Berg Elementary Newsletter- November 2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Changing Program Mr. Shawn Leiss, Principal From the Desk of Mr. Leiss Each year in November, Berg Elementary and schools across our country celebrate American Education Week. This year it will be celebrated from November 16-22. This week presents citizens in Dickinson and across the country with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference by ensuring that every child receives a quality education. My challenge to you is to find a way to show appreciation to one of the dedicated teachers, paraprofessionals, custodians, kitchen staff or secretaries that serve your child here at Berg. I appreciate your assistance in letting our staff know that their contribution to your child’s education matters. Please read through the rest of the newsletter for important information. One particular new items that I would call your attention to is the news on the online payment option. Other elementary schools have had this available in the past, but this is new to Berg. Finally, I would like to invite interested individuals to our Parent Advisory Council meeting that will be held at Hagen at noon on November 20th. Online Payment Option Berg Elementary now has the online payment option available for your child’s lunch and/or milk. We are pleased to offer this payment solution. Simply go to and click on the Pay Here button. The first time you use this payment option you will need to select Click Here to register. Once you have registered as a user, you can make lunch or milk payments. Payments must be made separately for each child for lunch or milk. Our Changing II Program for sixth graders will take place this month. This program is a cooperative project between Dickinson Public Schools, Southwest District Health Unit, Partners in Parenting and the Dickinson State University Nursing program. This course includes material on the physical and emotional changes of puberty, and how to handle them. It also includes information on how to stay healthy by avoiding risky behaviors. Parental permission is required for participation in this program and letters have been sent through the mail. A Pre-Changing Program Parent Meeting for parents new to the district and follow up sessions for parents and students are planned from 7:00 – 9:00 PM on the following dates: Nov. 3rd– Pre-Changing Program Parent Meeting for parents new to the district. Nov. 13th – Classes: Mrs. Stroud, Mrs. Schlecht, Ms. Wolf, Mrs. Schaeffer, Mrs. Schobinger, and Mr. Sobolik Nov. 18th – Classes: Mr. R. Kovash, Mrs. Levorsen, and Mr. C. Kovash FREE Community Thanksgiving Dinner The Dickinson community Thanksgiving dinner is 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, November 27, at the Dickinson State University Student Center ballroom. Volunteers are needed to help organize and serve the meal. If interested in helping, call Tammy @ 701-227-8678 or 701-290-0492 between Nov. 17-25. Those wishing to donate to the project, may send donations to: Dickinson Community Thanksgiving Dinner, P.O. Box 604, Dickinson, ND 58602. First Quarter Report Cards Report Cards for 1st Quarter will be sent home with students on Thursday, November 6th. If you have any questions about your student’s report card, please feel free to contact your student’s classroom teacher or Mr. Leiss. Berg Elementary Newsletter- November 2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dates to Remember Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 & 28 Pre-Changing Program Parent Mtg. – 7 pm No School No School (Veteran’s Day observed) Picture Retakes Changing Program Parent Night – 7 PM (Stroud, Schlecht, Wolf, Schaeffer, Schobinger, and Sobolik) School Board Meeting (5 PM @ CAO) Changing Program Parents Night – 7 PM (R. Kovash, Levorsen, and C. Kovash) PAC Meeting at Noon NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break First Quarter Perfect Attendance At Berg Elementary it is our goal to help each student reach new academic PEAKS. Regular school attendance and good punctuality help in this process. According to school records, the following students had perfect attendance during the first quarter; these students and their families need to be commended. Congratulations to all for this excellent effort! Symone Beld, Skyy Bertelsen, Mattilyn Biel, Peyton Blair, Cody Booth, Catera Brazelton, Lyla Cahoon, Ryan Campbell, Sierra Christensen, Isaac Clifton, Ian Coleman, Damon Crouse, Brayden DeMorrett, Bradyn Enderud, Cole Faller, Arthur Flyberg, JennaLee Forster, Jaycee Frank, Kaidan Frenzel, Joanna Gonzalez, Ricardo Gonzalez, Hailey Graves, Nikolai Hauck, Trey Haugen, Skyler Heim, Chase Henderson, Trevor Hirning, Alden Hoerner, Joshua Hood, Cassidy Hughes, Nathaniel Jimenez, Madison Johnson, Bravin Keck, Karter Kudrna, Sydney Lantz, Alyson Lechler, Nelson Loris, Allisyn Lucas, Emma Meduna, Warrick Morel, Michael Mosbrucker, Isaac Muggli, Cullen Murphy, Raghyn Murphy, Hannah Northrop, Griffin Obrigewitch, Audrey Oe, Brooke Ott, Lorenzo Palacios, Leonardo Palma, Benjamin Perkins, Jordyn Peterson, Arley Price, Leslie Ramos, Nicholas Santini, John Scaife, Remington Schatz, Ava Schneider, Clayton Schutt, Shane Schweiger, BreeAnna Scott, Abigail Semerad, Aydin Soukup, Chase Steiner, Jadyn Steiner, Jonas Strom, Mustafa Taylor, Emily Tedford, Mason Tolman, Kyra Townsend, Andy Tran, Nathan Unruh, Jayden Wariner, Ethan Weber, Kami Wert, Lane Whisler, Liam Williams, Taven Wilson, Emily Winch, Jesse Wock, and Brady Yoder. Title I Open House Berg held its