Detailed Programme Anthro

Version 1.6. Public Event. HE
KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory in collaboration with Teater Reflex:
Detailed Programme
Rupturing the Anthro-Obscene!
The Political Promises of Planetary and Uneven Urban Ecologies
17-19 September, 2015 :: Teater Reflex in Kärrtorp :: Kärrtorpsplan 14, T-bana Kärrtorp, Stockholm
This meeting is about democratic practices and political movements in
the age of urbanisation and ecological crises. What are the political
promises that we can and must articulate to again build societies on
the notion of equality? What new socio-ecological organisational
forms exist that can challenge current status quo? What new terrains
of the political is being invented and connected—from climate
change, food security and ‘de-growth’ movements, to struggles of non-authorised immigrants, anti-austerity
and insurgent citizenship—and that re-thinks equality and freedom in socio-ecological terms?
During Thursday and Friday our invited guests will respond to this task and present their draft chapters.
These will be discussed in an open seminar style where the audience can intervene and engage. Interwoven
with this, we will also make use of the theatre as a space with experiences and practices of how to intervene
and explore topics from new angels. In total we will have 13 talks divided in 7 sessions. Each speaker will
have 30 minutes and each session will be followed by roughly 20 minutes of open discussion. There will be
one evening session on Thursday. On Friday afternoon a longer open discussion will be held to conclude this
part of the event. Saturday has a separate programme and will be held mostly in Swedish. It will include
panels organised by cultural workers, activist organizations and panels with event speakers. The focus will be
to explore democratic practices and the meaning of political movements today. NB: Minor changes could
THURSDAY 17 September
Welcome/Välkommen! Kent Ekberg, director of Teater Reflex.
09:30-10:50 Henrik Ernstson and Erik Swyngedouw will foreground the framing and the task of
the ‘Anthro-Obscene’ event. They will also present their own paper contributions to the discussions.
1) The Anthro-Obscene: Interrupting AntropoScenic Urbanization —— by Erik Swyngedouw and
Henrik Ernstson
2) “Hic Rhodus, Hic Salta!”: Off-staging Violence and the Politics of the Anthropo(bs)cene —— by
Andrés Henao Castro and Henrik Ernstson
Marco Armiero and Malini Ranganathan
3) Of Ghosts, Waste, and the Anthopocene —— by Marco Armiero
4) The Performativity of Urban Anti-corruption Politics —— by Malini Ranganathan
There will be soup and sandwich sold in the theatre. There are other simpler restaurants and a supermarket
close by.
Map and more informaiton at:
Contact: Kajsa Nordin (+46-70-4610940, or Henrik Ernstson (+46-70-0448204,
Version 1.6. Public Event. HE
Jason Moore and Richard Walker
5) Capital in Nature: The Unending Vortex of Exploitation —— by Richard Walker and Jason Moore
6) Theory and Global Ecological Politics —— by Richard Walker
Nik Heynen and Garth Myers
7) Why Urban Political Ecology Needs an Abolitionist Ethos —— by Nik Heynen
8) Radical Incrementalism and Grassroots Politics in Africa-Centered Urban Political Ecology ——
by Garth Myers
19:00-c.21:00 Evening Public Debate (Adapted to a Wider Audience)
“Thinking With Greece and Africa: Articulating Political Possibilities from two So Called
Peripheral Locations” —— This evening will have two talk by Edgar Pieterse on African and Global
South urbanization and by Maria Kaika on experience from Greece. Henrik Ernstson will serve as moderator
and with time for discussions. See longer description further below.
FRIDAY 18 September
Jodi Dean and Andy Merrifield
9) Exhibiting Division, Seizing the State: ‘The Natural History Museum’ —— by Jodi Dean
10) (title to be announced) —— by Andy Merrifield
Maria Kaika, Edgar Pieterse and Roger Keil
11) (title to be announced) —— by Maria Kaika
12) (title to be announced) —— by Edgar Pieterse (to be moved to first day)
13) Paved Paradise: The Suburb as the Chief Artifact of the Anthropocene and Terrain of New
Political Performativities —— by Roger Keil
There will be soup and sandwich sold in the theatre. There are other simpler restaurants and a supermarket
close by.
