St Stephen’s News

St Stephen’s News
Issue 17 - Term 4 Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Principal: Mrs Ida Pinese
Deputy Principal Curriculum: Ms Andrea Chiesa
Assistant to the Principal Administration: Mr Lance Helms
Assistant to the Principal Religious Education: Mr Michael Lindsay
Lot 3, McIver Road
PO Box 624,
Mareeba QLD 4880
Celebrating Excellence
STUDENTS were recognised for their outstanding achievements at St Stephen’s annual
Awards Night last Wednesday at the Mareeba International Club.
Telephone: 4086 2500
Fax: 4092 4333
Office Hours: 7:45am - 3:45pm
ABN 42 498 340 094
Inside this Issue
Leadership Team
Pg 3
Uniform Policy 2015
Pg 6
Year 8 News
Pg 7
Year 10 News
Pg 8
Business News
Pg 9
Olivia Pezzelato received the Sister
Mary Stephen Memorial Award
from Sr Rovena Duffy.
Jack Petersen was awarded Dux of the College, Rotary All Rounder Award,
Public Speaking Award and the Byrnes Street Medical Centre Bursary.
Caitlyn Long received the Mareeba
and Dimbulah Community Bank
Award for Citizenship.
Tuesday, November 11
St Stephen’s
Academic Medal recipients: Marco Soncin (Year 9), Kate Wilcox (Year 10),
Joshua Smith (Runner up to the Dux), Ellana Spena (Year 8), William Snell
(Year 11) and Dannielle McCormack (Year 10).
Able Seaman Ryan Davis
presented Kate Wilcox and
Olivia Pezzelato with the
Australian Defence Force
Leadership Award.
See full list of award
recipients on page 4.
Kate Wilcox and George Smith
were named Senior Sportspersons
of the Year.
New Telephone System
The college telecommunications system has been
Term Four 2014
Start: Finish: Tuesday, 7 October Friday, 21 November (Year 12)
Friday, 28 November (Year 8-11)
When contacting the college the automated system
allows you to choose from several options.
Follow the prompts to make your selection and
you will be assisted by staff in the appropriate department;
mailbox function available
Starting Dates 2015
Tuesday, 27 January: Years 7, 8, and 12
Wednesday, 28 January: All Students return
Towards the State Election 2015
Key Issue 1
Catholic schools in Queensland, on average, receive
only about 81% of the government funding per student
received by state schools.
St Stephen’s Catholic College
3.00 - 9.00 pm
See the SRC Execcutive for more information
According to the latest figures available, Catholic schools,
on average, receive $9,238 per student in government
funding while state schools receive $11,440 per student
(MySchool website 2012).
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of St Stephen’s,
“The world tells us to seek success, power and money; God tells us to seek humility, service and love.”
(Pope Francis)
In keeping with the Mission Statement and the ethos of Catholic schooling, St Stephen’s strives
to provide a holistic education which fosters students’ academic, social, spiritual and emotional
development. While academic success is recognised and celebrated, educating the heart is just as
important as educating the mind. Therefore, a major focus this year has been the formation of a social
justice group whose mandate has been to serve those in need with humility and love.
An example of prayer in action by students involved with social justice, was the care packages which
they prepared for the children of outback families affected by drought. To formalise the actions of this
group, in 2015, the Social Justice Committee will form part of the student leadership team along with
the Captains, Student Representative Council and the Pastoral House Leaders. In addition, homerooms
will be organised according to the pastoral houses of Augustine, Deacon, McAuley and Muluridji, so
that students can gain a greater appreciation of the foundation on which our college is built.
At the college’s annual Awards Night on 29 October, students were acknowledged for not only
achieving excellent academic results, but also for their efforts in serving others with humility and
love. The congratulations of the entire college community are extended to all students who received
accolades for their achievements and also to those whose musical talents entertained the audience.
I am extremely proud of the manner in which all students complied with the protocol of the evening
and let “their light shine.”
