Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Comments Funding Available Not Specified Scientific and Technological International Researchers Fellowship Aim: To support international highly qualified PhD students and young Research Council of Turkey Programmes post-doctoral researchers to pursue their research in Turkey in the fields rent-opportunities/the-newton-fund/calls-for(TÜBİTAK) of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical turkey-newton-katip-%C3%A7elebiSciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. fund.aspx?utm_source=Newton+updates+list&ut Value: Maximum duration of fellowship is 12 mths: monthly stipend 1000 m_campaign=fcde0c1057USD. Travel costs (up to 1000 USD) and Health insurance premiums (up Newton_fund_bulletin_29_10_2014&utm_mediu to 1200 USD). Deadline 12-Nov-14 m=email&utm_term=0_fe132e884b-fcde0c105799994981 These facilitate extended workshops where a limited number of scientists work together on specific topics which can range beyond the traditional borders of theoretical physics where international researchers may kr400,000 propose future programmes. The budget outline may not exceed php SEK600,000; Nordita will contribute with SEK400,000 of which a minimum of SEK300,000 goes towards accommodation costs. Workshops are funded for up to four weeks. Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics Scientific programmes British Council This supports collaborative projects that build on previous research to achieve results with significant socio-economic impact. Funding is worth up to CLP150 million, approximately £155,000, over two years. The Programme finances two areas of work: •Applied research for proof of concept, modeling or small-scale or laboratory prototyping Newton-Picarte Fund – UK and Chile •Scientific and technological development to produce and evaluate research results that are close to final applications IDeA programme /current-opportunities/institutional-links-2014 Proposals need to include private enterprise associate(s) (from Chile or the UK), or other entities, public or private, that contribute financially to the project (minimum of 20% of the total project cost), and are the beneficiaries of the research results. If you intend to apply, please contact Simon Glasser, Not Specified 15 Nov 14 18 Nov 14 Newton institutional links call This supports the development of research and innovation collaborations between the UK and partner country institutions at the group, departmental or institutional level, as well as the commercial and non profit sector. Both Principal Applicants must be Leading Researchers or £300,000 Established Researchers. Grants available range between £30,000 and /current-opportunities/institutional-links-2014 £300,000 over two years. If you intend to apply, please contact Simon Glasser, 20 Nov 14 British Council Newton researcher links workshop call This call allows researchers to propose themes for bilateral workshops that enable early career researchers from the UK and eligible partner countries to discuss their research and build international relationships. Workshops should last from three to five days and take place between 1 /current-opportunities/Newton-Researcher-Links- April 2015 and 31 March 2016. In order to receive UK funds, matched workshops funding must be secured from partner countries. If you intend to apply, please contact Simon Glasser, Not Specified 20 Nov 14 British Council Newton researcher links travel grants in the UK, Egypt, Kazakhstan or the Philippines. If you intend to apply, please contact Simon Glasser, /current-opportunities/travel-grants-2014 Variable monthly Stipends 20 Nov 14 British Council These support visits of up to three to six months in a research institution Agency for International Development (USAID) Global resilience challenge for building resilience to acute shocks and chronic stresses in the Sahel, Horn of Africa, and south and southeast Asia Innovate UK Feasibility Studies Climate change and extreme weather events, population growth, urbanization, food, water and/or energy insecurity, economic and political instability, and conflict, especially when combined with chronic poverty can drive the same communities into crisis, year after year. This call aims to to bring together multi-disciplinary teams to collaborate with local and Not Specified regional stakeholders in the diagnosis of resilience problems and opportunities for viable, locally-driven, and high-impact solutions. Funding of up to US$200,000 is available for stage two and up to US$10 million will be awarded for stage three. Highlight notice: Call opens on 10 November. A briefing for potential trategyboard/events-view/applicants will be held in London on 25 November 2014. Innovate UK is to invest up to £2m in feasibility studies to stimulate /events/18855388?p_p_auth=dFvTp26z up to £2m 21 Nov 14 25-Nov-14 innovation across four enabling technology areas: advanced materials; biosciences; electronics, sensors and photonics; and information and communications. We are seeking proposals that will kick-start the delivery of genuinely new products and services, with substantial and scalable commercial potential. The aim of this competition is to ensure that small and micro businesses in the UK are equipped to respond to market opportunities across a range of economic sectors. Projects must be business-led and are open to small or micro companies only, working either singly or in collaboration with one other small or micro company. We expect to fund feasibility studies conducting preindustrial research, in which a business partner will generally attract up to 75% public funding for their project costs. If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray, Innovate UK Sustainable agriculture and food innovation platform Science and Technology Facilities Council Global Challenge Exploration Awards Economic and Social Research Council What Works Wellbeing - call for proposals Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, This helps UK businesses to develop innovative technologies, production systems and supply chain solutions to increase the productivity of the agri-food sector while reducing its environmental impact. The budget for this call is £11 million and projects are expected to range from £250,000 to £1m, though larger projects may be considered. Not Specified If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, The main aim of the Global Challenge Exploration Awards scheme is to up to £75,000 provide a mechanism for Research Organisations to undertake early stage enabling activities aimed at identifying and exploring the potential of STFC-funded research to contribute to solutions to Global Challenges. Proposals may cover any topic of relevance to the Global Challenges but those relating to Food Security will be especially welcome. The ESRC in partnership with a range of funding partners jointly invites full proposals from eligible research organisations to bid for funding to undertake evidence programmes to underpin a new and independent What Works Centre for Wellbeing. On behalf of all funding partners, the ESRC is commissioning four wellbeing themed evidence programmes to look at what works for wellbeing: - cross-cutting capability - work, learning and wellbeing - community wellbeing - culture, sport and wellbeing 26 Nov 14 28-Nov-14 Between £875,0 02-Dec-14 Page 1 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Comments Funding Available This call supports collaborative, fundamental research that underpins the development of energy storage technologies. Projects should address the following challenges: next generation energy storage devices; Engineering and Physical SUPERGEN energy storage Not Specified regulatory, policy, commercial market, environmental and public Sciences Research Council challenge call energy-storage-challenge-call/ acceptability aspects; thermal energy storage. The total budget is £4 million. These fellowships aim to respond to the Manufacturing Foresight report, which focuses on the manufacturing research opportunities around key technologies that are likely to, when integrated into future products and Fellowships for the future of networks, collectively facilitate fundamental shifts in how products are Engineering and Physical manufacturing – challenges from the for-the-future-of-manufacturing-challenges-fromNot Specified designed, made, offered and ultimately used by consumers. Fellowships Sciences Research Council Manufacturing Foresight report the-manufacturing-foresight-report/ are available for up to 12 months full time. If you are interested in applying for a fellowship, please contact Deadline 04 Dec 14 09 Dec 14 FutureRailway This seeks novel technical solutions that can provide increased breaking Predictable and optimised braking for performance and produce reliable braking rates that are independent of Not Specified rail vehicles challenge – small environmental factors and contamination at the wheel or rail interface. es/default.aspx business research initiative The total budget is £4 million and is funded at 100 per cent. 18 Dec 14 British Council Researcher links workshop in Turkey Researchers from the UK or Turkey are invited to attend the research workshop regarding latest technologies for crop improvements. All travel Not Specified /current-opportunities/Turkey-workshop-worcs and accommodation expenses will be covered. 23 Dec 14 NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Innovative technologies for differential diagnosis of acute febrile illnesses (R21/R33) next generation, differential diagnostic technologies for acute febrile $900,000 illnesses caused by infectious pathogens, excluding HIV. Funding for the AI-14-062.html This R21/R33 award solicits applications for early-stage translational research projects focused on the development of innovative, unbiased These R01 grants support science projects that directly inform HIV Increasing access and uptake of HIV prevention and care service delivery programmes for HIV-infected testing and counselling and adolescents as well as at-risk, uninfected adolescents in resource limited appropriate HIV-related services for $1,250,000 settings. The aim is to increase the impact, efficiency and sustainability HD-15-017.html adolescents in low and middle of HIV prevention and care. Grants cover direct costs up to a maximum income countries (R01) of US$250,000 per year for up to five years. Engineering and Physical The EPSRC Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Theme up to £5m Sciences Research Council Making Sense from Data is inviting outline proposals that explore how to make sense from data. sefromdata/ (Invitation for outlines) The ability to extract meaning from data is becoming increasingly critical; new fundamental tools and techniques enabling better understanding, handling and communication of data will lead to a more efficient and effective information infrastructure. This call is being issued as part of the 'Towards an Intelligent Information Infrastructure (TI3)' cross-ICT priority. Funds of up to £5 million are available, which is expected to support between four to six research projects, subject to the quality of the proposals received. This call is being run in parallel with the 'User Interaction with ICT' call, which is being issued simultaneously by the ICT Theme. NIH: National Institutes of Health Engineering and Physical User Interaction with ICT Sciences Research Council (Invitation for outlines) 02 Jan 15 R21 phase is capped at US$275,000 over a two-year period. Funding for the R33 phase is capped at US$300,000 per year for up to three years. up to £5m The EPSRC Information Communication Technology (ICT) Theme is inviting outline proposals which will look at opportunities for how humans ctionwithict/ will interact with ICT technology in the future. Proposals should address a future information infrastructure and environment which will involve areas such as wearable devices, autonomous systems and an internet of things. Funds of up to £5 million are available, which is expected to support between four to six research projects, subject to the quality of the proposals received. The call is being run in parallel with the "Making Sense from Data" call, which is being issued simultaneously by the ICT Theme. up to £1m This third call specifically invites proposals for scientifically excellent, relevant research that will inform policy and practice to address either (i) 015/tree-health-and-plant-biosecuritythreats to the health of oak, or (ii) threats to trees from Phytophthora. The phase3.aspx funders expect to support one project on each topic at a cost not exceeding £1M per project (at 80% of full economic cost). Proposals must be integrative and interdisciplinary, combining highquality biological, environmental and social science, and drawing on the full range of available research capabilities. Collaborations are particularly encouraged between researchers with established skills in tree or forest health and others with complementary expertise from the wider relevant research communities." Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity initiative - phase 3 Environmental Research and Education Foundation Research in sustainable solid waste management Royal Society - EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowships The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is pleased to be working in partnership with the Royal Society to support othyhodgkinfellowships/ Funding supports projects related to sustainable waste management practices in the areas of waste minimisation, recycling, waste conversion to energy, strategies to promote diversion to higher and better uses and Not Specified landfilling. Previously grants have ranged from US$15,000 to over US$500,000 with the average grant amount being US$160,000. 02 Jan 15 06-Jan-15 06-Jan-15 08-Jan-15 08 Jan 15 Not Specified 12-Jan-14 23 Jan 15 schemes/Personal-awards/WTD003761.htm These enable clinicians or scientists to undertake a short-term period of full-time research at a centre or department with academic expertise in Not Specified medical humanities. Awards provide the salary of a locum or replacement lecturer for up to six months and a set amount for travel to conferences. Research fellowships in medical humanities These enable individuals at all stages of their careers, who are not in established academic posts, to undertake a period of research in medical Not Specified history and humanities. Fellowships provide a salary and research expenses for a period of up to three years. 23 Jan 15 Research fellowships in society and ethics These fellowships enable individuals who are not yet established in academic posts to undertake a period of postdoctoral research. Fellowships are worth up to £250,000 each. They provide a salary and research expenses, including travel and fieldwork and public engagement costs, for a period of up to three years. The key strands of the programme are to fund research that: £250,000 society/funding-schemes/Research(1) seeks to consider social, economic and cultural factors that influence fellowships/index.htm health, biomedical or health research, the development and implementation of healthcare practices, and health interventions (2) sets out to inform answers to questions about resolving ethical dilemmas arising from biomedical or health research, the development and implementation of healthcare practices, and health interventions. Royal Society-EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowships. These awards are for outstanding early career researchers who require flexible working patterns due to personal circumstances such as parenting or caring responsibilities or health issues. The application and peer review process is managed by the Royal Society and EPSRC will meet the costs of up to five of the successful candidates. Wellcome Trust Wellcome Trust Wellcome Trust Short-term research leave awards for history-and-humanities/Fundingclinicians and scientists Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, 23 Jan 15 Page 2 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Comments Research fellowships for health professionals programme, either full time or part time, while maintaining their work society/funding-schemes/Research-fellowships- commitments. The scope is broad and includes medical, veterinary, dental and psychology professionals, who may or may not have had for-health-professionals/index.htm Funding Available Deadline £250,000 23 Jan 15 This scheme is intended for practising health professionals who wish to carry out research in any area within the remit of the society and ethics Wellcome Trust experience of the humanities or social science. Fellowships are usually worth up to £250,000 and the maximum duration is three years full time. UNESCO These enable young scientists to carry out innovative, scientific and PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC research sciences/science-technology/basiccollaborative research projects in green chemistry that advance scientific $30,000 grants in green chemistry sciences/chemistry/green-chemistry-for-life/how- knowledge. Up to US$30,000 is available for each research grant. 31 Jan 15 to-apply/ This R01 grant aims to support the clinical development of products for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) NIH: National Institutes of Health Innovate UK NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse NIH: National Institutes of Health Clinical studies of safety and effectiveness of orphan products research project grant (R01) use in rare diseases or conditions where no current therapy exists, or where the product to be developed is superior to an existing therapy. The $2,000,000 FD-15-001.html grant is worth between US$250,000 and US$500,000 per year for up to four years, depending on the level of study. These R01 grants aim to stimulate clinical research focused on Biobehavioural and technological biobehavioural or technological interventions to attenuate cognitive interventions to attenuate cognitive decline in individuals with dementia, mild cognitive impairment, or decline in individuals with cognitive 017.html disease or age-related cognitive decline. Grants are awarded for a impairment or dementia (R01) maximum project period of five years. Mid-stage Awards These will take innovative ideas forward through the technology development stage by conducting industrial research and development in the energy sector. Total project costs may be up to £3 million for up to 36 months. The total budget for the second round of the energy catalyst programme is £14m. Mid-stage projects must be business-led and collaborative. Energy catalyst – mid-stage awards – awards technology development /asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/energy- These will demonstrate and evaluate the capability and performance of innovative technologies through pre-commercial technology validation in – late-stage awards – precatalyst-mid-stage-awards-technologythe energy sector. Total project costs may be up to £10 million for up to commercial technology validation development-round-2?p_p_auth=EwKVU4ke 36 months. The total budget for the second round of the energy catalyst programme is up to £14m. Late-stage projects must be business-led and collaborative. If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, This R03 funding opportunity announcement supports projects that enhance understanding of the nature, extent, distribution, aetiology, comorbidities and consequences of drug use, abuse and addiction Epidemiology of drug abuse (R03) across individuals, families, communities, and diverse population groups. 002.html Funding is worth up to US$50,000 per year for a maximum project period of two years. These R21 grants aim to stimulate clinical research focused on Biobehavioural and technological biobehavioural or technological interventions to attenuate cognitive interventions to attenuate cognitive decline in individuals with dementia, mild cognitive impairment, or decline in individuals with cognitive 015.html disease or age-related cognitive decline. Grants cover direct costs up to impairment or dementia (R21) a maximum of US$275,000 over a period of up to two years. 04 Feb 15 Not Specified 05 Feb 15 £3,000,000 11 Feb 15 $100,000 16 Feb 15 $275,000 16 Feb 15 These fellowships are intended to give early-career scientists or engineers of exceptional promise the opportunity to conduct a research project of their own instigation. Approximately eight fellowships are available for up to three years, each carrying a stipend of £30,000 for the £109,500 .html first year, and £31,500 for the second and third years. A London weighting of £2,500 per year is payable where appropriate. Fellows may also receive sums of up to £3,000 towards additional research costs. 19 Feb 15 Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research fellowships in science or engineering NIH: National Institutes of Health These U01 grants enable physical scientists and cancer biologists to Physical sciences-oncology network: form small transdisciplinary teams that address complex and challenging $2,500,000 physical sciences-oncology projects questions in cancer research. Grants cover direct costs up to a maximum 15-021.html (U01) of US$500,000 per year for a maximum period of five years. ResMed Foundation Clinical research proposals 26 Feb 15 These support novel research, and physician and public awareness of sleep-disordered breathing, with a primary focus on positive airway Not Specified pressure therapies and ventilation treatments. Grants are typically limited tific-research.php to US$250,000. These R21 grants support research projects that enhance understanding of the nature, extent, distribution, aetiology, comorbidities and consequences of drug use, abuse and addiction across individuals, $275,000 001.html families, communities, and diverse population groups. Direct costs are limited to US$275,000. NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse Epidemiology of drug abuse (R21) Innovate UK These will explore and evaluate the technical potential of an early-stage idea or concept through technical feasibility studies in the energy sector with the aim to establish if a pre-industrial concept is ready for further technology development. Total project costs may range between £50,000 £300,000 for up to 12 months. The total budget for the second round display-page/of the energy catalyst programme is £14 million. Energy catalyst – early-stage awards £300,000 /asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/energy- Early-stage projects must be led by an SME either working alone or – technical feasibility catalyst-early-stage-award-technical-feasibility- collaboratively or by a research organisation collaborating with a round-2?p_p_auth=EwKVU4ke business. If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council International scientific interchange scheme turkey-newton-katip-%C3%A7elebifund.aspx?utm_source=Newton+updates+list&ut m_campaign=fcde0c1057Newton_fund_bulletin_29_10_2014&utm_mediu m=email&utm_term=0_fe132e884b-fcde0c105799994981 Leverhulme Trust 16 Mar 15 22 Apr 15 This aims to help scientists add an international dimension to their BBSRC-funded research by making and establishing new contacts with international counterparts. Grants do not usually exceed £5,000 and html Scientific and Technological Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Research Council of Turkey Scientists on Sabbatical Leave rent-opportunities/the-newton-fund/calls-for(TÜBİTAK) Leverhulme Trust 15 Mar 15 Research fellowships International academic fellowships £5,000 cover travel and subsistence costs only. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The applications start at the Not Specified first working day of each month to the end of last working day of the month. Aim: Fellowships for international scientists/researchers who would like to give workshops/conferences/lectures, or conduct R&D activities in Turkey in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. Value: Monthly stipend of up to approx. 2400 USD for Visiting Scientists. A monthly stipend of up to 3500 USD for Visiting Scientists on Sabbatical Leave. Travel costs (round trip) and health insurance premiums. Not Specified Not Specified These support experienced researchers, particularly those who are or have been prevented by routine duties from completing a programme of £50,000 original research. Fellowships are worth up to £50,000 for a period of three to 24 months. These provide established researchers with a concentrated period based in one or more research centres outside the UK. The maximum value of m £30,000 a fellowship is £30,000 for a period of between three and 12 months. Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, 06 Nov 14 06 Nov 14 Page 3 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Ministry of Defence Synthetic biology applications in defence NIH: National Institute of Mental Health Longitudinal assessment of posttraumatic syndromes (U01) Science and Technology Facilities Council Public engagement large awards scheme Space Telescope Science Institute Giacconi fellowships Space Telescope Science Institute Hubble fellowships US Department of Defense Psychological health and traumatic brain injury research programme: (DoD) community partners in mental health research award Link Comments Funding Available This aims to reach out to all sectors for highly innovative synthetic biology Not Specified approaches relevant to defence and security, involving cutting-edge, .aspx?eventid=309 multidisciplinary research through the applications of existing synthetic biology tools and techniques, but using novel research approaches. There is no cap on the value of proposals, but it is more likely that a larger number of lower value proposals, such as up to £100,000, will be funded than a small number of higher value proposals. The total budget available is £1 million. The purpose of this U01 funding announcement is to acquire longitudinal Not specified 15-110.html data on an acutely traumatised population to identify objective markers of specific phenotypes of distress or dysfunction. The NIMH intends to commit up to US$5 million in fiscal year 2015 for the initial year of funding for this initiative to fund one award. The maximum project period is five years. This aims to promote and explain STFC frontier research, including the £100,000 role of STFC facilities. Large awards range from £10,000 to £100,000. Deadline Not specified These enable postdoctoral researchers in any field of astronomy, astrophysics or planetary science to undertake research that is related to, giacconi 06 Nov 14 or motivated by current problems in astronomy and astrophysics. Fellowships include a salary, benefits and a research budget for a maximum period of three years. These enable recent postdoctoral scientists to conduct independent research that is broadly related to the NASA Cosmic Origins scientific hubble/announcement-of-opportunity goals. A total of 17 fellowships are available. Each fellowship includes an $249,000 annual stipend of approximately US$67,000 plus an allowance of US$16,000 per year for travel, health insurance, relocation and other research costs. This award supports research on the causes, development and $2,500,000 innovative treatment of mental health, substance use disorders, traumatic brain injury and suicide prevention. Approximately US$5 million is available to fund approximately two projects, each of which may be worth up to US$2.5m in total costs over a maximum period of three years. Funding may be awarded to cover the entire value of the project. US Department of Defense Psychological health and traumatic brain injury research programme: (DoD) investigational treatments for traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder clinical trial award Research must focus on new clinical trials or leveraging existing studies in the treatment of traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder. Investigational treatments may include a device, drug, biologic, surgical procedure, rehabilitative modality, behavioural intervention or other relevant intervention. Funding is worth up to US$2.5 million over a maximum of three years. $2,500,000 06 Nov 14 06-Nov-14 06-Nov-14 06 Nov 14 06 Nov 14 06 Nov 14 Cancer Research UK Population research committee project grants These support projects that address clinical and public health £300,000 epidemiology, educational and behavioural research in areas of prevention, screening and early diagnosis, clinical trials methodologies or statistics, and secondary physical effects of treatment. Grants are worth up to £100,000 per year for a maximum of three years. 