From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 1995 85: 981-988 Genomic structure, chromosomal localization, and conserved alternative splice forms of thrombopoietin AL Gurney, WJ Kuang, MH Xie, BE Malloy, DL Eaton and FJ de Sauvage Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. Genomic Structure, Chromosomal Localization, and Conserved Alternative Splice Forms of Thrombopoietin By Austin L. Gurney, Wun-Jing Kuang, Ming-Hong Xie, Beth E. Malloy, Dan L. Eaton, and Frederic J. de Sauvage Thrombopoietin (TPO), the ligand for c-mpl, is a novel cytokine comprising an amino terminal domain with homology to erythropoietin and a glycosylated carboxyl terminal domain that does not bear overall homology to other known proteins. We report the cloning of cDNAs encoding the porcine and murine TPO and the characterization of the human TPO gene. The cDNA for an additional splice form (TPO-2) with a four-amino-acid deletion within the erythropoietinlike domain has been isolated and is conserved between humans, pigs, and mice. Species comparison of TPO shows that the amino terminal erythropoietin-like domain is highly conserved. while the carboxyl terminal domain is less conserved. Recombinant murineTPO and human TPO are each able to activate both the murine andhuman c-mplrecepton, indicating an absenceof strict speciesspecificity.Human TPO is encodedby a single gene consisting six of exons and located on chromosome 3q27-28. 0 1995 by The American Societyof Hematology. T MATERIALSANDMETHODS HE ONCOGENE c-mpl is a member of the hematopoietic receptor family. It was identified as the cellular Isolation of the porcine TPO gene and cDNA. Genomic clones homolog of the viral oncogene v-mpl present in the rnyeloof the porcine TPO gene were isolated by screening a pig genomic proliferative leukemia virus (MPLV).’ The receptor bears library (EMBL3; Clontech Inc, Palo Alto, CA) with pR45, a previously described oligonucleotide probe? This probe was derived homology to other members of the hematopoietin receptor from a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product obtained using superfamily, including the erythropoietin (epo) and interleuamino acid sequence information from purified porcine “PO. Clones kin-3 (IL-3) receptors.* Expression of c-mpl mRNA in mice (2 X lo6) were lifted on nitrocellulose filters and hybridized overis restricted to fetal liver, spleen, and bone marrow, sugnight to pR45 in 35% formamide, 5X SSC, 50 mmol/L Na PO, pH gesting a role in hematopoie~is.~ Further analysis of human 6.5, 0.1% sodium pyrophosphate, lox Denhardt’s solution, 0.1% adult tissues has shown that c-mpl mRNA is present in hemasodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 0.1 mg/mL salmon sperm DNA and topoietic progenitors, megakaryocytes, and platelets, but not washed for 45 minutes in 0.3X SSC, 0.1% SDS at 42°C. Several other hematopoietic cell lineage^.^ Antisense oligodeoxyclones were isolated, and the exon corresponding to the amino acid nucleotides of c-mpl selectively inhibited in vitro rnegakarysequence obtained from the purified porcine TPO was sequenced. ocytic colony formation without affecting the growth of eryThe porcine TPO cDNA was obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) PCR with the following modifications. Polyadethroid or granulomacrophage colonies! Collectively, these nylated mRNA was isolated from the kidney of an aplastic pig, as observations suggest that c-mpl and its putative ligand might previously de~cribed.’~ Single-strand cDNA wasfirst prepared by function in regulating megakaryocytopoiesis. reverse transcription using BamdT: 5’GACTCGAGGATCCATCRecently, the c-mpl ligand thrombopoietin (TPO) was pu3‘. An initial round of PCR amplificarified and cloned from several specie^.