Roots & Branches November 2014 Giving Thanks with a Grateful Heart Wingo’s Words Philippians 4:4-7 By Dr. Jesse Brunson, Pastor I. Gratitude for the Church The apostle Paul writes to the Philippian Church to encourage them in their faith and to offer God thanks for their enduring commitment. This congregation was beloved by Paul; so he uses this letter to express his heartfelt thoughts. In the opening paragraphs of this letter he says, “I thank God upon every remembrance of you always in every prayer of mine for you, all as I make my request with joy.” Paul was clearly trying to let the Philippian Church understand how special they were to him. They were special to Paul because they were the first church he founded in the Macedonian territory. In the book of Acts we are reminded that, on his first missionary journey, Paul was instructed in a vision of a man pleading with him to “come over to Macedonia and help us.” So Paul set sail from Troas down to Philippi, the leading city in Macedonia. The bible says that on the first Sabbath his ministry team went outside the gate to the river. There, in that place they prayed and shared the word of God with those gathered. It was in that place Paul made his first convert, whose name was Lydia. She opened her heart to the word of God and she and her family were baptized. Lydia became a leader in that Christian community and helped to establish this congregation. In this letter Paul writes to this wonderful congregation, thanking them and encouraging them. The letter is filled with references of thanksgiving for the community’s faithfulness. Paul also offers thanksgiving for the history he shares with them saying that in the early days of his ministry no church shared with him. He says, “When I was in Thessalonica you sent me help for my needs more than once.” (Philippians 5:15) This is why Paul could proclaim to this community “do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God.” Paul is not speaking about some intellectual exercise, but a true expression of the heart. Paul knew that when we cast our bread upon the water that in many days it shall return. He believed that if God’s people shared their resources with others, their giving would not be in vain. II. Counting our Blessings One of America’s well known preachers, pastors, and theologians, Dr. William Sloane Coffin Jr., spoke about praising God. “Doth not all nature around me praise God? If I were silent, I should be an exception to the universe. Doth not the thunder praise Him as it rolls like drums in the march of God’s armies? Do not the mountains praise Him when the woods upon their summits wave in adoration? Doth not the lightning write His name in letters of fire? Hath not the whole earth a voice? And shall I, can I, silent be?” Like Coffin, Paul reminds the Philippian Church to rejoice in the Lord always. He says “ rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (Thessalonians 5:15) Therefore my friends, as I think about this season of Thanksgiving, I am moved to express my gratitude for many blessings. I am thankful for my right relationship with Jesus Christ. I am thankful for family and friends, that I don’t see often enough. I am thankful for you Pleasant Green; you have become like family to us. And we are most thankful and grateful for your love of God and your caring love of us and your commitment to His Church. Blessed Thanksgiving to All Jesse M H From Health Ministries Tips for Healthy Holidays The holiday season is such a wonderful and busy time of year. With holiday hustle and bustle, gatherings with friends and family and other festivities, there’s little time for exercise and plenty of opportunities to overeat. Although they are happy times, the holidays can be stressful and emotional times as well, and we tend to lose sleep over those long lists that need to be checked twice. Research shows that weight gained over the holidays (on average between one and five pounds) is never lost, making us heavier and heavier each year. This year can be different. No one is expected to lose weight over the holidays, but maintaining your weight is plausible! Maintain a mindful mentality. We frequently eat for reasons other than hunger. Research says the convenience of food, the mere presence of food, the variety of foods, the size of a dish (as well as serving utensils, our plates and bowls) can influence the amount we eat. Mindful eating can prevent overeating. Mindful eating involves eating more slowly—sitting, smelling, tasting your food and enjoying it, as well as not eating while watching TV, texting, answering emails, working at a desk, etc. Eat before you greet. Avoid going to parties and gatherings starving. Have a healthy snack or a small meal before you go, and you will be able to eat more mindfully while you’re there. If you have work meetings where you anticipate there will be special holiday goodies, eat