Newsletter for the Parishes of Saint John the Evangelist and Saint Joseph the Worker The website for both St. John’s and St. Joseph’s is: St John’s: Fr Richard Walker & Fr Craig Szmidt, 25 South Bar Street, Banbury, Oxon. OX16 9AF Telephone: 01295 262073 Fax: 01295 254773 E-mail: St Joseph’s: Fr. Bill Wilton, Edmunds Road, Banbury, Oxon. OX16 0PP Telephone: 01295 264661 E-mail: St. Joseph’s Deacons: Rev Henry Allen: 01295 780642 ~ Rev Bob Hughes: 01295 720869 Parish Sister:- Sr. Therese O’Neill: 01295 263203 FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA 9th November 2014 - Psalter Week 4 - Cycle A ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST Sat Sun 08 09 Mon Tues Wed Thur 10 11 12 13 Fri Sat 14 15 4.00pm 9.00am 10.45am 5.30pm 7.15am 9.15am 9.20am 11.00am 7.00pm 9.15am 10.00am Vigil Mass at St John’s School Requiem Mass Confirmandi Mass Mike Paynton Ints. People of the Parish Deceased members of the parish Stephen Travers & Bill Gibbs Howlett Family Monica & Bill Howes RIP Terry Linden Margaret (Pat) McCarthy Teresa Black RIP Jismaria Titto ST JOSEPH THE WORKER Sat Sun 08 09 Mon 10 Tue 11 Wed 12 Thur 13 Fri 14 6.00pm 9.00am 10.30am 3.15pm ~~~ 6.00pm 8.45am 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am Vigil Nellie Burke St. Thomas’s, Wroxton People of the Parish Associates of the Sisters of St Paul/ Eileen McCarthy Polish Mass No Mass Mass for Deceased Priests of the Deanery Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Sean Mangan Nadine & Ronald Winifred McCarthy THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 16th November 2014 - Psalter Week 1 - Cycle A ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST Sat Sun 15 16 4.00pm 9.00am 10.45am 12.30pm 5.30pm Vigil Baptisms Kathleen Szynkarewicz People of the Parish Nicolaus Harding Lilia Worthy; Oliver Winiarski; Danielle Alvworho Billy Forbes ST JOSEPH THE WORKER Sat Sun 15 16 6.00pm Vigil 9.00am St. Thomas’s, Wroxton 10.30am Baptism People of the Parish Baby Lucy Chapman RIP Clive Ward / Peter Quin RIP April Layla Williams FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Remembrance Sunday Feasts, Memorials and Liturgy for the coming week: M 10 St Leo the Great, Pope Titus 1:1-9 / Ps 23 / Lk 17:1-6 T 11 St Martin of Tours Titus 2:1-8, 11-14 / Ps 36 / Lk 17:7-10 W 12 St Josaphat Titus 3:1-7 / Ps 22 / Lk 17:11-19 T 13 Ordinary Time Philemon 1:7-20 / Ps 145 / Lk 17:20-25 F 14 Ordinary Time 2 Jn 1:4-9 / Ps 118 / Lk 17:26-37 S 15 Ordinary Time 3 Jn 1:5-8 / Ps 111 / Lk 18:1-8 Sunday 16 November Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Colour W W R G G G Prov 31:10-13,19-20,30-31 / Ps 127 / 1 Thess 5:1-6 / Mt 25:14-30 G Mt-Matthew / Mk-Mark / Lk-Luke / Jn-John / Prov-Proverbs / Thess-Thessalonians. Please pray for the sick of our Parishes: Eilish Hilling, Patrick Forde, Dorothy Thomas, Lewis Byrne, Pauline Richardson, Adey Larner, Lalla Stevens, Robert Wells, Jayne O’Connor, Denise Dawson, Paul Higham, Damian Timlin, Marjorie Lowes, Breda Kelly, Irene Plichta, Olie Davies, Gregory Browne, Francesca Harris, Tracey McMahon, Simon Cutler, Caroline Lucas, Arthur Shea, Michael Humphries, Bob O’Malley, Mary Street, Rebecca Haughian, Sam Rampling, Emily Everett-Allen, Daniel Parker, Christopher Browne, Clifford Browne, Elizabeth dos Santos, Bill Walsh, Maureen Gwynn, Cora Barnard, Peter Rayner, Robert Hoyle, Margaret Frazer, Jack Lally, Lionel Hutchings, John and Sue Green, Clare Sullivan, Don Coady, Anna Ratcliffe, Barbara Fowles, Fr Charles Chirwa, Oliver Boyles, Dawn Wilkinson, Elaine Jobes, Mary Scott, Paul Davidson, Pat Ryder, Mary Dant, Isobel Burke, Anne Veale, Joanne Bull, Agnes McFarland, Anna Larkin, Claire Sullivan, Myrtle Gilhooly, Rose Hayward, James Carter, Lawrie Thornton, Suzanne Rogers, Joyce Goode, Sam McCawley, Maureen Easton, Ellen Lally, Charlotte Sturgess Osborne, Tony Stevens, June Cullimore, Melita Rees, Matthew Lally, Chrislin