ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! November 2014 THE GALACTIC GAZETTE THE NEWSLETTER OF The Astronomical Society of Southern New England “To Educate and Inspire” Next Meeting Club Officers for 2014-2016 Bruce DiDucca Tom Hannigan George Huftalen Spence Blakely November 8, 2014 7 p.m Carpenter Museum 4 Locust Ave. Rehoboth, Mass. Doors open at 6 p.m. President Vice President Treasurer Secretary This month’s feature TBA Letters to ASSNE To submit your comments or questions of general interest about ASSNE or to learn more about our public outreach programs, please send an email to ASSNE Secretary. Please direct personal club-related business or concerns to the appropriate club officer. News & Announcements Content may be edited for clarity. New members ASSNE welcomes Cassidy and Rebecca Madeira. Update from October meeting’s presenter Alan Hirshfeld I have confirmation from Lick Observatory that the mirror in the Crossley reflector is indeed the original Mirror B made by page 1 of 14 Calver for Andrew Common in 1879! A 40-inch replacement mirror slated to go into the Crossley during the 1970s instead became the basis of Lick's new Nickel telescope. ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! November 2014 Calendar of Events Your support at these events is greatly appreciated. Even if you don’t own a scope, you are always welcome to drop by to lend a hand and show your enthusiasm. You may be surprised at how much fun you can have. ASSNE thanks Rebekah Bartlett for the Club Event Listings. ASSNE events Other events Club Event Listings TBA ASSNE Members’ Advice and Help Galileo's Gabfest Observing Reports and Astro Images Observing is often more enjoyable if it is a shared experience. Everyone benefits from the exchange of knowledge, tips, and camaraderie. Several ASSNE members observe regularly and send out emailed invitations to those requesting them. If you would like to receive such invitations from someone living near you, please contact a club officer. Visitors to this site who just want to see what it’s all about should also contact an officer. Informal Observing Sessions Current Observing Reports The Imager's Studio page 2 of 14 ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! November 2014 For Sale and Wanted ASSNE Trading Post Club Loaner Telescopes The following telescopes and accessories are available to qualifying members for one-month loans. If you are interested, contact Bruce DiDucca beforehand, so he can arrange to have the one you want at the meeting. For more information about an item or to check availability, go to Loaner Equipment. ASSNE thanks the generous donors. ✯ Meade 8-inch LX-200 GPS Schmidt-Cassegrain (donated by Frank Gosland) ✯ Meade 80 mm, f/5, refractor ✯ Edmund Astroscan rich-field reflector. ✯ Coronado PST solar telescope ✯ Meade Digi Eyepiece (donated by Paul Faria) ✯ Astrovid Stellacam (donated by Wayne Prado) ✯ Laser collimator (donated by Ed Couture) Astro Links For Kids: Where does the sun's energy come from? Earth's Water Existed 135 Million Years Earlier than Thought Greg Stone’s Prime Time for November page 3 of 14 ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Where does the sun’s energy come from? ! November 2014 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Every 1.5 millionths of a second, the sun releases more energy than all humans consume in an entire year. Its heat influences the environments of all the planets, dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, and comets in our solar system. And that light travels far out into the cosmos—just one star among billions and billions. Create a ‘solar wind’ that pushes against the fabric of interstellar space billions of miles away. Allows gases and liquids to exist on many planets and moons, and causes icy comets to form fiery halos. Powers the chemical reactions that make life possible on Earth. That Heat... Convective Zone Sunspots Photosphere Chromosphere How does a big ball of hydrogen create all that heat? The short answer is that it is big. If it were smaller, it would be just be a sphere of hydrogen, like Jupiter. But the sun is much bigger than Jupiter. It would take 433,333 Jupiters