your usual breakfast or lunch before going. Plan your plate. Have (at least) two non-starchy vegetable dishes (with little added fat), to adorn your holiday table (and fill a third to half of your plate with these and the rest with your other holiday favorites). Wait at least 20 minutes before going back for seconds to see how satisfied you actually are after one plate—you’ll enjoy dessert more and avoid that Thanksgiving-miserably-full feeling. Keep moving. It’s important to keep up your exercise regimen during the holidays and even a good time to begin one if you don’t currently exercise. Why wait until after the holidays to join the gym or begin your walking regimen? Start now and allow exercise to ease some the holiday stress and help you sleep better at night. Yes, the holidays are busy, but exercise doesn’t necessarily have to interfere with your to-do list—walk the mall 2 to 3 times before beginning to shop; park in the furthest parking spot from the grocery store entrance; plan for a game of tag or flag football at family gatherings. Get more Sleep. Research demonstrates that getting less than 7 hours of sleep at night is associated with overweight and obesity; we have an increased appetite when we don’t get enough sleep. Over the holidays, try to maintain your normal sleep schedule. If you typically sleep less than 7 hours, get more sleep during the holidays knowing that you’ll be faced with more opportunities to eat as well as more tempting food choices. Seek support and accountability. Talk to someone (a spouse, friend or family member) about your intentions for healthy holidays. You might just enroll someone else to make more healthy choices as well! Stating your intentions out loud and having support will make it easier and more likely for you to follow-through. Continue to weigh yourself over the holidays (at least once a week). Remember that the goal is to maintain your weight not lose… then pat yourself on the back for doing so and for all of the good choices you make. Enrolling a walking buddy can be a good strategy for accountability and to keep moving. Sign up for the 9th annual FREE Eat Smart, Move More Maintain, Don’t Gain Holiday Challenge! It begins November 17th and runs through December 31st. Participants of this seven week challenge will receive tips, tricks, recipes, ideas and more to help them maintain their weight over the holiday season. Register for FREE at November Youth Calendar Friends, Fellowship, Games and Lessons Sunday School 10 am ELEVATE at 5:00pm - 7:30 pm ~ November 2, 16, 23 & 30 Pilgrimage ~ November 7 - 9 Annual United Methodist Youth Conference All Eastern UMC youth groups come together on this weekend to worship. The members of the youth group are searching for yards to rake, windows to clean, gutters to clean, and all kinds of outdoor work. We will also do tasks around the church, if needed. If your yard needs any work at all, make sure to sign up on the youth web page or check out the Youth Yard Work box in the Narthex at Pleasant Green United Methodist Church. All jobs are free and done with love. We do accept donations to the Youth Group for other service projects and youth trips. Elevate Food Drive for OCIM! There is a collection box in the youth room. We love your donations! Pleasant Green’s next Kid's Connect we will meet during the Sunday school time on Nov. 23rd, 30th and Dec. 7th to make crafts for the Mission Market. This is a great way for the children to donate their time to the Mission team! Our goal is to provide fun service-learning opportunities for children. Your Help is needed for the MISSION MARKET on December 13! All proceeds will go to our mission fund – both local and global. *All invited to help make Chocolate Covered Cherries at 6pm on Thursday, December 11. *Please bring your favorite homemade baked goods, canned goods, local produce, crafts, etc.! To be a part of this, please contact: Wendy at or Kathryn at from SPRC… Education & Youth Minister Coordinator The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is seeking applications for the position of Education and Youth Ministry Coordinator. If you are interested in applying for this position or would like to serve as an interim coordinator, please contact Cindy Stubbs (SPRC Chair) at or Dr. Jesse Brunson (Senior Pastor) at PGUMC Kid’s Worship Volunteers Needed! Everyone has an important role in our children's Christian education and spiritual growth. Please sign up in the Narthex the dates that you are available to help! From the Prayer Team… Lifting up Everyone Who Feels They Are Not Loveable Jude 2: Mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you. 1 Cor. 4 to 8 Love is patient, love is kind, it isn’t jealous, it doesn’t brag, it isn’t arrogant, it isn’t rude, it doesn’t seek its own advantage, it isn’t irritable, it doesn’t keep a record of complaints, it isn’t happy with injustice, but it is