Concluding Discussion
Moderated by Henrik Ernstson and Erik Swyngedouw. Given the task that all speakers had of foregrounding
the political possibilities of uneven and planetary urbanization in the age of deep socioecological change,
what have we received from the spekaers? With the help of the audience, this concluding discussion will sum
up points that have been made, bring out tensions and assess how far we have come in the taks of thinking
beyond gloom and doom. As we write in our position paper, this meeting is about democratic practices and
political movements in the age of urbanisation and ecological crises. What are the political promises that we
can and must articulate to again build societies on the notion of equality? What new socio-ecological
organisational forms exist that can challenge current status quo? What new terrains of the political is being
invented and connected - from climate change, food security and ‘de-growth’ movements, to struggles of
non-authorised immigrants, anti-austerity and insurgent citizenship - and that re-thinks equality and freedom
in socio-ecological terms? These thinkers have grounded their discussions in the varied experiences of
urbanisation and struggle from the Global South to the Global North, from Athens, London and Stockholm,
to Lagos and Cape Town. Here we take stock of what we have heard and assess this together with the
audience. Where have we arrived?
Map and more informaiton at:
Contact: Kajsa Nordin (+46-70-4610940, or Henrik Ernstson (+46-70-0448204,
Version 1.6. Public Event. HE
THURSDAY 17 September (Evening)
Evening Public Debate
Thinking With Greece and Africa:
Articulating Political Possibilities from two So Called Peripheral Locations
Edgar Pieterse and Maria Kaika
Henrik Ernstson (moderator)
European and Swedish public debate has been filled with articles around the ‘greek crisis’, now surpassed by
the ‘refugee crisis’, many of which are coming from the Middle East and Africa. We know less about African
urbanization, and few might know that it is the fastest urbainzation the world as witnessed, ever. In about 30
years, Africa’s urban population will go from 294 to 742 million, roughly the number of people living in the
EU today. This poses enormous challenges, not only in terms of technology, but in how to think about these
cities, challenging urban and social theory—and political theory. On this evening Henrik Ernstson has
invited Edgar Pieterse and Maria Kaika to speak from their particular experiences from Greece and Africa,
and help us foreground how lessons from these locations can bring us wider understanding on how to think
politically in an age of uneven and planetary urbanization, rampant capitalism and ecological change. Each
speaker will have 30 minutes followed by a longer moderated discussion.
Edgar Pieterse, urbanist from South Africa and the director of the African Centre for Cities at University
of Cape Town will give a talk on Politcial Prospects and Urbanization in the Global South. The talk
will explore the significance of increasing global awareness about the centrality of urbanisation to more
inclusive and sustainable forms of city-making in the wake of the Sustainable Development Goals. In
particular, the talk will explore the possible claims and coalitions that will have to be invoked and activated
to give a transformative edge to some modest discursive gains. This includes re-thinking how we think about
cities, which in turn means a challenge to current social and radical theory.
Maria Kaika, urban political ecologist from Greece and Professor at University of Manchester, will reflect
on her experience of the ‘anti-austerity’ struggles and the so called ‘greek crisis’ to help us think through
their political possibilities. This is an urgent task since what was proclaimed a ‘greek’ crises is of course
tightly bound up with European and global futures. With her historical and political ecological research on
Athens and later London, and with her close contact with the greek anti-austerity struggle, she is a unique
position to help us see beyond the headlines and to think with political possibilities in a time of deep
neoliberalism and anti-democratic behaviours from large institutions.
Map and more informaiton at:
Contact: Kajsa Nordin (+46-70-4610940, or Henrik Ernstson (+46-70-0448204,
Version 1.6. Public Event. HE
Under lördagen skiftar vi språk till svenska. En av programpunkterna kommer dock vara på engelska.
During Saturday most discussions will be in Swedish.
