{& aclo --$ THE KENYA GAZE'TTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXVI-No. NAIROBI, 7th November, 2014 133 Price Sh. 60 CONT ENTS GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE TasKorce on the Proposed Amendments to the [-oss of Share Certlficates Pubhc Benefis Organizations Act-Appointrnent.................... 3040 The Indushral Trallrrng Act-Appomtrnents........................... 3040 llss The Kenya Defence Forces The Valuers Act- Act-Appointment . ... . Appomtments .... 3041 3041 The County Govemments Act-Re-convenmg ................... of l-ocal Purchase Order 307 t-30'73 Loss ofPoLcres.. The l^and Regrstration 3041 1042-3043 Kenya-Statement of 3043 ......... Act-Issue of The Environmental Management and Co-ordmatron Act- Environmental Impact Assessment Study Repods......... The Physical Planning Act...... Disposal of Uncollected Coods... 306 I 3061-3069 3069-3070 3070 Order, 10r4... .................... 1217 SUPPLEMENT Nos. 153, 154, 155 Senate Btlls.2O14 3058-306 l Regular Tariff Applicatron.........................,. PAGE 155-The Laws of Kenya (Rectifrcahonl 3043-3057 The t-and Act-Addendum Act- Legtslatte Supplenent LEGALNoTICENo. Provrsronal Certificates, etc The Water 3073 ... SUPPLEMENT No. 156 Apphcatron for Llcenses.................. Ircome and Expendirure . Change of Names ......... The Kenya Informahon and Communications Act- of 307 I 7041-1012 The Compehtron Act-Proposed Acquslhons... Grand National Umon Party -3070 -r071 PACE The Reglstratlon and Identifrcahon of Persons Brll. 20t4 . .. 681 The County Govemments Dl\JSter Management Brll. 2014 The Refugees Brll. 20 I 4 719 143 Iro:s t 3040 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2Ol4 @) Revrew any documents related to the terms of reference; and CoRRIGENDA IN Gazette Notice No. 5560 of 2014, Cause No. 316 of 2014, amend the second petitioner's name printed as "Benta WanJiku Maina" to read "Rogers Kangacha Maina" and the deceased's name printed a: "Hamuel Marna Kang'acha alias Hamuel M."to read' Hamuel Maina Kang'acha ahas Hamuel M. Kangacha." (c.) Hold consultative meetings with sector stakeholdem and members of pubhc. The Taskforce shall regulate its own procedures. The Taskforce shall submit the final report to the Cabinet within three months lrorn the date of gazettement. IN No. 6259 of 2014, Cause No. 374 of 2O11. petltloner's name pnnted as "Rachael Wanlru Bugua" to r cad "Rachael Wanjiru Mbugua". Gazette Notice amend Dated the 30th October,2014. Lhe IN Gazette Notroe No. 988 of 2014, Cause No. 9 of 2014, delete the petitioner's name printed as "Wilson Waweru Karumba ahas "Waweru Karumba" and insert "(l) Bemard Waweru Karumba and (2) Joseph Njogu Waweru" as adminisEators. ANNEWAIGURU, Cabrnet Secretary, Ministry of Devolution and Planning GAZE-TTE NOTTCE NO. 8OO4 THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING ACT (Cap.237) IN Gazette Notrce No. 7455 of 2014, cause No. 882 of 2013, amend the frst petitloner's name printed as "Beatnce Wambui Wobuthu" to read "Beafiice Wambur Wobuthi" and amend, the second petitioners name printed as "Zebora Wangeci Mwenje" to read "Shadrack Munge Wobuthi". REvocATIoN oF APPOhITMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (1 1) (d1 of the National Industnal Trainrng Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Labour Social Security and Services, revokes the appointment of- Thomas Ekamais Akuja (Prof),* as the Chairman of the Board of the National Industrial Training lN Gazette Notrce No. 1962 of 2014, Cause No. 227 of 2014, amend the deceased's name printed as "George Wilfred Ombera" to read George Wilfred Ombeva". Authonty. Dated the 16th October, 2014 SAMWEL KAZUNGU KAMBI, Cabinet Secretary for Labour Social Security and Seruices. *Vide G.N. 661112012 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8OO3 TASKFORCE ON THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE PLBLIC BENEFITS ORGANIZATIONS ACT, 2013 GAzE'rrE NoflcE No. 8005 APPOINTMENT THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING ACT IT IS notified for the general informatron of the public that the Cabinet Secretary, Minlstry of Devolutron and Planning has appointed a taskforce on ttre proposed amendments to the l\blic Benefits Organizations Act, 2013. The Taskforce shall comprise of the following membersSophia Abdi- (Cap.237) REVoCA.ION Social Security and Services, revokes the appointment (Chairpers on) ; as the Vice-Charman Jenniter Shamalla, Dated the l6th October,2014. Fazui Mahamed Yusuf, SAMWEL KAZLTNGU KAMBI, Cabinet Secretary Jor labour Social Security and Semices. Sarah Muhoya, A representative from the Ministry of Interior and Co-ordination National Government, of xVide G.N.350512013 rep'esentative from the Non-Governmental Organizations Co- ordination Board, GAZETTE NoTIcE A representative from the Inter-Religious Council of Kenya, (Cap.23'7) Organizations, A representative from the Civil Society Organizations Reference REvocATIoN oF APPoINTMENT GrouF, r:presentative from the New Partrrership for Africa's Develrpment/ Africa Peer Review Mechanism, Kenya. The terms of reference of the Taskforce are to: 1. Receive views from stakeholders on the proposed amendments to the Public Benefits Organizations Act,2013; Vlonitor the legislative process of amending the Pubhc Benefits Organrzatr ons A ct, 2Ol3 amended I\blic The Taskforce (a) Prcparc Cabinet Secretary on Benefits Organizations Act. implementation of the of- Aram Mbui,* Hirli Shah,* Jacqueline Mugo,* Rajabu W. Mwondi,* George M. Muchai,* EmestN. Nadome,* Chris Solomon Nambanga,* as members ; of the Board of the National Industrial Training Authority. Dated the l6th October,2014. SAMWEL KAZUNGU KAMBI, shalla detailed IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (l 1) (d1 of the National Industrial Training Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Labour Social Security and Services, revokes the appointment The tlabinet Secrctary, Ministry of Devolution and Planning shall appoint a lecretariat to offer support services to the Taskforce. 3. Advice the No. 8006 THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING ACT A reJuesentative from the National Council of Non-Govemmental 2. of the Board of the National Industrial Training Authority. GeralJ Macharia, A of- Ernest N. Nadome,* Metn!,:rs: A OF APPOIN.TMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers confened by section 4 (11) (d) of the National Industrial Train.ing Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Labour Cabinet Secretary for Labour Social Security and Services. work plan; *Vide G.N. 661112012 GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 3041 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2Ol4 GAzEmENoTICENo. 8OO7 SOIO THE KENYA DEFENCE FORCES ACT THE VALUERS ACT (Cap.532) (No.25 of2012) VALUERS REGISTRATION BOARD APPoD.{TMENT IN of the powers EXERCISE conferred by I I Forces Act, the Defence Councrl, for the Kenya Defence Forces revokes the appointment of Grace K. Nyarango (Mrs.) as secretary of the Defence Forces Pensrons Appeals Tribunal and appoints the following persons as hereunderElly Ongei-(Secretary), t t I I I t APPOINTMENT Defence Forces (Pensions and Gratuities Officers and Service Members) Regulations as read together with section 3 l0 (1) (b) and 3 10 (2) of the Kenya Defence Member: EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph I of the Schedule of the Valuers Act, the Cabinet Secretary for [.ands, Housing IN and Urban Development appointsUnder paragraph I (d) Humphrey Kaburu, Samuel Odiembo, Thomas Mukhwana, to be members of the Valuers Registration Board, for a period of three (3) years with effect from 29th October, 2014. Mary K. Osoro, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 8th August, 2Ol4 to 7th August,2017. Dated the 22nd October, 2O14. CHARITY KALUKI NGILU, Cabinet Secretary, Dated the 29th Ocaber, 2014. Ministry of Lands, Housmg and Urban Development. RAYCHELLEOMAMO, l Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of DeJence and Chairperson oJ the Defence Council. GAzEmE NoTICE No. 80 I I THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT (No. t7 of20t2) GAzErrE NcflcE No. 8008 THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF KISUMU TTIE VALUERS ACT RE{OI'{VEI.uNG COUNTY ASSEMBLY (Cap.532) VALUERS REGISTRATION BOARD APPoNTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 1 (a) of the Schedule of the Valuers Act, the Cabinet Secretary for lands, Housing and Urban Development appoints- SESSIONS PURSUANT to the Interim Assembly Standing Orders 24(4), the County Assembly of Kisumu hereby gives notice to the members of the County Assembly and tre general Public that it will resume its regular sessions on Tuesday, llth Novembet, 2014 starting at 2.30 p.m. at the County Asscmbly Chambers. Dated the 3rd November,2014. ANNATIENOADUL, SARAHA. WANYANDE Speaker, County Assembly of Kisumu. MR/6110150 to be the Chairman of the Valuers Registration Board, for a period of three (3) years with effect from lst October,2014. GAzE-rrE NoTICE No. 8OI2 The appointment of Anthony Matenge Itui is hereby revoked. THECOMPETITION ACT Dated the 22nd October, 2Ol 4. (No. 12 CHARITY KALUKI NGILU, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development. GAZE,I-IE NoTIcE No. ol20l0) PRoposED AceurslrroN oF 57,270,000 ORDINARY SHARES oF HoUSING FINANCE CoMPANY oF KENYA BY BRITISH AMERICAN INVESTMENTS CoMPANY (KENYA) LIMITED FROM EQT,ITY BANK LIMITED IT IS notified for general information that in exercise of the powers conferred by section a6 (6) (a) (ii) of the Competition Act, 2010 the Competrtron Authority of Kenya has approved the proposed acqursltron of 57, 270,00O ordinary shares of Housing Finance of Kenya Lrmrted by American Investrnents Company Kenya Limited from Equrty Bank Lrmrted 8OO9 THE VALUERS ACT (Cap.532) VALUERS REGISTRATION BOARD Dated the 30th Ocrober,2014. WANG'OMBEKARruKI, APP0INTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph I of Director-General. the Schedule of the Valuers Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Lands, Housing and Urban Development Under paragraph appotnts- GAzE.mENoTICENo. SOI3 I (e) THE COMPETITION ACT CATTGRINE KARIUKI (MRs.) to be a member of the Valuers Registration Board, for a period of three (3) years with effect from 29th October, 2014. She replaces Mr. Lawrence Muchiri whose term expires on 29th October,2014. Dated the 22nd Octobcr, 2O | 4. CHARITY KALUKI NGILU, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development. (No. t2 of2Ot0) K,oPosED AcQI.nsITIoN oF LAFARGE S.A. BY HOI MLIMITED IT IS notified for general information that in exercise of the powers conferred by scction a6 6) @) (ii) of the Competition Act, 2010 the Competition Authority of Kenya has approved the proposed acquisition of Lafarge S.A. by Holcim Limited. Dated the 30th October,2014. WANG'OMBEKARruKI, Director-General. 3042 THEKENYA GAZETTE (c) GAZErrE NoTlcE No, 80 I 4 exclusive drstnbutron of selected Distell Limited Products by Kenya Wrne Agencres Lrmited for a renewable period of five THE COMPETITION ACT years. (No. t2 of20l0) PRoposED SALE AND TRANSFER oF PAssIvE INFRASTRUCTI RE AND FREQUENCY LICENCE FROM ESSAR TELECOM KEI.{YA LIMIIED TO IT IS notified for general information that in exercise of the powers conferred by sectron a6 (6) (a) (ii) of the Competition Act, '!010 the Competition Authonty of Kenya has approved the proposed sale ahdtlansH ]llPasslve Infrastructure and Frequency Licence from Essar Telecom Kenya Limrted. to Safancom Limited. Kenya Wine Agencies Limited will be appointed by Distell Limited as the sole and exclusive distributor of selected liquor and non-hquor beverages (iii) Kenya Wine Agencies Limited shall not sell or distribute other liquor products originating from South Afnca or elsewhere whrch directly or indirectly compete (as far as pnces, category, or presentation products rn the Temtoles; (iv) (No. 12 of20l0) PRoPoSED SALE AND TRANSFER oF MoBILE BUSINESS SUBSCRIBERS AND GSM LICENCES FRoM ESSAR TELECOM KENYA LIMITED (ETKL) TO AIRTEL NETVoRKS KENYA LIMITED (AIRTEL) (v) 2010 the Competition Authorrty of Kenya has approved the proposed sale and transfer of mobrle busrness subscnbers and GSM licences from Essar Telecom Kenya Lrmrted to Airtel Networks Kenya Lrmited. Dvector-General. GAZE'TTE NOTTCE NO. 80 16 the any written representations, if any, with regard to this applicatron within thiny (30) days of the pubhcatron of this notice. 3. Submissions may be made through the ematl addressrnfo@cak.go.ke or hand-delivered between 8 00 am-5.Oopm dunng workrng days The Competition Authority of Kenya, Railways Headquarters. Block'D'Ground Floor, Haile Selassie Avenue. (No. t2 of2010) PROPOSED ACQI,,'ISI'TION OF 65.97O OF T}IE ISSUF]D SHARE CAPITAL OF K-REP BANK LIMITED BY BAKKI HoLDCo LIMITED IT IS notified for general informatron that rn exercrse of the powers conferred by sectron 46 (6) (a) (ii) of the Competrtion Act, 2010 the Competition Authoriry of Kenya has approved the proposed acquisrtion of 65 9Vo of the issued share capital of K-Rep Bank Limited by Bakki Holdco Limrted. wtth Distell Limited shall be prohrbited from soliciting for former customers and staff of KWA Holdings E.A. Limited or any of rts affiliates after the completion date of the sale agreemcnt and for a period of three (3) years from the date that Distell Lrmited ceases to have any direct or indirect shareholding in KWA Holdings E.A. Limited. to- THE COMPETITION ACT concemed) the prices of all the products to be supphed to Kenya Wine Agencies Limited under the Agreements shall be determined by Distell Limited by the lst June of each year for the following one-year period starting on the lst July of each 2. All interested parties may submit WANG'OMBE KARIUKI, is year: IT IS notified for general informatron that rn exercise of the powers conferred by sectron a6 6) @) (ir) of the Competrtion Act, Dated the 30th October,2014. or through P. O. Box 36265 - 00200, Nairobi. Dated the 30th October,2014. WANG'OMBE KARIUKI, Director-General- Dated the 30th October,2014. WANG'OMBE KARIUKI, Director-General. GAZETTE NOTICE .IJiE GAZE.I-|E NCTflCE No NO, 801 8 KE,NYA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ACT 8017 (Cap lllA) THE COMPETITION ACT, 20IO APPLICATION FOR LICENSES TO OPERATE AND PROVIDE (No. 12 of20t0) POSTAI./COURIER SYSTEMS AND SERVICES EXCI-USi VE BOTTLING, MAN UFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTORSHIP OF DISTELL LIMITED PRODUCTS BY KENYA WINE AGENCIES I,IMITED NOTICE is given that the following applicants have, pursuant to the provisions of the Kenya Information and Communicatrons Act, Cap. 4I1A made applications to the Communlcations Authority of Kenya for the grant of licenses as appears agarnst their respectrve names. EXEMPT.'Icii PURSUANT to provlslons of se.odc,r -' rt the Compelrticn Act. 2010, the Competitron Authonty of Ken)'a wrshes in r--,1lv the putrlic that Kenya Wine Agencres Limited has mac.lc rr, ..,, ...i('i'r \ieklng exemptron of the following proposed agreements rrlcr'ernali:r referred to as "the Agreements")- (a) an exclusrve supply and distrrbution agreemc,-l r':iween Distell Limited and Kenya Wine Agencies Lrmttcd; (b) an exclusive production and bonhng agreerntsrlt l" ;'*cen Distell Limrted and Kenya Wrne Agencres Limrted; ai,.i I! I ! I Kenya Wine Agencies Limited shall be appointed by Distell Limited as the sole and exclusive producer and bottler of selected Distell products in Kenya; 80 I 5 THE COMPETITION ACT { Kenya and the larger East (ii) Director-General. No. in I I African regron; Dated the 30th October,2014. WANG'OMBE KARIUKI. i Pursuant to the Agreements, Distell Limited shall acquire twentysix percent (267o) of the issued share capital in Kenya Wine Agencies Holdings E. A. Limited subject to the following terms and conditions- (i) SAFARJCOM LIMITED GAZE.I-rE NoTICE 7th November,2Ol4 Name Murang'a Address Supreme P O Box 945-10200, Ltcen,se Category Intra Count!:y PostaVCourier Systems and Serviccs Pane Od Wadu Courier P.O. Box'7363-{06ll lntra Country Services Limited Nairobr. Postal/Courier Systems and Serviccs Timely Response P.O. Box 991- 00600, Intra City Logistics Narrobr . PostaVCourier Systems and Serviccs Shuttle Limited Nairobr. 3043 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2014 The reason for the grant of the license is to enable the applicants to operate and provrde Postal/Courier Systems and Services as tndicated above against the[ respectrve names. The grant of the licenses may affect public and local authorities, companies. persons or bodies of persons within the country. Assets and Liabtlmes 336,212.00 321.151.00 129.563.00 Fixed Assets Current Assets Current Liabilities WARURU GIKANDI, Pdrn' Trustee. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 802 I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 of20l2) Dated the 31st October, 2014. ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE F, W. WANGUSI, wGt731/14-15 GAZE.I-rE NoTICE for Dtrector-General No, 22t.615.OO 174,820.00 Dated the 24th September.2014 Any pubhc or local authority, company, person or body of persons desirous of making any representation on or objection to the grant of that license as aforesaid must do so by letter addressed to the DirectorGeneral, Communrcatrons Authority of Kenya, Waryaki Way, P.O. Box 14448-'00800, Narrobl rndrcating the Lrcense Category on the outsrde of the cover enclosing it on or before expiry of thrrty (30) days from the date of this notice and must forward to the apphcant a copy of such representation or oblection. 294.t10 00 80 I 9 THE KENYA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ACT (CaP. 4tt A) MoDIFICATIoN oF.EXISTING LICENCES UNDER THE UMFIED LICENSTNG FRAMEWoRK (ULF) WHEREAS Elzabeth Anne Muthoni Rrtho. of P.O Box 70-1001fi), Nairobr rn the Republic of Kenya, ts the registered propnetor lessee of that piece of land known as I-.R. No. 209/10765, srtuate in the city ofNarrobr, by virtue ofa grant regrstered as I.R.87094/1, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the sard grant has been lost, notice rs glven that after the explratlon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a provrsronal oertlficate of trtle provrded that no objection has been received wrthrn that period. Dated the 7th Novembcr. 2014. C. N. MR/595 r 764 Re g is trar of KITUYI, Ti tlc s, Natro bi The Communrcations Authonty of Kenya introduced the Unrfied Licensrng Framework (JLF) in 2008. Over thrs penod, the Authority has rdentified a number of hcense conditions that require to be aligned GAZETIE NoTICE No. 8022 with the prevaihng regulatory and operational environment. The Authonty therefore wtshes to inform all tts telecommumcatton Lcensees of its rntentron to modifu the current ULF licences. All THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ2012) the licensees and industry stakeholders are invited to revrew the draft amended licences, which can be accessed at the Authority's webstte at http //www. ca. go.ke/images/download s/public_consultations/ The Submarine Cable Landing Rrght Systems and Services (SCLR) licence will be affected by the modificattons. Lrcensees, members ofthe pubhc and all stakeholders are rnvited to revrew and submlt their representatrons on the proposed modtfications withrn thrrty (30) days from the date of thrs tnodificatron to the Authority at the address below. ISSIJE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Shah and Patel (hrdustrles) Lrmrted, a lrmrted liabrlty company. of P O Box 53366-{0200, Narrobi rn the Repubhc of Kenya, is the registered proprietor lessee of that piece of land known as L.R No 717115, situate rn the city of Narrobr, by virtue of a certrficate of title reglstered as I.R. 2242111, and rvhereas sufTrcient evrdence has been adduced to show that the sard ccrtlficate of title has been lost, notrce is given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a provrsronal certificate of trtle provrded that no objectron has been recerved wrthin that peflod. The Drector-General, Communications Authorrty of Kenya, P.O. Box 14448-00800, Narobt, Email: licencemodrcrficatron@ca go.ke. Dated the 7th November.2014. C. N. MR/5951827 Re g$trar ol KITUYI. Tt t le s. Naro br Dated the 3l st October, 2014. F W. WANGUSI, GAzflTENoTICENo 8023 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT for Director-General mGfi3U14-15 \No.3 tf 2Ol2) GAZETTE NoTCE No. ISSIIE OF A PRO\'ISIONAL CERTIFICATE 8O2O WHEREAS CFC Stanbrc Bank Lrmrted, GRAND NATIONAL UNION PARTY OF KENYA STATEMEIIT oF INCoME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2013t20t4 Sources oJ Frutds Funds B/F From the Year 2Ol2l2O13 Funds From the Pohtrcal Partres Fund Membership Fees Contributions From Members Nominations Fees Donatrons Total Expendrture Adminstrative Expenses Party homotronal Expenses Office Equipment Office Fumiture Civic Education Expenses Confrences and Meetings Electrons Expenses Branch Expenses Depreciation TOTAL Surplus/Deficit 2014 221,615.OO 0.00 120,000.00 2,010.000.00 000 1,018,000.00 3,369,6 t 5.00 1,638,000.00 610.000.00 128,500.00 0.00 0.00 120.000 00 210,000.00 120.000.00 86,398.00 2.912.898.00 4s6.7 t 7.00 201 3 l6l ,852.00 6-19.295.00 50,000.00 1,950,000.00 5.262.750.0O 2,130,010 00 10.193,907.00 6.753,919.00 l,538,000.00 0.00 0.00 929,985.00 72,600.00 368,360.00 74,500.00 60,108.00 9,797,472.00 396,435 00 a Lmrted liabrlty company, of P.O. Box 728334O2OO. Nairobi in the Repubhc of Kerrya, rs the registered proprietor lessee of that piece of land known as L R No. 2O9t736112, srtuate ln the crty of Narrobr. by vrnue of a grant regrstered as IR. 78107/1, and whereas sufftctent evtdence has been adduced to show that the said grant has been lost, notice rs grven that after the expirahon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provrsional certlficate of trtle provrded that no ob1ectlon has been recerved wlthln that penod. Dated the 7th November.2014 MR/5951897 C N KITUYI. Re g t st GAZETTE NoTICE r(tr oJ Tr t le s. Natrobt No. 8024 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2}l2t lsst-IE oF A PRovtsttii.rJ-,-;''1',,.' .