: [BBGI8TBBED N o . 2 9 2 .— V o l . V I . ] >• ' ----------- •- AS A NKWSPAPBB FOB TRANSMISSION IN THB LONDON , N O V E M B E R 5, : *----- i—1 UNITED 1875. KINGDOM ’)"■ ; !•' AOT . ABBOAD.] n:-*:ri!. vinm - ) [D o u b l e S sE B T -r^ B K ffi l ^ f '------------------------------------------------------------------ _____________ - - - - '-J----------- ------------------- •:>! t :;f<! il— / . M* i -^ .Ix DIRECT SPIRIT-DRAWING. Underneath is the Jeprtsentfttion of a fossilised1reptile and The ' 8pecimenS :()f phenomena, through the mediumship of D. " which we published last week, have excited apother animal. This drawing was: oljtaiflecl1in the: preSencfcof ho*pWhaplj ._, a wide interest/and induced many to make arrangements for secur- Dr. Sexton, on one of hisYifiits fo Glasgow, w WState th6 ability to■■■ in g a c o p j ■,of •the:how work, “ Hafed, Priuce ot- Persia,” which is opginalii his possession. produce a portrait In an inconceivably Blioit spate of'timBj aad*' about to Deii This ■week discriminationpeculiarto the rive two additional specimens of direct spirit- without physical light, andalso that1 humanintellect, Which,in arough sketclfof ageologieal’specimen^ drftwlbg’j'but'wdm d remark, by way of preface, that the blocks ........................................................ - bit ’ ;r. ■ from w M p h W ’]Sm t are not so smooth in outline and forcible in implies the whole history of the individual I’epksented. The forthcomingWorkwill be arich mine bf well autihenta- • expi^qn-W thW origiiials. “ \ ' The $rst contairii iaottoes in two languages, quite unknown to cated faots, proving, not only that man exists after flCatlrfor < the medium and all who were present. T he incident which it is intended to iliu^tiate will be found fully described in. the ne5r,V«rk about to appear. A ll ,th^t wa have to do at present isj to .affirm that it. is from a drawing done by spirits direct, without tha use of human agency; implying power, o f sight without physical light, and a knowledge o f languages quite, foreign to the sitters. Here are powerful arguments for the existence of spiritual beings; and n o th e 6 r i0 havp yet been propounded by non-spirituaUfte'wMch will explain them. . .. The other picture is, as everyone w ill perceive, a .portrait , of Hugli MSU&, ariiiyid in his Scotm p l ^ r aftd accompanied tiy .tbe tbM s of ’hi? scient^c Hugh M illerL npft'a, symbols ‘ w6ll-lmown ! ;,v ’ ' ' 1 ; w ve;jry well-m dry^personality,and his pijftrait.w&s always, take^ wil itfi the ^c6&h‘ maid.' abrief period, but that he cancommunicate with oil tjid.:.- ’ earth-plane at least two thousand years ifter phy^&:,<^§lutioii. ;, '• t.■ •^iimjnmtoa ' This goes far to imply, a continued immortally; ijpr^inan,: whioh.necessitates a permanent personality. : ■. everyone will perceive, is entirelyantagonistic tQjthewrete^ed ; re-incarnationtheory., r :: ^ ' 1 Subscriptions for the forthcoming wbrkj ^HafeariP™*^®* P^raia• Earthilife and Spirit.®^ are 'bbing'-wcewfa:<at •• tho' Spirittfat Irifetittite, 15, Southa^on^EbW,- ^ tr -MinVot oici'rte'rtrP'fi Stite'&l.' GlasertiW/: THE, MEDIUM AND DAYBBEAK. 706 . ... November. 5, .187.5. s a s fc addresses .whioh. jve .believed v ‘" c ' She wpj&rhabdistmot _ _____o •A ■ .« N q t t in g h a h :. . i/.: and walks he;hkd with;Mr. Beddall8.;' . ftfc '& wett'tu6flibft;;uow •ijniei circumstances which, led to our visit to JSot^ngham, on pW80nt> ^motty:rebolleofca_eeing Mrs. EeddaUa’.hand.being'nioved by S t i d i y are riven in the Report by Mr. A s h y o r t i,^ t % t , .$ th r BQipe po.wor w M |)h% e^M t^;]ie oouldnojMully understand* ■, On one out any prebmihary remMks^/we^may a t-o n d ^ pr$g§§$ business of the .day. The, Spiritpaligta hall close to St.*Peter’s Ohufch^yhioli ^^^somewhat' oyer onehundredpeople. They. Kayeit atay6£y;Jowrental. It iscoj^r. ; A^Qtose'bf twelve sw jf ^ venientlyBitpaty,^dy^rec<^^ dwi^dled^ ^ r o & ' b f ^ e ; spore or $Sj downJoth^w^st nuni^erj;/T ip meetj^s.on Sutid^^ e iield ;ihterest^g:i'sme|ioe waa Bt&f' in that TQOpii ',....; ■V" * } ' } : ■ ' ' ' :r" '^% ;inem 6er,i ’ Tiie first gathering waa jnoie particularly intend ;fo^‘juitro- a,oeriain-amou: 1 t,_ dncing visi(iprj3 to the local Ironto #alw awis for ib.e t^ia.m eansw ew hfe other op&ations W‘ this acquaintaiiceBlup Tlj|: attendancewas small. The morning was cold md.raw, and tfio. :t 0 s t Fvwffify'' 8 0 i tone jjf ;$!iemeetingwasof a similar cluiracter. "UltimatelyMrs. A large house; Hit^^M|^ftI:;contro)led-by the .little spirit..‘‘ Ppj tak]fn an^ ,diri|jd b>|penf'* un44fett63‘:TO^'avei beenborn; A l i a ’........ ^ p l,e ;^ u it t o werev.sivena'1’- - ' poos Ifiayi exisi so approi we have the same , „ ___ This interesting conttol having' ceased, Mtf’SSJrebn, a medium under.development, was seized by an influence which excited his sympathie&ina' lugti degree. U ltim ately it was Supposed tb at the control might be for Mi. Burns, who stretched his band across the table, and most marked i^dia^ions:<jf, affection wera exhibited by the controlled medium. \T£e spirit W as ultimately identified as that o f little Maggie Simpson, a child who passed away in Oounty Durham two or three years ago. In the afternoon the formal conference was somewhat better attended, but there was a. scarcity o f visitors from a diqtflijpe. N o ttiijliW i^ B ife a te d 'o n V ranotluies of railway, aiid i t is almost impossible to get to it on the Sunday and return the same day. There were, however, visitors from Belper, Derby, and other places, and out a thin sprinkling of the Spiritualists of the town. The room ultimately filled up. Mr. -Hancock presided, and in his opening speech said their association had gradually fallen to pieces, and it was resolved to suspend public meetings entirely. A few moved a counter resolu tion, that a fresh start should he made, and hence that conference, M fo Hitchcock had been their chief speaker. Some time ago her guides indicated a change, and that she woqld be taken away from them occasionally, and other speakers would be required. The additional help expected had. not yet come forward, and thus the intefiasthad very much fallen off. Mrs. Hitchcock’s guides had pointed* tot:five reasons for. this disintegration. First, a want of congeniality and harmony among those connected with the meet ings. Secondly, those who came were only half individuals, for they left their souls behind them, and sat in their places more like wooden effigies than living, feeling, human beings. Thirdly, a lack of patience and perseverance in the work, and a tendency to give up too soon if the results expected were notforthcoming. Fourthly, a want of self-reliance. They all trust to the medium, and do not fall back on their own resources, or seek for the development of other mediums. Those who were mediumistic would not per m it themselves to be exercised, a id t h p the work of development was interfered with. Fifthly, a ivftpt of attention to conditions, punctuality as to time, and o $ § j arrangements. Letters of apology were rea^frojn, several who could not attend. An able letter was read froin, Jifo W . Russell, of Birmingham, Secretary of the S ip ^ y -n i^ ^ g -w o y ^ m e h t there, in which he ad vocated the establi^inent.of^P-Spiritualists’ Lecture Union’’ for the Midland Counties. The. plan £e proposed was to have the names of all speakers on a card, so th at secretaries arranging for meetings in the district might very sopn supply themselves with necessary platform aid for their Sunday meetings. Mr. Ashworth read the following Report Seohetabt’s B e post. Some ten or eleven years ago several of the friendB now present, viz., Mr. and Mrs. Hitohoock, Mi. Prqotor, the writer, and others who have since passed on to spirit-wo^l^, might have been seen sitting round a table and endeavouring to oljijain, gpjne proof tijat those “ gone before” were not deador lying in %“ dreaming sleep.’’ After a few sittings without any apparent success, the table moved, and those we loved on earth purported to ba in our midst. The meet ings gradually inoreased in interest, and test upon test was given. Ulti mately, tfta <^ble.^a,oy^5[ioiii Qe^Bpd,.an/ ' Mgtmunicatiopsi were given itWit^e gi' throilj ......... roagb.a/n^J^^m o^m e>it ^ o f:^ b . H ito^p y B hand. At thisi time ti the>inedim’s nnger WM made to point to the letters bf tbe alphabet,i and t i this mapper.. The meetings noyr -----— -,r------------ ipts!v/er&^frequently:inade tooaufle Mre? !ffim oookl'tb s p ^ , --After 'some few'atfcnlpts Bhe was made to giveJa^rlssib&itdiione oi: two. tfordsj tyitil-VBry :soori after shewas able to spew a whole sentence. Meeting after meeting .\fraa. held*' tha attendani^inijr®i(d^rp)*portipp1dyi \^]® the.pi}(^eB9,tnade by the.medium. th§® riter.pv[nga djstinotre?ollebtiqn of one qq&rijyi wrerspmfed,^ only a, modmate5° 89 * » } » ? !? e w w vritii u^ arid on Several occasion^' reported iri ^oftliaiid S e ^ ^ t i f u l ' p ^ M the moitJ ;fiere ^^the/stattMznuat notjhoweter^ ________ __ He informed ub something"of the working'of thiB institution, “ Manupl” was purchased, whioh r^sultedjn tbeform^tippnf’iEyceum No. 1. 'Both young and old will ever remember the many happy, and .0 I may say profitable, hours, spent in oonneotion with this beautiful institution. We started' with bjjt few ohildren, but have had, aa the journal will show, as many as eiglity on-the roll. After awhile the interest somewhat decreased, and many fell off. Some could not stand the scoffs of the ignorant, others gre# up and were led off by companions, while others, whose parents were not Spiritualists, gradu ally lost their former interest, and left us. Others, I am glad to say, kept on till its last expiring breath, whioh oeSufred'aoSne fettP -mo&ths ago. The numbers being so small, we thought we might instruot our selves more by starting an adult class, which meets here fortnightly, when essays, paperB, and addresses are given, and have proved to be of a yery interesting and instructive nature. Some nine or ten months ago it was deemed advisable by some to ohange the name of this sooiety, ap there were friends who felt that they oould not beeome i^etAber^ p# a Spiritualist sooiety, they not being fully oonvinoed who cduid join siibh : a one as wished to investigate the subject. ■, ■ ' As in other intances, so in this. Some have left their darling-babe to the mercy of the elements, not caring, by their action^,I whether jt was > starved to death or brutally murdered. I may, in Conclusion,, say tbiat severtd. oiroles have at times.been started, but have .nQfc. jne^jrith itJiafe succeis whioh many others have obtained. Trance medium^iip appear; to be the most general, we having failed to develop any real gqodphyaiT . oal mediums—a want whioh mafly would be glad: to see aijppli^di: V?e have for more than ten ’ years field publio Sunday evening meetings, whioh have been attended by many hundreds of the inhabitants of this town. We hope this pleasant gathering will be productive of muoh good, and that we may go on with our work of uprooting error and superstition, and in its plaoe planting truth, happiness, and love, ever remembering that we have the aid of the bast of earth’s departed ones, who are still anxious to bless humanity,—On behalf of the oommittee, Jas, A sjiwoeth, Oor, Sec. Nottingham, October 28th, 1875. Mr. Morton rose and said he reganled the Spiritual Institution as related to the cause in all parts o f th$. country, as the sun is related to the earth and other planet?., I t might be said that the sun gave light gratuitously, but. g ^n -bad to work, |ig the ground, sow seed, and put himself to expenses) and exert biinaelf in labour, or the sun’s heat -^oifl^bring about a fm d e M ie .tljr ^ He there fore argued that tp;olj>$iin the* fijj, benefit o | t j ^ i . ^ p j i a l Institu tion, the same cau se^as necessary as to reap tlw advantages of the light and heat of the sun. B y helping the Spiritual Institu tion with its work, assistance was afforded to the ]$oyement every where. To get the advantage of the sun,, we had to open our abodes and admit its ra y s; and so, to gain the advantages of the Spiritual Institution, Spiritualists should open their minds to its literature, and make efforts to spread it amopg others. Those who had no knowledge of the benefits of the Spiritual Institution were those who refused to avail themselves of the advantages it con ferred. The literature was calculated to open up the minds of many enlightened, thoughtful people to the subject who could not be reached by any other means. The reduction o f the M edium in price to one penny would, he considered, be a great boon to the public an4 the cause. N ext year he intended to take two copies instead of one, apd i f five hundred Spiritualists would do, the same, tWs would be a means of introducing the M ed iu m to 2,000 m V readersimOijtljlyi and. to upwards of 25,6op in. the course of tpe year. T h jstirfat iy6rk cou],d, be accomplished by the expenditure o f o n ^ anad d j^bnaliial^enny a week; asad t^e expense. wa^ §a trifling,' and. th£ results so great, that he had no doubt tjiose wfi.o gave i t a moments thoi^fht woiud at once adopt it. Th^re’ wera seasons in nature, and so there ought to be in Spirituijisip. Hp; regarded printer as the time for them tp sow se e j, ipipp peopfe were mpip jM tic d a rly connnad wiflijn 4doo^s, m J.b ^ o p p o rjtu n i- . ties fqr.^ad^ttg- . tjp ^ of maji^epi^jjal throughits agency, m i Morton aigWd th{it a.kpovf(edgeof rw W m i c?iu^ d^Bstn«miteii!^si ^ a i^ tam todm 9:8pM itj i ft] -*’ -------- „„ j ‘j.J oi r.'-'---. ■< 1 »$B^[i$B#it^tW irorfl!Ei8''ia£itiWjn lo m h i ■>■(( 'nAanseon e d « % Oonfeuence;plbsedjL,th&ipenflgiI;}»aJce,iaprr aipsjiandispeirt p, * e iy ^ t e ^ t i n ^ s i f ^ i d t r i f a p y b y % }oyS W B «;l S m ?‘M& Moktair: tte ii'T e fe ^ ito 'tlie c c gowpi)! :ti fohia£&if ;iVsAr {tio tiS jM h 'as Mfr.'J ^RepfaW TO liiage,’' '^ o r f t e n s ^ wou ^ ' o f f i f i l f e f e M M f t - ; M l P i^ M w j!« ie 9 8 R m # a , B p ^ A . T O R . I i ? .^«y(,n w g h ti;eaig 95lj#s^ .fa ,.!* # * q M m M » i|nflMteOA'.w«W|i ,awJ<; ungrajifiad forfwaat o f eft medium. through whoai'ia QonanuyaiOate. By'circulatkg.atea^ledgaofSpiiitualiiBm'flniong'onrirleEd8:oa earths we imgHt be^pavingr -the w ay for a means of ( cwfamBnwm when’itwafPoUr destmy^ofyepMfcto the spirit^torldr- B ethought it W ^ . 't i ^ / ® # fetBr6st':o f all1 to promote Spiritualfetf, kiribnd' one b f t f l w 'i i i f y td jiroVe' himsrff an Obst&cle to fyfoft^pitigriasS; by f l e g ^ M t o ^ U is d u t j. : . ?V . ' "T : . '^ if's q m •&« clvaii: .on, tije d if fe r e d ,o j bpipieii wpsfflig 'Hjidu»i?lt made: a sflpsQ fefr w W cW ei reviewed Jps: ssp rien ce in regard to,i'9jjgi0iufl.<tuefttiQ»s, W ie n quite young ihfl waa astonished t o : hear :.that there'were, different sects,! ■H e :had been brought tip as a Methodist, and thought allreligioUa people believed alike. H e gave an account of th e d ifie i^ c e s ’ <$■ opinion aM doubts w hich arose in th® com munion w ithw hieh he WM connected!, because, o f the M rbduction o f i.few 's^rcM p g ^uQStibijs. Durihg bis lifetime he ttad ‘spent u ^ a rd p o f £100 in Jitorature on Various aspects o f the' religious question, whichhie,’thought was &pretty good course ofuiyesti^at i o ^ f o r i ^ b r % ’ ' ' ■ ■ * > — --*<- i - ■*■-•» - ‘ ----' of hooks, oit the looked upQn tjhe authority whiph explfluwd all Bibles. r9’dock,.,thfi Jt^Uj,P%W utawrog-iiii W ii m nwuk conducted. $ 9 service y Mr. W eatm ore]to^iflsid^4iatih».'' p^JtKffllUHb. : . ■;■•,' 'i:'. ::!.i ..-. a -I ilkut'lo'.asufil!'”! ; Chrnidiscoursewas entirely impromptu, A visitot^aceitsir'fetter’ M afe .1; Btfty'Oiraf|g|tfhL . _ Nv^kj1 ' xre ’took up th e ' tfsWr inUttfir' raSL pdflftsS. discusSett jarti'culars i^ ’w h l d a ^ i 'o ^ '^ ^ l A t'tiie close, a cJergyhjaa from ^.'dista^i; yeW ,,highly, of. ouj wp^i; j p f c i^ tfiM s t^ ^ i^ .T y m c ft, 1 Ji^ .o c c u rre i m h i s 0T O ,e x p e ^ n ^ ,.^ d , 1^p|i^bihjfl t m sh^p.: Bi8.Bpeeehefl,Jo?; t b w ,wer?,two^i« th eifo sa « f i^ s& m t ■ t o :^ hi^w ;e.re!plied} ,<«e8.tpd»ttSS<}elteitij»gjessioBt.J ■; «.i ••:'■ . : Mr. Hitchcock also rase ajid. sfated that i t wa^ th e intentiop pf the friends ; to commence a hook dul^, ad had heto-th& caee' before, by suhsmbing each a small sum’ weeMyj.and purohasing1 hooks fdr reading and distjibution attOD^the- Members. ", 1 This- gave rise to a demftn.d fo r further teformitibh u jb a the schemes bf the "StnriJajat Instittittbii for tne ’ffiflfcsSfri bf lrfeMji|ye;. We. gave a brief: explinftti'on of otir a ^ t ie m e ^ t s ;f o r ’iip )f™ ^^, standard works to th e ' friends o f the tfl%c' taking part in raising the' ijecessftjy f u i ^ to publish, tte .jjq o K ,,; Tfe.d etails of thja, plan will he. seea « f t l f l a t . pftge, Af p ft; M b p it o , The .formal proceedings being, oyer, the meetisgbioke.1u>p abwly; ■ after h * r a g lasted upwaida of tw a houirs and a half from tbe comW e then, made a few remarks in closing the Conference. W e putocement of the; seryice. Though the day began rathej coldly, warmly urgfed the friends to look to the cause in Nottingham, and yet thei closing scene Was. all that oould bft desired, and everyosei not trouble themsqlVes particularly with' what' friends itt other felt that an excellent day’s work had been. d one.. Once more all phtces niight he doing;. Large deputations from distant towns, on' the saipe day, would to$ a great waste of money; pad reshit in blft ly that a series of public t t e ^ g a . wiU. be, #ei^''aa little gpod. .friends Ought to do, Woiild. be tb ha v e a hitherto,, and, With the ..rtf tati<ie,: a very decided interest c p w he e d ite d ..',. W e J P ''~3''* in London this'w inter various speakers fr o » the y . f e ' a holding out induceWieats tp local Spiritualists to come together to Lafl.«ujhire districts. I f our JTo.ttinghw ftfa m «W I fr 9m them on their way to London, it wiojohi f e r e ^ ^ ijo ir o w y # ; meet their ^tiendiaifeom the distance. and make the tour of some use, to the friends thus vMtaig' ua^ v h o A s to the j ^ o M b t Mr, Russell, it was a good one; but ?t was could return bv way of Birmingham, and do vrork going in' both not irece&WiCtw^ffc f e the coidflumniation o f an elaborate system direcitions. W e had an opportunity of making ah^Dgeme&tx. befbre ttiffing1AdvaiitSgb1 bf^lt.' Already the friends knew Where Mrs. Hitchcock to visit London in a few weeks. H er med&iineM] several B p ^ e is liy e i, AQ that was necessary was to correspond Continues to develop. She has been making visits to Belp&r apd w ith them.