^" The human TPO tion (28 cycles of 60 seconds at 95”C, 60 seconds at 58°C. and 90 cDNA sequence predicts a mature protein of 332 amino acids seconds at 72°C) was conducted using the TPO-specific primer F-l that can be divided into two domains: an amino terminal half (5’GCTAGCTCTAGAAATTGCTCCTCGTGGTCATGCTI’CT 3’) of 153 amino acids with homology to erythropoietin and a and the shortened antisense primer BAMAD (5’ GACTCGAGGATunique C-terminal domain of 179 amino acids containing CCATCG 3’) in a 100-pL reaction (50 mmoVLKCI, 1.5 mmoVL multiple potential N-linked glycosylation sites. Both recomMgCI, 10 mmol/L Tris pH 8.0, 0.2 mmoVL dNTPs, with 0.05 U/ binant full-length human TPO and a truncated form conpL Amplitaq polymerase, Perkin Elmer Inc, Nonvalk, CT). The PCR product was digested with Cia I and ligated to 0.1 pg of sisting of the epo-like domain (TPOIs3)stimulated [3H]-thyBluescript SK- vector (Stratagene Inc, La Jolla, CA), previously midine incorporation in murine Ba/F3 cells transfected with digested with Cia I and Kpn I. After incubation for 2 hours at room human c-mpl, demonstrating that the epo-like domain alone temperature, one fourth of the ligation mixture was subjected to a is sufficient for activation of c-mpl.’ Recombinant human second round of PCR (22 cycles as described above) using the TPO stimulated human megakaryocytopoiesis in vitro alone internal TPO-specific primer F-2 (5’ GCTAGCTCTAGAAGCor in the presence of other exogenously added early-acting CCGGCTCCTCCTGCCTG 3’) andthe T3 primer (5’ CGAAAhematopoietic growth factor^.^,^.^ Also, TPO stimulated ’ITAACCCTCACTAAAG 3’). The resulting PCR product was diplatelet production in mice and dramatically increased the gested with Xba I and Cia I and subcloned into Bluescript SK-. number of megakaryocytes in the spleen and bone marrow, Several clones from independent PCRs were sequenced. The DNA indicating that TPO regulates thrombopoiesis in v ~ v o . ~ , ~ , ’ , ~ In this report, we compare TPO from three species: pig, mouse, and human. A variant form of TPO (TPO-2) is identiFrom the Departments of Molecular Biology and Cardiovascular fied in each species. TPO-2 has a four-amino-acid deletion Research, Genentech, Inc, San Francisco, CA. Submitted September 13, 1994; accepted October 17, 1994. within the epo homology domain and was unable to stimulate Address reprint requests to Frederic J. de Sauvage, PhD, DepartBaJF3-mpl proliferation. Characterization of the human gene ment of Molecular Biology, Genentech, Inc, 460 Pt. San Bruno Blvd, indicates that the two splice forms of TPO arise from the San Francisco, CA 94080. use of alternative splice acceptor sites within exon 6. The The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page human gene is localized to chromosome 3q27-28, a region charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked of the long arm of chromosome 3, previously associated “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to with elevated platelet counts and increased bone marrow indicate this fact. megakaryocytes in patients with acute nonlymphocytic leu0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. kemia.””’ oo06-4971/95/85~-0018$3.00/0 Blood, Vol 85, No 4 (February 15), 1995: pp 981-988 981 From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. GURNEY ET AL 982 sequence of the first seven deduced amino acids of the mature TPO were derived from sequence contained within the PCR primers. lsolnrion ofmwine TPO (.DNA. A XgtlO cDNA library prepared from murine liver mRNA (Clontech. Inc) was screened with a prohe encompassing the entire coding region of the human TPO cDNA. Clones ( 2 X 10") were screened essentially as described above with a probe labeled by the random oligonucleotide method using ["PIlabeled d-adenosine triphosphate (dATP) and ("PI-labeled d-cytidinetriphosphate(dCTP).cDNAfrom purified phageweresuhclonedintotheEcoRIsiteofRluescriptSK-(Stratagene).and the DNA sequence of both strands was determined on an AB1373 automated sequencer. fsolrrrion ofthe l w t w n TPO g e n ~ . Human genomic DNA clones of the TPO gene were isolated from a human genomic library in XGem12. as previously described.' Norfhern blot ctncrlwis. A northern blot of poly (A)' RNA from perlane)waspurchasedfromClontech variousmousetissues (2 andhybridizedovernightwitharandomoligonucleotide-labeled probe containing the entire murine TPO coding region. The blot was washed at 42°C in 0.2X SSC/O.I% SDS and exposed ovcrnight to X-omat film (Kodak. Rochester. NY). Expression qf recomhincrttr TP0. Expression vectors for murine andhuman TPO wereprepared as previouslydescribed.'Clones encoding TPO and TPO-2 were subcloned into pRKStkneo. a mam- malianexprcssionvectorcontainingthecytomegalovirus(CMV) promoter and thc SV40 polyadenylation signal. The resulting expressionvectors(PRKtkneo-mTPO.PRKtkneo-mTPO-2.PRKtkneohTPO. and PRKtkneo-hTPO-2) were transiently transfected into 293 cells (a human embryonic