- -I WHEREAS Hussetn Ahrned Moha:"'i1. ')i ,'{ ) [J.r' )' \r1_801(x), Mombasa rn the Repubhc of Kenva. rs 'rr'lirrt('-!'rl :\ rr,,rriatol ln ,'lb()ut\. freehold mterest of that land cont.unrng ('lll(, -rcrc 3044 THE KENYA GAZETTE known as subdivrsron No 2184 of sectron VI, situate in mainland north rvrthrn Mombasa Munrcrpalrty rn Mombasa District, by virtue of a certrficate of trtle regrstered as C.R. 10885/1, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the sard certlficate of title has been lost, notlce ls glven that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a provrsional certificate of title provided that no objechon has been recerved wlthin that period. Dated the 7th November.20l4. J, G. WANJOHI, Regtstrar of Titles, Mombasa MR/5951970 No GAZET"IE NoT.ICE 8025 THE LAND REGISTRANON ACT 7th November,2014 GAzEffE NoTIcE No. 8028 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) ISSTIE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Maxwel Ouko Amimo, of P.O. Box 87086, Mombasa rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as propnetor in absolute ownershrp mterest of that prece of land containing 0.12 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. KisumuAilathorego/3090, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that penod. Dated the 7th November.2014. I. N. NJIRU, (No.3 ol2o12) MR/61rOt ktnd Regrstrar, Kisumu District 12 ISSL]E oF CERTIFICATE oF LEASE WHEREAS Phyllis Mumbua Wandeto, of P.O. Box 85430, in the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor m leasehold interest of all that piece of land containing 0.0242 acrc or thereabouts, known as Mombasa/MS Block III/314, situate in the GAZETTE NoTICE Mombasa munrcrpality of Mombasa in Mombasa Distnct, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of lease has been lost, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisronal certlficate of lease provided that no objectron has been received wlthln that penod. Dated the 7th November. 2014 J. G, MFJ5951775 Re g GAZET"IE NOTICE t strar WANJOHI, oJ Title s, Mombasa. No. 8029 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) IssUE oF NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Henry Nyabuto N. Obwoge, of P.O. Box 49, Kitale in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp rnterest of that prece of land containing 0.03 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu.Manyatta"B"ll428, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the sard trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expratron of sxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no objection has been recerved wrthrn that penod. Dated the 7th November,2014. No. 8026 THE LAND REGISTRAT]ON ACT MR/6110128 I. N. NJIRU, Land Regtstrar, Krsumu East/Ktsumu West Dstricts (No.3 of2012) GAZETTENoTIcENo IssUE oF CERT'IFrCATE oF LEASE WHEREAS Samuel Thuo Kibunja, as replesentative of (I) Rahab Nyambura Mutonyo and (2) Rhoda Kibunla (ID/ 0519036), of P.O. Bor 52124, Narrobr rn the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as propnetor rn leasehold lnterest of all that prece of land containing 0.0297 hectare or thereabouts, known as Thrka/Municipality Block 1/788, srtuate rn the drstrict of Thika, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of lease has been lost, notlce rs grven that after the expiration of sxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new certificate of lease provrded that no objection has been received wrthrn that penod. Dated the 7th November. 2014. J. K. NJOROGE. Itnd MR_/5951 852 Registrar, Thika. 8O3O THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2ol2) ISSIIE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Elizabeth Chepkorir Tegutwa (ID/0739095), of P.O. Box 8274, Eldoret in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Uasin Gishu, registered under title No. Pioneer/Langas/190, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land utle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tltle deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. ltnd MR/5951733 GAzilrTE NoncE No 8027 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAzEmE NorcE No. 803 1 (No. 3 o/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSTIE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED (No. 3 o/2012) WHEREAS Maresra Eje Obingo, of PO. Box 105, Kisumu in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as propnetor rn absolute ownership lnterest of that prece of land containing 0.23 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate in the drstnct of Kisumu, regrstered under title No. Krsumu/Kasule/1434, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the exprratton of sxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tttle deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November. 20 14. MR/6 I 101 17 I. SABUNI, Registrar, Uasin Gishu District. ISSUE oF A NEv/ LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Stephen Muthuita Kimani (lD/4171277167), of P.O. Box 745 l, Eldoret in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land containing 0.73 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Uasin Gishu, registered under title No. Tarakwa/Lainguse Block 4 (Rorian)tr5, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs grven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no oblection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. I. N. NJIRU. l-and Regtstrar, Kisumu District C. SUNGUTI, MR/5951966 Land Registrar, Uasin Gishu District. GAZE,I-IE NoTcE No. 8032 GAZETTE NonCE No. 8036 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 2012) (No 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSTJE WHEREAS Lydia Jebrtok Chama (ID/23159876), of P.O. Box 3269, Eldoret m the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownership rnterest of that piece of land containmg 0.080 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Uasin Gishu, regrstered under title No. Uasin Gishu/Kimumu Scheme/1808, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tide deed issued thereof has been lost, nohce is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no objectron has been recerved wrthrn that penod. C. SUNGUTI. Land Registrar, Uasin Gishu District MR/5951966 NorcE No. 8033 WHEREAS Joseph Mburugu, ktnd MR/5951879 M. V. BUNYOLI, Ndkutu District. Registrar, THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED Miti Mingi.Mbaruk Block 6/854 (Mwankr), and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expration of slxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tltle deed provided that no ob1ectron has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. S. M. NABULINDO, Land Regtstrar, Nakuru Distrtct r GAzErrE NoilcE No. 8034 WHEREAS Francrs Gathuku Krhoto (ID/4827552), rs registered as rn absolute ownershrp rnterest of that plece of land containing 0.0642 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate rn the drstnct of Nakuru, reglstered under trtle No. Shawa/Rongar Block 5/46 (Wakaguthr), and whereas suffrcrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. propnetor Dated the 7th November,2014. M ktnd MR/5951894 SUNGU Regisoar, Nakuru District GAZE'I'TE NOTICE NO. 8038 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No. 3 a/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Jane Wangechr Waithagu (1D18547797), of P.O. Box 3302, Nakuru in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containrng 0.0465 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate rn the drstrict of Nakuru, registered under title No. Nakuru/lVlunicipality Block 281246, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. C. O. BIRUNDU, Land Registrar, Nakuru Distrtct MR/5951?30 No. 8035 WHEREAS Wrlson Kimanr Kaburi, of P.O. Box -3000. Nyeri in the Repubhc of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership lnterest of that piece of land contarning 1.00 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate ln the district of Nyeri, registered under htle No. Nyen/Ndathi/575. and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost. notrce rs given that after the explratlon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been received withrn that penod. Dated the 7th November.20l4 S N NDIRANGU, l-and Registrar. Nt-en DistriLt MR/5951696 GAZL.I-IE NoTICE NO. 8039 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. ISSI.IE oF A 3 THE LAND REG]STRATION ACT o/2012) (No NEw LAI.iD TITLE DEED WHEREAS Pinnacle Enterprises Limrted, of P.O. Box 3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED 3302, Nakuru rn the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land containing 0.M65 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate in the distnct of Nakuru, registered under title No Nakuru/1vlun rcipality Block 28 1290, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is grven that after the explratlon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November.2014. C O. BIRUNDU, l\4x15951729 proprletor rn absolute GAZE.TTENonCENo 8037 WHEREAS James Nloroge Ngugr, of P.O. Box 106, Menengar West in the Republic of Kenya, ls regrstered as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land containing 0.0299 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the distnct of Nakuru, regrstered under title No GAZET*IE NoTIcE rs regrstered as ownershrp lnterest of that prece of land contanrng 0 1929 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate in the drstnct of Nakuru. reglstered under trtle No. Nakuru/-lVlunicrpality Block 18132, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new htle deed provided that no objection has been received wtthln that period. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT MR/595 r 69 oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED Dated the 7th November. 2014. Dated the 7th November,2014. GAzEmE 3045 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2O14 Land Regtstrar, Nakuru District WHEREAS (l) Jayral Vishnubhar Desr and (2) Sandhya Jayray Desai, both of P.O. Box 356, Nyerr rn the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land contalnmg 0.9128 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate rn the distnct of Nyeri, regrstered under trtle No. Nyen/Munrcrpalrty Block 11344, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notice rs givcn that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. I shrl! rssue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has tret-n recuived \\'ithin that period. Dated the 7th November, 2014. MR/5951696 S N NDIR,\NGU, Ittnrl Ri'gtstrar. n''' , ri Distrrcl 3046 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZETTE NoTICE No. IIO4O 7th November,2014 GAZET"IE NOTICE NO. 8044 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 a/2012) (No. 3 </2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Patrrck Munene Mwaura, of P.O. Box 132, Mwerga rn the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor ln absolute ownership interest of that plece of land contarnrng 0.10 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the distrrct of Nyeri, registered under title No. Magutu/Ragati/941, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce rs given that after the explration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new htle deed provrded that no oblection has been recerved within that period. Dated the 7th November.2014. or thereabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under trde No Isukha,rllehol412, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce is given that after the exprratlon of sxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provided that no objectron has been recerved wtthin that period. Dated the 7th November, 2014. S. N. NDIRANCU, Innd Regrslrar, Nyeri Drstrrct. MR/595 I 876 GAZETTE WHEREAS Phelesia Lea Osibon, rs regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership rnterest of that plece of land containing 2.6 hectares NonCE No. 804 I J. GAzE-mE NoTICE No. 8045 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 2012) (No.3 of2o12) ISSUE oF. A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISST,E oF A WHEREAS Ngarr s/o Krhra, of PO Box l4l, Karatina rn the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownership interest of that prece of land contarnrng 1.4 acres or thereabout, situate in the distnct of Nyerr, registered under trtle No. Konyu/Gakuyul273, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost. notice is grven that after the expiratlon of sixty (60) days from the dete hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no objechon has been recerved wlthln that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. WHEREAS Robert Bwala Waka, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 3.5 acres or thereabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under title No. Kisa/Mushiangubu/886, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce ls given that after the exptratton of sxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been received wrthin that period. N. NDIRANGU, ktnd Regrstrar, N),eri Distritt MR/5951 876 No, 8042 J. hnd MPJ595 1638 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 a/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Abraham Murugwa Shitanda, rs reglstered as proprletor ln absolute ownership lnterest of that plece of land containrng 2.21 hectares or thereabout, situate rn the drstnct of title No. N/Kabras/lVlalava/2569, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice ls gtven that after the exprratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new Kakamega, registered under trtle deed provrded that no ob1echon has been recerved withrn that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. J M FUNDIA, ltnd MR/595 I 638 Registrar, Kakamega Dtstrrct. GAZETTENoTICENo 8043 ISSTIE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Haruna Mwelesa Afandi, rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land containing 1.26 hectares or thereabout, situate in the distnct of Kakamega, regrstered under title No. Butsotso/Esumeyia./1360, and whereas sufficient evldence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November.2014. J. ltnd MR/595188,I M. FUNDIA, Regtstrar, Kakamega D$trtct. GAZE.I-IE NoT.ICE No. 8047 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) ISST,E oF A (No.3 oJ20l2) NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSIJE oF A WHEREAS Juma Odwon Mekr, of P.O. Box 921. Mumias in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that plece of land contarnrng 1.8 acres or thereabout, sltuate Kakamega, registered under fitle No. E/Wanga/Lubinu/599, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce rs glven that after the expuatron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that perrod. NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Brlah Akhonya Bakari, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that ptece of land containing 0.65 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate ln the drstnct ofKakamega, registered under title No. Butsotso/Shibeye/1815, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. J. M. FUNDIA. Innd Registrar, Kakamega Dtstrrct. I I Dated the 7th November,2014. Dated the 7th November,2014 MR/595 1 686 M. FUNDIA, Registrar, Kakamega Dtstrrct GAZET.IE NoTCE No. 8046 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ln the dlstnct of NEw LAND TITLE DEED Dated the 7th November,2014. S. GAZETTE NoTCE M. FUNDIA, ktnd Registrar, Kakamega Dtstrrct. MR/5951783 MRi s95 I 881 ltnd Re g t s J. M. FLINDIA, trar, Kakame g,a Di s tric t GAZETTE 3041 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November.2Ol4 NorrcE No. 8048 GAzEmE NoTcE No. 8052 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 of 2012) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSTIE oF A WHEREAS Francrs Mbwabi Ataun, rs regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contarning 0.5 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under title No. Isukha./Mugomarl682, and whereas sufficient evidence has beerr adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November.2014. MR/5951963 I-and Re g is J M. FUNDIA, trar, Kakame ga D ts tr rc t. NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Christian Outreach Ministries, of P.O. Box 1868, Kitale in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.101 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registered under title No. Sinyerere/Sitatunga Block l/IVlukuyul 427, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. A. KAVEHI, Iand Registrar, Kitale. MN595t749 GAZE.I-IE NoTCE No. 8049 GAZE,I-rE NoTCE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No. 8053 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No IssI,]E oF A NEw LAND T]TLE DEED WHEREAS George Robert Wafula Bwamr (ID/0084384), of P.O. Box 51 1, Kitale in the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containng 2.276 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registered under title No. Kapkoi/Mabonde Block 1/Ex-Pnson/346, and whereas sufr':ient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed iss 'd thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixi, (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period Dated the 7th November,2014. A. KAVEHI, 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Kihara Muregr (ID/3817135), of P.O. Box 298, Kitale in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownership rnterest of that piece of land containing 0.809 hectarE or thereabouts, situate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registered under title No. Waitaluk/Kapkoi Sisal Block lAJVamuifi'A'1399, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the iand title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November, 2014. Land Registrar, Ktale MR/595 r 749 ktnd MR/5951928 GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8O5O GAzEmE NoTICE No. 8054 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 a/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND (No.3 o/2012) TIILE DEED WHEREAS Peter Kipngetich Maitui (ID/I 1865658), of P.O. Box 748, Mor's Bridge in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 2.67 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registered under title No. Chepsiro/Kapsigilai Block l/Kapsigllal209, and whereas suflicient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new htle deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November, 2014. No. 805 ISSI]E OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Francis Mwei Kyania, of P.O. Box 1, Machakos in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0465 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Machakos, registered under trtle No. MachakosMunicipality Block 21321, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November. 