07 Nov 14 Cancer Research UK CRUK and Bupa Foundation cancer prevention fellowships 07 Nov 14 Cancer Research UK Population research committee programme grants Fondation Louis Bonduelle – Louis Bonduelle Foundation Louis Bonduelle research award These provide support for outstanding and innovative postdoctoral Not Specified researchers and healthcare professionals who are interested in research into behavioural and lifestyle changes that can prevent people from getting cancer. The funding amount will cover salaries for the fellow, a research assistant, research expenses and, where appropriate, an equipment grant. These support research in clinical and public health epidemiology; Not specified educational and behavioural research in areas of prevention, screening and early diagnosis; proposals concerning clinical trails methodologies or statistics; and proposals concerning secondary effects of treatment. Grants are generally held for up to five years. This aims to help the awardee to cover a part of his or her personal financial needs while finishing work or a thesis on nutrition or food behaviours in a unit, hospital department or research laboratory. The €10,000 award is worth €10,000. Medical Research Council Molecular pathology nodes call MRC and EPSRC invite proposals to establish high-quality molecular pathology nodes. r-pathology-nodes-call/ Not Specified This supports the establishment of high-quality molecular pathology nodes. Each node will be a multidisciplinary centre of innovative molecular diagnostic test discovery and development bringing together the research base, pathology or genetic services and industry. The joint budget is £17.5 million to fund up to eight awards of three to four years duration. NIH: National Cancer New approaches to synthetic lethality This U01 funding opportunity supports projects which identify targets $3,000,000 for mutant KRas-dependent cancers 14-314.html Institute whose inhibition would induce synthetic legality in cancers dependent on (U01) the expression of mutant KRas alleles. Funding may not exceed US$750,000 in direct costs each year, and the total project period may not exceed four years. Engineering and Physical Future manufacturing research hubs call seeks to establish large-scale, multidisciplinary research hubs to £10,000,000 Sciences Research Council address major, long-term challenges facing manufacturing industries, as manufacturing-research-hubs/ well as capture opportunities from emerging research areas. All proposals must be led by UK higher education institutions. The total budget of £20 million supports two hubs for a period of up to seven years. Major bids A major bids process is in place for this call. RED have arranged an open meeting 14th October, 12-2pm, Queens Building, room 1.69 to scope a University of Bristol bid. If you wish to attend, or you are interested in this call, please e-mail, Emily Thomas, emily thomas@bristol ac uk EPSRC Bridging the gaps between the Not specified Highlight notice: engineering and physical sciences The opening (16/09/14) and closing dates (11/11/14) given are estimated robialresistance/ and antimicrobial resistance dates at this stage. When details of the call have been finalised they will be changed to the actual dates. As part of the cross-council initiative in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) the EPSRC is highlighting this future call which will aim to engage engineering and physical sciences (EPS) researchers with the AMR challenge and to develop networks within their institutions focussed on the four multidisciplinary themes in the cross-council AMR initiative. These networks will support people to build capacity and understanding which could lead to future research proposals. This intervention is based on the success of 'Bridging the Gaps' which allowed institutions to undertake a range of people-focussed activities to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations, funding for which can be difficult to find elsewhere. We expect that Universities will focus on a part of the research agenda, depending on their individual strengths, but a key requirement will be the engagement of engineering and the physical sciences (including mathematical sciences) as part of the multidisciplinary networks. Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, 07-Nov-14 07 Nov 14 10 Nov 14 10 Nov 14 11 Nov 14 11-Nov-14 Page 4 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Programme Link Comments Funding Available Grand challenges explorations grants Grants support early-stage research projects and innovative ideas that $1,100,000 could lead to new vaccines, diagnostics, drugs and other technologies pplicationInstructions.aspx targeting diseases that claim millions of lives each year. Funding is worth up to US$100,000 in the first instance. Grantees will then have the opportunity to apply for phase two funding of up to US$1 million. The scheme aims to set up partnership links between UK and overseas £30,000 laboratories, promote the exchange of scientists, particularly those in the px early stages of their career, and promote access to facilities. Awards are typically worth up to £30,000 for a period of four years for partnerships with one or more Chinese life science laboratories. Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council China partnering awards Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Enabling international colloaboration: BBSRC have launched a number of schemes to enable international up to £50,000 Partnering awards g/international-funding-index.aspx collaboration. The scheme aims to set up partnership links between UK and overseas laboratories, promote the exchange of scientists. Up to four years for partnerships. Funding may cover travel, subsistence and other activities, such as workshops and exchanges. (Open to current BBSRC research grant holders and researchers employed at National Institutes of Bioscience who are in receipt of BBSRC funding) Ministry of Defence Defence medical sciences NIH: National Institute of Mental Health NIH: National Institutes of Health Smithsonian Institution American Foundation for Suicide Prevention American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Houghton Trust cap on the value of proposals, however MOD is more likely to fund a larger number of lower value proposals, for example up to £100,000, than a small number of higher value proposals. The total budget available is £500,000. Connectomes related to human The purpose of this U01 funding opportunity announcement is to build on disease (U01) the data collected using the very well defined experimental protocols of 14-281.html the Human Connectome Project. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The maximum project period is four years. Cancer intervention and surveillance This aims to generate sophisticated, evidence-based decision tools that modelling network (CISNET) (U01) could inform international, national, regional and local decisions on the CA-14-012.html most efficient utilisation of existing and emerging technologies for the control of cancer. The total budget is US$8.4 million. Projects may last for up to five years. Institute for Theory and Computation http://saoThis supports researchers who have recently received their PhD and postdoctoral fellowship work in any field related to theoretical or numerical astrophysics. The fellowship period is two years, with an opportunity to renew for a third year. Pilot research grants The purpose of this grant is to provide seed money for projects that show in opening up new areas of suicide research. Each grant is information/research-grant-categories worth up to US$30,000 over a period of one to two years. Distinguished investigator awards These support research on suicide from a variety of disciplines including, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, information/research-grant-categories sociology, nursing and health services administration. Each award is worth up to US$50,000 per year for up to two years. International travel and subsistence These support young researchers of any nationality working in the field of grants avian diseases. html Multidisciplinary project award Directorate-General for the Environment Best practice for action plans to develop integrated, regional monitoring programmes in coastal and marine waters This programme aims to support the development of regional action plans and best practices for integrated monitoring programmes, co14.htm BA/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowships RCUK Digital Economy Theme Engineering and Physical Telling Tales of Engagement Sciences Research Council Competition 2014 Innovate UK Medical Research Council Ordnance Survey Maritime autonomous systems Methodology research programme – investigator-led research 12 Nov 14 13 Nov 14 13 Nov 14 This call aims to identify new and innovative science and technology that e-themed-competition-defence-medical-sciences enhances the level of medical care for MOD armed forces. There is no Cancer Research UK British Academy Deadline Not specified 13 Nov 14 Not specified 14 Nov 14 Not Specified 14 Nov 14 Not specified 14 Nov 14 $30,000 15 Nov 14 $100,000 15 Nov 14 Not specified 15 Nov 14 These aim to support collaborations between cancer researchers and £500,000 scientists from engineering or physical science disciplines. The maximum funding amount per project is £500,000 over a period of up to four years. ordinated programmes of measures and the filling of data gaps for marine waters identified in the Commission assessment. The indicative grant per project will be between €200,000 and €1m depending of the project’s regional range, and projects will be tenable between eight and 15 months. The total budget is estimated at €2.46 million. €1,000,000 Highlight notice: Call to open 15 October 2014 Not specified The Academy continues to offer the Senior Research Fellowship scheme, with funding generously provided by the Leverhulme Trust (on a non-FEC basis). This enables mid-career scholars to have one year's research leave with funding being provided to cover the costs of replacement teaching. Expressions of Interest The RCUK Digital Economy Theme is running a competition designed to Not specified help capture and promote the impact that your digital economy research 2014/ is having. This competition aims to fund projects that stimulate the development of marine and maritime autonomous systems through the optimisation of page//asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/mariti robust and reliable technologies, and enhance the safe operation of unmanned underwater vehicles or unmanned surface vehicles, operating me-autonomous-systems?p_p_auth=d8VHufUg singly or in groups. Projects should cost between £500,000 and £1.5 million, and last between 12 and 36 months. Innovate UK will primarily Not specified fund industrial research with business partners attracting 50 per cent of public funding for their project costs, and 60 per cent for SMEs. The total budget is £5m. If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, This supports research on methods development to underpin the biomedical and health sciences as well as methods in research for logy-research-programme/ 17 Nov 14 17 Nov 14 19-Nov-14 19-Nov-14 19 Nov 14 Not specified 19 Nov 14 developing methods and their implementation in research standards. Grants may be awarded for up to five years, but those of two years or less are for proof-of-principle or pilot work only. SBRI – how can we enable people in This competition funds innovative ideas that make best use of Ordnance Not specified Britain to live in better places? Survey data, including OS OpenData and Land Registry’s licence data, e/ as well as technology and good design to address the problems of better living for British people. The total budget is £101,000. 19 Nov 14 Economic and Social Research Council ESRC celebrating impact prize Joseph Rowntree Foundation Public health and climate change – assessment of current practice Department for International Competitive research grants to develop innovative methods and Development (DFID) metrics for agriculture and nutrition actions (IMMANA grants) Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, This recognises and rewards ESRC-funded researchers who have £10,000 achieved, or are currently achieving, outstanding economic or societal impacts through their research and collaborative working, partnerships, engagement and knowledge exchange activities. A prize of £10,000 will be made to the winners of each category. Second prizes are worth £5,000. This project aims to assess the extent to which climate change issues £40,000 are addressed through the public health agenda at the local level and the implications for policy and practice development locally and nationally. One award, worth up to £40,000 including VAT and expenses, is available for six to seven months. These aim to accelerate the development of innovative and £250,000 interdisciplinary methods, metrics and tools to advance the scientific understanding of the linkages between agriculture and food systems and health and nutrition outcomes, in order to better inform policy and programmatic actions to improve nutrition outcomes in low and middle income countries. Funding is worth up to £250,000 over two to three years. 20 Nov 14 20 Nov 14 21 Nov 14 Page 5 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme IMMANA London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Competitive Research Grants to Develop Innovative Methods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions Call for applications- Round 1 NIH: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Behavioural or social intervention clinical planning grant (R34) University of Padova Piscopia fellowship programme Israel Institute of Advanced Research groups Studies Link Comments Funding Available To accelerate the development of innovative and interdisciplinary up to £250,000 NA%20Call%20for%20applications%20for%20com methods, metrics and tools to advance scientific understanding of the linkages between agriculture and food systems, and health and nutrition petitive%20research%20grants_0.pdf outcomes, to better inform policy and programmatic actions in low and middle income countries (LMICs). 15-20 research grants of up to £250,000 to be awarded in two rounds These R34 support activities that include, but are not limited to: the $150,000 of the behavioural or social intervention manual and 342.html procedures for training interventionists; development of the clinical protocol that will guide a subsequent clinical trial; the tools for data management, participant safety and operational oversight; and other activities to prepare for a subsequent clinical trial. Funding is worth up to US$150,000 for a period of maximum of one year. This aims to increase the European-wide mobility possibilities for training Not specified and career development of experienced researchers by supporting their fellowship-programme transnational mobility and deepening their individual competence. Candidates can submit a research project in one of the17 Scientific Areas, grouped in three Macro-areas including Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences and Social Sciences and Humanities. Awards will include living and mobility allowance worth up to €28,359 per year, travel allowance worth up to €1,250 per year and research cost contribution worth up to €5,000 per year. Fellowships will have a maximum duration of two years. Deadline 21-Nov-14 21 Nov 14 21 Nov 14 These enable groups of up to eight researchers, plus additional guests, to convene at IIAS for periods of up to 10 months. Three to four collaborative groups will be hosted each year. This is awarded in support of research that advances geographical er+Fleming+Award.htm knowledge and understanding. The award has a value of up to £9,000 and is open to both individuals and teams. These fellowships support research into either the physical geography or siger-Oman+Fellowships.htm the human dimension of arid and semi-arid environments across the world, with a priority for research in the Middle East. Each fellowship is worth up to £8,000. This supports the development of new cancer treatments from preclinical development through to early phase patient trials. Projects are supported for three to eight years. office-project The aim to provide funding for early phase patient trials of new cancer researchers/our-funding-schemes/new-agents- treatments including combinations of treatments and radiotherapy. Grants are worth up to £100,000 for a minimum of two years. Not Specified 23 Nov 14 £9,000 23-Nov-14 £10,000 23-Nov-14 Not specified 24 Nov 14 committee-trial-grants-endorsements £100,000 24 Nov 14 This DP3 funding opportunity announcement encourages applications 14-015.html from institutions or organisations proposing original research addressing the development of new technologies that may be integrated in a wearable, portable, automated, closed loop system for a physiological glucose control in individuals who suffer of type 1 diabetes. This mechanism aims to fund two to five awards worth up to US$2.5 million over a maximum project period of five years. The budget is worth US$6m. This DP3 funding opportunity announcement encourages applications 14-014.html from institutions or organisations proposing human studies to develop or test a highly reliable, wearable, portable, easy to operate system linking continuous glucose monitoring and pancreatic hormone delivery in a closed loop system. This mechanism aims to fund three to five awards worth up to US$2.5 million over a maximum project period of five years. Total funding of US$10m is available. This enables an academic engineering department in a UK university to host a distinguished visiting fellow from an overseas academic centre of vfs/default.htm excellence for up to one month. Funding for each fellow will not exceed £6,000. These enable postdoctoral scientists to undertake research at the interfaces between biology or medicine, and mathematics, engineering, science/Fundingcomputer and physical or chemical sciences, firstly at the Massachusetts schemes/Fellowships/InternationalInstitute of Technology and then at a UK institution. The fellowship lasts fellowships/WTX054661.htm for four years, with the fellow based at MIT for two to three years before returning to a host institution in the UK for the remainder of the award. $2,500,000 24 Nov 14 £2,500,000 24-Nov-14 £6,000 24 Nov 14 Not specified 24 Nov 14 Engineering and Physical UK-Republic of Korea Civil Nuclear Sciences Research Council Research Programme Not Specified EPSRC, in collaboration with The South Korean Ministry Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP), seeks collaborative research applications in civilnuclearresearch/ 25-Nov-14 NIH: National Institute of Mental Health Gut-microbiome-brain interactions and mental health (R21/R33) $1,850,000 25 Nov 14 Innovate UK Improving food supply chain efficiency Not specified 26 Nov 14 Stroke Association Priority programme awards £450,000 26 Nov 14 Medical Research Council MRC/DFID African research leader scheme £750,000 27 Nov 14 Innovate UK Heat networks demonstrator £1,000,000 28 Nov 14 Royal Geographical Society Peter Fleming award (with the Institute of British Geographers) Royal Geographical Society Thesiger-Oman fellowships (with the Institute of British Geographers) Cancer Research UK Drug development office project Cancer Research UK New agents committee trial grants NIH: National Institute of Diabetes impact award - closed loop Diabetes and Digestive and technologies: development and integration of novel components for Kidney Diseases an automated artificial pancreas system (DP3) NIH: National Institute of Diabetes impact award - closed loop Diabetes and Digestive and technologies: clinical, physiological and behavioural approaches to Kidney Diseases improve type 1 diabetes outcomes (DP3) Royal Academy of Engineering Distinguished visiting fellowship scheme Wellcome Trust Wellcome Trust/Massachusetts Institute of Technology postdoctoral fellowships nuclear decommissioning nuclear waste treatment and disposal. The purpose of this R21/R33 funding opportunity announcement is to encourage multidisciplinary teams of investigators to initiate hypothesisdriven research that will begin to investigate mechanisms by which gut microbiota may influence pre- and postnatal neurodevelopment as well as genes, signalling cascades, synaptic plasticity, and brain circuits that subserve domains of function of direct relevance to mental health and mental disorders. Direct costs are limited to a maximum of US$175,000 per year for the R21 phase and to US$500,000 per year for the R33 phase. The total project period may not exceed five years, and neither phase may exceed three years. This competition aims to improve the resource efficiency and resilience of the food and drink supply chain. The total project costs should range between £250,000 and £1 million, and last up to three years, however larger projects may be considered. Innovate UK expects to primarily fund industrial research with a business partner attracting up to 50 per cent public funding for their project costs, and 60 per cent for SMEs. The total budget is up to £11m. If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, These support research into haemorrhagic stroke and the psychological of stroke. Awards are worth up to £450,000 each over a programme-awards period of three to five years. This aims to strengthen research leadership and capacity across sub Africa by attracting and retaining researchers of high ability, and african-research-leader-scheme-2014-15/ to build on existing strong research partnerships between African and UK research organisations. Awards are worth up to £750,000 for a period of up to five years. This competition aims to stimulate innovation that helps address cost and performance efficiency challenges related to heat networks. The total page/budget is £7 million. Phase one feasibility studies may be worth up to /asset_publisher/E809e7RZ5ZTz/content/heat£50,000 and last from January to March 2015; phase two projects are networksexpected to range between £100,000 and £1m and last from May 2015 to demonstrator/1524978?p_p_auth=zjB8cEoB March 2016. If you are interested in applying for this funding please contact or Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Page 6 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Innovate UK In-stream tidal energy – advancing environmental monitoring, sensing and instrumentation technologies for high flow marine environments Link Comments Funding Available This call supports collaborative research and development projects Not Specified UK and Canada to develop enhanced sensing technologies for page/tidal stream energy applications. Each project is expected to have total /asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/incosts in the region of £275,000. Funding covers up to 80 per cent of total stream-tidal-energy-advancing-environmentalcosts for micro, small and medium enterprises, up to 50 per cent for large monitoring-sensing-and-instrumentationenterprises and up to 100 per cent for research organisations. The technologies-for-high-flow-marinemaximum project period is 36 months. Deadline 28 Nov 14 environments?p_p_auth=c1DhLuNS World Universities Network Researcher Mobility Programme University of Bristol The Research Mobility Programme (RMP) provides funding for a period of overseas research for PhD students and research staff to establish and cultivate research links, at both an individual and institutional level, with the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) partners. The 16 WUN partners include: University of Alberta, University of Auckland, University of Bergen, University of Bristol, University of Cape Town, Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Leeds, Maastricht University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Rochester, University of Sheffield, University of Southampton, University of Sydney, University of Western Australia, University of York and Zhejiang University Not specified 28-Nov-14 Cancer Research UK Tobacco advisory group project grants These provide support for policy research and policy advocacy activities in tobacco control. There is no set period or value of funding, although grants are usually in the region of £20,000 to £50,000 over a period of one to two years. Not specified 30 Nov 14 International Agency for Research on Cancer Postdoctoral position in section of molecular pathology 30 Nov 14 International Agency for Research on Cancer Postdoctoral fellowships for training in cancer research The section’s current projects include next generation sequencing to Not specified elucidate genetic pathways and intratumoral genetic heterogeneity of brain tumours. The fellowship will last for one year with possibility of renewal for up to three further years. The annual stipend is currently €33,000. The cost of travel for the fellow, and in certain circumstances for dependants, will be met, a dependant’s allowance paid, and health insurance covered. These enable junior scientists to coordinate and conduct both Not specified epidemiological and laboratory research into the causes and prevention of cancer at the IARC in Lyon, France. The fellowship is tenable for a maximum of two years and includes an annual stipend, the cost of travel for the fellow and, in certain circumstances, a dependant’s allowance and health insurance. These enable postdoctoral researchers to undertake research at the Not specified fellowships/post-doctoral Technion Institute in Israel. Fellowships are granted for one year with the possibility of an extension for an additional year. The monthly stipend is US$1,250 with a housing allowance of US$100 and a return airline ticket. Royal Geographical Society Neville Shulman challenge award (with the Institute of British Geographers) This aims to further the understanding and exploration of the planet and work+and+independent+travel+grants/Neville+Shulma its cultures, peoples