kidney cell line) using the calcium phosphate method. After transient transfection. medium was conditioned for 3 days. Cells were maintained in high glucose Dulhecco's modified Eagle'smedium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). Prol;ferdorl msny.s. Stable cell lines expressing human or mupreviously.' rine c-mpl in RalF3 cells were prepared as described R d F 3 cellsweremaintained in RPM1 1 6 4 0 mediasupplemented with 1 0 % FCS and 5% conditioned media from WEHI-3R cells as a source of [L-3. For proliferation assays. cells were cultured in the absence of IL-3 for I h hours in RPMI. 10% FCS. Cells were washed twice with PBS and plated in 96-well plates at 25.000 cells per well of conditioned medium from in the presence of various dilutions 293 cells transiently transfected with expressionvectorsencoding human or murine TPO. Each concentration was tested in duplicate. After 22 hours at 37°C. I pCi of ['HI-thymidine was added per well, and incubation was continued for an additional 6 hours. Incorporation of['HI-thymidinewasmeasuredwitha Top CountCounter (Packard Instruments). ff,f,nrtnoprec.ipif[rfio~~ qf TPO. Expressionvectorsencodinghu- m-TPO 0 0 m-TPO 0 0 - Fig 1. Comparison of the predicted mature TPO from mouse, pig, and human. The predicted amino acid sequenceof murine, porcine, and for optimal alignment human TPO (m-TPO, p-TPO, and h-TPO, respectively) are aligned. Identical amino acids are boxed, and gaps introduced are indicated by dashes. Potential N-linked glycosylation sites are indicated by the shaded boxes. The conserved cysteine residues indicated are by dots. The conserved dibasic amino acid motif that presents a potential protease cleavage point is underlined. The four-amino-acid deletion found to occur in each species (TPO-2) is outlined by a box. From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. TPO AND SPLICE FORMS amino-acid deletion corresponding to amino acid residues 112 to 115, was also identified. Murine TPO cDNAs were isolated from a mouse liver cDNA library using probes derived from the human TPO cDNA.5 The longest murine TPO cDNA clone contained an open reading frame of 1,068 bp flanked by 137 bases of 5' and 244 basesof3'untranslated sequence followed by a poly(A) tail. The presumedinitiationcodonatnucleotide position 138 to 140 lies within a sequence context favorable for eukaryotic translationinitiation." The openreading frame encodes a predicted protein of 356 amino acids. The amino terminus is highly hydrophobic and likely to function as a secretory signal, which is presumably cleaved between amino acids 21 and 22 to generate a mature protein of 335 9.5 7.5 4.4 983 a 2.4 1.35 S Q) L Fig 2. Northern blot analysis ofmurine TPO expression in selected tissues. Northern blot analysis of poly (AI' mRNA (2 p g per lane1 isolated from the indicated tissues was hybridized overnight t o a probe containing sequence from the entire murine TPO cDNA. The position of molecular weight markers is indicated. man TPO, TPO-2, or the control plasmid pRK were transiently transfected into 293 cells by the calcium phosphate method. After 12 hours,the medium was replaced with serum-free DMEM containing 0.05 mCi/mL [3sS]-methionine and cysteine. Medium was conditioned for 4 hours. TPO was immunoprecipitated withrabbit polyclonal antisera raised against human TPO, and subjected to SDSPAGE under reducing conditions. Chromosomal localization. Mapping of a TPO cDNAprobe (1.8 kb) was performed by fluorescence in situ hybridi~ation'~ to normal human lymphocyte chromosomes counterstained with propidium iodide and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI). Biotinylated probes were detected with avidin fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). Images of metaphasepreparations were capturedbya thermoelectrically cooled charged coupled camera (Photometrics, Tucson, AZ). Separate images of DAPI banded chromosome^'^ and the hybridization signals obtained using the TPO probe were acquiredand merged using image analysis software. RESULTS Porcine TPO cDNA was isolated by PCR using an oligonucleotide dT primer and two specific primers based on the genomic sequence of the exon of the TPO gene encoding the N-terminal amino acid sequence obtained from purified mature TPO.' The cDNA was synthesized from various tissues of aplastic pigs and amplified using a