2014. ltnd MR/595171 I GAZETTE NoTIcE A, KAVEHI, Regtstrar, Kttale I MR/5951917 GAZETTE NoTIcE T}IE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Land Re G. M. NJOROGE, Distric t. gis trar, Mac hako s No. 8055 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No. 3 a/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Kokwo Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society, of P.O. Box 92-30201, Endebess in the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registered under title No Kapkoi/lvlabonde Block llEx-Prison/131, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed tssued thereof has been lost, notrce is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new htle deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. MR/5951716 H. C. MUTAI, gtstrar, Kttale. Re WHEREAS Mary Nthambi Kalovoto, of P.O. Box 1503-90100, Machakos in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.43 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the disrict of Machakos, registered under title No. Machakos/Kiandani/538, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs grven that after the expration of sxry (60) days from the date hereoi I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period Dated the 7th November,2014. ltnd A. KAVEHI, Registrar, Kitale. G. M. NJOROGE, MR/5951951 ktnd Registrar, Machakos District THE KENYA GAZETTE 3048 GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 8056 GAZETTE NoTIcE 7th November, 2014 No, 8060 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISST]E OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS (1) Paul Salat Mango and (2) Wrlltam Ol Wanztro Nanjero, both of P.O. Box 109640517, Nairobr rn the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprletor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.996 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Machakos, registered under title No. Ndalani/Mavaloni Block l/1069, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a now title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS Stephen Muchaba Mwaura (ID/0357307), of P.O. Box 62q090o, Kiambu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0800 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Thika, registered under title No. Ruiru EasUJuja East Block 2iT. 3086, Dated the 7th November,2014. MPJ6I GAzErrE NoficE No. 8057 period. M. M. MUTAI, I-and Registrar, Thika District. MR/5951756 GAZEITE NoTIcE NO. 806I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) ISSTIE oF A (No.3 o/2012) NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSTJE WHEREAS Mugo Mutiga (ID/1300878), of Embu rn the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 4.00 acres or thereabout, sioate in the district of Embu, registered under title No. Ngandori/Kirigi/I751, and whereas sufficicnt cvidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new htle dced provided that no objection has been received witJrrn that period. oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Veronicah Wanjiku Gachii (1D1674646416), of P.O. Box 6O9zl-O020C, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.286 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Thika, registered under title No. Ruiru East/Juja East Block 214750, .trd whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after $e explration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. J. M. MUNGTIII. Dated the 7th October,2014. Land Registrar, Embu Distrtct. MN5951772 F. M. NYAKUNDI, Land Registrar, Thika District. MR/5951809 GAzE'rrE the expiration of sixty (60) days from tre date hereof, I shall issue a ncw title deed provided that no objection has been received within that Dated the 7th October.2014. R. M. SOO, Iand Re gistrar, Machakos District. l0l l9 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land titlp deed issued thcreof has been lost, notice is given that after NorcE No. 8058 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAzFrrE NoTIcE No. 8062 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS M'Barua M'Kaimba (ID/8304281), is registered as proprietor in absolute ownerstrip interest of that piece of land containing 4.29 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Meru, registered under title No. Abothuguchi/Gaitu/389, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixg (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. objection has been recerved withrn that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. H. S. W. MUSUMIAH, Land Regis,ra,, Litry Pltrrr", MR/595 r 661 ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Simon Gichuhi Njorogg, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.028 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, registercd under title No. Muguga/Muguga/1205, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title dced issued thereof has been lost, notice is grven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed prcvided that no Dated the 7th November,2014. K. G. NDEIiWA, Land Registrar, Kiambu District. vr/5951 776 GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 8059 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAzErrE NoTICE No. 8063 TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ2Ol2) (No.3 o/2012) IssuE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Obadiah Mugambi Krnrr,r (ID/l 4'1'l?642), of Kiengu of Kenya, is regist., " .s proprietor rn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing A.l2 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district cf Merti North, re.rr"i.-red under title No. AntubetweA.,ljowel3259, and vrhereas suffrc,.ut r vtlence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has bcen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) drys tr.r.n the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no ob;ecuon has been received within that period. in the Republic Dated the 7th November,2014. Dated the 7th November,2014. MR/5951790 ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREA.S Joseph Miri Njau, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0977 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Krambu, registercd under title No. Githunguri/Ktmathl}O44, and whereas sufficicnt evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issucd thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days ftom the date hereoi I shall issue a new title deed providcd that no objection has been received within that period. D. M. KAMA;.jiA. Land Registrat, Meru Norlli )tstrtct. W.N. MUGURO, MR/5951770 Land Registrar, Kiambu District. i I THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November.20l4 I t I GAZETTE NonCE No. 8064 l 3049 GAZEI.TI] NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/21)121 ISSUF, oF A (l) John Ndichu Kamuru and (2) Robert Grkura Njoroge, both of PO. Box 78. Karun in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute orvnership interest of that piece of land containing 0.25 acre or thereabouts, srtuate rn the drstrrct of Krambu, registered under htle No Kiambaa/Muchatha/T. l-50, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost, nottce ls grven that after the explratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue a new trtle deed provided that no ob1ectlon has been recerved wtthln that period W. N or thereabout, sltuate ln the drstnct of Krrinyaga, registered under trtle No. Krnnyaga/Marummo/S 16, and lvhereas suffrcrent evtdence has been adduced to show that thc land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notlce ts grven that after the explratlon of slxty hectares (60) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been recerved 'wrthrn that perrod. C. W. NJAGI. MLJGURO, lnnd Regrstt'ar, Knnbu Distnct Lutd I?e,gtstrur. Krrrnt,aga Distritt MR/5951583 GAZETTENOTICENo 8069 GAZETTENoTICENo 8065 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ry'2012) (No 3 o/ 20l2) ISSIIE oF A ISSI,E oF A NEw LAND TITI,E DEED WHEREAS Beatnce Warrmu Mugo (ID/27820-538), of P.O. Box of Kenya, rs regrstered as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp lnterest of that ptece of land containing 0.101 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate ln the dlstflct of 41940qJ2, Kikuyu rn the RepublLc Krambu, regrstered under tltle No Dagorettr/Krnoo/2760. and whereas suffrcrent evrdencc has been adduced to show that thc land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, nohce ts glven that after the exprratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provided that no oblectlon has been recerved rvrthrn that perrod W N MUCURO, lnnd Rcgrstrar, Krumbu Dr\tnct MR/595 1825 Ntjw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Murrukr Wambugu (1D12923966). of P O Box 27. Kramutugu rn the Repubhc ol Kenya. rs registered as pft)prletor rn absolute ownershrp rnterest of thal prece of land contalnlng 0 8 I hectare or thereabouts. situatc ln the distnct of Krnnyaga, regrstered under trtlc No Ngarrama/Thrrikrva/2072. and rvhereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduccd to shorv that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce rs grlen that afier the exprration of srxty (60) days from thc date hereof, I shall rssue a new tttle decd provrded that no ob.;ectron has been recerved lvrthrn that perrod. Dated the 7th Nolenrbcr,20l.1 Dated the 7th November.20l4 GAZETTE NoTCE NEw LANI) TITI,E DFEI) WHEREAS King'ere Krlonzr (lD/21198688), o1 P,O. Box 26. Wanguru rn the Repubhc of Kenya. rs Iegtstered as propfletor rn absolutc orvnershrp lnterest of that plece of land contarnng 2 12 Dated the 7th November. 20 l4 Dated the 7th November. 201.{ MR/5951 979 8068 lNo.3 o/2012.t ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS No THE LAND RI]GISTRATION ACT J K I\,ILITHEE. MR/5951927 Inn d GAZETTE NOTICE No. 8066 No Re gtslrat, Krrrttl tt gtt Dr tr tt't s 807T) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE I,AND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 ry'2012) 1No.3 ry'2012) ISSLIE oF ISSUE OI. NEw LAND TITLE DEEDS WHEREAS Naomr Wambur Maina (ID14440764), of P.O. Box 40346, Nairobi rn the Republc of Kenya. is registered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp lnterest of those pieces of land contarnrng 0 Itt and 0.18 hectare or thereabouts. sttuate rn the drstrict of Krrrnyaga. registered under htle Nos Klne/Rukangal257? and 2573. and rvhereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced lo shorv that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notice is given that after the exprahon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a nerv trtle deed provrded that no obJechon has been recerved rvrthrn that penod. Dated the 7th November,20l4 MRt595t92l lnnd J. K MUTHEE. Re gtstrar, Ktrutl,u ga Dislnt t ^ NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Chnstrne Opryo (ID/l ltt42l-19). of PO Box 2137200505, Narrobi rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstercd as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp interest of that prece of land contalnrng 0 08 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate ln the dlstnct of Kalrado. regrstered under title No. K.;d/Kaputrer North/5891, and rvhereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduccd to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce ls grven that after the explratron of srxty (60) days front the date hereof. I shall rssue a ncw title deed provrded that no ohJectron has been received wlthln that period Dated the 7th Novemher. 2014. D M. KYULE, Innd Rcgrstrar, Kayudo Dtstncl MR/5e5 l6e0 I , i i GAZETTE NoTICE I I No. 8067 GAZETTE NoTI(.E No I.tO71 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 o/2012) (No -l o/2012 t ISSUE oF NEw LAND TITLE DEEDS ISSUE oF A NEw I,AND TITLE DI'ED WHEREAS Naomi Wambur Marna (1D1444O764't, of P.O Box 40346, Nairobr in the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as proprletor rn WHEREAS Trmothy Lekoko Musayo (ID/115870-38), of P.O. Box 81. Ltk rn thc Repubhc ofKenya, rs regrstered as propiletor 1n absolute ownershrp rnterest of that plece of land contanng 2.11 hcctares or thereabout, srtuate rn the dlstrrct of Kajrado, reglstered under trtle No. Ltk/Krmana-Trkondo/4684. and rvhereas s;ufficrent evrdence has been adduced to sho{,that the land tltle decd rssued thereof'has been lost. notrce is glven that after the e{prratron of stxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a ne\\,tltle deed provrded that no obJectlon has absolute ownership interest of those preces of land contarnrng 0.186 and 0.18 hectare or thereabouts. sltuate in the drstnct of Krrrnyaga. registered under htle Nos Kirne/Rukangal2570 'nnd 2511, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land htle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce ls grven that after the expiratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a nerv trtle deed provrded that no ob1ectlon has been received withrn that penod. Dated the 7th November. 201.1. MFJ595192'7 Ittnd Re J.K MUTHEE, gistrar, Kirutyaga Dtstrrct been recerved $ithin that penod. Dated the 7th November. 2014 J M WAMBUA. MR/595 1895 Itnd Regrslrur, Ku1iudt, Drslrtt t i THE KENYA GAZETTE 3050 No. 8072 GAZETTE NoTCE 7th Novernber,2014 i No. 8076 GAZETTE NoTICE (No (No.3 o/2012) I 3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW I-AND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS John Nkapapa Lepaso Mboi (ID/0090994), of P.O. Box 219, EmaL in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propfletor ln absolute ownership inberest of that plece of land contatnrng 4.045 hectares or thereabout, situate in the drstnct of Kajiado, rcglstered under trtle No. K1d/Kaputrer-South/2728, and whereas suffictent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed tssued thereof has been lost, nohce ls glven that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereoi I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no oblection has been recerved withm that period. WHEREAS Abdi Mahk Hussein (lD/9125963), of PO Box 35080{n2m Nrirobi in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor m absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land containiug 5.67 hectares or thereabout, sltuate ln the distnct of Kajrado, registered under title No. K.1dlKrpetolz403, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided :hat no objectron has been recerved wrthin that period Dated the 7th November,2014 Dated the 7th November, 201 4 M. WAMBUA, Iand Regtstrar, Kajado District. J. MR/595 1856 I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT i R. K. KALAMA, Innd Regrstrar, Kajiado North District MR/5951961 GAZETTENOTICENO 8077 GAZETTENOTICE NO. 8073 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No.3 o/2012) IssrrE oF A NEw LAND TI'fl-E DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Jaredstone Ngugr Mwathi (ID/0371809), of P.O. Box 2267, Karcn rn the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp interest of that prece of land sltuate ln the drstnct of Kajrado, registered under htle No. Kajiado/Kisa1ul1375, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provrded that no objectron has been received within that penod title No. Nyandarua,&1uruaki/6150, and whereas suffictent evidence has been adduced to show that the land htle deed tssued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expratlon of sixty (60) days fiom the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has been recerved wrthin that period. Dated the 7th November, 2014. Dated ttre 7th November. 2014. A. N. NJOROGE, land Registrar, Kajiado District. MR/5951923 WHERIAS Mary Wambur Njenga (ID/4428452), of P.O Box 6, Mugunda in the Republic of Kenya, rs regtstered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp interest ofthat prece ofland contarnrng 0.89 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate m the distnct of Nyandarua, regrstered under J, MR/s9s 1660 W. KARANJA, Land Registrar, Nyandarua/Samburu Dstricts GAZET"IE NoTICE NO. 8078 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8074 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ol2) (No.3 of2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Wilson Kipkoger Krpketer Boit (ID/l 1868244), of P.O. Box 62+. Ngong Hills in the Republic of Kenya, ts registered as proprietct rn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containrr g 0.10 hectare or thercabouts, situate in the district of Kajiado, registered under title No. Ngong,A{gong/16458, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said title deed issued thereoftas been lost, notice is grven that after the expiration ofsrxty (60) day,; from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tttle deed provided that no oo jection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November, 2014 G.W.MUMO, Land Regtstrar, Kajiado Distrtct MR/61 10 I 34 GAZET"Dj NoTICE WHEREAS Jerioth Muthoni Ngunjiri (ID/4688851), of P.O. Box 17-20302, Ol Joro Orok in the Republic of Kenya, rs reglstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.62 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Nyandarua, registered under tttle No. Nyandarua/Ol Joro Orok Salientl4692, and whereas suffictent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of stxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014 MR/s9s 1668 No. 8075 GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No. 8079 THE LAND REGISTRATIOi ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 of2ot2) ISSI,E OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHE){EAS Wilfred Henra (lDll3072l44), of P.O. Box 2110700505, Nr,irobr in the Repubhc of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor in absolute cwnership rnterest of that piece of land containing 0.1 hectare or thereatouts, srtuate in the district of Kajiado, registered under trtle No. Ngong/l.,lgongl15464, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I .rhall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November, 2014. WHEREAS Grace Watetu Mucheke (1D15544387), of P.O. Box 192, Nyahururu rn the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership mterest of that piece of land containing 0.0856 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the distnct of Nyandarua, regrstered under title No. Nyandarua/Leshau/Kienr East Block 51327, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereofhas been lost, nottce is given that after tlte expration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall tssue a new title deed provided that no objectron has been recerved wthin that period. Dated the 7th November, 2014. R. MR/595 t842 N. G. GATHAIYA, Land Regtstrar, Nyandarua/Samburu Districts KALAMA, Land Registrar, Kajtado North District. MR/5951802 N. G. GATHAIYA, Land Re gis trar, Nyandarua/Samburu Districts I I I 305 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2014 GAZETTE NONCE NO. 8O8O GAZETTE NoTICE r No. 8084 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No.3 of2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHERIAS Joseph Muchrri Ndungu (lD/2386422O), of P.O. Box 3534, Nakuru in the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land contarnmg 0.082 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the drstnct of Nyandarua, registered under title No Nyandarua/Githioro/2508, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land fitle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice rs grven that after the exptratlon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided WHEREAS Joseph Ngugr Mburu (IDi1442850), rs regrstere<i as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contarning 0.101 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the drstnct of Nyandarua, regrstered under title No. Nyandarua/Ttlaga/4978, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been received within that that no ob.;ectron has been recerved wrthin that penod. Dated the 7th November, 2014. MR/5951737 N. G. GATHAIYA, Land Regrstrar, Nyandarua/Samburu D$tnc ts period. Dated the 7th November,2014. N. G. GATHAIYA, Land Regtstrar, Nyandann/Samburu Dislricts MR/5951796 GAzErm NoTICE No. 8081 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAZE.I-TE NoTICE No. 8085 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2Ot2) (No.3 uf2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSTJE WHEREAS Florence Kemunto Krnara (ID/9162224), of P.O. Box 129, Nyahururu rn the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as propnetor m absolute ownership lnterest of that piece of land containmg 0.061 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate in the distnct of Nyandarua, registered under title No. Nyandarua/Leshau Mbuyu Karai Block 2/1013, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days fiom ttre date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no objectron has been recerved wrthin that period. Dated the 7th November.2014. MR/s951 8l 2 GAZETTE NoTIcE N. G. GATHAIYA, Land Regtstrar, Nyandarua/Samburu Distric*. oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Kingstone Mathenge Kamau, of P.O. Box 213, Nyeri in the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that ptece of land containing 3.230 hectares or thereabout, situate rn the district of Larkipia, registered under title No. Marmanet Melwa Block V1097 (Muhotehr), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice ls grven that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November, 2014. J. M. hnd MR/59518r4 MWINZI, Registrar, Laikrpia Dittrict. No. 8082 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAzE-rrE NoIcE No. 8086 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2olz) (No. 3 IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS David Kinara (1D116939291), of P.O. Box 129, in the Rqrublic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in o/20i2) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED absolute ownershrp mterest of that prece of land contarnlng 2.0 hectares WHEREAS James Kamau Da'Gitau, of P.O. Box 772, Ukunda in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership or thereabout, situate in the district ofNyandarua, registered under title No. Nyandarua/Mbuyu/490, and whereas suffrcient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. registered under tltle No. Kwale/lV1aloreni/1307, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tide deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Nyahururu Dated the 7th November,2014. interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of Kwale, Dated the 7th November,2ol4. N. G. GATTIAIYA, MR/5951812 GAZE.I-rE NoTIcE Land Registrar, Nyandarua/Samburu Distric ts No. 8083 C K, NGETICH, Ittnd Registrar, Kwale District. MR/5951699 GAZEI-IE NoTICE No. 8087 THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No.3 of20l2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Winnre N..;en Mburu (ID/12416511), rs regrstered as in absolute ownership mterest of that piece of land contarning 0.046 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nyandarua, registered under title No. Nyandarua/Tulagal2996, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, nohce is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereo{ I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objectron has been recerved within that proprietor period. Dated the 7th November,2014. MR/5951796 N. G. GATHAIYA, Land Regtstrar, Nyandarua/Samburu Distncts ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS James Kamau Da'Gitau, of P.O. Box 772, Ukunda in the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership lnterest of all that prece of land situate in the district of Kwale, registered under title No. Kwale/Marenje/l18, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. C. K. NGETICH, MR/5951699 l-and Regtstrar, Kwale District. 