Curriculum Vitae for Dr. Karl Gustafsson ACADEMIC AWARDS 1. Wang Gungwu prize for best article published in Asian Studies Review in 2014. 2. The Stockholm University Association’s (Högskoleföreningen) award for outstanding academic achievement for best dissertation (out of 66) defended at the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2011. ACADEMIC GRANTS 1. Fellowship from Osaka University covering a stay as visiting researcher at Osaka University. November 2013. 2. Four-year research grant (75 %) from the Swedish Research Council for the research project Apologies in International Relations: The Case of Japan-China Relations. November 2012. 3. Four-year research grant (25 %) from the Swedish Research Council within the Digital China research program. November 2012. 4. Three-year research grant (80 %) from the Special research program at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. June 2012 (Declined). 5. Scholarship from Stiftelsen för studier av japanskt samhällsliv (The Foundation for the Study of Japanese Society), February 2012. Grant covering field studies in Japan. 6. Travel grant from Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund, for field studies in Japan. November 2011. 7. Scholarship from Lydia & Emil Kinnanders stiftelse (The Lydia & Emil Kinnander Foundation), June 2010, Grant covering conference participation. 8. Scholarship from HS & Emmy Josephsons stiftelse (The HS & Emmy Josephson Foundation), June 2010, Grant covering conference participation. 9. Scholarship from Johan och Jakob Söderbergs stiftelse (The Johan and Jakob Söderberg Foundation), June 2010, Grant covering 10 months of doctoral studies. 10. Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Fellowship, April 2009, Grant covering a 14 months stay as a visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo. 11. Scholarship from Forskraftstiftelsen Theodor Adelswärds minne, January 2009, travel grant covering field studies in China. 12. Scholarship from Stiftelsen för studier av japanskt samhällsliv (The Foundation for the Study of Japanese Society), February 2008. Grant covering field studies in Japan. 13. NIAS SUPRA Scholarship, October 2007, grant covering a two-week stay as a visiting researcher at the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen. 14. Departmental travel grant (Department of Political Science, Stockholm University), summer 2007, autumn 2007, summer 2008 and autumn 2008. 1 15. Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation Scholarship, spring 2007, Grant covering field studies in Japan. 16. Scholarship from Johan och Jakob Söderbergs stiftelse (The Johan and Jakob Söderberg Foundation), June 2006, Grant covering 3 years of doctoral studies. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES 1. ‘Routinized Recognition and Anxiety: Understanding the Deterioration in Sino-Japanese Relations’, forthcoming, Review of International Studies. 2014 impact factor: 1.087 (5-year impact factor: 1.162), SSCI ranking (2014): 26/85 in IR. 2. ‘The Struggle over the Meaning of Chinese Patriotism in the Twenty-first Century’, China: An International Journal, forthcoming (August 2016). 2014 impact factor: 0.195 (5-year impact factor: 0.327), SSCI ranking (2014): 54/65 in Area studies. 3. ‘Recognising Recognition Through Thick and Thin: Insights from Sino-Japanese Relations’, Cooperation and Conflict, forthcoming, (a full text PDF can be downloaded here: 2014 impact factor: 1.375 (5-year impact factor: 1.151), SSCI ranking (2014): 19/85 in IR, 38/161 in Political science. 4. ‘How to Make Former Aggressors Repent Through Shaming and Praising: The Case of SinoJapanese Relations’ (a full text PDF can be downloaded here:, Global Affairs, forthcoming. 5. ‘Japan and Identity Change: Why it Matters in International Relations’ (a full text PDF can be downloaded here:, The Pacific Review, 28(1), 2015, 1-22, with Linus Hagström. 2014 impact factor: 0.527 (5-year impact factor: 0.861), SSCI ranking (2014): 54/85 in IR, 25/65 Area studies. To be re-published as a book chapter in the edited volume Identity Change and Foreign Policy: Japan and its ‘Others’, London: Routledge, forthcoming. 6. ‘Identity and Recognition: Remembering and Forgetting the Post-War in Sino-Japanese Relations’ (a full text PDF can be downloaded here:, The Pacific Review, 28(1), 117-138, 2015. 2014 impact factor: 0.527 (5-year impact factor: 0.861), SSCI ranking (2014): 54/85 in IR, 25/65 Area studies. To be re-published as a book chapter in the edited volume Identity Change and Foreign Policy: Japan and its ‘Others’, London: Routledge, forthcoming. 