24 Gulf Daily News Saturday 8th November 2014 Classified Overseas Property CYPRUS. FULLY furnished & equipped 1 & 2 -bed apartments in Paphos from BD35,000/-. Contact rkholdingsuk@aol.com for more information. UK INVESTMENT opportunities 2 & 3 bed apartments & houses, tenanted, from BD39,000/-. Contact rkholdingsuk@aol. com for more information. Property for Sale FOR RENT: 1 bedroom, 2 bathrooms fully furnished apartments in Amwaj. Inclusive internet, satellite, balcony. Rent starts at BD400/- Call: 32210205 or 36022213 LUXURY STUDIO Flat, FF, BD250/- only. Tel. 33313733; eiffeljuffair@ gmail.com/ www. apartmentsinbahrain.com SEEF AREA, luxury flats (furnished) for rent. 2/ 3BR with sea view. BD300/ to BD500/- inclusive . Contact 39666100. Premium Offices for Rent 76 to 107 m2 fitted offices, 24/7 security, common reception & meeting, covered parking. Next to Bahrain International Investment Park, Hidd. M. 33610011 / T. 69694000 JUFFAIR BUILDING for sale, 10 floors, good income, Price: BD1.5 million. Tel. 39442606 ABRAJ LULU Silver Tower 2BR fully furnished flat (1609) with top of the line furnishing. Tel. 33709282, vizaya@gmail.com Labour Accommodation Gated with 24/7 Security, CCTV System, Canteen, Grocery Store & more. Can accommodate 700+, located next to Bahrain International Investment Park, Hidd. M. 33610011 / T. 69694000 2BR FLAT in Gudaibiya. with AC, BD200/-, near Ajeeb store. Tel: 34095925 GALALI 3BR unfurnished flat BD280/-. Hoora 2BR SF BD300/-. Tel. 39248200, 17292323 LUXURY FLATS Juffair 11 Nos. 3BR FF. Hidd 16Nos. UF 2BR. Tel: 38887038, 38884038 COMPOUND & PRIVATE villas, 3/4/5BR, Saar, Mahooz, Tubli, Amwaj BD600/- BD800/- BD1000/BD2500/-. Tel. 39951589 SEEF 4BR unfurnished flat for rent, BD300/- Tel: 36424239 RIFFA SPACIOUS 3BHK villas, with garage, security & maid’s room, swimming pool, BD850/-. Tel. 38458888, 32313101, 17712266 JUFFAIR, EXECUTIVE villa, 6BR, 2 living rooms, dining room, lift, large swimming pool, 4 carparks, BD2600/. DELMON ESTATE Tel: 36406688 Lisa. SAAR, NEW deluxe SF 2BR flat near St. Christopher School, BD325/-. Tel. 39666693 JUFFAIR 2BR fully furnished flat with all facilities. Tel. 39230555. on Promote your property this listing for FREE LEASE • SALE FOR SALE Property for Rent STORE FOR rent at Sehla Highway. Please contact Tel. 39663546, 39699974. HAMALA SPACIOUS 3BR/ 3 bathrooms villa, private pool, excellent location BD650/- inclusive. Call: Yvonne 39973405 Projects & Properties. Tel: 17725772 NEAR DIPLOMATIC Area, spacious 2BR fully furnished apartment, parking, security, BD400/inclusive. Tel. 39457468 JUFFAIR: NEW fully furnished luxury 2BR apartments BD675/inclusive all facilities. Tel. 34355354, 33896739 ABRAJ AL LULU over 20 flats for rent, 1/2/3/4 bedrooms, starting BD420/. Tel. 33778788 ADLIYA/ JUFFAIR 3BR, SF BD430/-; 2BR SF BD275/-, FF BD400/-. Tel. 33532778 GUDAIBIYA, FURNISHED & semi-furnished flats. BD300/to BD350/inclusive. Call 33822764, 33754229, 33005308 W A R E H O U S E S AVAILABLE in Hidd @ BD2.600 onwards per sqm. Contact 17290737 OFFICES FOR rent in Seef. Tel. 33313733, eiffeljuffair@gmail.com STORE FOR rent, land for lease, staff/ labour accommodation, commercial. Tel. 39550600, 33507334 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom fully furnished apartment in Umm al Hassam. Rent BD350/Call: 32210209 or 17721111 MAHOOZ 4BR SF Villa with marble flooring, centralized AC, private pool, garage. Tel. 17290737, 36601378. RIFFA VIEWS Semi-furnished 5 Bedroom villa for sale. 850 sq.m land area. 6 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, 1 dining room, 2 kitchens, maid’s room and laundry room. Large swimming pool and landscaping. BD385,000 RIFFA VIEWS Semi-furnished 4 bedroom villa for rent. 5 bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, 2 kitchens, maid’s room, and a laundry room. It is fully landscaped all for BD 290,000 /- ZAWIA 2 Fully furnished apartment with 3 bedroom, 4 bathroom and large swimming pool for BD150,000 /-. IVORY TOWERPORTA REEF Semi-furnished 123 sq.m, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment for BD135,000 /- DURRAT AL BAHRAIN 1,000sq.m villa , Fully Furnished with 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms with beach view for only BD600,000. RIFFA Brand new semi-furnished 4 bedroom villa, 5 bathrooms, and a parking space for 4 cars for BD 470,000/- ALMADINA ALSHAMALIYA Brand new spacious villas for sale with a sea view and a land area of 200-260 sq.m. starting from BD96,000-109,900/- FOR RENT BUSAITEEN Rent a 2 bedroom, 3 bathroom apartment, Fully furnished for BD550/Month- inclusive. RIFFA VIEWS Semi furnished 2 bedroom townhouse, 3 bathroom, Over looking play ground for BD700/- Exclusive. DIPLOMATIC AREA DAR ALSALAM 1 Fully-furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment for BD800/- Fully furnished office space, Total floor area 1220 sq.m, unlimited parking space for BD6/sq.m. DAR ALSALAM 2 Brand new fully-furnished 3 bedroom apartment with a sea view, has amenities and parking for 2 cars all for BD1200/-Inclusive BLUE WATER A modern fully-furnished 3 bedroom, 120 sq.m. townhouse in Barbar for BD750/- PORTA REEF Semi-furnished 2 bedroom , 2 bathroom apartment with appliances included and a car park all for BD 130,000/SARAYA 1 Land with an area of 609.7 sq.m. for BD25/-sq.ft. SARAYA AL BUSTAN Land with an area of 501 sq.m. for BD129,426/SARAYA 2 Land with an area of 487 sq.m. for BD27/-sq.ft. RIFFA VIEWS 3 bedroom townhouse in the Lagoons for BD190,000. ALMADINA ALSHAMALIYA Brand new apartments for sale with a sea view and a built up area of 117-235 sq.m. starting from BD44,800-84,500/- ADLIYA Great location fully-furnished 3 bedroom apartment, 2 bathrooms all for BD650/RIFFA VIEWS Semi-furnished 5 bedroom villa for rent. 6 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, dining room, 2 kitchens, maid’s room, and a laundry room. Has landscaping and it’s overlooking a communal garden for BD 1,500/-month. RIFFA VIEWS Fully-furnished 5 bedroom villa for rent. 6 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, 1 dining room, 2 kitchens, maid’s room, a laundry room, and a landscaped garden for BD 1,800/- For more information contact: T: +973 1729 9188 E: admin@starrealestate.bh
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