and environments while promoting personal development through the intellectual or physical challenges involved in n+Challenge+Award.htm the completion of research or an expedition. The award is worth £8,000. £8,000 30 Nov 14 Royal Geographical Society Neville Shulman challenge award (with the Institute of British Geographers) This aims to further the understanding and exploration of the planet and ldwork+and+independent+travel+grants/Neville+S its cultures, peoples and environments while promoting personal development through the intellectual or physical challenges involved in hulman+Challenge+Award.htm the completion of research or an expedition. The award is worth £8,000. £8,000 30-Nov-14 Royal Geographical Society Field centre grants (with the Institute of British Geographers) International Union for International focus groups grants Quaternary Research ldwork+and+independent+travel+grants/Field+Cen tre+Grants.htm Not specified 30-Nov-14 €8,000 01 Dec 14 International Union for Quaternary Research Skills enhancement grants €5,000 01 Dec 14 Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution fellowships These support geographical field research carried out at international field centres, preferably in the world's poorest countries. Grants are worth up to £5,000. These support non-permanent collaboration that addresses scientific issues of wide international significance related to quaternary research. Grants are typically worth between €5,000 and €8,000. These aim to widen the skill base within the union’s community, specifically by assisting scientists who lack well-developed infrastructures or networks, and to encourage networking, exchanges of information and techniques, training, and the development of new international focus groups or projects. Grants are typically worth between €4,000 and €5,000. These enable graduate and predoctoral students as well as postdoctoral and senior investigators to conduct independent study or research at one or more of the Smithsonian’s 19 units and research centres. Fellowships are awarded for periods between 10 weeks and 12 months, and they may include a stipend worth up to US$48,000 per year, a research allowance of up to US$4,000, and a separate relocation allowance. Not specified 01 Dec 14 Smithsonian Institution Molecular evolution fellowships Not specified 01 Dec 14 Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian biodiversity genomics postdoctoral fellowship programme Not specified 01 Dec 14 EPSRC/MRC Bridging the gaps between the engineering and physical sciences and antimicrobial resistance These support full-time in-residence research on molecular evolution at the Smithsonian Institution. Fellowships provide a stipend worth up to US$47,500 per year for 12 to 24 months, a travel allowance, research supplies and an access to the SI libraries. This aims to promote collaborative research in biodiversity genomics and and build genomics expertise in the greater Smithsonian biodiversity-genomics-postdoctoral-fellowshipInstitute research community. Applicants must propose to conduct program/ research in-residence for a period of 12 to 24 months. The stipend is worth US$48,000 per year, plus a maximum research allowance of US$4,000 is available. All application materials must be submitted in English. EPSRC/MRC have announced further funding to tackle the Antimicrobial gaps-between-the-engineering-and-physical-sciences- Resistance challenge. This call aims to engage researchers from engineering and the physical sciences with the AMR challenge. and-antimicrobial-resistance/ If you are interested in this call please contact Kerrie Walker (Kerrie Walker@bristol ac uk) A UoB Major Bids process is in place for this call. ERC Consolidator ies/major-bids/majorbidscurrent.html#erccon2015 Grants are intended to enable exceptional researchers between 7 and 12 years from PhD completion to become fully independent research leaders. They are particularly intended to enable the researcher to strengthen their own independent research team or programme. If you are interested in applying for this funding please contact either or Not specified 02-Dec-14 up to €2.75 million 02-Dec-14 Lady Davis Fellowship Trust Postdoctoral fellowships European Research Council Consolidator Grants (ERC) Innovate UK Global navigation satellite system antenna This aims to develop solutions that can take advantage of opportunities £50,000 presented by the emergence of global navigation satellite system signals page//asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/gnss- for both military and civil applications. Grants are worth up to £50,000 over four months in phase one. The budget is worth £650,000. If you antenna?p_p_auth=ZjB3UvNJ 30 Nov 14 30-Nov-14 03 Dec 14 are interested in applying for this funding please contact or Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Page 7 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Innovate UK Improving food supply chain efficiency Technology Strategy Board Industrial biotechnology catalyst early-stage translation studies round 2 Link Comments Funding Available Innovate UK, together with the Department for Environment, Food and up to £11m Affairs (Defra) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences page//asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/improvi Research Council (BBSRC) are to invest up to £11m in business projects to improve the resource efficiency and resilience of the food and drink ng-food-supply-chainsupply chain. The aim of this competition is to help companies develop efficiency?p_p_auth=2BoEobvq innovative ways to: -reduce the production of waste -use resources such as energy, water and raw materials more efficiently - improve the productivity of food manufacturing and processing operations - improve the resilience of the food supply chain by making better use of resources and reducing environmental stresses on food systems. Proposals must be collaborative and business-led. We expect to fund mainly industrial research projects in which a business partner will generally attract up to 50% public funding for their project costs (60% for SMEs). The deadline for expressions of interest is at noon on 3 December 2014. If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, Deadline l-biotechnology-catalyst-early-stage-translationround-2?p_p_auth=A8ViKZsO 03-Dec-14 Translation studies awards will support academic R&D projects that aim to translate research discoveries into new or improved industrial biotechnology technologies, processes and products. Funding worth £45 million has been made available for the whole call on industrial biotechnology catalyst. The total project cost should be between £2m and £5m and projects may last between three and five years. If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, Technology Strategy Board Industrial biotechnology catalyst - late- seeks to support the development and commercialisation of stage pre-experimental feasibility page/innovative industrial biotechnology processes for the manufacture of a studies round 2 /asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/industria wide range of existing and new products, taking into account their sustainability and their social, economic and environmental impacts. l-biotechnology-catalyst-late-stage-preFunding worth £45 million has been made available for the whole call on experimental-feasibility-studies-roundindustrial biotechnology catalyst. 2?p_p_auth=xysclJ4v If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, Technology Strategy Board Industrial biotechnology catalyst seeks to support the development and commercialisation of early-stage - feasibility studies round page/innovative industrial biotechnology processes for the manufacture of a 2 /asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/industria wide range of existing and new products, taking into account their sustainability and their social, economic and environmental impacts. l-biotechnology-catalyst-early-stage-feasibilityProjects can attract up to 65 per cent public funding, or 75 per cent for studies-round-2?p_p_auth=A8ViKZsO SMEs. The eligible costs of research organisations must be no more than 50 per cent of the total project costs. Projects are expected to range in size from up to £250,000 for feasibility studies to up to £10 million for experimental development, and last up to one year. The total funding available for this call is £45m. If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, Toshiba of Europe Toshiba fellowship programme This offers scientists an opportunity to join Toshiba's research and laboratories in Japan. The fellowship comprises a salary Programme/ that is usually in the region of JPY10 million, and a relocation allowance and package benefits, starting in October 2015 and lasting until March 2016. Areas of interest: Energy and Social Infrastructure,Semiconductor and Storage Research Topics, Healthcare, ICT plus sub-topics. £5,000,000 03-Dec-14 Not specified 03-Dec-14 Not specified 03-Dec-14 Not specified 05 Dec 14 Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Butterfield awards ml Not specified 15-Dec-14 Natural Environment Research Council Innovation projects ovation-projects/ £125,000 18 Dec 14 Natural Environment Research Council Follow-on fund owon/ £200,000 18 Dec 14 £50,000 19 Dec 14 Not specified 31 Dec 14 $12,000 01 Jan 15 £6,000 05 Jan 15 Engineering and Physical Fresh ideas fund Sciences Research Council Allen Foundation Human nutrition research grants boutus.asp Panthera Liz Claiborne Art Ortenberg jaguar research grant Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology Nuffield Council on Bioethics fellowships d-council-on-bioethics1/ Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, These aim to encourage and facilitate exploratory exchanges and collaborations between qualified professionals in Japan and the UK, as well as investigation of scientific, clinical, social and economic aspects of medicine in which Japanese and British scientists, practitioners and policy makers may learn from each other. A number of awards are available, worth up to £5,000 per year over a maximum of three years. Applications for smaller and, exceptionally, larger sums may be considered. These support activities between the science community and end users to develop products, models and tools that have the potential to generate significant impact through meeting the needs of users but generate no commercial return. Funding is worth up to £100,000 at 80 per cent full economic cost for projects lasting up to 12 months. This is a proof of concept fund to support the commercialisation of ideas arising from research funded by NERC. Funding is worth up to £200,000 at 80 per cent full economic cost for projects lasting between three and 24 months. This fund supports the development of short or small projects that identify key challenges in class III musculoskeletal medical device manufacturing. Awards are worth up to £50,000 and cover 80 per cent of full economic costs, including directly incurred staff and a small budget for consumables. Projects may last for up to six months. These fund relevant nutritional research or support projects that benefit programmes for human nutrition in the areas of health, education, training and research. This supports in situ conservation research and projects on jaguars at sites within jaguar conservation units and other areas identified as significant. Grants of up to US$12,000 are available for projects lasting for one year. However, multi-year projects are encouraged. The fellowship enables a PhD student to work with POST on a threemonth placement. Total funding will be capped at £6,000. Page 8 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Innovate UK Agri- Tech Catalyst Early stage awards Late-Stage awards Technology Strategy Board Integrated future for cities Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Responsive-mode research grants Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council New investigator scheme Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Industrial partnership awards Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council BBSRC/Brazil joint funding of research Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Stand-alone LINK ERC Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovation Training Networks ESRC-BBSRC Joint Research Call On Epigenetics 2014/15 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Applications for beam time - longterm projects Society in Science Branco Weiss fellowship Economic and Social Research Council Link Comments Funding Available Agri-Tech Catalyst supports innovative ideas from any sector or Not specified page/discipline, which can help make the UK a world leader in agricultural /asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/agri-tech- technology, innovation and sustainability. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for assessment by independent experts. Applicants may catalyst-early-stage-awards-round-3 apply for the award category most appropriate for their work without having received a prior award. The Agri-Tech Catalyst will fund proposals relating to: - primary crop and livestock production, including aquaculture - non-food uses of crops including ornamentals - food security and nutrition challenges in international development - challenges in downstream food processing, provided the solution lies in primary production. Applications from the aquaculture and livestock sectors are particularly encouraged, as are crop sector projects targeting weed control and onfarm storage and management. Projects targeting the late-stage award category are also encouraged. Registration is required to enter this competition. Please note that registration will close 1 week before the competition application deadline. 31 December 2014 If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, frances frith@bristol ac uk This aims to develop innovative solutions that can help cities plan more £2,000,000 successfully for the future and encourage new ways of achieving better page/integration of infrastructure and services across a city by improving /asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/anunderstanding of how elements of these systems interact with each integrated-future-forother. The value of contracts is expected to be between £1.5 million and cities?p_p_auth=1HPZuD0m £2m each, inclusive of VAT, and projects will last up to three years. If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, Deadline These support investigator-led research activities addressing any topic within the council’s remit. Grants may be used for research projects, .html Not specified 08 Jan 15 This assists early-career researchers in securing their first major element Not specified of research funding. Applicants should be newly employed university estigator.html 08 Jan 15 Not specified These support science-led research projects that address any topic within the council’s remit and where industrial partners contribute in cash esearch/industrial_partnership_awards.html 08 Jan 15 Not specified This supports applications that cut across national boundaries and involve international collaborative teams. Proposals may be submitted in pesp-joint-funding-research.aspx 08 Jan 15 07-Jan-15 07 Jan 15 technology development, equipment or use of existing facilities, new facilities or infrastructure provision, research networks and coordination, and summer schools. Funding is available for up to five years. lecturers, fellows at the lecturer level whose awards were secured in open competition, or researchers in research council institutes at the unified research council band E or its equivalent. Funding is available for up to five years. Faculties of Medicine & Dentistry and Medical and Veterinary Sciences There is an internal process in place and the deadline is October 23rd, please contact for further information or see the major bids page on the RED website funding. Industrial partners must contribute in cash at least 10 per cent of the full economic costs of projects. Funding is available for up to five years. any area of science within the remit of both supporting organisations. Funding is available for up to five years. Not specified This supports pre-competitive research projects that address any topic within the council’s remit and where industry contributes at least 50 per research/stand-alone-link.aspx cent of the full economic costs of projects. Applying teams must include at least one company, with preference given to small and medium-size enterprises, and one science-based partner. Funding is available for up Not specified The ITN scheme supports a joint research training or doctoral l/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/calls/h2020- programme across a minimum of 3 different organisations throughout Europe (other than the European Industrial Doctorate scheme which has msca-itn-2015.html a minimum of 2). Please could potential applicants let the RED EU Team, ( know if you are planning to be involved or lead an ITN. If anyone would like to discuss the scheme further pleases contact 08 Jan 15 13-Jan-15 The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and Biotechnology and up to £3m opportunities/32152/esrcbbsrc-joint-research-call-on- Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) are pleased to announce a joint call for research projects in the area of Social and Behavioural Epigenetics. Up to epigenetics-201415.aspx £3 Million is available for this call. The goal of this call is to encourage new, innovative and collaborative work between the social and biological sciences in the area of epigenetics We are Users may request a long-term commitment from the ESRF to provide Not specified pplying/LongTermProjects beam time during up to six successive scheduling periods over three years. This enables researchers who have recently completed their PhD and SFr.500,000 who have a strong record of achievement in their chosen field to undertake research in a scientific topic of their choice. The amount granted is CHF100,000 per year over a maximum of five years and the programme aims to award up to 10 fellowships each year. 15-Jan-15 Future research leaders This scheme supports outstanding early-career researchers to carry out £280,000 excellent research and to develop all aspects of their research and opportunities/15938/carousel-future-researchknowledge exchange skills. Grants will last a maximum of three years leaders.aspx with an overall limit of £350,000 at 100 per cent full economic cost of which the ESRC will pay 80 per cent. There is a major bids process in place for this call. For further information please contact Patrick Lansley ( 20 Jan 15 Wellcome Trust New investigator awards in society and ethics Wellcome Trust Senior investigator awards in society ethics society/funding-schemes/Investigatorawards/WTDV031467.htm Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, 15-Jan-15 15 Jan 15 These enable new researchers to address important questions about health and disease and their social, political and historical contexts. Awards range from £100,000 to £200,000 per year over a maximum period of five years. £1,000,000 23 Jan 15 These enable senior researchers to address important questions about health and disease and their social, political and historical contexts. Awards range from £100,000 to £200,000 per year over a maximum period of five years £1,000,000 23 Jan 15 Page 9 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Comments Economic and Social Research Council ESRC Impact Acceleration Account awards RED is running an open call for four types of project within our ESRC Impact Acceleration Account; Impact Travel awards up to £300 for visits to explore impact opportunities; Exploratory Impact awards of £1,000£3,000 to identify the potential impact of research and first steps to impact; Impact Project awards up to £20,000 to develop the impact of University of Bristol social science research; Knowledge Exchange Secondments up to £20,000 for secondments (in and/or out) between Bristol and partner organisations. See the webpage for more details and/or contact Andrew Wray or Nikki Hicks at RED ( Science and Technology Facilities Council Innovations partnership scheme The objective of this scheme is to transfer technology and expertise £360,000 developed through STFC funding to the marketplace in partnership with industry and other academic disciplines. Full IPS projects provide a maximum of £150,000 per year at 80 per cent of full economic costs and projects may last up to three years. Mini IPS projects provide a maximum of £150,000 at 80 per cent of full economic costs for up to 12 months. 28 Jan 15 Science and Technology Facilities Council Mini-IPS awards 28-Jan-15 Science and Technology Facilities Council Innovation partnership scheme fellowships The objective is to transfer technology and expertise developed through £120,000 STFC funding to the marketplace in partnership with industry and other academic disciplines. Funding is worth a maximum of £120,000 at 80 per cent of full economic costs. Projects may last up to one year. If you are interested in this call and have queries regarding These aim to facilitate the transfer of technologies, skills and knowledge, Not specified developed through STFC funded research, to industry and other users of research outputs. The fellowships can last up to four years and STFC will fund 50 per cent of the the fellowship at 80 per cent full economic costing. Science and Technology Facilities Council Follow-on funding £88,000 28 Jan 15 Klassik Stiftung Weimar Postdoctoral awards €9,000 31 Jan 15 Klassik Stiftung Weimar Residential awards Not specified 31 Jan 15 Marine Biological Association Peter Baker fellowship Not specified 31 Jan 15 Panthera Small cat action fund $15,000 01 Feb 15 Panthera Friedman cheetah conservation grants programme The fund aims to support the commercialisation of research ideas and provides funds to enable those ideas to be brought to a stage where commercial opportunities can be secured. Proposals should not exceed Applicants may be young science and humanities graduates who have already completed their doctoral thesis and published in relevant journals. Funding is worth €1,500 per month for a maximum of six These offer graduates, scientists who have completed their doctoral thesis and habilitated scientists whose monthly net income exceeds €1,500 the opportunity to conduct research in Weimar. Applicants must have a monthly net income of €1,500 or more. Funding is worth €500 per month for a maximum of six months. The award winners will also benefit This fellowship aims to encourage the interest of young research workers in marine biological research, particularly in fundamental physiological research, by enabling them to spend approximately two months working at the laboratory of the association in Plymouth The fellowship may be This supports in situ conservation and research activities on different small cat species. Funding of up to US$15,000 is available for projects lasting one year. Preference will be given to requests specifically for field conservation and research activities, including equipment, transportation d lprogramme l l i supports in situ conservation projects on cheetahs in This $15,000 01 Feb 15 ERASMUS + Strategic partnerships in the field of youth Leverhulme Trust Emeritus fellowships These assist retired senior researchers to complete a research project and to prepare the results for publication. The fellowship is worth up to m Agri food supply chain Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Innovate UK Innovation in the space sector These support the development, transfer and implementation of Not specified innovative practices at organisational, local, regional, national or European levels. Funding will cover up to 80 per cent of eligible costs. If you are thinking of applying for this call please contact in the RED EU team. £22,000 26-Jan-15 28 Jan 15 04 Feb 15 05 Feb 15 The Technology Strategy Board, along with the Department for up to £2.3m Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Invest Northern Ireland, the Scottish Funding Council and the Welsh Government, are to invest jointly up to £2.3m to establish Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) to iThis competition th titi to help translate ili d academic i strengths f thin space i aims UK’s Not specified innovation and growth by enabling businesses to gain the researchdriven knowledge needed to develop innovative solutions and create commercial success. Innovate UK will fund part of the costs with the level of grant varying depending on the size of the company. Project This initiative gives businesses access to the UK knowledge base so that Not Specified they can develop innovative solutions to global challenges facing the agrifood sector. The project costs will vary depending on type and duration, but the average is currently around £60,000 for projects lasting up to two years. SMEs might contribute to a third of their project costs, while larger companies will generally receive a lower level of funding. The total Investment of up to £2.3m to establish Knowledge Transfer Partnerships £2,300,000 (KTPs) to improve the competitiveness, resilience and responsiveness of the agri-food supply chain. If you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew Wray,, or Frances Frith, 11-Feb-15 These support short-term conservation and research projects aimed at £8,000 the preservation of endangered species. Grants are awarded for projects of up to two years duration and are worth between £2,000 and £8,000, although most grants will not exceed £5,000. 