Friday 7TH November, 2014 Dear parents, friends and carers, The yard is supervised Before School from 8.45am After school until 3.45pm Recess: 11:00am-11:30am Lunch eating:1:30pm – 1.45pm Yard time: 1:45-2:30pm School Finish: 3.30pm This is a reflection by Natalia in Year Two about writing. From the office Footscray Primary School BSB:063 132 Account number 10090179 ----------------------We now have EFTPOS available at the school office to pay all bills. Credit card facilities available. Newsletter Distribution. If you would like to receive the newsletter by email please send your email address to: brown.jessie.m@ I used to think writing was something to annoy you until you burst. Now I think writing is some sort of magic humans can make. As a writer: I try my best I don’t give up I read through books for interesting words I encourage myself I just keep trying What does it mean to learn? What does it mean to become educated? How do students learn? How do teachers teach? These are the big questions that we ask and explore as educators. I read Natalia’s reflection on herself as a writer and reflected that these are the attitudes and qualities which we must develop as a learner. Our students at Footscray Primary School are encouraged to be reflective and thoughtful through considering their own learning and experiences. Natalia is considering how she was as a writer and how she views herself as a writer now. This learning is transformational as she has changed her view and belief of herself as a writer. Her words reflect the courage and independence to try her best and never give up! “I just keep trying! I encourage myself!” What important messages for all of us. Congratulations Natalia for demonstrating to us what it truly means to be a learner at Footscray Primary School. I believe this is why we are a great school because we are developing the tool kit of learning for all of our students. 2014 Term Dates Term 4: 6 October to 19 December 2015 Students Return Year 1-6: Thursday 29th January Foundation: Friday 30th January Leaving the School- Please inform the Office Staff To assist with the planning for 2015 could you please contact Jessie Brown in the school office on 96871910 if your child/ren will not be returning to Footscray Primary School in 2015. This will help us greatly with planning budgets and recruitment of staff. SCHOOL COUNCIL Executive Officer: Philip Fox President: Bianca Moore Vice President: Mark Hollis Secretary: Henrik Steenberg Treasurer: Chris Lacey (Finance/OSHC) Parent Representatives: Anura Kankanamge Caroline Scott - Wellbeing & Community; Out of Hours School Care Martin Sharkey - Facilities & Sustainability Mark Hollis - Finance Teacher Representatives: Bridget McLaughlin (Education & Policy Subcommittee) Stacey Richards Classroom Allocation for 2015 I have included a copy of our classroom allocation policy and encourage you to read through this carefully. We aim to form well balanced classes of children that take into account the social, emotional, academic and physical characteristics of children. We also aim to provide all children with the opportunity to be part of a class that will allow them the best opportunity to learn. I believe we must learn to relate to a range of people and personality types. We also want to encourage our students to develop broad friendship groups and learn the important skills of making friends. Teachers will use their knowledge of children prior to class placement as well. This includes specialist teachers who have known the children over many years. Philip Fox Principal Physical Education – Term 4 In Term 4 great learning has been occurring across all classes in Physical Education. Our Foundation students have been making big improvements to their fundamental movement skills as they get ready to move into Grade 1. So far this term we have been focusing on dribbling/the ball bounce as well as throwing and catching in different games and activities. Students have also been able to enjoy using some new equipment and learn about being safe in gymnastics activities. This SATURDAY for Kids and Teens Stig live @ the library Stig Wemyss is one of Australia's most beloved narrators of audio books for kids. Fans of Andy Griffiths are sure to have chuckled along to one of Stig's renditions. Join Stig live @ the Footscray Library for a wildly entertaining show chock full of fun! Date: Saturday 8 November Venue: Footscray Library 56 Paisley St Time: 2.00 PM Free Bookings available at Across Grades 1 and 2 students have been continuing to practise their striking skills. The Grade 1 students have been playing hockey as well as participating in gymnastics where they have been learning about safely landing, moving their body through obstacles and balancing. The Grade 2 students have continued to refine their skills in tennis and have been developing arm strength practising safe handstand and cartwheel progressions. In Grades 3 – 6 the students have been playing different team sports each week, and continue to focus on transferable skills that can be used across different games and sports. The Grade 5/6 students are now well into their Summer Interschool Sports Program, with all teams showing fantastic attitude and effort each week. As the weather continues to warm up please remember to send your child to school with a hat, light clothing and adequate footwear on the day they are scheduled to have PE. This really helps ensure the students are safe and get the most out of their weekly class. Chris Health & Physical Education Science Incursion: Energy, forces and the bouncing ball On Thursday we received a visit from Gilmore Girls College science teacher Lachlan Mcomish and a group of Year 9 student mentors (lead by our very own Lien!). They came to help us with our inquiry into energy and forces and facilitate some experiments exploring the efficiency of energy transference in a bouncing ball. We warmed up with a slinky drop and then discussed the various forms of potential and kinetic energy in different contexts. Then broke up into groups to measure how variables such as height, surface, drop angle and ball construction affected the energy transfer of a bouncing ball. We look forward to another visit from Gilmore and for building an even closer relationship with our neighboring school. Student of the Week Grade Student Attitude 00G Izzy Enthusiasm 00S Havva 00T April Reflective 00Z Harley Risk Taker 1A Jasmine 1M Jasper 1J Kanwarpal 2C Samuel 2L Asiya 2M Sophia 34B Rami Commitment Confidence Enthusiasm Risk Taker Independence Curiosity Empathy Curiosity Chanh Commitment 56P Jessica Thinker 56S Sarah Art Wendy 2L Enthusiasm Oriel FG Creativity 34J Bobby FS For bringing a great attitude and excellent effort to all areas of her learning this week. For using a planning tool to share informative facts Knowledgeable about tigers in preparation for her information report. Mohamed Bilingual Hanh Reason Confidence Open-minded For being thoughtful when reflecting on her effort and achievement in her writing, and being