3052 GAZETTE THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,20l4 GAZETTENoTICENo 8092 NonCE NO. 8088 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssIjE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS James Kamau Da'Grtau, of P.O Box 772, Ukunda in the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor m absolute ownershrp WHEREAS John S. Gaitho, is registered as propnetor rn absolute ownership rnterest of all that piece of land situate in the drstrrct of Kwale, registered under title No Kwale/Diani/65, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. interest of all that prece of land srtuate in the district of Kwale, regrstered under htle No. Kwale/Marenjellll , and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provrded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November. 20 14. C K, NGETICH. Itnd MR/5951699 Dated the 7th November,2014. C. K. NGETICH, Regtstrar, Kwale District. GAZETTE NoTlcE GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8093 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No. 8089 (No.3 o/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISST,E OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED (No. 3 o/2012) WHEREAS (1) Mwaganda Mdzomba Mwangala (1D197736O) and ISSTIE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS James Kamau Da'Grtau, of P.O. Box 772, Ukunda in the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownership piece of land sltuate m the dlstnct of Kwale, regrstered under title No. Kwale/Majoreni/l306, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exprratron of slxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provrded that no objectlon has been received wlthin that period interest l-and Registrar, Kwale Dstrict. MR/5951850 of all that (deceased), both of P.O. Box 834, Mwapa in the Repubhc are registered as propnetors rn absolute ownershrp interest of land containing 0.81 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the district of Kilifi, registered under title No. Kilifi,Mtwapall23l, and piece whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is gtven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objectron has been recerved within that C. K. NGETICH, lttnd Regtstrar, Kx'ale Distrrcl Dated the 7th November,2014. J. No. T. BAO, Innd Registrar, Kilifi Drtrict MR/5951870 GAZETTE NoTIcE of Kenya, of all that penod. Dated the 7th November,2014. MR/5951699 (2) Mwangala Mudzomba Mwangara (ID/852 I I 18), as the administrators of the estate of Mdzomba Mwangala Mdzomba 8O9O GAzE.rrE NoTCE No. 8094 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Abdrllahi Hun Ibrahim, of P.O. Box 1998, Mombasa in the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp rnterest of all that prece of land srtuate ln the dlstrict of Kwale, regrstered under trtle No. Kwale/Dranr/1986, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce rs glven that after the explratlon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provrded that no obJectron has been received wrthrn that period. Dated the 7th November.20l4. C K NGETICH, Innd Regtstrar, MR/5951 728 Kw,ale WHEREAS Ezra Ogado Amba (1D12264850), is registered as propnetor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of all that piece of land containing 4.6 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Rachuonyo, regrstered under tltle No. E. Kastpul/Kojwach Kamioro/I335, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce ts given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. Drstrrcl J. O. OSTOLO, MR/595 1 940 Land Re gistrar, Rachuonyo SouthlNorth Districts. GAZETTENoTICENo 8O9I GAZETTENoTICENo 8095 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE.OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS John Wahrnya Karuga, of P.O Box 19073, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land srtuate in the distnct of Kwale, regrstered under title No. Mombasa Pangun Fuel Area/l l, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce ls given that after the exprration of slxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provided that no obJechon has been recelved within that period. Dated the 7th November. 20 14. C. MR/595 r 780 K NGETICH. Innd Registrar, Kv'tle Distrrct WHEREAS Nelson Ochieng Molo, of P.O. Box 37, Nyilima in the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership lnterest of all that prece of land containing 2 8 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Bondo, registered under title No. AsemboA{yagokoill89. and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs grven that after the expratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received withrn that penod. Dated the 7th November,2014. G. M. MALUNDU, MR/-5951888 Itnd Re g is trar, Bon d o / Rar ie da D tstricts. GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8096 GAZETTE NoTICE 8 I OO THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 a/2012) (No. 3 a/2012) ISSLIE oF.A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Timothy Makau Mutwa, of P.O. Box 392-90200, Kitui regrstered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that plece of land contarning I 1.3 hectares or thereabout, situate rn the drstflct of Krtur, regrstered under title No. Yatta B 2/Kwa Yonzal26, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received withln that period rn the Republic of Kenya, ls J. K. MUNDIA, land Regtstrar, Kitut Distrtct MR/5951779 WHEREAS Batholomew Emuria Okasida, of P.O. Box 63, Kamunai rn the Repubhc of Kenya, is regrstered as proprletor rn absolute ownership lnterest of all that prece of land containing 2.2 hectares or thereabout, sltuate in the drstrrct of Busia,/Teso, registered under trtle No. North Teso/I(amunar/726, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce is glven that after the expiration of srxty I shall rssue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. (60) days from the date hereof, C. A. lttnd MR75951981 GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8097 No. 8IO ISSUE oF NEw LAND TITI-E DEED WHEREAS Rodah Napurura Shankrl (ID/0201693), of P.O. Box 298, Kilgoris in the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp interest of all that piece of land contalnlng 2.091 hectares or thereabout, situate rn the drstrict of Transmara, registered under title No. Transmara/Moyoill375, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs grven tlat after the expfuahon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. WHEREAS Mangera David Mwrta, of Suna in the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land containing 0.66 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the of Mrgon, registered under parcel No Suna East/Wasweta 116274, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the sard htle deed issued thereofhas been lost, notice is given that after distrrct the explratlon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new htle deed provided that no objection has been received wlthin that penod Dated the 7th November,2014. Dated the 7th November,2014. S. W. K E M. BOSIRE, Land Regrstrar, Mrgon/Rongo Dtstncts GITHINJI, Land Registrar, Transmata Distnct MR/6110143 GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8098 No. 8102 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ2Ol2) (No 3 o/2012) ISSI,'E OF NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Afncan Inland Church Keiyo District Church Councrl, P.O. Box 230, Iten rn the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land contalning 0.18 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate rn the drstrict of Keryo North, registered under title No. Irong/Iten/571, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce is grven that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received withrn that period. of ; S K. BAIYWO, GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8IO3 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No. 8099 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No. 3 o/2012) RECoNSTRUCToN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Hundred Court Limited, of P.O. Box 7419440200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor in fee WHEREAS Ghalib Muhdhar Ali Nasir, of P.O. Box 156, Lamu tn the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.02 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the drstnct of Lamu, registered under title No. Lamu/Block U669, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received wrthin that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. MR/6110063 Land Registrar, Siaya Distrtct MR/6110114 GAZE.I-TE NoTICE I t Dated the 7th November. 2014 Innd Registrar, Elgeyo Marakwet Dtstrrct. MR/5951750 t I WHEREAS Lydra Atreno Odame, rs regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that prece of land contarnlng 0.4 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Sraya, regrstered under title No. East AlegoAJlaful94l, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the sard trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereoi I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that penod. P A. OWEYA, Dated the 7th November,2014. I ! - (No 3 of2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED I WANYAMA, gtstrar, BusnlTeso D$trrct.t I (No.3 o12012) GAZETTE NoTIcE Re THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT MR/5951803 NEw LAND TITLE DEED Dated the 7th November.2014. Dated the 7th November.2014. t No. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSTIE OF A GAZETTE NoTIcE 3053 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2O14 simple of all that piece of land known as L.R. No 3301727 (330146412), situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a conveyance registered in Volume N 45 Foho 33, and whereas the land reglster rn respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and efforts made to locate the sard land regrster have failed, notice rs given that after the exprratlon of stxty (60) days from the date hereof, the property regrster shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objectron has been recerved within that penod. Dated the 7th November, 2014 Itnd B. M. MWANGADA. Registrar, Lamu Dtstrrct W M. MUIGAI, MR/595 1773 Land Regtstrar, Narro br 3054 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2014 I i GAZETTE l{orrcE No. 8I04 GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No. 8 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 (No.3 of2012) RECoNSTRUCToN oF LoST oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEI EAS Lotega Enterprises Limited, of P.O. Box 5495, Nairobi in the Relubhc ofKenya, is-regrstered as propnetor lessee ofall that pieoe of l.rnd known as L.R. No. l27l5ll451l, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virh:e of a grant I.R. 100050/1, and whereas the land reglster m respect thereof rs lost or destroyed, and efforts made to locate the satd land register have failed, notice is given that after the exprration ofsrxty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisrons ofsectron 33 (5) ofthe Act, provrded 1 nat no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. W, M. MUIGAI, Land Regislrar, Nairobi MR/5951989 1 IO8 of2olz) RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS (l) Mulltbhar Jivabhai Vekaria, (2) Dhuruvkumar Muljibhar Vekana and (3) Vrnodkumar Muljibhai Vekaria, all of P,O. Box 7206740200, Nairobr in the Republic of Kenya, are regtstered as of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 2091136/270, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virn:e of an assignment registered rn Volume N 56 Folio 513, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost/destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land regrster have farled, notrce is given that after the expiration of proprietors lessees sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisrons ofsection 33(5) ofthe Act, provrded that no objection has been recerved withrn that penod. Dated the 7th November,2014. W M. MUIGAI, MR/5951939 GAzEr-rE NorcE No. Land GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No. 8109 (No.3 of2ot2) RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Lotega Enterprises Limited, of P.O. Box 5495, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 12715/14851, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a grant I.R. 100051/1, and whereas the land regrster in respect thereof rs lost or destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land regrster have failed, notrce ls glven that after the expration ofsixty (60) days fiom the date hereof, the property regrster shall be reconstructed under the provlslons ofsectron 33 (5) ofthe Act, provided that no objectron has been recerved within that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. W. M. MUIGAI, Land Regtstrar, Nairo bi MR/59s 1989 RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST oR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Benson Gachuhi Marna, of P.O. Box 560-00518, Nairobi in the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 113441450, situate in the city of Nairobr, by virtue of a certrficate of title reglstered as No. LR. 154795/1, and whereas the land reglster in respect thereof is lost or deshoyed, and efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notrce is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days Ilom the date hereof, the property reglster shall be reconstructed under the provisions of sectron 33 (5) of the Act, provrded that no oblection has becn received wrthm that penod. Dated the 7th November, 2014. W. M. MUIGAI, MR /595 1 926 No. 8 Land Registrar, Nairobi 106 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8 1 10 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2o12) (No 3 oJ20l2) RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS China Jrangsu Intematronal Economic Technical Cooperation Corporation, of P.O. Box 7806-00200, Nairobi rn the Republic ofKenya, is regrstered as propnetor for an estate in fee srmple of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 3301472 (orig 330138122), srtuate-rn the crty of Narrobt. by vlrtue of a conveyance registered in Volume N 44 Folio 364, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost/destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land regrster have farled, notrce is grven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property regrster shall be reconstructed under the provisions of sectlon 33(5) of the Act, provided that no oblection has been recerved wrthrn that period W. Ltnd MF.l5951144 No. 8 RECoNSTRUCToN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHERIAS Beatnce Wambui Mutun Thumi, of P.O Box 1076400800, Narrobr rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as propnetor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 209/9604, situate m the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a grant registered as No. I.R. 84543/1, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notrce is grvea that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisrons of sectron 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no oblection has been recerved wrthin that periodDated the 7th November, 2014. Dated the 7th November.2014. GAZET.TE NoTCE gistrar, Nairobi. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) GAZETTE NoTCE Re 8105 Re M MUIGAI. gistror, Nairobi. W M. MUIGAI. Mtus951877 GAZETTE NoTICE I07 Land Registrar, Narrobi No. 8I I 1 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2o12) (No.3 of2012) RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER RECONSTRTICTION oF LOST OR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Mediter Propertres Lrmrted. of P.O Box 45508-00100, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as propnetor lessee of all that piece of land known as L R. No. 209/ll/5, situate in the city of Narrobr, by vrtue ofa grant regrstered as I R 9073111, and whereas the land register in respect thereof rs lost/destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land regrster have farled, notice is given that after dre expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property regrster shall be reconstructed under the provrsrons of section 33(5) of the Act, WHEREAS Urban Splash Limited, of P O. Box 2246040100, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propnetor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 33O/1315, srtuate in the city of Narrobi, by virtue of a grant registered as No. I.R 141'l9ll1, and whereas the land register in respect thereof rs lost or destroyed, and efforts made to Iocate the said land regrster have fatled, notice is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property regrster shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) ofthe Act, provrded that no oblection has been received withm provided that no objectron has been received wrthrn that penod. that period. Dated the 7th November,2014. MR/5951771 Dated the 7th November,2014. W. M. MUIGAI, ktnd Re gistrar, Natrobr W. M. MUIGAI, MR/5951 929 Land Registrar, Natrobr I I i to show that the green card issued in respect thereof is missing, and whereas all efforts made to locate it have failed, notlce is glven that after the expiration of slxty (60) days from the date hereof, provrded GAZETTENOTCENO.81I2 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT that no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to open another land register and upon such opening, the said missing green card shall be deemed to have been cancelled and of no effect. (No.3 of20r2) LOSS OF LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Gathungu Kinyanlur H. Peter (ID/l888314/64), of P O. 11 156, Nairobr rn the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor of that plece of land situate in the district of Thika, registered under trtle No. Ruiru KIU Block 2 (Githunguri)/2024, and whereas sufficlent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land regtster (green card) of the sard piece of land is missrng, and whereas all efforts Box made to locate the said land register (green card) have farled, notice rs given that after the expuation of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, provided that no objectlon has been received wrthin that period I intend to construct a new land register and proceed with the transactions regarding the above parcel of land and upon such regrstratton, the said missing land register shall be deemed to be of no effect. Dated the 7th November.20l4 Land MR/5951846 Re F. M. NYAKUNDI, gistrar, Thika Dislnc t. GAzErrENorICENo.8ll3 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ot2) sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land register (green card) of the sard plece of land rs mlsslng, and whereas all efforts made to locate the sard land regrster (green card) have farled, notrce rs given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, provided that no objection has been received within that period I intend to construct a new land regrster and proceed wrth the transactrons regardrng the above parcel ofland and upon such reglstratron, the sard missing land register shall be deemed to be of no effect. Dated the 7th November, 2014. F. M. NYAKUNDI, Innd Registrar, Thtka District GAZETTE NorIcE No. 81 16 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 of2012) ISSUE OF NEW GREEN CARDS WHEREAS Ah Okumu Mohamed. of P.O, Box i92l-40100. Kisumu rn the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as propnetor in absolute ownershrp interest ofthose preces ofland containing 0.0465 aad 0.0465 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the drstrict of Kisumu, registered under certificate of lease Nos. KisumuMunicipality Block 275 and 2'76, utd whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the green cards issued thereofhave been lost and efforts to trace them have failed, notice is given that after the expratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new green cards provided that no objectton I. N. NJIRU, Land Registrar, Kisumu East/lV'est Districts MR/5951957 GAZETTENoTICENo. 