—ask.thejn when' they could come, and make arrange other places, and a change of conditions hflg heen o{ hei^^fit to, ments accordiprf}!». A jaui^bef pf speakers would visit. on her. " Sunday, from wmwighaw. and other places, merely for their W e were pleased to hear o f cases of heaJiSg ifte^iTO^aiv expenses., This would be the heat step to take to induce other towns to j^ in s u c b .a .u B io B ^ t e iliit waawisesfc for people to. act S P C O T U M iIS M . fca theni6ek?)es, and not waifc for others to be ready to act with T H E NEW CASTLE CMJKXNICLM of the 6x; gome months ago we promised our reactors a them. ■ :W e dw«lt somewhat oti' th« question o f individual response ceUent review of the works of Oroqkes ajia .We b ifity in t o wbik O f ^ p u i t i a l ^ . "By labouring iff the eause we tsm whi<ih appeared ip the Mwcaqtk Jppfij/ C5ijjri r e a j» p B q could b e t ^ ihM^: b h l'bur 's ^ ilin d develtHiiaents, and^ prepare for 1875.' I t contains a summary SQ. CQmprehewtye, 1 tttairttme wheja we shall hsive tb dlbfle Our. eyes to the lights of tif ii well worthy of consideration, that we w e do aj [Qgy fo? in to * world, i j i d ' jaias .through the"dirk valley into the light of another' dueing it now. TH E K EW SOIENOE* spli^re, , i t ;shb]i^d.;^. ihp o % c t of everyone to have, i f possjblet cnmp g U ^ e r-.o t'sp i» t^ a l . ^ E t , that the great trial of tiansitiop. Apparently the time has coma when soienca must enlarge the area nright ? or- iima«lf> the speaker said, within, whioh her votaries hava been: acoustomed to woric. Ik cannot perhaps be maintained, notwithatauding the mamllaus extension o f he.'fladt.do. fipiritW i^ift -w.BSMW#011 whatever, and without^ knowfedge which ^jritu aliffln aftorded, his ideas of mta’e nature: haman knowledge during the la£t fifty years, that, aoieaoa has begun to and destiny Would hav6 beeu:very different. Of late, he had been- tigh for aew worlds to conquer. Before suoh a deadlook o*n ooour, under the -neces^t^ ' of iuakiiig some1 lonely excursions into the pnioh will have to be done in the m y of jeouring and utilising the ‘‘ Valley of the1’S hadow of j3eath f and when he endeavoured to oanqueete already achieved. But there W been bo careful a survey of the,outposts of recant acquisitions that the engineera-in-ohiaf o f human lotsk hey®iid; it was tdl dafteiei® tod indefiniteness. No light from diacavery hf«re somewhat pedantieally proolaimed wt pfaa ultra all the other side tp guide or to invite. Had he been under the neces round, going sa far as to forbid inquiry into the '^region* beyond ’’ -as a sity to qnit the body, it would haver been like divihg into p dark epeoiea o f pluloBQpbieal trespass, and in some oases jo far as to deny river, without any certainty.as to whether the individual, conscious the very existence of such region. This finality dogma'has net been being would ever alight on another shore. Such Was' the trial' decreed in the Vatican of Soienoe without emphatio OMtert on the part before all who were not developed ip their spiritual faculties. . . J J j Of both Metaphyaioa and Beligion. The venerable theory' bf a spiritual matter, haa hoped t i a t he Blight be parfliittei to live upon e^rth tjll.ihis. realm within or above or around the vague domtrin bf1ina developnlent ensued, and taua be able to cross the dark river with never been either oomplete’ the consciousness of safety and guidance, and with the light of th e hypothesis of all-Buffloiant . spirit-world beckoning him on. To the stoong and the thoughtleas,. imponderable, imperceptible, ------------------ --------, full of life and'passion, this con&leration might seem ridiculous agent or fountain of foroe in its manifold correlation of iheat,!<li|nt; fbUy; but whatever be the physical Btate or m entd' hias of phemical affinity, gravitation, eleetrioity, galvanism, and tho :‘ any human being, the de&tiny w&s-before them. The dark Talley had to 1je'traver8ed'j tha river ‘6 f dcWfh had to be' ferOsStyjL ITo1 one dbifld etadb thw co!i^&;''£ihdr.ihb V ise woiild Tie tHbseiwhb' endeavotrbd to make life the Reason in Which to trin?. their Jfiinjpfl elements ; nevertheless the;bigoted renmaot of ;ages which 1 with, spiritual enlightenment, that they .jiig h f se^ 'and know margin for non^materlal'phendmenii ^hsKrajath^iPjfertniaoiouBly bettt on wiuwier^iey were going in the great trad itional trial, of epB j^qe.' to the eeemingly un#olehtifl() aiaertlbn, that therois a something in %e Spiritualiam aided'man in this work of development, I t ,afforded universe or in man’s neeeMary cbnoeptipni o f th e univeree, wamntmg grounds for rational satiafaction, and the. eifff ct upon the Mfflit was. * v Hesearohea.in Sbe ShajppiHift of S y iWUUwx ClPSlWi to. open the clairvoyant perceptions, excite .^the intuition^ and. develop man spirittially fo r hia approaching.transition into roiriV Londpp; life. a m ^flilirrtlriri-.-iT the: id& 6f causation, a n d ? S '!P i^ o tffSui)Wme Cause worthy to be rejJej&uied, ftbou|h.,i5ncapkible'iof ’beuig: formulaWd b ^ ih a canons 'of fc^lbW, J8i§ !if-taMng'tHe' ^^^^VfcJB'i69irJ^etJ!6fi^U-i^eiS^L«»bl«iobrtinMy,rjuaidipUfl!sdien|iBts^ ■paiitomiw^' inluiyVSiygr^t',men-^pft'ai^oijsly^eat'inen' m&itil—went!' M yf ;^fe'ne4;from (iutU e .negaUon out pf their lpgitimate.iiphore, or1 toithishouBe-'and'that h'ouBe,:whWeve'rift’BenBitlVerbrmfediUm:Was-to; hW/W^.to^i^lmgj wit^,;jinytlii^gj,lj4yoEid tiie e^fc)$,e:pndj.tijitor- Sofqf&ro'ey#>Mrt'j</f nioral^aWant fbp Mitlvihg oonfinea of matter are not rigidly marked off by an impassable boundary) but:fath,eiJ)pj!Bl]1e i oM (indefinitely by a graduated attenuation,1'till'.{he ijsai^e^aniito;iphCnpmenais filled jip' or . bridged lover;: T im e^ ^ ^ j^ fB fjijliefin d eed i on the:;patt pf very bUBy jsoiejltifio ^^^‘i^^^u^fitj^jiBtanije to.reppg^^e.as^reai phenomena ocourw^eraBle t p ^ o w i a n d apt arrogant disdain for rtir aasomates’ivlio manifesfc a dispoaition.to honour suoh ocourttdSu ^ i i ! i , 'Boieiitlfl!o treattn'entl « O m t f UILata c 'iiii. B u t tikis ls a okaraoteristio infirm ity jl;:— A pattl^oKal ft¥feS oF^lSitB^'IIiidi^idual humanity ja essentially free1and. ptfbgfefcsiWS’ lAs'Sd'fjiated: humanity—even when avowedly. banded, to gether to promote i progtess-^B1-invariably conservative.’ Societies are' organised itovpropagate deceived; opinions, or' to pursue truth on lines definitelj^aid-'dbtfn^ I f o|iiriiong<ari&e’which seem ts rub- counter to thoseafceady accepted1,the whole weight of the organisation thuB ithreateried is brought tp hear on'their., suppression. I f results are alleged to ^ y e been attoined by 9tljei;,thap the sanctioned methods, they are to $11 i n ^ f c | t y d l .p i ^ i ^ ,^ t e ^ M presumably false., It is only fair to add th^t J&jj| ,con(^vat|ye.. .element is ,by no means .withput. its; value in ecoM^ipins :tfttje1guiaing energj' in promising channels, and preventing Wa®|6 ofW eift.bym id and, vague ^diffusion over areas of inquiry from whJdH little'iste be; aiatioipatea; and it is further to be observed that all progress iitffide by individuals whether with or without the sanction and oo-operation of guilds organised for defensive and.conservative obj&stfl^? IB!exi4tin‘g'.tf6oi'etieS are notable, by the terws of their oharter, or;will ndtjibyreafori of'the lethargy whioh attaoks corporations almost necBsSarily;bomposed 'of old m6n,: makeroom in their archives for tbe Bp4ilB/9.f nei#:(iisQ&very,!a swarm takes place, and a new hive of intellec tual hpnO T-i^ngis-set agoing. j There is no ground for despondency, «w? fyrraijing,■ia tbe, jmpaseability of learned conclaves to new truths o^ rt^kiijglynew.pbaieiB .of truths already familiar. I t is of oourse ^u^tojP^pj^r:*to b(>libit~(ip-pperatiori, whioh, on account of the prestige at ito.iqommatiq, would sensibly assist the naturalisation of new truth; but aj?tarnl£ th^re’ ii !aii a priori probability that such co-operation will eiimeFba ijefiu^'altogethe*, or n^pered!'with conditions and prejudices Wfriph’will’ttftder it Tyorth^ess. - BOoner or later, the aspirant will have to'^imdja'society,''aiid possibly a ' sett of his own, and after a oertain interval of fighting there \vill be peace if not fusion between the old and the newi- Whether the1views of Spiritualists are on the point of escaping from thij period of tutelage and struggle for existence into M i general recognition, m aybe disoussed with interest; but it: is antecedently pro bable,that.tbey-will have to go the way. of all flesh, roundabout through t^ayeanra'^lQerne^s;pf probation into the land of rest and glory,.-.SpeMfng loosely,. Modern Spiritualism may be described as about flve-and-twenty yearB old ; for, although the extraordinary occurrences whioh gaw pee, tf>Lthis newbranch of human, inquiry began long before ■ 1850, and’inideed nave rarely been absent from human experience more than a few years at a time since history oommeneed, it is only since abtfat'a'^rlietvdf a eentrfry ago that the business first gained attention frQw ^<jtabJe^,erBpns( while it is only, during the. last ten years or so " M deigned eyen a show of philosopbi^'iflyestigation mtp tiie faots vouched for to them and not seldom tfitftw&tjjrt^em.'That men of perfeot soientiflp training would sooner or lararl)rln| t ^ it 'lii^hly disciplined minds to bear upon the transoend8nM{ph'6honi8na':repdtted tti first th far from commanding authority, became increasingly probable.in proportion tp.t^e number of eminent men in other departmental human attainment,- who one after another, or iu aeleot-groupa, ‘testified-that they^had witnessed Bights and sounds and jmovfflnentevwhiohi' so fer as they' knew, oould not be explained without at least- stretching the known laws of matter very considerably beyond! their.ouBfonuiry range o f application, It was also probable that if'investigators ‘of : Known’ soientifio aoonraoy should be oompelled to report,affirmatively of: the phenomena in question, they would at the sime time be constrained to classify thefle modern miracles as previously unobserved natural -phenomena,:thus either enlarging the recognised atfea of- soientifio inquiry, or erecting a new science, aspiring to rank in thafrselfect-Bisterhood who preside over biology, and to be considered as a branch in theihigher physics that postulate mysterious etherial motion as a fundamental: explanation of meohanical and ohemical phenomena. .AS ito the /first-named probability, matters had become rather urgent when even : a l!araday oould be induoed td turn from his absorbing and useful pursuite to ontioiie and, aB he rather hastily assumed, to explain thd phenomena; of table'-rapping; but -his great skill enabled him to simulate, the ■real phenomena as. Bucoessfuliy as the olever trickery ofuBiHoudin; or a Dobler enabled them to turn analogous manifest&tibnSiihtQ ridicule, whiltf the ;unrivalled reputation of Faraday for’iiagaoity tod .fairness lent a'-sanotion to a decision which, it now tuniB out.and was even at tl>e time earnestly asserted,: was wholly undeseryed,; 'Bob in. spite of;derisicm;or so-called soientifio exposure, amidBtthe Soletiin denunoiationa<)f terrified orthodoxy and the supercilito-:smile-x>f a,philo8ophy, that: felt itself safe in exeroising:a con temptuous !ohairity,-the,;phenomena persisted in going on, and the number1of jbelioveradaily augmented. Men who had something like a. reputation: to:losG 5?ere, at first rather; chary of lending’ their august coutitananoe ,-to^uoh -tomfoolery aa tilting tables orazy chairs, tipsy banios, Belf-ringing bella, pusay-oat soratohings at the door which shuts hfitiah ,sensfl!r/rom'?the-' ij liter-darkriass,' and an accordion playing the «<Tail exhibit).:/. They wereBdm'etimes:diBappointed;':andiwerit:a^ayhuttonmg u^'theirrstout w»{)pers ipf ipredjudibe iintrighteousisfent;rJinpr6:wm* :• nSon.ly: they< w6resimm$ntfely-ainusddiihot[.atMt!30rM48drasd:i.f; ^© tr;uti»in.svfoli! aicase:could;be :got at, we;-Bj)5)fld frightpned;;[;^hen;they.;^uet needs, opjaejagaji^) »fv'.^nae%iiW;«/l i h f l 7 . ^ ^ d i n g l ^ . j b p l ^ . , , ' , 1! ^ excepting AmbeHey. who, having,been at' five Be^nces'.-'fo^epp^h.'iiB1fis scbpcioisiii!,'aB'’th6 'Bpir ‘6f hiB fat&er' admfeph'.tiiat. wHHtiraB'Befen, heard; and'felt ■^Sni)mtt'Ti66h-poblied • awtiy as cleVetlfege^eiiiaiii; of orf inaefed, 'byr; referdiice to1ony! of the had' divided things knPwable and| provable."'‘Mtiny/ tif feMBC/'-Mited-,' and;-finally stepped: aside; but probably-not 'one ttho'haS Mb’ given in-his<'or her .adhesiotr to : the actuality1cofifihei phenbmenai iever drew baok to^ the; p osition of undiBturbeddinoredulityi! Jfviwe mention a -few -of the better-known names .which ihave. at one time or-aiiother more or.less served as vouohers to tbe'; ^n ge'.and' sprayed;-preter natural appearances, now generally - deBoriJ}ed. ^s 6pk\tiia}iBtib, _we Bhall make good our point, that it waB getting^tojjbe^fgh-,time for scientific Epioureans to stoop from their suWime rindiflfeferice, and at. least'mafielari effort to prevent, the 'lihole %orldJgoin? oraised. AtohbiBhop Whaiteljr, the skilled l.ogiciaii: iind Jba'rd-h^aded ‘ pnnce of theological ‘OOtnmPn sense, beoame an ardent SpMtiialist before he died—to the eixtent' o f ‘thoroughly believing1'thiit "he -Was eii rapport in one way or other with disembodied spirits, arid oOuld usefully inter change communications: with them. Frofessdr. Be Morgan, who had all the shrewdness and.hard-headedness of Whately, together with a double measure of his capacity.and intellectual energy, went even further in. signifying his assent as a philosopher not only to the facto, but to the extreme probability of the spiritualistic explanation of those facts. His “ Cpllectanea,” published in their new, form posthumously, under the name of “ Paradoxes,” will satisfy any unlearned reader as thoroughly as his treatises on the “ Doctrine of Probabilities,’’ and, on the “ Quantitifitotion of the Predicate,” or hih celebrated artiole in the Penny Cyclopadia, headed, “ Sufficient- Beason—Want of,” l^ave long sinoe convin-ced the most learned that he waB about the last mail ever born into the world to give hasty, ill-considered credence to a pfcwkof old wives' tales, or' indeed to anything of whioh his exacting intelleot wasi not abundantly certified. Lord Lindsay, who is one of the few members of noble.houses devoted to soientifio pursuits, has no more doubt ofthe transit of Mr, Home, the famous medium, in mid-air, than he has of the transit of yenushe witnessed in the Mauritius last November, or of the fovor whioli attaoked him before he returned, and has hardly yet left him. W. M. Thaiikei^y was too well trained a satirist to Btoop very willingly to Buoh follies is'table-spinning and Davenport Brotherism, unless stunned into belief by overwhelming evidenoe. It was in consequbnoe of this belief and riot, as WaBsupposed at the time, from a desire to poke fun at the savants, ot to titillate the public relish for Comhill, that he admitted1into^the'pages'of that magazine the remarkable artiole which a few years ago startled its numerous readers. The late Lords Lyndhurst and.fyoVgham, were a .little on. the wane as to their intellectual faculties, it is true, when they were brought face to face with spiritualistic factoand theories; but there was not, even to the last, any such abatement of natural force in these wonderful old lawyers as might justify the reference of their conversion, more ot less, to spiritualism to dotage; Witb Lord Brougham indeed, it did not go quite as far aBconversion, but oonviotion as to the reality o f the unaccotintablenesB of the phenomena there Undoubtedly was, and he was; to his dying hour, not at all a likely victim ,of gross imposture. Dr, Slliotson, the eminent physiologist, was for years the most formidable, because at once the most capable and tbe most earnest, opponent pf all Buoh pretensiona aa thoserput forwafd by or on behalf of Mr. Home. Yet: ne was. obliged. to fgiye in—not, indeed, definitely to tiie whole system or philosophy of spiritualistio oiroles, but to the not less important extent of “ a reoognitito of the reality of these manifestations, from whatever pausej,which is tending itprevolu-, tionise my thoughts and feelings on almost eve^ subjept,’’ and to .the expression of a touching regret that hehadnotkhPwri'theBe .things earlier. Mr. arid'ilni; wul go far with an whtt,kndw!theiriVritinWbil''t'neii?; phonal1#orth ; and Mr; Hall said/sotne years ago"TjTptlbiig! ago fmUst hiye'ConfesBPd tip disbelief in all miracles: I have seen aomany that my faith i» a‘Glirisdan is now not merely outward profession, but entire and solemn oonviotiori.” But who in the wide world would have euapeoted Nassau William Senior—Political Economy Senior—of being inolined- to this new-fangled doctrine, going so far as to prediot that before the -olose of this oentury these phenomena would be found subjeot to ascertained laws, and as suoh of course openly olaimed and owned by science ? Mr. T. Adolphus Trollopd is for certain reasons-not quite suoh an important witness as those just mentioned, and perhaps there might be imagined some latent reason for .discounting tne testimony of William and Mary Howitt, because of their finely constituted natures and highly oultivatea feelings. But the list iBby no means exhausted, whereas our space is rapidly be coming so; and passing by many witnesses of high credibility we must hurry on to remark tbat the neoessity for some soientifio prootor to intervene in thiB ominous proceeding for a' divorce -between authorised physical dogmas and intelligent belief beganitb be strongly felt Bome five or six years, ago, so that when it was understood that the .editor of the ,Quarterly Journal of Science, Mr. William Crookes,. P.-E.S., was entering upon a systematic inquiry into thp alleged phenomena of Spiri tualism, there was a sense of relief in many cultivate-minds, and in not a few something like a sly ohuckling in anticipation of the tremendous fiasco Mr. CircpW was sure to bring about. To most; eduoawjl people. the name of this inquirer was a sufficient gu&antee that riothirig raah either way would find plaoe in his experiments. The knowledge of Mr. Orooke’B. qualifications for his self-iinposed: task; is, however, not quite so'6xten'Bive/fls:the interest now felt in the Bubjeot-matter of that task^ and ; the*efore we ' think it right to mention tbat as editor, a t^Bke!:. tm^ejmeath a : author, and discoverer he has long sinbe-^-though not yet'by any t curiosity ijj an-inlieiStea tendenoy on th?'m9&ei:-»ide more means an old man—gained a foremost plaoe among living ohemist*. u7P9 KMi» . KrgS?$eyaljie 5 % —i ourselves, we have np/tga l& F 'jL •: J$fi . w ^ ^ e ^ o ^ r F.98*gTOWfljrortof0Rfeit!>O For g ,thS&i1Rl$ttach more weight to m AH fl.ti n m o lffflt n n f R fln m n in ff n A n r m i n ina'<iAlTan)'iAt( H ®w' o ^ M b m M a^eimce, w h r a ^ J w i o t ® t. a n # its a s t o n ^ i n g g ^ o ^ s u r w . :,H is tjtafrajm optics show mm 1hb iie o o ^ y of thallium, for iwh.ipfy!,hq:Was piffl? a^ellpw of r??i®w'’W 8 ?® '.bww acoidpnt, ojr e x h a u s t effort ofgepiuB.' haTe'‘»%in,J>fjei Bgok^pf^ahd exhibitedno l u r t , ^ ^ * . for % P?^??5^WWP.6"^ giTe the very beet ideaat tjjeir c ^ m n ^ d o f tbe appearaiiqe, an^ ^perfloial sirnbtureof the eartli’ft satelliW. ' He has bee^ in^mately jfliied up in Bome of the best and inosf: important o f their ghastly visitors, simply t e a ^ e : they we H S t f f i n astronpmio^'.Vortpt; the last few years, both at home and abroad... Di experiences tranBoendipr in soihe'partioiiM those of i q S ^ 'K u m a one, sentence,‘it Trqiild not Have been an «atry matter, if 'jpoe^ i'^ 'aQ i' nity. In putting forth.tb'ljr saving clause, .hoWeVeri we b e g f e ® ® u r for the'Eoypi^Sboipty.to have found one of its memWs eyeiy Way bo’ hearers that there is as wide a difference between SoripturctM ^M TOd entirely eompeteht and trustwortby had they oondesoendeij to take steps almost all Borfs of theblomoSlinference,/as for the explosion pf the Spiritualistic bubble. We simU-libt attempt to Wallace or the Mr. C r o o W tb:day and the same gentleman L'-the desoribe the (Mtraprdinary oare with, wbioh Mr, Crookes conduoted his days o f th o ir p h ilo so p h ica l scepticism . ' / . ^ investigations'; th'ework mentioned below will satisfy, as well aa deeply iutereBtjajiy reader, whether Boientifio or not. What immediately oonoerris ,m is,! thrt this, eminently qualified investigator has been 'drawta head over heels into what the dignified old-fogevism of Boienpe regards1 . ^^.