to fill it up! That’s a lot of hydrogen. That means it’s held together by a whole lot of gravity. And THAT means there is a whole lot of pressure inside of it. There is so much pressure that the hydrogen atoms collide with enough force that they literally meld into a new element—helium. Sub-atomic particles Energy Nuclear Fusion w w The energy travels outward through a large area called the convective zone. Then it travels onward to the photosphere, where it emits heat, charged particles, and light. This process—called nuclear fusion—releases energy while creating a chain reaction that allows it to occur over and over and over again. That energy builds up. It gets as hot as 15 million degrees Fahrenheit in the sun’s core. For more articles, games, and activities, visit page 4 of 14 ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! November 2014 AAVSO Writers’ Bureau Welcome to the AAVSO Writers’ Bureau Blog. Here we have collected, from our talented and gracious partners, some of the finest content available on the Internet each month. These writers have given explicit permission for these articles to be reprinted on other websites and newsletters. Meet My Variable Friend SS Cygni by Bob King, Sky & Get acquainted with SS Cygni, the sky's brightest cataclysmic variable star. It's guaranteed to keep you on your toes. I got hooked on variable stars in the '80s when I bought a new, expensive telescope and promised myself I'd "do some science" with the thing instead of just poking around the sky. Not that there's anything wrong with poking around the sky. I soon joined the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) and discovered I was drawn to stars with wild, unpredictable swings in brightness. So-called cataclysmic variable stars soon became my focus and one in particular, SS Cygni, an all-time favorite. Cataclysmics, also known as dwarf novae, are binary stars in close orbit about one another. One of them is Sunlike, the other a compact white dwarf star with an appetite. Their embrace is so tight — 100,000 miles for SS Cygni according to some estimates — that the dwarf's powerful gravity strips material from its companion and feeds it into a spinning whirlpool of glowing hydrogen gas called an accretion disk. Changes in the rate of flow of material into the disk can cause it to sud- denly burn much hotter and brighter. Not only does the disk radiate more light, but it can heat the surface of the companion star, causing it to glow more brightly, too. Some dwarf novae such as U Geminorum can jump from magnitude 15 to 9.5 in just 1-2 days. After an outburst, the star slowly returns to its original quiet state and then flares up again weeks or months later. SS Cygni's two stars whirl like stellar Tilt-A-Whirls around their center of gravity once every 6.5 hours. Most In a typical dwarf nova, a Sun-like star orbits a planet-sized but massive white dwarf which draws material from the companion into a spinning accretion disk. NASA page 5 of 14 ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! nights, the system simmers away at magnitude 12, but during an outburst its light increases 40-fold to about magnitude 8, bright enough to spot in 50-mm binoculars! In the same way we're drawn to the beautiful symmetry of Orion's Belt stars, many of us are captivated by SS Cygni's striking and unpredictable moods. After all, it has everything going for it. This temperamental star is bright enough to follow in a from minimum to maximum in a scope as small as 4.5 inches, it's relatively easy to find, and it undergoes an outburst every 4 to 10 weeks with a duration of a week or more. Seeing SS Cygni in outburst after several weeks of quiescence makes for a delicious thrill. It's as if the star has been transformed from a lump of coal into a diamond. And to think you're witnessing this vampire-like interaction between ! ! ! ! November 2014 two distant stars from your own front yard. You don't need ideal skies or even good seeing. Heck, it can be mostly cloudy. Variables aren't picky. I've popped the scope out to catch my favorites between cloud banks. I make a quick brightness estimate for the AAVSO using one of their free, online charts, note