12-Feb-15 Funding is provided for research with the aim of reducing the use of animals in scientific experiments. The duration of proposed projects should preferably be between one and three years, and the budget required should be between CHF50,000 and CHF250,000. The total estimated budget for the call is CHF500,000. SFr.250,000 15 Feb 15 $275,000 16 Feb 15 Technology Strategy Board Agri-food supply chain The Technology Strategy Agri-food supply chain Knowledge Board, the Department for Transfer Partnership Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Invest Northern Ireland, the Scottish Funding Council and the Welsh Government, People's Trust for Endangered Species Worldwide small grants 3R Research Foundation Switzerland Grants to reduce animal experiments in research ml NIH: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Secondary analyses of existing alcohol epidemiology data (R21) These R21 grants support investigator-initiated research projects that either analyse previously collected data in order to address key issues that have emerged from recent findings in alcohol epidemiology and prevention research, or develop new analytic techniques for conducting studies in alcohol epidemiology and prevention research. Grants are worth up to US$275,000 in direct costs over a maximum period of two years. Innovate UK Recovering valuable materials from waste This competition aims to improve and develop processes for dealing with Not specified continuously produced waste streams to maximise the value of recovered resources. Projects should range in size between £300,000 Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Deadline Africa. The programme is open to all qualified candidates but projects led by country nationals or in country non-governmental organisations are prioritised. Grants of up to US$15,000 per year are available. £22,000 for a period of three to 24 months. Innovate UK Funding Available Not Specified 11 Feb 15 11 Feb 15 11-Feb-15 18 Feb 15 Page 10 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Economic and Social Research Council Transformative research call ERASMUS + Jean Monnet modules ERASMUS + Link Comments Funding Available This aims to provide a stimulus for genuinely transformative research £200,000 ideas at the frontiers of the social sciences, enabling research which announcement-transformative-research-call.aspx challenges current thinking to be supported and developed. Proposals will be funded up to £250,000 at 100 per cent full economic cost, of support modules or courses in the field of European Union studies Not specified plus/actions/jean-monnet/jean-monnetat higher education institutions. Funding will cover a maximum of 80 per modules_en cent of eligible costs. If you are thinking of applying for this call Deadline Jean Monnet centres of excellence ERASMUS + Jean Monnet support to institutions and associations ERASMUS + Jean Monnet networks ERASMUS + Jean Monnet projects ERASMUS + Knowledge alliances ERASMUS + Sector skills alliances Federation of European Biochemical Societies Workshops Palaeontological Association Palaentological research grants Wellcome Trust New Investigator awards Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator awards 19 Feb 15 26 Feb 15 This action supports centres that are a focal point of competence and knowledge on European Union subjects. Funding will cover a maximum of 80 per cent of eligible costs. If you are thinking of applying for this call please contact in the RED EU team. This supports institutions enhancing teacher and training activities on European Union subject areas at postgraduate level or for other stakeholders as well as associations contributing to the study of the European integration process. Funding will cover a maximum of 80 per cent of eligible costs. If you are thinking of applying for this call please contact in the RED EU team. Not specified 26 Feb 15 Not specified 26 Feb 15 This action supports the creation and development of consortia of international research groups in the area of European Union studies. Funding will cover a maximum of 80 per cent of eligible costs. If you are thinking of applying for this call please contact in the RED EU team. This supports innovation, cross-fertilisation and the spread of European Union content. Funding will cover a maximum of 80 per cent of total costs. If you are thinking of applying for this call please contact in the RED EU team. Not specified 26 Feb 15 Not specified 26 Feb 15 Not specified 26 Feb 15 Not specified 26 Feb 15 Euro20,000 01-Mar-15 £15,000 01 Mar 15 Not Specified 01-Mar-15 Highlight Notice There will be a Major Bids process associated with this Not Specified call and the next deadline for submission of internal applications is science/Funding-schemes/InvestigatorJanuary 7th 2015. Please refer to RED website via SSO for more Awards/WTX059285.htm 01-Mar-15 02 Mar 15 This action aims to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity and foster innovation in higher education, business and the broader socio-economic environment. The maximum EU co-financing rate will be 80 per cent. If you are thinking of applying for this call please contact in the RED EU team. action aims to tackle skills gaps, and enhance the responsiveness plus/actions/key-action-2-cooperation-forof initial and continuing vocational education and training systems to innovation-and-exchange-good-practices/sector- sector-specific labour market needs and demand for new skills with skills en regard to one or more occupational profiles The maximum EU co support the organisation of workshops on topics of high scientific courses/guidelines interest in the fields of biochemistry, genetics, biophysics, molecular, cellular and developmental biology as well as systems and quantitative Grants normally assist single research projects or proof-of-concept proposals with the aim of supporting future applications to national eo&sec=Awards&page=168 funding bodies. Grants are worth up to £15,000. Highlight Notice There will be a Major Bids process associated with this call and the next deadline for submission of internal applications is science/Funding-schemes/InvestigatorJanuary 7th 2015. Please refer to RED website via SSO for more Awards/WTX059284.htm information information CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research) Senior fellowships in experimental and theoretical physics NIH: National Institutes of Health Consortium on beta-cell death and survival (UC4) This UC4 funding opportunity announcement encourages the adaptation of medium- to high- throughput omics technologies with single cell or DK-14-021.html $4,500,000 These aim to stimulate mobility and career development for researchers working in experimental and theoretical physics. Fellowships include a monthly stipend, health insurance and travel expenses and are normally awarded for two years. Not specified ERASMUS + Mobility projects in the field of education and training near single cell-resolution to the exploration of the human pancreas, with the aim of extracting complex biological information from paraffinThese aim to: foster quality improvements, innovation, excellence and Not specified internationalisation in higher education institutions; increase the quality and the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area and in-another-country_en supporting EU external action in the HE; improve the level of Mobility projects can comprise one or more of the following activities: a Not specified study period abroad at a partner higher education institution; a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or any other in-another-country_en relevant workplace. Students and staff will receive EU grants as a contribution to their costs for travel and subsistence during the period of study or traineeship abroad. The maximum EU co-finding rate will be 80 per cent. If you are thinking of applying for this call please contact in the RED EU team. EUREKA Eurostars programme Leverhulme Trust Early-career fellowships Education, Audiovisual and Joint master’s degrees Culture Executive Agency ERC 2015 Consolidator Grant Wellcome Trust Society awards UK Space Agency Space studies programme scholarships UK Space Agency MSS programme scholarships This funds collaborative innovation projects that will be rapidly Not specified commercialised. It encourages and assists the development of new products, processes and services by offering support and funding to help innovations to access regional, national and international markets. Funding for Eurostars participants is provided on a country by country basis These provide career development opportunities for those who are at a relatively early stage of their academic careers, but who have a proven fm record of research. Approximately 80 fellowships are available to support £90,000 full time work for three years or proportionally longer periods part time. The trust will contribute 50 per cent of each fellow's total salary costs, up to £24,000 per year. Fellows may also request research expenses of up to £6,000 per year. Highlight Notice Information about this call is due to be published in mid- € 2m over 5 years November Consolidator Grants are intended to enable exceptional unities/majorresearchers between 7 and 12 years from PhD completion to become bids/majorbidscurrent.html#erccon2015 fully independent research leaders. They are particularly intended to enable the researcher to strengthen their own research team or programme. Proposals to the call will be handled though the University's Major Bids process. Applicants are required to complete a These support projects that enable the public to explore biomedical Not specified science, its impact on society and culture, its historical roots and the ethical questions that it raises. Awards are worth over £30,000 for up to three years. Scholarships support UK citizens wishing to attend the International Not specified Space University’s nine week space studies programme at the central community-and-educational campus in Strasbourg. The budget is worth £30,000. Scholarships support UK citizens who wish to enrol on the International Space University’s one-year master of space studies programme. A total Not specified events of £30,000 is available through this scheme. Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, 03 Mar 15 04 Mar 15 04 Mar 15 05 Mar 15 05 Mar 15 12-Mar-15 13 Mar 15 15 Mar 15 15 Mar 15 Page 11 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Vinnova Verket för Innovationssystem – Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems VINNMER Marie Curie incoming Natural Environment Research Council Collaborative gearing scheme European Foundation for Alcohol Research Research grants Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council UK-US lead agency pilot opportunity Link Comments Funding Available The purpose of this call is to strengthen qualification opportunities for Not specified international researchers through increased mobility opportunities, by visiting and working in Swedish host organisations. Vinnova funding for Incoming/ the programme as a whole will amount to SEK120 million, with an additional €10m in EU funding through Marie Curie actions. Co-financing from applicants is expected to amount to SEK100m to SEK150m. Deadline This scheme offers opportunities for fieldwork-based scientific Not specified 31 Mar 15 These support research on any aspect of biomedical or psychosocial Euro100,000 ss_id=57 research into beer or alcohol. Research on lifestyle and drinking patterns is encouraged. Grants are worth up to Euro50,000 per year over one to two years. Not specified This aims to make it easier for research teams comprised of scientists from the US and UK to manage funding logistics and obtain funding from ding/nsfbio-lead-agencyboth countries. Proposals should fall within the areas of systems biology, pilot.aspx?utm_source=feedburner&utm_mediu computational biology and bioinformatics. 13-Apr-15 These enable outstanding researchers, at an early-stage of their career, Not specified ersons-and-structures/lichtenbergto pursue and establish new and interdisciplinary lines of research at a professorships.html university of their choice in Germany. Funding is worth between €800,000 and €1.5 million per professorship for an initial period of five years. 02 Jun 15 17 Mar 15 collaboration with NERC’s British Antarctic Survey, in cases where no grant funding for salaries, capital equipment or other direct science costs is required, but where access to BAS Antarctic facilities and research stations would enable fieldwork to be conducted for the proposed project. 01 Jun 15 m=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bbsrcfunding +%28BBSRC+-+Funding+opportunities%29 Volkswagen Foundation Lichtenberg professorships Electrochemical Society Charles W Tobias young investigator This recognises outstanding scientific or engineering work in fundamental $6000 award as_rules.htm or applied electrochemistry or solid-state science and technology by a young scientist or engineer. The award consists of a US$5,000 cash prize, life membership of the society and US$1,000 for travel expenses to help the recipient attend the society meeting at which the award will be presented. NB Applicant does not need to be a member of the society German Academic Exchange Service DAAD/Roche Diagnostics postdoctoral programme atenbank/en/21148-scholarshipdatabase/?status=&origin=&subjectGrps=&daad= &q=roche&page=1&detail=10000035 German Research Foundation Heisenberg programme Not specified --- Institut Curie Postdoctoral fellowship for foreign scientists Not specified --- Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Small grant scheme Not specified --- Institute of Photonic Sciences Tenure-track group leaders Not specified --- Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Network Transnational access call Not specified --- Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel research awards This provides young researchers who are qualified for a professorship es/individual/heisenberg/index.html with the opportunity to prepare for a leading position in science and research, and to use the time to work on an advanced research topic. There are both professorships and fellowships available in the programme. is aimed at young foreign postdoctoral researchers who are welcoming/postdoctoral-fellows-002290 interested in pursuing their research in one of the research centre laboratories. The grant is determined according to the applicant's age and experience and is available for a period of one year. This aims to facilitate research activity in all areas of applicable nts/small_grant_scheme.cfm.html mathematics. Grants are worth up to £600. Applicants who wish to organise a conference with a mathematical theme may apply for grants of up to £1,200. The annual budget is currently £12,000. These support young scientists aiming to start and lead an independent research group. The programme offers generous start up packages, state of the art laboratories and engineering support. There are several positions available. This enables user groups and researchers to access research facilities 628/language/en-GB/Default.aspx within remote sensing of the vertical aerosol distribution, measurements of the in-situ chemical, physical and optical properties of aerosols, measurements of atmospheric trace gases and clouds and aerosol quality-controlled observations. The support to users include administrative and logistical support, free use of the infrastructure, technical and scientific support and specific training. are given to internationally renowned academics in recognition of award.html their outstanding accomplishments in research to date and their exceptional promise for the future. Up to 25 awards are available, worth Euro45,000 each. Award winners are also invited to conduct a six to 12 months research project of their own choosing in Germany in close collaboration with a specialist colleague. These enable university academics and scientists to carry out a research nbank/en/21148-findingproject at a university or state recognised higher education institution in scholarships/?status=2&origin=&subjectGrps=&da Germany. Grants are worth Euro2,000 per month for assistant professors ad=1&q=research%20stays&page=1&detail=1000 and lecturers and Euro2,150 per month for professors for a duration of 0014 one to three months. option allows scientists to obtain beamtime quickly, without going through the peer-review procedure beamtime/other-types-of-access/ These help researchers undertake the preliminary work required to apply ollowon/pathfinder/ for a follow-on grant. Grants are usually between £7,000 and £10,000 at 100 per cent full economic costing but may be worth up to £20,000. Not specified --- Euro6,450 --- Not specified --- £20,000 --- Not specified --- Not specified --- Not specified --- Not specified 01 Jun 14 £100,000 01 Jun 14 Deutscher Akademischer Research stays for university Austauschdienst - German academics and scientists Academic Exchange Service This offers scholarships for advanced research placements at the Not specified biotechnology centre in Penzberg, Germany. Funding includes a monthly allowance of €2,250, a supplementary family allowance, travel costs, insurance and a German language course. Scholarships have a duration of 12 months, with a possible extension of a further 12 months. Institut Laue Langevin Director's discretion time Natural Environment Research Council Follow-on fund pathfinder grants RadioNet3 Transnational access call Trees4Future Transnational access call VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research Transnational access call Diabetes UK Project grants Diabetes UK Equipment grant Smithsonian Institution Enid A Haupt fellowship in horticulture This aims to advance the knowledge and understanding of the roles and Not specified fellowship.html significance of horticulture in society and contribute to the ongoing dialogue in the field. The fellowship is full-time, in residence and available for six to 12 months. Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, This enables user groups from EU and associated states to access RadioNet3's telescopes and arrays in Europe. The use of telescopes and arrays are provided free of charge, including all technological and scientific support a well as training. Additionally, travel costs for one member of the research group may be reimbursed. This enables user groups from EU and associated states to access Trees4Future specialised research structures and facilities. The access is provided free of charge and may take the form of physical assess or remote access. For physical access, Trees4Future will contribute to travel and subsistence costs. This enables user groups to access Visionair's facilities from 23 partners in 12 different European countries. acilities include scientific visualisation dedicated devices, networked ultra-high definition displays and acquisition systems, virtual reality resources including CAVE-like displays, holographic displays and HMDs, and augmented collaborative environments. Free access will be provided as well as funding towards travel and hosting costs. These provide support for high-quality, diabetes-related research. Support may be provided for up to five years and there is no limit to research expenses that may be requested. This grant enables the purchase of a specific large item of multi-user equipment necessary for diabetes-related research projects. The maximum amount that may be requested is £100,000. Applications for less than £20,000 will not normally be considered under this scheme. 01-Oct-15 --- 15 May 14 Page 12 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Comments Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Humboldt research awards to http://www.humboldtEnable foreign scientists/scholars with internationally recognised outstanding scholars residing outside academic qualifications to conduct an original research project in close Germany collaboration with an appropriate colleague in Germany. All disciplines _id=6446 may be nominated. Nominations may be submitted by established academics in Germany. Alexander von Humboldt Humboldt research fellowship for Funding enables scientists and scholars from all disciplines and countries experienced researchers Foundation fellowship-experienced.html to conduct projects lasting for six to 18 months at a research institution in Germany. Funding is worth €2,450 per month, including a mobility lump sum and contribution towards health and liability insurance, plus an allowance for research costs of €800 per month for projects in the natural sciences and engineering or €500 per month for projects in the humanities and social sciences. Anglia Ruskin University Low Carbon Knowledge-East of Opportunity to apply knowledge and expertise to the challenge of carbon England-Partners, programme /low_carbon_keep/for_universities_.html reduction within small businesses. By participating you can support (KEEP): For Universities & Colleges strategic change and technological advances within organisations, increase the business relevance of your current research and teaching, and enhance your institution's low carbon credentials. The company partner must be based in the East of England. We strongly recommend you contact if you would like to apply to this call. Biotechnology and International Scientific Interchange The programme provides grants to help scientists make and establish Scheme: Long-Term and short-term tml Biological Sciences new contacts with their international counterparts. Financial support is Research Council (BBSRC) Travel Awards provided to contribute to fares and subsistence with a maximum grant of £5,000 for stays of up to one month. British Mass Spectrometry Equipment Bids The British Mass Spectrometry Society invites applications for its Society equipment bids. This scheme aims to assist researchers with the purchase of equipment or software to support their work in mass spectrometry. Carbon Trust Entrepreneurs fast track a package of expert advice, research and development funding technologies/help-develop-myand networking opportunities to the leading UK's low carbon technology start-ups. Supports commercial opportunities being developed within a technology/pages/default.aspx university that are not yet incorporated into a dedicated company, but where the assistance is intended to lead directly to commercial outcomes for the UK. Please contact if you would like to discuss the possibilities of this call further. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Flagship Visiting Fellowships Curie Institute Postdoctoral fellowship for foreign scientists Dana Foundation Clinical neuroscience research grant program Deutsche Max Kade Foundation fellowship Forschungsgemeinschaft - programme German Research Foundation These enable distinguished researchers to work in CSIRO in areas directly related to the work of a national research flagship. Flagship programme areas include: light metals; energy transformed; water for a healthy country; wealth from oceans; climate adaptation and niche manufacturing. at PhD students who are interested in pursuing a research project postdoctoral-researchers/young-postdoctoralin a laboratory of the institute's research division. The grant is determined according to the applicant's age and experience. Funding is awarded for researchers-00600 a period of one year renewable once. The program funds researchers to set up controlled clinical studies in patients with a specific brain disease, based on promising animal studies suggesting that a specific therapy either treated the condition or prevented it from getting worse. Grants are worth up to $300,000 payable over three years. To enable applicants from the fields of natural sciences and medicine to es/international_cooperation/max_kade/in_brief/in apply for a one-year research stay in the USA. Postdoctoral scientists and young researchers under the age of 45 with above-average dex.html qualifications who have proven themselves in their fields through several years of research are eligible to apply. ranging from £200,000 to £2 million, will be made to eligible guidance/funding-opportunities/3717/standardinstitutions to allow individuals or research teams to undertake research grants.aspx projects in subject areas falling within the ESRC remit. may be requested on any research application, with the exception guidance/funding-opportunities/14660/grant-linked- of future leaders scheme. Awards offer the student an opportunity to both studentships.aspx?utm_source=feedburner&utm_ develop their substantive research skills, alongside broader professional medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ESRCC development. Grants will meet the full 100 per cent cost of the normal urrentFundingOpportunities+%28ESRC+Current+ provision. Funding+Opportunities%29 Funding Available € 60,000 Deadline Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified £5,000 Not specified £5,000 Not specified £500,000 Not specified $100,000 Not specified € 55,200 Not specified $300,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified £2,000,000 Not specified Not specified Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Standard grants scheme Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Research grant linked studentships Not specified Not specified Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) ESRC-Austrian collaborative projects ESRC and the Austrian Science Fund announce a bilateral Not specified guidance/funding-opportunities/6078/esrc-austrian- agreement to facilitate collaborations between social scientists in the UK and Austria. Proposals may be submitted in any area of the social science-fund-fwf-bilateral-guidance.aspx sciences within the remit of both agencies. The scheme provides funding for standard research grants. Overseas university visits full-time ESRC studentship holders are eligible to apply for financial Not specified guidance/guidance/postgraduates/overseassupport for overseas institutional visits (OIVs) within their studentship period, to visit overseas universities or esteemed research organisations. visits.aspx Not specified Research Grants Not specified Not specified £30,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Covers salary, T&S and some technical effort Not specified Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) EMF Biological Research Trust Engineering and Physical Mathematical sciences small grants Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) matics/introduction/Pages/smallgrantscall.aspx Engineering and Physical Postdoctoral mobility mechanism Sciences Research Council grants (EPSRC) es/postdocmobility.aspx Engineering and Physical Discipline Hopping in Information and Sciences Research Council Communication Technologies - Open disciplinehopping.aspx Call (EPSRC) Applications for research on the possible biological effects of extremelylow-frequency electric and magnetic fields encountered in everyday life, and the relevance of any such effects to human health. The emphasis is on cell-based studies and the possible mechanisms by which EMFs may exert biological effects. These aim to enable researchers to develop new collaborations and study new techniques with recognised and established members of the community. The maximum value of grants made under this call is £30,000 full economic costs. The aim is to encourage the effective transfer into different research disciplines of knowledge gained by post doctoral research assistants working on existing EPSRC research grants and enhance the competencies and career opportunities of these researchers. Grants are for a period of 12 months. The awards will provide short-term support to pump prime new collaborations between researchers from core ICT fields with other disciplines or user fields, Non-ICT specialists can apply for funds to bring a technological perspective to their home discipline. These can be held to exchange ideas and expertise internationally, with the objective of exploring the possibility of more substantial future collaboration. It is preferred that a single UK applicant coordinate the UK side and submit a single standard research grant proposal to cover all the UK side's costs. Applicants should contact EPSRC before submitting an application Engineering and Physical Bilateral Research Workshops Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) ges/bilateralworkshops.aspx Engineering and Physical (Applied Research: original Sciences Research Council investigation undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge, directed (EPSRC) towards a specific practical aim or objective) Funding for a wide range of activities, including research projects, tro.aspx feasibility studies, instrument development, equipment, travel and collaboration, and long-term funding to develop or maintain critical mass. Research collaborations with other academic institutions, business or the public sector are welcolme. Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Not specified Covers travel Not specified and accommodatio n expenses of UK participants and core meeting costs, for UK meetings. Flexible Not specified funding, for any amount and any project duration required Page 13 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Comments Engineering and Physical Signposting of Research Areas Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) A number of research areas are now being signposted in engineering, Pages/default.aspx ICT and physics. Engineering list: synthetic biology, water engineering. ICT list: grand challenges in microelectronic design and silicon technology. Physics list: physics/life science interface. Nanoscience list: nanometrology ans nanotoxicology. Engineering and Physical New Materials Research Equipment Sciences Research Council Services: Open Access (EPSRC) EPSRC has announced an open call for access to new materials newmaterials.aspx research equipment services. Researchers can apply to use equipment at seven new services. These services provide free access at point of use to UK academic researchers. Engineering and Physical Mathematics Research Workshops Sciences Research Council and Symposia (EPSRC) EPSRC invites applications to conduct research workshops and ages/workshops.aspx symposia under its mathematical sciences programme. Funding aims primarily to stimulate research rather than training, although limited resources (less than 10 per cent of the total cost of the workshop) may be earmarked to support student attendance. The aim of the Food strand is to promote an understanding of the role of ml food in enhancing quality of life. They are interested in work that influences policy and practice across a range of food-related areas. They expect to support a mix of practical projects that have wide significance, and some research and policy based work. Short-term fellowships are established to advance molecular biology research by helping scientists to visit another laboratory with a view to applying a technique not available in the home laboratory. Esmee Fairbairn Foundation Food strand European Molecular Biology Short-Term Fellowships Organisation European Science Foundation Earthtime - the European contribution Grants should foster collaboration between European researchers short visit and exchange grants programmes/life-earth-and-environmentalworking on topics relevant to geochronology and stratigraphy. Each applicant should apply to stay outside their country of origin and priority sciences-lesc/current-esf-research-networkingwill be given to those early in their careers. Short visit grants over a programmes-in-life-earth-and-environmentalmaximum of two weeks. Exchange grants over a maximum of three sciences/earthtime-the-european-contributionmonths. earthtime-eu/grants/call-for-applications.html European Science Foundation Contact and symplectic topology short visit and exchange grants European Science Foundation Exploring the physics of small devices short visit and exchange grants European Science Foundation New trends and applications of the Casimir effect short visit and exchange grants European Science Foundation Common perspectives for cold atoms, semiconductor polaritons and nanoscience short visit and exchange grants Funding Deadline Available Flexible Not specified funding, for any amount and any project duration required Funding covers Not specified access to equipment, travel and accommodatio n Over £20,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Funding covers Not specified travel and subsistence costs € 4,100 Not specified These support visits by European researchers to conduct research in a € 5,300 European country outside their own. Short visit grants include a per diem of €85, plus actual travel expenses up to a maximum of €500, for up to 15 days. Exchange grants include a per diem of €57, plus actual travel costs of up to €500, for between 15 days and three months. Not specified These support visits by European researchers to European countries € 5,300 outside their own. Short visit grants provide a per diem of €85, plus actual travel costs up to €500, over a maximum of 15 days. Exchange grants provide a per diem of €57, plus actual travel costs up to €500, for between 15 days and three months. These support visits by European researchers to European countries € 5,300 outside their own. Short visit grants provide a per diem of €85, plus actual travel costs of up to €500, over a maximum of 15 days. Exchange grants provide a per diem of €57, plus actual travel costs of up to €500 for between 15 days and three months. Not specified New frontiers in millimetre/sub waves integrated dielectric programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciencesfocusing systems short visits and pesc/current-research-networkingexchange grants programmes/new-frontiers-in-millimetre-submillimetre-waves-integrated-dielectric-focusingsystems-newfocus/grants.html The aim is to develop further research fields of exciton/polariton condensates in semiconductor nanostructures, and that of cold atoms, promoting the collaboration of scientists who work in these fields, and to develop technological applications, linking these fields to nanotechnology. Funding is worth up to €85 per day plus €500 in travel expenses. Applicants should apply to stay in a country other than their country of origin and should plan to return to their institution of origin after the termination of the placement. Funding is worth up to €85 per day plus €500 for travel costs. € 10,100 Not specified € 10,100 Not specified European Science Foundation Magellan Workshops: Short Visit Grants European Science Foundation European child cohort network science meetings European Science Foundation Precision polymer materials science meetings The European Science Foundation invites applications for short visit A per diem Not specified grants under its Magellan workshop series. Funding enables researchers basis of 85 to attend workshops that address marine coring or drilling proposal euros plus development. actual travel expenses up to a maximum of 500 euros Not specified Not specified Funding will support workshops of 10 to 50 participants, conferences of more than 50 participants and schools of 30 to 150 participants on topics relevant to EUCCONET. Funding covers travel, meal and accommodation costs for all participants, plus 10 per cent local administrative costs. Not specified Not specified Grants support workshops of 10 to 50 participants, conferences of over 50 participants and schools of 30 to 150 participants on topics relating to precision polymer materials. Funds will primarily support the travel and accommodation costs of speakers and participants. European Science Foundation European Science Foundation European Science Foundation European Science Foundation European Science Foundation European Science Foundation networking programmes/physical and engineering sciences pesc/current research networking programmes/precision polymer materials p2m/science meetings.html Automata: from Mathematics to programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciencespesc/current-research-networkingprogrammes/automata-from-mathematics-toapplications-automatha.html Behavioural Ecology of Insect Short Visit and Exchange programmes/life-earth-and-environmentalGrants sciences-lesc/current-esf-research-networkingprogrammes-in-life-earth-and-environmentalsciences/behavioural-ecology-of-insectparasitoids-from-theoretical-approaches-to-fieldapplications-bepar/grants.html#c5709 Exploring the Physics of Small Devices Short Visit and Exchange Grants Harmonic and Complex Analysis and Applications Short Visit and programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciencesExchange Grants pesc/current-research-networkingprogrammes/harmonic-and-complex-analysis-andits-applications-hcaa/grants.html Highly Frustrated Magnetism Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, ESF invites applications for short visits and exchange grants under its automata: from mathematics to applications programme. The aim is to advance the theory of automata and increase its application to challenging scientific problems. Not specified Not specified Not specified The European Science Foundation invites applications for short visit and Varies exchange grants under its behavioural ecology of insect parasitoids: from depending on theoretical approaches to field applications programme. grant Not specified The European Science Foundation invites applications for its exploring the physics of small devices short visit and exchange grants. These support visits by European researchers to European countries outside their own. Varies depending on grant Not specified The European Science Foundation invites proposals for its harmonic and Varies complex analysis and its applications short visit and exchange grants. depending on These support visits by European researchers to European countries grant outside their own. Not specified ESF invites applications for short visits and exchange grants under its Varies highly frustrated magnetism programme. This project is a joint effort depending on between solid-state chemists, experimental and theoretical physicists to grant unveil novel quantum states and effects where frustration plays a leading role. Not specified Page 14 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme European Science Foundation Molecular Simulations in Biosystems ESF invites applications for short visit and exchange grants under its and Material Science Short Visit and programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciences- molecular simulations in biosystems and material science programme. Exchange Grants These support visits by European researchers to conduct research in a pesc/current-research-networkingprogrammes/molecular-simulations-in-biosystems- European country outside their own. and-material-science-simbioma/grants.html Funding Available Varies depending on grant Deadline European Science Foundation New Generation Of Organic Based The aim is to bring together the diverse research programmes across Photovoltaic Devices Short Visits and programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciences- Europe, leading to the development of a cohesive pan-European Exchange Grants research community targeting the development of innovative, low cost, pesc/current-research-networkingorganic based photovoltaic cells. programmes/new-generation-of-organic-basedphotovoltaic-devices-organisolar/grants.html Varies depending on grant Not specified European Science Foundation Ultrafast Structural Dynamics in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Material Science Short Visits and Exchange Grants Varies depending on grant Not specified Google Inc Google visiting faculty program Not specified James S McDonnell Foundation 21st Century Science Initiative Collaborative Activity Awards Leverhulme Trust International networks This program offers the opportunity for over 25 academics to visit Google Not specified from universities all over the world. Selected academics will work closely with Google’s research and engineering teams. The goal of this program is to benefit both the Google researchers and academics through information and ideas exchange. These awards are intended to initiate interdisciplinary discussions on Not specified problems or issues, to help launch interdisciplinary research networks, or to fund communities of researchers/practitioners dedicated to developing new methods, tools, and applications of basic research to applied problems. Collaborations enable a principal investigator based in the UK to lead a £125,000 research project where its successful completion depends on the participation of relevant overseas institutions. A significant research theme must be identified at the outset that requires for its successful treatment international collaboration between one or more UK universities and two or more overseas institutions, up to a maximum of seven institutions in total. Networks should be newly constituted collaborations. Medical Research Council (MRC) Industry collaboration awards Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Work shadow placements Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Oceans 2025/SOFI Support for Workshops to Widen Involvement in Strategic Marine Science North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) Collaborative linkage grant This funds collaborations between academia and industry which aim to /MICA/Specification/MRC005438 translate research into healthcare improvements. MRC welcomes both basic and applied research projects. This scheme provides opportunities for researchers to undertake a work dow.asp shadow placement with a partner organisation that is a relevant user of NERC research, such as a government department, public agency or charity. Funding is available to cover travel and subsistence costs, up to a maximum of £2,000. This support is targeted at workshops and similar events that link Oceans SOFI_Workshop.pdf 2025 activities at NERC-funded marine centres with those of the academic community and other stakeholders, including research users in the public, private and non-governmental sectors. These provide opportunities for collaboration on research projects to /grant_mechanisms/clg-nfa.htm members of research teams in universities or research institutions in countries of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and the Mediterranean dialogue. Amounts awarded are worth a maximum of €23,000. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) Networking infrastructure grants Oak Foundation Grants Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) Royal Academy of Engineering Preparatory access call Royal Academy of Engineering Senior Research Fellowships Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Particle Physics Visiting Researcher Grants Personal research chairs Smith Institute for Industrial Industrial mathematics internships Mathematics and System Engineering Smithsonian Institution Visiting scientist program South West of England Regional Development Agency Grants For Research And Development Technology Strategy Board Knowledge Transfer Partnerships University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Link ting_faculty.html Comments The European Science Foundation invites applications for short visits and exchange grants under its ultrafast structural dynamics in physics, chemistry, biology and material science programme. Funding supports visits by European researchers to European countries outside their own. Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified € 23,000 Not specified These promote local and international collaboration through the setting Not specified /grant_mechanisms/nig-nfa.htm up of links and networking capabilities. The stipend will range from €50 to €100 per month, depending on the technical qualifications of the expert, over two years. Address issues of global social and environmental concern, particularly Over $25,000 those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged. Grants are offered under the following programme areas: •environment climate change; •conservation of marine environment; •child abuse programme; •human rights.; •issues affecting women; •housing and homelessness; •learning disabilities; •special interest grants; •Denmark specific grants; •Zimbabwe specific grants. Not specified Not specified This enables researchers from across Europe to apply for time on the PRACE resources for the purposes of code scalability testing and code development and optimisation. These are full-time professorial appointments, in any area of engineering. s/default.htm The Chair holder (the Incumbent) is expected to develop and lead a prestigious research group, the members of which will be encouraged to publish the results of their research as widely as possible to gain international recognition both for themselves and for the group in which they are based. This scheme enables individuals with several years' postdoctoral or/default.htm research experience to progress in their chosen field. The academy aims to strengthen industrial/academic links through co-funding the appointments with industrial organisations, over periods of five years, to establish or enhance internationally renowned centres of excellence. Provides two thirds of the incumbent's gross salary for five years, with the academy providing the remaining third. Awards are made to meet the costs of visits by scientists or engineers of acknowledged standing to the applicant’s institution in connection with specific research projects supported by STFC in which the visitors are expert and/or to introduce new techniques/developments. Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified tal/site/ims/mechanisms/internships/;jsessionid=1 mnTLHTG4Kl5TnT8m4KfB1qy2yg5895dF13Jcqv GLG9TPBPzHT75!-1445998786!NONE £9,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified £500,000 Not specified £75,000 per year Not specified Not specified Not specified A way for companies and university research groups to develop strong working relationships, through engaging a dedicated postgraduate researcher to work on a specific project over a period of 3-6 months. Please contact if you would like to discuss the possibilities of this call further. http://saoThe purpose of this program is to expand the scholarly exchange of information in the areas of atomic and molecular physics; infrared, optical, radio and X-ray astronomy; planetary sciences; geophysics; solar and stellar physics; and theoretical astrophysics. These are open to existing small or medium sized enterprises. The /working_with_business/innovation_for_business/f agency offers the following types of R&D grants: proof of market projects; micro project grants; research projects; development projects; unding_for_innovation.aspx exceptional projects and exceptional research. Please contact if you would like to discuss the possibilities of this call further. Bristol has been invited to apply for more KTPs. 1-3 year projects that meet a strategic business need and recruit a postgrad/postdoc to work at the company. May follow a PhD or be at Masters level. Grants provide 67% (SMEs) or 50% (large companies) of costs. Please contact or if you would like to discuss the possibilities of this call further. High Altitude Observatory short-term These appointments are available to both new and already established scientific visitors appointments PhD scientists who are interested in the opportunity to participate in theoretical, experimental, observational, and interpretive studies in solar physics, solar-terrestrial physics, and related astrophysics. Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Page 15 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link University Corporation for Atmospheric Research High Altitude Observatory Scientific Visitors Program Comments Funding Deadline Available Appointees will be expected to pursue research in collaboration with Travel support Not specified php members of the scientific staff and other long-term visitors in these areas. Visitors will have access to the HAO linux/unix computers, NCAR super computer system, and the HAO and NCAR libraries and data archives. Projects must address an unmet need in healthcare or in applied medical Not specified Not specified transfer/Awards/Strategic-Translation-Awards/ research, offer a potential new solution, and have a realistic expectation that the innovation will be developed further by the market. Awards will normally be for periods of two to three years. Please contact if you would like to discuss the possibilities of this call further. fellowship offers young forestry and forest products professionals $12,000 Not specified fellowship.html the opportunity to work at the World Forest Institute for six to twelve months. Fellows receive $1000 per month to cover basic living expenses. Wellcome Trust Strategic Translation Awards World Forestry Center World Forest Institute international fellowship program Alpro Foundation Research grants These support innovative projects in the field of plant-based nutrition and € 225,000 its impact on human health. Applicants should hold a Master in Science degree or equivalent. Awards are over a maximum of 3 years. Not specified European Science Foundation Thermal adaptation in ectotherms linking life history, physiological, behaviour and genetics science meetings Grants support workshops, meetings and training courses in this field. Priority will be given to meetings taking place in countries that support the programme. Funding should principally be used to cover travel and accommodation costs for speakers and participants, and should not be used to support more than 10 per cent of speakers from non-ESF member countries. Not specified National Geographic Society National Geographic Society/Waitt grants The program helps individuals launch the search stage of a project. $15000 Grants are for exploratory fieldwork that holds promise for new breakthroughs in the natural and social sciences. Grants are made to explorers and scientists in research fields such as biology, anthropology, and the geosciences who are working across disciplines. Not specified National Geographic Society Expeditions Council grants A grant program dedicated to funding exploration of largely unrecorded or $35000 little-known areas of the Earth, as well as regions undergoing significant environmental or cultural change. Grants support a wide range of projects including marine research, archaeological discoveries, documentation of vanishing rain forests, first ascents, and more. Not specified National Geographic Society Conservation trust grants Not specified National Geographic Society Committee for research and exploration grants The trust will fund projects that contribute significantly to the preservation US$20,000 and sustainable use of the Earth's biological, cultural, and historical resources. Grant amounts vary greatly with most ranging from US$15,000 to US$20,000. US$20,000 All proposed projects must have both a geographical dimension and relevance to other scientific fields and be of broad scientific interest. Applications are generally limited to the following disciplines: anthropology, archaeology, astronomy, biology, botany, geography, geology, oceanography, paleontology, and zoology. Not specified Not specified In addition the committee is emphasizing multidisciplinary projects that address environmental issues (e.g., loss of biodiversity and habitat, effects of human-population pressures). Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Connect A scheme Oriental Bird Club Major conservation awards Oriental Bird Club Special and emergency awards Science and Technology Facilities Council PATT standard travel and subsistence grants European Research Council European Starting Grants 2015 Engineering and Physical Experimental Equipment Call Sciences Research Council National Centre for the Highlight announcement: Advancing Replacement, Refinement the development and application of and Reduction of Animals in non-animal technologies Research (NC3R's) Engineering and Physical Visiting researchers grants Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Most grants range from US$15,000 to US$20,000. The Connect A scheme facilitates and promotes new partnerships p between universities and research institutes and public/private sector science users, such as industry, business, commerce or public sector agencies. Please contact if you would like to discuss the possibilities of this call further. These awards are for projects involving threatened bird species and their grant.html habitats or for raising conservation awareness. Funding of up to £2,000 each year for three to five years is available. These awards are given in recognition that sometimes work needs to be grant.html initiated quickly, that a follow-on of a previously awarded OBC or other grant is needed or as funding for special projects, such as producing books or training materials. These grants cover the costs of observing trips to recognised telescopes, including the council telescopes. Observers may apply for three months standard grant funding. notice: ERC Starting Grants are intended to enable exceptional researchers between 2 and 7 years from PhD completion to become fully independent research leaders. They are particularly intended to enable the researcher to create or strengthen their own independent research team. Internal process: Applicants are required to complete a brief University stage application form for internal review, available on the RED website. If you plan to make an application or would like advice, please contact or EPSRC has launched a call for refreshing and updating experimental ies/majorequipment in universities. A total of £50M is available to support around 20 awards. This funding is available for all research areas in EPSRC's bids/majorbidscurrent.html#epsrcee2014 remit. Only capital funding is available from this call, associated running costs and other resources will need to be met by the institution. There is a major bids process in place for this call. For further information about the call or the internal process please contact Intention to submit deadline: 21 October 2014 to £4,000 Not specified £10,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified 04 -Nov-14 Internal Deadline Not specified 5-Nov-14 9-Dec-14 In advance of the formal announcement later in the year, we would like to N/A let you know that £4 million of funding is to be invested into feasibility studies to advance the development and application of non-animal technologies. The competition is funded jointly by the TSB, NC3Rs, BBSRC, EPSRC and DSTL. Building on the output of workshops held by the TSB and the NC3Rs earlier this year, a key aim of the funding is to harness the commercial potential of technologies in this area. The TSB and the NC3Rs are holding networking events in Cardiff on January 22 to highlight the scope of the competition and facilitate consortia building. See the website to register. These provide funding for scientists and engineers of acknowledged ges/visitingresearchers.aspx standing, either from within the UK or abroad, to visit the hosting investigator's organisation. Applications must be submitted by the UK host organisation to which the grant will be made. Funding is limited to 12 months per individual. Biotechnology and International scientific interchange This enables scientists to add an international dimension to their BBSRCscheme Biological Sciences l funded research by making and establishing new contacts with Research Council international counterparts. There is no set deadline for this call but candidates must apply at least 6 weeks before travel. Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, 21-Oct-14 N/A Funding covers salary costs and travel subsistence No closing date, applications can be submitted at any time £5,000 No deadline Page 16 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Engineering and Physical First grant scheme Sciences Research Council Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Network Transnational access call Alcoa Foundation Sustainability project grants Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Humboldt research fellowships for postdoctoral researchers Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Humboldt research fellowship for experienced researchers Arts and Humanities Research Council Follow-on funding for impact and engagement scheme Autism Speaks Suzanne and Bob Wright trailblazer award programme Autism Speaks Suzanne and Bob Wright trailblazer award programme BBSRC NERC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds British Cave Research Association Link Comments This helps new academics apply for research funding at the start of their newac/firstgrant/ careers. Academics who have had non-typical or part-time working patterns and whose return to academic life will be enhanced by grants are welcome to apply. Grants cover 80 per cent of full economic costs up to a maximum of £100,000 over two years. This enables user groups and researchers to access research facilities 628/language/en-GB/Default.aspx within remote sensing of the vertical aerosol distribution, measurements of the in-situ chemical, physical and optical properties of aerosols, measurements of atmospheric trace gases and clouds and aerosol quality-controlled observations. The support to users include administrative and logistical support, free use of the infrastructure, technical and scientific support and specific training. Grants are available in four different areas of focus; environment, tion/info_page/about_working_foundation.asp empowerment, education and sustainable design. BASIC ELIGIBILITY: Programs or rganizations must serve communities where Alcoa has operating plants or offices (there are 8 in the UK). Will not fund: Trips, conferences, seminars, festivals, one-day events, unless they are a part of an approved program activity Funding Available £100,000 Deadline Not specified Not specified Minimum $15,000 Not Specified No deadline candidates can apply at any time (if eligible) These enable scholars of all nationalities and disciplines to conduct Not specified research at a laboratory of their choice in Germany for a period of six to 24 months. The fellowship is worth EURO 2,650 per month, plus a research allowance of up to EURO 800 per month. Travel costs, a language fellowship, family allowances and a Europe allowance are also available. This enables scientists and scholars from all disciplines and countries to Not specified fellowship-experienced.html conduct projects lasting for six to 18 months at a research institution in Germany. Funding is worth EURO 3,150 per month, including a mobility lump sum and contribution towards health and liability insurance, plus an allowance for research costs of EURO 800 per month for projects in the natural sciences and engineering or EURO 500 per month for projects in the humanities and social sciences. Not specified £100,000 Not specified $100,000 Not specified The scheme provides funding for innovative and creative engagements with new audiences and user communities which stimulate pathways to impact. Awards will be worth up to £100,000 over a maximum of 12 months. Awards support highly novel research relevant to autism that can open ants/open_grants_how_to_apply.php new avenues to understanding the causes, diagnosis, subtyping, prevention, treatments and cure of autism spectrum disorders. Awards worth up to US$100,000 over a maximum of 12 months. Not specified These awards will support highly novel research relevant to autism that $100,000 ants/open_grants_how_to_apply.php can open new avenues to understanding the causes, diagnosis, subtyping, prevention, treatments and cure of autism spectrum disorders. Awards are limited to a period of 12 months and an amount up to US$100,000. Call for Multidisciplinary Proposals in Highlight notice Not Specified Sustainable Aquaculture: health, We, together with Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), are 014/joint-nerc-fish-health-disease.aspx disease, and the environment. pleased to announce that a Sustainable Aquaculture call will be published in September for collaborative proposals to support aquaculture related research, where aquaculture is the farming or cultivation of organisms such as fin-fish, molluscs and crustaceans. BBSRC and NERC have each committed £2.5M to this call for proposals. The four objectives of the Sustainable Aquaculture call are to: - Deliver bioscience and environmental science research projects that address one, or more, of the seven priorities for aquaculture research. - Build capacity by drawing in new researchers to the aquaculture sector (e.g. epidemiology, immunology, gut health, remote sensing, human health, and physical and ecosystem modellers) to work in collaboration with aquaculture researchers. - Expand the uptake and development of novel tools, methods, and technologies -Encourage multidisciplinary, systems science and cross council approaches Not specified FAPESP pump-priming awards £35,000 Not specified £5,000 Not specified £2,000 Not specified £20,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Up to £25,000 Not Specified These aim to provide short-term pump-priming to new collaborations g/fapesp-pump-priming.aspx between BBSRC-funded research groups in the UK and Brazilian research groups in São Paulo state. Awards are worth up to £35,000 for a period of two years. International scientific interchange This aims to help scientists add an international dimension to their scheme l BBSRC-funded research by making and establishing new contacts with international counterparts. Funding is limited to travel and subsistence costs, and does not usually exceed £5,000. Knowledge exchange and This initiative provides funding and support for events that aim to commercialisation seminars n/kec-seminars.aspx discuss, improve awareness and enable the sharing of best practice as to how knowledge exchange and commercialisation can benefit the economy and society. The council will contribute up to £2,000 towards reasonable costs. If you are interested in applying for this call, please contact Andrew Wray ( Follow-on funding pathfinder scheme This enables potential follow-on funding applicants to carry out n/follow-on-pathfinder.aspx preliminary commercial activities to develop a clearer understanding of the commercial potential of the outputs of a research grant and to assist with the development of a full follow-on funding application. Funding will be in the region of £7,000 to £10,000 for a maximum duration of six months. If you are interested in applying for this call, please contact Sue Sundstrom ( Travel grants help junior researchers pursue experimental projects in basic bin/ biomedicine. Grants are awarded for visits of up to three months to cover the expenses for travel, lodging and course fees. Guidance in employers age The objective is to raise interest in caves and to further the management strategies - supporting understanding of them and the technology employed to enter and explore longer working lives of older workers them. The budget is £25,000 over a period of five years. Not Specified British Heart Foundation New horizons programme grants These encourage scientists from outside traditional cardiovascular £300,000 als/apply_for_research_grants/grant_types__guid biology to engage in cardiovascular research. Grants are worth up to £300,000 for a period of up to three years and cover staff salaries elines/new_horizons_programmes.aspx excluding PhD students, research consumables and essential equipment. Not specified British Society for Plant Pathology Junior fellowships £3,000 Not specified British Society for Plant Pathology Promotion fund £2,000 Not specified British Society for Plant Pathology Senior fellowships £5,000 Not specified Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, These provide full or partial support of working visits of at least one month to laboratories other than the applicant's own in the field of plant pathology. Funding is available for projects that have as their aim the stimulation of interest in, and knowledge and awareness of, plant pathology to people who do not normally come into contact with the subject. These support working visits of one to three months away from the applicant's normal place of work or part-fund longer visits in the field of plant pathology. Page 17 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Infrastructure and energy for a sustainable future grants Chemical Heritage Foundation Research travel grants Citizen Science Alliance Citizen science projects Link Comments Funding Available These promote infrastructure and energy investments that contribute to Not specified vironment/InternationalFinance sustainable development. Funding for unsolicited proposals is limited throughout the program and those interested in applying are strongly encouraged to submit initial letters of inquiry instead of full proposals. The medium grant size is US$100,000 and the majority of grants range between U$15,000 and US$25,000 annually. These grants cover travel and accommodation expenses for researchers $ 1500 and-travel-grants/beckman-centerwho wish to use the collections for short-term research (periods of one to two weeks). The center houses resources in the history of the chemical fellowships/travel-grants.aspx and molecular sciences. Travel grants are US$750 per week and are intended to help defray the costs of travel and accommodation. Deadline Not specified Not specified Proposals are invited from researchers who wish to develop citizen Not specified ml science projects that take advantage of the experience, tools and community of the Zooniverse. The goal of the Zooniverse is to enable researchers to engage with a large community of volunteers, in order to produce results that would otherwise be impossible or impractical to achieve. Fellowships Fellowships are normally undertaken on a part-time basis in a university Not specified or research establishment in the UK. They are flexible and include a tailored training programme to update the skills and knowledge of the scientists, engineers and technologists, allowing them to return at the appropriate level to their career break. Fellowships last for two years and cover a salary with a small additional allowance for expenses such as conference attendance. The Materials and Structures Science The MAST STC recognises that technical Not specified and Technology Centre (MAST STC) hnologycentre advancements in the ability to engineer micro- and nano-materials and structures means it is becoming increasingly possible to model, design and construct materials with unique properties.Potential suppliers should consider the wide range of platform types, structures, equipment and devices used by the military, including futuristic nano-unmanned vehicles, large ships, land vehicles and aircraft. Structures range from tents to large deployable operating bases, as well as headquarters, and equipment types range from radios to weapons and to clothing. Not specified Department of Energy (DOE) ORNL advanced short-term research opportunity Not specified Not specified Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) postdoctoral research associates Not specified Not specified Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced short-term research opportunity at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory This program provides opportunities to conduct research in areas that Not Specified support ORNL missions in the basic and applied sciences, energy, and the environment. You will gain exposure to current national issues in science and technology, have an opportunity to share and exchange innovative ideas and techniques, and make significant contributions to ORNL programs. The monthly stipend is based on research areas and experience. Eligibility: Qualified to MSc or PhD level. Participants who are foreign nationals must receive approval and clearance from the U.S. Department of Energy. Participants are also required to have coverage under a health insurance plan and provide proof of such coverage. Not Specified Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory postdoctoral research associates Associates may participate in research in a broad range of science and Not Specified engineering activities related to basic sciences, energy, and the environment. You will gain exposure to current national issues in science and technology, have an opportunity to share and exchange innovative ideas and techniques, and make significant contributions to ORNL programs Eligibilty: Applicants should be recent doctoral degree recipients or expect to complete all requirements before starting their appointments. Not Specified Department of Energy and Climate Change Offshore wind component development and carbon-technologies-opportunities-for-bidders demonstration scheme - third call for proposals £4,000,000 Not specified Economic and Social Research Council Pilot urgency grants mechanism The aim of this call is to reduce the cost of offshore wind energy by accelerating the commercialisation of devices and component technologies for offshore wind systems. Awards are expected to be between £250,000 and £4m in size, and between two and six awards will be made. seeks to respond to urgent events, where there is a strong case for guidance/funding-opportunities/27006/urgencyimmediate research (NB EOIs need to be submitted no more than 4 weeks after the 'event'). Grants are worth up to £200,000 at 100 per cent grants-mechanism.aspx full economic cost for up to 24 months. Grundtvig visits and exchanges aim to improve the quality of adult learning by enabling present or future staff working in this field to undertake a work related visit to a country participating in the lifelong learning programme. Preparatory visits are available under all sectoral programmes and facilitate preparation for one of the lifelong learning activities. The overall budget for the 2012 call of the lifelong learning programme is €1.14 million. This programme aims to advance research in innovative approaches to scientific indicators and metrics development by providing collaborative infrastructure and funding. The trust promotes research on the biological effects of extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields and related matters. Project grants may be given for up to three years and programme grants for up to five years. The trust promotes research on the biological effects of extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields and related matters. Project grants may be for up to three years and programme grants for up to five years. £200,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Engineering and Physical Fellowships Sciences Research Council wships/ Not specified Not specified Engineering and Physical Transforming approaches to Sciences Research Council improving hearing aid technology Highlight notice A future call, planned for mid-late September, will encourage hearingaidtechnology/ Not Specified Not Specified Daphne Jackson Trust Defence Science & Technology Laboratory Education, Audiovisual and Grundtvig visits and exchanges and preparatory visits Culture Executive Agency Elsevier Metrics development programme EMF Biological Research Trust Research grants EMF Biological Research Trust Research grants Engineering and Physical Network grants Sciences Research Council This scheme offers challenging opportunities to recent recipients of master's and doctoral degrees to conduct research in areas that support the ORNL's missions in the basic and applied sciences, energy and environment. Appointments are for periods between one and nine months and include a competitive monthly stipend. This scheme offers challenging opportunities to recent recipients of doctoral degrees to conduct research in areas that support the ORNL's missions in the basic and applied sciences, energy and environment. These aim to develop the next generation of researchers with the greatest potential across different career stages. Fellowships are available at the postdoctoral, early career and established career level. Faculty of Science & Engineering If you are interested in applying for an EPSRC fellowships please contact Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Physical and Mathematical Sciences researchers to develop disruptive technologies for use in hearing aid devices. The aim of these networks is to create new interdisciplinary research Not specified works/Pages/grants.aspx communities and topics by developing interaction between the research community and appropriate science, technology and industrial groups. Funding for a maximum of three years is provided to cover the operating and support costs of a network. Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Not specified Not specified Not specified Page 18 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Comments Funding Available Engineering and Physical Discipline hopping in information and This aims to provide researchers with an opportunity to spend time in a Not specified Sciences Research Council communication technologies disciplinehopping.aspx new and different research or user environment. Funding may cover 80 per cent of the cost of the PI salary, travel and subsistence, some technical effort or the costs of an academic in the host location. Projects should be between three and 12 months in duration, although part-time awards may be awarded for up to 24 months. Engineering and Physical eFuturesXD travel award This allows researchers from one information and communications £5,000 Sciences Research Council technology discipline to spend a short time in a different institute or two researchers to spend time in each other's institutions. The award is worth up to £5,000 for visits or exchanges lasting no longer than one month. Deadline Engineering and Physical eFuturesXD facility award Sciences Research Council £20,000 Not specified Engineering and Physical eFuturesXD meeting award Sciences Research Council £10,000 Not specified Engineering and Physical Research base funding Sciences Research Council tro.aspx Not Specified Not Specified Engineering and Physical EPSRC-DST Indo-UK initiative Sciences Research Council dstindoukinitiative.aspx Not specified Not specified Engineering and Physical Overseas travel grants Sciences Research Council gs.aspx Not specified Not specified Engineering and Physical Manufacturing the future: call for Sciences Research Council investigator-led research projects nvestigatorledresearchprojects.aspx Not specified Not specified Engineering and Physical First grant scheme Sciences Research Council ages/scheme.aspx £125,000 Not specified Engineering and Physical Programme grants Sciences Research Council ogramme/Pages/default.aspx Not specified Not specified Engineering and Physical Research equipment services Sciences Research Council newmaterials.aspx Not specified Not specified Engineering and Physical eFuturesXD travel award Sciences Research Council The aim of this award is to allow researchers from one ICT discipline to £5,000 spend a short time in a different institute, or for two researchers to spend time in each other's institutions. The maximum award is £5,000. Not specified Engineering and Physical eFuturesXD staff award Sciences Research Council This is for carrying out larger scoping or proof-of-concept studies that £60,000 require dedicated staff to carry out specific experiments or an extended visit to a laboratory in order to be immersed in another discipline. Staff awards are primarily aimed at small teams of researchers from two or more disciplines who wish to carry out key experiments or measurements to confirm an initial hypothesis. Awards are worth up to £60,000. Not specified Engineering and Physical eFuturesXD meeting award Sciences Research Council Engineering and Physical Bilateral research workshops Sciences Research Council Engineering and Physical Network grants Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Engineering and Physical Travel award Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Link This is for researchers who have a current or recent cross-disciplinary project and require additional resources to take their idea towards commercialisation or follow-on funding to bridge the gap. The award is worth up to £20,000. This is intended to facilitate the building of larger research consortia comprising researchers from a number of departments and institutions across the portfolio of information and communications technology. The award is worth up to £10,000. This funding is very flexible, with supported projects ranging from small travel grants to multi-million-pound research programmes. Grants have no limit on value or length. Proposals for workshops in rapidly developing and newly emerging areas of mathematics, where there is a need to evaluate new developments quickly, are particularly welcome. Funds will usually be available for travel and subsistence for about 35 people for one week. Funding for a meeting in 2011 was approximately £21,700. These enable individuals to visit recognised non-UK centres to study new techniques and to travel from the UK to start or develop international collaborations. There is no limit on the funding amount or length of the grant. In addition to travel and subsistence, the principal investigator can request funds to cover their salary and indirect costs. The aim of the theme is to take research from the UK's science and engineering base that addresses issues of scaling up processes and products required for manufacturing impact. First grants as well as standard research proposals are invited under this call. The total budget is £5 million. This scheme helps new academics apply for research funding at the start of their careers. Grants are worth up to £125,000 for a maximum period of two years. Please contact Jenny ( if you are interested in applying for an EPSRC First Grant. The scheme provides grants to world-leading research groups to address significant research challenges. Grants are intended to support a suite of related research activities focusing on one strategic theme. Applicants must discuss their suitability for programme grant funding with an identified EPSRC contact before submitting an outline application. Grants can be awarded for a duration of up to six years. Researchers from UK higher education institutions can apply to use equipment at several new services. These provide free access at point of use to UK academic researchers, including travel and accommodation. These support events specifically aimed at building a research consortium comprising researchers from a number of departments and institutions across the information and communication technology portfolio. The maximum award available is £10,000. These workshops can be held to exchange ideas and expertise ges/bilateralworkshops.aspx internationally, with the objective of exploring the possibility of more substantial future collaboration. Funding covers travel and accommodation expenses of UK participants and, for meetings in the UK, core meeting costs. The aim of these networks is to create new interdisciplinary research works/Pages/intro.aspx communities and topics by developing interaction between the research community and appropriate science, technology and industrial groups. Funding for a maximum of three years is provided to cover the operating and support costs of a network. The award is aimed at electronics researchers and is to allow researchers from one discipline related to information and communications technology a chance to spend a short time in a different institute or for two researchers to spend time in each others institutions. . Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified £5,000 Not Specified Engineering and Physical Facility award Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Engineering and Physical Staff award Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Engineering and Physical First grant scheme Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) This scheme helps new academics apply for research funding at the start £125,000 grant/Pages/default.aspx of their careers. Grants are worth up to £125,000 for a maximum period of two years. If you are interested in applying for this call and would like any help or further information, please contact Jenny Jennings ( The scheme provides grants to world-leading research groups to address Not Specified ogramme/Pages/default.aspx significant research challenges. Grants are intended to support a suite of related research activities focusing on one strategic theme. Grants may be up to six years in duration. This funding is very flexible, with supported projects ranging from small Not specified tro.aspx value, short-term grants to multi-million pound research programmes. The majority of proposed research should be within the areas of engineering and the physical sciences. Grants have no limit on value or length. Engineering and Physical Research base funding Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Not specified £10,000 Engineering and Physical Meeting award Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Engineering and Physical Programme grants Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Not specified These support events specifically aimed at building a research £10,000 consortium comprising researchers from a number of departments and institutions across the information and communication technology portfolio. This award is for the use of expensive characterisation facilities such as £20,000 microscopy, fabrication of novel structures using clean rooms or the manufacture of test chips using practice. Facilities can be outside the UK if appropriate. This award is aimed at electronics researchers and is for carrying out £60,000 larger scoping or proof of concept studies which require dedicated staff to carry out specific tasks (experiments) or an extended visit to a laboratory in order to be immersed in another discipline. Staff awards are primarily aimed at small teams of researchers from two or more disciplines who wish to carry out key experiments or measurements to confirm an initial hypothesis. Awards are worth up to £60,000. Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not specified Not Specified Not Specified Page 19 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Comments Engineering and Physical Network grants Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) The aim of these networks is to create new interdisciplinary research works/Pages/intro.aspx communities and topics by developing interaction between the research community and appropriate science, technology and industrial groups. Funding for a maximum of three years is provided to cover the operating and support costs of a network. Requests may include the investigators' salaries, travel and subsistence, and administrative support. Eureka User access call for proposals Funding Available Not Specified Investigators from research and industry alike may apply to gain fee-free Not specified access to one or more of 37 micro- and nanotechnology fabrication and characterisation installations across Europe. European Molecular Biology Short-term fellowships These enable scientists to visit laboratories in Europe and elsewhere in Organisation the world in order to facilitate valuable collaborations with research short-term.html Not specified groups applying techniques that are unavailable in the applicant's laboratory. Fellowships cover travel plus subsistence for visits of one week to three months. European Science Precision polymer materials science Grants support workshops of 10 to 50 participants, conferences of over Not specified meetings Foundation programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciences- 50 participants and schools of 30 to 150 participants on topics relating to precision polymer materials. Funds will primarily support the travel and pesc/current-research-networkingaccommodation costs of speakers and participants. programmes/precision-polymer-materialsp2m/science-meetings.html European Science Quantitative models of cellular and Work must be related to the quantitative models of cellular and Not specified developmental biology short visit Foundation programmes/life-earth-and-environmentaldevelopmental biology programme. Grants are directed mainly at senior grants researchers, and the stay must be in a country other than the country of sciences-lesc/current-esf-research-networkingorigin. Preference will be given to countries that financially support the programmes-in-life-earth-and-environmentalprogramme. Visits last for up to 15 days. sciences/quantitative-models-of-cellular-anddevelopmental-biology-quantissue/grants/grantsdetails.html#c85014 European Science Evolution of social cognition: These enable pre- and postdoctoral students to undertake intensive Not specified comparisons and integration across a ontent&view=article&id=57&Itemid=54 Foundation research training over the course of a one-week lab visit. CompCog wide range of human and non-human supports 10 lab visits, covering the costs for six students participating in animal species lab visits each visit. European Science Earthtime - the European contribution Grants should foster collaboration between European researchers € 4,100.00 short visit and exchange grants Foundation programmes/life-earth-and-environmentalworking on topics relevant to geochronology and stratigraphy. Short visit grants provide € 85 per day over a maximum of two weeks. Exchange sciences-lesc/current-esf-research-networkinggrants provide € 400 per week over a maximum of three months. Both programmes-in-life-earth-and-environmentalawards provide actual travel expenses, worth up to € 500. sciences/earthtime-the-european-contributionearthtime-eu/grants/call-for-applications.html European Science Foundation Interactions of low-dimensional topology and geometry with mathematical physics short visit and exchange grants European Science Foundation European child cohort network short visit and exchange grants European Science Foundation Quantum spin coherence and electronics short visit and exchange grants European Science Foundation New physics of compact stars short visit and exchange grants European Soft Matter Infrastructure project Call for access European Space Agency Initiative for ESA telecom newcomers This supports small and medium-sized companies through the early stages of research and the development of services for the satcom ex.cfm?fobjectid=183 market. Grants are worth up to €200,000 depending on the home country of the applicant. Artes 3-4 products call Funding supports the development, qualification and demonstration of products such as a piece of equipment for the platform or payload of a ex.cfm?fobjectid=29256 satellite, a user terminal or a full telecom system integrating a network with its respective space segment. Funding will cover up to 50 per cent of eligible costs. Artes 5.2 non-competitive industry This supports, through co-funding, the development of new technologies, initiated call techniques and system concepts in the area of satellite communication. ex.cfm?fobjectid=29645 Funding will cover up to 75 per cent of eligible costs. Artes 3-4 products call Funding supports the development, qualification and demonstration of m?fobjectid=29256 products such as a piece of equipment, the platform or payload of a satellite or a full telecom system integrating a network with its respective space segment. Alternatively, study proposals may be submitted, requesting up to EURO 250,000. Funding under this call will cover up to 50 per cent of eligible costs. Artes 5.2 non-competitive industry This supports, through co-funding, the development of new technologies, initiated call m?fobjectid=29645 techniques and system concepts in the area of satellite communication. Funding will cover up to 75 per cent of eligible costs. Transnational access call This enables researchers and user groups from EU member states and eer-call associated countries to access one or several of the 33 ExpeER (Experimentation in Ecosystem Research) research sites and facilities promoting observational, experimental, analytical, and modelling approaches in ecosystem research. As well as free access, ExpeER will contribute to travel, accommodation and operational costs. Only one person will be reimbursed for each visit. Grants for postgraduate and These aim to bring together postgraduate students or junior postdoctoral postdoctoral workshops postdoctoral-workshop-grants researchers, within two years of their PhD, who are working on a particular topic or wish to learn about a particular technique. The maximum grant for a one-day meeting will normally be £1,200 and for a two-day workshop £2,500 and to be organised by a more senior researcher, who need not be a member of the EPS.. Research grants These are for research projects that improve the understanding of transition and the welfare support provided to service men, women, veterans and their families. European Space Agency European Space Agency European Space Agency European Space Agency ExpeER (Experimentation in Ecosystem Research) Experimental Psychology Society Forces in Mind Trust Research should address the interactions between topology and programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciences- geometry within various fields. Short visit grants include a per diem of €85 over a maximum of 15 days. Exchange grants include a per diem of pesc/current-research-networking€57 over a maximum of three months. Grants also include actual travel programmes/interactions-of-low-dimensionaltopology-and-geometry-with-mathematical-physics- costs, up to a maximum of €500. itgp.html These enable pre- and postdoctoral researchers to apply to stay in a country outside their own. Short visit grants provide € 85 per day over a maximum of 15 days, while exchange grants provide € 57 per day over 15 days to six months. Travel expenses worth up to € 500 are reimbursed for both awards. QspiCE aims at improving the manipulation and the control of the programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciences- electron or hole spin in nanostructures and at analysing and harnessing the various mechanisms leading to relaxation and decoherence of spin in pesc/current-research-networkingnanoscale objects. Short visit grants provide € 85 per day over a programmes/quantum-spin-coherence-andmaximum of 15 days, while exchange grants provide € 57 per day over electronics/grants.html 15 days to six months. Travel expenses worth up to € 500 are reimbursed for both awards. Projects will combine disciplines relating to astronuclear physics and the programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciences- physics of compact stars. Short visit grants include a per diem of €85 over a maximum of 15 days. Exchange grants include a per diem of €57 pesc/current-research-networkingover a maximum of six months. Grants also include actual travel costs, programmes/the-new-physics-of-compact-starscompstar/grants.html up to a maximum of €500. This enables user groups to access the ESMI infrastructure, based in Europe. ESMI offers the most important experimental and synthesis techniques and combines world-class infrastructures with cutting edge scientific expertise through a sophisticated networking programme. The anticipated JRA will further improve the existing infrastructure. Computer simulations being of increasing importance for the understanding and prediction of complex materials. Together with a platform for disseminating the results and educating a new generation of young soft matter scientists, ESMI represents an important added value to the European Research Area in nanoscience, nanotechnology and materials science. The ESMI infrastructure is available free of charge, and funding may be provided for cover of travel, accommodation and subsistence costs for up to two members of the user group. Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Deadline Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified € 5,744 Not specified € 10,100 Not specified € 10,100.00 Not specified € 10,988 Not specified Not specified Not specified €200,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified £2,500 Not specified Not specified Not specified Page 20 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Found Animals Michelson grants in reproductive biology Guarantors of Brain Salary support for trainee neurologists Higher Education Funding Council for England Catalyst fund Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Small grant scheme Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy Transnational access call Integrated Network on Climate Research on Shrubland Ecosystems Call for transnational access Integrated Network on Climate Research on Shrubland Ecosystems Call for transnational access International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Sponsorship of meetings and workshops International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC project funding James S McDonnell Foundation Collaborative activity awards James S McDonnell Foundation 21st century science initiative collaborative activity awards Comments Funding Available The foundation seeks proposals for up to US$250,000 per year for up to $750000 three years of funding in pursuit of a single dose, lifetime non-surgical sterilisation product or technology for use in male and female dogs and cats that also ablates sex steroids or their action. This scheme supports young clinicians intending to pursue careers in Not specified nt=info neurology who wish to combine clinical training with research. Bursaries last up to three years. This will help deliver strategic aims for higher education across research, Not specified teaching and knowledge exchange in the new fees and funding system. HEFCE will commit up to £45 million in annual funding. If you are interested in applying for this call, please discuss with your Faculty Dean in the first instance. Deadline The scheme aims to facilitate research activity in all areas of applicable nts/small_grant_scheme.cfm mathematics. Grants are worth up to £600. Applicants who wish to organise a conference with a mathematical theme may apply for grants of up to £1,200. This provides access to major national neutron and muon sources in Europe. Facilities are available in Germany, Hungary, UK, France, Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Funding provides free access, as well as support for travel and subsistence expenses for one young scientist per experiment. It is also possible to obtain funding to send samples and subsequently receive the data without a visit to the facility. This enables user groups from EU member states and associated _proposals/ countries to access Increase's sites in Denmark, the UK, Hungary, the Netherlands and Italy. The infrastructure consist of field-scale climate manipulation facilities for research of climate change effects on terrestrial ecosystems. As well as free access, Increase will also cover core measurements, technical support and travel funds relating to visits by users. http://www.increaseThis enables user groups from EU member states and associated countries to access Increase's sites in Denmark, the UK, Hungary, the Netherlands and Italy. The infrastructure consist of field-scale climate roposals.aspx manipulation facilities for research of climate change effects on terrestrial ecosystems. As well as free access, Increase will also cover core measurements, technical support and travel funds relating to visits by users. Grants support regional meetings and workshops that can help to eetings.htm increase the opportunities for involvement in the association's activities, especially for students, young scientists and scientists in developing countries. These support projects that are related to the needs of chemists in the world and to the role of chemistry for the needs of humankind, and which are best approached by an international team. While there is no limit to the size of the project, most projects will be funded for less than US$5,000. These aim to initiate interdisciplinary discussions on problems or issues, launch interdisciplinary research networks, or fund communities of researchers and practitioners dedicated to developing new methods, tools, and applications of basic research to applied problems in brain research. A maximum institutional base salary of US$200,000 may be used for salary requests. These awards are intended to initiate interdisciplinary discussions on problems or issues, to help launch interdisciplinary research networks, or to fund communities of researchers/practitioners dedicated to developing new methods, tools, and applications of basic research to applied problems. the focus of the collaborative activity must meet the program guidelines for one of the following program areas: Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not Specified $5,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Studying Complex Systems Understanding Human Cognition Leverhulme Trust Research project grants Leverhulme Trust International networks These enable a principal investigator based in the UK to lead a research Not Specified Leverhulme Trust Research project grants m Leverhulme Trust Artists in residence Livestock Emissions and Abatement Research Network (LEARN) Global Research Alliance senior scientist award /tabid/61/Default.aspx Medical Research Council Alexander Fleming dissemination scheme p/Fleming/index.htm Medical Research Council Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: cross-board highlight notice htnotices/CFSME/MRC001747 Medical Research Council Partnership awards ships/WorkingwithIndustry/MRCFellowshipPartnershipAward/index.htm Medical Research Council Environmental exposure and chronic disease highlight notice htnotices/exposure/MRC008961 Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, These support innovative and original research projects where the choice £500,000 of research theme and design lies entirely with the applicant. Grants may be held for up to five years for a maximum sum of £500,000. project where its successful completion depends on the participation of relevant overseas institutions. The network award is normally worth up to £125,000 for a maximum of three years, though requests for higher amounts may be made. These support innovative and original research projects where the choice of research theme and design lies entirely with the applicant. Grants may be held for up to five years for a maximum sum of £500,000. The great majority of these grants are awarded for sums of up to £250,000 over a duration of two to three years. The programme supports the residency of an artist of any kind or nationality in a UK institution to foster a creative collaboration between the artist and the institutions staff or students. The term ‘artist’ encompasses visual artists, creative writers, musicians, poets and other producers of original creative work. The maximum total cost can be up to £15,000 overall for a typical residency of 10 months. This award enables collaboration on livestock emissionsrelated research projects between senior scientists from GRA member countries and New Zealand. Successful applicants will be awarded up to $30,000 for living expenses, up to $5,000 for airfares and insurance, and up to $5,000 to cover any additional research costs. This scheme provides funding to support the dissemination of MRC and Medical Research Foundation-funded research results beyond the scientific peer reviewed press, to patients, participants, practitioners and policy makers. Maximum funding amount is £30,000. Awards are unlikely to last for longer than one year. Proposals should address the mechanisms underlying chronic changes related to CFS/ME in immune dysregulation, pain, neuropathology, mechanisms of CFS/ME in children and improved sub-phenotyping and stratification of CFS/ME. The awards offer both financial and advisory support for existing MRC fellows. These aim to stimulate collaborative, mutually beneficial research and partnership between industry and academia and to enhance MRC fellows' development as research leaders. There is no financial cap on the awards, however, the council does not anticipate applications exceeding £200,000. This is for research that will offer a better understanding between environmental exposures and health effects, The relationship between humans and the environment in areas such as air and water pollution, changing patterns of infectious disease, allocation of natural resources, housing, food security, obesity and traffic all require cross-disciplinary solutions, to inform risk assessment by policymakers and individuals, and facilitate the development of strategies for the prevention of diseases. Not specified Not Specified £500,000 Not specified £15,000 Not specified $40,000 Not Specified £30,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Page 21 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Middle East Desalination Research Center Research and development project funding Morris Animal Foundation Betty White wildlife rapid response fund Morris Animal Foundation Betty White wildlife rapid response fund National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) Digital R&D fund for the arts expressions of interest National Geographic Society Big cats initiative This supports basic and applied research and development projects in age=Research_Program&pf=solarnew1 water desalination and supporting fields, with the overall objective to reduce the cost of desalination. The recipient is expected to provide at least 50 per cent of the total project costs. This fund enables wildlife researchers to respond in a timely manner to seekers/maf-rapid-response-fund.html unexpected events that result in the immediate need for animal health research. Grants range between US$5,000 and US$20,000. In exceptional cases, grants up to US$50,000 may be considered. This fund enables wildlife researchers to respond in a timely manner to seekers/maf-rapid-response-fund.html unexpected events that result in the immediate need for animal health research. Grants range between US$5,000 and US$20,000. In exceptional cases, grants up to US$50,000 may be considered. This fund supports research and development projects that use digital technology to enhance audience reach and explore new business models fund for organisations with arts projects. The fund is worth £7 million in total, with individual funding worth up to £125,000. This seeks to advance the understanding and conservation of the world's content/file/Big-Cats-Initiative_RFP_March2012- big cat populations, protecting and restoring them and their habitats via an interconnected series of innovative field-based, action-oriented cb1332448215.pdf strategic programmes. Projects currently funded range from US$10,000 to US$50,000. This call is intended to cover all aspects of translational, clinical and programmes public health research that could through new developments or changes in practice, contribute to a reduction in the development and spread in humans of organisms with antimicrobial resistance, and infection. The eight NIHR managed research programmes participating in this call (Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme; Health Services and Delivery Research Programme; Health Technology Assessment Programme; Invention for Innovation Programme; Programme Grants for Applied Research; Public Health Research Programme; Research for Patient Benefit Programme; and NIHR Fellowships) can be seen on the website. National Institute for Health Antimicrobial Resistance Themed Call Research (NIHR) Natural Environment Research Council Urgency applications Natural Environment Research Council Biodiversity and ecosystem service sustainability workshop grants Natural Environment Research Council Natural Environment Research Council Natural Environment Research Council Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO Nippon Foundation Nippon Foundation Ove Arup Foundation Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe RadioNet3 Comments Funding Available Not specified Deadline $50,000 Not specified $50,000 Not specified £125,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Various Not specified £52,000 Not specified £8,000 Not specified £2,000 Not specified £25,000 Not specified £65,000 Not specified £180,000 Not Specified $141,702 Not Specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified These are for practising professionals whose projects focus on improving Not specified the wellbeing of humankind, or connect with the foundation's issue areas of advance health, revalue ecosystems, secure livelihoods or transform cities. Residencies typically last between two and four weeks. Not specified These are for working professionals whose projects focus on improving Not specified the well-being of humankind, or relate to global health; climate and environment; urbanisation; social and economic security; or health, water and housing. Residencies typically last four weeks although shorter stays may also be requested. These are full-time professorial appointments in any area of engineering. Not specified s/default.htm Funding is provided for five years. The Academy will fund one third of 80 per cent of full economic costs. Allowable costs include the gross salary, indirect cost and estates. Not specified These are prompted by unexpected and transient scientific opportunities rants/typesofaward/urgency.asp such as earthquakes, drought, temporary exposure or short-timescale events in an ecosystem. The maximum total project funding is £65,000, and NERC will fund up to 80 per cent of full economic costs. These are for hosting workshops in any area of the biodiversity and /events/workshops.asp ecosystems service sustainability programme. Grants are worth up to £8,000. Work shadow placements This scheme provides opportunities for researchers to undertake a work rkshadow.asp shadow placement with a partner organisation that is a relevant user of NERC research, such as a government department, public agency or charity. Funding is available to cover travel and subsistence costs, up to a maximum of £2,000. Integrated ocean drilling programme: This scheme provides additional support for postdoctoral research post-cruise support p/grants/postcruise.asp assistants and postgraduate research assistants who sail with the integrated ocean drilling programme on behalf of the UK. Grants are worth up to £21,000 for PhD candidates and up to £25,000 for postdoctoral candidates. Urgency applications These are usually prompted by unexpected and transient scientific rants/typesofaward/urgency.asp opportunities such as earthquakes, drought, temporary exposure or shorttimescale events in an ecosystem. The maximum funding that may be applied for is £65,000 at full economic cost, of which 80 per cent will be funded. Algal bioenergy special interest One fellowship will be awarded for work on microalgae and one for work group: postdoctoral research fellows /events/ao.asp on macroalgae, with a view to understanding the opportunities and risks to the quality of freshwater and marine environments of using algal biomass as a source of renewable energy. Fellowships will be awarded for two years and will each be funded at a maximum cost at 80 per cent full economic cost of £90,000 per annum. Visiting fellowships in Canadian programme provides talented postdoctoral scientists in natural government laboratories Etudiants/PD-NP/Laboratoriessciences or engineering with an opportunity to work in a Canadian government laboratory or research institution for a period of up to three Laboratoires/index_eng.asp years. The award is worth $47,234 per annum. Helena Kluyver female visitor is a visitor programme for women working in the fields of programme visitor-programme/helena-kluyver-female-visitor- engineering research and development and astronomy. Grants are available to support visits by female researchers and engineers to programme ASTRON and/or the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe so that they can study and work in relevant fields or research in Dwingeloo, the Netherlands. Netherlands Centre for Electron NeCEN aims to provide the means to resolve and characterise the Nanoscopy beam time UD39_Eng detailed structures of life with the goal to develop new strategies for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease. Grants for maritime and ship-related http://www.nipponThese grants are aimed at regional or international non-profit projects organisations, including educational and research institutions, on a s.html worldwide basis. Projects may have a duration of up to five years. Grants for non-profits http://www.nipponThese grants are aimed at regional or international non-profit organisations, including educational and research institutions, on a elds/ worldwide basis. Funding is available for a period of up to five years. Project grants These support projects that are consistent with the foundations education purposes in the built environment. Preparatory access call enables researchers from across Europe and the world to apply for Access time on the PRACE resources for the purposes of code scalability testing and code development and optimisation. Preparatory access call This enables researchers from across Europe and the world to apply for time on the PRACE resources for the purposes of code scalability testing and code development and optimisation. Transnational access call This enables user groups from EU and associated states to access RadioNet3's telescopes and arrays in Europe. The use of telescopes and arrays are provided free of charge, including all technological and scientific support and the training that is normally provided. Additionally, travel costs for one member of the research group may be reimbursed. Rockefeller Foundation Practitioner residencies Rockefeller Foundation Practitioner residencies Royal Academy of Engineering Personal research chairs Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Not specified Not specified Page 22 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Comments Funding Available £30,000 Deadline £30,000 Not specified £5,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified This scheme offers support to entrepreneurs aiming to take high energy physics technologies from an initial innovative concept to market. The package includes funding worth £40,000 and a range of additional benefits. Conferences and workshops should be within the nuclear physics grants panel's area of interest. Conferences and workshops should be within the nuclear physics grants panel's area of interest. This aims to expand the scholarly exchange of information in the http://saofollowing areas: atomic and molecular physics; infrared, optical, radio and X-ray astronomy; planetary sciences; geophysics; solar and stellar physics; theoretical astrophysics. Visits may last for up to one year. Stipend support varies with the length of the visit and the amount of support provided by the visitor's home institution. These support research addressing problems in volcanology important htm on a global scale, or volcanic systematics on regional or global scales from geochemical, petrological or physical volcanological perspectives. Fellowships include a stipend worth US$53,000 per year plus US$3,000 for health insurance, and provide a free access to the department's analytical facilities. These facilitate the transfer of knowledge, technology and skills between a company and an academic institution. Each partnership employs one or more recently qualified associate to work in a company on a project of strategic importance to the business, while also being supervised by the knowledge base partner. Average annual project costs are around £60,000 and projects vary in length between 12 and 36 months. Please contact if you are interested in applying or have any questions about this call. Not Specified Not Specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified $109000 Not specified Not Specified Not Specified Technology Strategy Board Innovation Vouchers ovationvouchers.ashx?utm_source=http%3a%2f%2fenga 2f&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=August+n ewsletter&utm_term=News%3a+Low+carbon+co mmercial+vehicle+trials%2c+and+more...