Title I Parent/Student Open House on October 27th and 28th from 4:00 – 7:00. Mrs. Fridrich explained to the parents the student selection process, went over their child’s 1st quarter progress report and answered any questions they may have had. The current DPS Federal Title I Programs Dispute Resolution Policy (GABDB) and the Title I Parental Involvement Policy (KAB) were given to the parents as well as other documents that needed to be shared. Other resources for the parents were made available by Stacey Kilwein, with West Dakota Parent and Family Resources Center. She provided handouts about the center and what educational opportunities are available for families by setting up a display in our hallway. Practice worksheets were offered to any interest parent/student who wanted to work on the skills covered the first nine weeks. Thanks to all the parents who attended, it was a huge success! Positive Behavior Support Good school behavior is important to a child’s success in life; therefore, all people in school should be treated with dignity and respect. Berg has adopted a positive support model to promote desired student behavior. The staff of Berg Elementary have high expectations for students in their behavior efforts. Berg has set up both a positive and negative reinforcement system to directly teach students the behavioral expectations. Students are positively reinforced for good behavior with “PEAK” cards. When students are Prepared, Engaged, have a good Attitude, and are Kind they may receive a card that indicated the desired behavior that was displayed by an individual student or an entire class. Classrooms set goals for earning PEAK cards and when the goals are reached, classroom rewards follow. Student misbehavior is corrected calmly and consistently throughout the school. Firm and clear limits are taught during the school day. Unacceptable behavior is not tolerated and staff use a system to teach students that there are consequences for not following school rules; warning slips and/or detentions are used to inform parents of unacceptable behaviors. Parents are encouraged to have conversations with school personnel to assure that the desired student behaviors increase. Students may receive two warnings in a quarter and the third is then a detention. Detentions are served during noon hour from 11:15 – 12:00. Berg Elementary Newsletter- November 2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Message from Mrs. Urlacher, School Counselor - Cold Weather The school year is off to a great start with plenty of new opportunities for students to grow and develop as they begin their preadolescent years. This year we have launched a new classroom guidance curriculum called Second Step. This program focuses on social and emotional skills that will help your child succeed in school and in life. Some of the skills include: As the cold weather quickly approaches we ask that you remind your student to wear their cold weather clothing. Students need to wear warm caps or ear coverings, warm coats, and gloves or mittens. The staff at Berg is very concerned about the health and safety of our students. Empathy Communication Perspective Taking Respectful Disagreements Assertiveness Emotional Management Problem Solving Substance Abuse Prevention Families play a key role in helping children learn and practice skills. Second Step homework sheets will come home with your child on a monthly basis. Doing the homework with your child shows you what she or she is learning and helps you support your child in using the skills at home. When your child brings the completed homework back to school they will earn points towards a Parent PEAK Card. The Second Step website, with activation key: SSP6FAMILY12 offers wonderful videos and more information about what your child is learning. Families are always welcome to call and/or visit about the new Second Step Program or any social and emotional concerns you have about your child. The Book Fair is Online When weather conditions require the closing of schools or the buses to run later or earlier than the scheduled times, an announcement is made by the three local radio stations. Additionally, patrons will be notified by our Power Announcement system. These weather related decisions are made at the Central Administration Office. Parent Advisory Council (PAC) The Berg PAC welcomes all parents to our monthly PAC meetings. The Parent Advisory Committee of Berg Elementary and Hagen Junior High collaboratively team our PAC committees. If you are interested in participating as a member or if you have any questions about PAC, please contact Mr. Leiss at 456-0010. The next PAC meeting will be on Thursday, November 20th at noon at Hagen. HOPE TO SEE YOU at the PAC Meeting Important Message If your child is going to be absent from school, we ask that you please call (701-456-0010) or email Mrs. Greenwood ( to let us know (even if you have sent a note for their classroom teacher). Also, if you have a change of address or phone number, please contact the office so we can update our records. Your child’s safety in very important to us. You and your parents can still shop online! There are more books to choose from @ Click on icon: Find a Fair Click on North Dakota Click on “Shop Now” beside Berg Elementary School The online catalog is open until Nov. 11th All orders ship to school for free Mark your Calendars for 1:30 Early Dismissal! *Wednesday, December 3, 2014 *Wednesday, February 4, 2015 *Wednesday, March 25, 2015
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