In Swedish/På svenska
Öppet forum för akvister, artister och alla andra
Open Forum for Activists, Artists and Everybody Else
Musik och teaterbar från 18:30
Teater Reflex, Kärrtorp
Demokratisk praktik:
Utmaningar och lärdomar kring stadsdemokratiska
och politiska rörelser i vår tid
Vi bjuder in kulturarbetare och aktivister i Stockholm för att lära av och arbeta med de erfarenheter av
mobilisering som vi bär på. Hur byggs sociala och politiska rörelser idag? Även studenter, forskare och alla
andra är välkomna. Under dagen kommer Kent Ekberg och Henrik Ernstson att arbeta med frågor kring
sociala rörelser och politisk mobilisering. Med utgångspunkt från den folkliga teaterns erfarenhet om att
bygga kontinuerlig verksamhet på människors individuella och kollektiva erfarenheter, så tar vi inspiration
och lärdom från Linje 17 och andra nya social rörelser som kommer till teatern för att berätta om deras
arbete och erfarenhet. Detta kommer också varvas med teoretiska perspektiv och internationella
erfarenheter av stadspolitiska rörelser från Grekland och Sydafrika. Vi har tre programpunkter som kommer
varvas om vartannat. Vi kommer inte bara lyssna och prata—utan också agera. Dagen avslutas med
reflektion kring utmaningar som rörelser i Stockholm och Sverige står inför. På kvällen är det musik och
Linje 17 och Kent Ekberg delar med sig av sina erfarenheter av mobilisering.
Linje 17 och vänner kommer bidra med sin berättelse om hur de vuxit fram och organiserat sig. Med
avstamp i dessa nya rörelser, kommer Kent Ekberg öppna för tanke och handling baserat på sin långa
erfarenhet om att använda den folkliga teatern som form för kunskapande, mobilisering och bygga jämlika
relationer och verksamheter, från kuskande ‘barfotaforskning’ till Asylteatern, Sydafrika, och förortsteater i
Skarpnäck och Kärrtorp. Gammalt och nytt om du så vill, kommer mötas.
Enklare restauranger och mataffär finns i närheten.
Every Revolution Needs A Square (In English)
To contribute to the discussion, and departing from Erik Swyngedouw’s question of what does the poltical
mean, Henrik Ernstson will stage a dialouge with Erik Swyngedouw and Maria Kaika around how to
understand the political in our time of neoliberalism and deep social and environmental change. Based on
their research in Greece, Europe and South Africa, they will provide examples of movements and
mobilizations to contribute to discussions in Stockholm and Sweden.
Map and more informaiton at:
Contact: Kajsa Nordin (+46-70-4610940, or Henrik Ernstson (+46-70-0448204,
Version 1.6. Public Event. HE
Kulturtidskriften Paletten släpper sitt senaste nummer. Och reflekterar.
Kulturtidskriften Paletten med sin chefredaktör Fredrik Svensk och skribenter reflekterar över hur man kan
länka samman kritisk debatt, konst och politisk tänkande och organisering. Palettens nya nummer finns att
köpa efter dagen. Fredrik Svensk är lektor på Akademin Valands, Göteborgs universitet. Paletten fokuserar
på samtida konst, dess politiska villkort och funktioner och grundades i Göteborg 1940.
Kulturarbete och demokratisk praktik—hur går vi vidare?
Från Occupy, Los Indignados, klimat, stadsmiljörörelser, immigration, djurrätt, feminism och anti-rasism,
så går en tråd om att vi vill ha en annan värld baserat på jämlikhet, frihet och hållbarbet. Dessa former av
politisk organisering tar olika former. Baserat på det arbete vi gjort tillsammans under dagen vilka lärdomar
tar vi med oss hem. Hur går vi vidare? Hur lär man sig mellan personer och organisationer och rörelser? Vad
gör man mellan demonstrationerna? Hur bygger man verksamhet och kontinuerlig aktivitet? Vilken roll kan
kulturen och kulturarbetaren och förortens teater spela?
18:30- Party!
Artister och teaterbaren kommer vara öppen. Music performance and the bar will be open. Ellen Pontara
och Eric Steen bjuder på flamenco och bandet Hustle med Josette Bushell-Mingo spelar.
Map and more informaiton at:
Contact: Kajsa Nordin (+46-70-4610940, or Henrik Ernstson (+46-70-0448204,