8117 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ol2) OPEMNG oF A NEw LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Joseph Githaka Kariuki (ID/0616623), rs registered as propnetor m absolute ownershrp lnterest ofthat piece of land srtuate in the drstrict of Nyandarua, regrstered under title No. NyandaruaiShamata/S95, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land register (green card) issued thereof has been lost, notrce rs grven that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall open a new land register provided that no ob..;ectron has been receled wrthtn that penod. Dated the 7th November,20l4. 8II4 N. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ2012) MR/sgs l 807 GAZET-IE NoTICE LosS oF LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Fredrrck Gachau Macharia (ID/g199930), of P.O. Box 76321-{0100, Narrobr rn the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor of that piece of land srtuate rn the drstrict of Thika, registered under trtle No. Ruiru East Block 112942. and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land register (green card) of the sard piece of land rs mrssrng, and whereas all effotu made to locate the said land regrster (green card) have farled, notrce ls glven that after the expiratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, provrded that no oblection has been received withln that penod I rntend to construct a new land regrster and proceed wrth the transactlons regarding the above parcel of land and upon such reglstratron, the sald missing land register shall be deemed to-be of no effect. Dated the 7th November,2014. F M. NYAKUNDI, Land Regisfrar, Thtka Dtstru't MR/6110096 C. K. NG'ETICH, Land Registrar, Kwale/ Dtstrrct MR/595 1 848 Dated the 7th November, 2014. WHEREAS (1) Mercy Nyamurwa Njenga (ID/1238566164), (2) Wilson Karika Kamau (ID/3357653166), (3) Robert Ngatia Thimba (1D13473108166) and (4) Uthrru Kwarahuka Self Help Group, all of P.O. Box 60805. Narrobr in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as propnetors of that piece of land situate rn the district of Thika, registered under title No. Ruiru/Ruiru East Block 31123, and whereas GAZETTENOTICENo Dated the 7th November, 2014. has been recerved wrthin that period. LoSS OF LAND REGISTER MR/5951874 3055 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,20l4 GAZETTE NoTICE NO. 8115 (No 3 of20l2) LoSs oF GREEN CARD WHEREAS Mwahawa Mohamed, of P.O. Box 84643, Mombasa rn the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propnetor m absolute ownershrp of that piece of land known as Kwale/Dranr Complexll277, situate rn the dlstnct of Kwale. and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced No. 81I8 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 of2o12) OPENING oF A NEw REGISTER WHEREAS David Kariuki Mathenge (ID/5946258), is regrstered as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land situate in the dlstrict of Nyandarua, reglstered under title No. Nyandarua/Oljoro Orok Salient/193-5. and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land register (green card) rssued hereof has been lost. notlce ls given that after the exprration of sxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new land register provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 7th November. 2014. ktnd MR/5e51802 GAZE.TTE NoTCE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT G GATHAIYA, Land Registrar, N),andarua/Sambura Drstncts No 81 Re N. G. GATHAIYA. gtstrar, Nyandarua/Samburu Districts. I9 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2o12) OPENING oF A NEw REGISTER WHEREAS Solomon Thamaini Muriuki, of P.O. Box 183, Ndaragwa in the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp interest of that prece of land contarnng 2.43 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3056 hectares or thereabout. sltuate ln the dlstnct of Nyerr. regrstered under trtle No Nyerr/Gatarakwa/1373. and whereas suflcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that thc land rcglstcr (green card) rssued hereof has been lost, notlce ls grven that afier the explratlon of thrrty (30) days from the date hereof. I shall open a nerv land regrster and upon such openlng. the mrssrng land regrster shall bc deenrcd to be cancelled and of no effect Dated the 7th Novenrbcr. htle deed issued earlter to the sard James Ktarte (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 7th November, 2014 W N MUGURO. MR/6110r42 GAZETTE l0 l-l W. ltnd MR/5951876 8 l2-3 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Nlerr Dstrrcl (No.3 of2Ol2) REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT GAZETTENoTICENO t3I20 WHEREAS Paul Nlagr Ngangu (deceased). rs registered as propnetor of that plece of land contarnrng 3 l4 hectares or thereabout, knorvn as Nyandarua./Ol Kalou South/686, sltuate ln the dlstflct of THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT lNrr -3 ry'2012) R].G]STRATI()N oF INSTRLIMENT WHEREAS (1) Pcter Kanrnr Nlune and (2) ALce Ny'ambura Kungu. are regrstered as pR)pnetors rn fee srmple of that prece of land knLrwn as No llJ29. srtuate ln the drstnct of Malrndr. hcld under a certrflcate of trtle regrstered as No LT 3-5 Folro 360 Frle 4-j-5$,16uq. ls grven ihat after the exprratron of loufieen (14) days from the date hereof, provided no vahd ob;ectron has heen recervcd wrthin that penod, i rntend to procced rvrth thc reglstratron of the said rnstr.rment of rndemnrty and open a skeleton trle thcrc-after Dated thc Tttr November,20l4. J. G. WANJOHI. Lttul Reprstntr, Mornbasa Drctrtct MR/5951804 Nyandarua, and whereas the Hrgh Court at Nakuru rn \uccesslon cause No. 585 of 2005. has rssued grant of letters of admrnrstratron to Samuel Nlagi Itureh as the admlnlstrator of lhe estate of Paul Nlagr Ngangu (deceased), and whereas rhe land title deed rssued earher to th. sald Paul N3agr Ngangu (deceased) has been reported mrsslng or lost, notice ls glven that after the explratlon of thrny (30) days from thc date hereof, provrded no valid obJectlon has been recerved withrn thai period, I intend to drspense wrth the productlon of the sard certiircrt- ,f Iease and proceed wlth registatron of the sard rnstrument oi R.L. 19 and R.L. 7, and upon such regrstratron the land title deed issucd earher to the said Paul Nlagr Ngargu (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 7th November,2014. N MR/5951869 GAZETI.E NoTICE No. Land Regrstrar, Krumbu Dtstnct NorrcE No. R NGAANYI. Re.qtslt'cu', 7th November,2014 lttn d Re g is G. GATHAIYA. tra r, N,- u n d a rua / S am bur u D THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT (No.3 of2Ot2) WHEREAS (l) Charles Karan.;a. (2) Nguru Grthrba, (3) Peter Rugu, (4) Krnga Grthuba and (5) Krnuthra Nloroge. all of P.O Box 78- REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRLIMENT ln the Rcpublc ol Kenya, are the regrstered propnetors lessec-s of all that prece of land contarnng 674 acres or thereabout. known as LR No 8812/1, srtuate ln the Munlclpahty of Krtale rn Trans Nzora Drstnct, held under a ceftlfrcate ofhtle reglstered as LR. 18670/1. and rvhereas Acncultural Frnance Corporatlon has executed an ll'rstrument of drscharge ru favour ol ( l ) Charles Karanla, (2) Nguru Crthuba. (3) Peter Rugu, (.1) Nproge Knuthra and (5) Krriga Grthuba. all of PO Box 78-()0221, Mxtathra, and rvhereas affidavrts har e been frlled rn terms of sectlon 65 ( I ) (ft ) of the sard Act declaring that the sald certrfrcate of trtle regrstered as No. IR. 18670. is not al'arlable for reglstratron, notlcc rs grven that after fourteen (14) day's from the date hereof, provrded that no obJcchon has been rccerved wlthrn that perrod. I rntend to drspense wlth the productron of the sard certrflcate s t ri c ts GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8 I 24 (Nrt 3 of20l2\ 00221, Matathra r 8I2I of trtle and proceed wlth the reglstratlon of ilre sard rnstruments of drschargc and charge Dated the 7th Noi'ember. 201 -1 W M MUIGAI, Dated the 7th November, 2014. Regtstrut oJ Trtles, Nurobt MR/595 1896 WHEREAS Nlerr Githare Gachoka, of Nyandarua ln the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprretor of that prece of lmd contarnrng I 2 hectares or thereabout, known as Nyandarua/Mrkaro/33, srtuate rn the drstrict of Nyandarua. and whereas the prrncrpal maglstrate's court at Nyahururu rn land drspute tnbunal No 28 of 2005. has ordered that the sard piece of larid be sub-drvrded into two equal porhons, and transfer one portron to the clarmants (l) Samuel Juma Grtharga, (2) Joseph Ndegrva Glthalga and (3) Peter Mrvangr Grtharga. and whereas all efforts made to recover the land trtle deed rssued rn respect of the sard prece of land by the land reglstrar for cancellatron have farled. notlce ls grYen that after exprratlon of thrrty (30) days from the date hereof, provrded no yahd cb.;ectron has been recerved wlthln that perrod, I intend to drspense wlth the productlon of the sard land trtle deed and proceed wrth the reglstratron of rnstrument of court order, mutatron form and transfer documents, and upon such registrahon the land title deed rssued earher to the sard Nlerr Grthare Gachoka, shall be deemed cancelled and of no effect. N. G. GATHAIYA. MR/s951828 ktnd Regtstrar, Nyandurua/Samburu Dtstt icts GAZETTENOTICENO 8122 THE LAND RtsGISTRATION ACT GAZETTENoTICENo. 8125 (No 3 oJ2Ol2) RL(,ls I RAt toN or THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT lNs I Rr rMLNT WHEREAS James Krane (deceased), is regrstered (No.3 of2ol2) as proprietor of that prece of land known as Muguga/Kanyann/l71 and Kabete/Kanyariri/T.54, contarnng 2 7 acres and 0.23 acre or thereabout, srtuate ln the drstrrct of Krambu, and whereas the princtpal maglstrate's court of Kenya at Kikuyu ln successron cause No.51 of 2014, has rssued grant letters of admmlstration to (l) Charles Krhara Krare and (2) Nelly Njambi Krarie, and whereas the land trtle deed rssued earler to the sard James Kiarie (deceased) has been reported as mrsslng or lost, notrce is grven that after the explratron of thrrty (30) days fiom the date hereof, provrded no vald oblechon has been recerved wlthln that peflod, I lntend to drspense wlth the producfion of the sard land trtle deed and proceed rvrth the regrstratlon of the sald instrument of RL. 19 and RL 7, and upon such regrstrahon the land REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Permrnus M'Mugambi (deceased), rs regrstered as proprietor of that piece of land known as Nhma/Igokr/371, situate in the district of Meru, and whereas the High Court rn succession cause No. 213 of 1997, has issued grant of letters of admlnlstratlon and certificate of confirmation of grant in favour of Florence Kinattore Imathiu, and whereas the said court has executed an appucation to be I registered as propnetor by transmissron R.L. 19, and whereas the land title deed in respect of Permrnus M'Mugambr (deceased) is lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of thrrty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid obJectlon has been recerved wlthln that penod. I intend to ii"^,ense wrth the productton of the sard land ntle i 3057 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November.2014 deed and proceed wrth regrstratron of the sard apphcatron to be registered as proprletor by transmrssron of RL. 19, and upon such registration the land title deed rssued earlier to the sard Perminus M'Mugambr (deceased.l, shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no GAZETTENoTICENo.8I29 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (No.3 oJ2ot2) effect Dated the 7th November, REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT 201 4. H. S W. MUSUMIAH, lnnd Regtstrar, Meru District MR/59515 10 GAZETTE NoTICE i F I I I I i 26 (No 3 of2012) REGISTRATION OF INSTRL]MENT WHEREAS North Tetu Farmers Company Limrted, t I 8 I THE REGISTERED LAND ACT t t No. i the GAZETTE NoTICE I No. 8 I GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8130 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 W MWAI 27 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT I (No 3 of2Ol2) r REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT t WHEREAS Mutuku Henry Kyalo. rs the regrstered proprietor of that prece of land known as Larkipia/Trgrthr Matanya Block 3/176 (Matanya Centre), situate rn Laikrpia District, and whereas sufficrent evidence adduced proves that the said land title was erroneously rssued, and whereas all efforts made to compel the registered propnetor to surrender the said land title deed issued in respect of the sald ptece of land to the land regrstrar for cancellatron have farled, notrce is given that after the exprration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provrded no vahd objectron has been received wlthln that period, I rntend to drspense wrth production of the sard land trtle deed and give a new trtle deed to the rightful owner, Philip J. Krbuchi Murage, and upon such pubhcatron the land title issued earher shall be deemed to be l J. M. MWINZI, lnnd Regtstrar, lnikryru District. MRJ5951814 cancelled and ofno effect. ctf 2012) REGISTRA.fl ON OF INSTR{ IIviENT ktnd Regtstrar, ltrkipru District. MR/6t10100 i Dated the 7th November,2014. Dated the 7th November. 2014. B. i rs registered proprietor of that piece of land known as Nanyuki/Marura Block 5/l I I (Ereri), situate ln Larkrpra Dlstnct, and whereas sufficrent evtdence adduced proves that the said land title rvas erroneously rssued, and whereas all efforts made tc compel the registered proprietor to surrender the said land tltle deed -\sued ln respect of thc sard piece of land to the land regrstrr" t^^: canceilatlon have farled, notice is grven that after the erl) .,ri, , r oi thlrly (30) days from the date hereof, provrded no v.,li.i objeetron has been recerved within that penod, I rntend to drspense wrth productron of the said land title deed and give a new htle deed to the rrghtful owner, Teresrah Wambur Mukrn, and upon such pubhcatron the land title issued earlier shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. WHEREAS Wychff Oduor Ogala, is the registered proprietor of that prece of land known as Tigrthi Matanya Block V/1150 (Thome IV). srtuate in Larkipia District, and whereas sufficrent evidence adduced proves that the sard land title was erroneously issued, and whereas all efforts made to compel the regrstered propnetor to surrender the sard land htle deed issued rn respect of the said piece of land to the land regrstrar for cancellatron have farled, notice is grven that after the explratlon of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no vahd oblection has been received wrthrn that period, I rntend to drspense wrth productron of the sard land trtle deed and gn,e a new trtle deed to the rightful owner, Mary Warthra Muthrora, and upon such pubLcation the land title issued earher shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. WHEREAS (l) Ebrahrm Musa and (2t lvhss Jatan (deceased), are registered as proprietors of that prece of land contarning 3.24 hectares or thereabout, known as NgongA,lgong/1776, srtuate ln the drstrlct of Kajrado North, and whereas the High Court tn succession cause No. 1887 of 2013, has issued grant of letters of admrnistration to (1) Musa Brahim Musa Bahit and (2) Mary Wanliru Ibrahim, and whereas the land trtle deed rssued earlrerto the sard (1) Ebrahrm Musa and (2) Mtss Jatan (deceased) has been reported missing or lost, notice ls grven that after the exprratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, provrded no valid objection has been recerved wrthln that perrod. I lntend to drspense wrth the produchon of the said land trde deed and proceed wlth reglstrahon of the sard instrumentof R.L. l9 and R.L. 7, and upon such regrstration the land title deed issued earlier to the satd (1) Ebrahrm Musa and (2) Mrss Jatan (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 7th November, 2014 R. K. KALAMA. ktnd Registrur, Kayado North Distri:t MR/5951841 Dated the 7th November. 2014 i i I MR/5951810 L-a nd Re B. W. MWAI gtstrar. kttktpirt D tst r ic t. GAZETTENoTICENo. 8I31 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT I GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8 1 28 (No.3 of20t2) THE REGISTERED LAND ACT ! t r I I i t REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT (No 3oJ2O12) _ REGISTRA IIoN oF INS.IRT,MENT WHEREAS Kezeah Muthoni Kagirr, ls the regrstered proprietor of that prece of land known as Nanyuki/Marura Block 613719 (Endana), srtuate ln Larkrpra Drstrrct, and whereas suffrcrent evrdence adduced proves that the said land title was erroneously issued, and whereas all efforts made to compel the registered propnetor to surrender the said land title deed rssued rn respect of the said piece of land to the land reglstrar for cancellatron have farled, notlce is glven that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no vaLd objectron has been received wrthtn that period, I mtend to dispense with production of the sard land tltle deed and give a new tltle deed to the rrghtful owner, Robert Mutun Ndegwa, and upon such pubhcatron the land trtle rssued earher shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect i I Dated the 7th November.2014. Dated the 7th November. 2014 B.W. MWAI, i MR/5951 n i WHEREAS Nthuku Mumo Muange (deceased), is regrstered as propnetor of that piece of land known as Makuen/Kako/216, srtuate in the drstrict of Makueni. and whereas the principal Magistrate's court at Makueni rn successron cause No. 15 of 201-1, has issued letter of admrnrstratron and confirmatron to (1) Pascal Kisavi Nthuku and (2) Serah Mumbua Mutrnda, and whereas the land title deed rssued earher to the said Nthuku Mumo Muange (deceased) has been reported mrssrng or [ost, notlce is given that after the expiratton of thrrty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valtd objectron has been received wrthln that period, I intend to drspense with the production of the sard land trtle deed and proceed wrth registration of the said instrument of admrnistration and confirmation, and upon such reglstrahon the land title deed issued earher to the sard Nthuku Mumo Muange (deceased). shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. l0 Innd Regtstrar, ktrkryu District L. K. MUGUTI. MR/61l0t09 Land Registrar, Makuenr Distnct. 