modified RACEPCR technique. A product of 1,342 bp was obtained from kidneymRNAand subcloned. Several clones weresequenced and found to encode the complete mature pig TPO. The cDNA encodes a 332-amino-acid mature protein (Fig 1). TPO-2, a second form, encoding a protein with a four- p. - 0 o L L n I l- l- W " 200 - 97 68 - 29 - A? 1 J 18Fig 3. Determinationof relative expression levelsof TPO and TPO2. The relative abundance of TPO and TPO-2 in themedium of transiently transfected 293 cells was determined immunoprecipitation by of TPO with anti-TPO antisera from ['SSl-labeled conditioned medium. The 293cells weretransiently transfected with expression vectors for human TPO or TPO-2 or a control pRK5 vector. Immunoprecipitated proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE on a4% to 12%gel and visualizedby autoradiography. Lane 1 lprebleedl shows acontrol immunoprecipitation with preimmune seraof conditioned media containing human TPO. The mobility of molecular weight standards is indicated. From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. GURNEY ET AL 984 20000 h E 0 h B mTPO mTPO-2 hTPO 0 pRK 0 B mTPO hTPO-2 hTPO D pRK o v C . P c 10000 0 e 8 70000 IB 50000 1 40000 30000 4 20000 j I \ \ \ a l 10000 Fig 4. Effect of recombinant TPO on BalF3-mpl cell proliferation. (A) The ability of conditioned medium from 293 cells transiently transfected with expression vectorsfor murine TPO or TPO-2, human TPO, or control vector pRK to induce proliferation in Ba/F3 cells expressing murine c-mpl was measured by extent of incorporation of ['HI-thymidine into DNA. The average of duplicate determinations is shown. The experiment was repeated several times with similar results. (B) The ability of conditioned medium from 293 cells transiently transfected with expression vectors for human TPO or TPO2, murine TPO, or control vector pRK to induce proliferation in Ba/ F3 cells expressing human c-mpl was measured as in panel A. amino acids (Fig 1). Several clones (four of eight) had a deletion of 12 bp corresponding to amino acid residues I I2 to 115 and are, therefore, analogous to the porcine TPO-2 described above. We also identified several human TPO-2 cDNA clones with a 12-bp deletion atthe same position. Northern blot analysis of mRNA from various mouse tissues A exon 1 indicates the presence of a single 1.8-kb transcript in liver and kidney (Fig 2). This result is consistent with the expression pattern observed for human TPO. Expression was found to be higher in the liver than in the kidney. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequences of the mature TPO from human, mouse, and pig (Fig 1 ) showed a 72% sequence identity betweenmouse and human, 68% identity between mouse and pig, and 73% identity between human and pig. The homology is substantially greater in the amino terminal half of TPO (epo homologous domain). This domain is 8 1 % to 85% identical between any two species, whereas the carboxyl half is only 57% to 67% identical. A conserved dibasic amino acid motif that could represent a protease cleavage site is present at the carboxyl end of the epo homology domain (positions 153 and 154) in all three species. A second dibasic site presentatposition 245 and 246 in the human sequence is not conserved in the murine and porcine sequences. The three TPO sequences contain four conserved cysteines located within the amino terminal half of the protein. There are seven potential N-linked glycosylation sites within murine TPO andsixwithin porcine TPO. Four glycosylation sites are conserved among murine, porcine, and human TPO. All the potential N-linked glycosylation sites are located in the C-terminal half of theprotein. To determine whether the two splice forms of TPO are expressed, cells transfected with expression vectors encoding human TPO or TPO-2 wereincubated in the presence of [3sS]-labeledmethionine and cysteine. and conditioned medium was immunoprecipitated with a polyclonal antibody directed against human TPO. A strong, broad band of 68 to 85 kD was detected in medium from cells transfected with pRKtkneo-hTPO, whereas only a weak but detectable band from cells transfected with was observed in medium pRKtkneo-hTPO-2 (Fig 3). Quantitation of relative expression by phosphoimager analysis indicated a 500-fold greater expression of TPO thanTPO-2. To determine if the two splice forms of TPO