the time and get in before the rain starts falling. Of course you can observe for fun and not worry about making brightness estimates, but if you'd ever like to contribute a bit to our scientific understanding of the inner workings of cataclysmic variables, the AAVSO welcomes your observations. Last year, amateur astronomers' careful monitoring of SS Cygni's brightness proved crucial in helping an international team of radio astronomers fi- Amateur astronomer Bob Modic captured SS Cygni in both quiescent and outburst states in photos taken August 28, 2010 (left) and and nine nights later on September 6th. Bob Modic page 6 of 14 ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! ! nally determine an accurate distance (372 light-years) to the star. The previous estimate of 520 light-years made with the Hubble Space Telescope didn't jibe with our understanding of the brightness of accretion disks. The new distance resolves the issue while showing how amateurs can make a difference. As I write this, SS Cygni only days ago underwent a brief outburst to magnitude 8.4. It's since dropped to the midnines as it returns to quiescence. Or will it? That's what makes this star so fun — it's predictable to a degree but doesn't always perform as expected. page 7 of 14 ! ! ! November 2014 ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! November 2014 AstroShorts The University of California High-Performance AstroComputing Center (UC-HIPACC), based at the University of California, Santa Cruz, is a consortium of nine University of California campuses and three Department of Energy laboratories (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory). UC-HiPACC fosters collaborations among researchers at the various sites by offering travel and other grants, co-sponsoring conferences, and drawing attention to the world-class resources for computational astronomy within the University of California system. More information appears at . Without a Trace—Almost It was a classic case of serendipity. While investigating how supermassive black holes formed in the early universe, UC Santa Cruz postdoctoral researcher Ke-Jung Chen stumbled on the unanticipated discovery that some primordial supermassive stars could explode without leaving any black hole or other stellar remnant behind. Chen had been fascinated by supermassive black holes since grad school at the University of Minnesota. Every big galaxy has one of these voracious monsters at its center: a black hole millions or even billions of times more massive than the sun. This image is a slice through the interior of a supermassive star of 55,500 solar masses along the axis of symmetry. It shows the inner helium core in which nuclear burning is converting helium to oxygen, powering various fluid instabilities (swirling lines). This snapshot shows a moment one day after the onset of the explosion, when the radius of the outer circle would be slightly larger than that of the orbit of the Earth around the sun. Credit: Ken Chen, UC Santa Cruz page 8 of 14 ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! The big mystery long puzzling astrophysicists is: how did supermassive black holes form? The ones that exist at the centers of some very ancient galaxies that shine brightly as quasars formed when the universe was less than 800 million years old. But no ordinary-sized stellar-mass black holes could have grown that gigantic that fast. So the conclusion seemed inescapable: supermassive black holes had to have started life already monstrous at cosmic dawn. But how? Monster stars Just as ordinary black holes are the stellar remnants left by supernova explosions of stars more than 20 solar masses, supermassive black holes could have originated from supernova explosions of supermassive stars—ones having tens of thousands of solar masses. Today, the highest-mass stars top out at about 100 solar masses (Eta Carinae, one of the most massive stars in our Milky Way galaxy, is about 90). But recent cosmological simulations suggest the possibility that in the early universe truly gargantuan stars could exist. So Chen began exploring this with two different computational simulations, called KEPLER and