3058 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November.2014 j GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8 I 32 THE LAND ACT (No.6 of2012) REHABILITATION OF KISUMU - KAKAMEGA_WEBUYE- KITALE ROAD INTENTION TO ACQUIRE LAND ADDENDUM IN PURSUANCE of the transitional provisions contained in sestron 162 (2) ot the Land Act and secbm 6 (2) of dlc [.rd ,+cq**fm Act (Cap. 295, repealed), and further to Gazette Notrcc Nos 497 6 anA 5803 of 20 14, the National Land Commndo gircr .dioc fLr rhc Gs,crnment rntends toaddthefollowingparcelsof lanilforthereh$ititrrionofKisumu-Kakamega-Webuye-Kitale&oed iKire,VftigrK*amega,Bungoma ard Trans Nzora Countres. Land Parcel No. Kakamega/Maraeoh Kakameea./Marasoli Kakamesa/Marasoli Kakamesa,/Marasoli Kakamesa-/Marasoli Kakamesa/Marasoli Kakamesa,Maraeoli Kakamesa,Maraeoli North/ Kisatru/397 Norfh./ Krsatiru/4o I North/ Krsatiru/1 109 North/ Kisatilu/1 1 55 North/ Kisaliru/l I 67 North/ Kisrtiru/a06 North/ Kisatuu/1 3,0 I North/ Kisetiru/1503 Kakames&Marasoli North/ Kisariflr/tM2 Kakamesa./Marasoll Nofth/ Krstrrn/f00 Kakamesa/Marasoh Noilh /Kisatirx/685 Kakamesa,Maraeoli North/ Kisatiru/l 739 Kakamesa.Marasoli North/ Kisatiru/887 Kakamesa/Maraeoli North/ Kisathu/886 Kakameea/Maraeoli North/ Kisatiru/885 Kakamesa.Marasoli North/ KisatiruiSM Kakamesa./Marasoli North/ Kisatirul 1 1 62 Kakame sa,Maraeoli North/ Kisatiru/890 Kakamesa,Maraeoli North/ Kisatiru/89 1 KakamesaMaraeoli Nofth/ Kisatrui I 836 KakamesalMaraeoh Nonh/ Krsatrru/895 KakamesaMarasoli North/ Kisatiru/897 Kokamesa/Maraeoh Northi Krsatlru/896 Kakarnesa/Maraeoh North/ Krsatru/1 820 Kakailrcsa./Maraeoh North/ Krsatirul 1844 Kakamesa/Marasoh Nonh/ Krsatlru/ 683 Kakame ga/Marasoli North/ Kisatiru/ 684 Kakamega,Maragoh North/ Krsatru/ 693 Kaliamega/Maragoli North/ Kisatiru/ 692 Kat:rrcgr/Maraeoh North/ Kisatiru/r i88 Kakamecn&lerasoli North/ Ktsawal I 244 Kakntr.ra&hraeoli North/ Krsrfiay'l$O9 K:hmr:rL{nraeoh Norlh/ Ki6atrd/1 245 K:karneca&{araqoli North/ Kisarini,/1 808 Kakarnqnft{:ncoli Nor{h/ Kisahru/ 892 Kekamane{araroli North/ Kisatiru/S93 Kekarnean&lnracoh Nlod/ Kistrffu/40g Keft emec.A{erecoh Nlo(ft / Kis atru/ 70tl iakameea,iMrrasoh Nordr/ Krsatru/ 710 Kakamectil{ara:oir FJorth/ Krsatru/ 129 Kakarneca/MararoL North/ Krsatrru/ 837 K tkerreeelMataaali l$orth/ Kisatiru/l 838 Kakarmeca/Sdrth NfuracoL/Buvonsa/ 1 306 Knkarneea/Soath Maraealtl Buv onsal 1224 aftarecrlerilth Maraooli/Buvonsa./l I 96 Kakamee,a/$orrlh il{aracol/Buvonsa/ I 38 I Kakarneea./Sloulh MnrarolilB u v o n gal3 06 Kakameqa/South MaraeolilBuyonsa/ [ 68 Kakarneca./Souft Maraeol/B uv o n eal23 23 .karr€ea/fuu& Marap.oL/Buvonp,a/ I K*arcaalSonth Marasoli/Buvonsa/ 1 395 K-akarneca/South MaraeolilBuvonsa/1 893 168 fukarneea/South Marasol/Buvonsa/2 168 (akmal*rrrh Marasoli/Buvonsa,/305 (akampzlSrulh L{arasolr/Buvon ga-l304 <akarnesa/Souft Maragoh/Buyonga-/ I 173 &kamesa/South Maraeoli/Buvonea/208 3 (h*amesa,/South Maraeoli/Buvonea/ I 83 I (a&ameqa"iSouth Maraeol i/Buyonga/l I 74 kriwcd.O*wr tlruKimriMrdcfc Iaflrt H*dia llrdctc DirhilKll*. Srllv Grazim Kevr tdd-SrsidrDictm fimouGrrbYrlrdr Erocst Akivrdo l,foomi Qrwlrh lcie: Aklhrrdrn kcdrick Moecq. Bathelumr oddi il{il!fllo wrrl*lr {rea to Acautre (Ha) )so42 0.0 103 ).0049 J.0251 t.0151 J.0287 0.00'14 1.0058 J.0162 1.0289 Luhr r.3161 Phihmona Lidumbwi 1.0108 1.0665 1.0508 Ioseph Kiddra ImctObavo l{mani Henrv Kemoli lere Luhavi Lukwili iamson Kaipira William Ruhar Kakamega County Council Samson Luvayi losohat Ahaza Idasula Simeon Masia Indahi Peter Vulimu Mudehen Semion Mbasava Kavere Francrs Mukangula Asiema laleb Muhenee Chaera 1.0689 1.011 ).0367 ).373 ).2804 1.4568 1.3355 ).0177 ).tt6l 1.03 1.094 ackson Ambuka Minyeshi Jkuyah Roselyn Hamrsi Defina Imali Jandi Defina Imali Jandi lharles Kidusu 1.03 r R.aiab Krdusu Kavehere ).23 Roselyne K. Khadambr 1.034 Jamson Babu Likambiki ).03 ).66 Alice Aswani Iniairu Rrchard Musesiah Ooanvr Peter Mwami Masiah Abrneah H Chavansi Answeve ieraldrne Lrhavi Kadregu Emmy Kageha Govosa Violet Mukunqu Karsha Jrmron Masra Indahl Daniel Muruka Lari Francis Nsasona Nvota & Kenneth Alex Asor ihadrack Aluda Opesere & Muhonra Adambi Kakamesa Countv Councrl 4ablon Anzaye Angarlwa Francis Odeyo Adebe Kinambaka Nqoseywe James M. Mangari Marv Nyota Lukuyu & Ahce Ludenyi Hezekiah Kezekwa Minavo John Vovr Kenva ulrus Nsosevwe Mudoso Festo Asade Mudidi lohn Tieso & Mambone Treso Ebbv Kanarza Kavehr & Joshua Kavechi Karanr Musa Keya Libwege Margret Nyokabr Krhanya Meshach Omrmo Agor 1.03 1.03 ).29 3 t.t I l. 19 1.08 ).03 t.o25 ).03 ).03 )04 ).1 ).2s ).01 ).04 ).05 t.079 ).55 ).09 t.02 ).044 ).037 ).o375 ).1 33 ).014 ).05 t I ).0056 ).0033 I I Land Parcel No Kakameea/South Marasoli/Buyonsa/ 1 I 75 Kakamega./South Maragoli./Buyon ga,/ I 1 76 Kakameea/South Maraeoli/Buvonea./2049 Kakamesa/South Maraeoli/Buvonsa/2050 Kakamesa/South Marasoli-/Buvonsa,/1 178 Kakamega/South Maragoli/Buyon g^12340 Kakamesa/South Marasoli/Buvonsa/2339 Kakamesa-/South Marasoli/Buvon sal234 Kakamesa./South Maraeoli/Buyonsa/1 I 79 Kakamega./South Maragoli./Buyonga./1 i L , t 3059 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2014 I 80 Kakameea/South Marasoli./Buvonsa/ 1 I 8 I Kakamega/South Maragoh/Bu yon ga./23 I Kakamesa/South Marasoli/Bu yon sa./ 656 akame sa./South Maraeoli./B uvon sal 657 Kakamesa"/South Marasoli/Buvonsa/ 353 Kakamesa./South Marasoli/Buvon sa./ 352 Kakamega/South Maragoli/Buyon Eal 11 26 ?.eptstered Owner Area to Acquire ( Ha) lullah Mrtto Tiego Miss. Ebby Muhonia & Evans Treso ).02 Manasseh Mugera Bwosr ieorse Odrnsa Makachera Marv Hoka C)mido George Odinga Makachera & Evans K. Makachera Zuhura Lusonze C)vei ).04 1.0102 1.0088 ).014'7 I 0064 l.o I 09 lcah Kavwavi Asufa 1.025 Violet Mideva Lawrence M. Embalambala Johanah Vovr & Safanr Kitr )02 Keveye Youth Poly ).2044 leorse Mukiza Mudanvr Elisha Minubi Chanzu l.0l ames Kahunzuka Alwanda Festus Amuhanda Lugohe Charles Kenya Vuyrya & Amuhah Warula 1.03 l.0l 101 ).o2 ).0224 t.o75l Matioli Kakame sa./South Marasoli/B uvon sa./ Kakamesa-/South Marasoli/Buvonsa./ 84 Kakame salSouth Marasoli/Buyon sa./ Kakameea./South Maragoli/Buyonsa,/ 87 Kakame salSouth Marasoli/B uvonsa,/ Kakame salSouth Marasoli/Buvonsa./ Kakamesa-/South Marasoli./Buvonsa./ 89 85 88 90 91 Kisumu/Kisumu East/Kanvakwar'B'/67 Krsumu/Kisumu East/Kanyakwar'B'/66 Kisumu/Kisumu East/Kanvakwar'B'/65 Kisumu/Krsumu Kisumu/Krsumu Kisumu/Kr sumu Krsumu/Krsumu Krsumu/Krsumu Krsumu/Kisumu Krsumu/Krsumu Krsumu/Krsumu Krsumu/K isumu K isumu/Kisumu Kisumu/Kisumu Kisumu/Kisumu Kisumu/Kisumu Krsumu/Kisumu (isumu/Kisumu (isumu/Kisumu (rsumu/Kisumu (isumu/Kisumu (rsumu/Kisumu (isumu/Kisumu (isumu/Kisumu EasL/Kanyakwar'B'/63 East/Kanvakwar'B'/6 I East/Kanvakwar'B'/54 East/Kanvakwar 'B' ll 125 East/Kanvakwar'B' I I 124 Easc/Kanyakwar'B'/558 East/Kanyakwar'B'/556 East/Kanyakwar'B' I ll43 East-/Kanvakwar 'B'l I 144 East/Kanvakwar'B'/52 East/Kanvakwar'B'/75 East/Kanvakwar'B'/702 East/Kanvakwar'B'/696 East/Kanyakwar'B'/695 East/Kanyakwar'B'/680 East/Kanyakwar'B'/684 East/Kanyakwar'B'/676 East/Kanvakwar'B'/672 East/Kanvakwar'B /668 EasL/Kanvakwar 'B'/ I 6 East/Kanyakwar'B'/l 4 (rsumu/Krsumu East/Kanvakwar'B'/I 3 (rsumu,/Krsumu EasL/Kanyakwar'B'/88 (isumu/Krsumu East/Kanyakwar'B'/268 (isumu/Krsumu East/Kanvakwar'B'/446 (isumu/K isumu East /Kanvakrvar'B'/ [ 58 (rsumu,/Krsumu EasL{Kanvakwar'B' / 1 532 (rsumu/Kisumu EasUKanyakwar'B7l 533 (isumu/Krsumu East/Kanyakwar'By1 080 (isumu/Kisumu EastKanvakwar'B / I 54 (isumu/Kisumu East/Kanvakwar'B'/'l 52 (rsumu/Krsumu EasL/Kanvakwar'B'/l 50 (rsumu/Krsumu East/Kanvakrvar'B' 125I 6 (isumu/Kisumu East/Kanyakwar'B' 12515 (isumu/Krsumu East/Kanyakrvar'B'/ I 45 Kisumu/Krsumu East/Kanyakwar'B'/826 Krsumu/Krsumu East/Kanyakwar'B'/825 Kisumu/Kisumu East/Kanyakwar'B'/ Q Kisumu/Krsumu East/Kanvakwar'B'/ 38 Krsumu/Krsumu East/Kanyakwar'B'/ 35 Kisumu/Kisumu East/Kanyakwar'B'/ 34 Kisumu/Kisumu East/Kanvakwar'B'/133 Kisumu/Krsumu EasUKanvakwar' B' I lM6 Kisumu/Kisumu East/Kanvakwar'B' / 1 O47 Priscilla Insasiani Abwao F. Kemona Fundi Indire John Genshom Ambuvu & Lrlian Rrna Onsavi Wrlkson Musesanr Kavieri Ishmael Lumadede Mwavali Macdonald Musesianikaveli Silas Buhiru Arasi Patrick J. O. Otieno & Rose Akinvi C)denv Ioh Olaso Aluoch Hezbon Odumbe & Hezekiah Adala 1.0218 1.0086 1.002 i.0086 1.0025 i.0025 ).o142 1.0334 1.0173 1.0154 ).0293 loseoh Otuma Shiroko fribhovan Lalii Vobalia Kimani John Kabiani 1.0502 1.0856 ).o2 Jinrosa Otieno C)mbuor ).002 William Gor Obadha William Gor Obadha Rebecca Atieno Obongo 1.0084 1.0044 James Oduol Owrno loseoh Okoth Osutu Iitus Kamau & Naomr Wanrru Luoise Nudi Basanp fom Odago Odiyo Mubtaza Taherah Malti Enerev Limited Dhibesh Kumar Panchhodas Malti Enersv Lrmrted John Odhiamo Oiuok Herine Atieno Were Vrtalis Titus Dunda & Enck Ahova Olilo Diesel Iniect Services Blsaphat Anyasr ).05 1.0057 1.0095 1.0586 1.0335 L019 ).0204 ).0202 1.0048 1.0201 1.0 164 1.0291 ).028 ).04'71 ).0477 ).0299 158 1.007 loseoh 0kevoasindr Philsta Arodr Ondtek Ketty Anyanso John Awuor Omulo Paulos Akede Ayiecho Dr Cvnrian Asumba Odenv Jtuang Abogo Phrhp Otreno Okinda Michael Raongo Otieno Raphael Wabrero Oyoo Ruth Florence Okuthe Ruth Florence Okuthe Pancras Charo Ogal Nrcholas Okeneatreno & Charles Lwanda Atleno Vitahs Ouma Osano l.o03u I 0097 1.0057 ).0076 \.022 ).o219 ).0222 ).01 98 ).021 ).0229 ).025'1 i.0408 1.0879 1.0958 l.l I 18 1.073 r ).046'l lharles Ondiekr Gone l Iohnson Nyakrtr Ouma & Rosemary Rachel ).o114 0303 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3060 Land Parcel No Reptstered Owner 7th November,2Ol4 Area to Acauire (Ha) Jnyango Krsumu/Krsumu sumu/Krsumu sumu/Krsumu sumu/Krsumu rsumu/Krsumu rsumulKisumu Krsumu/Kisumu East/Kanyakwar'By1048 East/Kanyakwar'B'/1 3 1 East/Kanyakwar'B'/1 30 East/Kanvakwar 'B'/ I 29 East/Da go/ t28 East/Daso/ r19 East/Daso/ 1t4 Kisumu/Kisumu East/Daso/ l t3 Krsumu/Kisumu Ea st/Dago/ 110 Kisu mu/Kisumu EastlD ago I 97 6 Kisumu/Kisumu East-/Dago/932 rsumu/K isumu East/Dago/ 428 isumu/Kisumu East/Daso/ 421 rsumu/Kisumu East/Dago/ 424 rsumu,{l(rsumu East/Dago/ 423 rsumu/Krsumu East/Dago/ 425 isumu/Kisumu East/Daso/ 4t6 K rsu m u/Kisumu East/Daeo/265 Krsumu/Krsumu East/Daso/789 K isumu/Kisumu East/DasoiT90 Kisumu/Kisumu Easr{Daeo/756 Krsumu/Krsumu East/Daeo/895 K rsumu,/Karu lu/Konv al 4626 Krsumu/Kaiulu/Konv al237 7 Krsumu/Kaiulu/Konva,/6848 Krsumu/Ka rulu/Kony al 47 92 Krsumu/Kar ulu/K ony al 2283 Kisumu/Kaiulu/Konv a12282 Kisu mu/Kaiulu/Konv a] 4425 K rsumu/K isumu EasurMukenda/14 Ki sumu/Kisumu East/Mukenda./ I 5 3 akamesa,t{orth Kabras/ Kivavwa./790 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Kivavwa./785 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Kivavwa,/675 Kakamesa./Nofl h Kabras/ K rvaywa/844 Kakamesa./North Kabras/ Kivavwa-/676 Kakameqa./North Kabras/ Kivaywa./843 Kakamesa/North Kabrasi Kivaywai845 Kakamesa./Nonh Kabras/ Kivavwa,/97 I Kakamesa,/North Kabras/ Kivavwa,i694 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Kivavwa./789 Kakamega,Alorth Kahras/ Kivavwa./629 Kakame galNorth Kabras/ Kivaywa,/677 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Kivaywa/678 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Kivaywa./679 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Kivavwa,/680 Kakamesa,t lorth Kabras/ Krvavwa/746 Kakame sa,Nonh Kabras/ Kivavwa,/747 Kakameea/Nonh Kabras/ Kivavwa./748 Kakamcpa./North Kabras/ Kivavwa/593 Kakamega,INorth Kabras/ Kivaywa./669 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Kivaywa/668 Kakame galNorth Kabras/ Kivaywa,/667 Kakameea/North Kabras/ Kivaywa/1287 Kakameea/North Kabras/ Kivaywa"/745 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Krvavwa"/744 Kakamesa./Nonh Kabras/ Krvavwa,/ I 246 Kakamesa./North Kabras/ Kivavwa./898 Kakamega,/North Kabras/ Kivaywa./1286 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Kivaywa./743 (akameea/North Kabras/ Krvavwa/656 (akamesa/North Kabras/ Krvaywa/657 (akameea,t{orth Kabras/ Krvaywa/65 8 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Kivaywa/659 (akamesa/North Kabras/ Krvavwa./660 Kakamesa,/North Kabras/ Kivavwa/66 I Kakamesa.rNorth Kabras/ Kivaywa./662 Kakameea./North Kabras/ Krvaywa/663 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Krvaywa/664 Kakameea0{orth Kabras/ Krvaywa/665 Kakameea/North Kabras/ Krvavwa/666 Kakamepa./Nonh Kabrasi Kivavwa,/684 K Iom Samba Odhiambo Willis Okore Olaso Simeon Odhiambo Kovo ).0173 ).0484 ).0367 ).0109 ).0356 1.0197 Walter Ambaro Adero ).o479 1.007 Walter Ambaio Adero John Ouko Walogo 3ornel Odenvo Odera Bonphas Okech Were ).0626 ).0664 ).0266 Ehrah Akomo Were 1.0109 1.0359 Hushnss Enoch Ooollo Were Elirah Akomo Were Mrnam Ahero Ayoo Kisumu Countv Council Roman Wrlliam Mactoush Martin Ondiek Okelo Kisumu Countv Council Lucv Agape Wayodi Makanga 1.0506 ).o25 ).025 l I 0686 1.0 138 ( ).02'76 II ).012'7 ).0441 1.0368 1.004 Kennedv Kalrtsa Maianr ).0469 1.0102 Paul Kisuche Kalerwa ).o278 Absalom Nirri Abuodoson Antony Akolo Mukembo Benard Akelo Ondu Jashon Onvanso Bodo Ochrens Dansa Nicholas Balerwa Ovrolo Webuve Municinalitv Enock Wanami Toli Dennis Wekesa Khrsa ieorse Azensa Keva Andrew Khaemba Sitatr Andrew Khaemba Srtatr ).01 55 Livukana Mahalans'ans'a Wabwrre Nahka Habil Lubansa Taracha Masinde Nalika Enock Wanami Toli anheth Lando Khwatense Shadrack Wambia Srmron Onsonso S/O Ondieyo Lrnus Litsalia Amukanqa Khandawa Ingutia Jhem Muhava S/O Musee Iairo Wantala Lusaka Jovce Musansa Ioseoh Khisa Kasuti Staus Wekesa Sakari Jotham Wanyonyi Sakari Harun M. Z. Nakome Ioseoh Mbava Linverera John Mans'eni. Reuben Werasuswa Jafred S. W. Lvani Wasrlwa Krsembe Ioseoh Mbava Linverera Bezalel Academv Ngome Walubenqo Patnck Fedha Makuto Rufasi Lukulala Soida Iafred S. W. Lvani i Wev ).0189 ).0468 ).2632 ).0388 ).1 635 t71 ).05 1 ).034 ).3688 ).0599 ).0258 ).4669 ).0695 ).5986 1.0709 ).0404 ).0218 l.0l 7l ).0116 ).0074 ).o123 ).0194 ).0117 ).o4'79 )05 )06 ).02 1.03 1.08 1.1 1.3 863 1.03 l.o3 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.04 Joseoh Wabomba Nasokho ).04 )avid Wasike Nasokho (ubwa Saidi 1.04 1.05 sabwa Holland Mbohya savwa Luka Atonya 1.06 1.05 1.04 -aban Buhmo ,) l 3061 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2Ol4 Land Parcel No Kakamesa./North Kabras/ Kivavwa,/683 Kakamesa./North Kabras/ Kivaywa,i896 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Krvavwa-/895 Kakamesa,4.,lorth Kabras/ Kivavwa,/734 Kakameqa/North Kabras/ Krvaywa/752 Kakamega.rNorth Kabras/ Krvaywa/735 Kakameea/North Kabras/ Krvaywa/?36 Kakamesa./North Kabras/ Krvavwa,/737 Kakamesa,INorth Kabras/ Krvavwa,/738 Kakamesa./North Kabras/ Krvavwa.i739 Kakamesa/North Kabras/ Krvavwa-/740 Kakamega/North Kabras/ Kivaywa/74 1 ReRistered Owner Area to Acoure (Ha) Stanlev Wanvama Lucia Kafele Wansansa Chilson Fwesa Daina Khaliri Luka Douglas Wafula Wanyama Mahka Mandu 1.08 Albert Mulekwa 0.0069 0.0118 ).0101 .01 1.02 1.0283 1.0599 1.0089 Charles Nahka S/O Cherodi Krsaka Wamukota Wesenda Malika Mandu Wakrfu Muchenie John Mang'eni 1.0063 0 0088 J02 Plans for the affected land may be inspected dunng office hours at the offices of Krsumu County Valuer, Vrhiga County Valuer, Kakamega County Valuer, Bungoma County Valuer, Trans Nzoia County Valuer or the Commission's office in Ardhi House, Room 305 Dated the 30th October, 2014. MUHAMMAD A. SWAZURI, MR15951996 GAZEI-TE NoTICE No. Chatrman. National Innd Comnti.ssion. 8 133 THEWATER ACT,ZOO2 No,flCE To THE PI]tsLIC To SUBMIT CoMMENTS oN THE REGULAR TARIFF APPLICATIoN FoR NYERI WATER AND SEWERAGE CoMPANY LIMITED AND EMBU WATER AND SANITATIoN CoMPANY UNDER TANA WATER SERVICES BoARD Notice rs given to the general public that- Tana Water Servrces Board which provides water seryrces by Authonty of a license issued by Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) through contracted Water Servrces Providers (WSPs) has applied to WASREB for a regular tariff review its agents as provrded in the table below: Water Servrces Board (Wsb) Contracted Water Servrce lounty eroposed Acfion Durahon Prot ider(Wsp) fana Water Servrces Board Nyeri Water and Sewerag, Nyeri Company Limited Upward tariff revlew to enable the WSI 2Ol4l2o15 to Lo attain full cost recovery, undertakr 201112018 mrnor investments and meet condihons tr improvement servrce delivery. Embu Water and Sanitatror Embu Company Lrmrted Upward tarrff review to enable the WSI 2O14l2O15 to to attaln full cost recovery, undertak( minor investments and meet conditrons 2016,2017 tr improvement service delivery. PREMISES WHERE DETAILS OFTHE PROPOSED ACTION CAN BE OBTAINED. wrvw,wasreb.go,ke or NHIF Buildrng 5th Floor Wing "A" The public is invited to visit our websrte to yrew a summary of the proposal to increase tanffs wrthin the next 30 comments to improve service delivery and or oblectrons to the proposed upward review. days and submrt any written Wntten comments and objections should be addressed by letter or e-mail to. Eng. Robert Gakubia, Chref Executrve Officer, Water Servrces Regulatory Board, P.O. Box 41621 - 00100 Narobr. e-marl: tanffs @wasreb. go.ke The closrng date for such comments shall be on 6th December,2014 MR/6110120 GAZETTENOTICENO. received an Envrronmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the 7908 THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO-ORDINATION ACT (No.8 of1999) THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED PETROL STATION ON PLOT L.R. NO. NAKURU MI.INICIPALITY BLOCK I61263 NAKURU TOWN, NAKURU COUNTY INVITA.I-IoN oF PUBLIC CoMMENTS PURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Envrronmental Management and Co-ordinatron (Impact Assessment and Audlt) Regulations, 2003, the National Envrronment Management Authonty (NEMA) has above proposed prolect. The Proponent (Natronal Orl Corporatron of Kenya Lrmited) rs Naivas supermarket within Nakuru Town centre along the Nakuru Narrobr hrghway on Plot L.R. No. Nakuru Municrpality Block 161263 Nakuru Town, proposrng to construct a service station near Nakuru County. The proposed proJect wlll comprrse a canopy over the pumps, sales office, a store, underground fuel tanks, compressor/generator, tyre centre and car wash, drive ways, walkways, acceleratron and deceleration lanes, interceptor tank and washrooms. The followrng are the anticipated impacts and proposed mltlgatlon measures. 3062 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2014 . Inrpact Proposed miltgalnn measures Arr pollutron . Control speed and operatron of . construction vehrcles . . . Prohlbrt prolonged engrne rdhng. Spray water andlor wet surfaces dunng excavatron works. Malntenance of constructron plant and equipment. . Sensitrze construction workers on measures to reduce air pollution. All bare areas should be landscaped after construction to reduce dust. Provide resprratory protective devices. Constructlon should be carried out only during daytime r.e. 0800 1700 HRS. Workers to wear heaflng protectlon when workrng in norsy sectron. Proper srgnage put rn place to notrly neighbours of the actrvrty and presence of heavy vehrcles and to drrect traffic Traffic densttv Presence of boards drrecting patrons to thc srte. public from unexpected accidents. . A Frrst ard . The flora and fauna should be restored after constructron by landscaping and There should be desrgnated pathways and driveways for movement withrn the The full report of the proposed project is available for inspectron (a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road, P.O. Box 67839-O0200, Nairobi (b) Prrncrpal Secretary, Mrnistry of Environment and Mineral Resourr:es, NHIF Buildrng, Community, P.O. Box 30521, (c/ County Drrector of Environment, Nakuru County. The Natronal Environment Management Authonty rnvrtes members of the public to submit oral or written comments withm thrty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA, to assrst the Authority in the decision making process of ttre plan. GAZETIE NoTIcENo.7909 THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND (No. 8 of 1999) THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED I5MW COAL FIRED PLANT IN MERRUESHI, KAJIADO COUNTY unnecessary All bare areas should be well landscaped after completron. . Construction debns should be collected by a licensed waste handling company. IN\,,ITATIoN oF PUBLIC CoMMENTS Waste generated should be collected by a hcensed waste handling company and the contractor should ensure the construction of a central waste collection pornt with bulk storage facilities. Machinery should be well marntained to prevent oil leaks. Contractor should have a desrgnated area where maintenance is camed out and that is protected fiom raln water. All orl products should be stored in PURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Management and Co-ordrnatron (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations,2003, the Na[onal Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has recerved an Envronmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the above proposed project. Excavation waste should be re-used or backfilled. Oil leaks and spills a The Proponent (Devkr Energy Company Limited) rs proposing to construct a 15MW Coal Fred plant m Merrueshr, Kaliado County.The proposed coal power plant would be located at a site near south of Memreshr vrllage in Kajiado County. Proposed site rs located at 22 0 49' 48" N latitude and 69 0 30' 58" E longrhrde. The srte rs well connected with State Highway EmalOlortoktok Road (A104). This prolect also is in line with the Government of Kenya's goal and plan of having an additional 5,000MW injected into the national grid by 2015 and therefore remains a critical contributor to this objective. The following are the anticipated rmpacts and proposed mrtigatlon measures: Impact Mtttgatnn Measures Air Quality . Undertake air sampling (quahty) every 6 months for sensitive receptom. . Applicable standard of 150 mgA{m3 for partrculate emrssron will be site store and handled carefully. The site will be fenced off usrng rron Securitv Z. O. OUMA, Jor