^ y^ ^^ av^ w \ia\ iix\ix\mcastleDdUytO t^ ic le ,d.6cwb&r as a nnserable. qnagmjure; one-half impostpe and the other half piental 27tjb, containing a, review, o f two,publications on S p w ta«& m , Spiri hallucination,. tSingular, is it not, to say ho more, that this oool porson which has occasioned with all.’ his traps; tp. oatoh imposture or mistake, should himself be tualists in Northumberland. I t is rumoured .that thd proprietor trapped into, believing in the reality of ft materialised spirit-fpTja, and thinks Spiritualism may injure the paperyand.that hehasfesued even, as he lm sglf cqnjesses, going so far as foldjthe substantive-spiritual instructions th a t it be treated in a discourteoUBTOannerin fdttit'e. Katie King in his arras and do unto her “ as (uoy gentleman would This we think is a T O r y -u n H k ^ ^ h in jf f ^ a a n s ^ ^ M a f i o n o u n fle r sy o h oircilme,ft,T,rt'‘ ° ” A A strange'story - ± ~ _ is it _not .j. o? At il naturally ado.'under snqh oircumstanoes.” 'advanced is not tenable, for eveiy publisneif M d # S alVevents, it, itV ad is m a bstory ~ ~ f. -a? r lVTr. Crookes tells kw.w m V, m w i j well r r o u worth r r u it u rreading. u a u iu g . is nothing which^sells off an edition like' & The oomganion-atory in no Icsb Btrange and much moro rich in literary and strictly. human. interest.^ Not to fcnow.Mr. Wallaoe isito argue oneself unknown. The brilliant effulgence of Du, Darwin hasBomem iu, nuu ju s i now w e W e s t m in s t e r wbafc paled the: far, from intellectual fires of his rival and co-worker’s genius. But it must not be forgotten that Mr. Wallace was first ih tbe Review is in everybody’s hands, because o f a !ahort paragraph field now so completely occupied by and identified with Darwin. He alluding to Spiritualism a t the end of an articls on Theisin. has long been a recognised leader, not merely in practical botany, .but Mr. Cowan must know th at his most popular.'issues; a ra thdae in in th e. philosophical speculations whioh have led to the. intermarriage which som ething solid, and reliable respecting -Spiritualism of all the physical sciences. His position, as a naturalist, and, still appeals. The Chronicle, does not stand alone in its; publication more, as main'pillar, of one part pf Darwinism, and chief censor of of articles on Spiritualism. T h e other local' papers frequently another part, is such in tbe eyes of continental professors, that the contain th e essays read by Mr. Barkas, a n d if it were reported greatest consternation bas been occasioned by hia reported, and now th a t there was a jealousy amongst the various eclitorg its to undoubted, conversion to Spiritualism; and it bas been urged that the which of them should have the M S., we could uh&rirt«ind'it; two philosophies are incompatible, by way of shutting him up to an but the objection-that a good article on Spiritualispi iniurcB a alternative which he is at present in no mood to adopt, Indeed, newspaper is to us unintelligible. . why should he ? In his earliest contributions to the theory of Natural B u t w hat has the Daily< Chronicle done th a t it shoulil jmerit Sel^oUon, h4e ,acknowledged, as all candid physicists do, that there are residual.-phenompija after all tbat can be so arranged, for—have been the animadversions of Spiritualists ? . I t h asp nn ted an adyflrse Thp first was, ' ‘ W here are the soientifi^ly.rfasaified—aud amongst these residual phenomena h e haB criticism on two works, found appa^itiops, miracles, so-called, and tranigressions-of the currently Dead?” by Fritz. Now, we all know, th a t the author iis. an received notiops o f gravitation. These he has oarefully examined, and, earnest, intelligent, and, devoted Spiritualist, and:thatyviewed though.very, reluctantly, yet at last heartily, be has admitted them from t h e . Spiritualist’s standpoint, it is a useful repository4 of withm the, range of natural phenomena. In short, the able student information on various phases of the subjeot; and what does of nature, who for flve-and-twenty years disbelieved in spirit, cause, the reviewer say? T h at “ sterling literary a b ility " is hot and immortality, is now a thorough convert to Modern Spiritualism, abundant amongst Sp iritu alists; th at the book under notice and has much to Bay in its favour as a practical religion, or a philosophy was got together with only a year’s experience on the p a rt of of morals* which may be read with the deepest interest and no small the author, who is w ithal anonymous, and may either be any advantage, even by thoqe who deem the teachings of the New Testament body or nobody. The reviewer say s:— sufficiently dear and authoritative, as well as on several accounts greatly to be .preferred oyer any possible communication from Bpirits who ‘'The two workB before us are good examples of the majority of the oonfeBS. that they arenot muoh wiser out of the body than they were books whioh are written by Spiritualists. They are distinguished'by no when they.were in the body—whioh, with some of them, is not saying merit which makeB us long to lmpw more of their authors; atideo far muoh* The orthodox .will also be not a little charmed with-the crush* bb they may be considered to-be expositions of the opinions held, and ing refutation by Mr. WallMeof tbe onoe dreaded argument pf Hume the method of reasoning adopted by Spiritualists, it would have been , i. • on the inoredibility of miracles. Our author has so much riddled it that better, perhaps, if they had never been written.” it oan never so much as hold water more. Really, we must not tak e umbrage at honest, independent It remains to be considered that the majority of Englishmen will require at least one of three preliminary questions to be answered, if opinion. T he reviewer is not a sectarian apologist, b u t a m an not all three,, before giving cordial welcome to the new science, or new of letters, who has his credit a,t stake as w e lla s the .dignity of religion, prnew philosophy, whatever it may be styled. Is it founded his organ. W h a t he says is all true. “ W h ere are the B e a d ? ” on unmistakeable faot? Is it forbidden by Scripture ? Is it likely to is like a pile o f sandwiches in the form a manj but not digested be profitable ? ' The firBt question we may assume to have been answered nor assim ilated to th e organic peculiarities of th e form they by what bas already been written in this article, or at all event® by what take. T h e book is a well-stored basket o f useful m a tte r rather the inquirer will find in either of the books described below. The third than a work of literary art. question must in. part depend upon the attitude ofthe inquirer in refer . I t is not a standard work on the subject a t all, but- a useful ence tp Christianity as generally accepted in this country. I f he is of tractate indicating the general Btate of affairs'from a rather opinion .that there iB nothing true, or nothing in Modern Spiritualism external point of view. The second “ w o rk’’ is entitled beyond what he has gained by means of initial .faith in revelation, followed by an earneBt study of the Bible, he will soaroely think it of “ Spirit-people1’— a few columns df newspaper- type-Jpi^ter, muoh importance for his own spiritual welfare that he should pursue printed on paper much too large, reminding t|e.' reader, pf a mediumstic fellowship with departed spirits. To the seoond question little boy in his father’s garments. This tra c t is unfortunately we propose to offer a brief answer. Necromancy—or the consultation labelled No. 1 o f Spiritualist Library, apd the injurious inference of departed spirits—was undoubtedly forbidden by the Old Testament; is sentabtoad th a t Spiritualists; lim it their literaryexcursions into but if we take the oase of Saul and , the Witch of Endor we su.ch confined channels. When we com pare the; review of spring can discern at onoe the reason for this prohibition in incidentally re with th a t o f autumn and these again with- the works on- which marking tbat the Scriptures do undoubtedly reoognise the possibility of they^are based, we cannot but adm its the candour and discommitting the offenoe forbidden. So long as there was anoraole in orimination of the reviewer o f the Chronicle'. T hat tHeetwo Shiloh, or an authorised mediation between the visible and invisible the last works Should be a t all worthy to stand on the; Same1Shelf divine and the human spheres, so long was it irreverent and injudicious with the volumes by the eminent men o f science ! i s '‘ iffore tq seek guidance from mere disembodied human spirits. Suoh consulta than_ the_ most ardent partisan could e x p e c t.' A.; ; com tions showed distrust towards the provisions of the isanotuarv, and exposed the oraole-hunter to the wiles of misohievous and malicious pilation is not to be compared with years, of. expejfiniental spirits. TIm case was somewhat altered when the oraoles of Sinai, investigation and personal testimony of tiie ^ $ ^ o r a 6 r . . ^ f i [ o r to Shiloh, and Salem hecame dumb; and if it be assumed that the New is the broad generalisation pf the' Testament rests on the Bame authority as the Old, it is at least arguable be measured alongsidie of a perform aupe^hjSb. reports pheno^ tbat it is disrespectful and unsafe to forsake what is thus supposed to be mena a t th e vanishing point, and balances the w eight with given, by divine authority for the most lucid and positive utterances of personal grievances-.. . i ; ! ' r’ ijji-. i mediumised human ghoBts. Still, the numerous exhortations in reference The reviewer is indeed a-.little tool flippant in Boine^bf his to spiritual manifestations scattered up and down the New Testament allusions, but he is led to it by the woftB' bdforfe ’h ittf^ -W e 1do might, withwt any violent straining, be construed into- a repeal ,of the not give any surety for the fideHty'of o'ur:h<i^theHi!1<jbattttaiJ»o.stpiot prohibition, of neorpmancy, whioh remained in force under tha old rary, but w e can see little grouiida for his impeachment in economy. One word aud we have done. Mr.-Wallaqe very legitim acy ; these recent reviews. ; -V : mo ~~6Xm ™ ? ;c < | (I f i8 ^ 0 ^ ^ ■Wfaakmwvm. » .'J © i jl jf e a w -5 om .^c• »i^ B n Q B B E iS C fil^^ G p S K i^ V ^ E I^ R ',*,'*'B0 • »«• »■ * • * i 'bo&uition W !jbur tio6iiiJ ‘IlfBft is:1tijqhfiOTla'm'ste ;y.'‘ ' IS ®ttry6rie is inife^WWo'&caittot be 6W«(d by €hB! ielffeiittJB.',oF^ HA(rtrri«'i» fa jJF-fo'ini&b any surroiwa wiw rditgioffl ana aognmlfod'Hfi ^•irfeitid’witte rffllWbtft aeeem wfee&sfed V fli^ibhclearly ‘iB J|rM btf!6n;taSn’B'imrt(36't)HliBWliy{si' iiW yitej .,_,... .. , kbe^eft'Wat '^ M ca liy tWy fafffr tif of • V J S F S fa .^ e - ifeimi ' ' '''''"' .j IgjMftjft&ijf J9 fp $ $ e ftv „ _ — ^w aggis1M m p<i8m".i£wt)t-meansof happiness beoause theywhfc’ nappiriess and wealth’ are' syno•"'■-•termB ■ greater dehwiOBt- never existed, and yet it is one; .nymous ' lioh ip vreUnii ‘‘^ om te cart M ’t t tfysBfrt '&»§, 'pl^lB'to %ubh an exteiit as ‘tb impBiiil, w m W to& m y. '“ ■ ■" ■ ■' '-' ,‘ tunO^'CA^eeb, # ■ » ■ * hajpinSBBl afii orfy t t o » wlio w ^ iiilW l^ W m fw rot is ;a irigheis.'aim thaii !the w d ’ ^ < & | % f o f ' large.^earts, .^‘y lw .o f SW»^ Hga of ii .... . h„ -._dwl\ali .coming ,I q. .At, m tfe 5eswiit$i^ .in :a iew.hpurp of ‘tie _______ ___T- !iJ6i6pglnB t»»' one of society's merohafit oAlto ^#4£^ttaiftf *®fa6'iil' the wcit-erfd1 of Lohdjb'iH-. nib wtoaragOjiJde atifl1liii\ti!y Which private ipc}'-, dfrii'gritfisia'ttlfltl.'i TOiWatid&bf pounds, i, iitah , ifiudibiorialy bkpeiifldd, .u r'rt4^ op underpaid:mbn -—J ‘-“-aai^l: m6iq | p(.fe!i8 n 4 t^ ftifteitm ^ ^ fef'A ihedbzan,. , itftjb ^ ^ 'i^ c ^ itljft^ e i^ ffg p a jfir ytm&abti^ptragesbylhBdbzem,. ................................fltt tM fr »phases-Bi^by-side, . with. ;h. luxury, foxulrjr i^^kptejraiw & ictf. feuman'hsingp i f .pn^pBiily aj a jj&iduutu uibuawsr-raD au yuuwoi.u oiiotuub «* w p eiM v^i^ffiaiiiTO ^e^yen.’’Siiliple^ B^lioiiiisty'' itH # iita n i:In '% e ’ Woifld ift'?ffi'e 'is :e a ^ ;fo r pe&db -to la pfirBiiarfetf‘th it e ^ t h l l i i g i^ :a». tt'^ d iild ^ ^ 'B jid 'tjtft'th o ■r,<a'ts18rfbfl i o t ‘'td'fe"be'lieve8.’ ; '®fe)6e‘ ':ifhfl6b .ififeir^sfTt is tti’ iaaka _____'stlibiiflr.’toaiftS. ;e ii9s—th'a'feoSnteBi ' i^6^6fe^4-3JIc0115®1'de- ti'diuJofr rhblffest K3vdDateB,’o l,teiriperant!ib‘'aiid'io6lfl 56rdCT"8B ftinmios, arid'lbva to f e r t b e if f&llow-ooinritrfl}p!#r 'j nbt'e M*oryeverything ib 'thaii y o i suppoBe; vat you ;MSk not! oVerlook‘13j6;faot that tflbti say.vihat lt is tbeir xn'fyreBt tp bw, tmd not,;Wha't patriotism irould’pr'oiflpfiike# to. E^noe yourprjasaw ^ o re ^arti|anin its nm ^tfthiek thafe patriotic, arid prefers' tb downthe'bjjpolsilSin'br'beiaud thb Wyerniientl'bF ita1own patty, irresjiedtive of the inljAif^ts of the nation, aiid'iii SplW of obvious proof of dishonesty.and inoonipetenoy, ratheif tban'ftflfil ft's:duty to its readers, fhe g^ei|t;.fflaBB. ot^tiiftttrtieot ttolr''tieWB^e^B to guide arid' ad ^B e^tfh en i^y ffl^'& ^'itai'^d or Servflely obfey th'ose oh whose patroaagfe they M )y i3 .''‘Shd4^fl it be thbiight b'f "int^eBt to diBCtrss' ourjlent eVbn'ta frOta oii* pbint ttf view, we BbailTie'bappy, through your hatid, to sayintfrb on ttm t aiid lindred topws ftom time to titfle. conteaid ihftt ojo n e y ia : wisely ^ j e W l e r j ;, beoaus?, forsooth , it o r s o D M .^ e j a ^ t ^ e f o r e tnust d o gobd.is o f fin s la n d , n'eyer .pause tb th in ? "how bihttloyin'g ia few fo re ig n w orkm en, o r „_______ _, _____ _ hnfdlyMansion anff furhi&h'liib fittings i^ t o » t l v « t f ( i ^ 8 ,e B ta b M ta e iiti,a n 8 ';& e eiftpidyjhetrtflf. five hundred- mBn ,< /;a jflth tiiop p O iJ fioJ t fe ii % l T e s atld fafuiG eB in som eiB duB trial puwujit. I -:iU rb U B liu b m 0i > ^ i i i y i * r ^ W ^ i i 4*tobiaet :iii the farmer ease,. ••••'apd flsftyjfiadftotway: iritoithffflsiobtanalB all tiie;tiame through tankara , . ^ ^ p tw ri^h q ae to in esB it is'to boriaw-and itmd- hnt tberifiaot re, ■..(fipicraM ^M ^'M s^r.its tqgtrfo:the-.w t^th/TvM m m -w merchant ,.,;p.W08, Jfitffi qMMB •w n e y im ■the.; w.ay, we *pa$y~tiB/nntl$, that., his '■‘m c l h l n i ^ a i a ^ , tmui Acnmr. w i^sm^m^-have.R gog^ mpGve, ond. both may therefore be equally wlfisli'fTbm ourpoint of view, out,nev4r-. ...i jth§1^9fiit|W(n»Btt «to,q^4pbdy>jgrem \diatBraw motive, lreally:benefits . . l^Plselfit^i^erflirrm ^lthan^eniEni.w ho doeBnogood at all, for the . :fow)er. jiniotontionadyi 'banefita paisoEs, whose feelings are eon-. l. ^e3a<al% 6 f :£> ,morB ikindly natnrfi towards Oonsself. These persons, ■ ^flpiritti^lp:b8iiefi|-: hhnj ifowgh he may not fenow it, ior even deserve it. The. man indio possesses wealth, and: spends it d l on himself must make many, .enemies. Money is so much coveted, '-•wte'iffliifo ‘wttj,' tire tti^orttftate ih'. acquiriiig it .think unkindly tiho hfcte ' ^ p ! tb ,5^cre$se the unhapmnes?, iv •<M « t/'rftiJi 'mfefdh^t ‘pteps' Mito the;'Category o f tlhe, teSiiiis'to ^i4|Ky ;Ms We^thi ® * tihjBri; tjhe I•■ S»^tinsfare tesiiteii 40 indulge th e if iili-Jfef&lm^a. Spiritualiitn teadhes, .y.f& w jbie^litaW b atoetaip lp nday l^r octrf for tiw oidvtt regardijng ,\;| t^ ifi 4 tw ;U ift of!lBtolwft^mHBtaMfceuoh means as will oondaoe.to make the greatest number of people think well ol themi This is only . $iu>%r:,]ray u>f j(p p Jji^j th^, fO^riBt)^, riuie to do gpod :to jo u r fellow,' m?ipiowy..4fiflreJ ■are ii4^eB.Jaw a; )ff|uoh,jou (Jannat andewta^di but: ■. ' tiioil^ii i? ail.pov9r$>Mi> S, arfff i^y,M.counts for. pjiuoh more of the happiness and qniVhS^1i'i^M'.|^jonf Wdptd than you are mwk of, yfhtoti , toedgfir' lvve; iR ail H ^ i ^ e r e o f invy, hatied; atid: 'malice—as inpdern X;'-w i9a^-ftifr f^tjaiBtitly i * oonflt^idteaTTlibjf’ can they e^erjfeti'cb! tihe ___— _ _y, _- „ . , i ^ IsV et1 1 Mainy: into give w g & f to tM riliie^ito d er IhftitorsBBinnittiatthByjara p erfo m in g an 'act thatiB pleislng to tlhe . ,;4SB)ghty/i8n4; oflflitfafflt ftb; themfleljies. iP e A u f s they imay alsft ;b,e their fellowvortaturei, but, as oiftieii )tli ^ :m o t 3 ? p .’4 fltf .iseWfih ioneii .Her«,.of .course, tKeraaan be op latbec tak?$,,the ijhorit.y j i i g b j L ' j i m t w f . a l i j -it.M surelj:po^ to (ihp in<M.to.’ra0 cW iW »)jut(m ^e ^.parM iiw l attod^itis sffao ired1iojfiiB j a m s b i fflhe .................... - . _ > fi. /i t»^#djf3u^tnbn6yi:you Should let the poor know that you aro their friend and not their paymaster., r ^oo' often.mafcafato Suppose ^ _- . j j - - _____ - ___________ — i.ibej^ditea: about ib » cfutuifa: 'life .BmabtlliBir, /Q«anM ti»at; it j ! . m ( h . j i t u r i n v f '! r j f i . i i f by Sirs, Woodforde. s^ r. iU iii e 1/.' jfJ.J . AN BM TOB aiVBS IN TO ^ H E iS P IE ,!^ To thb Editor.—Dear Sir,—'CTrrtjrl' lately J"ta^itfb^ttned «eeptic •■regarding spiritual pbenonieWa, but, tf#fflg,to ti^ n raM al Wf'-Dr. Monok, I haVe^d afeW etperienees at hW VbtttiW^WaiaeeaiiJhM& liave entirely tatenthbiifiiid eut'of theflaile of my'philgB^^^tfnd'ebBvinced me tbat there really arS suohlthingB,M:diBtin(myl^ in ^ a l;p1ibtt0mBna. At the very firBt BeaneS, bn being infortriM tnat' ‘£''^tib:titf'teQftor'and sceptic (Whidh. by the Way, he seemed to tiomider ByttOnytoouS terffls), Dr. Motock invited meto sit by his flide tind tapkb^farS df'ius left feand, Whiles friend-of Uriiie took charge of tlib'bliheri: 'W«"thuB'bad'him in a net; and kept-all our sensed an thsafert to prweflfl tieSt^tion, W e wafe^iflckly convinced everything was 'sfcraig'htforn'flrd. Itr the light, me Saw h^avy awioles -rieB tip! and fndvfe aordsBthe taljlb'Without human (tontadfc; a handfeerbhief appeared 'to -to efflddwed with throbbing life ; tups oame in :pbrfeet ttipwerB1itt all ^rebtiiona^ -we #OTb: totaohed by invisible handsvand 6htftfed‘%yfa^t)*tigfe:Vibftltoi3, fefliieBt!e. • rittibg: in* dai*,:'^ehairB "aSd'!!ia\iBlbali lJffitttWebts seemed suddmly to bfioome TOstiric* ^ i a iifei forth^WOVba^t,-^Bounded, touohed Tifl, amd, finally; a oKailf’,caine oh :iriy'aiW'‘Wh%:S held the DM tofo hamd,;atid); on r(fieasing his baindy l'fdUhd litebranding on mv Bhouldew. Strange iightB|'«Mf4utai«ohB faaridfl, tiattt®,-4b.,' danoed about ‘(Wei'head, and thB hatids ^ped'tis'pa'lpSbly. ;Manyof my feiends were told the names and various pivrtio\ilai*6' coilcferhing theit1 departed relatives. !! :i '•; : ;■ The seatree staggered m8,aadliaving {tebehad several opportumtieB of witnessing the p^flhf^^barTilienttmteda1that attond^Dr.'MOnttk, not Jorily at fbrmal■seanoeB, bu« on'tek'sette o f :until6^ ! 