CASTRO, using resources at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing center (NERSC) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. KEPLER is 1-dimensional (meaning it assumes that stars are spherical, so physical quantities such as temperature or density can depend only on radius). KEPLER follows how gas turns into stars and how supernovae feed back energy into surrounding gas; it also traces how ! ! ! ! November 2014 convection—movement of gas inside a star—affects mixing and nuclear burning. CASTRO allows more complexity: it recreates a multidimensional section through a star, modeling internal gravitational forces and tracking the masses of specific atomic elements that are synthesized from nuclear fusion. Most importantly, both simulations were run at high spatial resolution to explore fine details of an explosion. The supermassive star Chen modeled had a radius of about 103 million miles—about 10% larger than Earth’s orbit—with a resolution of 30,000 miles, only 0.03% of the radius. Live fast, die young…leave no corpse The simulations revealed that a supermassive star burns hydrogen at a furious rate for under 2 million years—a mere blink of a cosmic eye (the Sun is about 5 billion years old) before beginning to collapse. Then what happens internally depends critically on its mass. If it is less than 55,000 or more than 56,000 solar masses, the supermassive star explodes and leaves behind a supermassive black hole. But if it is between those masses— say, 55,500 solar masses—special processes in the star’s ultrahot low-density core trigger a general relativity instability that triggers an explosion so violent that it “completely unbinds the star and leaves no compact remnant,” write Chen and his five coauthors in Astrophysical Journal. Indeed, the explosion “at ~9 x 1054 erg is the most energetic thermonuclear SN [super-nova] known.” Okay, that’s what the simulations predict. Did such exotic primordial ex- page 9 of 14 ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! plosions happen in the real Universe? Future wide-field infrared telescopes in orbit—such as the proposed Wide Field InfraRed Survey Telescope (WFIRST)—might be able to directly detect such explosions at the very edge of the universe a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. ! ! ! ! November 2014 y-to-die-what-happens-to-supermassive-st ars/. Moreover, the volume of “metals”—chemical elements heavier than helium—that a generalrelativity–instability supernova explosion (GSNe) expels into space would be 100 times greater than that from a regular supernova. But it would have a different chemical composition, consisting only of lighter elements from carbon to silicon rather than heavier ones such as iron. “Traces of GSNe might therefore be found in early galaxies that are 56Fe [iron] deficient but enhanced with 12C [carbon] and 16O [oxygen],” Chen and his coauthors conclude. Stay tuned! – Trudy E. Bell, M.A. Further reading The paper “The General Relativistic Instability Supernova of a Supermassive Population III Star” in the August 1, 2014 issue of Astrophysical Journal by Ke-Jung Chen et al is at /162/. See also the press release “Simulations Reveal Unusual Death for Ancient Stars” at ews/science-news/2014/simulations-reveal -unusual-death-for-ancient-stars/ and ernova.html, and the Astrobites story “A New Way to Die: What Happens to Supermassive Stars?” at page 10 of 14 Moon near Aldebaran (morning sky) at 21h UT. 8 Hyades I ER page 11 of 14 DA NU S na d ide ey e (2 CE FA .5 .B n All sales support the production and free distribution of The Evening Sky Map. • Star Charts & Astro Posters • Telescopes & Binoculars MA X SCU LPT OR Cir cle t Gre at Squ are of Peg asu s if En GRUS 5 M2 M1 PISCIS AUSTRINUS Fomalhaut 7293 AQUARIUS PEGASUS PR 09 CA 70 IC N OR US IU S Symbols Galaxy TA Double Star IT W G S A S A Variable Star n io at S IT l Diffuse Nebula l A te s o n ZO N Planetary Nebula I ec Th -HOR Open Star Cluster O T ON Globular Star Cluster RI Z HO R SKY MAP DRAWN FOR A LATITUDE OF 40° NORTH AND IS SUITABLE FOR LATITUDES UP TO 15° NORTH OR SOUTH OF THIS MAY FREELY DISTRIBUTE PRINTED HANDOUTS. FULL DETAILS AT Star Magnitudes P T P egas M