Any additional government funding for Catholic schools
helps relieve pressure on school fees and assists more
families to choose a Catholic school. This also relieves
pressure on state schools and also saves government
The next milestone for the Year 12 students is graduation on 21 November 2014. A letter was sent
to all parents of Year 12 informing them of the events which are occurring in the final week. More
communication will be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks, as changes have been made this year
to accommodate the much larger cohort. On Friday, 21 November, the whole school will farewell the
senior students in lessons three and four, after which Year 12 students will leave to prepare for the
Graduation Mass at St Thomas’ that evening. Parents are welcome to attend the farewell assembly at
the college.
Catholic education is seeking to work with the next
Queensland Government to achieve consistent budget
outcomes that will:
- assist Catholic schools to keep pace with rising operating
- ensure that the gap in resourcing between Catholic
schools and state schools does not widen.
For the remainder of the college, the academic year concludes on Friday, 28 November. On this day,
students will be completing tests before participating in an end-of-year mass and final assembly. It is
important that all students continue to focus on their learning and attend school until the very last day.
As we already finish a week before our primary counterparts, it becomes challenging for students to
achieve good results if they miss lessons due to other reasons besides illness. Parental support is a very
important ingredient in the partnership with the school and I ask that students attend school until the
academic year officially concludes.
Click here to read more information about the
annual recurrent funding of Catholic schools or visit or and
follow the state election links to find out more detail.
Schools are dynamic and vibrant places of work where changes to staff occur both during and at the
end of the year and as we prepare for 2015. In my final newsletter for the year on 3 December, I will
provide a list of staff members who are coming to St Stephen’s for 2015 and also farewell those who
are leaving to take on new challenges in other locations. In the interim I would like to provide the
following update for 2015: (These appointments complement the ones which were released earlier in
the semester.)
Facilities and Maintenance Manager: Mr Sam Bozzo
Groundsman: Mr Paul Meaney
Additional new teachers: Ms Leah Aplin and Mrs Jodie Jackson
In addition we will be advertising for an Assistant Principal,
Mission. Mr Michael Lindsay who is the current Assistant
Principal, Religious Education, has been appointed as
Principal of St Joseph’s Parish School in Atherton for the
commencement of the 2015 academic year. We congratulate
Mr Lindsay on his well-deserved promotion and wish him
the very best in his new position.
Best wishes to the Year 12 students who undertake their
final exams, (in the secondary setting), next week.
Trust in the Lord,
Mrs Ida Pinese | Principal
Awards Night 2014
Vocational Student of the Year: Veronica Davis
Junior Sportspersons of the Year: Neil Alterio and
Nadia Falvo
Senior Sportspersons of the Year: George Smith and
Kate Wilcox
Byrnes Street Medical Centre Bursary: Jack Petersen
Claude Cater & Co Mensland Business/Law studies
Bursary: Caitlyn Long
Mareeba Chamber of Commerce Business
Encouragement Award: Emma Kleyn
Evan & Fay McGrath Educational Studies Bursary:
Kylie Walmsley
Public Speaking award: Jack Petersen
James Cook University Academic Encouragement
Awards: Hannah Hassem, Fenella Hartley (Year 10),
Jesse Haimes and Lucy Ferguson (Year 12)
Australian Defence Force Leadership Award:
Kate Wilcox (Year 10) and Olivia Pezzelato (Year 12)
Mareeba and Dimbulah Community Bank Award for
Citizenship: Caitlyn Long
Academic Medals:
Yr 8 – Ellana Spena
Yr 9 – Marco Soncin
Yr 10 – Dannielle McCormack and Kate Wilcox
Yr 11 – William Snell
Runner up to the DUX – Joshua Smith
College & Vice Captains Awards: Jack Petersen,
Kylie Walmsley, Lucy Ferguson and Joshua Smith
Rotary All Rounder: Jack Petersen
Dux of the College: Jack Petersen
Sr Mary Stephen Memorial Award: Olivia Pezzelato
Deputy Principal
The assignment calendar for term
four has been uploaded to the college
website. Some amendments have
been made to the original calendar
published in the previous newsletter.
Details concerning assessment for
Health and Physical Education have
been added. Students are strongly
urged to highlight the due dates for assignments and to
continue to adhere to the college’s assignment policy.
A reminder that for our Year 12 students there will not be
any reports prepared by St Stephen’s. The Queensland
Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) is
responsible for issuing the Year 12 results and these
can be accessed online through the students’ learning
accounts on 20 December. Hard copies of tertiary
entrance statements, senior statements and Queensland
Certificates of Education will be posted a day earlier by
the QCAA. All Year 12 students have been informed of
the process which needs to be followed for the electronic
access of their results.