6o0asionB, I#m conatrained tb saytbe'ttpprofflte' o f ^ i i ffir i6avid'*'g^^tef Bridi and just -te-what ahy stter reaBooablei ‘seeptlb would do-'uhdir &e«irmimBfcances, tiaihely,11w w :iaitt) thfl6piri^.,,; >,.• •• I have aeoi p 'f .■Monok -in tbe bouses of others iiiafly'tiittes, and in my >own -office, when BeanoeB v?er6 tiot even thovifiht of, ahd yet I have ■heard^the Taps fln the floor «hd all -abodf hiffl iti ih'9 glare of the mid* day Btmlighti ^nly IsBt iiight I waB tarjoying aBooial hour with him and a friend, when,- without warfiing, the table frequently #»nt up with all the supper things on it, none of them; 'however, being disturbed by tbe levitations. Terrifio knocks caa>e on the table and distant parts e f 1tbe room, and a large jar jnmpad off the table and deposited itself ih a far odrb'er of the parlour. Oiit' hoBt had a dog which manifested the greatest alarm tfrom Br. Monoi;fl first -entry, Snd hid itself .right a>way from hidii; trembling violently with terror till itwas removed to tbe kitohen; The raps 'pi-oved tbat Someone knew the minutest details •bf my most private a&fa!s, and ottinmunicatitos were mttdb'whioh I am confident no mortal besides myBelf oould have -known or guessed. ■A-'CurioiiiB thing ocoiirrod a few days ago, whioh I -’will briefly Telate. ©r-. Monck acoompanied a party of gentlemen,-of whom all but the Writer were absolute strangerstoWm, on atrip on tbeodabbtoGariBbrook. •Ob'. «te* arrival) we all Bat■dft'wn to dinner at an libtel. “ flajnoeJ,” the ■iDbetorV'guide,! lbBt nd tSmbiit oommehoiBg; bia^ebulte prooeedings. ■The oompany TWre ofihsilwably startled % y’tearaig lbiid and japid blawB'on' tbe ■cU.nfier-tablei'and, while thiB"was: 6bbii»riBg, ,Bome'0f the ^artyloofoa nndet1-the table, and; of course, disdOfrered nt>*to9 to tbe rtiyHterv, fdr they ■onlyflaw Dr. Monok’s -feet teStiftg' tjfli€!% cn tha floor, While'thelotid thnmpS were ahaking the tabfeubbvb/'1'$h6 btmVereation :wag about oertain'deceased natives of the’ Mand/ Who had nlade their aark in'thB wbrM, and " Satnuel’‘ was- eh #M D :!in teocKng:tiUt his aWprovtd or' b&W*»iSB. m> ‘ftattb" eoneeming * Dinner o n r, tW * ^ ; ^ ^ v f e ^ u s e h e m d e o f it, tbe tobk bpiUW tM Wine Abd eissVS S t S ’l S, “ ! l t o ‘ - t t ^ a s r e k ^ a n i i l i ^ i i s e S i t h ^ y - mulrft^-JttieiinleMure ^gQtfeh' bf a ^ M d f i 'WaiiM^ in hiB fice ’S y S S S S £ 2 # f ^ * * * » «*■ f.ViAAiAhm A f *__ j Z r l T ^ r ' * u“ ’ ^ e - Prometheusof old, ho saW the :teoede',from: him, lean gracefully at an *ngle of t i f f i a & C :0Ut biS0° T6t€d Wi“0^ an oh“ oa to ^ M t e r «ummersault, stood S ^ ^ r a t e f l Spiritualist, .£ £ £ ^ ^ = = * ^ 8 5 renewed light, and now there is a flame that hold Of the new gospel ‘ m t ^ L 6 of Bla«kbum 8ttd The baby medium at fiishton I h a to b ijK h fr ^ a s K ffffi^ w ie ^ a e M ^ 8t«m£,t i M -'99t''-*h?«!* de tw n in a ferment and Spiritualism oinStaizr& JrT h-6' r 1,0 ibel,eI e *? ilm n k r M ' \ ® ¥ v o n ^ d E s M * * dW *PWto—not he. I saw ? a 80rt °« 8tA he *»ld me that placed onn th fltlw aiv ’ • ? e ? lrole waa singing,' its littlo handB, t,me to the tun0- On® of the. seen saw the i s m M t r hoyering oyer the little darling with a promisfl that he will try yeryshortlyto speak through him. I L y e u R m of a sittmg with our friend here, Dr. Brown, a p h y s i c a l ^ X ^ ™ h b Z ^ h i d 4W 0;in v are T6ry P°werfuli t X s ^afried all oteij ihe btrase. I had several things put into mybandj ashillinB'mk siyen - a s a E d itor op th b “ I sl e o t W ight was taken o f f m y f t T * ^ to a geDtieman n e it to m e ! » rin g S n o ff 8n? pUt 0n t o the % « o* “ 6 o f the sitters, ntn m v hand f-v, Put on to m in e ; a purse con taining m oney was p u t feteh f n l : n a, ^ ' f e w a s g iy en t o m e ; a request was madeP t o E xpr e s s .” 1 <Totju,iMus p ir it u a l is m in Y o r k . qn; . Y i - IMitoft—-Dear Sir,—I promised to send you an aooount of ing... Mr! ft. iif ?? ■+*. .. C b t f f i f t h 1 \ f0-°ed * * * " * <J™t about* riffht in anuth* ■ 16 T0r^ 111 ’ when onoe he is oertain of beine hi! -“ P ^ g on “ 'th oan alter him. This speaks — " in -g well . favour as hkeljr t<j beoome a staunch and proper Spiritualist. u t i a i t n l XA fi hnaa a da !nne £ t test. a ? •^he l oalled ?i § me9a° ft> bodyThe ” . .n voice wasWven; “ brick ” a "f-Aam u i tv ,ow? a«iuJ inJtWn6n Bftti ng W/th “ Ja * Todd'” in Liverpool'; no o n e f w S t S S thetirnffhl r' Brown> the medium Was tig^ly tied all f WAl«» « tne meaiu ftffA r .n A t* DO £ ° v fche/ { K)P ; instantly I h a d one p u t into m y Bhak,Dg ° f , hand8 aU rou n d th e oirole ; the tubes L .lJ ln the kitchen. .. M •_ was over over the the dootor complained f ? * ? off °the l ng rope 0n; iU f40^ whett ihs was outline Us Wrist si 868 . ^ therei knowin8 h ^ bring forth its l u l t o h l ^ O c t o b e r 22nd. For two davi altaost she a w n '^ b 'cthe mediu“ T am going on, and intend to go on, trying to make it self-sapnottine K V m m m . EE-INCARNATION P E0B 1EM S. Ed'tor-—Dear Sir,—I have read with some degree of interest the vanous arguments ^ and con. on re-inoarnation^ but, u yit, must utter ‘naWity to see any reason for belief in sitfh a theory. to T fl . ! an aooount pf a person who had bewpw mother totiiesame 5hdd twice. Now, I hay/often heard explaiW h o T a Kh^h^Tu ‘T 1“termarnages; could become his own grandfither, so fte thought struck me that if the views the re-incamat&istS W l £ K -^ S S S S £ S 3 S for joy a a F E r 6 “ a S * ' ,Her husband ~ " U have jumped ./W . ™ ^oung daughter almost wept for }ov to sea W ' ^ ; Tbis, sir, I witnessed myself, thani God You becoming his own fatber.-I am, yours truly, :3 fflSSSt M r he®?> - 4 * S fA S l instead o f i i i m m J p t J t u ^ . U * practised outside the churoh — ' kucM S u S P °w fo,r a man to beeome his own father (don’t „ iT if J n l . y . ° exPlam ln the following manner: A rabre, f„w\ n ’ P b' “ fflfe- B conceives a ohild, shortly after w feh borom B US PS ■^ 8‘ f “,d “ a? aSain beoome folded to his s ’s bosom, B, by bemg re-incarnated in the fdrm of his owfl fioh thsrebv rifcT w ii„ L-etf l ^ P5ra,0nB anflwer' same medium has S t t 2 S ± S S £ ^ * J -v * -* “»• * tf^ a w T s . s s t t K K . ’a r * lh' oueh iu ^ » " - Stepney Street, Llanelly, Nov. 1,1875. 6, 0 ,.pfaJ ^ a f i ****** something very pleasing to me / ' . P T O B M EE H N aS, BIEM lN <?JlA lt. Uur faithful oo-worker expresses the pleasure which he feels in haviiw w iff l meetings inorease as they have done repeitfO fcf : t u’ re a larger meeting-room. The ao ta y 0f "heir oirole'a S , : S - W0^ ’ I 3 Been better day* and laboured hard for humanity,.is without means and out of employment. A oirde will be held on Sunday next at half-past six, at 312, Bridge Street W e S r W ^ Street, a oollection. On Wednesday next at eight o’olook, Same pWe duc'tion nf6flnw ' • T f . Y oS >U« by Mr- Horton, ^m ediu m other extraordinary manifestations, Wffigfo, a seanoe for the same purpose. Admission 6d. TH E CAUSE IN OLDHAM. m fi^aif a t ^ ^ ^ O t t s r 20, Orchard Street, York, Ootober S ls tf1875. W ilson , On Sunday week Mrs. Ohlsen of Liverpool, gave as two addrtJses Bp^ ' ^ aenM’ whioh were of a vel7 interesting «hanoterr- « o w r n .” i ? « 0,m was ^owded in the aftemoon,and at^dght we M 80 we had to turn numbers :baok. mrs. Ohisen gave a short diaoowse on ^aturdayevenine,anionMont / at J0* dealing; purposes; in WriAt ! ^ 6| 0ti , ! j at 8116 e(f 1“ for any°ne; an3 her 2!n k ^ , that S "y ber an invitation to oome' i&ih, which wiU be befdre long'. On the Sunday previous we had M r s .lt o e J W and she gave great satisfaction. Oflate we hate hadfitth every Sunday, and it seems to take well, so much so, that we are looking out fora larger room, apd I think if we had mare, female lectnrew a * ?* to- i_ . » “ * '* 1 - 8 .9 1 * , * » SPIEIT-DEAW IN Q S PLYMOUTH. n-. jb the folldwing partioulars:— . u. i ^ t^e ohapela (Independentf of this toWn !fclawyjej tim ed Eooker, He Was a vary good a^d t f ■ Of leantfrt^very popular With all t o aiksffMin*r -4& wenfrfot a trip to the Holy Land, and died on his way. uam«, ■ Eeport goes that he ha# tonred np i t ibitit-clrtl^S, WldtSt ’feair <Woarioned a deal of_romota,, a!n3 it is Stated tt&fc \d teJ^lfiw 'b b en ■sJArtedy^mpctead *>t members <tX the1-efiApal fo i *.i& .pm ™ t ’Wmmmiced.the drawing on a f t e & S o f J J J * gentleman belonged, and the spirit- h ^ ^ ' f ........... tests, T H E H A P P Y 5V E N IN G ,A T d D 0tIG H T Y . BFATiT... IH E C I E C ] ^ ^ i P » ^ I f M . M E W U J I , AND -ibwr oviJ/isUB )jjU ^H & iOF SUBSCRIETIOlf«i.-, .............................. • ^ ^ M d W b ^ i r ^ & ’fdndWingBale'ofSuWcripfloflii— 1 ■ Atii'X'.w Wee&ly1,' 2d .} pet:ahn<iiij; 8s. "■'84. ™ .V a - .,,,w 17b. 4d. J.:r!i rio n jg jfcg . oAi >4 /. ^ 5 jd : ' p •'■v; - :; £ l ' 8s: lOd, ^ ^c^iesi^Q u^'v^'dH , in' ttio‘'wrrapii6r, pp^t 1fr6o,it^d^'each' ^.6i?liTOelt iby lealtltftrie.gpnfetallyii! u" . . s/mTOftjubh^hBR cpr^eratM: heartily with friends of the cause in the ^ixd esjfor the qirculation ^,th e literature.:' $“ M e d iu m .at 6d.per.ljne. A series by *|?OI^fapaEj^f.r -j ,':v .* ; • , ^ ^ . W h e h a l J of, the cause should tie left in the name of “ James 'r ^ ^ ^ S r a n tu a l Institution is the “ principal organ" of the cause in ?Brjiii{’& itajn.: ThotaSaticls ofpirfuids MWtl been expended, only a small ' tiMp&rtibtfdf tvhich! HaS'bSte' subscribed -By' the public. All Spiritualists ’’hre^aimeStly'inviWd'to suBt&inthe operations of the Spiritual Institu- ■tiowi oittiL -J; M'JiTheiJJarnier-ofifjA^iweekly. 16s. per annum, j :: iThei Religio-Philosophical Journal, weekly. 15s. per annum. fna»f-U> <~-ii- ■: •■ 1 '■ • '_______________:_______:_______: ----- THE MEDIUM AND DAYBBEAK ■■ii’ >• F R ID A Y , NOVEM BER 5, 1876. " IN STITU TIO N W E E K . v yealr i t w ill ta k e place between Sunday, December 5, and i .^ ^ jr D f e p e m b ^ r 12. ' We. have received many, indications i W ^ f R K - f f i ^ ! . are,#* work. $ h e effort '.is of a m ost.practical in sj^ e^ ^ ^ e y ^ rfl.h ja n d re d Eounds are required as a guarantee ja ^ jm ^ iJo ^ ijfn flx^t reducing the Medium to one, penny. This <>bject.;is-)Wieipf ..great importance* for thereby the ta x on spiri:ttoli)^ow led ge-;is'red u ced one-third. Someone must stand th e rid fcof'thi8 step,;and unless our friends tak e p a rt therein, w e m n s t‘ta k e it all upon our own shoulders. Institution Week presents an excellent opportunity for helping in this matter. A ll can a ct in it. The smallest a ct performed will be one ele ment in a general spiritual organisation banding a ll together in :6rie'g ran d 1force calculated t b :win success. W e have re ceived : intim ations of several definite arrangem ents. Mrs. •OUv^ vriU “give :a seance o f test-mediumship. Miss ty>ttie FoWlfer'Will give one of her extraordinary physical seances in •the'light. : The following le tte r has been received from Dar; l i ^ 0 i : — '. , 'flM r’.jMf.;,^urns,—The subject of Institution Week was brought hflF<)teffha Sunday meeting here, and the result is that our Darlington g|^K(^,medljjms, who how obtain excellent manifeBtions, as reported ^injyp^ila’st^issiue, rqlunteer to giye three seaoces for the good of the ^m .th sJp w cee d B to be divided .between the Spiritual Institution in jQ ^ap^ and the Spiritual Institution in. Darlington. We . take tbis opportunity to make the flame’known to the people in Darlington and district and to most cordially inrite all who feel disposed to attend 5 of the mediums come off at the . . adjoinitig the Turkish. Baths, rdley ^treet. V Admifesion, by ticket, Is. each. Doors open i t half-put (OVeri; bSd;-,' to oommenoe at eight precisely: Dates of seances— SbjroinBr110 Snd: 12; and on Wednesday, the 17th.—On 'behilf of the yoiiifrtrufy, D. R icdmoxd. 0 ^ ^ C ^ u 'Blr^'ffarl^g^n, Nov. 2,1876. po^geat th at as many arrangem ents as be sen t in for publication next week. M RS. O L IY E ’S SEANOE FO R T H E B E N E F IT OF GEORGE R U B Y . • 'F h e a p p e a l o f the aged and afflicted medium, George Ruby, 1hasaietw ith *& response in the kindly offer of Mrs. Olive to give 'S'sfetafce-fof'his benefit. This w ill take place on Wednesday next, November 10th, at eight O’clock, a t the Spiritual InstituJib n j^ fi’/ S o lih d n ijto n Row, H dlbora. Admission 2s. 6d. ’* 9 % 8 - Olive's griod feeling as. a, woman, ^W e hope this Igfoerotu. con-from many friends who would j^racwp.pged^and infirm workers in the cause. Jini/iVt/I v:*: '•»’«/ -‘j ■-'! .. H . v i : r i . ..M fE B P O O L SPIRITUA LISTS’ HOME. - ‘-*0 th i JMifbr.—DearSir,-—For the.beneflt of the brethren who at a n ^ S iitf & a^ find themselves in the &bbVe town, permit me to state that,' in my opinion, founded upon experience, they oannot do better than make the abode of Mr,- Gostes, of the f syohopatbio Institute, 74, QueenYRoad, Eyertoft;I4v®r^0pl,!their. home during.their stay, t a o c o z p m o d a j a q n clean* and Brother,,Ooatea,’a home now 6UP P W ^ Liverpool.—I am, jS p K ifs m io tr ! •ttts-tr ,Tr As .already (^nnoiin.ced,. it wiU s ^ tfilir o f the .nafure of‘ ^social M,th6ririg, may meiet to, encourage: each other bjr r ^ m tm g 't^ e 4 \ /Bpiritual exjeriehpjs&,and nw/.acciuftintances ■fliav ^ e |ormed.for ptjreljgthening, theiympathetifej fcWds that bind ;itfe ftearl^.o f SpiritusJjsts together in oa6;commori afafcii-) The .h all.of sympathy will be set.-rolling on the te^tables, at 6.8Q,-and, as i t passes round, gladness >hnd good chtef 'will, it .is hoped, take possession o f every soul/ And thus inaugurate an unin terrupted harmony. ' The evening will be occupied by— . 1. A few brief addi'esses. 2. H a d e and singi% , norihal anicl inppiratipnal,' consisting of songs,^ duets, pianoforte and or^ajj,,?dlbsi and .cppcerfed.^inusic with >rtolin, cornet, and piano. Tke following fiio.nds have offered their services in this c^Murtoent:*r-lmr.V4]teq> .-SfiEBi&lffiry’i f i . Cartwright, Miss and Mr. Olaxton, -I^Cub Oreighton, Miss D’Arcy, Mr. Bavieson, Mr. Deane, Miss GiihamjhMr. Griffiths, Mr. Macdonell, Miss McKellar, Miss May, Mr. Ogan, Miiss Sparey, 'Mr. A. Sparev, Mr. E . Sparey, Miss Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. WaJd, ahd Miss Evelyn Ward. 3. A few chemical experiments, illustrative of some of the phenomena of Spiritualism, by Mr. Liliton. 4. Electrical-experiments w ith'fheindiictiqn.;coil ^nd vacuum tubes, together with magnetic phfiriomeiia.'by'Mr.rsrater..' 5. I f the requisite Slides can he prepared ip time, views of spiritphotographs and other delineations will be shown on the screen by the oxy-hydrogen light, by Mr. I^nton. 8. A n exhibition of objects of'interest associated with Spiri tualism, suoh as spirit-photographs, spirit-drawbgs, direct writings, portions of materialised robes, materialised hair, and objects Drought by spirits.into circles. : 7. Dr. Sexton, M r. Bum s, and other friends will make a few appropriate remarks at intervals. W e repeat out invitation of last week, that, should any friends be in the possession of objects of interest , in a spiritual point of view, the loan of stich for the evening will contribute to the enjoy ment o f .this rfymion; also, that friends from the country will be specially welcome. Considering that one purpose of this social meeting is to com memorate the Opening of the Doughty H a ll. Sunday services* and to aid in their continuance, we expect a large atjJBndance. Single tickets, 2s- ; double tickets, 3s. 0d., admitting; a lady and gentleman. W e would impress, upon one friends the.desirability of making early application for tickets, in. order to facilitate' the arrangements. • Tickets to be had at 15, Southampton Row, Holbom, and after the services at Doughty H a ll/14, Bedford Row. The musical rehearsal evenings for those who wish accom paniment, are appointed on Friday, November 5th and 12th, and Tuesday, November 0th and 16th, at 7 o’clock, at the Spiritual Institution. THE OrECULATION OF; T H E /' M EDIUH.” To the Editor.—Dear Sir,—I am. a oonatant .readet of the M ediuh and several other of your publications, and endeavour to help .you and the cause by giving several M ediums awa/-weekly.through my news agent, but if a placard was plaoed outaide the news-ahop, detailing its various contents, it would be an indufcetaent for passers-by to purehase one. I f you print these plaoards, I will pay you the expense of sending one weekly to M r. Andrewy late Pearson, news-agent', Hyde. I have hopes, with the assistance of the news-agent, to double the circulation of the M edium here by the new year, and after:the reduction to ld., that it will be doubled again.—I remain, yours faithfuUy, Newton,-Hyde, Oot; 30th, 1876.' “ S ile s t Bnhkavodb.” [We print -a oontdnts placard-ef the MnnitTU eaoh week,i and send, post-free, one or more oopies to any news-agent who will use them. We have entered the name of Mr. Andrew: on our list, and -if ; OUr corre spondent oan use a placard for exhibition elsewhere we oan enclose one for; him. We wish-all our friends would do the same as “ Silent Endeavour,”—E d. M.] ME. J . COATES AT DR. MACK’S ROOMS. Mr. S. CoateB, psyohopathio healer, of Liverpool, being at present in London, has commenced, healing with marked success rat Dr. Mack’s Rooms. We understand he will remain and attend to patients till Dr. Mack's return from the North. W H ITE MESSENGER FUND. Mrs. Makdougall Gregory ............... Signor Damiani, per Mr. Qeorge Tommy ... Miss S . ................ J . Craig , ... ... ............................ F . Friehold .......................... . ................ ...£ 2 ... ... ... ... 3 1 0 0 Oun remarks on Dr. Sexton’s letter will appear, next week. . The W h it s M kssenohe F osd .— It will'be remembered that Mrs. Tappan gave a leoture at Doughty flail *for the benefit bf a work Of mercy in whioh a ladv is engag^d whO wrote in last weei’s MBDiuii J. ItwUB..’ . under the. signature o f " Z /’ Othir moneys were also colleoted at this d,Lcmdo}t, E. . office and acknowledged in the MEDitJM wbioh- were handed over. The ^— e isa lw a " home" for the lady writes, asHng:UB if we know what has become of-, thi' money thus 38, J M Street* Liyerpo0l^*Mr. colleoted ; and‘&Bwe donotknow, we jftake the inquiry publio, in tha hope o i elioiting an answer. ' : ;^ " ih MRS11LI/WGWORTH’AT B(5TJ&HTYSHalt,. •feftifeSvof^e8®fe'ai\Bottom'bqth’fi∋ '.'$&,•$$& fiodrefcS^cad;cl^lSl)r^Sutollffo, of Eobljdalei secretaryof.ite.'district W hen we p u b liste & ^ w ti-O f1provincial iaid pltuied th e 'iM fc& ffiu m ! l a i t Vrkiek, • to iib M ii: v: . ■ . .' ' ' , ± ‘ ';■' : , ' " r ' ' " , •,-i:'tt'.a4' ^.IwSBlfePoWWfflSOBr.IffflTOWWR-Tllfe 1870. . ' ‘.m . .'pame’d tjy M r. and Mrs. S^kes, ; ^ p E jiip . 7nAtyf|j,e(,SpiritualiBtB’ Meeting Rootat Reform Olub, Date :tfce’pleigure of meeting them a|p p .- house of E u itii^ o g d . 5(;j!e^t,:at. l ( ^ i:fl jQonyeroa^one.. .Spiritualists onlyj AdmiiBionfree. 3?ha,t. •gentlem an ’has kindly,m,a4e i^e/iair^ngem ents'sdxW i-*° P5BiuC,-;MraWHG0, ApBBlfOON A?n)i.EVja!fUIO, AT!TUH CO-OPKBATIVH , enable bis guest to speak, in the tran cd ;,at.,Doughty H a ll, on / .f i; H all, B bidob.S teeet, ,. ; . . Sunday evening.. Mrs. Illingw orth is.iin every ^enfie of.ithe . AfibSsoo^, 2;§Of-70pnferenQ8 and. Experience Meeting, Election. of w ordfi mediunu. The spirits communicate tbrough;her abso H e jf^ o m ^ tte e ,^ ;, Sco. Admiaaion, 3d. and fid. .