&utm_co ntent=109887 Various Not specified Vinnova Verket Innovationssystem Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems VINNMER planning grants kr50,000 Not specified VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research Transnational access call Not specified Not specified VolkswagenStiftung Volkswagen Foundation Summer schools enges-for-academia-and-society/symposia-andsummerschools.html?tx_itaofundinginitiative_itaof undinginitiativekeydates[controller]=FundingInitiati ve&cHash=16f8133d244d06a981e3fe74623a2daf Not specified Not specified Waterloo Foundation Child development - dissemination support These support the dissemination of knowledge and best practice to £10,000 pmentAboutTheProgramme.html children and their carers, and to related professionals. The foundation is interested in the psychological and behavioural development of children, and particularly in certain neuro-developmental conditions and the factors that influence them. Grants are typically worth up to £10,000. Not specified Wellcome Trust Principal research fellowship This provides long-term support for researchers of international standing Not specified who have a well-established track record in research at the highest level. The fellowship consists of a personal salary and research programme funding for an initial period of seven years. The trust may supplement the grant with a distinction award of up to £50,000. Not specified Wellcome Trust Society and ethics small grants Not specified Wellcome Trust Strategic awards in biomedical science These support small-scale research projects, scoping exercises or £5,000 meetings whose subject matter falls within the remit of the ethics and society programme. The normal maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. These provide flexible forms of support to excellent research groups with Not specified outstanding track records in their field. Awards are funded in partnership with the host institution. Awards are normally for five years and can provide funds for: equipment, support staff, consumables, networking, biological, clinical or epidemiological research resources. Limited capital building or refurbishment essential to the programme can also be requested. These provide initial support to test the feasibility of a project and enable holders to investigate the technical and economical feasibility of Awards/ commercialising an aspect of their scientific research, possibly in conjunction with a third party. Four awards are available, worth up to £30,000 each. One is for electrotechnology feasibility studies and three are for biomedical science feasibility work. Please contact or if you are interested in applying for this award. Royal Society Brian Mercer feasibility awards aim to provide initial support to test the feasibility of a project and Awards/ enable holders to investigate the technical and economical feasibility of commercialising an aspect of their scientific research, possibly in conjunction with a third party. The scheme covers the built environment, clean technology, energy and nanoscience and nanotechnology. Six awards are available, for a period of one year. Please contact Matt Butcher ( if you are interested in applying for this call. Royal Society of Chemistry Public activities small grants scheme This scheme has funding available to support activities promoting the public awareness of chemistry and the chemical sciences. g/SmallGrants.asp Science and Technology New applicants scheme This aims to provide new staff members with the opportunity to obtain Facilities Council research funding in the areas of experimental and theoretical particle physics and certain aspects of astrophysics between grant reviews. Science and Technology Conference and short course Applications can be made at any time for contributions to the cost of applications Facilities Council organising conferences and workshops within the areas of experimental and theoretical particle physics and certain aspects of astrophysics. Royal Society Brian Mercer feasibility awards Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC/Cern business incubation centre Science and Technology Facilities Council Science and Technology Facilities Council Smithsonian Institution Nuclear physics conferences and short courses Nuclear physics conferences and short courses Visiting scientist programme Smithsonian Institution Global volcanism programme fellowships Technology Strategy Board Knowledge transfer partnerships Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Call will go live on 24 September. The TSB is launching a new national innovation voucher scheme to encourage smaller businesses to work with external experts, gaining new knowledge to help their business innovate, develop and grow. This scheme will be open to ideas relevant to the areas of agri-food, built environment and space sectors. Innovation Vouchers are available to UK start-up, micro, small or medium-sized businesses and can provide up to £5,000 (or up to £8,000 for projects in the space sector) for the help of an external expert to develop your ideas. If you are interested in applying for this call, please email Frances Frith ( The purpose of these grants is to establish a solid relationship between organisations as a basis for preparing a high quality full proposal for the VINMMER Marie Curie incoming and outgoing mobility grants. Grants can amount to a maximum of SEK50,000 and are intended to fund travel costs, subsistence and accommodation for a researcher or project leader. This enables user groups to access Visionair's facilities (for Virtual Reality, Scientific Visualisation, Ultra High Definition, Augmented Reality and Virtual Services etc...)from 23 partners in 12 different European countries. As well as free access, Visionair will also cover one-low cost round-trip plane or train ticket, up to EURO 600 plus hosting costs, up to EURO 120 a day for up to 15 days. Technical assistance to train and use the facilities will also be provided. Funding is available for events where new knowledge important for the further development of a particular research area will be taught to selected young academics, doctoral candidates and post doctoral researchers, from Germany and abroad. The number of participants should not exceed 60 persons. Not specified Not specified Page 23 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Wellcome Trust Principal research fellowship Wellcome Trust Capital funding for learned societies Economic and Social Research Council Research grants ment/Fundingschemes/Capitalfunding/WTD01804 9.htm Funding Available This provides long-term support for researchers of international standing Not specified who have a well-established track record in research at the highest level. The fellowship consists of a personal salary and research programme funding for an initial period of seven years. The trust may supplement the grant with a distinction award of up to £50,000. Deadline This scheme provides funding, normally worth over £200,000, for projects that support the scholarly activities of learned societies. £200,000 Not Specified These support individuals or teams at eligible institutions to conduct research projects, large-scale surveys and other infrastructure or methodological developments in any area within the councils remit. Grants range from £200,000 to £2 million and cover 100 per cent full economic cost. Individual projects This aims to support consortia to develop new projects, technology or service for which they agree the intellectual property rights and build partnerships to penetrate new marks. Current projects include: mobile phone technology; smartcards, software for cinema; medical devices and technologies to monitor and limit environmental pollution Call for access This enables user groups to access the ESMI infrastructure, based in Europe. Three different platforms are available, including experimental synthesis and supercomputing. The ESMI infrastructure is available free of charge, and may include cover of travel, accommodation and subsistence costs for up to two members of the user group. Call for access INFRAVEC integrates those researching the field of mosquito biology, genetics, etc. This enables users to access research infrastructure outside their own countries, either in person or through the provision of scientific services. Access includes logistical, technological and scientific support as well as any specific training that is normally provided to external researchers using the infrastructure. Systems biology for medicine - cross- The aim of these grants is to encourage a wider range of applications board highlight notice htnotices/Systemsbiologyformedicine/MRC006120 applying systems approaches to medical research. Applications in systems medicine will be welcomed across the MRCs broad remit, especially at programme-level. Visiting scientist programme http://saoThis aims to expand the scholarly exchange of information in the following areas: atomic and molecular physics; infrared, optical, radio and X-ray astronomy; planetary sciences; geophysics; solar and stellar physics; and theoretical astrophysics. Visits may last for up to one year. £2,000,000 Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Humboldt research awards to http://www.humboldtThese enable foreign scientists and scholars from all disciplines and outstanding scholars residing outside countries, with internationally recognised academic qualifications, to Germany conduct an original research project in close collaboration with an _id=6446 appropriate colleague in Germany. The maximum award is Euro60,000. Not specified Not specified European Science Foundation Contact and symplectic topology science meetings Not specified Biosciences Knowledge Transfer Network (BKTN) and the Electronics, Sensors and Photonics KTN (ESPKTN) SAF-IP Funding Competition Consortia Building Workshop The aim is to stimulate exchange between researchers from all branches Not specified of contact and symplectic topology in order to create a comprehensive perspective on the field and make progress on some of the basic open questions. Science meetings may be organised by workshop, conference and school organisers. Call soon to be launched (Aug-Oct 2013): Up to £13M The TSB is planning to launch a multi-million competition, which will fund business-led, collaborative R&D projects in the general area of ‘engineering solutions for agrifood production systems, from primary production to the food processing and manufacturing environment’. The competition will include all facets of engineering science, and engagement of agri-food organisations with sectors such as Space, ICT and Electronics, Sensors and Photonics (which may not have fully recognised opportunities to apply technologies across the agri-food supply chain) is particularly encouraged. Two consortia-building workshops (23 & 30 July) are being organised to help you apply for the competition. up to £3m Highlight notice The Energy Catalyst can fund projects from early concept stage through to pre-commercial technology validation, based upon innovation that incorporates, for example: • new technologies or enhancement of existing technologies • components, sub-systems or systems • integrated whole system approaches • enabling technologies for the energy system. The project must be collaborative and business-led, the duration of the project is up to 36 months If you are interested in applying for this call, please contact Andrew. up to £10m Highlight notice The Energy Catalyst can fund projects from early concept stage through to pre-commercial technology validation, based upon innovation that incorporates, for example: • new technologies or enhancement of existing technologies • components, sub-systems or systems • integrated whole system approaches • enabling technologies for the energy system. The project must be collaborative and business-led, the duration of the project is up to 36 months If you are interested in applying for this call, please contact Andrew. up to £300,000 Highlight notice The Energy Catalyst can fund projects from early concept stage through to pre-commercial technology validation, based upon innovation that incorporates, for example: • new technologies or enhancement of existing technologies • components, sub-systems or systems • integrated whole system approaches • enabling technologies for the energy system. The University may lead projects in the Early-Stage strand. The duration of this project is up to 12 months. If you are interested in applying for this call, please contact Andrew. Registration Closes 27/08/14 Grant funding of up to $250,000 per year per grant is available through $250,000 the Michelson Grants to fund research in pursuit of non-surgical sterilants for cats and dogs. Investigators are encouraged to submit for "proof of concept" studies in cell culture, rodents, and/or target species. The first step to apply for a Michelson Grant is submission of a letter of intent. Letters of intent are accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis and, if approved, researchers are invited to submit grant proposals for a March, July, or November deadline. Testimonials from grant recipients are available here. Rolling deadline EUREKA European Soft Matter Infrastructure project INFRAVEC Medical Research Council Smithsonian Institution Technology Strategy Board Energy Catalyst Mid- stage awards: Technology development Technology Strategy Board Energy Catalyst Late-stage awards- Pre-commercial technology validation Technology Strategy Board Energy Catalyst Early-stage awards: Technical feasibility Found Animals Foundation Michelson Grants Found Animals Foundation Michelson Prize Comments The $25 million Michelson Prize will be offered to the first entity to $25M provide Found Animals Foundation with a single dose, safe and effective non-surgical sterilant for male and female cats and dogs. Found Animals Foundation encourages scientists from all fields to compete for the Michelson Prize & Grants, including but not limited to researchers in disciplines such as Biology, Biotechnology, Cell Biology, Chemistry, Endocrinology, Gene Silencing, Immunology, Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology, and Reproductive Collated by the Research Development team, RED Biology. Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Not specified Not yet known Registration Closes 27/08/14 Registration Closes 29/10/2014 Rolling deadline Page 24 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Newton Fund: building science and innovation capacity in developing countries Funding available to develop science and innovation partnerships that promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries. The countries include: Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, South Africa and wider Africa, Thailand, Turkey, ewton-fund-building-science-and-innovationVietnam. For more information please contact Simon Glasser, capacity-in-developing-countries Comments Funding Available in RED. Highlight notice - call will open in May 2014. Not specified Effective control of agricultural disease plays an essential role in realising the yield and market potential of crop and livestock production systems. This competition will stimulate innovative technologies and approaches that optimise yield and quality by targeting bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens; and Support technologies that improve prediction, identification and detection of pathogens for better disease management, raw material quality and reduced losses during post-harvest storage. All details related to the competition are still to be confirmed and full details will be provided at the consortia building workshop (06 May, Birmingham) Deadline TBC TBC - Highlight notice Technology Strategy Board crop and livestock disease (TSB), Defra, the BBSRC challenges and the Scottish Government mbers+Email+List&utm_campaign=600c7c423b%C2%A316M+SAF+IP&utm_medium=email&utm _term=0_e41a9504ad-600c7c423b-308574229 Engineering and Physical eFutures Cross Disciplinary Account Sciences Research Council Launched (eFutures XD) (EPSRC) eFuturesXD, the cross-disciplinary account held by the EPSRC eFutures £150,000 efuturesxd.aspx network are offering awards to support UK academics in electronics as they initiate collaborative research across their discipline boundaries. A total of £600,000 will be distributed by eFuturesXD over a three year period via four kinds of awards allowing rapid access to funding for travel, meetings, facilities and project staff. There is no closing date and you can apply at any time European Research Council Starting Grants (ERC) €1.5m ERC Starting Grants are intended to enable exceptional researchers between 2 and 7 years from PhD completion to become fully independent unities/majorresearch leaders. They are particularly intended to enable the researcher bids/majorbidscurrent.html#ercstg2015 Tuesday 4th November 2014 at 12pm. Technology Strategy Board Food processing and manufacturing competition (TSB) The Technology Strategy Board, in partnership with Defra and BBSRC, is Not specified /articles/-/blogs/6872097 planning to launch the latest round of funding from the Sustainable AgriFood Innovation Platform (SAF-IP). This competition will fund collaborative R&D projects in the area of Food Processing and Manufacturing Efficiency. The scope of the competition will involve the whole food supply chain. Applications open in June 2012. Unknown Biosciences KTN Sustainable Chemical Production through Industrial Biotechnology Partnering Workshops Advance notice: The TSB will soon launch a competition for up to Not Specified /articles/-/blogs/11834099 £2.75m in business models, feasibility studies and collaborative research and development projects that utilise industrial biotechnology (IB) to produce chemicals. All projects must be led by a UK business. If you are interested in applying, we strongly recommend that you attend one of the workshops on either 11 (Edinburgh) or 12 (Birmingham) June 2013. Unknown Workshop dates are 11 & 12 June 2013 European Commission Framework Programme 7: Cooperation Cooperation Not specified The European Commission has published new Work Programmes for ropean/fp7/cooperation/index_html most of the main themes under the Cooperation pillar of Framework Programme 7. The themes include Health; Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries, and Biotechnology; Energy; Environment; Space; and Security. Varies depending on grant European Science Foundation New approaches to biochemical sensing with plasmonic nanobiophotonics short visits and exchange grants € 6,400 Varies depending on grant European Science Foundation Random geometry of large interacting Applicants should apply to stay in a country other than their country of systems and statistical physics short programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciences- origin and should plan to return to their institution of origin after the visits and exchange grants termination of the placement. Funding is worth up to 85 euros per day pesc/current-research-networkingplus 500 euros travel expenses. programmes/random-geometry-of-largeinteracting-systems-and-statistical-physics.html € 10,100 Varies depending on grant European Science Foundation Thermal Adaptation in Ectotherms: Call for Short Visit and Exchange Grants European Science Foundation Nanoscience and Engineering in Superconductivity Short Visit and Exchange Grants British Council Event date: 06 May 2014 to create or strengthen their own independent research team.The ERC deadline for applications is 3rd February 2015. There is an internal review bids process is in place for this funding please contact Helen Jordan,, or Tom Bowker, for more information. Two types of grants are available: Short visits of up to 15 days; Exchange grants, from 15 days to four months. Applicants apply to stay in a European country other than the country of origin and return to the institute of origin upon termination, so they may also benefit from the broadened knowledge of the scientist This programme offers two types of grants: Short Visits and Exchange Funding covers Varies depending on Grants. The objective is to foster a multidisciplinary European network of travel and grant scientists working on thermal adaptation. subsistence costs Euraxess We provide information and advice for researchers looking for new jobs Various and funding inside or outside the UK, and for UK research institutions. Funding opportunities include travel to conferences, organising meetings, short research visits, fellowships etc. Various c/o University of Bristol New Enterprise Fund Various Horizon 2020 Various Do you have a business idea? Would you appreciate some expert Various feedback and/or a grant to kick-start it? The main competition round (with £35k in prize money) will be opening in May 2014 - but there is also two early events to provide formative feedback and small grants of around £500 in December and March. Funding can include cash prizes, packages of legal support, and business acceleration services. Please contact Rhys Pearce ( to discuss sponsorship in further detail. Horizon 2020 is a funding programme designed for all people involved in Various onal/horizon2020.html research and innovation - academia, research, industry and other stakeholder organisations. It contains a number of different funding programmes and mechanisms, and is based on a structure of three pillars: Excellent Science; Industrial Leadership & Societal Challenges. Within these pillars there are opportunities for individual researchers and groups of researchers to apply for funding. The choice of pillar and underlying programme depends on what a researcher is looking for funding for in terms of the size of the planned project, whether it is basic or applied or whether someone is interested in moving to Bristol from another country. The RED website has a wealth of information available on Horizon 2020 as well as details of who to contact. Various Technology Strategy Board Forthcoming funding competition Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, The European Science Foundation invites proposals for its nanoscience and engineering in superconductivity short visit and exchange grants. These support visits by European researchers to European countries outside their own. TSB have announced various calls that will be announced soon. Please see the website for further information. Varies depending on grant Various Varies depending on grant Various Page 25 of 26 05/11/2014 Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Science Funder Programme Link UInstitute for Advanced Studies c/o University of Bristol Fellowships (various schemes) BRACE Research grants Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Newton Fund: building science and innovation capacity in developing countries ESRC/ University of Bristol Transformative Social Science Seedcorn Scheme Medical Research Council Industry collaboration awards scheme Middle East Desalination Research Center Research and development project funding University of Bristol Transformative Social Science scheme Networking Awards Sandpit Awards Comments University Research Fellowships (URFs), University Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs), IAS Research Fellowships (IASRF), and Translational Neuroscience Research Fellowships (TNRFs). See website for specific fellowship details. These may be in any discipline but must be intended to generate results that will bring further understanding of the risk factors and causes, effective diagnosis and prevention or treatment of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Grants generally ranging in size from £10,000 to £250,000 will be awarded, depending on the type of project. Highlight notice: on-fund-building-science-and-innovation-capacity- Information on forthcoming £375 million Newton Fund and the partner countries under the fund. It also sets out 3 broad categories of activity: in-developing-countries people: improving science and innovation expertise (known as ‘capacity building’), student and researcher fellowships, mobility schemes and joint centres; programmes: research collaborations on development topics; translation: innovation partnerships and challenge funds to develop innovative solutions on development topics The ESRC has awarded prize funds to the University of Bristol in order to foster and encourage transformative research across the social sciences. Transformative research is defined as research at the frontiers of the social sciences, which challenges current thinking. These awards are to enable preliminary or developmental projects which have significant transformative potential, and which lead to the development of a funding bid to an appropriate external funder. encourages and supports collaborative research projects between collaboration-agreement/ academic and industry researchers through an agreement to undertake collaborative research. It can be applied to the majority of MRC’s funding schemes and calls. This supports basic and applied research and development projects in arch&page=project_funding water desalination and supporting fields, with the overall objective to reduce the cost of desalination. In general, the recipient is expected to provide at least 50 per cent of the total project costs. Two new calls have now been made live under the University of Bristol's ities/transformativesocialscience.html Transformative Social Science scheme. They are: Networking Awards - funding for themed one-off events that bring together university researchers with stakeholders, policy makers, practitioners etc from outside academia to share information and develop new collaborations. Sandpit Awards - funding to bring together a group of academic staff to develop research projects on a chosen theme. Seedcorn funds can be made available for projects resulting from the sandpit events. Both of these calls are to be run on an open basis, without deadlines. However the total funding available is limited. Collated by the Research Development team, RED Please address queries to Emily Thomas, Funding Available Various Deadline Various £250,000 Not Specified Not specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Page 26 of 26 05/11/2014
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