Stockholm March 12, 2015 Formas Att. Anna Vikström Box 1206 111 82 Stockholm Response to the Survey on research that contributes to the environmental quality objective A Non-Toxic Environment The Swedish Royal Academy on Forestry and Agriculture (KSLA) has been invited to submit information on to what extent KSLA is funding or innovation activities related to the stated objectives. KSLA appreciates that we have been asked to provide input to the survey. However, it is important to clarify that KSLA has very limited resources to fund research activities. The main activities of KSLA are to organize seminars and round table discussions related to food and fiber, including the environmental aspects, with the purpose of identifying the current state of knowledge within a chosen subject area under review. The main sources of scientific knowledge as well as practical experience are the fellows of KSLA together with other invited speakers. In preparation of some of the seminars KSLA finance the compilation of a background or summary report based on the inputs from invited speakers. Hence KSLA contributes to making current knowledge more easily accessible also to non-experts of a particular field, but is only a minor actor when it comes to financing of research. Having said this we also want to clarify that KSLA is a trustee of various donations of which some have the purpose of financing research but more in support of developing new researchers. The value amounts of the funds are, however, limited and not sufficient to support major research programs. Hence most of the trusts have aim to support smaller pre studies or activities of young scientists including their studies abroad or their participation in international conferences at an early stage of their career. Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien Box 6806 (Besök: Drottninggatan 95 B) 113 86 STOCKHOLM Telefon: 08-5454 7700 E-post: Hemsida: Fakturaadress Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien PAA 05150, FE 533 105 69 STOCKHOLM Org nr: 262000-1145 Bg: 5954-1318 KUNGL SKOGS- OCH LANTBRUKSAKADEMIEN As much as we support the effort Formas now is undertaking to compile an overview of the research and innovation activities in relation to the objective a Non-Toxic Environment we believe that the financial contribution from KSLA, and the funds we are managing, has been very limited due to our limited financial resources. Furthermore, the scientific areas that can receive support from each of the trusts are based on the conditions stated in the trust. Using funds from the trusts KSLA have distributed, on a yearly basis during the period 2008 to 2013, some 10 to 14 million Swedish Crowns. This has supported quite a number of travel grants for young scientists. However, as this in most cases only has been an addition to the basic funding the student or the young scientist have received from a research council we do not list these grants in this report. We expect that the respective research council will report their funding in response to your survey. Having said this we want to provide a short list of some grants for minor projects and pre studies that might be of relevance to your survey. We have listed the grants under your area headings (primarily area 4 and 6) and then the year the grant was decided. The duration of the projects has generally been 1 to 2 years. The details are provided in the enclosure. The Swedish Royal Academy on Forestry and Agriculture Carl-Anders Helander Secretary and CEO of the Academy 2 KUNGL SKOGS- OCH LANTBRUKSAKADEMIEN Enclosure Pre studies and projects funded by KSLA 2008–2013 in relation to environmental quality objective A Non-Toxic Environment. Area 1. Human Exposure and Toxicology 2009, Marianne Elvander: Geographic source identification of old graves with antrax contaminated animals during 1910 to 1957 (Källforskning i syfte att geografiskt kartlägga mjältbrandsgårdar i Sverige under åren 1910 till 1957) – SEK 150 000:- (Area 1) Additionally, 2008–2013 the KSLA committee on Fishery arranged a workshops and seminars related to Specifically we mention the summary report – Project cost approx.. SEK 150 000:- (for this seminar and report) 2014: Fish, toxic substances and Health (Fisk, gift och hälsa) KSLAT 3-2014 Area 3. Environmental Chemistry 2009, Sirkku Sarenbo: The breakdown of polyaromatic hydrocarbon, PAH, in pelleted ashes, a field study (Nedbrytning av polyaromatiska kolväten, PAH, i pelletterad aska, en fältstudie) – SEK 105 000 (Area 3) Area 4. Environmental Engineering and Green Chemistry 2007, Ararso Etana: Infiltration capacity of protective zones along waters (Infiltrationskapacitet i skyddszoner längs vattendrag) – SEK 150 000: 2007, Kersti Linderholm: Sustainable use of phosphorus (Hållbart nyttjande av fosfor – slutförande av doktorsavhandling) – SEK 100 000:-, 2008, Johanna Wetterlind: Development of methods to estimate the nitrogen releasing capacity of soils, (Utveckling av metoder för att predikera markens kvävelevererande förmåga) – SEK 100 000: 2008, Staffan Jacobsson: The impact of fertilization of forests on production and the environment (Skogsgödslingens effekter på produktion och miljö) – SEK 160 000: 2010, Henrik Nätterlund: Long term sustainable use of phosphorus fertilizer (Långsiktig hållbar fosforgödsling) – SEK 54 000: 2010, Kersti Linderholm: Life cycle analysis of phosphorus to Swedish agricultural soils (Livscykelanalyser