■.••' ■ . k > ; lutely; as we- understand her powers. T h ils ^ th o ig h 'q u ite . i Afternoon, 4.3Q.—-Aflrat-olaM Tea provided ,atthe Halit -PritMtof unlettered* she oan give medical prescriptions in'L&tin; and her ticket, 9i.,,<Midi;efl,,99i,' The Boltonfriends hope tosee a.goodmiister of tbplr,brethren fi$n.otliep<towM at, tea,. .Allare cordially inviteth. i medical mediuinBhip iB, perhaps, the most extr&oftiMan ' . . Eyei ng, , ^ . 3 0 , by Mr- ; J - ®ur;nB, of; London. Subjeot:;-*. of her work. She is $lso much, prized as a dbmestii^B “ Splrit^igm expiajned, with on account of bow spirits- :oommt\nioate, for quiet family sifting, arid for personal consultation, the varjoiwJqcms.fif; manifestation, and the bearings.of the subjectort ditibn to these highly useful qualities1, M rs. Illingw orth is a l g ^ f e eoienpe pnd,religiop,”. Doors open at six o’olook. Ohair td •be tak in at every Sunday, as announcements, in our columns show, on soipe, 6.30. ; Admi6eion 6d, and 3d. platform speaking under control. H er m anner of speaki»g;jte The ,secretaries extend a warm invitation to all.friends of the in short controls, partaking more o f the features of-a seance cause in ,t he district to he present, if possible. There will no than-a lecture, and hence more varied and interesting. doubt be a large;gathering of friends, whioh is highly desirable, Mrs. Illingw orth is the first of our Yorkshire visitors th is that the views advanced may strengthen the confidence of all in year, and we have no doubt she will meet with a cordial and the'grand truths of Spiritualism, and encourage workers in their sympathetic reception a t Doughty H all on Sunday evening* efforts io dif&se them widely amongst the people. Dr. Mack will She comes before the friends in London with no pretensions* ' be 'prfc&nt,'and'treat patients at the Spiritualists’ Edom, Bfiforn. but as an obedient instrum ent of th e Bpirit-world to allow h e r Olub, Duke Street^ from ten in the morning till six in the evening; guides to be heard for th e welfare of humanity, and not herselff L k ctu ee at U lv eb sto n , for any vain purpose. Mr. J . Coates of Liverpool will also ta k e On Mdriday, November 8, Mr. Bum s will proceed to Ulverston, p art in th e meeting on Sunday evening. '' , ' and deliver a. lecture ih the Temperance Hall, in the evenii In reply to requests th at have reached us, we may venture “ Y ariouf Views .of Spiritualism.” S y l l a b u s H i s t o r y and Spui< tb State th at on One or two afternoons Mrs. Illingworth will tua^sm ; public:opinion and;Spiritualism ; scientific men and devote a' few hours to giye sittings to those who have expressed Spiritualism; physiology and Spiritualism ; Spiritualists and a, wish to meet her. Arrangements may be made at the S p iri Spiritualism; .the laws of nature and Spiritualism; the religious tu al Institution. world and; Spiritualism. The chair to be taken by Mr. E . Oasson. M eeting on Sunday evening at seven o’clock at D ou g hty D oom open at 7,80. Lecture at eight o’clock. Disoussion at the H all, 14, Bedford Eow , Holborn. d o se. Seate—front Is., second 6d., third 3d. Dr. Ma6k will visit Ulverston on the same day, and attend to O U E W IN T E R ’S W O R K . patients at the Temperance Hotel. W e again repeat on our last page the programme of w ort in - L ec t u r e at C oceebm otjth . connection with the department of literature wnich we desire to see This town, in the Lake district, like Ulverston, has neyer been accomplished this winter. After our saying bo much on. th6 .matter visited by it lecturer on Spiritualism. On Tuesday evening, Nov, of co-operative publishing, many profess not to under'staad it,, while 9thj Mr. Burns will deliver a lecture in the Court House, to coin- others readily avail themselves of its i " _ I t is. part o f our . nience at OMht ololock; doors open a t 7.30. Front seats. Is,, back work to educate the public in these matters,"and w e. succeed gra 1 ’ " ’ Same subject as at Ulverston. There is only one Spiri- dually. A ll our plans are intended to organise the work; and they tualist in the .town. He had a discussion on the subject on,Mon- i. really present the only form of organisation which exists amongst day evening/At.the Ydung Men’s Christian Association, which has us. been adjourned. : The room was crowded. Oreat interest is being B u t now to w ork: and we crave a moment’s consideration o f the excited in the subject. On Wednesday Mr. Burns will return to comprehensive catalogue of measures given on our last page. W e London, -— — trust every Spiritualist will endeavour to do something in this D E . MACK OUT O F TOWN, department of the movement. The prevailing idea must he to Patients w ill please observe that Dr. Mack will be absent from make a knowledge of Spiritualism general; and there is no begin Loridori from Saturday afternoon till Tuesday, or possibly Wednes ning 6o likely to effect that end as the wide diffusion of our day. ’ Mr. Coates of Liverpool w ill be in attendance at Dr. literature. I t should be the ambition of all to place some work on. Mack’s Rooms, 26, Southampton Eow , London, during Dr. Mack’s Spiritualism in every family within reach. W e have now mofit ' absenpe. effective works to present to the attention of the public, and as yet . On Sunday,Dr- Mack will see patients at the Reform Club, Duke they are but poorly patronised. The province of, publisher is not; Street, Bcilton; and on Monday at the Temperance H ali, Ulversion. by any means a position to be envied. To enter into the respon Many letters have been received from Manchester and other, sibilities. of opening a -shop and producing a stock with the; towns, and i f some tioncerted arrangement had been made to invite expectation of making the step useful, and failing to secune: the Doctor; h e might possibly have remained a day at Manchester adequate patronage to exist at all comfortably, is an uspteaor som ew hereeteinpasiihg. sant vocation. Give the shop a turn ; do something for the MR. M ORSE IN . LONDON. M r - J . f - M ° t B e willdeUver a series of inspirational lectures a t Cleveland H all, Cleveland S treet, near P ortland Eoad Station, on- Sunday evenings, November 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th. Admission free. Reserved seats 2s. arid Is. Service to commence a t 7 ; doors opened a t 6.30." Inquirers are invited. STJBSCElPTIONS TO TH B SPIRITU A L INSTITUTION ‘ . DURING TH E PRESEN T W EEK. .£1 1 0 Mr. Ale^. Murray ... ................ 1 1 0 Mr. J . P.,Tujner ... ................ 1 0 0 J , B. (per Miss L. Pow ler)................ 1 0 0 Mr. W. Overton (Melbourne) 0 s 0 Mr. MoMahon ............................ 0 2 0 M .E .E ......................................... 24 3 0 Previously acknowledged - ................ “ good of the house,’’ if no other inducement to action offers itself. m our I Next week We intend publishing a list of sums , p bli h b Fund givi£ g the ledger folio instead o f the names o f | depositors. I t will then be seen ___ s.-that ^ this plan is not altogether,r neglected, and no doubt many more.will be induced to give th e it attention to this useful branch of work. B y this time next week we hope to have received from D r. |Sexton “ copy ” of Professor Hare’s work, which we will at enee |put to press and quote prices to depositors. During the in-coming week we hope to receive a eemtmtious : flow of deposits to the Publishing Fund. W e are determined to i raise a capital of £1,000, and it might be done in one day if alL |who have the cause at heart did a little. DR. SEXTON ON PROFESSOR TYNDALL. On Sunday evening next, at Cavendish RbomB, Dr. Sexton will replyto Professor Tyndall’s artiole on "Materialism ” in the ourrent number I n s t it u t io n — Mr. Homo of _________ ^ Review. ____It will be remembered that Dr. Sexton'Wroteth ^.Fortnightly j to 2 1 st' ' Mk.. Mouse’s; Reception at Cavendish Eooms.—Oii Wednesday evening laat M?,.Morse received a publio welcome on) his return from Amerioa, from a large number of friends, at the Cavendish Rooms. Mr. B. Coleman presided^ The proceedings, which, were of an interesting oharaoter, will be given fully in .our next issue. ' Mbs. Gboom's Seauces.—We bave bad a call from Mr. Harper, who handed in £ 1 15s., tbe proceeds of Mrs. Groom’s reoent-'seance'towards the .small debt due to the Spiritual lnstitution, London, by- the late Spiritual Institute, Birmingham. Mrs. Groom will give anotner seanoe for the samb object at the house of Mr. Hill, 224, Bristol Road,1Birmingham, on Monday evening, November 16, at eight o'dook prompt.'-Tickets ls..6d, eaoh. At the former seance the dobrahad to be shut before all could be acoommodikted, This vrill be t h r i f t stance.Mrs.;Groom will _ Mb. Heene’S; S e a h c k s a t t h e S p i b i t u a l having special engagements, will not be able to give the usual seanoes at a Reply to Professor Tyndall’s celebrated Belfast Address, Which apn - -—L t T J f Llk a _____________ ^ aaaL a .—-X T ■■■1 ^ 4 WI1•J1.T _1. 1 ‘_A|________ J _ __________________L i ? the_ Spintual lnsdtution during the week after next, i.e., from. Nov. 14th ,red in these oolumns, and was afterwards republished in a SepaTatei form. A particular interest attaohes to this address as tt Continuation, of the oonSiot between the spiritualistie and materialistio philosophies. AN EMINENT SPEAKER. The fr ie n d B bave secured a man of g r e a t eminence, to address the1 meeting at Tarlington Hall, 90, Church Street, Edgware Road, on Wednesday evening at efght o’olook. We refer to Dr. T. L. Nichols,, author of “ Human Physiology,” “ Mysteries of,Mari,” and a.host o f other works on sanitary1science. He Will disooiirse' on his favourite' theme, We heartily recommend our friends to give him a hearing. T he Sunday Lecture Sooiety have commenced their winter oourse aft St. George’s Hall, Laneham Place. On Suftday afternoon, at ftrnr o’clock Professor Clifford will lecture ori “ Rifcht' and W r ^ g t' the'Sdentifllj Ground of their Di^tintItion»’, •'> L J physical . nature of msi courage, essentially fit fftm ^ r. W rite Bhsi)9(fifitoowleai!e;>or»-.ofr.si)eoie. ■ J j t l i y b f ^M IS tf^ p e M iM M -' « !.A Je«Bfea!iti tK6 $ k , I;j^t$het3iii®3i6f8erii^'roAUoH%6tWe6ii twtt.-' Htf tHen;rdiB- i ' iah im tsiii^ m e^ h eT oitbB m ym ^ d ^ ^ aniiharfflony; por})ise and .dni.fidSptatidd in thfirlivingbein^s to th eir surroundings/ which riri^ y pototed.tof.anvIntelliiSfiOB^guifling and codtrollfog stiie g^atei^^t ot grrafclength into the; relation pf gpplpgy to tfte .Mo^wi jaojobujit q t'q re a tio n ,p o in t whiqh sBpmed to, affiqrd;thb hparerji,' ilp.gape a jjew translation of ofrapiieriJ of.genesis, ani(arguec. e^enehped iii' the'^ay pf •aqoejpting tha '‘M d^iByiiS^^ri^M tipeaW li ob, Wfafring' fc'tWb Hebltbw Bible. The *ifii^enite,^afjg r^t!y ,niteiteBtfed aitdrfeW.eiltJiuMastio; and savel^l times bWkSi<rat:int6''4^M,iiBd; Vrhibh thfc'DoMdir i^bdiaiaykdpprbissd. ;' On Sunday nbStDVjSbitjbfr will deliVef two diWbtees'aif uiual^ The .subjeot ii® tha morfaingj w illhe; “ OflWard-^-but; Whither?” and iA the : ,e.vei}ingi'.;“ Professor Tyndall1and hifl Critici: a' Beply to 'hie Article on .fl» Current Fortnightly R e v ie w Serriob'at eleven ftnd seven. f OHKROH IN ENGLAND. ; . Oil Suird^ last, the 3 l* t of Ootobbr, Mr1, F . Wilson/considered “ The &n-dow of Comprehension ” as follow:-^;The. first question is as to the o^oy,.^hiph-,Unplie»: a power behind, an overrsupply, so .as to cause /,tji4 .iirtmihteMnoe ,to’ increase. $ow^ our comprehension means the /ffifflftb 'to fablbtfa'fresh information within tha present oirqumference : of ^ i r n n t o i ^ d & g £ 6'onsequently no prejudicbV traditions, oreads, Ww§, et inaximi' ’ttftb the •bbinjpWhedsionist; H5a Absorbs or inoloiieg what he thinks good from where he oan get i t ; he ignores Ab philosophy, ind-j^libes^piritab'oVe all, as tirt aJlbf all, th b w fis ctll> and the/all in all. Consequently he is in reverse' dirbotidn to H!h6 ieetariin eeodlarifet, who limits his ratiooination by faots, for the comprehensionist is only limited by the extensldh of hii^lniaginiation.. As a simple explanation, the^termj CoinpreheniuoniBt waB adopted to oppose the teaohing of the eo^li^tionistsj or binders of the itipd within the limits of the oreed it Js ffim5&fi^deHrable. shouldbe accepted by those over wtom they were ’ •BfiotilfeifigiSb'defiiiitioA ofa botoiprehehsionist, it is obvious that we, -tt’ai'dltol'flif'tjan acdept the good that wb fin'd everywhere. What is our --bondo'PtililoA ? simply tbe attriibtibn of sympathy, and the motto for 'eafehiisr 'tfThiS, above all, to thihe Own Self be true, and then it follows, ae the.nighttheday, thoii citiBt net- tben be false to any ma*.” . “ Lit a person do as he pleases, and he will do as you please, if you are right,” .hasia deep..'Wisdom.in it. J?or. the. representation of the Ghuroh, wb .qqoept.thp deopratipn and discipline of the Soman Catholic, tha organic s^tion of the Cburob of EnglaDd. (without the orSinatipn), the prin ciples of ejmbolic interpretation of the SwedenborgiaiiB, an adaptation' of iprvioji <h Mr, ^oysey,.t|ie ri/jht of publio Bpeaking, by the Qoakew; aM.^ereopgnrtioh by tfce Spiritualist? of the internal influBrioe! tha^'wOTia for you without your , povyer to asaiafc it other than •'■JildiBitiSrydiftlaiid.ik haVjidbny . .Sow, -'tpilfi Suim a*j^eiitdtion’ foih co^defotkm, ft a^pbars to die tfiiit BVer|ghb'alS-lb6,i|)Mi^li fb t'M iMdie feiBSdnOn itf the betettdny (trid .oWiahSe ^''-Boiiib^^Mfiat ib, tibe salt "if life^-*i(h tha: brgirtistii of tiiefjGhar^h o f 'iliiglatid-^Jfchafc1W, the bedtring the authority i!a the country,/in. which tbe Ohdrch ie established; with the Dissenters, as giving the-people the arbitration in the appointments ; with the $\Vedepbp,rgiati6, as giving, a systematised symbolismto supersede their i^pfi^aza^;,jntjefpreta?.ion in spiritualising the teaohing of Soripture; mth; ^Be'i^ua^qrs,.^ permitting all to.spsak from the platform, or pulpit '.T O in ^ ^ jtliin g aooeptableto say; with Mr, Voysey’s, congregation, (jtiheir rituali and with the Spiritualists, as ^iymg;H,sm^|6aUty td .tiie spiiritisfa,(of thbir manffeS^tions'of an iinEu'hilminuy. t& t feitnertO' had been witnessed in examples,1but into’icohfldya bonvictidn for outw'atd aisittilation. One, wojd more. W e asildine thb laws of nature are^ajatoaltfd thbV'la^ ^dSan’s tfatiirb, in thb laws of adgeifo niature, aM the laws wfisp&ittoliirtaire. ■JEftcb' iWerratJbA flisooyeHd in tbblbwerwiU'be found correspondingly iu the higher, and afcsuteed in the 'highest,^in .|aet, (ilat laws are parallels, and that all, being a mathematical fomtilary, To hftTe:to5Vbrkou£ a mathematical morality, a mathematical legislstion^ and.mathematical happiAe*.. Tne'subject for next Sunday ii “ The Education of a Comjirehensionist. imparts. I t is man’s work tq; survey the fleldB^of t o ^ a g e ^ s p m d out before .him!,' it' &:woifi^^w W K'1to'iMitenilj}SS^;& t : knowledge, and ‘iriikai i t availabl'ei '-fO^ ’ tKe^K wktpan .rade.!ii; To ihbn must at' ^rBdetitt-^ba— ; but woman'Bears the'palm'OPs^iHttiality.'’1)if f i ^ ;WiUwth&tdfty,''khen woman’s intellect equals:t e ^pitiWdityi'atid! man’s spirituality, rises to hiftlOtelleolaialitgr? Thede^aideiieff 6E!,‘'fli^K d y>™ i^^^W ffig'm pplanted bv the clainiBlbf domestiffdUty,' ^ a^ign-fo'r tfhs’true ladyi,’? said'MrftiBdrkby^'ilB'She who1iff thHi^OT"#Matf'WM^'lSsitates riot* Whateverher statioh‘ ifl'lifo1, if bbed' 'De, fit W 'fo r thb enjdyment of (iie iBtblWetuMiliis and ifbfi^bnfettW’bf-life.’’ Woman waB averred to be the arbiter of-:bet' ^ l i ^eWiny.' anu to’ IJifiVe ■herfutute inhbr own hands. ' ‘ But ixi putog^tf Mlff^gtft^upSn her self she must see to it tbat she be worthyiofiArhats ihb dekaHdsj ^It is nbt taough' that she admire bnd; appreoia!to<^ent> mothers/sbb-tiutst Beek. to cultivate.the gifts wifch Whion God hasbleisod heraelf.' .-I t feUot enough that she admire and Bpprepiate gppdnMS and1lo^e i and,charity in. others;, sbe must,herself .be good, andjo^ble^ an^oharjtable.!: ,It is’ not; enougti: that .jfte deppise yice and Jf^seoopd^ ^ha ;muBt herself (et aii eMmplb of virtue and! truth.' It is $ p ;aep!p)»te malice, ifl-naturb, ahd Btrife; shb1must ter^elfob peaob-mafeing and benevolent. If Bhe Bee,impurity iri bthbrSi letter see to it that BMherbalf be prire. Whbd she tniri' lines' the spimiiilij# 'fef' isfcwi ,hek true .natbM'u the' typftj will dhe ,blaim;tjhe nbblBst.'bqdalit^wt'ffian'.' .The Spiritual elbtoent will grbff brighter and brighter, libtil ild ipit'al lirikB of sweet aocordiTeaohing bveit'ujf to heaVen- it; fehall^eiitirt thtt,e iin the great.white tiirone of Ghod!fi love.” : - •:■■■■■-'V • :' ■ Mr. Linton offered tome remarks' ott thb intertilending •.influences of .^an. and woman, designedly arieing <Jdt of -tfieiriindnridual niitural constitution,,and hp: quoted historioai emiipleB 'of the -great. pMrposes which had been aBcptnplialiefd: in ,thei.piiogtPss;.ftfb^ivilisation by w.onpan’s intuitional nature. ..if ^oman; h{idiiBqt or had ooine short bf her capacities, tie fects of eduoation in the home and in the schoolj Science and sound knowledge had been denied her, while the H g h t^ ^ d niOBtyapfd of literature was regarded as suitable to her idtellbbt./&Qmylife. ^ ^ w ^ y e d by absurd conventionalities, and sehboWifb/ mniai sftbntjn acquiring artificiality. In morii'' schools Biturbj-^as a ifcloSTO' book. While he would brokde no ttat in the eduoation of wottan the etudy bf phyBiOlogy -atid' of the' la^s 'of the^ human body ought to have ^ a t e r proMneilSBi' iA'&oWbdgd of and obedienoe to suoh lawsi wdulcFgive us mothe'rs of' a' highB#rtype,-f(ild, by hereditary tranemiision, a more advanoed race bf hutnaa beijigB.:iSubh eduoated ^pipen ^ere tha hope of the future, , .ii. i Ji.ov Dr. Hallook, while agreeing with what had been advanced, questioned whether in the present state 'of things in England qnd America, woman had the freedom she ought ip, -have to reapf thp.fuil advantogas of her position' ;Was she not, kept dowii by the^^res^mts ^."opjgjMi, pf oustoiii, andlaw? Byaff.m eanf^ye 'wdfiian knowledge, p u ^ifli,^»at bio^ledgb'j^vb her f r e e d O m - ^ ^ v e ^ f e i / t l i b ' u s e ' i t i ‘ .Sicte.jiy side-With eddbational rttotm/ h^4rcwidMV^«0bnl-'and^ijl^ioa{'fbwto, so that she might enjoy equality of rights wify.man. .JNor did;hb'tliiiik the legislation of the lilnd w w d ‘had'W lsp^ftSe^ein. B ut anyVray,with her improved c&^acStt&S'Jbli KbrfcaWvMfeteted'ttdWer to employ them to.thi'fullestfdbgree^ ': ' "wf - ; ) {^sU . Mf. T. L. Henly spoke a few words bn tha. womem-^f to^day at the mothers of our fututelagl^atprs apd'go^now . ^toatitbaiwanient b f the day have tbe highest possible traiuing,,and. ^oie[its$lf:wutt worfc put the problem to a Batistactory issue for thb human race. BEBM INQHAji g P H t l f t f . ' TEM PPE. On Sunday, pormogla|i,(ftie u B u aj'd ^^io n ^^,ia^p u b j«(tp .^«»8 held, and proved Apst mfejesting afid^nfl|ruofiyfif, t - t t . - ■_!