3rd International Conference on Foster Care : December 15-17, 2014

3rd International Conference on Foster Care
Date: December 15-17, 2014
Location: Campinas / São Paulo / Brazil
Information and inscription: site “Prefeitura de Campinas- São Paulo- Brazil”
December 15, 2014 – First Day
Registration, 8am - 9am
Opening Ceremony, 9am – 9:30am – Municipal Department of Citizenship, Welfare and
Social Inclusion – Campinas (SMCAIS), ● Brazilian Association Terra dos Homens ●
Presidential Secretariat of Human Rights ● Family for Every Child.
Session 1 - The role of "Foster Care" services in the child protection network, 9:30
am - 11:00am
The difference between Kinship Care and Foster Care in out-of-home placement of
Provision for Foster Care in the UNGA (UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of
Children) and its importance in the process of deinstitutionalization.
The importance of Foster Care for young children. .
Session 2 – Situational Analysis, 11:00am – 12:30am
The status of Foster Care in Brazil,
The status of Foster Care internationally
DISCUSSION, 12:30pm – 13:00pm.
Session 3 – A panorama of reflections on the topic, 14:30pm – 17:00pm.
The integral process of psychosocial accompaniment of Foster Families ;
Legal aspects of work with Foster Families.
Foster Care meeting the specific needs of children and adolescents.
The Foster Family speaks!
Personal Experiences
DISCUSSION, 17:00pm –17:30pm
Cocktail reception and release of new publications, 18:00pm
December 16, 2014 – Second Day
Activities in workgroups, 9:00am – 13:00am
1. How to begin the implantation of a Foster Care program? How to coordinate the
strategic partners who will be directly involved in this type of service? What are the
implications of the legal / judicial aspect in the establishment of fostering services?
2. How to recruit, select and prepare Foster Families? What is the role of a financial
subsidy? Professional families and/or volunteers?
3. What are the challenges and successes of long-term placement? What are the
special features of permanent Foster Care?
Activities in workgroups, 14:00am – 18:00am
1. What are the different types of Foster Care? (Emergency placement, Foster Care
for special needs children, children who are the subject of death threats, children
with HIV). What is the importance of the length of time spent in care by each child.
2. How to promote casework for children and adolescents in Foster Care? What is
involved in daily monitoring? What are the necessary links with the social service
3. How to work with the Family of Origin and mediate its relationship with the Foster
Family. How to promote short / medium term placement with a focus on
December 17, 2014 – Third Day
SESSION 4 – Workgroup Presentations, 9:00am – 11:00am
 Presentation of the results of discussions held on the eight subjects addressed on
Day Two.
Discussion 11pm-11:30pm
SESSION 5 – Families Voice 11:30am-1pm
 How to organize an Association of Foster Families - Personal experiences.
SESSION 6 –Political Considerations/ Advocacy, 2pm – 3:30pm
 Challenges and successes in the dissemination of Foster Care programs.
Discussion 3:30pm-4pm
SESSION 7- Comuniquee 4pm-5pm
 Foster Care as presented in the UNGA: principal current questions.
CLOSING CEREMONY, 5pm -6pm Dignitaries