för fosfor till svenskt jordbruk) – SEK 200 000: 2011, Malin Hultberg: Reduction of nutrient leakage from greenhouses using Chlorella vulgaris, (Reduktion av näringsutsläpp från växthusodling med Chlorella vulgaris, en möjlighet till vinst för både miljö och ekonomi) – SEK 107 000: 2011, John Strand, Summary of Swedish research regarding wet lands as a means of improving the environmental characteristics of the agricultural landscape (Sammanställning och publicering av svensk forskning kring våtmarker som miljöverktyg i jordbrukslandskapet) – 80 000: 2012, Lars Bergström: Contribution to the 7 th international Phosphorus Workshop – Future agriculture with minimized phosphorus losses to waters – SEK 50 000: Finally, during the period 2011 to 2013 a KSLA committee made a series of reports on the complex issues related to the recirculation of sludge to agricultural and forestry land. In all seven reports were printed. – Total project costs for seven publications, four seminars and a series of workshops are in the range SEK 1 to 1.5 million. An example is the report: o May 2012: Undesirable substances in sludge (Oönskade ämnen i slam). All reports are available at Area 6. Environmental Systems Analysis and Assessment 2007, Markus Larsson: Sustainable agricultural management in the Baltic region (Hållbar förvaltning av jordbruket I Östersjöregionen) – SEK 65 000 (Area 6) 2013, Kersti Linderholm: The climatic impact of Swedish agriculture; a method for calculations with consideration of the nutritional content and the contribution to humans (Svenska jordbrukets klimatpåverkan, ett beräkningssätt där även livsmedlens innehåll värderas och människan bär sina egna kostnader för konsumtion) – SEK 175 000:- (Area 6) Enclosure 3 KUNGL SKOGS- OCH LANTBRUKSAKADEMIEN Pre studies and projects funded by KSLA 2008-2013 in relation to environmental quality objective A Non-Toxic Environment. Area 1. Human Exposure and Toxicology 2009, Marianne Elvander: Geographic source identification of old graves with antrax contaminated animals buring 1910 to 1957 (Källforskning I syfte att gegrafiskt kartlägga mjältbrandsgårdar I Sverige under åren 1910 till 1957), SEK 150 000:-, (Area 1) Additionally, 2008-2013 the KSLA committee on Fishery arranged a workshops and seminars related to Specifically we mention the summary report – Project cost approx.. SEK 150.000:(for this seminar and report) 2014: Fish, toxic substances and Health ( Fisk, gift och hälsa) KSLAT 3-2014 Area 3. Environmental Chemistry 2009, Sirkku Sarenbo: The breakdown of polyaromatic hydrocarbon, PAH, in pellted ashes, a field study (Nedbrytning av polyaromatiska kolväten, PAH, i pelletterad aska, en fältstudie) – SEK 105 000, (Area 3) Area 4. Environmental Engineering and Green Chemistry 2007, Ararso Etana: Infiltration capacity of protective zones along waters (Infiltrationskapacitet i skyddszoner längs vattendrag) – SEK 150 000:-, 2007, Kersti Linderholm: Sustainable use of phosphorus (Hållbart nyttjande av fosfor – slutförande av doktorsavhandling), SEK 100 000:-, 2008, Johanna Wetterlind: Development of methods to estimate the nitrogen releasing capacity of soils, (Utveckling av metoder för att predikera markens kvävelevererande förmåga), - SEK 100 000:-, 2008, Staffan Jacobsson: The impact of fertilization of forests on production and the environment (Skogsgödslingens effekter på produktion och miljö), SEK 160 000:-, 2010,Henrik Nätterlund: Long term sustainable use of phosphorus fertilizer (Långsiktig hållbar fosforgödsling) – SEK 54 000:-, 2010, Kersti Linderholm: Life cycle analysis of phosphorus to Swedish agricultural soils (Livscykelanalyser för fosfor till svenskt jordbruk) – SEK 200 000:-, 2011, Malin Hultberg: Reduction of nutrient leakage from greenhouses using Chlorella vulgaris, (Reduktion av näringsutsläpp från växthusodling med Chlorella vulgaris, en möjlighet till vinst för både miljö och ekonomi) – SEK 107 000:-, 2011, John Strand, Summary of Swedish research regarding wet lands as a means of improving the environmental characteristics of the agricultural landscape (Sammanställning och publicering av svensk forskning kring våtmarker som miljöverktyg I jordbrukslandskapet) – 80 000:-, 2012, Lars Bergström: Contribution to the 7th international Phosphorus Workshop – Future agriculture with minimized phosphorus losses to waters, - SEK 50 000:-, Finally, During the period 2011 to 2013 a KSLA committee made a series of reports on the complex issues related to the recirculation of sludge to agricultural and forestry land. In all seven reports where printed. – Total project costs for seven publications, four seminars and a series of workshops are in the range SEK 1 to 1.5 million. An example is the report: May 2012: Undesirable substances in sludge ( Oönskade ämnen i slam). All reports are available at Area 6. Environmental Systems Analysis and Assessment 2007, Markus Larsson: Sustainable agricultural management in the Baltic region (Hållbar förvaltning av jordbruket I Östersjöregionen), SEK 65 000, (Area 6) 2013, Kersti Linderholm: The climatic impact of Swedish agriculture; a method for calculations with consideration of the nutritional content and the contribution to humans (Svenska jordbrukets klimatpåverkan, ett beräkningssätt där även livsmedlens innehåll värderas och människan bär sina egna kostnader för konsumtion) – SEK 175 000:-, (Area 6) 4
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