Form No. 22 MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT PRACTICAL EXAMINATION Name of College /Centre :……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Practical Exam :- UG or PG Summer/Winter -20………………..…. (Please Tick Appropriate Option) No. of Candidates :-……… No. of Exam days:- ……………… No. of Practical Subjects:-……… Period of Exam :- From ….../…... /20……..... To : ..…/….../20………… Amount of Advance `……………… though RTGS/D.D./Cheque No………………….dt………………… Additional Advance `……………….though RTGS/D.D./Cheque No…………….……dt……………..…. Sr. No. 1 2 Total Amount ( `) Expenditure Dean/Principal (Overall In-charge) ` 1,000/- for entire examination period. Chairperson /Convener (1) UG :- ` 1,000/- per Subject per Chairman/Convener. No of Subjects …...x ` 1,000/- =Total ` ` 1,000/- `…...…...../OR (2) PG :- ` 1,000/- per Subject per Chairman/Convener. No of Subjects…... x ` 1,000/- =Total ` `…...…...../- 3 4 5 6 Examination Co-ordinater - One for entire Examination period. (To co-ordinate Theory, Pratical, CAP & Settlement of Accounts of Exam Advances) ` 2,000/- for entire examination period Account Clerk / Cashier(One for entire examination period) ` 700/- for entire examination period. Junior Clerk cum typist (One for entire examination period ) ` 700/- for entire examination period. Practical Inspector- One for entire examination period (If Nominated / Appointed) ` 2,000/` 700/- ` 700/- ` 300/- X Actual exam days…………...= Total `………… TA/DA as per rules `…...…...../- 7 U.G. Examiner A) ` 30/- per examiner per student OR Minimum ` 500/- per U.G. examiner whichever is more. No. of Examiners…...... x ` 30/- x No. of students .....….= Total `........... B) Subjectwise Chart and Calculation as per above formula should be prepared as per table given below. OR P.G. Examiner A) ` 150/- per examiner per student OR minimum ` 1,000/- per P.G. examiner whicherver is more. (No. of Examiners…....... x ` 150x No. of students ….......= Total ` ……. Name of Subject No. of Examiners Rate of Remuneration (As stated above) as applicable No of Studens Amount(`) (CXD) A B C D E Ist Year 1 2 IInd Year 1 2 IIIrd Year 1 2 IVth Year 1 Total ` 2 8 Expert Assistant (One per subject) No. of batches x Rs.70/- Per batch. Name of Subject No. of batches A B Rate of Remu. 70/-) C (` Preparation day + Cleaning day D E Ist Year 1 2 3 IInd Year Total (`) (BxC)+D ` 140/- `…...…...../- 1 2 3 IIIrd Year 1 2 3 IVth Year 1 2 3 9 `…...…...../- Qualifying Nurse (One per clinical subject) No. of batches of x ` 70/- per batch. Name of Subject No. of batches A B Rate of Remu. 70/-) (` C Preparation day + Cleaning day Total (`) (BxC)+D D E ` 140/- Ist Year 1 2 3 IInd Year 1 2 3 IIIrd Year 1 2 3 IVth Year 1 2 3 10 `…...…...../- Laboratory Assistant (One per subject) No. of batches x ` 70/- per batch. Ist Year Name of Subject No. of batches A B Rate of Remu. 70/-) C (` Preparation day + Cleaning day D Total (`) (BxC)+D E ` 140/- 1 2 3 IInd Year 1 2 3 IIIrd Year 1 2 3 IVth Year 1 2 `…...…...../- 3 11 Museum Assistant (One per subject) No.of batches x ` 50/- per batch. Name of Subject No. of batches A B Ist Year Rate of Remu. 70/-) C (` Preparation day + Cleaning day D Total (`) (BxC)+D E ` 140/- 1 2 3 IInd Year 1 2 3 IIIrd Year 1 2 3 IVth Year 1 2 3 `…...…...../- 12 Store Keeper ( One per subject) No.of Subject x ` 50/-per subject, per batch. Name of Subject No. of batches Rate of Remun. (` 50/-) A B C Total (`) (BxC) D 1 2 3 13 `…...…...../- 4 Peon (One per subject) No.of Subject x ` 50/-per subject, per day. Name of Subject A 14 No. of Actual Exam Days Rate of Remun. (` 50/-) B C Total (`) (BxC) D 1 2 3 4 Sweeper (One per subject) No. of subject x ` 50/- per Subject, Per day Name of Subject No. of days A B Ist Year 1 2 3 IInd Year 1 2 3 IIIrd Year 1 2 3 IVth Year 1 `…...