____ •'TV * 1 * t i * 1------- — * - <• ' - - “ Organio MoralB’,, 'to ’a xargltilid ueriob. The proceed* ings commenced with a hymn frbmthe’MEpmM^afti, _____ jbliine lanoffefbd ^ iii- ifflgdificbdt guage. It Ib a pity these gt'atid' ‘ittetinbra WaJtl< ' reported ,verbatim that others might form an idea of their lofty c’tfnbb] i m U' ,'-'r Then followed a reading from Andrew Jacfebn lavish wArabula,” (.■mq^beautiful after Whidh the second hymu in tWMSStuij tune ,rMalitai” • ■. The chairman, Mr. Starling, then oalled upon I f iri Hai^pr tp deliver his leoture. In commencing, the kctijrer,briefly, reviewed hjs former MP3.; JU JffiE ’S LEO TU RE ON ‘‘ WOMAN’’ AT DOUG5TY disoouiteeawn (his subjeot, and having fiftB:‘feteti :^p -the 'ffiVeSd of his : ; ba ll. argument, followed them out to th$ir logioal sequence. Haying traced , ,“.A, feyf.'Th0Ughtfl on .Woman,” by a wOman, andthat a w'oman of ffib: gWlogy ” Of'bi^anio .jtiWilBy, :fie procbedbd’ tb; Spbafe of'the qultivRt^d.inteltect and Jrefinad feeling, aftdmortover-of ripe experience, “ dWbiiBtiy” of tke-sddl; Bb ai'^bd tail'&eBbiil^B'tbe.iM^hitaB^, CQvidnofefaU Of interest to those who heard Mrs. Burke on Sunday last’ kind that it’ tftanifeiBtbd itMf-joi# in1^W>$ortioii;'to^the ;def8l<iphient cjf ■atDpugbty,HaU.$0,aocu6tomedare wetoheatthafc theshort-comings; the organism in which it was enshrined. Phrenology showed that the of-,wpqia_niftredue to inan that it altnoBt took us by snr^risbiwhen inoet: brain was a- cOnglomeratiod;- of entiraly distitl'fit:or^nfe,,!atid^hatljust of the hurthen was placed' by Mrs. Burke on woman herself. W ith not: 68. these ■organs‘ were <dsvelopad <in; bay: partisular tsapaoity/ &P!t o e a Uttle boldness the, fedtalfei! 'abouseii her’ eeS of ignorance of woman’s1 charged withthe obnbentrated- •Htalityof tfed tihofofygp6ia-,g&‘the Biiaa -wouldoperate irresistibly liv thatidirefltioni 'thfi^deBt&i^iflf 'th« db’btifirie ba4.-a*i»p,t!i«,Tgg9g qF hgj.^ajoivijt.^ie ?vorld qf. hapjanity. Thn great point of .the l^tu re of “ free-will;” that whenj-imder- esnitiug/botiditiofisrtfe’Vitality:-«as fromthbiJessdeteloped.tfrgand ixflona^ugi theacSre^faii........ _____________ .power within BBijf Q t^yatjflgfher tiiwniC()|!dition, and thereby of i^moving thpflp .n,ent ,ories,:they.booam«sdi6ea8ed.atidiooiisijniptjoni)eiHuied..’. Meal with j 1 , - Sf e &eyeforp,.in(M#oated.Bdf-. Splendid refleetive.fapultieay coSibined with)equallyi:Arorigly-fleveiopbd ..t [/ depO Ti|m ^|^^rai^e|lt^fe.:higji:pBn^,|}i^tBrei,. ?Tpt that she had any'sropatny wit£ v^hat was called.“ woman's rights.” She did pot; lp^.Mo'theifOomtniBsijsi. efi, J&mfcrd«6dthat dBBttoye^.iioidioWitetated ti opg®- Wpmen, ’’ gdg,iWn. ^ 9 jiphlft-eifeitScofia iifiatimpi:: ^M Sv«l^ntaatBD^^tU BJdi4 .oqcuTCBd!to[Ohe.^hpio6awpied* prominent positidtejnAe diuioliai,.fcB K9B /» n d ^ 9 ^ a ».^ : li H ^ i ^ 3#bW!had^derKtlifete a<ih)rictf4j!ihii 'orm re,or ^anken areroW kurses, u l l l i i K ^ ^ i d ^ m a l ^ twll&fp' Christians who upheld the absurd “ free-.viU.Vjdagnn ii|UK ......... ........... m .S 9 * H > quenol every n^n. ■ r capable ofVJ ,„ m M t M s M Is $S yju^jitfiererore of the:aot, the deduction waS\ui|4 &RB0Bite. • : ^ .of:'^.T B m ed W :^afe:d riiitm d iB in 3a3#g^ day.V JSrat, gftsfc SOT.itf.tho .s&oToe qfihe^conditions with which we surround ouraotvea, dgpeoialtyials 's rew4»'gwftJ!9inpinioiis, If we had oslriead of-a vioioqa, deprai ;_'.Wii<CTiBS3ME®tianf8eefc p uB */^»^Ier3m ifc-lllira^ofi Mnptles^jbrig^tp^ ^dv.p^est beings.,that; ,had ever itn their presence, by seeking their rapport earnestly, ..; : .aiid-opnia,gi^ ^ j pjBgia||ehartBHBgS5j^r ^ i g | p i ^ ^ « » ^ a g S i ^ f ^ ^ a f c . •~-::;-flfr ff^ ijBiKpl5p ^ betogififritti 1ohords of tenderea^i^pathy..This waa the great work of Smrituatfsmi. ptoedgjiw ^kejjflso ottte1toy^Jb^^>a>er to " irft5jfriptiv<5jo£ VoMld, ita^hoaE’ in f^ljunu^rJfWidi $pf. ita return, to,ijts parents sit a seance. Theae poemis were touohingly rendered, and many of the hearers were .unable to re: i^itt tb'rireitibtioik- ■- ;V -•■■ =--!■:«.■ ' '•'. ■ brought the nieetitig tb tl' dose.1 ■- -SM Biimfijp' W 'ttbhiing diacuastoti-’% 3 f ; 6e ;t>h' the “ MaMage!’ questttitf. XWtiStfWenfiig Mr. Mahony wifiieotiiire on ,cThe Phenomena :m JB^ftteSPfrjprMlltWP'tOilfflmortalityt” . .<)aiS«wfeyv JiflWPbW 14th, the monthly -tea-party will be. held in the • • W. RuaO&fc, Cor. geo. M i M i . . . .. lips the thick e^d^f ^ lT ioh ^ '^ iich / Wiit'-'Irtiii^Sbrt, X managed to holdyftrt » ■nro'ment.'-.whili^I'^B -iofcain■^hibi«a-toitW'5feaze )of- those pwqent; !'Ai^erya«efeBle^bfei&:w like mafcneriiTOS%eiit;tf:-Bells were Tung;roUnd the cfrolBj-BbtrietiffieB dose to ourfadevbtherfimoa over sour heads; tbeh *p^sof/thei‘sitterB -eveil vrithiipirit-Wanda.- •r :m'ustinij^!h6weveri>forgetito,#9prtbaps,the hast teakof. the- evening bccurwd’it* tHeijlieht.! A 3rat&shee%[r^£f b.dtepaperwas ihipeoted, «md'profloubed'free_6f;any barky w^then,plaoed itrabook.otld, tbe'-page notedi -:Theryou)^kt:boyiwithiis in^h.tliabd ,held the hobk imd- black-lead pentiiatfider;;llie;feble''(with wm'ply'the ordinary cotar on), and in a moment;'updeHferatlp theitible-topjJra'pa 'were:given with the penoil; and in another mombiifrtthe bobkfelltothe floor. When taken’up and opened at the' p&^eipbeifled', the blank paper was gone, biitwas found lying on the ^& di'fe''«sam iti«ai but not anything written on; However, oti further a'ad'ClosepititpBotion of the book- at the page indicated was written theae 'woitip~«Iviban't rwrite.” With the exception of thb right hand of tha m'ediuihyallthe others were held in full view of the sitters. . “ Hokbsty.” ■ Oot. 26,1875. THE HOME FOR SPIRITUALISTS. To the Editor.—Dear Sir,—Allow me through your widely-read |>agp5 to refer,- as,one interea^d in the question for general goqd, to the auWebt plready mooted by friend. Ri. Linton, of the necessity of a Spiritual ,ho^e or itemporary, hotne where any needing .auph for a while might reasonably look, for comfort and, if needs be, sympathy. The lady referred toty vour correapondenj; Mr. tihfoh.ia dno'not entirely a stranger in the ranka.of Spiritualists, a'talented, well-eduoated woman, whose sole desire, next to supporting h?r faring, (at present,tinder the n»09t frying ciroumstanoes), is to work for tie good 'of.Jffie t»use. and .......MR., HOME AND. MRS. WOODFORDE. Dear MBDiuit;—1 wrjife tq e^bre^i to your readers, aa an individual shqw forth .to the suffering world the true wdrtfi' $iid\pdWer of that Spiritualist, my j j ^ ^ y f r o f Wflwe.fltJfe. Home and the diamond* great gift of healing, as given to her through Mr. Slater’a niediumahip, being introduced'at TOughfy Hall', on ’Sunday evening by Mr. Linton. from the liigher aphere of medical, or rather liealing, i^talligeiace,—^ t A spiritual roatriim is not tlie plaoe td wash dirty linen. It now . gift whioh hitherto, haa been, and still iBj greatly impeded by' the direst appeara'plflW that.ttooffleis fto lotfgar a fnatterWhioh oonoerns Spiri peouniary strain .whioh the most earnest of .lis, to- t^bjioh' I can per tualists, but it is a defence of-aijme supposed injuries wiriGhMs*.;Wood- sonally testify, only know jtoo sadly obsoiires the yeirj d^wping of spiritfprde has reoeived, and a direct personal attack on Mr. D. D. Home, power—just as the sun is ofttimes hindered inhis gloripus shinitigby -/{fa lfiokiog.lwik on-J$r. Hbme’s correspondence, I can see no pretext the mista and olouda of earth’s atmosphere. 1 ahaU feel I hare not prsonalflquabble. Mrs. Woodforde haying movedhesvenatid, written in vain if you will insert this in this week’s isaye, for there are earth to hate hBr report in the Midibm, she laid herself open to the generous, hearts who poBsesB ample means who only wait a sufficient ■wqrld’^orlticiapa, and Mr. Home, in givinghia opinion, bf oourse in liba objeot upon whioh to beBtow their own indwelling kindnesa.—Truly Adelaide M®-wsurn, Slatbb. c 'rtthB-ttiBpDBat of tha fortunes of war. It ia, youra, 19, Leamington Eoad Villas, Westboume Park, pi, 2nd Nor. . however, at* dbusftof fW principlcofdiscuasion and free investigation to lower it into an opportunity'for bitter personal inveotive, as has been To the Editor.—Dear Sir,—I hare read and considered tfje proposal in this itLstknoe. ' If anyone in tbe whole expanse o f.Spiritual ly by,bis experience and servioes, a right to offer critioietfi'«ti a made by your eateemed’oorreapondent R. Linton, on tha above subject; - qiiBatiok. rf:mtdinrtBhip, it ia surely Mr. fiomff. ThMUgh an ttMre as also a previous letter from the aame pen, if l mistake not, on the lifetime he haa been'a devoted and conaiatent Spiritualist and a mediim desirability of there being a “ Healing Institute ” established; and I of. aurpaBaiBg excellence. If no other phenomena had b«en obtained! in cannot help regretting that he haa left the better, nobier work to protSe wfaek moreinsnt. hikalone would Save made flpiritiialWtiijegt^b- pose the lesser. I have not time at present to go into this at any length, ’ oWffieatiijn, S « eeema^ to J«ive"«en but I feel sure that something might and oould be done in the way of a p ^ y ^ , ..ohosen by'the spirit*world to oarry the faots to the widest an institution by an earnest effort being made to get a ,few persons to ' extihii, 'iUAinto tfe highest quartets. His early and important Berrien take the.matter up. Let it be in.a very moderate wAy at first, its whole have paved tbeiway for all other Jhediuma. I often try to fancy what aim being to oure poor suffering .humanity. I know enduqh of the Spiritualiam would^hstve baen tod iy had the mission of Mr. Home subject to warrant me in Baying that, with good, judicious management never been engaged Mi Sfo universal hod hia influence become, that his it would turn out more than a mere suocess. name is almost synonymous1'With medinmship. Suoh a man is en I : would be very glad to have an opportunity of talking this matter titled to be h^aKij and to be heard with Tespect. To persecute over with a few benevolent persons. I wrote a few remarks on R. Lin him for spewing 64tip..ri4i^lly to deny the principle of free speech, ais ton’s former proposal, intending it for insertion*, but waa prevented well as to break all .fraternal ties. That .there ia muoh psyohologioal getting the letters forwarded. If not tob late, I may aencfthem for misapprehension ih t^a.dianionjj.case, myself and Mrs. Sums are well next week’s issue bf the Medium. Aa to my objection to a “ Home for aware, and Mr, Home'did a publio duty iu questioning the proceeding^ SpiritualfatB" (and I have no doubt but it may Appear in the aame light and leading to ‘ This' the1Apposite party avoid, to other minds), it partakes fob much of a private enterprise whioh and do ijot ifiayfUi tlie pm>lib q^lBstiona : whether the medium be ought to be started by the individual for the benefit of himself and the fond of jiwffleW,finff~,',Whetlier the ring was bought in hia neighbour comfort of his patrons, but the oall or necessity for I leh ia not so great hood. Insteaff ^6¥: up' suoh important matters, Mr. Home is aa to make it ajoint'affair. replied <ttyj#f>$ jprpkyp$ly ,ijt eveiy s^pse, bnt with a tone which fat :. When't say “ a healing inatitute” I mean .aqoh. There is, I think, ... ^sqegdsijie spiritual needs,,of.thecasB, and olearly ahowa ^a(i|i.petty, too little distinction made between ourihg ind Magnetic treifttofent, personal apite ia being g ra tiM .’ •" ' which ought to be fully underatood ere atarting an effort of the kihd. , - ^K ^ ^ ^ M 't& iK on alau gh t cometrom? Mrs. Woodford®; and Suppose an attempt were to be made, there might be a large room aet .... T rf^S ^j^^i^-fcrSpir^iralw ai that a Daniel ahoidd jiao’ ujj in apart for leotures on physiology and other interesting and inatrnotive , judgment oBher|)ehalfi? Were it. not quite foreign to-the matter: of subjects to be given tb young women. I am not (ible at tkw moment to . SbirituiliBm,-! tojght igive substantial reasons for.tbe feud with Mr. promise aid, biit as soon as I am relieved from matters diready in : --JS ^ ,-^ ^S 6| jfeaip^r.w fiieb «*im« peo^eimanifwlitopte^VySihar hand, I would only be too glad to be a yearly <ubsctitoer; if not a ' - -- Bate»Wafrtte8-b^^i(® th«iti <)l<)86St aesdeiatea in timte''fia8t t'hew donator. Exouse a very hasty attempt to touoh upon a great'aubject.— “ Onwabd.” them, - I docnot particularly critioise arrangements of convenience in Yonrs, &o., .. :that aiwh-.peraona should he sather j<ftM|tojis^mnB8^|hirita|^rable pi^rbnymica of^othars; ASTROLO&Y. Iwri^'ftlptfflS^irorlffliiao^ that thia'^uarMiBnpt oife arising-qut Tb tha Editor.—Dear Sir,—Aa Zadkiel and Raphael have passed of the Beenoa reporfc at efll, and that Spiritualiats may at once and for away and their almanacks passed into other hands, and by 'a notioe in , .CTM.j^BQonnffltitfe^gpiiituttlinn. ■ •• ^.ihawL “ Zadkiel’BAlmanack " for 18761 aee that the present Zadkiel does •not intend to oommunicate with hia patrbns upon astrology. I shall feel 15; fyfetm, W&j: KoyemMr 2,1875. mneh obliged if you or any of your numerous readers will ,inform me what almanacks there are that are edited by profeaaional aatrqlogfirs, aa MAOOMBSEEBLD. _ ny we- l!® e it» aimlajitoih'iiere I have no relieh for the productions.of almanack makers. No dojibt others' amongst yonr readers to whom the above information .. . t idw ^fitaim .Jh ^.-p B rt.nfSM aijr there who1are now subscribers not to pay leas in.the aggregate, but more.'and' would be of aervice. .Should be.glad to make the aoquainfcanee of. an .-. the^xtittquto.ti,ty!lo be for pr|pent$tiqn (Stpies,-. J 1 amateur if auoh there is among your Bristol patrons.—I remain, dear sir, youra fraternally, “ The Mira.” ^ttfeftwM ^ppB8afc^ r l t r .4 ii J ffin Ootober 31st, 1875. ' Biit tvitb-tireir two I -fiwft by the fonSwiog aeeoiHil 'you ivill aee we making progress. We oommenced the aitting about balfJiandk .5^© _gas-w^a-put;5gafe.and TARLINGTON HALL, 90, CHURCH STREET, PADDINGTON. Lectures and Debates every Waduesday evening. A.free platform. . •Etos Ipfeed an. tha-MlB-*ere November 10.—Dr. T. L. Nichols: “ Sooial ai>d;5ai?itary Soienoe.” iput bn the heada of the niediuma and aome of the sTtteM.TEen taken %of^andijcplaped on the fcable. At one time a hat wia placed on the top’ - Thb second quarterly enbertainmeut in aid of the Organ Fund in eonnebtion with Dr. Seiton’a Sunday Services will take pl^ce {it. C a v e n weight. Ai-.anotlier time a small han^-bell—the handle of whioh was* dkh Soomfe, Mortimer Street, W., on Wednesday, December ^ . Prices thrust into my mouth, anil with my teeth I tried to keep it, but pre- ’of<admiBEdon to reserved seats, two Bhilling8.,'. baok aesit^ one shilling. . ferred parting wltiij it rather than loas al.iooOt or tWo—-was then carried Friends willing to assist in the disposal df fcicketa, kindly communicate tffln tail feJL Again they pitthed the bell-todle'into my with €1. B. Belton, jun.* 75, Fleet Street, E.G. e n d - > Violin atiokflllS'WhilShl liflli^hHat the gaaJ "®iisttW M A-^SiftW 'ybaif letter tas been-delayed WMeotdng the w 'g JjW F eijoymant o f TO 'C d W p a a y r^ -^ tto ^ '-to thji movement instituted by Mr. Johtt ^tiibOtttMiv W M M -'W rw WMMpe - j.- i .i on . lL. - t .being . . _ put. out, . they presented . . . to my he will operate again, and that we shall do tiw matter batter juiticav spirits, for immediately, the gas js S l :! Ii-Asnaoj " iu .iiirf-* o-’J * . hdYd.been.' FO R u-’ ale} o’. SUNDAY’S M E E T IN G S . ?<•:!i:.-i£jfllua±ftWJS^fc :hi o p, a »/•:!} • .• iaa ca ± fw J S «op isws.sSt t& u iim cu p :^v^ ''l .jL L ^ ^ a A ii k ./iA « U A l 'nV:Aniiim vn1a'>an'n «fli.tia i> a o iia 'tn iin ir. n n i n f a • ' :;6f5yburitiutneroua rfeadersmaygivia uathat light,.;;He ihafc givenl us.to ;; ’ . ' .''-’SiriitN isrd;‘,saf!' i 'I ‘M od& ate. ■ ■ n ^ t b •' . o r .- ^ 1 ’yj’.f/.' 71 IT t V f • nd^rsta^d/thafcVbisinaTtie:?i s !ff>Plotiniiaj?.. bdrn. iftt:.Hyooji^lia; ?in Egypt, - iJfcDJ2(^|iMailsa;at44eMUclri&’, atidjoinedflprdiatfs artoy.;>afterjrard|j i sJWfiht tojiiiifiiio^ttnd tiueht fj-hii - . v iHtn wkiiibnvj •jdi i-jai'-idl ‘ jsi. ' j j . »t in .Oi«npaniar-Ai'P/;274; )We, hats, Bitioej ■^%be!^bc^e^m^'^iniuttnicatedt -learilt^hatjBHfihia:; ttafi- did -live, although • ^fibefprertMt,ttmef\fB\;were':quit»>ignoraui: of tha jhot* •.H«-,infon(i»tjiiB: 7iiha30(Sbtri^ed sa!)medium:in .IcndQft faboufc .t??*) yearsiago, ahd wroty ■ .'. mifolu'H ^:ih ay« talso had a. <i9it.(frpila; “ Porphjfrm51!’::a atudeiifrof, : .:MBlQfinuflV;ffHp:IikewiB0.fiontro|lfidjth0.Baine medium. .[ . ■' u^NftWiSit/iif.i^ayfof'yQuJci :readir?<09n,gire us,;any idea as .regards the. ■abdvtf comfiairaicatjotfs, and [inform-ub whether they heioorreot ;or- not,. •iiM!ehdMeeMl<ial» ites'a great favour; ancl, for my fltm part,; jf it ■ shouldpidvC oorreot, 1 shall know it is genuine, heoause: I am entirely ■ ignorant of any Buch knowledge. Trusting we shall roceivo a s&tisfac- ■ tory answer, I remain, yourB truly, Thb Medium. SPIRITUALISM IN HULL. To. thq Editj)^—Dear SirHO% Sdnd^, Ootober 31, terminated'the • wtth'bur ’laing-Wglieefedcl medium, J. L. Bland, during the last four Sundays hafe proved ik|R i8^'uW ei^l^ 7 p o ^ 6 fe are somewhat different to anj we have ‘ herWfore'wi?S?:8Bed..’ 1yTe will giveiohe case in point. A youDglttdy, -''il^ n ^ 'p ^ jr '^ iii'u a t t t t c k ’ df tio-ddloreiii, desoribed ner feelings ^tpMri'Blandi whbapp$r6d:nbtto:liOtice it for two or three minutes, ; hut-sudilenly turning Bib eyes upoii.the lady, asked her abruptly where her tio'was;’’ She inSwifered, “ It has gone entirely.” He informs us' (that fre can/;Oure OaseB at a distanoe, without seeing the patient. We shouja'Ske'Bome of dur ffiends out of Hull td try him. ‘ tthe'BiiBiM^ of, his trance-spe«ring have been as follows:—First Sunday niglt', ” Predestination;." seoond, " Formation of the Earth; ” third; “ The'ConbluBibn of the Apostles’ Gftefl';* fourth, controls by two or three lively and interesting spirits, including (in Indian spirit o^ed\‘',(!/arafte^a.’’ ^ . It'is tlhe intention of Mr. Bland ito take up his residence in a central part of aM! iiy ’to establish a central asBooiation of Spiritualism' infiu])?'' .t® hear of others along with ourselves who are iiiferytel 'Jri .tBe cause, to rally, round him in the attempt. He will be fouiid'Mther by letter or otherwise, at 31, Grange Stroet, Swan’s , Mate, .ljull,until Buoh time as we report further progress. Why dantfot’fiutt embrace this' golden opportunity, with such a powerful "heafiiigf and tifanoe-speaking medium in its midst?—Tours respeotfully,• T homas P awbon. 1 'The' ^oildBas m uch'of: ‘ B • A g lo -iy In e a u - ^ A ' Jn&n wonii' ofa;-.'ly‘ . i - .j:if Ti'Jil/ tt-iij/v ‘i;!?. t?;-r:-•*: * see the 'beairi-lrig' stftMV'ljhe ■ iP w -ealr1 bud-dlng tree. 2 A splendour from the farthest east 4 They epeak in ,every;. Unto the farthest west; :Ihak flaaheB.onthe stream, Aye ! everything is beautiful, In.eifetj, holyvthrill g£,ours, ,And we are greatly i>leat! iLijd,every;lofty dream. 