u OF f. I ND s , T h e F RO Alnair Eni Win SKY AB st a r ged HT RIG the G y I H SOUTH b o -1 0 1 2 3 4 HT S r se , f RE N arke d li e s u p TAR se is m E NT I si d e d o w n a PATT THE lmost overhead. His no E RN I S Copyright © 2000–2014 Kym Thalassoudis. All Rights Reserved. W O N THE S AP S H KY. INSTRUCTIONS: THE SKY M * TERMS OF USE: FREE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL USE. ASTRONOMY EDUCATION GROUPS S • Star Atlases & Planispheres • Books for Sky Watchers A ars ). ES KY ye TH ht NG l ig US I io γ SAVE ON RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS • More sky events and links at All times in Universal Time (UT). (USA Eastern Standard Time = UT – 5 hours.) il l 8 BY m a Mir IN ES A EG RN Pleiades FO 253 SC hda Dip PI SKY MAP SHOWS HOW THE NIGHT SKY LOOKS EARLY NOV 8 PM LATE NOV 7 PM NOVEMBER 2014 NORTHERN HEMISPHERE ! 29 First Quarter Moon at 10:06 UT. E 7 S 6 27 Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 23h UT (369,827 km; angular size 32.3'). Aldebaran TU 26 Moon near Mars (evening sky) at 8h UT. Mag. +1.0. CE 22 New Moon at 12:31 UT. Start of lunation 1137. a ! 19 Moon near Spica (33° from Sun, morning sky) at 19h UT. S ! 18 Saturn at conjunction with the Sun at 9h UT. The ringed planet passes into the morning sky. IE 17 Leonid meteor shower peaks at 16h and 22h UT. Arises from debris ejected by Comet Tempel-Tuttle in 1533. Produces very fast meteors (71 km/sec). Expect 10 to 15 meteors per hour under dark skies. Best viewed after midnight. W AR 15 Moon near Regulus (morning sky) at 8h UT. W Hamal 15 Moon at apogee (farthest from Earth) at 2h UT (distance 404,336 km; angular size 29.6'). 14 Last Quarter Moon at 15:17 UT. 14 Moon near Jupiter (90° from Sun, morning sky) at 15h UT. Mag. –2.1. 13 Moon near Beehive Cluster (morning sky) at 10h UT. 12 Moon near Pollux (morning sky) at 6h UT. 12 Taurid (north) meteor shower peaks. Meteors often appear slow moving (28 km/sec) with the occasional very bright fireball. Full Moon at 22:22 UT. Moon near Uranus (evening sky) at 18h UT. Mag. +5.7. 4 Moon near the Pleiades (morning sky) at 1h UT. Mercury 4.2° NNE of Spica (18° from Sun, morning sky) at 16h UT. Mags. –0.7 and +1.0. 4 8 Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 0h UT (367,879 km; angular size 32.5'). 3 6 Mercury at greatest elongation, 19° west of Sun (morning sky) at 13h UT. Mag. –0.5. Get Sky Calendar on Twitter 1 Sky Calendar – November 2014 FREE* EACH MONTH FOR YOU TO EXPLORE, LEARN & ENJOY THE NIGHT SKY γ The Evening Sky Map 9 M3 K qu s N AI S Nu ES os B RO AL AP ila r nk Cr CUL CO E O i R P n EA e p r e HER BO e r IAL IC 4665 RS se th nt or LES T O s N α M2 E th eN CE 5 e e M22 t h N. C R M M T a 1 ed AI 7 16 I ZO all N D g le t sc OR A T ES h a t c m e HE H arr e ti OPHIUCHUS T A i N e som E IS d D t T h L , is IM e t h E w a n R C I RC u S. T nde he S E r H b E o WEST lt s us , T O UT C E o N f Cyg n t TE he TH E G R r e l la tio n e O k g od Z eus. A ND F T HE T h e co ns te I T H) MA P I D ( ZE N S THE PA RT OF THE SKY DIRECTLY OVERHEA 6633 M CYGNUS CO Deneb 61 in am Et yr χ M27 S. Albireo 3 M1 .S W AP M57 β S l IN M33 PH M9 2 RA LY LA LI Algo ir γ DE L a Veg RL ε S le ub ter Do lus C DA US AUR S Cr 399 η AR C ED U IO OP GA OM Alta SS EL TI L I PM EC 1 δ CA P EI A M M3 μ P H EU S CA eH Polaris M3 CE β NCP U CE 5 YO T u NT y ade AT he s ER o t N TH (J U li e i n t le IO ST th e i sib REC T AS co n tv YO DI st e je c ORIO b E UA o l H N l at nt RE ST ist a DOI i o n o f EA st d Taur NG SAM u s, T e mo NOW EAST THE he Bu is t h , S ) SO 1 I 3 ll. P y, M THE E MA The Great Andromeda Galax C OM P OF TH ASS DI OTTOM RECTION TH AT APPEARS ALONG THE B th Little Dipper URSA MINOR E d O N IT S an AC X M3 EU DR UI ν DR M82 M3 RS M31 M11 S es RI PE AN ! rs TE YM Ö AU ! AQ O Ca pe ll ! SER (CA PENS UDA ) B “ TO P O L A R I S ” T H E N O R T H S TA R ! η W N ND Thub an N be M81 ei LY Pl R JE c a u s e C e th P A T o S as MA AR f i t s E Miz w n KY L S & A ar no OC p r o m lcor AT s k THE in e E t er nt D The Big RN lus BE c M5 ro Dipper TU rc T 1 s W s s ta H” ) . -s E E h ar N a p RT T cul e HE . ct a URSA MAJOR “NO Z EN s pe LE I T MP The H U s A EXA e ND th e NORTH F OR T