…...../- Rate of Remu. 50/-) C (` Preparation day + Cleaning day D Total (`) (BxC)+D E ` 140/- 2 Total ` 3 15 `…...…...../- Chemical Charges 1) For UG- No. of Students-------x ` 30/- = -------/- OR ` 15,000/- whichever is less. OR 2) For PG- No. of Students--------x ` 60/- = -------/- OR ` 15,000/- whichever is less. Ser. No. A B No. of Students Rates ( As stated above) Total (`) (CxD) C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total ` 16 Patients (clinical charges) No. of Patients -----x ` 20/- = ----------/- OR ` 10,000/- whichever is less 17 `…...…...../`…...…...../- Postage Expenditure / College Courier Expenses For Submission of Practical examination material. (Maximum Three visits shall be permitted.) Note :- a) This expenditure is allowed for submission of practical examination material to the University. The material may be submitted either by registered insured post or by hand through college clerk / representative. Postal expenses shall be allowed only if Postal Receipt is submitted. Travelling exp. shall be allowed only if photocopy of Travelling Allowance bill (Form No. 5) paid to the clerk / representative. `…...…...../- b) 18 For perusal please refer item No.17 of Notification No. 38/2014. TA / DA or Local Conveyance to Examiners as per Circular No. 01/2011 Note :- TA/DA is admissible to out station Examiners. If appointed within city `…...…...../- then only Local Conveyance is admissible. 19 20 Audit fee ` 1,000/- per exam Centre for auditing all accounts of all subjects. ` 1,000/- Separate department wise claim will not be admissible. Misc. expenditure (Rs.10/-per Student) No. of Students ----- x ` 10/- = ------/- OR ` 4,000/- per centre whichever is less. Note :- Items admissible under Misc. exp.are Stationery, Packing material, photocopy charges, misc printing etc.) `…...…...../Grand /Total (`) Name, Signature, Registration No., Date and Chartered Account Stamp of the `…...…...../- Name, Signature and stamp of the Dean/Principal CERTIFICATE OF THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Name of the Practical Examination / Central Assessment Programme(CAP) Centre:- …………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I / We Certify that I / We have verified all the documents / certificates / bills etc. of expenditure submitted by the college for conduct of University Practical Examination / Central Assessment Programme(CAP) held in Summer/Winter – 20………….and I/ We certify that the expenditure incurred by the college for the purpose has been done by observing scrupulously, all the Rules and Rates prescribed in the scale of remuneration issued by the University, as per Notification No. 38/2014 / 10/2013 and TA/DA Circular No. 01/2011. I / We further certify that the University has granted an advance of ` ………….../-which has been utilized by the college for the purpose for which it was released. The college has expended an amount of `…………………/- **Excess/Less amount of `……….…………./-utilized by the college is being refunded to the College by the University / Recovered from the college by the University, as the case may be. (** Strike out whichever is not applicable) Date: / / Name, Signature, Registration No. and Stamp of the Chartered Accountant with date -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CERTIFICATE OF THE DEAN / PRINCIPAL OF THE COLLEGE:- I, hereby Certify that a copy of the Audited Statement of accounts along with the supporting bills/vouchers for the above examination as duly audited by the Chartered Accountant has been retained in the office and the same may be made available as and when demanded. Place: Date : / /20 Name, Signature and Stamp of the Dean/Principal
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