encode functional c-mpl ligands, expression vectors containing the entire coding sequence of murine and human TPO and TPO-2 were transfected into 293 cells, and conditioned medium from transfected cells was assayed for ability to stimulate proliferation of BaE3 cells stably transfected with either murine or human c-mpl. Conditioned medium from cells transfected with murine or human TPO cDNA stimulated ['HI-thymidine incorporation in BaE3 cells expressing either receptor (Fig 4) butnotin parental B e 3 cells (data not shown), indicating that the cloned mu- exon 5 exon 2 exon 3 exon 4 exon 6 -3' 5" I I ATG STOP 1 kb Fig. 5A From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. TPO GENE AND SPLICE FORMS 985 43 leuHillS0rAr LBU 2401 ~~-tg(Mctcccaacattatcccctttatccgcgtaact~taagacacc=~tactcccawaag~cacc~t=actt~ctcta 2501 actCCttgaCCCMtgaCtattCttcccatattgtccccacctactgatcacactctctgacMgaattattcttcacaatacaprccgcatttaaaa9c 2601 tctcgtctag~atagtactcatg~wactagcctgcttatta~ctaccataqctctctctatttcagctcccttctccccccaccaatctttttcaa 27;! ~&~$sPp~~~~~l <Exon4> O a lu g a a a g c 2801 c a t c c c t a a c c t t g g c t t c c c t ~ a g t c c t g t c t t c a g t t t c c c a ~ t q ~ t t c c c a t g g a t t C t c c a ~ c n t t c t t g a g ~ t t t t M M ~ t ~ t ~ c a c c t t c a Rg 5. Sequence of the human TPO gene. (A) A schematic of human TPO gene is shown. Exons are boxed. The hatched box indicates 5' and 3' untransiated sequence as identified in human TPO cDNA. The dark shaded boxes indicate the secretion signal. Thelight shadedboxes indicate sequence encoding the qm-like domain, and the white box indicates sequence encoding the carboxyl domain. The four amino acids involved in the alternative splice variants of TPO are located at the 5' junction of exon 6 and are indicated by a black box. The ATG initiation codon and the stop codon are indicated. (B) The sequence of the TPO gene is shown in the 5' to 3' orientation. Exon coding sequence is denoted in upper case letters, and intron sequence is denoted in lower case letters. GTlAG splice donor and acceptor sites are indicated in bold characters. The ded u d amino acid sequence of TPO is shown above the DNA s e quence. The putative signal peptide is underlined.Cysteineresiduesare indicated by dots.The sequence involved in the alternative splice variants of TPO is double-undarllned. A single base dfferenca, indicated by vertical arrowheed, between the gene sequence and the reported cDNA sequence is due to a polymorphism and doea not alter the amino acid sequence. The ATG translation start and the in-frame stop codon areboxed.The polyadenylation site is noted. 2901 gCttggccacCECtaaCCCaatcta~attC.CCt.tgatgatagc~gt~atangatgatwct~gc~~tccaatatgtgaatagatttgMgctgaac 3001 accatgaaaagCtggagagaaatc~tcatggccatprctttgacctatt~ttcagtCttcttMattg~atgaagMqcMga~catatgtcat 3101 c c a c s g a t g a c a c ~ a a g c t ~ ~ ~ g t a c c a c t a a a ~ t a ~ ~ ~ ~ a a g a c t g a a t c a a 9 ~ t t c M ~ t c a c t g a a a g a c t a q g t c a ~ ~ a a c a a ~ 9 a a a c a a c 3201 agagatataaacttctacatgtgg~~~ctca~cctgtaatcccagcacttt~a9gccgaggcnggcagatcacctga9~9cawa9ttt9ag 3301 agcagcCCtwCCaacatg~a~accccgtctctact~~g~atacaaaattagcc9~c~t9gtagtgcatgcctgtaatccca9ct~~twaawCtg 3401 ..gcaggagaatcccttg~a==caggaggtmaggttgt~~gagctgagatcatgcc~atgcactccagcctgwtgaca~g~gc~aa~~ccgtctca 3501 a a a a g a a a a a s a a a t t c t a c a t g t g t a ~ ~ t t ~ ~ t g a g t a a a g t c c t a t t = = ~ g = t t t c ~ g g c c a c a a t g c c c t g = t t = = ~ t = ~ t t t a a ~ c t c t w c c c t 3601 ~ g C ~ C t t c C t a C g a a ~ ~ g g ~ t c t g a g a g a a t t ~ a ~ t t g ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ a ~ c t t a c c a t g t a ~ ~ ~ t t ~ ~ t g ~ a g c t g c t a t t c t t ~ ~ ~ g ~ t ~ g t 3701 g t t t g a t g t t t a g C . t C c c c a t t g t g g ~ ~ ~ t g c t = g t a c a g a ~ c t = t ~ t t = = g ~ g t g g a c t a c a c t t a ~ ~ t ~ t ~ ~ t m = = t g a a c ~ c c ~ a c a t c c c c c t 3801 ga.g.catatgct..ttt*tt~ag~ggaccat~tt~~~=t*~=~t~~ctagaaagcaqcagc=tgaacagaaagagactaga~gc~tgttttatggg 3901 caatagttt~~aaaactaa~~tctatcct~aagaaccctagcgtcccttctt~~ttca~actgagtcag~aaga~g~c~gttcctat~gtcccttc 4001 tagtcCtttcttttc~tCCtt~tgatcattatggtag~gt~t~~t~~~t~~atttagtttatttattatt~ttatttgaga~agtctcactctatccc 4101 CCaggctggagtgcagtggcatgatctc~~~t~a~tgcaacctcagcctcccwattcMgcgattctcctgcctcagtctcccaa~agct~attac 4201 