and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow the injured one down to help and protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly again, or he is dead, and then they launch out with another formation to catch up with their group. Does any of this sound familiar? Suppose we apply these same principles to us. When we ride in a group, we become a member of the “flock”. We all share a common direction and depend on the trust of our leader to get us there. Has anyone ever traveled in a group and the leader made a wrong turn? What do those behind him/her do? They trust and follow him/her anyway, no matter where it leads. Whenever a member falls out of the group (just like the geese), they feel the “drag” of riding alone. When the lead goose gets tired he falls back and lets others take over. So do we. We are there eager to do what needs to be done and offer support when we can. Finally, when a goose falls out of formation, others go to stay with him. How many times have we seen this happen? No matter where we go, or whatever happens, there is someone there with “a hand and a plan”. To me personally, this is the most endearing part of being a member of Chapter Q and GWRRA. We are there for each other until we can “fly”again. Do we have the sense of a goose? TIME SPENT RIDING YOUR BIKE IS NEVER WASTED! Mickey and Connie Turner Membership Enhancement Coordinators 2 9 16 23 30 Sunday 3 10 17 24 Monday Staff Meeting Q GATHERING!! DECEMBER 1 Wednesday Thursday NOVEMBER 2014 Chapter Q Tuesday 6 7 Friday 8 Saturday 15 5 14 4 VETERAN’S DAY PARADE 13 ************* 12 Q Dinner Ride 11 TN OPS MEETING Gladeville Community Center Lebanon 22 29 21 28 20 Q Dinner Ride 27 Thanksgiving! 4 6 19 26 3 5 Veterans Day, we salute our military past, present & future! 18 25 2 Q CHRISTMAS PARTY ****** Planned Ride Scheduled - See Ride Schedule ****** Http:// Chapter Q Web Address Warioto Wings TN-Q Clarksville TN GWRRA GOLDWING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION Chapter Q Newsletter Len & Telaina Wrigley 778 McClain Dr. Clarksville, TN 37040 The Warioto Wings Thank our 2014 Supporters ! If you would like to be a Chapter Q supported, Please contact the Newsleer Editor at
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