ST. PETER’S CHURCH — A Roman Catholic Parish Community — Belleville 155 William Street Founded 1837 Pastor: Fr. Ivan Sciberras Parochial Vicar: Fr. Wojciech B. Jaskowiak In Residence: Fr. Giovanni Rizzo Deacons: Mr. Julio Roig Mr. Guillermo J. Valladares Elementary School Principal: New Jersey 07109 Mrs. Phyllis A. Sisco Parish Catechetical Coordinator: Mrs. Lisa A. Melillo Director of Music: Parish Secretary: Business Manager: Parish Trustees: Mr. John Christian Colaneri Sr. Vilma Orejola, FLP Mrs. Linda Makofka Mrs. Nancy Adessa Mr. Thaddeus Rajnes Pastoral Council President: Mr. Gary Hinton The Lord’s Day: Saturday Eve: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7, 8:30 10, 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m. Spanish Weekdays: (Summer Schedule) Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. Monday 7:00 p.m. (Evening Mass in the Retreat House Chapel) Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Infant Baptism Spanish - Second Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m. English - Fourth Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m. Parents must register by calling the Rectory at least one month in advance. Baptism Instruction held the week before the Baptism. Proposed godparent/s need to be living in accordance to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and are asked to attend the Baptism Instruction along with the child’s parents. Christian Marriage The couple should contact a parish priest or deacon one year before the desired date for the marriage to ensure proper preparation for the Sacrament. Couples are not to make FIRM plans for the reception PRIOR to speaking with a parish priest or deacon. Sacraments for the Sick/Homebound Anointing: Anytime upon request in the home of the sick. Communion: A Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister of the parish will bring Holy Communion to those parishioners confined to home. Please notify the Rectory when someone is ill or admitted to the hospital. St. Peter’s Cemetery For information about acquiring a plot, or to make a donation to our Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund, please contact Mrs. Linda Makofka at the Rectory. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. or anytime at the Rectory upon an appointment with a priest. Rectory School 973-751-2002 973-759-3143 Fax: 973-751-6201 (offices open at 9 a.m.) Novena Miraculous Medal Novena - Mondays 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Teaching the Good News St. Peter Elementary School - Pre K through 8 Religious Education Kindergarten through Eighth grades Contact Lisa Melillo - 973-751-4290 Coordinadora de Clases de Religión en español (Confirmación de Adultos) Elena Ayala - 973-207-3623 Religious Education 973-751-4290 Cemetery 973-751-2002 Social Service Hotline (Catholic Community Services) 973-266-7991 1-800-227-7413 Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica † November 9, 2014 Page Two November 9, 2014 A Word from the Pastor … Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Today we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. It might seem strange that, as some say, “We are celebrating a building.” How is it that when feasts of very important saints fall on a Sunday, they are skipped, and here we are, celebrating the dedication of a Church building that is not even here, but in Rome? And not even the majestic St. Peter’s Basilica, but St. John Lateran, a Basilica that many haven’t even heard of and have very little inclination to every want to visit it! The importance of this Basilica stems from the fact that it is the “Mother of all churches of Christendom.” It is a sign of devotion to and unity with the Chair of Peter (the Cathedra of the Pope is found at St. John Lateran, and not at the Vatican, which lies about 4 miles away). Rightfully, then, does the plaque (see below) at St. John Lateran state: “Most Holy Lateran Church, of all the churches in the city and the world, the mother and head.” I would like to take this occasion to write today about proper attitudes and disposition towards the House of God. Today’s Gospel portrays the disciples recalling the words of Scripture, “Zeal for Your House will devour me.” Can we ourselves say that we too are “devoured” by zeal for the House of the Lord? In the first place, do we at least care about the House of the Lord? Do we care about its appearance and its upkeep? Is our comportment in Church reflective of this love? Sad to say, in general, we are truly lacking. It hurts me to see how many times we take lightly the things of the Lord, most