Director-General, National Envronment Management Authorfiy MR/5834404 compactron. Solid waste management sheets during renovation. follou,ed. . Round the clock security for the facrlrty. ofvegetation . NOx bumers for steam generators. . Designate access pedestrian routes and parking zones that are cabro paved maintarmng the rntroduced plants. Occupational health safety and . . Degradatron ofwater . of the heavy fuel oil 2olo. Provision ofdust suppressron faciliues. Develop Atr Qualrty Management Plan Ensure vahd permits on conskuction of sources/waterpollution water abstractlon (sources rn the proJect estabhshed site,boreholes/ construction). Provide Personal Protective Equipment. Trarn workers on personal safety and how to handle equipment and machrnes. Sulphur content will not exceed Provrde srgns rnarked do not Walk/ Park on the grass. The flora and fauna should be restored after constructlon by landscaprng and Installatlon of electrostatic precipitators (ESP) and Single-flue; Advance low Adequate lighting and an alarm system installed. Loss be CO.ORDINATION ACT Provide sorls conservatlon strucnrres on the areas prone to sorl erosion to reduce impact of erosron such as stone pitching on the drams which are near the road compound to avord first aid kit shall dunng workrng hours at: maintaining the introduced plants. Soil erosion and compactlon well-stocked marntained by a quahfied personnel. Strict adherence to traffic rules Ecologrcal consideratrons (flora and fauna) The srte wrll be fenced off using iron sheets durrng rcnovation to protect the Narrobr. Maintarn plant equipment. Noise pollutron Report any accidents / rncrdent and treat and compensate affected workers. . Groundwater abstractron is on permrb conditions (locations to be identified). i I { 3063 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2Ol4 Constructlon of Developmg and underground neutralizatlon pit, guard ponds and ponds. Provrde Personal Protecttve Equrpment (PPEs) for all workers al construction and operation. Constructron of a sewerage system. Construction of soak-away prts and or rehculated drainage network Noiseemrssion/pollution . Sensrtrzatron of all "forergn" workers on the culhrre, norms and tradrhons of the local communltles. In-M1gra tron,'cultural Provrsron of adequate PPE for workers. eroslon Stcam turbine generator to be housLd in closed burldrngs Grvrng pnority for unskrlled and semrsl.rlled labour to local communities to reduce rnflux Provision of 5m wtde greenbelt at plant boundary to attenuate nolse. Ecologrcal impacts Landscaping Landscape and visual Develop Norse Mrtrgatron Plan. Develop a Wildhfe Management and Development of a landscape plan. Warnmg sigrs in areas where wrldlife Enhance collaboratron Socro-economic Education, halnlng and awarencss prohibtflng workers from krllmg Lraison Officers (CLOs) Provide social amenlhes as part of the corporate socral responsrbilrties as part of community improvement includtrg water supply, health, sanltatlon etc. Operahng procedures (SOPs) and schedules for the project works. I I The contractors to develop waste management plans and provrde appropriate facilihes for their operahons. Spoil drsposal srtes should be approved by NEMA before of ' Develop a Rehabilitation and Constructlon Restorahon Plan and Prolect Closure installations and prolect Plan. . Undertake decommrssronmg audrts for Decommissioning camp sites and seek approval of the decommissroning plan from NEMA. dumping commences Ash generated will be stored in srlos all rnatenal sltes and material preparatlon yards in accordance wt*r the approve Rehabrlitate withrn the plant site and used for production of cement. Drsposal faciliues (receptacles) provrded at strategic points in the plant. Consider Recycling or Re-Use and waste segregatron during constructlon and operation. Traffic and transport Develop Traffic Management Plan rehabrlttatron plans. The full repon of the proposed pruject is avallable for inspechon dunng workrng hours at; (a) Drrector-General, NEMA, Popo Road. off Mombasa Road, P.O. Box 67839-{0200, Nairobi. (D) Observing speed limits. Awareness and traimng for dnvers. Erection of waming/cautron I Unplanned events/fire and hazards i (c) County Director of Envrronment, Kajiado County. Frre prevention systems and seogn{ary containment will be provided for storage faclhtles, where necessary, to prevent fires or the releases of I hazardous matenals to Pnncrpal Secretary, Minlstry of Envronment and Mineral Resources, NHIF Burldtng, Community, P.O. Box 30521, Nairobi. srgns. Erection of speed humps. t The Natronal Environment Management Authority invttes members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publicatron of thts notice to the Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority ln the declslon maktng process of the plan. ttre p,3,2,3,u-Xi)*,, environment. All },{PU595t622 Storage and handling of hazardous materials is in accordance with nafional and local regulations appropriate to their hazard charactenstics. GAzH-rE NoTICE No. 7910 hazardous materials are stored in clearly labeled containers. I t Develop Emergency Response plan. Tramrng of workers on Provide safety programmes for matenal sites and workrng areas including emergency Safety provrsions (srgnage and lighting) for the work areas. i DRAFT STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE OLKARIA AND EBURRU GEOTHERMAL FIELDS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS to regulation 42 and 43 of the Environmental and Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) PURSUANT Management and other socral diseases for local Regulations, 2003, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has recerved Draft of Strategrc Envronmental Assessment (SEA) reports for the Olkaria Geothermal Field Development Programme and the Eburm.r Geothermal Fieid Development commumties and workers. hogramme. Conduct HIV/AIDS awareness ffammg f (No. 8 of 1999) response mechanrsm I THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO.ORDINATION ACT TI{E NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Inspection and testing of all equipment (routine) to prevent hazards. tt National Environment Management AuthorLD,. emergency response. Health and safety and Commrttees- wrldlife. Develop Standard wrth communittes on constructlon actvrties affected by estabhshrng Corffnunlty movemenf/crossrng is common. Solld waste impacts r e. vsual irnpacts. Observation of speed limits. I the pro1cct site plantrng of trees in order to reduce the impact Protectron Plan. ? lmplementmg HIViAIDS Poltcy ash 7th November,2014 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3064 The proposed Geothermal Dgvelopment Programme at Olkana and Eburm is part of KENGEN's Geothermal Expansion Programme, whrch rs a nrne-year programme (2O12 to 2020). This Expansion Programme is part of KENGEN's Good to Great Transformation Strategy whose objective 1s to lncrease the Company's installed capacity to over 3000MWe by 2020. In this Strategy, the installed capaclty for geothermal energy is expected to lncrease by over 1110MWe by 2O2O. and most of thrs expansion wrll take place rn the Olkarra Geothermal Freld. Olkaria rs a sensrtlve area rn whrch the development of the geothermal resource needs to conform to the policies and strategic plans for ensuring envrronmental sustainabrlrty rn Kenya, and a balance needs to be achieved between biodrversrty conservatron, the needs of the local communitres, geothermal development and rnterests of all Implementing a Strategic Envlronmental and Soctal Management System to apply and monltor the mltlgation measures outllned in thls SEA rn a systematic. efficient, transparent and partlclpatory manner; Not developrng geothermal resources (geothermal well drilling or power plant constructlon) in certain areas wtthrn the geothermal Lcense area identrfied as cnhcal for btodrversity conservatron and tourism; Trarnrng the local communtties to increase the number of local people employed by KENGEN and to encourage the local groups to bld for contracts wrth KENGENI Developing a Corporate Social Responsibrlity Pnorrty Setting System: KENGEN will desrgn a system to prtoritise CSR actrons and handle CSR requests by the drfferent stakeholders. Thrs will be prepared in consultation tvrth all rdentrfied stakeholders and ensure a systematic stakeholders. The Eburru Geothermal Lrcense Area is a sensitrve area that of the valuable Ebumr Forest (part of the Mau Forest rncludes part Complex) and the Eburru communlty. Geothermal development in Ebum: needs to conform to the pohcles and strateglc plans forensuring environmental sustainabrlrty in Kenya, and a balance needs to be achieved between brodiversrty conservatlon, the needs of the local communities, geothermal development and interests of all stakeholders The methodology developed for the draft Strateglc Environmental Assessment follows the 2012 Kenyan SEA Gurdehnes. International Best Practice and the requlrpments of the Internatronal Frnancral Inshtuhons that are hkely to fund the Programme, namely the World Bank, Agence Francarse de Development, KfW Entwrcklungsbank, European Investment Bank and Japan Intemational Cooperatron Agency. The SEA assesses rn detarl the potential impacts of the proposed project, the obligations derived from other Pohcies, Plans and Programmes, and the stakeholder concems rn relatron to all the stgntficant envrronmental and socral aspects rdentrfied, rncludrng btodtversrty conservatron, economy, employment, air qualrty, water, noise, soil, sold waste. tounsm, agrrculture, educatron, health and transparent approach hrghhghted below: Impacts ofthe Prograntnte Drrect loss of Recomntendations habrtat ' To assess the level of comphance of the Programme wrth the Reduce drrlling pad footprint by reducrng the footpnnt srzes, number of steam pipes and locatrng several dnlls in a with EMCA (1999) and 3. construction and operatronal geothernal rnfrastructure by reducrng the ordlnary marntenance area. Prevent and ellmrnate wrldlrfe Carry out Rrsk assessments Avord and mltlgate rmpacts on wrldhfe developments are compliant by To engage with the affected stakeholders throughout the process to ensure that lt rs transparent. to incorporate stakeholders' concems into the assessment, incorporattng their vrews on the long term impacts of geothermal developments and to promote stakeholders partlclpahon in the decrsron makrng process and; ln terms of locahon, Analysis of KENGEN's Geothermal Development Programme Revrew oflegislatron and regulatory framework for the SEA Area. Carry out a study on the effectrveness of elevated steam plpes on malntalnlng wrldhfe comdors. Locate lndustnal parks near geothermal wells and other power generatlon facihtres. Hydrogen sulphrde (H.S) emlsstons Situatlon analysrs. include the followrng' by conl'ersion of Reuse the water for well dnllng by using brine from geothermal wells for drilhng whrlst reducrng the abstractlon from Lake Narvasha Shrft from contact condensers to hybnd coollng towers for the cooling systems. I Waste water discharge Use Bnne from Olkana I power plant for bottoming power plant in order to I avord the impacts related to drscharge of brine to environment and methods. or compensate for potential negative impacts and maximise positrve rmpacts resulting from the programme. Key mrtrgation measures Abate HrS pollutron over 99.9 Vo of the H2S from geothermal non-condensable gases lnto elemental sulphur and rmprovrng HrSmonitoring Water losses Over 80 mitigation measures, monltoflng measures and recommendations are outlined ln the SEA Reports to avoid, minimise . by KENGEN Water abstrachon from Lake Naivasha Analysis ofrelated Policies, Plans and Programmes. Description of the environmental and socral basehne Lrst the potentlal environmental and social impacts and related indicators, targets , threshold and lrmrts of acceptable change. Development and analysis of alternatrves Predrctron and assessment of rmpacts. ldentification of enhancement opportunrhes and mltigatlon by avoidrng new barriers and protecting areas outslde the Geothermal Lrcence connectrvrty The key points for Olkana and Eburru SEA are: . . . and Protect brodrversrty comdors Loss of habrtat technologres, scheduhng, constructron and operatron . . . ' . ' avoidrng, mmlmlslng compensatrng for the negative impacts assess and where necessary mltlgate the envrronmental and social lmpacts that are Lkely to be caused by he proposed programme, development altematlves invasive Protect biodiversity hotspots. Drrect impacts on rrs Regulatrons ; To assess compliance to tnterna0onal convectlons that Kenya is a slgnatory and wrth the requfements of the Intemational Financral Institutions that partrcipate in the frnancing of geothermal process in the areal 6. To identify the species 4. To tdentrfy, predict, 5. drrll pad. Undertake Habltat restoratton durtng other relevant pohcres, plans and strategles, 2 To assess whether the proposed Minimize the construchon footprtnt by ensunng contractors adhere to detalled plan of the maximum consructton footprint. The Strategic Envronmental Assessment for Olkana and Ebumr I and The key potential negatlve impacts and the recommended mlhgahon measures for Olkaria Geothermal Field Programme are lnfrastructure, housing, roads and transport. proposes the followrng: for the selection implementatlon of CSR actions Noise pollution enhance 1 efficient use of energy i Implement proJect specrfic mltrgatron for ponds dunng well drilling i i Improve the norse monitonng procedure by updating monltonng locations and scheduling the monitoring process I I I i I . Use silencers during horizontal well discharge. . . 3065 THEKENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2014 Train the local communities. Agriculoral impacts e.g. loss of pasture land, accordance discharge. reduction of agricultural land and change in forest area Standard 5. Protect of the High Use Zone (nonconcession) from norse impacts e.g. Hell's Gate National Park and Elsa . Proper management of hazardous Introduce more productrve agricultural chemicals/wastes; hazardous b implementation of good housekeeping practices; mandatory training program for employees; no underground storage for hazardous materials; reduction in quantity to minimum practical levels for methods. all chemicals and fuel stored; designate appropnate storage location for chemrcals, fuel, lubricants and paints; pavrng storage areas and havrng self contained drainage system with silt managlng the number Reduce footpnnt of appropriate areas for the natural environment, expanding, improving and environment, restoring Tourism potential a visitor center, trarning center, conference center and hostels. Construct Protect the HUZ (non concessron) area of Hell's Gate National Park, Ol Nlorowa Gorge and dispersal areas at the mouth of the Gorge. Ensure Proper management of rain construchon sites. Expand the National Park area to the East and connect it to Mount Longonot. Road construction and Develop Strategic waste avoidance and minimisation plan for all projects and Increased traffic in the actions to be undertaken. area Olkaria geothermal by classifying, of all waste storage locations; separating skips for recyclable records Improve drainage of murram roads and South I-ake Road. materials; storing hazarrdous wastes in well ventilated areas away from Restore habitat for Olkana I and Olkana II roads by planting autochthonous vegetatron. and management of sanitary and domestic wastes and daily audits on management of all designated wastes sites. Confol over waste management subcontractors who are NEMA licenced Adopt of an industry ecology approach for the industrial parks. waste Develop of Electricity eeneratron Develop a strategic Traffic Management Plan. access . Social impacts e.g. to raw and drinking water; sanitation; Sm incidences; and access to health services. Up-scale the CSR actions by KENGEN. Design a CSR Prionty Setting System by the drfferent stakeholders. Avoid waste water discharge to for system ponds during drilling. Develop a strategic and plants. management system. I Olkaria I and settlement infrastructure. Improve performance of Olkaria I by diverting steam from Olkaria I to other Olkaria the environment by redesigning reinlection management Maintain and improve the steam field of social Provide raw and dnnkmg water to local communities. by replacing separators connected to Olkaria I with lager ones; and cladding and insulating pipes at Provide adequate and pmper sanitation in all new housrng. Olkaria I. Construct new dispensaries and health Develop a binary plant at Olkaria I. Economic growth and employment creatlon Limit the earthworks, cuts and borrow Rehabilrtate the habitat as soon as the road is build. segregating and labelling all wastes; centralising receptors; proper handling Subject the road designs and alternatives to ESIA and public consultatron. excavatlons to absolute minimum. Develop Strategrc waste management procedures seedhng Ensure habitat and landscape restoratron refuelling near water runoff/drainage at management of tree and tree nurseries. service areas. Waste eeneration and geothermal development by avoiding discharge to traps, grease traps and oiUwater interceptors; not stockprling the hazardous materials, and desiglating Soil erosion uses. compensate the local communities for the lost access to pastures and arable land. materials by ensuring good storage of i Create a database on agricultural land land. Install Noise rnsulatron for new power plants. Soil contamination with IFCAVB Performance Quantify the lost grazing land and arable Gate. . Prepare a Livelihood Restoration Plan in Use noise barriers during vertical well care facilities to adequately Develop a bottoming plant at Olkaria II. sewe populatron wlthin the programme area. Provide elechcity to the Develop a Strategic Environment and local communities. Social Management System. Adopt an rndustnal Ecokrgy approach Carry out awareness campaigns for the Industrial Parks. STDs. homote and advice the local cooperatives to participate in KENGEN tendering prooess. Provrde geothermal steam for e,;onomic activities undertaken by the local communities. Housing market on Hire local employees. Provide permanent workers with accommodation and offsite accommodation for subcontractors. hovide good quahty housing at resetdement sites. 