7. ‘Is China’s Discursive Power Increasing? The Case of the Power of the Past in Sino-Japanese Relations’ (a full text PDF can be downloaded here:, Asian Perspective, 38(3), 411-433, 2014. SSCI ranking (2014): 0.212 (5-year impact factor: 0.481), SSCI ranking (2014) 76/85 in IR. 8. ‘Collective Memory and Ontological Security in Sino-Japanese Relations’ (link here:, 2 Asian Studies Review, 38(1), 71-86, 2014. 2014 impact factor: 0.375, (5-year impact factor: 0.553) SSCI ranking (2014): 36/65 Area studies, 15/38 Cultural studies. The article won the Wang Gungwu prize for best article published in Asian Studies Review in 2014. 9. ‘Freds- och krigsmuseers politiska roll i Japan och Kina’ (The Political Role of Peace and War Museums in Japan and China), Kosmopolis: Peace, Conflict and World Politics Journal (Finland), (2), 2009. PEER REVIEWED CHAPTERS IN EDITED VOLUMES 1. ‘Japanese Identity in a Globalized World: “Anti-Japanism” and Discursive Struggle’, in Sugita, Yoneyuki (ed.) Japan Viewed from Interdisciplinary Perspectives: History and Prospects, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, forthcoming. 2. ‘Japan and Identity Change: Why it Matters in International Relations’ (co-authored with Linus Hagström), in Hagström, Linus (ed.) Identity Change and Foreign Policy: Japan and its ‘Others’, London: Routledge (2015). Published earlier in The Pacific Review. 3. ‘Identity and Recognition: Remembering and Forgetting the Post-War in Sino-Japanese Relations’, in Hagström, Linus (ed.) Identity Change and Foreign Policy: Japan and its ‘Others’, London: Routledge (2015). Published earlier in The Pacific Review. CHAPTERS IN EDITED VOLUMES 1. ‘Forskningsproblem: Vad är det, varför behövs det, och hur formulerar man ett?’ in Bremberg, Niklas; Hagström, Linus och Holmberg, Arita (eds.) Att forska: praktiker och roller, Stockholm: Carlssons bokförlag (with Linus Hagström), forthcoming 2016. DOCTORAL DISSERTATION ‘Narratives and Bilateral Relations: Rethinking the ‘History Issue’ in Sino-Japanese Relations’ (link to full text PDF), Ph.D. Thesis, Stockholm: Department of Political Science, Available online (PDF) at:, 2011. The thesis was awarded the Stockholm University Association’s (Högskoleföreningen) prize for best dissertation within the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2011. OTHER RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS 1. ‘Is Patriotism Distinct from Nationalism? The Meaning of “Patriotism” in China in the 2000s’ (a full text PDF can be downloaded here:, Working papers in contemporary Asian studies, (42), Lund, Sweden: Centre for East and SouthEast Asian Studies, 2014. 2. ‘Transnational Civil Society and the Politics of Memory in Sino-Japanese Relations: Exhibiting the “Comfort Women” in China’ (a full text PDF can be downloaded here:, Working papers in contemporary Asian studies, (41), Lund, Sweden: Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, 2014. 3. ‘”Anti-Japanism” och Sino-Japanska relationer’ (“Anti-Japanism” and Sino-Japanese relations), Orientaliska studier (Oriental Studies), (134), 2013, s. 107-150. 4. ‘Ursäkter i internationell politik: Fallet Japan-Kina-relationer’ (Apologies in international politics: The case of Japan-China relations), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 1, 2013. POPULAR SCIENCE ARTICLES 3 1. ‘Japan och Kina: Grannar som inte drar jämnt’, Världspolitikens dagsfrågor, 9, 2015, pp. 1-32. 2. ‘Abe’s statement on the 70th anniversary of the end of the war and Sino-Japanese relations’, Nottingham University China Policy Institute Blog, August 2015. Available online at: 3. ‘Förlåt – och sen då?’ (Sorry – and then what?) Internationella studier (International Studies), (1), 2014. 4. ‘Japanese Prime Minister Abe’s U-Turn on the Murayama Statement, East Asia Forum, 2013. Re-published in The Glocal, 2013. 5. ‘The Sino-Japanese battle for hearts and minds over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands’, East Asia Forum, 2013. 6. ’Kinesisk historieskrivning och Motstståndskiget mot Japan’ (Chinese Historiography and the War of Resistance against Japan) in Kinarapport, (4), 2010. 7. ‘Exhibiting the Chinese War of Resistance in the People’s Republic of China’, Asia Portal In Focus Blog, Available online at:, 2009. 8. ’Historieframställningar, museer och internationell politik’ (Representations of History, Museums and International Politics) in Internationella Studier (International Studies), (2), 2008. 