especially those having to do with His House. Anyone thinking I make these things up (or stole this Pastor’s Column from another publication!), are invited to tour our Church with me on a Monday morning. What would we find? Tissue paper strewn all over the floor and any crevice that one could stick things to, empty water bottles, chewing gum under the pews if not even on the Church steps. Broken toys, candy wrappers and Missalettes bent out of shape on the racks or on the ground. And, nothing ever gets to be corrected or reported, unless, of course, we ourselves are inconvenienced, such as, when the toilet flushing is not working properly. I would like all our parishioners to consider how we can improve our behavior when in the House of the Lord: - Is my dress-code more fitting for Church, or for the park (in winter) and the beach (in summer)? - Do I make a genuflection directed towards the Tabernacle as soon as I enter the Church, and, if a male, immediately take off my hat or cap? - Do I seek to arrive a few minutes before Mass and spend a moment of prayer before Mass begins? - Do I switch off my phone, to ensure that it does not distract me during Mass, and not cause a nuisance to the celebrant and to those around me? - If I arrive late, do I ensure that I cause the least possible inconvenience and distraction to the other faithful, for example, by standing by the wall before heading towards a pew, if it happens that the Word of God is being proclaimed as I walk in? - Before leaving the Church, do I ensure that I take back with me all the things I brought into the Church (handbags, umbrellas, gloves, water bottles, tissues, etc.)? - Do I stay in Church until after the celebrant and other ministers have left the Church, or do I adhere to the LIFO stocktaking principal – “last in, first out”? I look forward to feedback of parishioners on this delicate subject. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Ivan Sciberras Page Three FINANCE Next week’s second collection will be divided between: CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 11-01-2014 All Saints Day Collection $ 793 11-02-2014 All Souls Day Collection $ 5,472 11-02-2014 Building Fund Collection $ 1,916 Two collections will be taken up today: The regular Sunday Collection and the Monthly Assessment Collection. $6,100 are needed weekly to meet our operating budget (any capital expense that arises not included). Please consider increasing your weekly offering. Whenever possible, please use the corresponding envelopes for the different collections and please write the amount on the envelope. Dropping in one check or cash equivalent for several different collections complicates the work of our money-counters. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. We thank you all for your generosity! PLEASE REMEMBER TO MAKE YOUR PLEDGE TO THE 2014 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL 2014 as of 11-05-2014 The last Catechesis will be held tomorrow Monday all are still welcome. Goal: Pledges Received: Over (Under) Goal: Number of Donors: $ 30,630 $ 34,720 $4,090 159 Next week’s Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Please give to the CCHD Collection. BLACK & INDIAN MISSION The annual Collection for Black and Indian Missions. Our financial contribution helps to support Catholic American Indian communities on reservations, in rural areas and inner cities. The collection also supports African American evangelization programs particularly in the south. Let us unite ourselves with the love of Christ in supporting the Black and Indian Mission collection with generous hearts. PLEASE HELP FOR THANKSGIVING Can you donate a turkey, ham, chicken or ham steaks to the food pantry for Thanksgiving? We know the need is great, and many people will be coming to the food pantry for help at this time of the year. Any donation will be greatly appreciated. Please bring any item you can give to the rectory by November 23rd. Please DO NOT leave any perishable item in the vestibule of the Church. We promise our prayers for you in return. Page Four SAINT PETER’S THIS WEEK Saturday, November 8 5:30 Juan Ingelmo, rq Mr. & Mrs. Pastor Sunday, November 9 7:00 Pasquale Orsogno, rq Sisters, Tina, Betty & Anna 8:30 All Souls Novena 10:00 Jean Broo, rq Kenneth Broo 11:30 Ellen O’Connell, rq Sylvia Banna 1:00 Tomas Salmeron & Luisa Gutierrez, rq Diego & Elva Tabarez Monday, November 10 9:00 Evelyn Espinar, rq Family 7:00 All Souls Novena Tuesday, November 11 9:00 Anna Vu, rq Nguyen Family Wednesday, November 12 9:00 Margaret Johnson, rq Robert Johnson 7:00 Rodolfo Broas (4th