aggtgcccaCCaccatgcccagct~tttttgtatttttggtagagat~gwtttcaccat9tt~ccaggctgatcttgaactcctgacctca~tgat 4301 ccacctgcctcagcctcccaaagt~tgggatt~~a~cgtgagccactgcacccagccttcattcagtttaaaaatcaaatgatcctaaggttttgc~g 4401 C a g ~ a a g a g t a ~ ~ t t t ~ C ~ g c ~ ~ t ~ a ~ ~ c a a g a ~ t a a a a g c t g t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ a g a t t t c n g c a a ~ t a a g a a a ~ a a ~ ~ g ~ t c t t c t c 4501 agtgt~~gaccamctggactagaw~cac~~gtttttgaagcagawctqatgaccagctgtcwg~gactgtgaaggaattcctgccctg~tgw 4601 accttggtCCtgtccagttctcagcctgtatg~ttcactctgct~ctactcctaa~Ctccccacccgcttttagtgtgccctttgawcagtqcgctt tExon5, 77 GluOluThrL SAlaGlUAS I l e L e e ~ e t A l a A l a A r1 GlnLeu 4701 ctctcttccatctctttctcm-m&m&m loocu;crc&LAAm 4901 *gtcaagggatctgtagaa.ctgttcttttctgactcagtcccactagaagacctgagggaaga~gw=tcttcca~agctcaagggcagaagagctg From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 986 GURNEY ET AL Fig 6. Chromosomal localization of human TPO gene. Human metaphase cells were hybridized to a biotinylated 1.8-kb cDNA probe for TPO gene and counterstainedwith propidium iodide and DAPI. Hybridizationwas detected with avidin-FITC. The signal on chromosome 3q2728 is indicated by an arrow. rineandhuman TPO cDNAs encode functional c-mplligands. However, comparison of the titration curves obtained in parallel experiments using conditioned medium containing human TPO versus murine TPO shows a degree of species specificity. Conditioned medium from cells transfected with expression vectors encoding either murine or human TPO-2 did not induce a proliferative response in BalF3-mpl cells. The ability to detect TPO activity at dilutions greater than the 500-fold difference in expression between TPO and TPO-2 suggests that the limited amount of TPO-2 that is expressed is not active. Analysis of both human and murine genomic DNA by Southern blot indicates that the gene for TPO is present in a single copy (data not shown). The human TPO gene was isolated in two overlapping lambda clones spanning 35 kb. Two overlapping fragments (BumH1 and EcoRI) containing the entire TPO gene were subcloned and sequenced. The structure of the human gene is composed of six exons within 7 kb of genomic DNA (Fig 5). The boundaries of all exon/ intron junctions are consistent with the consensus motif established for mammalian genes." Exon 1 and exon 2contain 5' untranslated sequence and the initial four amino acids of the signal peptide. The remainder of the secretory signal and the first 26 amino acids of the mature proteir. are encoded within exon 3. The entire carboxyl domain and 3' untranslated, as well as approximately 50 amino acids of the epo- like domain, are encoded within exon 6. The four amino acids involved in the deletion observed within TPO-2 are encoded at the 5' end of exon 6. The chromosomal location of the human W O gene was determine by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The full-length human TPO cDNA was biotinylated and hybridized to the metaphase spreads of a normal individual. The 1.8-kb cDNA gave a clear FISH signal that mapped to 3q2728 (Fig 6). The regional assignment was determined by the analysis of 20-well spread metaphases. Adetectable hybridization signal at 3q27-28 was noted in 45 of 100 chromatid targets. DISCUSSION The cDNA of porcine TPO and murine TPO encode putative mature proteinsof 332 amino acids and335 amino acids, with molecular weights of 35.1kD and 37.8 kD, respectively. TPO contains two distinct domains roughly corresponding to the amino- and carboxyl-terminal halves of the protein. The amino-terminal 153 amino acids of TPO bear homology to epo (23% identity,50% similarity, including conservative substitutions with humanTPO)? Three of the four cysteines present within epo, including the two found to be essential for epo activity," are conserved in TPO, suggesting that this domain may assume afour a-helix bundle configuration similar to other members of the hematopoietic cytokine family.Ig From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. TPO GENEAND 987 SPLICE FORMS The carboxyl domain of TPO is not present in epo or any of the other hematopoietic growth factors identified to date. Interestingly, all the potential N-linked glycosylation sites of TPO from each species are confined to the carboxyl domain of the protein. Immunoprecipitation of human TPO shows a protein of 68 to 85 