happy with the truth. Love puts up with all things, trusts in all things, hopes for all things, endures all things. Love never fails. Isaiah 41:10 Don’t fear, because I am with you; don’t be afraid, for I am your god. I will strengthen you, I will surely help you; I will hold you with my righteous strong hand. It may seem strange to pray for those who feel they are unlovable during this season of Thanksgiving. But let us remember the many people who do not feel thankful, for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is that some of our brothers and sisters do not believe they will ever be loved. Or, they do not feel worthy of love. They hurt, hold a deep hole where love should be; feel empty and hopeless. Whether it came about slowly, since childhood; or, from a painful adult event; being in that state blocks any sense of being cared for and loved by others. Everything is filtered through a thick wall that dims feelings of connection. Sometimes, that disconnection includes God. It is hard to pray when feeling like that; which is why we need to pray for those who are so hurt. Dear Heavenly Father, Through your awesome power and compassion, melt the walls that block connection to you. In your perfect timing and wisdom, replace the emptiness and hopelessness with hope and love. Help each person know that love is patient and kind. Help them learn that love isn’t rude, doesn’t take advantage, isn’t irritable, doesn’t count complaints. Change the beliefs that they are not lovable or will never be loved to knowing with certainty that You love them; and, that you put people in their lives who love them as well. Multiply the feelings of affection, peace and trust so that gratitude and thanksgiving become part of their lives. Thank you, Lord, for listening to our prayers on behalf of those who need Your love and compassion. We prayer these things in the name of your Holy Son, Jesus Christ, who is pure love and shares His love with us in so many ways. Amen. November Prayer Ministry Meeting The Prayer Ministry Team will hold its monthly meeting on November 19th at 6:30 pm. Come join us as we plan meaningful prayer-related activities and pray for loved ones, our church, state and nation. Common Thread A Ministry to Comfort the Dying "Common Thread" is a ministry of compassion whose goal is to provide happy, colorful butterfly pillowcases to those dying in hospice, nursing homes and in their own homes. The next Common Thread workday is Saturday, November 1 at 9:30am. We will need hands to measure, cut, pin and sew! Please come! The PGUMW Cookbook is still available! Special sections include: Old favorites from the first PG Cookbook published in 1980 and the Christmas Cookie Sale recipes! The cookbook includes 433 recipes and pages of church as well as UMW history with pictures. Purchase cookbooks for Christmas presents and support UMW missions! Dear Pleasant Green Friends, PG Mail Thank you for all you did for us to make Sam’s service so wonderful- prayers, cards, gorgeous flowers and many pho ne calls, refreshments after the service and memorable music. Some of you were new friends who gave of yourselves without even knowing us. We will be forever thankful. Love to you, Jane & Family To the Congregation at Pleasant Green, I want to thank you for all the prayers and support not only now with the passing of my mother but also during her life. You have been most gracious in your support, the weekly prayer letters and notes. Mo enjoyed it all—and saved it all for me to see too when I visited. Thank-you, Nancy Brewer Shelton Dear PGUMC, I just wanted to send a heartfelt thank you for all the prayers that went up for my Sister-in –law Lori Punt. She is with her master now, and has no more cancer! I also wanted to say thank you for the prayers for me after my being in the hospital. I am still on the mend, as I cannot get my knee all the way better. But I am doing much better and I hope to have a good report from my knee in a few weeks. Thanks Again, Ed Advent at Pleasant Green Adventicipation! Saturday, December 6 Advent Decorating begins at 9:00am Come and bring family & friends and your favorite breakfast snack! Order Poinsettias to be placed in the Sanctuary during the Christmas Season. Deadline to order and pay is December 7. Sign up sheets for Poinsettias given in honor or memory of loved ones, are in the Narthex . The cost is $7.00. Make checks with Poinsettia on the memo line to PGUMW and place in the offering plate. Christmas Caroling to our shut-ins Sunday, December 14 at 4 pm Join us as we spread the joy of the season! Pleasant Green Mission Market Saturday, December 13 - Fellowship Hall 9:00 am Come early for best selection! Please sign up to bring your favorite homemade cookies or baked goods. We will have a wonderful variety of cookies, cakes, pies, breads, and candies as well as handcrafted items—jewelry, ornaments, knitting, Salvadoran