9. ’Japans missförstådda krigsminnen’ (Japan’s Misunderstood War Memories) in Internationella studier (International Studies) (4), 2007. Book review of three books: Yamazaki, Jane W. (2006) Japanese Apologies for World War II: A rhetorical study London & New York: Routledge, Saaler, Sven (2005) Politics, Memory and Public Opinion: The History Textbook Controversy and Japanese Society München: Iudicium, Seaton, Philip A. (2007) Japan’s Contested War Memories: The ‘memory rifts’ in historical consciousness of World War II London & New York: Routledge. TEACHING EXPERIENCE (POSITIONS AND COMMISSIONED WORK) Karl is currently course convenor, lecturer and supervisor for students studying Security in International Relations at Stockholm University. He has also lectured in international politics, comparative politics, Japanese politics, theory and methods in political science at Stockholm University. He has been the course convenor for courses at the master level in International Relations, discourse analysis and Japanese and Korean society and politics at Lund University where he also supervised numerous masters’ theses. Total number of teaching hours (lektorstimmar): 397 (253 at the master level) GUEST LECTURES AND COMMENTARY (FOR STUDENTS AND/OR THE GENERAL PUBLIC) ‘Memory Politics After Conflict: Narratives About War and Sino-Japanese Relations, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 19 May 2015. 4 ‘Krigsminnen i relationerna mellan Japan och Kina’ (War memories in Sino-Japanese relations), Presentation at the Seminar in military history, Swedish Defense College, 12 December 2013. ‘Has China’s Power Increased with its Rise?’, Special lecture at Osaka University, 22 November 2013. ‘Collective Memory as a Security Issue in Sino-Japanese Relations’. Paper presented at the Focus Asia: Collective Memory, Identity and International Relations in East Asia Symposium held at Lund University, 6-7 November 2012. ‘The Fear of Oblivion: War Memory and Security in Sino-Japanese Relations’. Presentation given at the Stockholm Seminar on Japan, Stockholm University, 18 April 2012. 戦争記憶−東アジアでの博物館や記念館 (War Memories – Museums and Memorial Halls in East Asia). Guest lecture held at Seijô University, Tokyo, June 2010. Commentator at the Fukuoka Unesco Association’s International Culture Symposium 2009 on the theme: 今、アジアをどう語るか:現代化と歴史認識の狭間で, (How do we narrate Asia now?: Between Modernization and Historical Awareness), 12 December 2009 in Fukuoka, Japan. CONFERENCE PAPERS ’Explaining Japanese Security Policy Change: De-Securitizing Japan’s Past Self in Sino-Japanese Relations’, Paper presented at the Sino-Japanese Relations Research Network conference, Leeds 10 July 2015. ’Ontological Security and Recognition: Explaining the Deterioration in Sino-Japanese Relations’. Paper presented at the Nordic Association for China Studies (NACS) conference, Uppsala 9-11 June 2015. ’Ontological Security and Recognition: Explaining the Deterioration in Sino-Japanese Relations’. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Associations (ISA), New Orleans 18-21 February 2015. ’Identity and Recognition: Remembering and Forgetting the Post-War in Sino-Japanese Relations’. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Associations (ISA), New Orleans 18-21 February 2015. ’How to make former aggressors repent: Shaming and praising in Sino-Japanese Relations’. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japans (NAJS), Lund 5-6 mars 2015. ’The Japanese discourse on ”anti-Japanism”’. Paper presented at the Dynamics of the Asia-Pacific region: Interdisciplinary perspectives symposium, Osaka 24-26 July 2014. ’Ontological Security and Recognition: Shame, Insult the Deterioration in Sino-Japanese Relations’, Paper presented at the Sino-Japanese Relations Research Network conference, Leeds 8-9 July 2014. 5 ‘The Power of the Past in Sino-Japanese Relations: Has China’s Discursive Power Increased?’, Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), 26-29 March 2014. ‘Identity and Recognition: Remembering and Forgetting the Post-War in Sino-Japanese Relations’, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Swedish Political Science Association in Stockholm, 2-4 October 2013. ‘The Power of the Past in Sino-Japanese Relations: Has China’s Discursive Power Increased with its Rise?’. Paper to be presented at ‘The Rise and Demise of Asian World Supremacy: Power, Effects and Identities’ workshop held at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs 28-29 August 2013. ‘The Discourse on “Anti-Japan” and Japanese Identity Construction’. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), 2-6 April 2013. ‘Identity Construction and Discursive Struggle in the Japanese Discourse on “Anti-Japan”, Paper presented at the Conference of the Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society held in Aarhus, 14-15 March 2013. ‘Japanese Identity Construction in the Discourse on “Anti-Japan”’. Paper presented at the Asia Pacific Conference held at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Beppu, Japan, 8-9 December 2012. ‘The Fear of Oblivion: Collective Memory as a Non-Traditional Security Issue in Sino-Japanese Relations’. Paper presented at the 2nd Sino-Japanese Relations Post-Graduate Network Conference held at the University of Leeds, 12-14 September 2012. ‘Collective Memory as a Security Issue in Sino-Japanese Relations’. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Swedish Political Science Association in Växjö, 26-28 September 2012. ‘The Exhibition on the Japanese Military’s Violence Against Women During World War II: Japanese Civil Society Meets Chinese Patriotic Education’. Paper presented at the Gendering Asia Network Conference in Trondheim 21-24 August 2012. ‘Collective Memory and Non-Traditional Security in Sino-Japanese Relations’. Paper presented at the EJARN Conference, Stockholm 14-15 June 2012. ‘War as Heritage in Mainland China: The Guangdong Memorial Hall of the East River Column’. Paper presented at the Association of Critical heritage Studies Inaugural Conference in Gothenburg, 5-8 June 2012. ‘Dealing with the ‘History Issue’ in Sino-Japanese Relations: Discreetly Negotiating the Content of War Exhibitions’. Paper presented at the International Order in East Asia: Critical Reflections from European/Asian Perspectives Conference in Leiden and The Hague, The Netherlands, 3031 March 2012. ‘Transnational Civil Society and the Politics of Memory in Sino-Japanese Relations: Exhibiting the “Comfort Women” in China’. Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society (NAJS), in Gothenburg 22-23 March 2012. 6 ‘The Politics of War Memory in Sino-Japanese Relations: Negotiating the Contents of War Exhibitions’. Paper presented at the Japan Studies Association’s (JSA) Conference in Honolulu, 5-7 January, 2012. ‘Collective Memory and Bilateral Relations: The Mnemonic Foundations of Sino-Japanese Relations’. Presentation given at the higher research seminar at the Department of Political Science, Lund University, Sweden, 30 November 2011. ‘Chinese Nationalism: A Struggle Over the Meaning of the Term Patriotism’. Paper presented at the Political Regimes, Growth Politics and Conflict in Asia Conference held at Stockholm University, 21-23 November 2011. ‘Narrativ och bilaterala relationer: Att förstå “historieproblemet” i relationerna mellan Japan och Kina’ (Narratives and Bilateral Relations: Understanding the ‘History Problem’ in the Relations between Japan and China. Presentation given at the higher research seminar at the Department of Political Science, Linnaeus University, Sweden, 21 September 2011. ‘Narratives and Bilateral Relations: Rethinking the “History Issue” in Sino-Japanese Relations’. Paper presented at the Sino-Japanese Relations Post-Graduate Network Conference held at the University of Leeds, 2-3 June 2011 ‘Towards a General Framework for the Study of Narratives about Wars: Based on an Analysis of Narratives about War in China and Japan’. Paper presented at the Panic and Mourning – 1st Graduate Conference in Cultural Studies held at the Portuguese Catholic University, Lisbon, 2829 October 2010 ‘Rethinking the “History Issue” in Sino-Japanese Relations: An Approach Focusing on Narratives’. Paper presented at the British Association of Japanese Studies (BAJS) Triennial Conference held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 9-10 September 2010. ‘Rethinking the “History Issue” in Sino-Japanese Relations: An Approach Focusing on Narratives’. Paper presented at the 3rd ECPR Graduate Conference held at the Dublin City University, 30 August - 1 September 2010. ‘Motståndskriget mot Japan i kinesisk historiografi under efterkrigstiden’ (The War of Resistance against Japan in Chinese historiography in the post-war period). Presentation at a symposium on Chinese historiography at Lund University, 28-29 August 2010. ‘Important Historical Lessons or Threats? – Japanese Perceptions of Chinese War Exhibitions’. Paper presented at the Re-presenting the past: Japan, China and World War Two in the TwentyFirst Century Workshop held at the University of Leeds, UK, 7-8 July 2010. 日中関係の歴史認識問題を考え直す (Rethinking the History Problem in Sino-Japanese Relations). Presentation held at the KSS Kenkyûkai at the University of Tokyo, June 2010. ‘The Role of War Museums in Education in China: Patriotism and Morality’. Paper presented bilingually at the Moral Education in East Asia’s Globalizing Societies: Concepts and Practices Conference held at Nagasaki University, Japan, 11-13 June 2010. 