Anniversary), rq Mendoza & Broas Families Thursday, November 13 9:00 All Souls, rq Nguyen Family Friday, November 14 9:00 Geovanny Martinez, rq Eve Martinez 7:00 Fr. Mark O’Connell, rq Minh Chu Family Saturday, November 15 8:00 America Ortiz, rq Argentina German 5:30 Harry Groome, rq Gary & Linda Hinton Sunday, November 16 7:00 Fr. Mark O’Connell, rq Quyen & Barry Wong 8:30 Frank A. Begans, rq James F. Begans 10:00 Tobia DeAngelis, rq Naida DeAngelis 11:30 Carmela & Joseph Bianchino, rq daughter, Marie 1:00 Enrique Lopez, rq Familia Lopez Pray for these in our community who are ill among us: Maria Jose Alfonso, Dolores Bowie, Frank Bradley, Jamie Canal, Jim Cataldo, Janet Cubellis, Evelyn DiChiara, Delaine Kurbyla, Felipe LaRiba, Fran Lombard, Barbara Mende, Antonio Rosa, Ana Salazar, Marie McConnon, Ana Challenger, Tony De Sent, Riley HayesLopez, Margaret Steinhauser, Casey Paradine, Ethel Thomas, Gordon Gladden, Carmella Parilla, Phyliss Bocchino, John Grimes, Orlando Perry, Alice McCants, Oscar Reyes, Alicia & Miguel Encalada, Robert Brinkerhoff, Edward Matera, Thomas Barros, Carmen Ravancho, Geza Roman, Celeste Rodriguez, Anthony Barbara, Jean Rolli, Andy Valladares, John Sabbak, Noah & Jacob Ferreira Bryan Reedy, Carmen Romero, Ana Frederick, Florencio Gesuden, Patricia Concata, Agnes Colaneri, Mary Kay Wright, Eduardo Zuniga, Julia Diaz, Awilda Diaz, Bill De Paola, Riley June Nazario, Lucy Sasso, Dawn Negron, Joan Holly, Luciana Leeman, Willy Lema and all people wishing to remain nameless. Let us also pray for those who have recently died especially Father John A. Palasits. MONDAY, November 10 St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 8:00 pm Catechesis, Adults & Youth, School Auditorium 8:00 pm Clases de Religion, Jovenes y Adultos, Casa de Retiros Juan XXIII TUESDAY, November 11 St. Martin of Tours, Bishop 7:00 pm Confirmation Class, School 7:00 pm Confirmation Parent Meeting, Church 7:30 pm Movimiento Juan XXIII, Retreat House WEDNESDAY, November 12 St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr 7:30 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way, School Annex 8:00 pm Vietnamese Prayer Group Mass, Chapel THURSDAY, November 13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin 7:00 pm Bible Class, RMR 1 7:30 pm Youth Group (Jovenes Creyentes), Church Basement 7:30 pm Choir Practice, Church 7:30 pm Legion of Mary, RMR 3 FRIDAY, November 14 7:00 pm NA Support Group, Church Basement 7:30 pm John XXIII Couples Classes, RMR 1 SATURDAY, November 15 St. Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 1:00 pm Confessions, Church 7:30 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way, School Annex SUNDAY, November 16 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 - 9:45 am CCD Class, School 10:00 am Mass, RCIA for Children Rite of Acceptance, Church 10 am & 1 pm Mass Children Liturgy of the Word 2:30 pm Spanish Baptism ACTIVITIES IN THE AREA THANKSGIVING MEAL AT ST. MARY’S IN NUTLEY St. Mary’s Church in Nutley will be holding a Thanksgiving Meal on Thursday November 27 from 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. It will be held at St Mary's Gym (16 Msgr. Owens Place, Nutley, NJ 07110). All are welcome. Please make your reservation for this dinner by November 18, 2014. For any question or to RSVP, please call Coco @ 973 661 0284 or Diane @ 973 235 1100. Transportation will be available for those who cannot drive there themselves. Page Five POPE FRANCIS AT GENERAL AUDIENCE: PRAY FOR YOUR BISHOPS! The Holy Father dedicated the catechesis at Wednesday’s General Audience to the hierarchical dimension of the Church. Christ edifies the Church as His body through her ministries, and it is through the episcopal ministry that the Lord is present in His Church, guiding and caring for her. “In the presence and in the ministry of the bishops, the presbyters (priests) and the deacons,” he said, “we are able to recognise the true face of the Church. ... And through these brothers, elected by the Lord and consecrated by the sacrament of ordination, the Church exercises her maternity.” Francis emphasized that this office is not, however, an honor but rather a service to be performed following Christ's example. He also remarked that bishops must be united, as a family. “When Jesus chose and called the Apostles, he imagined them not separated from each other, but together, united with Him, like one family. The bishops too constitute a single college, gathered around the Pope, who is the guardian and guarantor of this profound communion.” He added, “let us think of all those bishops around the world