B i H g E D ip LE ( S t ar . H p e O r ( RI Z O o r C IR C Plough) to find Polaris, the North N . CO R IZ O N MPASS THE HO DIRECTIONS AR E INDICATED ALONG OU ad ! Ma ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! November 2014 Brightest star in Aquila. Name means "the flying eagle". Dist=16.7 ly. The 6th brightest star. Appears yellowish in color. Spectroscopic binary. Dist=42 ly. Cepheid prototype. Mag varies between 3.5 & 4.4 over 5.366 days. Mag 6 companion. Brightest star in Cygnus. One of the greatest known supergiants. Dist=1,400±200 ly. Semi-regular variable. Magnitude varies between 3.1 & 3.9 over 90 days. Mag 5.4 companion. The 5th brightest star in the sky. A blue-white star. Dist=25.0 ly. Famous eclipsing binary star. Magnitude varies between 2.1 & 3.4 over 2.867 days. Brightest star in Piscis Austrinus. In Arabic the "fish's mouth". Dist=25 ly. The Seven Sisters. Spectacular cluster. Many more stars visible in binoculars. Dist=399 ly. Large V-shaped star cluster. Binoculars reveal many more stars. Dist=152 ly. Brightest star in Taurus. It is not associated with the Hyades star cluster. Dist=66.7 ly. The North Pole Star. A telescope reveals an unrelated mag 8 companion star. Dist=433 ly. And Aqr Aql Aur Aur Aur Cep Cet Cyg Cyg Dra Her Her Lyr Lyr Oph Oph Peg Per Sgr Scl UMa Vul The Andromeda Galaxy. Most distant object visible to naked eye. Dist=2.5 million ly. Resembles a fuzzy star in binoculars. Bright Cepheid variable. Mag varies between 3.6 & 4.5 over 7.166 days. Dist=1,200 ly. Stars appear arranged in "pi" or cross shape. Dist=4,300 ly. About half size of M38. Located in rich Milky Way star field. Dist=4,100 ly. Very fine star cluster. Discovered by Messier in 1764. Dist=4,400 ly. Herschel's Garnet Star. One of the reddest stars. Mag 3.4 to 5.1 over 730 days. Famous long period variable star. Mag varies between 3.0 & 10.1 over 332 days. Long period pulsating red giant. Magnitude varies between 3.3 & 14.2 over 407 days. May be visible to the naked eye under good conditions. Dist=900 ly. Wide pair of white stars. One of the finest binocular pairs in the sky. Dist=100 ly. Best globular in northern skies. Discovered by Halley in 1714. Dist=23,000 ly. Fainter and smaller than M13. Use a telescope to resolve its stars. Famous Double Double. Binoculars show a double star. High power reveals each a double. Semi-regular variable. Magnitude varies between 3.9 & 5.0 over 46.0 days. Large, scattered open cluster. Visible with binoculars. Scattered open cluster. Visible with binoculars. Only globular known to contain a planetary nebula (Mag 14, d=1"). Dist=30,000 ly. Double Cluster in Perseus. NGC 869 & 884. Excellent in binoculars. Dist=7,300 ly. Bright cluster located about 6 deg N of "teapot's" lid. Dist=1,900 ly. Fine, large, cigar-shaped galaxy. Requires dark sky. Member of Sculptor Group. Good eyesight or binoculars reveals 2 stars. Not a binary. Mizar has a mag 4 companion. Coathanger asterism or "Brocchi's Cluster". Not a true star cluster. Dist=218 to 1,140 ly. page 12 of 14 ! ! The Evening Sky Map (ISSN 1839-7735) Copyright © 2000–2014 Kym Thalassoudis. All Rights Reserved. ! Attractive double star. Bright orange star with mag 5 blue companion. Sep=9.8". Saturn Nebula. Requires 8-inch telescope to see Saturn-like appendages. Helix Nebula. Spans nearly 1/4 deg. Requires dark sky. Dist=300 ly. Impressive looking double blue-white star. Visible in a small telescope. Sep=7.8". Yellow star mag 3.4 & orange star mag 7.5. Dist=19 ly. Orbit=480 years. Sep=12". Beautiful double star. Contrasting colours of orange and blue-green. Sep=34.4". Attractive double star. Mags 5.2 & 6.1 orange dwarfs. Dist=11.4 ly. Sep=28.4". Appear yellow & white. Mags 4.3 & 5.2. Dist=100 ly. Struve 2725 double in same field. Eclipsing binary. Mag varies between 3.3 & 4.3 over 12.940 days. Fainter mag 7.2 blue star. Ring Nebula. Magnificent object. Smoke-ring shape. Dist=4,100 ly. Omega Nebula. Contains the star cluster NGC 6618. Dist=4,900 ly. Wild Duck Cluster. Resembles a globular through binoculars. V-shaped. Dist=5,600 ly. Eagle Nebula. Requires a telescope of large aperture. Dist=8,150 ly. Crab Nebula. Remnant from supernova which was visible