3 There is a host of angels, who 5 The world is good and beautiful, : With every moment'thrOng, ; We aU'may'know;it'^ll, If we would only.list awhile Forthere'aire^manythoiisand tongueB The oadenoe of tbeir Bong; That every day oan tell 6 What love has cheered'tiiem dn their way.r O’ef every ill atiovij-^ ' It only needB a ^pddly. Heart To know that all is lovei HYMN. No. 42 in the “ Spibitijaii L tee.” I.M. BBlSTOZ). P -. ,w . r We i 1 r r r r r 1 - r T r j , j jlL | , - j ^ j r Z r do not die—we can-not die; We 'ou - ly ohange our Btate o f = ^ 5 = fS £ p r . . f L lite -]--= = n j 4, Strawberry Street, Drypool, Hull, November 1, 1875. ■ f l - f d - J. A VOICE FROM. SUNDERLAND. - — To the Editor.-?-Dear Sir,—I am very anxious, in oommon with a few friends, to investigate Spiritualism, and to this end am Very wishful for an introduction intd a oirole in Sunderland or neighbourhood. In faot, I would not consideir it a trouble to travel thirteen miles to^Newoastleon-Tyne if only I could have my curiosity Bomewhat gratified, whioh. has'been aroused; by reading Peebles's “ Seers of the1Ages,” and Fritz's. “ Where are the Dead;?’’ &c. I would esteem it a favour if you would !•kindly give -me some’ advice or information in this matter, either by roply to tbis Qr. through the ohannBl of the Mbdiuh, the reading of which :flrstdnduoed>me to inquire into it. Asking pardon for encroach ing onyour valuable-time; yours, John Grace. 4, Christopher Street, Sunderland,- Ootober 29tb, 1875. - i - f r J - ^ 2 There is no death in God’s wide world; But one eternal.soeiie of .ohange; • The flag of life is never furled, ,. . It only taketh wider range, 3 And when thespiritleaveBiteframe, Its home in wbioh'it lon'g hath dwelt, It goas.a lifethafBrealtbclaim, As if in this it had but:'plept. ' ' 4 Then let us sjwak not of “ tWdpad,” For none are dead—all live, ail love ; Our friends have only ohanged^rhave sped, , From lower homes to.fipm^ abdyp. S eance at K ingsland. — Hr. Webster informs us that he intends com mencing a weekly seance on Wednesday evening, 10th inst., at No. 1, HYMN No. 96 in the “ SriRiiffAt IrfRE.” ' Abbott Street, KinjgBland Gate. Tci fcommence at eight o’olook. Admis 7,6,7,6,7,6,7, 6. ' ' ' DS- LOWEn MAS09. MlSSIOTTAET. sion 3d. . - JtyfuX .Mn-.T- .T./tTbht,t js about to take a lecturing tour, and purposes to .. visit*^‘' ^ ( n ^ ^ p l ^ . . 4 iU^..th 9'.ennf%' w e e k .Swindon on :Mond£yi,Ms$f)QrpHga on Tuesday, Calne. . c n :Weclnesday, Devizes on Thursday,.Chippenham on. Friday, andr Salisbury on Saturday. His obj.eot;is to^nlwt tiesympathjes of the educated olasses in the subjectof Spiritualism. Hark! harklfrom;grove and founritalli - O u r-;jo y -fu l .pongs re-sound. T ablikdton H all, 90, CnnRCH Street, P addington.— On Wednes day, the 27th, Ootober, the debate, as previously announoed, duly came off. Mr. Hooker opened it by reading a paper touching upon the leading points maintained by the opposition side in the late debate upon Spiri,tuflfism versus Seoularism. ^Messrs. White, Drake, Godfrey, Durant, and .several others.took .part, in die discussion which followed; ' Mfi& Builook’s Hah , 19, Chpech Street, I siingtos.—Mr. E. W. -And ev - ’ry rook and inoun - tain Be - e - ohoes thom a - round. WfiUis' igave a very interesting leoture on Sunday last, on the “ Right* of;Man/* fcnder the *5ontrol'of " Thomas1Paine.’’ The Hall.was orowded, anti naany conld Bot gain admission. On Sunday next Mr< Lawrence will' ‘givfc an'laddiess toil ■“ Great Events.” The usual quarterly .tea meeting will be. held on .Sunday, the 14th inst., to which the Jriendi of the cause are earnestlyinvited. FtA/sHiti- R e fo rm .— When the remains of Dr. Robert Di6k8on, .df Harmondsworth, and formerly of 16, Hertford terraoe, Mayfair, were The dark-ness, eatth for - Bak - ing, B e . - f o r e ilie .day .flies fast, interred in the parish ohurohyardat Harmondsworth a few days ago, the' bScaiioii Was made one more df rejoicing than’ sorrow." Shortly! befdrd'Ji}lsatht; took 'place the pasBing-bell'was tolled, to warn people soulgdihg to itsrest, and the< death wait, apnonnced by a peal, in accordance with the canon of the church. Whep •thci,ilpVoiiesBibn Bet out front the iouBe, the bells were chimed mirrily, ■afifl'alsbfeiftih! thb:foB«wers left thedhurohyard. Hat-bands aiid scarveB; # r e biiti'rBlf-.dispensed-with/.the objeot of the deceased gentleman’s And man, re -deemed, is ! break- lag 'Fromi •Er Lror’s ohMu at last. ■;faniily ifl(1haviBg the'hrrangtoents carried-out in this way being to Bet • ,tfn,1tWfflpleXfor'the'-abolition of: aill display; of worldly Borrowl and 2 The light from God above us Is beaming in our. eyes, • :!.^ 4 ’ undertakers’ pomp on Buoh 'dooarions. Ofl the occasion of Mrs. Diokson’s And angel-frienda who loveuB Fpri.clad ln.roqe^f .»pIetiaour, . deathi' al^jnt tired•.-months iago,4he oeremony. iras. conduQte^ in a . Ar^whiflpering from the aides ; oi? ri? • • i . ’i'V : . .. They tread the fieayenl^ enore. i/. T * -...... - 7 ir . i ,tyfl '-'"J f . • Mbs. That ahinei iri 'tB&'>Bkgfit cohere; ' Wheh deathY&iftctoBe Our eyes, T h eyfea oh u sofou ^ d u tyi.j ” •Tbyafcgels.Btdridibgn^rus, To love eaph other/here* ;, 1 Southampton.—A , correspondent -.writes:. (ftpjjg;c%usp jisriadv'Anoing ' Shall lead; us to tneiskiea.' ”eed* ^ B 0 •'.? i Babbow-ih-Eprness.—Mrs. Soattergood speaks in the AniphitliM|re on November 21, at 2.30. and 6 p.m. Oolleotiong at the olose of eaoh.. ZMC I B , . iheeting. w ;■ j T he Anti-Compulsory Va^^tioa-'4nd’Miitaal Proteolibn'femetyV has, linoe January'iit, paid' in'flneB'afal.^(j^if<fr^nieiftbtiM.rv£ll^ f f o j Dedicated to James Burris, f t the Spiritual Institution. There is a defieitSnthe fuhds of ^aftf-ant'fliafpUMiablny- ^epartment ;*; has been Badly crippled for want of fuijds. . : ^ L iverpool .— On Sunday afternoon Mr. John O^pm^'^e^i.^.paper Wordi aUd Melody by H bniiy P ride. • Moderate cmttprasimt. ' Hatmmistd by W alter- B orhe*. ' ' where entitled,Sign?, of the TimeB,” whioh fuUy.Bjwt&Hjed tbe motto . /whloh it'bore. In-’tlrt evetiing Mr. John Priest BpdWoi^iSSS -fSwer •• of Beligion inthe World/’ in which he contended for aioiitinSoaalijfepiratioh in man anda desire toglorify God and 'enjoy hi®. /' BO: • r r i. Where all gra-oious'Btreams are flowing, Rills and ri-vers ^ J. . ree. J- J. ■ \ - , ie J * = r_ h _ deep; . ngues 1 ' j . . -j J _ q - j. / j t s r _ r i j. a jf. j f ' 1 Where all tentder. winds are blow-ing, Skies pure a - zure ,<*U; ‘ _ keep; . A. — rT T E rl-pi-^ Where the Bun _4 A . m is i i e - ver shin-ing; Where no sweet flowers die; i J i - J-. cres...............cen Where nor I i j i - - do. dim - tn - u - ea - do. ~J f ~ ? T T ’? f re-pin-ing Dims af - feo - tion’s eye__ nor B o r-ro w . J 'J - j Id strife. There, oh, there a Home is wait-ing, Rea- dy now for you and J. ■' r J. me; ^ U , J . 1 T ; •P T f T f f T 1 1 ' There the an.-gels all are'waiMng, Ask-ing God for you and me. i re - sound. -round. fast, Lt >r, 5! last. our, shore. i " i i J , I j j .. I 2 Where all gentle aro the voices, Welling from the heart; Where another's good rejoices, Eaoh ita all bath part;' Where encirole each, for ever, Loved ones known the best; Where is One who faileth never, Blessing all with rest— There, oh, there a Home is waiting, Eeady now for you and me; There the angels all are waiting, Asking God for you and me, S Where the portals wide are gleaming, Seen of many here; Where, through all the bliss, is streaming Love to soothe our fear; Where a perfect chord of praising, Blendeth every soul; Where great hopes are ever raising To a higher goal— There, oh, there a Home is waiting, Beady now for you and me; There tiie angels all are waiting, Asking God for you and me. •Salford.—Tbe meeting at Temperanoe Hall, Ortfsal: Iane,!'Uege'nt Eoad; Srifoidf on Friday night,^Novem{)er 12,'W;ill:c<>mraenof;ftt.eight ,‘ T o’olock, doors open at 7.30, : Mr. George DawB^p,; ^ ,. ;B («kJ^ay Street, Water Street, Manchester, will deliver an',address ctp “ lilesinerism, Olairvoyance, Table-rapping, Spiritual Mediufeititp, &o.” A free platform, and disoussion invited. ; O b itu ary . —James Ooop, WeBt Houghton, Lancashire, has passed on to the spirit-world. He was aue;of our mOBt earnest correspondents, doing all he could to prom ote a knowledge of Spiritualism, and to ciroulate the literature; He was'qiiite a young;mali; ancl-fell‘a ’victim to oonBumption. He was muoh respected for his honesty and straightfprwardness by all who knew him. . . . B atle y ,— The Spiritualists of Batley intend holding, itheir first publio tea on Saturday next, November 6tb, 1875, ahd would be giad to have as many friends from the district as can make it cqoyenient to . come. W e expeot Mr. and Mrs. Soattergood and other local' mediums -to fee with ub. Tea on the table at five p.m.—D. BBHjtEwyflime Street, Batley, Oot; 31st, 1875. , G e o rg e R u b y . —The following sums have been received at the Spiri tual Institution, in response to George Ruby’s appeal in. last week’s Medium :—“ A Friend to Mediums,” per Mr. Linton, 10s.; Tbe Leicester Sooiety of Spiritualists, 4s.; P. Friehold, 3s.; J. D. Bose,-Jsrrow-onTyne, 2s. 6d,; J, Raper, Jarrow-on-Tyne, Is.; "Chip,” 7s, 6d.;;J. Oraig, 5s.; E. Hammond, 5s. Mr. R. Barker, secretary to the Leicester Sooiety Of Spiritualists, writes, in forwarding from them the above sum, “ They hope other Societies ^ill send also according to their ability.” Mr, F. Friehold, another contributor, writes, “ It would, indeed, bb ii Foul stain on our beautiful cause if Spiritualists were to permit a brother to enter the Union for want of love and sympathy.” R. B.. D. . W e l ls has engaged to lecture in the following towns during the winter and spring, 1 8 7 5 - 6 Halifax, Mechanics' Institute, November 1 to 13; Sowerby Bridge, Town Hall, November 15. to 20; Birstall, Lecture Hall, November 22 to 24;. Batley, Tovra Hall, Novem ber 25 to 27; Leeds, Albert Hall, Meohanics Institute, Cookridge Street, November 29 to. December 11; Brighouse, Town Ball, Decem ber 13 tb 24; Bolton, Temperance Hall, January iO to' 2?; Rbohdale, Publio Hall, January 24 to February 5; Manohester,' LeotWe Hall, Mechanics’ Institution, David Street, February 7 to 26- B»»niiAT Temperance Hall, February 28 to Maroh 7; Nottingham, Large. Hall, Meohanics’ Institute, March 8 to S7; Sheffield, Temperanoe Hall, March 28 to April 13. The ChriBtmaB vacation is from December 25 to January 7. Letters should be addressed to Mr. Wells, Pavilion Plaoe, Scarborough. He may be in Southport during tbis period, but the letters will be forwarded. From April 14 to Jutfe 1, new engage ment oards will be issued. June 1 to October 16,at Pavilion Plaoe, Scarborough. O ldham ,—On Sunday last our speaker did not make his appearanoe. The'afternoon meeting we turned into a oonferenoe. At?night we were alBo without a speaker, when it occurred to me to give Out the hymn, and make some remarks. While we were singing, Mr. Jdhrison* of Hyde, made his appearanoe, and he complied with, my invitation to:: speak. Before being entranced, he told us that on .leaving-home in the morning he felt undeoided as to whether he could return to tea in the evening. After his leoture at Manchester in the afternoon, Mr, Fitton, asked him to tea, but he said he was going to Oldham; but what he was going for he did not know. One ot his controls subsequently told us that they had brought him to speak for us, showing that they knew we had no speaker, of whioh Mr. Johnson had no knowledge till be got to Oldham. We all felt deeply grateful when Mr. Johnson made his appearanoe. His disoourse was on “ Practical Living.” At the oIosb of: the meeting suggestions were made that Mr. Johnson speak in Oldham,, at the Spiritual Institute, Waterloo Street,; on Sunday*’ Noyember.14, for the benefit of the London Spiritual Institution. Mir. Johnson offered hiB servioes—in the morning at 10.30, afternoon 2.30, evening'at 6 o’olook. This was brought before our oommittee, and they unanimously agreed that the proceeds should go to the institution1at London, and we hope tbat the Spiritualists in the surrounding distriot swill oome forward ana give us tbeir support, so that We may be abte-to send froin Oldbam a liberal donation to assist our brother Bums; Who is a medinm for'tbe spreading bf truth, which we believe is so oaloulated to benefltthe human . family.—T homas K ershaw , 0, High Street, Oldham, November 1,1875, R . J . G. ROBSON, T b a n c e M edium , is .prepared -to hold M Seances or give Addresses at Circles on subjects connected with Spirit-communion.—Address, 35, Edmund Place, Aldprsgato Street, E.C. S it possible I can obtain a Knowledge, of .the Future P I t is I possible. Read for yourself “ YOOR FUTURE FORETOLD." Handsomely bound in cloth, only 2s. 6<L London: G- J. Bbbgeb, New castle Street, or post free of “ E. Casaix,”"Tost Office, Watford New town, Herts. .. " ' in the W .'district,Two UNFURNISHED ROOMS, «t suite, with' folding doors.—Address, Rev.L.L.D.,15,SbftthiimptonBow. ” : " 1 O SP IR IT U A L IST S.— T IN F O R M A T IO N :).N Y E % T lQ ilT O R & , i fife "-: ^'"''.l1* I wVt w > .vit at ^ 8 Mr. R-i^IiSON'-1H&WtSSffe his series of 0 IGl MS&L,in; . to w ;» i-l. dn’:'■ “ P R O G R E S ^ I ¥ ^ ;T p jn a ^ .” j Subjeot: “ THE EDUCA^aON^ACOMEH^ffiNSIONIST.* T ie M e M u m a a i i 4 ! M ^ m s W p j i 5 jl^ i i5 ^ A !» f ,i9<U H ow m i E e p o r t o a S p iritu a lism of^thS^Siiniiftei ^ ! 1 4 -. 'thei London Diai Beserved Seats, Is .; .Centre, of Hai^-ed. j-Gallery, Id. T ------------ ;-.;i..<,.<,v w T r w r r ,m ». ^vi ■v.> BjBANCEB AHD MEETINGS DUBING TJjjl ^EIpKj.ATTHH RPTBTTTTAT. ; nrSm U TIO N .16,SO O T H A m i6N B 6w ,H O IiB O B H . BjtnfDAXj.H'Ov, 7/ IlUigwortll 4 t >Ddngh% Sail, 14, Bedford Bow, at 7. SSWWi.*!'?*. AdmlBBlonZs. fldfl, . . W <t w i s t Btflft . v "W'ednebdat, Nov. 10, Mr. Herne, at 3. Adinls&ifln. Saj 6d. / _ :.t lie ie o fiji;A '^ W P ^ ,A d 4 r e s s b j J., J.flJpBsp,;. W . '! ,;; Mr.Ashman’iH ea B tog 'C a ^ a t8 .-'A d ia^ 6% -® :<E'’ ‘ ■ Mrs. O llvete Seanco,.on behfilf T h e S p m t o a t iijrire. V -A. <3olle6tiop of Song* foe the use of Spii*IJhotSdat, Nov. 11,Mr; H em e,at8, Admisfllon'28, fld.' j | H ... BbidAt, N(^y. 12, MIbb Eag^, , , •, T h e to e c id ofsth e 'S p m t s j or, th e la fliie n o e o f th e B e lig io n H andings. Id. . " W h a t f r . M S !'• .'.# J r a a a ,i! D w % . ,ia.' London: J . B dbhs, 15, Southampton Bow, W.O. , BQ GKS ON M E SM E R ISM , H EA L IN G , &c. L IB R A R Y kOF, M & M E E I8 M AND P SY C H O L O G Y : Mesmerfsmy Clairvoyance, Electrical Psychology, Fascination, Soience of the Soul, &c., &c. 15s. T H E P H IL O SO P H Y O F E L E O T R IO A L PSYC H O LO G Y , By J. B. Doda. Cloth, 8a. T ^ : P jtn iO S O P H Y O F M ESM ERISM . B y J . B . Dods, =/ i SBAKOHS AND MEETHJG&. IN ^ONBpifjDiraO'G XfIB SAnJBDAT. lfo r. 6, Notting E lll, .'at II, BleoJiyn.dei;;JI|ewfi> Lattaer Beoi3,.*t Mr. WiJllfKns. See advt. s ^ [M ML, M.' Btnmir, Nov. 7, Dr. Sexton, Oavendish Booms, at 11 and 7. Mr. Morse, at Cleveland S ail, at 7. J^r. Cogman, 10, Bf. P eW s Boad, Mile EndBoad,jt.7. . M>o, Bnllook.IS.QtmroliStreetj Upper Stieeti’ lHllngfeon.jliJ.. Notting Hill, 11, Bl^ebyn’den Mews, Latinjer Boad, at 7. 3d. Mr. Herne’s Seanoe for Spiritualists, at Herne's Oak Viiia, Bookpjead Eoadi Viotorl# Par}t, Soiit^ H totoey, at jj : Contributions1voliintaiyi ^ HornAT. N ot. 8, Developing Oirole, at }Si, Oogman’s, 16, St, Peter’s Boad, Mile End Boad, at'8 o’olook. - . •• ■ >■ .*■ ■ " • . '> Mr. Hooker’s Cirole lor Investigators, 33, Heatf Stteet, S tJ obaiW boiU at .8.15 ; admission Is. (Temptnacily suspwded.) ............ Mr. Williams, See advt. TpsBDlT, Nov. 9, Mrs. Olive’s Beance, 49, Belmont Street, Chalk Farm Boad, at 7. Admission, 2s. 6d, JA C O B ’S R O l): A translation from the Freoeh of a raie and curious work, A.D. 1693, on the art of finding springs, mines, and itisi.& ta r’s Developing Circle, at 87, Inville Qead-, Wahrorttu fk& g; ■ Admission Jfi. : . tiftaftnty by means of the Hazel-rod; to ; which is appended' Dalston Association o f Inquirers into. Spiritualism. A Seanoe at Eegearchesj With'proofs of'the existence, of a more certain and far . J M i r o i M p ^ B o w V P a W o p , a t Z,80 p.nj. ... Mgherficultiy, witb clear and ample instructions for using it. By VfEDJTEBliAT; Jjov. 10, Notting Hill, at 11, Bleohynden Mews, at 7.80, for ThomasW<ilton.5iPrica 2s. fld. O L A E R y O ^A N ^E j H y g ie n ic and M e d ic a l, By Dr. Dixon. Is. PevelogpientfMenjbersonly. . . 'JarUngton Hail, fltr, C^uwH Skast, Paadfngton. Irw^arsat a. '' & . Warren, T, EUtinm Park B o i}, Caflwa Swd, at 7.W, Admission is. J. Webster, 1, Abbott Street, Kingsland Gate, at 8 o’olook. Admission, 3d, rptnssjwy, Nov. 11, Developing Cirole At Mr, W. Canneli’*, 35, -Frederick ' Btreet, Charles Street, Portland Town^ at 8^ . . leotnra at Mr.Oogman’a, 15, Bt. Peter’s Boa4, Mil* Epd. 'at 8 q’oloot Miss Balter’s Cirole for Investigators at 87, laviile Soad, Walworth, B.H., at 8. A'dmiSBlon, is; . Atr. WiHfaimft, SeAadvt. . FpiDAT, Nov. 12, Mrs. Olive’s Seance, 49^ Belmont Street, Qhalk Farm Boad, at 3, Admission, 2s. 6d, '• C l i ^ Y O t ^ . i i j A V E L S IN H A D I S ; dr tlie P hantom Sara* By &,. Gardner, 3d. M ^ J I ^ R I P : IN OONNEOTION W IT H P O P U L A R S U PEI^TITKttf- B y J.W . Jackson, Stiff paper, Is. W IL L -A B IL IT Y , o a M e n t a l V o litio n ; with E ssay s on Fb eeW m and Destin y . By J . Hands, M.R.C.S., &c. Cloth, 2s. 6d. PSY C H O P A T H Y , or the T bue H e a lin g A b t. B y Joseph Ashman. ClotbjSs. fid, M EN TA L ? U R E : itlustratingthe Influence of Mind on the Body in jfealth. and Disease^ and the PsychotogicaH Mode of Treatment. By B. F. £vaps. Cloth; 3a. , fldA»CH9 fif TOB PSOVINCHB DTTBING THII WEEK. S T A T tr V Q L $ 3 M o r , A r t i h c i a l Somnambulism, h i t h u e t o Svudat, Nov. 7, K eioh ik?, 10.80 a.m. and 6.80 p.m. Children’s Progressive cAWflD ,JIesmbeisu: ob Animal SLionbtism . . Containing a brief his Lyoeum at 9 »,m, and 2 p.m. torical wrvdf],pt Al6smei,8 operations, and the examination of tile Bowebby Bbissb, SpWtualist Progressive Lyceum, Children’s Lveenm.1 same % French Cpmmissiohers. Phreno-SOmnamDulism; or, the Ex l0a.m .aBd3p.f^,;rU iilolteetii)g,6.80(^m . ^ J position of Phrenb-Magnetism and'Neurology—a. new division of the B&wusa. SplritnMirta* Meetlng BboMr 2.fc: «n^ ^ ■ Phrenological Organs, So., &o. By Wm. Baker Fahnestock, M.D. 0s. B ir m in g h a m , Mr. W . Perks; 812, Bridge Street West,1near Weft Street M m ^ C L ji S and M ODERN SPrR T TO A L ISM . B y A. R . : yftfjiacpi • . .. R E S E A R C H E S in the PH EN OM EN A of S P IR IT U A L IS M . By W. Crookes, F.B.S. Illustrated. 5s,. T H E L E T T E R S and TR A C T S on S P IR IT U A L IS M of JU D G E EDMONDS. Memorial Edition. Cloth 3s. 6d. SO IE N TIFIO M A T E R IA L IS M C A L M L Y C O N S ID E R E D : A Beply to Professor Tyndall’s Belfast Address. By Dr. Sexton; Cloth. 2a. 6(L'j paper Is. THE; SY M P A T H Y o f R E L IG IO N S . By J . W . Higginson. 2d. A S T U D t of R E L IG IO N : the N AM E and the TH IN G . By tbja Editor of the Index- 2d. . T H E P H IL O SO P H Y of R E V E L A T IO N . B y J . W . Farquhar. 