7 ‘Rethinking the “History Problem” in Sino-Japanese Relations: Narratives at peace and war museums in China and Japan’. Paper presented at a workshop organized by the Waseda University Doctoral Student Network in Tokyo, May 2010. ‘Exhibiting the Nanjing Atrocity in China and Japan’. Paper presented at the 7th annual NAJS Conference in Oslo, Norway, March 2010. ‘Embracing Peace and Remembering Humiliation: Making Sense of War in Japan and China’. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Swedish Political Science Association in Örebro, 8-9 October 2009. ‘The Presence and Absence of the “Other”: Identity Narratives at Chinese and Japanese Peace and War Museums’. Paper to be presented at the NAJS (Nordic Association of Japanese Studies) Conference, 19-20 March 2009 in Åbo, Finland. ‘A Framework for Analysing Representations of Self and Other at Museums’. Paper presented at NaMu III: National museums in a global world, 17-19 November 2007 in Oslo, Norway. ‘A Framework for Analysing Representations of History at Peace and War Museums’. Paper presented at the Conference ‘Culture and the Configuring of Security – Using Asian Perspectives to Inform Theoretical Direction’, 6-9 November 2007 in Höör, Sweden. ‘Sino-Japanese Relations and Collective Identities as Manifest in Peace and War Museums’. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Swedish Political Science Association, October 2007. ‘Self and Other in Sino-Japanese Relations: Clashing Historiographies in Peace and War Museums’. Paper presented at the National seminar on methods held at Haga Slott, June 2007. ‘Self and Other in Sino-Japanese Relations: A Clash of Historiographies in Peace and War Museums’. Paper presented at the fourth annual NAJS Conference in Lund, Sweden, April 2007. ‘Historical discourses and Sino-Japanese relations’. Paper presented at the Politics of Community in East Asia Workshop in Stockholm, Sweden, September 2006. ‘Japanese Historical Memory and Sino-Japanese Relations’. Paper presented at the third annual NAJS Conference in Helsinki, Finland, April 2006. OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Peer reviewer for the following journals: Asian Security Cooperation and Conflict (three manuscripts) Review of International Studies The Pacific Review Asia in Focus Review editor for Sage Open. Book manuscript reviewer for Hawaii University Press, 2015. Book proposal reviewer for Chandos Publishing (Elsevier), 2015. EDUCATION 8 Spring 2013 Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Continuation (for teaching staff at Lund University), Lund University. Autumn 2012 Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Introduction (for teaching staff at Lund University), Lund University. August 2006- June 2011 Ph.D. in Political Science, Stockholm University Ph.D. Thesis: “Narratives and Bilateral Relations: Rethinking the ‘History Issue’ in Sino-Japanese Relations”. Awarded the Stockholm University Association’s (Högskoleföreningen) award for outstanding academic achievement for best dissertation within the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2011. Supervisors: Professor Jan Hallenberg, Swedish National Defense College, Professor Marie Söderberg, European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics, Assistant Professor Linus Hagström, Swedish Institute of International Affairs. January 2009- December 2009 30 ECTS Chinese, Lund University February 2008- January 2009 Chinese Language Studies, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing January 2007- January 2008 30 ECTS Chinese, the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University September 2006-January 2007 7,5 ECTS Chinese, Umeå University August 2005-June 2006 112,5 ECTS Japanese, Lund University September 2004-March 2005 Japanese Language Studies, Kudan Institute of Japanese Language & Culture, Tokyo September 2003-March 2004 Japanese Language Studies, Kudan Institute of Japanese Language & Culture, Tokyo June 2003 Degree of Master of Social Science, Örebro University Consisting of: 120 ECTS Political Science, 60 ECTS History, 30 ECTS Sociology, 30 ECTS Studies at Kansai Gaidai University, Japan, 30 ECTS English, 30 ECTS Written Japanese, 15 ECTS Negotiating in the European Union, 7,5 ECTS Europe in Continuity and Change LANGUAGE SKILLS Fluent (in decreasing order): Swedish (mother tongue), English, Japanese, Chinese. 9
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