The completion of tests will be staggered with Year 12
block exams occurring from 12 to 14 November. As the last
day for attendance by this cohort is Friday 21 November,
results must be collated for submission to QCAA as
soon as tests are concluded. For the remainder of the
school, the final week of term four has been scheduled
for testing, with Year 11 block exams taking place from
the 24 to 28 November. The Year 11 block exam period
has been adjusted from the dates published previously,
and testing will occur for the whole final week. It is very
important for parents to note that ALL students have a
test on Friday 28 November and attendance on this last
day is compulsory. Failure to complete tests will have a
detrimental effect on a student’s level of achievement
for semester two. Students are reminded that if they are
absent for an exam a medical certificate is required.
We rely on your support to ensure that students are
able to achieve the best possible results. If you have any
enquires about end-of-term tests, please contact me at
the college.
Andrea Chiesa | Deputy Principal (Curriculum)
Mission Department
Getting Ready for 2015…
As the end of the year approaches,
it is timely for us to revisit dress and
grooming expectations. All students
will be expected to arrive for their first
day in 2015 with the correct uniform;
shoes, correct jewellery and appropriate
grooming and hair styles. It is expected by the college
that somewhere in the eight weeks of holidays, students
will ensure they have the correct uniform items ready to
go. Teachers will be looking for this in the first week back
and consequences will be incurred for any breaches of the
In a following newsletter, I will focus on hair and earrings. In
this fortnight’s newsletter, I focus on shoes and uniform. On
the following page, the uniform requirements for 2015 are
clearly presented; I would like to outline a few points about
appropriate footwear below.
Throughout all of this year, posters have been on display
around the college outlining what is appropriate footwear
for both the academic and sports uniforms. Copies of these
can be found in this edition of the college newsletter. In
Shoes (academic uniform):
Black leather, regularly polished
Lace-up (no Velcro or other styles)
Heel height of about 2-3 cm (ie: avoid extremes of
either height or lack of heel)
Styles such as flat-bottomed, ballet-like, or boot-like
(shoe extending further up the ankle) are not permitted
Shoes (sports uniform):
“Runner” or “cross-trainer” style sports shoe preferred
Style of sports shoe should provide good heel-arch
Styles such as flat-bottomed, futsal-specific, or simply
some casual shoes not designed for sport are not
Appreciating your support,
Michael Lindsay | APRE
Social Emotional Learning
Recently, a few members of staff attended a presentation
by powerful speaker Melinda Tankard Reist titled The
Sexual World of the 21st Century Adolescent: How
Pornography is Harming Young People at VPG’s Respect
Me website launch at the Atherton International
Club. Melinda is a Canberra author, speaker, media
commentator, blogger and advocate for women and
girls. She is well known for her work to reduce the
objectification of women and sexualisation of girls in the
media and efforts to address violence against women.
Her presentation explored the harsh realities of the
sexualised and technology driven world in which we live
and the effect this has on our young people.
I would encourage parents to check out her website and consider her
publications for your own personal reading, as well
as the website for her organisation Collective Shout which campaigns
against the objectification and sexualisation of girls in
the media, topics which affect the perceptions of our
young people, particularly regarding body image and
Laura Gilbert | SEL Coordinator
Uniform Policy 2015
Year 7 & 8 in 2015 and beyond
• New navy hat
• Blouse
• Skirt
• Beige socks & black shoes
• College jumper
• New navy hat
• Shirt (out)
• Shorts
• Short navy socks & black shoes
• College jumper
Year 9
As above but may wear new navy hat OR formal +
bucket hat (2015 only)
Year 10
• Blouse
• Skirt
• Beige socks & black shoes
• Tie
• College jumper
• New navy hat OR formal + bucket hat (2015 only)
• Shirt
• Shorts / trousers
• Long socks & black shoes
• School jumper
• New navy hat OR formal + bucket hat (2015 only)
Year 11 & 12
As per Year 10
As per Year 10
• Tie in Terms 2 & 3
Note: Formal hats and college blazers will be provided
by the college for official occasions.