items, stocking stuffers and other gifts. Bags, boxes & bows will be available. It is a fun time—so tell your friends! Come take care of your holiday baking needs! Chancel Choir Cantata 11:00 am ~ Sunday, December 21 Bethlehem’s Child By Victor C. Johnson & Lloyd Larson The Story of Christmas-God becoming human– is filled with the unlikeliest of elements divinely conceived in the heart of God. He chose an unlikely setting, an unlikely couple and an unlikely audience to broadcast the news of Christ’s birth. God chose a newborn Infant as the lead character in the life-changing story of redemption, love and grace: Jesus, the Holy Child of Bethlehem. ~ ~ No 8:30 am Service ~ ~ ~ Lessons and Carols A special Advent Worship Service Sunday, December 7 at 8:30 am Join us for refreshments in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30am. A Chrismon service will be included in the 11am service. Blood Drive December 7 9 am — 1 pm Sign up in the Narthex to give life! United Methodist Women’s Christmas Dinner December 8 — 6:30 p.m. ALL women of the church are invited! Please bring a dessert. Candle Burning for Missions Give a donation to burn a candle in memory or honor. Sign up on the UMW bulletin board by December 1. Children’s Christmas Play December 21 at 6 pm All Children—all ages are invited to participate in the Children’s Christmas Play. Sign up in the Narthex. Stay after the Christmas Play to drink hot chocolate and roast marshmallows around a bonfire! Christmas Eve Communion Candlelight Service - 5:30pm Please bring gifts of food for OCIM on the Sunday before Christmas, Christmas Eve, Sunday after Christmas and Epiphany Sunday. UMW Sunday ~ November 9 Features Speaker, Margaret A. Brunson As a leader, author, and speaker, Margaret uses her light to encourage and motivate people to find purpose, follow their dreams and reach their full potential in life. Family & Friends Celebrate Elaine Flannery’s 90th Birthday!! In her book, New Growth: How My Hair Saved My Life, she gives an honest account of how God used her natural hair journey to help her overcome low selfesteem, find her purpose and ultimately save her life. Margaret is a gifted motivational speaker and has shared her story of liberation at conferences, churches, communities and college campuses across the country. Margaret obtained a BA in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master of Public Administration from North Carolina Central University and Ph.D in Leadership Studies from North Carolina A&T State University. She is currently a senior health administrator for Duke University Health System and faculty at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Government. Support UMCOR’s Coffee & Chocolate Project UMW Auction ~ A Great Success ~ $5342 raised! Chocolate Bars - $2.50 Thank you for donating, creating works of art, bidding, bringing food, setting up, cleaning up, and any other tasks that needed to be done. Special thanks to Jim Crawford, our auctioneer, and to the Eleanor Walker Circle for heading up the planning and preparation. Camilla Davis is the owner of a beautiful Amish Quilt! Please Help Us Fill Shoeboxes for Impoverished Children! The Afterschool children are continuing the shoebox ministry of “Operation Christmas Child.” Please bring supplies for children ages 5-14 and drop them off in the narthex by Sunday, November 2. Cash donations of $7a box also needed A new shipment just arrived! Coffee - decaf & regular (ground & whole bean) Single Serve Cups—12 per Box $8 per bag/box Dark Chocolate with Almonds ~ Caramel Crunch ~ Coconut ~ Raspberries ~ Mint ~ Orange ~ Espresso Bean Dark Chocolate—65% and 80% Milk Chocolate with hazelnut ~ Caramel Crunch This fair trade economic model provides opportunities for churches to support a system that nurtures, rather than diminishes, God's vision of abundant life. UMCOR's partner is the employee owned fair trade organization called Equal Exchange. Please make checks to PGUMW. 2014-15 Human Relations Commission Poster Contest The Commission is hosting a Fair Housing Poster Contest. The contest theme is “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” You must create an original poster illustrating this theme. Judging categories: K-1, 2-3 & 4-5. All entries must be submitted to the church office by Sunday, Nov. 16. See the bulletin board for more information or contact Doris Brunson. MEALS ON WHEELS HOLIDAY BOXES OCIM NEEDS The OCIM pantry has been very busy, and even with generous donations, we are still having a difficult time keeping staple items on the shelves. *Canned Vegetables (green beans, corn, peas, mixed vegetables, carrots, tomatoes) *Canned/Cup Fruit (applesauce, peaches, pears, fruit cocktail, pineapple) *Jelly and Mayonnaise *Cereal (hot or cold) *Canned Meat/Stew *Macaroni and Cheese *Pasta Sauce *Saltine Crackers *Mashed Potato Flakes *Rice *School Snacks (box