in 1054. Dist=6,500 ly. Fine face-on spiral galaxy. Requires a large aperture telescope. Dist=2.3 million ly. Beautiful spiral galaxy visible with binoculars. Easy to see in a telescope. Close to M81 but much fainter and smaller. Dumbbell Nebula. Large, twin-lobed shape. Most spectacular planetary. Dist=975 ly. ! And Aqr Aqr Ari Cas Cyg Cyg Del Lyr Lyr Sgr Sct Ser Tau Tri UMa UMa Vul ! γ Andromedae 7009 7293 γ Arietis η Cassiopeiae Albireo 61 Cygni γ Delphini β Lyrae M57 M17 M11 M16 M1 M33 M81 M82 M27 ! Telescopic Objects M31 M2 η Aquilae M38 M36 M37 μ Cephei Mira χ Cygni M39 ν Draconis M13 M92 ε Lyrae R Lyrae IC 4665 6633 M15 Double Cluster M25 253 Mizar & Alcor Cr 399 ! Conjunction – An alignment of two celestial bodies such that they present the least angular separation as viewed from Earth. Constellation – A defined area of the sky containing a star pattern. Diffuse Nebula – A cloud of gas illuminated by nearby stars. Double Star – Two stars that appear close to each other in the sky; either linked by gravity so that they orbit each other (binary star) or lying at different distances from Earth (optical double). Apparent separation of stars is given in seconds of arc ("). Ecliptic – The path of the Sun’s center on the celestial sphere as seen from Earth. Elongation – The angular separation of two celestial bodies. For Mercury and Venus the greatest elongation occurs when they are at their most angular distance from the Sun as viewed from Earth. Galaxy – A mass of up to several billion stars held together by gravity. Globular Star Cluster – A ball-shaped group of several thousand old stars. Light Year (ly) – The distance a beam of light travels at 300,000 km/sec in one year. Magnitude – The brightness of a celestial object as it appears in the sky. Open Star Cluster – A group of tens or hundreds of relatively young stars. Opposition – When a celestial body is opposite the Sun in the sky. Planetary Nebula – The remnants of a shell of gas blown off by a star. Universal Time (UT) – A time system used by astronomers. Also known as Greenwich Mean Time. USA Eastern Standard Time (for example, New York) is 5 hours behind UT. Variable Star – A star that changes brightness over a period of time. Aql Aur Cep Cyg Her Lyr Per PsA Tau Tau Tau UMi Easily Seen with Binoculars Altair Capella δ Cephei Deneb α Herculis Vega Algol Fomalhaut Pleiades Hyades Aldebaran Polaris Easily Seen with the Naked Eye ! Astronomical Glossary When observing the night sky, and in particular deep-sky objects such as star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies, it’s always best to observe from a dark location. Avoid direct light from street lights and other sources. If possible observe from a dark location away from the light pollution that surrounds many of today’s large cities. You will see more stars after your eyes adapt to the darkness—usually about 10 to 20 minutes after you go outside. Also, if you need to use a torch to view the sky map, cover the light bulb with red cellophane. This will preserve your dark vision. Finally, even though the Moon is one of the most stunning objects to view through a telescope, its light is so bright that it brightens the sky and makes many of the fainter objects very difficult to see. So try to observe the evening sky on moonless nights around either New Moon or Last Quarter. Tips for Observing the Night Sky Listed on this page are several of the brighter, more interesting celestial objects visible in the evening sky this month (refer to the monthly sky map). The objects are grouped into three categories. Those that can be easily seen with the naked eye (that is, without optical aid), those easily seen with binoculars, and those requiring a telescope to be appreciated. Note, all of the objects (except single stars) will appear more impressive when viewed through a telescope or very large binoculars. They are grouped in this way to highlight objects that can be seen using the optical equipment that may be available to the star gazer. About the Celestial Objects NORTHERN HEMISPHERE NOVEMBER 2014 CELESTIAL OBJECTS ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! November 2014 ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! November 