open to feedback to help improve her learning. For showing confidence and a risk taking attitude in maths. For showing great dedication to the gathering of information and the construction of her information report on pandas. For developing his confidence as a learner, taking more risks and putting in effort with his work. Well done. For always coming to school and showing enthusiasm and determination in everything he does. Maths, reading, writing and spelling, he puts in so much effort, trying his best all the time! For showing confidence and participating in all areas of his new class and school. For working hard to complete set tasks independently and for seeking help if needed to ensure she completes work as expected. For being interested and excited to learn about money and history both at school and at home! Listening and thinking about what others have to say and how they feel. Well done on consistently doing your part as a learner. For reflecting thoughtfully about different types of angles in our school environment. Sorry! For adding to the useful words he can spell and using sounds to read new words. Thinking out loud and sharing ideas and opinions with the class. You were able to share your inner voice during reading and share your thinking and understanding about fractions during numeracy. Approaching all of her work throughout this term with both confidence and independence. Sarah has shared her learning and ideas confidently with our class. For being an enthusiastic grade throughout the year. Being creative in her writing and producing many simple sentences in Bilingual sessions. Well-done! Being a great listener and showing self-discipline during his learning time. Keep up the good work. CALENDAR Term 4 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10 November 11 12 13 14 9.15pm PFA Annual Year 2 excursion to Koorie Heritage Trust 2.30pm Foundation Transition Year 1 dinner 4:30-6:30pm general meeting in library 19 20 21 26 27 28 17 5.30pm Facilities 18 and Sustainability Sub Committee 24 25 6pm School council Foundation 2015 Transition 1 December 2 3 4 5 F – 4 Swimming Program F – 4 Swimming Program F – 4 Swimming Program F – 4 Swimming Program F – 4 Swimming Program 8 9 10 F – 4 Swimming 11 12 F – 4 Swimming Program 6pm School council F – 4 Swimming Program Program 5/6 Beach Program Foundation 2015 Transition F – 4 Swimming Program 5/6 Beach Program 5/6 Beach Program 15 16 17 18 19 Last day of term Year 6 Graduation Year 6 Big Day Out 3.30pm Cake & Vegie Stall Moving Up Day (current F-5 students) 1.30pm early finish ALL ABOARD What is All Aboard? The All Aboard program aims to enable every student at Footscray Primary School to participate in all aspects of school life when the cost of doing so might be a barrier. The All Aboard program is collaboration between the school, parents, carers, families and the community. Last Year All Aboard was able to support students take part in school camps, and the annual swimming program How can I access All Aboard? All families can request assistance from All Aboard by asking to speak with Maria Silber on (03) 9687 1910 Wednesdays or Thursday or via email email…. Applications are assessed by Maria Silber the Student Welfare/Community Liaison Office All Aboard aims to offer assistance to everyone who requests it Decisions will be based on individual needs All applications are treated with the strictest confidentiality How can I support All Aboard? Because of your support in 2014 we raised $3,000 for the All Aboard program. This meant that every student was able to take part in school activities. A fantastic result – THANK YOU! For 2015 we are planning a range of events to raise the money needed to fully support the All Aboard program and we can’t do it without your help. If you have any fundraising ideas or would like to get involved in supporting the All Aboard program by donating either time or making a cash donation please see the office. Classroom Allocation Policy Rationale: A clearly defined, collaborative process for the placement of children into classes will lead to greater efficiency, increased understanding and improved opportunities for learning. At Footscray Primary School we recognise the professionalism and commitment of all teaching staff in arranging the annual allocation to classes from prep to Year 6. Aims: To provide each child with the opportunity to be part of a class of children that will allow them the best opportunity to learn. To form well balanced classes of children that take into account the social, emotional, academic and physical characteristics of each child. To ensure that optimum use is made of the prior knowledge that teachers, parents and others have of each child prior to class placement. Implementation: While the allocation of children to various classes, class structures and class compositions are all ultimately responsibilities of the Principal, a collaborative process with the school community will be employed. The process of forming classes will commence in October of the previous year. The principal, in consultation with staff and after considering student numbers, will determine the number of classes for the following year, class sizes and the year levels of each class. Expressions of interest will be sought from staff members to teach year levels and specialist areas. Once decided, staff members will be required to work collaboratively to create draft classes of students. Consideration will be given to gender, the previous class, each child’s ability, behaviour and friendship groups etc. Individual needs and a whole school perspective must be considered. Children will submit preferences of students they think they learn well with for the following year. Year Prep-2 classes should be smaller whenever possible. Preferred class compositions are either single year level or dual grade levels. The Principal will formally seek input from parents via the newsletter. All parents input must be directed to the Principal and placed in writing. Class placement must not be discussed with classroom teachers. If practicable, the Principal will inform staff of parent input prior to the formation of classes. Once draft classes are completed, the principal will make any necessary final alterations. Under exceptional circumstances the Principal may reorganise classes throughout the year. Staff members will not disclose the composition of proposed classes prior to any formal announcements. Children who enrol at the school during the year will be temporarily allocated to classes, with the possible need to alter the placement once further information regarding the child is known. Details relating to the school organisation, classes of children, and the roles of teachers will be released to parents on the day of orientation day. Concerns regarding the placement of specific children in classes, the allocation of particular teachers to classes, or the overall structure of classes must be directed to the Principal.
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