2d. London: J . B tjbns , 15, Southampton Row, W .O. W itt be ready immediately.TH RO U G H TH E M ED IU M SH IP OF MBS- COBA L. V. TAPPAN, consisting of the series entitled, “ The New Science,6“ Spiritual Ethics," and Discourses by “ Judge Edmonds,” prefixed W Map Tappan's experience as a Medium. Comprising upwania of fifty Orations and Poenis, artd extending to about 6SO pages. After publication, the price will be 7s. fld. To those who subscribe now, they Wili be fls. post free, or four copies for 21s; carriage extra. At the request ,oI subscribers a special edition is being prepared to be prefixed byafiae photograph of Mrs. Tappan, by Bowman, Glasgow. This, edition is .on fine toiied paper, aud bound in bevelled boards with fullgilt edge*,constituting a very handsome volume; price after issue) 10s. Qfyipo subscribers; 7s. 6d._, post free.. Those who, have already sub^rjbpdfojr . fre.. ordinary :edition may have tha superior one on remitting Is. 6d. extra per copy. flfe . H f t w t y ’s l a t e S e r m o n o n “ H e l l . ” ' A Bt J O ffU R E P L Y , PA'GE HOPPS, Price. On# Peflpy, may be had at. Mr. Bxwns’s, or from the Authob .(postfree), Crossbill, Glasgow. A -b ^ -fo ti Ingttirer^—Third Edition, with Appendix. W H E R E ARE T H E DEAD! OB, S P IM T O A ^ H , K CTU jN Bp. London s J .'W m , 18, Southwiptpa B ow , W&. Hookley,'United Christian Spjritnitysts at 6.30 for J, for Stoiritualiataoalv! Bpltitnal Institute; Athenanm'/templer Stfeet/’ Blkoasstbn', I i a m Publio Meeting, 7 p.m. _ .’ ” MAMOHSSTEBi Temperance Hal^groAvieBorBVAM SaiBtfliftlSHv H ^ j f a x ^^ tu jlogM ^SooIety, ^;CiUn^Conhi,TOiia^'^cee^ N o tt u t q h a m , Churohgate Low Pavement. Publio meeting'at fl.&O p.m O s s e t t Common, W a k e f i e l d , at Mr. John Crane’s, at 2 and 6, p.m! NEWOASTLE-ON-rnre, at EVeeaasons’ Old HaU, Weir’s Cqnrt^ ffewgato Street, at 6.80for7 p.ni, — ^ ........ ■ LlVEBfOOE, SubilO Meetings Elllngf/mjjnnmphly £ 3 and 7 p.m. Trance-mfedlums frdm all {jarts 'Of England, «o. D ablikqton Spiritual Institution, 1, Mount Street, adjoining tbe Turkish Botha. PobUoMaetlnffi'at 10.30a.m.and,-ftpiio.v • ..... SootHsea, at Mrs. Stripe's, 41, Middle Street, at 0.30, I/OUGhBOBo’ , Mrs. Gutteridg8,,.Trani»-madIum, .Dene’» Tatd.Pinfbld T«rra«»,at,fttfp]i0d£, ' -. ■ - v,t " . v : ,w gLASflow, gnblioi meeting, fl.SOpjn., atjlM .Troqgate. H eokmokdwike, Servioe at 6,80 at Lower George Street. Developing Oirole on Monday and ThnsBdw»at;7,30, ; ; .. Ossett Spiritnal Institntion, Ossett .Green (near tho G, If. B, Btation) Service at 2.80 an4 6 p.m. Loeal taedluiBs.' Oldham, Spiritnal Institntion, Waterloo Street, at 4. . New Shildok, Mr. John Mensforth, 38, Hi/dyard Terrace, at 6.80. H u ll, 4, Strawberry Street, Dtrpool. 2 p.m., Healing Power, 6.30p.m„ Tranoe Speaking. Medium, J. K Bland. Monday, N ov. 8, Hull, 10, Portland Plaee, Cirole for Investigators. 8 o’clook. Tuesday, Nov. 9, Stocetov, Meeting at Mr. E rou d ’s^ % Silver Street, at 8.15. N ew Ssildoit, at Mr. John Sowerby’s, 85, Strand Street, at 7 p.m. At Mr. John MensftrtVs, 88, Hildyard Terrace, at T p.M. BmmtoBAM, Miss Beade : Williams, 71, Alma Street, Aston, tranoe, test and Inspirational medium, at half-past 7 o'clook, L i v e b p o o l , 33, Bussell Street, Mrs. Ohlsen, at 7.41, by Hoket. K e i g h l e y , at the Lyceum, at 7.S0 p.m., Trahce-medtoms, Mrs. Lucas and Messrs, Wright and.Bhaekleton, W toSEgDAT, Nov. 10, B ow tisa, Bplritnflliito’ Meetln^ B o o * , 8 p.m. Ossett Oouuoir, at Mr. John Crano’s, at JM, L i v e b p o o l . Mjts. Ohlsen, at 819, Crown,Street, at8. Bibmikgham. Mrs. Groom. Developing cirole. Medinms only. 6 to 7, 165, St. Vinoent Street, Bmccro&AH. Mri W. Perks, 312, Bridge Street West/near Well Btreet 1‘anaSDA;, Nov. 11, N e w o a s t l e -o s - T y h e , Oldlreemaaona1 Ball, Weir’s Court' Newgate Btreet. Beanoe at, 7.80 for 8. Hull, 10, Portiand'Flaoe, Cirole for Investigators, 8 o’olock. taxniY, Nov. 12, Livebpool, Weekly Conferenoe and Tratfowpeaking, at the Islington Assembly Boom*, ot j^O p.m. Ih e Obmmittw meet at 7 NoTTmeBAH, Churohgate Low Pavement, BeanoeatiS. BiBHtHSHAM. Mrs.. Groom, 185, Bt. Vincent, Btreet, Development oirole. Mediums only. 6 to 7. Ur. Perks’s, 312, Bridge Street* at 7^0> tor development. Wrick .*«•. m , A T R . C H A R L E S E . W IL L IA M S , Medium, is at home daily, J ltJL t<)rgivfl.POTatei-Swn<^>-from-;I2. to 5 $ .n v r $ B v$® : .attended’ ittt;.t^jh^^;.of/^V^gatq(rj .iJJv^bliq s5pic&”a1fji; Conduit Stfeet,' on Monday evenings, admis&on'Sk- 'fid.; Thursday eyeninga,,53.; and Saturday evenings, for Spiritualists only, B b . ; at 8 o’dopk ei».ch evening... Address as above. M pr&ctuSa" pings, from 2s. 6d. m flE “ STU R M BER G ” PLA N CH ETTE L?Ji%Vrtes pswers to your thoughts. T^tatlwr,by ^VOjjifr f0 r$ fl« Pw#qiF^ra,’' ‘‘ iDnbon?^o;4a:?ar0-' ________ J. Sjfdi&CMisi postfree. ^;pration/’ OT “ Spfrit igenoy^ physical soience canW -P i Hwfaw » i *' deeply interesting. Qf .most fanoy dealers, or ol 5>4s."4d.," 2S. is. 9a:, '' '_______________________________________v.-- A L B E R i .G , 0,Qj-^. WMeq(tovjritli,pi.,Se?fT A ton’a,:0^ti6n/‘,'SpWfriM^dlui£i3 and ConjurSs”), .wishes to obtain a ; If »ny, M i i i M could give him^aninttbttacuoii tp a manager or aptor, thpy wmld oblige. References giver? w Itet'IieMe' ^ iStage Mttnager.—AaaresB, 383, Mare’Street) Haofej)y„g, i;;;-i. . , . , . . . , ' ■ ■■ : ; S TO H O P A T H I O I N S T I T U T E , for the cure of Nervous and Muscular Diseases, opposite St. Chrye&stoWA>Ctejroj»j; 14,-' Queen’s ■Boad* Everton,! LiverpooL ■ 11 'ajn. arrangement, .Good to .4 p.m. . Operators, sent to all parte. Terms per arrangement. ’bus route:1froitfi?Efccliyge and:Lime Street Station^ every ten minutes, daily, ,J.;qoA ^,B r& $pal. P whose reputation is well known throughout EiirOpe and America, can be CONSULTED pi* eithw Jfed'calQuestjpns pTfll§ipp$t£#aws connected with the Living and’ Dead. Hours, 1 tiU.8. Tenn8j6ne Guine^.— Address* 2, Vernon Place, Bloomsbury Square, LofidOn;'W;0.': RS. O L IV E , Spib it -Medium , 49, Belm ont Street, Chalk Farm Boad, N.W. Trance communications for.Tes^fiiuiness, arid' Medical Advice, Healing by Spirit-Mesmerism, fee.1'Terms:for private seance, iQne Guinea. Publjc seances on Tuesdays at 7 p.ifcniKid' Fridays 3 p.m., at above address; admission, 2s. 6d. Preyious appoint ments should be made for private SOancfe's. 1 M Mpt W OO DFO RD E, T rance-M ed ium and MEbieAi Mbs-' h e b is t , will give Sittings for Development, under Spirit-Control, in Writing, Drawing, Clairvoyance, or any form of Mediumship. Dis orderly influences removed French spoken. At home1 Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Private Seances attended. Address—10, New Ormond Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. F . H E R N E , Medium, gives Public Seances at the Spiri tual Institution, 15, Southampton Bow, London, as follows:—On 3. O H LSEN ;;KSs! the honour of informing her many friehds Monday Evening, at 8 o’clock; on Wednesday Afternoon, at 3 o’clock; that she will hpld.a public meeting every Wednesday evening at and on Thursday Evening, at 8 o’clock. Admission to each seance, eight tfclSdkj'at'Sllfy ©own Street, Liverpool, for traincMpeaking, clair2s. 6d. Mr. Hebne may be engaged for private seances. Address— voy^Qe,.cla^raudienee,..tests, and healing purposes. Admission, Herne’s 0d. Oak Villa, Bockmead Boad, South Hackney, N.E. each. !Is’ open also for public and private engagements. — /i;hi,yi-b{l!«y.T 1MtTf li',»r.ir ;"»rri.r i -r----- ui. tt " i1 R . D E S JA R D IN begs to inform his numerous patients and . HUDSON,. P 4 PWQPa?5 bb ( 2, Kensington P ark Road, friends that hid Consulting Rooms have been transferred from 43, Ne'ar Nottitg Hill Gate. W. ’ Euston Boad, to 3, Little Argyll Street, Regent Street, for the treatment of all chronic affections by a special method. Consultations from 1 to 5 P A R K E S , S p i b i t u a list Photographer.— SIT T IN G S daily. Electro-Medical Institution, where a limited number of in-door i & la Seance on Saturdays only. Fep, One Guinea.—Afldress,^, patients can be received, at Brixton Road, S.W, . ~ ~ _ t-s*'” ' ' ’’ -----Gaynes Park Terrace, Grove Bow. " T When the weather is unfavourable, or when the sitters desire it, MESMERISM, ELECTRO-BIOLOGY, FASCINATION. photography ma^.be.talsejj. with fhe .magnesium light. Cases of GOUT, The Science taught r D P F J . J . M O R SE , I n s p ib a tio n a x . T b a n c e S p e a k k b , has I * ;returned to England, and is now prepared to receive calls, as usual, to lecture in London or the provinces. All letters to be addressed tolnm at ^arWiic^ltvptJ^e,,Old Ford ftoad, Boyf, London, E, ( A R T H U R M A L T B Y , TAiliQBj HATTEfc, AND GENERAL OUTFITTER, 8, H ^N Q p:^ PLACE, REGENT’S PARK, . Established 1833, Has a verv large Stock of New Autumn G oods, including Hats, Shirts,. : ■ *. and Umbrellas. DR. I ^ ^ d JAMES T E 2 6 , S o u th a m p to n H O L B O M I O MACK, - l T , H Z E JL L E T R ,, R o w , iiO N D O N , RHEUMATI SM, PARALYSIS, by post or personally. E P I L E P S Y , &c. testimonials, &c., may Pamphlet with terms be had gratis. Mo s e s Address—9, Granville Square, London, W.C. At home for consultation, 10 tiU 5. taken in hand. ' I f I S S CHANDOS undertakes to Eradicate Consumption, Cancer, IL Insanity, Dipsomania, and all Nervous and Infantile Diseases. Terms: One Guinea per visit (in London), including the necessary specific tjflatipent, or Two Guineas per month, by post. Miss Cauroos continues to give instructions (privately, and by post), on Electro-biology and Mesmerism.—Address, 17, Brunswick Squaro, W.C. R . R O B E R T JO H N STO N E, H ealing M e s m e r is t , attends at 9, Gilbert’s Terrace, Old Ford Road, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from Three o’clock till Seven, for the Treatment and Cure of Diseases. He can refer intending patients to numerous extraordinary cures effected through his agenoy. Terms upon application. M W .O . ■nSYCH Q PA TH IO IN STITU TIO N FO R T H E C U R E O F R *M A 0E ,4& ariffa^i to' htimerbus correspondents from a dis- i DISEASES, 254, MARYLEBQNE ROAD. ijtjtigyljmt jipw.req^ivipfai desciriptMn of. thftsyrap* Efficient Healers in attendance from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Healers sen t toms o f any patient, lie win return Magnetised P^per, with fuU mstruc^ to aJJparts,; terms m o d e rn tions. Fee, Five Shillings. .jFon Consultation ■and -Examination! of JOSEPH ASHMAN, P b in cip ax . Disease by letter, Fee, Two Shillings and Sixpenqe, At home daily from ten to five. Free days—Tuesday and Friday. R . .W IL L IA M EGtLINGTON,. P h y s i c a j , M e d iu m , is now J.: 'v--.; : j ‘ prepared toreceive Engagements.for Private Seances—Address, St. James’s House, Greenlerf Lane, Walthamstow. I S S G O D FREY? M sbfcA i 'CLAravoYANT, 1, Robert Street, i :: #aiftpstea4 ttpW}i IfOijflon, N.W : Sittings only by appointment, ,S. B.URKJE, haying: herself been the subject of a marvellous cure of cancerous tumour (see Medium,.Sept. 12th., 1874) through F U f l E J B i t E , T m o B and D bapbb , has a splendid l . )assp?j#B4ot:of :8tfriiniS* tod1Autumn Goods. AJi iniinenSe variet; the healing power of spirits, is desired by the doctors in the spintof Scotch and West of England T^fEEDS, A paifcct.ftt g^iaffant^e.q world who undertook her cure, publicly to announce that they have Everyth&’g-on hatld.:: Visitors passing through London supplied with now bestowed upon her also the “ Gift of Healing,” to be used exclu goods.^ffi ^he .shprtert at’ ppppial priees for cash.—No. 8,gouthi- sively for the incidental or accidental Diseases of Wogpsn. Mrs. Burke will pe at home from 10 to 4 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and ampton Sow, pigh Holborn. . Saturdays, when she wiU diagnose and prescribe for such cases as she is impressed to undertake. Saturdays are free. N.B.—Reference, by perA lfre d william, tubner, isa, iohotked ®tbbet mission, to Dr. Mack.—Address 141, Comwall'Road, Westboume Park. D M E East, Bibmixqham, Manufacturer of and SepSt for 8EWXITG, WASHING-, WBIN&IN'Q-, and MAN&LIN& MACHINES o f every description. B per cent, on all sales through this advertisement v^Uibe.paic^ <Ket-.1q tha Spiritual Institute. A. W. T., Machine Pattern Maker, Meohanical) Draughtsman, and Inventors’ Assistant. Q L E E IfL E S S N E S S , N ER V O U SN ESS, D E B I L IT Y , HEAD- . fPftNER, faysiaui Medium, for Fruit, Flowers, &o,j Tbaboe is-recommended by several physicians of high standing. Miss Dubant, BVOIJtST. 48, Burton Crescent, W.C. PTtOTS’S A LM A N A C K A XD E P H E M E R IS , for 1876, R . MAIN’S Health Institute, 60, Dover Street, Boston, containing the best Ephemeris ever published, showing the Daily U.S.A.—A Medical Diagnosis of Disease, with Directions for Longitudes o£ all the Planets, Longitudes of .th&priwapal Asteroids, and Treatment, may be obtained by correspondence, stating age and sex, and Fixed r6 t e , 'Monthly Guide, Warnings, &c'.| Predictions of Fit'are enclosing a lock of hair of the patient. Fee,. 8s. 6d-, by post office ordfip Eveftfa,. and a^A^dr&Mrfla-the-Cpnfleciw^hetsreen.Jtaetary'Motidn- in favour of Dr. Chakles Maik, Boston, U.S.A. and Mundane Events. Price Eighteenpence j post free, Is. Td. London A. H alt, and Co., 25, Paternoster Row; and all Booksellers. E ISLIN G TO N PSY C H O P A TH IC IN STITU TIO N for the CURE of DISEASE, 19, Church Street, Upper Street, Islington. Mrs. Bullock and other Mediums will be in attendance daily, from 11 to 2 U S M & IW P E O P H E ID IC 3 JT E B S E N G E B . o’clock. Fee, 2s. fld.; Sundays and Wednesdays free."—Mr. and Mrs. B o llo c k , Principals. A1MABAC M D E PH E IE BIS FOR 1876, D w it h A HEEROGLYPHIO, bio., e tc . . ( (66|Jx.Year pf .PaMjoa^ion.}. . Prioe hy'post,1 7 a .; with Ephbm beis; I s . Id. IiONDON i CATTY AND BOBSON, X, IVT tANE. E.O. lS -B A K E R , T b a n c b a n d C l a i r v o y a n t M e d iu m , attends on Mondays,.Thursdays, and Fridays, f?pn# 12 to 5, at the Spiritual Institution, 15, Southampton Bow, London, W.C., and at 8T, Inville Boad, Walworth, T o d a y s and Wednesdays, from 11 to 5. Fee; 5s. Private Seances attended. Terms, 10s. 6d. and expenses. r 720 ^ *;.rU •'i ^-.v.Mvr,’ a v r :i .M 5 J / .I« « \ * ..« » :S * li , W " f / i.U W ■ •• • :m w rm \ . w i •; S J K A S O N J B W -O . r m .a . :. , . , / ;I,,,y" -' A LIBRARY OF S P I R I T U A L W O R K S IN E V & P - p t f f e Y J s f : 1 ■Afi -it "has M erl' to devote my energiea' to the riiffnsiria of~ Spifitua.1 Ttiith hy-fr foria ;hf I feel that some responsibility rests .on me as to the due performance o f my duties; and- hence: l'a ^ iisip re M ri':to S n n g ith e. master pa prominently,as,possible before the frien<fy .of- the oause. ____ ______ ; " 'W s .ir e pOW getting- a Select and PopuliUJ Literature by .writers o f ^ a higSeSlj convin<anglmanner'#iiths of unspeakable importance to humanity. By> making due‘us6 of thia Tlfraitaiirpi wa an’ IncSciilablei1 influence on Society. D uring1the-last, two years I have Issued i^OOO volum es,apeo^iiy^pffpisdj& r cirQula^onr^ongst, subscriber?, and these-yolijmes have been and are doing a work which no other agency could pbsiflbfy effict;: ; 1 '■ \ _ r • j ’ , ’l' J. ‘i 0 II 0 Y £ ■ ' v vu-'j r ! T 1 This great amount o f work has been accomplished on a plan novel and as yet but irtiperfectly:understood by the friends of Spiritualism* This vast quantity o f Literature h^s bpen sijpplled at.ap. average' rafe ojC.;le8^’,;tJ^nj the publishing price,.on a plan of co-operation, which enables; every purchaser to be supplied at th'e'8afae!price' a H f he were proprietor. This restricts the price o f the books to the actual post o f production and working.i9xp^j|Spff.,; ^ ;: i ; , , •1 ** }f<' /! J•{<■{ [ • ' M* J' I I urge this co-operative plan upon the attention of every Spiritualist, that our Literature Jnay b®ixend®red as serviceable as possible to the cause. There are many families o f Spiritualists in which not at single book otrth.e", subject exists. There are thousands of well-to-do Spiritualists and warm sympathisers with spirit-communion who would readily take one or more works if the matter were brought before them. Thus they would become better informed.- on the ■ question, .and have.the means at hand of imparting knowledge to friends and visitors. EVERY SPIRITUALIST MUST DO HIS SHARE IN THIS WORK. To obtain standard works at cost price (on an average less than half o f published or for lending, the following suggestions are given :— price) for privateuse, for sale 1 . Send at once for a prospectus of the Progressive Literature Publication Fund. 2 . Make a deposit towards the .£1,000 of capital at present being raised. (6 per cent, perannumallowed on all balances in hand.) 3. Ask neighbours, friends, and inquirers to combine with you in taking.out a parcel o f books at cost price, selected from the standard volumes offered to depositors as now ready or in preparation. 4. The. greater the number who combine in this manner the cheaper will theworks become. 5. B y persevering in this method the Literature of Spiritualism may become it will predominate. universal, and correct ideas of This is really a. great object, and the plan proposed for its accomplishment has been tried and found to act admirably.A ll that is wanted is that it should secure wider acceptance. WORKS ON SPIRITUALISM IN PUBLIC LIBRARIES AND READING .ROOMS.,. < Hints have been thrown out that it would be well to raise a fund to place Selept .Works on Spiritualism into as many libraries as possible. . This has been accomplished to a great ; extent already, and copies o f Mrs. Hardinge’s “ History of Spiritualism” and the Dialectical Report are in many libraries, and are muoh; read. V THEREDUCTION OF THE “ MEDIUIH” TO ONEPENNY. On a j? d a fte r F E I D A T , JA N U A R Y 7, 1876, the price o f the .M e d iu m ttill be O N E P E N N Y . I t will not be reduced in size, or in the careful selection of its contents. I t is desirable that no obstacle should stand,; in the way of its widest possible circulation. The M e d i u m is one of the most powerful agencies for promoting ' Spiritualism. To extend its circulation, ask a newsagent to obtain it for you regularly; look up all the new readers ybu can, and introduce them to h im ; ask him to show the paper in his shop, and exhibit a placard o f its contents in the window dr elsewhere ; send the card ,of the news-agent to the London office, and a contents placard will be sent to him weekly. B y this simple plan being followed out, the circulation would rise rapidly, and Spiritualism would spread accordingly. F R E E . CI RCULATI ON OF L I T ERATURE. • > A vast quantity of Literature is sent out gratuitously from the Spiritual Institution every year. for this purpose are received. circumstances. Contributions Those who can circulate any Literature are asked to make application, describing the This grand work, it is hoped, will be' more generally supported in the future. To set it on foot and sustain it has been a sore burthen. No other institution exists in which slender means produce greater results than this one connected with Spiritualism. Post-office orders on “ High Holborn.” and all communications to Cheques crossed “ Union. Bank o f London, Chancery L a n e Brancli,” s '. J. B U R N S , P R O G R E S SIV E ‘ ' . LIB R A R Y AND SP IR IT U A L IN STITU T IO N , 15, S p O T H A p T O N R O W , LOJTOON, W .O. LONDON : Printed and Published by JAMBS BUBN8,16, Southampton Bowt Holborn, W.O. ■' <
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