2014 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION for the ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND, INC. (ASSNE) The Astronomical Society of Southern New England, Inc. is an amateur astronomy club organized as a nonprofit corporation. ASSNE is composed of members who share a common interest in astronomy, science, and space. Since being founded in January, 1995, our mission has been to educate and inspire our members and the general public. We provide schools and other public venues with educational programs that may foster an awareness of astronomy and an appreciation of the night sky. Our annual Rehoboth Skies event, held each October, is a wonderful opportunity to share our knowledge and enthusiasm with the public. We also organize member star parties as well as tours to events and places having relevant astronomical presentations or programs. At our monthly meetings, members may participate in discussions and presentations given by members or by guest speakers, witness demonstrations, and observe the heavens with other members after meetings. ASSNE has a constitution and a set of bylaws, so that all members may become aware of the workings and direction of the club. This club was formed to promote the following goals: • Educate members and the general public in the various aspects of astronomy. • Allow members to come together and share their astronomical interests with others. • Encourage amateur participation in astronomical observing programs and research. • Organize, administer, and fund astronomy educational programs within the community. Our motto: To Educate and Inspire ____________________________________________________________ Membership (be it family or individual) is $20/year. Membership fees shall be pro-rated for new members by quarter, with no fee to be charged for the quarter in which the member/ family joins. (For example, a family joining in April would pay $15 instead of $20. And an individual joining in November would pay $5.) Your dues also entitle you to club discounts on subscriptions to Sky & Telescope Magazine, reduced membership dues for the Astronomical League, and access to the assets of ASSNE, which include books, videos, and free “loaner” telescopes. Be sure to get your S&T discount coupon from George at the next meeting. Our monthly newsletter and other information about us can be found on the Internet at To save costs, the preferred method of communicating with members (apart from our meetings) is through the web using the club bulletin board at , or by e-mail (please no broadcast emails or BCC’s). Interested members and nonmembers who do not have Internet access may elect to receive a paper version of our newsletter, which will be prepared and mailed for the cost of doing so. page 13 of 14 ASSNE Vol. 20, No. 11! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! November 2014 APPLICATION FOR ASSNE MEMBERSHIP Please complete member info: Date: _____________ Name(s): _______________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Telephone: (______) ________________ Email:___________________________ Please check membership type as appropriate: (includes emailed monthly newsletter) ___ Single $20.00/yr ___ Donor $30/yr ___ Family $20.00/yr ___ Supporting $50/yr Optional services: ___ Mail the newsletter to me (Additional $12/year for costs) ___ Add discounted Astronomical League membership ($7.50/yr) $_______ TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ASSNE meets on the 2nd Saturday of every month, but members observe together informally throughout the month whenever the sky is clear. Would you like to receive invitations to observe with those members who regularly issue invitations to observe at their homes? (Even if you don’t make it, you’ll be emailed a copy of the night’s observing log.) ___Yes ___No If paying by check, please make it payable to ASSNE, Inc. And if mailing, please mail to: ASSNE, Inc. c/o George Huftalen 231 Metacom Ave. Warren, RI 02885 Or pay dues by PayPal: Go to, and follow the instructions. The address to use for dues or other ASSNE payments is page 14 of 14
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