Bose, Derrick Taney, Arthur Wagstaff, Patrick Weaver and Jonathan Boon. Recently dead Of your charity, please for the souls of Margaret McCarthy and Vera Allen and for the souls of all those who have died recently. Pray also for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Sun 09 Mon 10 Tues 11 Wed 12 Thurs 13 Fri 14 Sat 15 Patricia Devlin 1998; Anne McLoughlin 1986 Betty Charles 2012; Christina Young 2000; Malcolm Brown 1997; Brenda Burton 1988; Walter Herbert 1985 Patrick Finn 2009; George Hall 2000; Mary Marron 1993; Jake Thornton 1991; Margaret Keane 1988; Catherine Pell 1988; Maurice Kearney 1985 Kirsty Tilbury 2012; John Burns 2006; Frank Kelly 2005; John Dewhurst 2004; Donato Cardarelli 1996; Jim Newman 1995; Evelyn Lynes 1992; Patrick Smith 1991; George Castle 1990; Austin Spiers 1985 Marian Hulme 2007; Anne Brock 1995; Agnes Perry 1992; Winifred Barlow 1991 Maureen Murphy 2012; David Grzesiak 2007; Daniel Lillis 1996; Rev. Terry Howes 1994 David Williams 1992 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. WEBSITE OF THE MONTH: ST JOHN’S CHURCH RESPONSORIAL PSALM MEDITATION “The waters of a river give joy to God’s city, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” (Ps 45) FIRST HOLY COMMUNION There will be a meeting for parents of all children making their First Holy Communion in St John’s Church on Tuesday, 11 November at 7.00pm. The Enrolment Mass is on Sunday 7 December at 10.45am. CONFIRMATION There will be a meeting for parents of all children making their Confirmation in St John’s Church on Thursday 13 November, after the 7.00pm Mass. The Enrolment Mass is on Sunday 23 November at 10.45am. INDUCTION – FR RICHARD Fr Richard’s Induction is on Tuesday 18 November at 7.00pm. Canon Mervyn Tower will preside. All are most welcome. Refreshments in the Dupuis Centre afterwards. REMEMBRANCE BOOK The Remembrance Book is by the statue of the Sacred Heart during the month of November. Write down the names of your Faithful Departed, and we will pray for them during the November Masses. ALTAR SERVERS Change of Date: Please note that the meeting for all Altar Servers at St. John’s has been changed to 22 November at 11.30am in the church. Please attend if you can. OLIVE WOOD CHRISTMAS SALE There will be a sale of Christmas cards and olive wood products after Masses on the weekends of 8/9 and 15/16 November, in aid of Friends of the Holy Land. CHEESE & WINE / PRIZE DRAW Friday 5 December - £20 per ticket which enters you into the cash draw. 1st Prize: £300; 2nd Prize: £200; 3rd Prize: £100. Tickets on sale now from the Parish office or see Marilena. FUNDRAISING 2014 / 2015 All proceeds from fundraising events will go towards the refurbishment of the organ gallery. REPOSITORY SHOP Volunteers are needed to help run the shop after weekend Masses, especially 10.45am. If you can help, please contact the parish office. COFFEE/TEA AFTER MASS Coffee/teas are served in the Dupuis Centre after the Sunday 10.45am Mass. All are welcome. CHILDREN'S LITURGY ADVENT WORKSHOP Saturday 29 November, 2.45-5pm. Get ready for Advent at this wonderful Arts and Crafts afternoon. Tickets available from Parish Office or Children's Liturgy team. This event is always very popular so please get your ticket early to avoid disappointment. ST JOSEPH’S CHURCH SOCIAL EVENING AT ST JOSEPH’S Saturday 8th November at 7.00pm. There will be a Bring and Share supper. Singing, lots of fun - please come! OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD You are invited to support Operation Christmas Child by filling a shoebox, donating transportation costs of £3, donating some of the items on the list (available from Sue); or donating towards the costs (£3 per box). Please contact Sue Allen for full details – Deadline 16 November. JOINT NOTICES MASS FOR DECEASED PRIESTS There will be a Mass for deceased Priests of the Deanery at 6.00pm on Tuesday 11th November at St. Joseph’s. This