juice, snack crackers, Cereal bars, granola bars) *Personal Care Items (toothpaste, tooth brushes, powder laundry detergent/pint freezer bags, bar soap, shampoo, razors/shave cream) Meals On Wheels, an OCIM ministry, provides a nutritious meal to homebound individuals Monday through Friday of each week. However, during the holidays OCIM is closed. To assist recipients, a box of food items which they can easily prepare is delivered. Since many are elderly and may not have family members, this holiday delivery also brings a little bit of cheer into their homes during this time of celebration. Oranges (70) Raisin packs (70) 4 pack pudding (70) 6 pack juice (70) 4 pack fruit (70) Bread (35 loaves) Vienna Sausages (70) Peanut Butter (35) Apples (70) 6 pack applesauce (70) Small can beef stew (70) Tuna (70 cans) Chunky soup (70) Cereal (35 boxes) Saltine crackers (35 boxes) Jelly (35) Tissues (35 boxes) Lotion (35) To donate any of these items, please call the Meals On Wheels office. 732-6194, extension 14 Donations are due by December 15. Orange Congregations in Mission Challenge The Formalwear Outlet in Hillsborough, has so graciously challenged OCIM again this year to raise $20,000 by December 31, 2014. Formalwear Outlet has already donated $10,000 and will donate another $10,000 if OCIM can raise $20,000. Please give! Annual Fruitcake Pilgrimage to Bear Creek From the Scotts’ garage in Bear Creek, Southern Supreme has grown to an internationally known mail-order gourmet food company. Please join us on Thursday, November 6! We leave on the bus at 8:30 am and stop for lunch on the way back! Sign up in the Narthex. Alamance Children's Theatre presents "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" at the Paramount Theater in Burlington. It tells the story of the Herdmans - the worst kids –they lie, steal, smoke cigars, swear, and hit little kids. They've never heard the Christmas story before, so no one is happy when they wind up in the annual Christmas Pageant. Will this year's pageant be a disaster, or will it be the best one ever? "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" is directed by Wayne Leonard. Tickets are $8.00 for adults, $7.00 for students and seniors. Performances are December 4, 5, and 6 at 7:00 pm and December 6 and 7 at 2:00 pm. The Mebane Community Choir will perform the Christmas portions of Handel’s Messiah on Sunday, December 7 at 3 p.m. The choir is a non-denominational, interfaith chorus open to all singers. No fees or auditions are required; scores and robes are provided; new voices in all sections are always welcome. Rehearsals are Sunday afternoons in November with a final rehearsal Saturday morning before the concert. See Terri Leonard for more information. Local Craft Shows Sat., Nov. 1, 11 - 3 ~ Craft & Vendor Sale Immanuel Baptist Church ~ Hillandale Rd “Not So Small Mall” Sat., Nov 15, 10 - 2 Mangum Elementary—Bahama Sat., Nov. 22, 9 - 3 ~ Holiday Craft Show Central Orange Senior Center ~ Hillsborough When Methodists are united, the possibilities of supporting missionaries, projects and communities in need are endless. This year, you are invited to once again extend the spirit of giving thanks into the Advent season by participating in UMC #GivingTuesday, December 2. Every gift made online through The Advance this year on December 2 will be matched up to $1 million.* Pleasant Green United Methodist Church Non-Profit Org. US POSTAGE PAID Durham, NC 27705 Permit No. 5 3005 Pleasant Green Road Durham, NC 27705 (919) 383-5764 Website: Address Service Requested Rev. Dr. Jesse Brunson (919) 383-2339 Church E-mail: Please recycle this newsletter. The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide is provided free of charge to the Pleasant Green Church family by the United Methodist Women. You may pick up a copy in the Narthex. Mark Your Calendar November 23 - Charge Conference 4 - 6 pm at Orange UMC Eno Fire Department BBQ Dinner ~ Saturday, November 8th BBQ plates available for eat-in or take-out 11:00 am until... Moravian Love Feast on Epiphany Sunday January 4, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Join us in our 1o4 year old sanctuary for this traditional Moravian Candlelight Service with coffee and sweet bread, featuring special music. Breakfast for Veterans The Orange County Department on Aging invites veterans to a breakfast hosted to show appreciation for veterans’ contribution and service. Tuesday, November 11, from 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Central Orange Senior Center in Hillsborough To reserve seating, call 919-245-2015 by Tuesday, November 4. Blood Drive December 7 9 am — 1 pm Sign up in the Narthex or on line to give life! Thanksgiving Covered-Dish Dinner Pleasant Green Community Center Wednesday, November 26 at 6:30 pm Everyone is invited to join in the fun, food and fellowship!
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