Please refer to uniform policy on college website for
further details.
Mathematics News
Hooray! Competition results are back for our top
Mathematicians! I am happy to announce the award
winners for the two recent Mathematics competitions run
at our college this term.
International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
(ICAS) is a competition that is held each year for all students
in secondary schools in Australia.
ICAS is the largest independent assessment program for
schools in the world with more than two million entries
annually. Students from over 20 countries in Asia, Africa,
Europe, Pacific and the USA actively participate in ICAS each
Results for the ICAS test, run by UNSW on Tuesday 12
August are as follows:
Brianne So Choy
Luke McCredie
Aaron Bryce
Eugenio Bambino
Jake Powell
Ellana Spena
William Snell
Paulina Bernhardi
Emily Ernst
Dean Price
Matthew Crane
Peter Dai
Claire Schermer
Riley Bell
A Raines
Vivek Kolala
Bryan Herrington
Joshua Priestly
Steven Harnischfeger
Sudanshu Pathania
Results for the Australian Mathematics Competition, run
by the ANU on Thursday 7 August are as follows:
Ellana Spena
Luke McCredie
Aaron Bryce
Eugenio Bambino
Sharika Fenton
Brianne So Choy
Lachlan Greenwood
Paulina Bernhardi
Maddison Leonforte
Aaron Bryce
Jake Powell
Emily Ernst
Claire Schermer
Congratulations must go to all special
award winners and to those students who
entered but were unsuccessful in achieving
a distinction or credit award. I look forward
to a record number of entrants to both
competitions in 2015.
Andrew Jamieson | Mathematics Coordinator (acting)
Year 8 News
We are now into November and the
students start to feel that the end is near.
However, there is still plenty of work to do,
assignments to complete and tests to take
before we get there. To be effective with
their time the year eight students need
to stay organized right to the end. To help
with this, the assignment calendar can be found online
in the first newsletter of the term. The student record
book (SRB) still needs to be utilised and signed by parents
and it will then be checked by homeroom teachers on
Hopefully the school shoes can survive until the end of
year. If school shoes need to be purchased before the
start of the new school year please check the uniform
policy so the correct shoes are purchased. The policy
states: “Black polished lace up leather low cut school
shoes. No colouring or buckles. Heel height including
sole should be between 2–3 centimetres.”
Students are being encouraged to bring non-perishable
food items to school for Christmas hampers that are
being prepared for needy families in the community. So
far the response has not been as good as it could be. Your
support in this area would be appreciated.
Congratulations to all of the students who received
awards on Wednesday last week: Busta James Atkinson,
Paulina Bernhardi, David Bin, Gabriella Cuda, Lauren
Davies, Sharlene Huiskes, Vibhishaan Juggernath, Elena
Pilat, Ellana Spena, Brianne So Choy, Annalisse Troncone
and Nadia Tudini. I would also like to thank all of the year
eight students who participated in the performances on
the night, and those who came to support siblings and
classmates. It was a wonderful night.
Rohan Priestly | Year 8 Coordinator
English News
No matter what kids say, they love dressing
up no matter how old they are. The Year
11 English students took the opportunity
to create costumes for their Macbeth
monologues. Mrs Crockford and Mrs Gilbert
were both extremely pleased with the efforts
put in by the students. If parents would like
to see a performance of their child’s monologue, I’m sure
all they have to do is ask and the budding actors will oblige.
The year eight students in the last rotation have worked
on their introductions, numbers and preferences. They
are great at asking others whether they like Justin B or One
D. They are great at giving their opinion as well. The year
eights are particularly skilled at guiding a human robot
across the classroom with simple commands, dodging
the inanimate and animate objects on the course.
The year nine students are able to talk about their
families including pets, the activities they are involved
in on the weekends and scheduling events. These topics
will be covered in the tests at the end of the term. We are
hoping to get to taste some great sushi to celebrate all of
our hard work.
Rohan Priestly
Year 10 News
Hello and welcome to term four.
Not to be outdone, some of the Year 9 students donned
accoutrements they pilfered from various sources to bring
their dramatic readings of poetry to life.
Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate
all award winners from Awards Night last week. You have
done yourselves proud with the hard work and effort you
have shown over the school year. Well done!