kD, suggesting that this domain is highly glycosylated as the predicted molecular weight for the nonglycosylated molecule is 38 kD. The function of this highly glycosylated domain remains tobe determined. Glycosylation of the carboxyl domain ofTPO may provide a longer half-life for TPO in vivo, as in the case for epo.2au TPO does not display strict species specificity. Porcine TPO was purified based on its ability to bind to recombinant human mpl-IgG fusion protein and stimulate [3H]-thymidine incorporation in B e 3 cells expressing human c-mpl, and recombinant human TPO induced platelet production in a mouse rebound thrombocytosis assay.5Here we demonstrate that recombinant murine TPO and human TPO are able to induce a proliferative response in B e 3 cells transfected with either murine c-mpl or human c-mpl. The lack of strict species specificity is consistent with the high degree of conservation within the amino-terminal domain. There is, however, a degree of species specificity. Human and murine TPO expression in the conditioned medium of transiently transfected 293 cells was similar as estimated by immunoprecipitation using polyclonal antisera raised against the human TPO epo-like domain (data not shown). This suggests that the human ligand is less active than the murine ligand on the murine receptor. Two alternative splice forms of TPO have been identified. They differ by the presence (TPO) or absence (TPO-2) of a four-amino-acid insertion at positions 112 to 115. The insertioddeletion occurs within the amino terminal epo-like domain at an identical position within murine, porcine, and human TPO. The four amino acids are encoded at the 5’ junction of exon 6 in the human gene. The TPO-2 mRNA form may result from the use of a favorable alternative splice acceptor sequence. To date, no splice variants of epo have been identified. However, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) does possess two alternative splice variants that differ by a three-amino-acid deletiodinsertion. Both of these forms are active, although the larger splice form is reported to have a lower specific a~tivity.’~ In contrast, we have not observed any agonist activity with TPO-2, the shorter form. Immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that TPO-2 is very poorly secreted. A similar deletion has been introduced into epo to study epo function.%This five-aminoacid deletion of residues 122 to 126 alters a loop between alpha helixes C and D in the proposed structure of epo and results in an inhibition of secretion. By comparison with epo, the four-amino-acid deletion within TPO-2 would also be predicted to occur within this loop. Thus, the significance of TPO-2 is uncertain. As mRNA encoding the shorter TPO form appears to be abundant in each of the three species examined to date, this may represent a novel mechanism for cytokine regulation. The level of TPO expression could potentially be modulated by altering the proportion of TPO mRNA that is spliced to encode each of the forms. The human TPO gene was mapped by FISH to chromo- some 3q27-28. Although no other cytokine gene has been localized to this locus, it will be of interest to examine this region, as there are several examples in the human and the mouse genome of close tandem linkage of genes encoding growth factors or growth factor receptors. The first to be described was a region of chromosome 5 containing the genes coding for granulocyte-macrophage (GM)-CSF, IL-3, IL-4, and IL-5.25.26 The mapping of the TPO gene is particularly interesting, as structural abnormalities of the long arm of chromosome 3 have been associated with increased bone marrow megakaryocytes and elevated platelet counts in patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.1°-12 Although frequently found in combination with other chromosomal defects, the most common abnormality in these patients is an inversion of 3q between bands 21 and 26.2, suggesting that a gene critical to the regulation of thrombopoiesis may be located at one end of the inverted segment. In fact, elevated levels of TPO activity have been measured in the serum of patients with 3q inversion.” Characterization of the TPO gene and of its promoter in these patients will help to determine if aberrant production of TPO is responsible for this leukemia. 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