who, while living in widely differing locations, cultures, sensibilities and traditions … feel close to one another and become an expression of the intimate bond, in Christ, between their communities.” The Pope concluded by explaining that a healthy Church cannot exist if the faithful, deacons and presbyters are not united with their bishop: “The Church separated from her bishop is an ailing Church. This union of the faithful and the bishop is willed by Jesus.” POPE FRANCIS: MARRIAGE IS UNDER ATTACK NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE While acknowledging the never-before-seen challenges Christian families are facing, Pope Francis still offered hope by reminding faithful that the Church is always, regardless of difficulties, being internally renewed. During a Saturday audience with more than 7,000 pilgrims belonging to the Schoenstatt Movement, the Holy Father admitted the "Christian family and marriage are under great attack” due to growing relativism over the concept of marriage. But, he reminded those gathered, we must not lose hope. Gathered in Rome this weekend to celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding in Germany, Schoenstatt is an international Roman Catholic Marian movement and apostolic organization founded in Germany in 1914 by Father Joseph Kentenich, who saw the movement as being a means of spiritual renewal in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis noted that often there is a misunderstanding over the difference between the Sacrament of Marriage and the social rite. “Marriage is forever,” Francis reminded those present, “but in our present society, there is a temporary or throwaway culture that has become widespread.” In response to questions about marriage and what advice he can offer to those who do not feel welcome in the Church, the Pope underscored the need for priests to stay close to each one of “their flock” without becoming scandalized over what takes place within the family. Giving an example, he recalled that during the recent Synod of Bishops on the Family, it was asked whether priests are aware of what children feel and the psychological damage caused when their parents separate. In addition to calling on priests to stay near couples, he urged them to be there for children experiencing the trauma of family break-up. YEARNING FOR A CATHOLIC TV CHANNEL? If you live in Northern New Jersey, odds are that your cable (or satellite) provider does not transmit The Catholic TV Network, a very faithful and upbeat Catholic channel. You can petition your provider to add it as a new channel. Go to: Type in your zip code, and if told that it is not available, you can ask for it to be added by a single click. We suggest you share this message with your friends. Visit to get to know this channel. LISTEN TO CATHOLIC RADIO Live from WNSW-AM 1430 Page Six Saint Peter School forming the future with Purpose, Passion and Power! Visit us online at: FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK. . . On Friday, our eighth graders were administered the COOP test at various schools. The test is the entrance exam into the Catholic High Schools. Please keep our students in your prayers as they await the results. This year St. Peter’s School is beginning an afterschool History Club. The students in junior high are writing their Constitution and are looking forward to learning and experiencing the may events the club will offer them. To celebrate all Saints Day members of the Student Council portrayed various saints and shared the stories of these holy men and women with the students Thank you to Mr. Sagarese, advisor for both the Student Council and History Club. As November begins we at St. Peter’s School are preparing for our annual Tricky Tray and the feast of Thanksgiving. GET YOUR TICKETS!!! NOW ST. PETER’S SCHOOL PRESENTS 23rd ANNUAL TRICKY TRAY THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20, 2014 THE CHANDELIER 340 FRANKLIN AVE. , BELLEVILLE, NJ DOORS OPEN AT 6:00PM FROM THE TREASURY OF CATHOLIC PRAYERS THANKSGIVING FOR THE CHURCH Jesus, Divine Master, I bless and thank Your most gentle Heart for the great gift of the Church. She is the Mother who instructs us in the truth, guide us on the way to heaven, and communicate supernatural life to us. She continues Your own saving mission here on earth, as Your Mystical Body. She is the ark of salvation. She is infallible, indefectible, Catholic. Grant me the grace to love the Church as You loved her and sanctified her in Your Blood. May the world know her, may all sheep enter her fold, may everyone humbly cooperate in Your kingdom. Amen WORD CLUSTER This cluster helps our parish proclaim and teach the good news of Jesus Christ and forms Christian disciples. For information on this cluster, call Angie Stefanelli at 973-759-5252. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] GIVING TREE PLEASE HELP MAKE THIS THE LARGEST SCHOOL EVENT. Saint Peter’s Giving Tree will be in Church beginning the weekend of November 30th and December 1st. All parishioners are invited to take an ornament from the tree, purchase the gift specifies on the ornament and return the unwrapped gift, with tag attached, by Wednesday December 10th. The gifts can be returned by placing them under the tree in Church or by brining them to the Rectory. All gifts are given to parish families in need. TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR! NO ONE UNDER 18 PERMITTED Thanking you in advance for your generosity and support of the less fortunate during the season of giving. TICKET COST: $45.00 EACH Tickets Include Dinner, Coffee, Tea, Soda, Dessert and 2 Sheets of Blue Tickets COME JOIN THE FUN AND A CHANCE TO WIN GREAT PRIZES, PRE-SALE PRIZE TICKET BAGS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $30.00 EACH SECCIÓN HISPANA CATEQUESIS PARA ADULTOS Y JOVENES EN INGLES Page Seven CAMPAÑA CATÓLICA PARA EL DESARROLLO HUMANO Mañana lunes terminala serie de Catequesis para adultos y jovenes en el Auditorio de la Escuela de St. Peter a las 8PM. Si conoce a alguien que necesita un annuncio de la Buena Nueva en su vida (familiares, companeros de trabajo, etc.), favor de invitarles. Vean a los sacerdotes de la parroquia para mas informacion. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Ti 1:1-9; Sal 24 (23):1b-4ab, 5-6; Lc 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Sal 37 (36):3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lc 17:7-10 Miércoles: Ti 3:1-7; Sal 23 (22):1b-6; Lc 17:11-19 Jueves: Flm 7-20; Sal 146 (145):7-10; Lc 17:20-25 Viernes: 2 Jn 4-9; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lc 17:26-37 Sábado: 3 Jn 5-8; Sal 112 (111):1-6; Lc 18:1-8 Domingo: Pro 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Sal 128 (127):1 -5; 1 Tes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] La Colecta de la próxima semana para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) necesita su ayuda. CCHD fue fundada para erradicar el ciclo de pobreza en los Estados Unidos otorgando fondos a aquellas organizaciones que ayudan a las personas a ayudarse a sí mismas. Cumpliendo con su tradición de mejorar la educación, la situación de la vivienda y el desarrollo económico, CCHD sigue teniendo un impacto positivo en las comunidades en toda la nación. Su contribución defenderá la dignidad humana y ayudará a aquellos que viven al margen de nuestra sociedad. Por favor, contribuya a la Colecta de CCHD. CLASES DE BIBLIA Cada lunes a las 8pm en la Casa de Retiros. Hay cuatro niveles. Para mas información, comuníquese con el Diacono G. Valladares al 973-667-1323 o Llamando a Lucina Pellicia 862-576-1441. CONFESIONES Cada Sabado del año de 1pm hasta 2pm un sacerdote es disponible en la iglesia para escuchar confesiones. RETIRO DEL VIÑEDO DE RAQUEL ESPOSAS CON CRISTO Te sientes sola? Estas Triste? Estas abrumada? No Sabes lo que Dios espera de ti? No te preocupes ven a desahogarte o a compartir tus experiencias con otras esposas que buscan la ayuda de Dios los días Noviembre 20 y Diciembre 4-18 aquí en esta tu parroquia de San Pedro. Para todos detalles contáctate con Diana Matute al 973-302-7852 o Ruth Herrera 201-748-9355. Fecha: Enero 30 a Febrero 1, 2015 Lugar: Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center 499 Belgrove Drive, Kearny, NJ 07032 Costo: $150 por persona Ayuda financier disponible para todos aquellos no puedan pagar. Auspiciado por: La Oficina del Respeto a la Vida ¿Sufre por haber abortado? ¿Tiene sentimientos de culpabilidad y ansiedad? ¿Sufre de depresión? ¡Hay esperanza! Retiros de Viñedo de Raquel ofrecen esperanza y sanación para el syndrome post-aborto. Para información llama a Rosa al Tel: 908-837-9474 o EL MINISTERIO DE JOVENES CREYENTES DEL SENOR DE LA MISERICORDIA IGLESIA DE ST. PETER’S Te invita a jovenes de 14 a 17 años, hombre y mujer, que sean parte de esta nueva forma de vivir, la valentia de se un buen hijo de Dios, de ser un joven diferente, te ofrese: palabra de dios creciendo en fe, paseos, recreacion, deportes, misiones y servicio a Dios, retiros espirituales, los esperamos…. Jueves de 7:30 a 9 pm. INFORMACION: JUAN QUINONES CELL: 973-901-223 NANCY PORTILLO CELL: 201- 898-7354
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