With only a few weeks of classes remaining, it is crucial
that students remain focussed on completing their
school work and assessment and not “switch off” just
yet. There are still exams and assignments that will need
to be completed by the end of term, so attendance,
homework, study and revision is still a focal point.
Uniform issues have been a problem at the moment with
shirts and shoes looking a bit past their “used by date.”
Please ensure that your child looks presentable with all
buttons in place and shirt ironed along with shoes being
Remember to work hard to achieve your
best and do yourself proud.
On a side note, the department would like to welcome Mrs
Fay McGrath, an accomplished teacher who brings a wealth
of experience to the college. She is teaching Years 8 and 9
English and Year 11 English Communication.
Mr Lance Helms | English Coordinator
Mr McLennan | Year 10 Coordinator
Business News
As we enter the second half of this term, the
junior business classes are starting to prepare
for their term four assessments.
Year 9 are working on their marketing plan
assessment that is based on a NEW product
or service. They have been lucky enough to
have been treated to tasty learning materials including
choc chip cookies and M&M’s to help them understand the
concept of target markets.
Year 10 are currently studying work environments in
preparation for their exam at the end of the term. This topic
covers many aspects including the rights and responsibilities
of employers and employees, awards and agreements and
the changing workforce. The students were particularly
interested in the fact that there was once a working day
that lasted longer than 8 hours before 1856.
Whilst the senior students are also entering into preparation
mode for their term four block exams, one business student
has been particularly busy with additional co-curricular
activities. On Saturday, 18th October, Rhiannon De Marzi,
a senior BOM and Accounting student travelled to Cairns
to be interviewed for the Keith Goodwin Memorial
Scholarships in Accounting and Business. She had been
shortlisted along with 11 other students from the Cairns
region to attend the interview process which consisted of
both group and individual interviews. Although Rhiannon
did not receive a scholarship, the judges commented that
they were impressed with her Accounting results, maturity,
confidence and professionalism. I would like to personally
congratulate Rhiannon on this achievement.
Laura Marino | Business Teacher
Certificate II Business News
We have many excited Year 12 students in the
Certificate II in Business class who are handing
in their final assessments for the course in
the next few weeks. These students have
been working on their coursework for the last
two years and will have completed a total of
twelve modules by the end of the course. We
have eleven students on track
to receive the full certificate
and this will enable them
to either seek work in office
administration or to continue
their studies at TAFE or
another RTO and gain a higher
certificate level or a diploma
in Business. A small number
of students who started the
certificate part-way through
the course will receive a
certificate of attainment
listing all the modules they
have completed. This will
allow them to complete the
remaining modules at an RTO
if they wish to gain the full
certificate after graduation.
Well done to our Year 12
Certificate students for many
hours of work and dedication
to their business studies.
Ms Murat | Business Teacher
Annual Zone Gymkhana
Giulia Rogato, Hayley Skinner, Madison Sugden-Smith
and Micaela Farrawell recently rode at the annual Zone
Giulia won her age group at the
formal gymkhana on Saturday.
Madison was 2nd and Hayley 5th
in the Sporting Championship on
To cap off the year during which
she also rode and won ribbons at
the State Championship in Taroom
as part of a Zone 18 team, Hayley
(pictured) was crowned Miss
Personality 2014.
Apprenticeships and
Traineeships for 2015
The School-based Apprenticeship and Traineeship program
allows students to get paid work whilst studying and working
towards a formally recognised qualification with QCE credit
points towards your end of school certificate.
You will receive up-to-date training, increased skills and
knowledge to further your career in your chosen industry, and
gain great life and work skills.
Students must complete 50 days paid employment per year with
training or work impacting on your school timetable. Generally
you will attend work one day per week.
Year 10 & 11 students
Benefits to YOU!
Gain a nationally recognised qualification
Contribute to your QCE points
Earn while you learn
Meet new people
Make new friends
Gain experience
Learn transferable skills
Increase your confidence and self esteem
Gain a competitive edge
Kick start your career!
Expressions of interest will be handed out in home rooms this
week. If interested, please complete page 3 and return to
Mrs Goleby in the Library by Friday, 14 November 2014.
Call into the library and visit
Mrs Goleby if you have any questions.
Kick start your career now!