Mass is an opportunity for all parishioners to pray for our deceased priests; everyone is very welcome. BLESSING OF GRAVES The blessing of graves will take place on Saturday 15 November at 11.30am at Southam Road and 12.20pm at Hardwick Hill. WROXTON PARISH COUNCIL Wroxton Parish Council have a vacancy for the role of parish clerk, part-time & paid. Contact the Chairman on 730629. LIBRARY OF CATHOLIC BOOKS The next meeting is on Weds 26 November at 11.00am at 9 Church Lane, Evenley NN13 5SG. Professor Fr John Saward is the speaker; The Poverty of the Church & the Beauty of the Liturgy. All welcome. St John’s Parish Office: Office hours: Mondays to Fridays 9.00 am -3.00 pm Parish Safeguarding Representatives: Parish Secretary: Anne Mold Office & Pastoral Assistant: Nicola Mollard Social & Fundraising Secretary: Marilena Kearns St John’s: Nicola Mollard – Tel: 01295 262 073 St. Joseph’s: Margaret Bennett – Tel: 01295 264 661 SACRAMENTS / OTHER LITURGIES St. John’s: Saturday 10.30 - 11.00am and on request. St. Joseph’s: Saturday 5.15pm - 5.45pm and on request. Reconciliation (Confessions) Infant Baptism St. John’s: 12.30pm on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month. St. Joseph’s: after 10.30am Sunday Mass or by appointment. Marriages By appointment only. Six months’ notice is required. Exposition, Vespers and Benediction St John’s: St. John’s: St Joseph’s: St. John’s: Exposition Chaplet of Divine Mercy First Sunday of the month at 4.30 pm. Every Saturday at 10.30 –11.00 am. Every Wednesday at 8.45 am. First Friday of the month after 9.15 am Mass. PARISH GROUPS Adult Education: Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm in the Dupuis Centre (term time only) Children’s Liturgy ~ St John’s: Sundays at the 10.45am Mass ~ for children aged 4-8 years. Children’s Mini Liturgy ~ St John’s: Sundays at the 10.45am Mass ~ for children under 4 years of age. Children’s Liturgy ~ St Joseph’s: Sundays at the 10.30am Mass ~ for children aged 3+ years. Friends of the Holy Land: Saturday 15 November at 5.00pm in the Wall Room, Dupuis Centre. Justice & Peace Group: Next meeting Monday 8 December at 7.30pm in the Dupuis Centre. Little Lambs Playgroup: Tuesdays at 10.00 – 11.30am in the Dupuis Centre. (Term Time Only). Meditation: Thursdays at 10.00am in the Wall Room. All are welcome. Monday Lunch Club: For over 65s in the Dupuis Centre. Limited places; must be reserved in advance. Padre Pio Prayer Group: Last Wednesday of the month at 10.00am - 12.00noon, in the Tandy Room. Parish Visiting Group: Steering Group meets approx bi-monthly. Contact via Parish Office. St. John’s Brownies: Tuesdays, 6.00 - 7.30pm at the Scout Hut at Banbury School (term time only). St. John’s Choir: Thursdays at 7.00 – 8.00pm in the Church. St. John’s Parish Pastoral Council: Next meeting on Thursday, 8 January at 7.30pm. St John’s Widows’ Group: Meet for lunch on the First Monday of the month. St. John’s & St. Joseph’s Youth Group: Meet on second Saturday of each month at 7.15pm. St. John’s Non Gift Aided Gift Aided FINANCIAL MATTERS St. Joseph’s £ 750.50 Loose £ 661.50 Gift Aid £ 1 412.00 Thank You! 2nd Coll : Johnson Association: £196.40 Thank You! £ 159.14 £ 367.50 £ 526.64 £199.80 ST. JOSEPH’S LOTTERY Winner: Dawn Gentry Number: 51 Amount: £19.00 PRAYER FOR THE PREPARATION OF MASS God our Father, Lord of Life, you call us into your presence as the community of faith. As we prepare to celebrate your love for us in this Eucharist, help us to open up to the grace we will receive through your son, Jesus. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, may we be renewed in our faith, hope and love. Through the intercession of Mary and Joseph, may we one day share the glory of your life in heaven. Amen. These parishes are part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham Registered Charity Number: 234216
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