3066 THE KENYA GAZETTE Identify sensitrve ecological receptors Design a CSR Priority Setting System by the different stakeholders Involuntaryresettlement . Provide socral infrastructure for within Ebumr Forest Install Noise insulation for new power the plants. resettled communities. Follow the WBiIFC PS 4 requrrements Sorl contamrnatron materials by ensunng Provrde hvelihood and compensatron ln krnd over monetary compensation. chemrcals/wastes; good Impacts of the Programme of good housekeeping employees; no underground storage for recommended Ebumr Geothermal Field Programme are as hazardous matenals; reduction in quantity to minimum practical levels for all chemicals and Recommendations fuel stored; designate appropriate storage location for Minrmrze the constructlon footpnnt by ensuring contactors adhere to detailed paving storage areas and having self contarned drainage system with silt footpnnt. Reduce dnlling pad footpnnt by traps, grease traps and rbducing the footpnnt sizes, number of steam pipes and locating several drills in a drill pad. hevent and eliminate the not stockpiling the hazardous materials; and desrgnating appropriate areas for refuelling near service areas. Sorl erosion activities by minimising the vegetation area berng cleared and soil disturbance. kotect biodiversity hotspots. Restore habitat Avoid and mitigate impacts on wildlife avoiding, minimising all non essential infrastructure Waste generation and management Develop Strategic waste management procedures by classifyrng, segregating and labelling all wastes; centralising records of all waste storage locations; Compensate for the direct loss of habitat minimising operations in Ebumr Forest. separating skips for Mrtrgate the barrier effect created by steam pipes by undertaking a ESIA for each pro.lect and detailed ecological survey of the area. Hydrogen sulphide (HrS). and silica emissions Abate HrS pollution receptors; proper handling Control over waste sulphur and improving HrSmonitoring by KENGEN. Adopt of an industry ecology approach for the industrial parks. and Develop of carrying out monrtoring campaigns. Naivasha and water losses Reuse the water for well drilling by using brine from geothermal wells for drilhng whilst reducing the abstraction from Lake Naivasha. Shift from contact condensers to hybrid coollng towers for the cooling systems. Waste water discharge Implement a project specific mrtigation for each pond during well drilling waste management infrastructure. Electricity generation Build binary power plants to use the thermal energy rn the geothermal bnne before reinjection. hovide electricity to local communities Economic growth and. employment creation by Promote and advice the local cooperatives to participate in KENGEN tendering process. Adopt an industrial Ecology approach undertaking ESIA for each pond. for the Industrial Parks Improve the noise monitoring procedure Provide geothermal steam for economic by the local communities. by includrng sensitive receptors as part activities undertaken of noise monitoring plan. Use srlencers during horizontal well discharge. management subcontractors who are NEMA licenced. Improve HrS and Silica monitoring by Water abstraction rates. and management of sanitary and domestrc wastes and darly audits on management of all designated wastes sites. by conversion of daily monitoring recyclable materialsi storing hazardous wastes in well ventilated areas away from over 99.9 Vo of the H2S from geothermal non-condensable gases into elemental undertaking Develop Strategic waste avoidance and minimisation plan for all projects and actions to be undertaken. outsrde of Ebuml Forest. in Ebumr Forest by natural trees and shrubs. and compensating for the negative impacts. by usmg vegetation, re-vegetation of slopes immediately before drilling and planting Carry out Risk assessments. Locate Ensure proper management of rain water runoff/drainage at construction sites. Minimise the footprint of construction mvasive species by oiUwater mterceptors; Undertake Habitat restoratron during constructlon and operational geothermal lnfrastructure by reducing the ordinary maintenance area. chemicals, fuel, lubricants and palnts; plan of the maximum construction Noise pollution hazardous mandatory training program for Develop a strategic framework to handle chance findings. Direct loss of habrtat from Lake storage of rmplementation The key potential negative impacts and the mitigation measures for highlighted below: hazardous practlces; requ1re involuntary resettlements. findings Proper management of for all resettlements in Olkana. Ensure industrial parks locations do not Archaeology/chance 7th November,2014 Agricultural impacts Train the local communities hepare a Lrvelihood Restoration Plan in Use noise barriers during vertical well accordance discharge. Standard 5. with IFCMB Performance 3067 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2Ol4 . Create a database on agricultural lald Quantify the lost grazing land and arable land. compensate the local communities for the lost access to pashrres and arable land, for the impacts of Ms and srlica on food crops, horticulture and compensate livestock. Introduce more productive agricultural methods. Archaeologrcal/Chance geothermal development by avordrng drscharge to environment, restoring the natural environment, expandrng, rmprovrng and managing the number of tree seedhng and tree nurseries. in Ebumr Forest. Increase and improve the number of trees seedlings given to the local community by KENGEN by addmg more satellite tree nurseries and establishing a geothermal heated . . Provide monetary compensation Develop a strateglc framework to handle chance findings Frndrngs The full report of the proposed project rs available for inspection during working hours at: (a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road, P.O. Box 67839-{0200, Nairobi. (b) Principal Secretary, Ministry of Envrronment and Mineral Resources, NHIF Building, Community, PO Box 30521, Nairobi. Reduce footprint of Change atea Follow the WB/IFC PS 4 requrements for all reseltlements in Eburru. uses. (c) County Director of Environment, Nakuru County. The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the pubhc to submrt oral or wntten comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publcatron of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA. to assrst the Authority in the decision making process of the plan. Z. O. OUMA, for Directur-General, National Envrronme nt Management Authority. MR/5951657 greenhouse for growing tree seedlings Construction/ upgradrng' roads at geothermal area and Ebumr licensed. increased traffic Sublect the road designs and altematrves to ESIA and public consultation. GAzEmE NoTICE NO. 8 134 THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND Lrmit the earthworks. cuts and borrow CO-ORDINATION ACT excavations to absolute minrmum. (No.8 of1999) Rehabrlrtate the habltat as soon as the road is build. THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Improve drainage of murram roads and South Lake Road by incorporatrng road surface drainage, culverts, catch water drains, scour checks, side drains and ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED AUGMENTATION AND RI,HABILITATION OFGATANGA WATER SUPPLY IN GATANGA SUB-COUNTY, MURANG'A COUNTY mitre drains. Restore habitat planting autochthonous vegetation. Develop a strategic Traffic Management Plan. Social impacts II.wlrATIoN oF for Ebumr roads by Up-scale the CSR actrons by KENGEN. Design a CSR Pnonty Setting System by the drfferent stakeholders. Avoid waste water drscharge to the environment by designing rernjection system for Ebum.r and settlement ponds during drilltng. Pursuant to Regulation 21 of the Envronmental Management and Coordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, the Natronal Environment Management Authonty (NEMA) has recerved an Envfonmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the above proposed project. The Proponent (Athr Water Services Board) is proposrng to improve the water supply rn Gatanga Sub-County by rehabrlrtatrng and expanding the water supply system in Gatanga Sub-County, Murang'a County. The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mrtigatron measures' Develop a strategic and socral management system. Impact Mitigation Measure kovrde raw and drinking water to local Loss of vegetation . Provide adequate and proper sanitation in all new housrng. screening of the visual impact. . serve population withln the programme area. . Develop a Strategic Environment and Social Management System. Create awareness on STDs and other contagious diseases. Hre local employees Soil loss . . Provide permanent workers accommodation and with offsite accommodation for subcontractors. Provide good quality housing at Design a CSR Pnonty Setting System by the drfferent stakeholders. Provide social infrastructure for resettled communities. the Where the proposed route requrres the removal of any vegetation, care will be taken to minimize the destructlon or damage of trees. Re-planhng of destroyed trees in cleared areas where works are complete Pile the top soil where it can be reused. Program of Works should be preparcd m line with Aberdare region weather pattern so as to avoid such works during rainy seasons. . resettlement sites. Resettlements of trees and shrubs, where on the potential sites for possible care facrlrtres to adequately Involuntary Retention communities. Construct new drspensanes and health Housing markets PUBLIC CoMMENTS Restrict disturbance to soil structure within project site. . Put measures for protection of soil erosion (bermrng of loss soil). . Installing necessary temporary and permanent drainage works. THE KENYA GAZETTE 3068 Minimize excavatrons to only Air quality issues 7th November,2Ol4 Trucks should not be over laden, and the desrgnated sections. should be regularly serviced. Provision should be made available for water sprays to be used when dusts are being generated or at times of strong wind. Good driving practices will be required from all delivery drivers. All matenals stored or stockpiled on affects the traffic srgnage Wherever and whenever construction approaches on the road or potentially site should be adequately covered. Mamtaln machineries at manufacturers specrficauons. safety. The contractor must ensure that construction workers working in dusty areas should Limit removal of vegetation and rehabilitation programme on site a moves around both on-site and off-srte. and associated lnfrastructure following The conhactor should ensure that the truck drivers adhere to and obey the construction. Use equipment that is properly fitted with noise reduction devices such as mufflers. speed limits. Marntain vehicles and machineries at Accidental spills or manufacturers specifications. leakages Use equipment that have low noise emissions as stated by Ensure proper storage the to hours of site be provided dispersal of meteoric waters. with personal protective equipment. The residents will be sensitized ahead the commencement of works. A Storage and stockpiling of materials on the srte should be away ftom drainage of channels. Backfrll of trenches in or near drains should be topped wrth rock fill to stop waste mrnimisation approach should be adopted as part of the construction scour where drains have a gradient of 5qa oI ovet. works. Skips and bins should be shategically placed within the campsite and construction site, they should also be adequately designed and covered to prevent access by vermrn and minimize odour They should also be Requirement and use of local burlding materials procurement should be rnspected pnor to acqursitron legrtimatc operations. to confirm that they are The contractor should ensure that sources construction Where the proposed route requres the removal of any vegetation, care will be taken to minimize the destruction or damage of treos. Re-planting of trees will be done where appropriate or specifically stipulated by the relevant authorities such as KFS. . The site should have a Construction Traffic Management Plan, of traffrc movements to and from the site should be done so as to avoid potential convoys which could Phasing cause local scale congestron. he materials sustainably. The contractor should ensure ttlat the storage area for matenals is good so as illegally disposed of. approxrmately 2-5 workers per chemrcal toilet should be used. and The sources of all required materials The ultlmate fate of the wastes should be monitored so that they are not of sewage waste. A ratio of of all materials appliances. engaging only reputable truckers and conducting appropriate spot checks to verify that disposal are done in accordance wrth the requrrements of NEMA. Potentral impact of traffic Constructlon contract should stipulate that the Contractor sources materials from an approved site. required standards and certlficatron for Measures to ensure that waste materials from the Project are drsposed at suitable srtes will be taken. These will include Vrsual impacts . The tender documents should specify emptied regularly. Provide po(able sanitary convenrences for the constructlon workers for control chemicals / Dunng the course of the construction works, temporary drainage channels should be constructed to encourage Surface water run-off works. Workers should of materials. manufacturers. Standard restnctlons the fucks carrying construction materials to the site are in good condition and no materials fall on the road as the truck be given dust masks. Generated wastes be / women employed rn order to ensure the public Where unavoidable, Noise pollution and vibrations will have to placed and formal flagmen to avoid spoils and waste Occupational health and safety risks Al[ construction workers should bc advrsed of the dangers associated with constructlon work. Workers should be provided with surtable foot wear. hard hats, protective glasses and generally with safety equipment where appropriate. Provision of adequate sanitary facilitres to workers. Train all workers on Safety Health and Environment (SHE) with an aim of rmproving awareness. Trenches over 1.5 m deep or wtrerever soil conditions dictate should be shored and secured against accidental enty by public. Install safety signage along the work GAZEITE NoTICE No. areas. trarned flagmen/flag women and night. lit and Sanitation Company on how to address sewer and waste water especrally in fast growing markets hke Gatura and Gatanga. Community Water There should be due adherence to the safest maximum abstractable water hydrology quantifies of throughout the project life. Adhere to WRMA water use permits. Solid waste generation and disposal Provision of solid waste storage bins and skips. CoMPLEfloN oF PART DEVELoPMENT PLAN (PDP Nos. MKN|78/2009/06 and MKN/78/2014/05 for Existing National Intelligence Service Offices, Makueni andfor the Existing Makueni Constituency Developme nt Fund Office s, re spectively. NOTICE were rs given that the above-mentioned part development plans on 19th March,2009 and 16th July,2014, respectively, completed. The part development plan relates to land situated within Makueni Township of Makuenr County Copies of the part development plan have been deposited for public inspection at the offices of the Director of Lands and Urban Planning, County Commissioner and the County Secretary, Makueni County. The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge Monltor skips so that they do not by all persons rnterested at offices of Director of Lands and Urban become overfilled. Planning, County Commissroner and the County Secretary, Makueni County. between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Ensure that the solid waste collecled is disposed of in an approved dumpsite. Apply quickhme treatment to dewatered Sludge management I35 (Cap.286) by Plans should be put in place by Gatanga Impacts on drarnage and 8 THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT Where construction activities interfere with the movement of traffic, the site should be signed and controlled by Envronmental pollution from gray water 3069 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2014 sludge in order to create a pathogen and odor free product. Dry sludge on the dryrng beds before disposing off in a dedicated disposal site. Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connectron with or objection to the above-named part development plan may send such representations or ob;ections in writing to be received by the Director of Lands and Urban Planning, P.O. Box 78, Makueni, within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and such representation or oblectron shall state the grounds on which it is made. Dated the 20th January,2014. Preparauon and enforcement of operational guidelines for sludge B. K. NG'ENY, for Director of Physical Planning. MR/5951867 treatment / management. . Improve chemical handhng, Chemical handling avoid GAZE'I-IE NOTCE NO. 81 36 leakages and spillages. . Appropriate record keeping THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT of data on (Cap.286) chemrcals and material safety data sheets. . Emergency preparedness and . response CoMPLETIoN oF PART DEVEI-OPMENT PLAN Awareness creation amongst workers on proper handling of chemicals through training. Design and implement an emergency response plan. . . . with aid Co-ordinate organizations/agencies such as with the local fire bngade. Install fire hydrants wrthin the proposed development. . Install a fire extinguisher at the plant and train workers on how use. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at: (rz) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road, P.O. Box 67839-{0200, Narobi. (b) Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 3012600100, Nairobi. (c.) County Director of Environment, Murang'a County. The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submlt oral or written comments wrthin thrty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decrsron makrng process of the NOTICE is given that the above-mentioned part development plans were on 25th March,2014, respectively, completed. The part development plan relates to land sltuated within Makueni Township of Makueni County Copies of the part development plan have been deposrted for public lnspection at the offices of the Director of Lands and Urban Plannrng, Wote and the County Secretary, Makueni County. The copies so deposrted are avarlable for inspection free of charge by all persons interested at offices of Director of Lands and Urban Planning, Wote and the County Secretary, Makueni County, between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Any interested person who wrshes to make any representation ln connection with or objection to the above-named part development plan may send such representations or objections in writing to be received by the Director of Lands and Urban Planning, P.O. Box 78, Makueni, within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it is made. Dated the l2th June,2014. plan. ZEPHANIAHO. OUMA, for Director-General, MR/5951886 (PDP No. MKN/78/2014/Ol for Existing sites for County Executive Offices, Governor and Depury* Governor's Residence, Land Bankfor Educational use (Zones), South Eastern Kenya University, Aka Housing Co-ooperattve Soctety, Makueni Workers Sacco, National Housing Corporatrcn, hnd BankJor Future Developmcnt and Commercial plot for Aka Housing Co-operative Society. Nartonal Environment ManaBement Authority. MR/5951867 B. K. NG'ENY, Jor Director of Phvsical Planning. THE KENYA GAZETTE 3070 GAZE.I-IE NoTICE NO, 8137 7th November,2014 GAZETTE NONCE NO. 8140 MBOI-KAMITI FARMERS COMPANY LIMITED THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT (Incorporated in Kenya) (Cap.286) Head Office: P.O. Box 300-00900, Kiambu COMPLETION OF PART DE\ELOPMENT PLAN (PDP No. 12.2. CT.2014.3 for Existtng Kenya WildliJe Service Monbasa Offices) NOTICE ls glven that the above-mentloned part development plan LoSs oF SHARE CERTIFICATE Share Certificate No.2341 in the name of S. Njath Krurie. WHEREAS S. Njathi Kiarie, of P.O. Box 48, Kiambu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of share certrficate No. were on 27th October,2014, completed. The part development plan relates to land situated within Mombasa Island next to the County Commissioner buildrng (Uhuru Na Kazr burldrng) Copies of the part development plan have been deposrted for pubhc lnspectlon at the offices of the County Physical Planner at Bima Tower Annex. Second Floor. The copies so deposited are avarlable for lnspectlon free of charge by all persons lnterested at offices of County Physical Planner at Bima Tower Annex, Second Floor, between the hours of 7.45 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday, respecttvely. Any rnterested person who wishes to make any representation in connection wlth or objection to the above-named part development plan may send such representations or objections in writrng to be recerved by the County Physrcal Planner, P.O. Box 82876-80100, Mombasa, within sixty (60) days from the date of publicatron of this notice and such representatron or oblectron shall state the grounds on which it rs n Mbor-Kamitr Farmers Company Limited, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the sard share certlfrcate lssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exprry of thrty (30) days from the date hereoi a new share certlficate 2341 wrll be rssued by the said company to P, O. Jor Director MR/5951962 GAZETTE NoTICE oJ MANYALA. Physrcal Planrung No. 8I 38 NAIKUNI, NGAAH & MIENCHA COMPANY, Advocates for S. Nlath Kiane. MR/5951884 GAZE.I-IE NOTICE DISPoSAL oF UNCoLLECTED GooDs NOTICE is grven pursuant to the provrsions of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods (Cap. 38) of the Laws of Kenya, to the owners of DAF CF 85. 430 KBK 570 R, to take delivery of the sard DAF CF 85. 430 KBK 570 R, which have been lying at the premises of Opera (E.A.) Limited next to Coast Srlos at Mrkindani in Mombasa within thiny (30) days from the date of pubhcation of this notrce upon payment of storage charges, Auctloneers costs and any other incidental charges plus costs of publishrng thrs notice. Failure to which the sard rtems will be disposed off either by public auction or private treaty wlthout any further reference to the ou,ner's in order to defray tle storage charges, Auctroneers costs and other related charges in accordance with this Act. But should there be any shortfall the owners wrll be liable thereafter Dated the 29th October.2014. G. M. Makrnr Au c tio ne e r s Age nc No. 8 14 I MBOI-KAMITI FARMERS COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated rn Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 300-O0900. Krambu Loss oF KINYUA, ie s, Mo mbasa GAZErIE NoTICE No. 8139 WHEREAS Lucy Njeri Ng'ang'a, rs registered as proprietor of one (1) share with Mboi-Kamrti Farmers Company Limited, share adduced to show that the said share certificate No. 8622 And whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the said share certiflcate issued thereof has been lost or misplaced, notice is given that after the expiry of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, a new share certificate wlll be Dared rhe 21 th october, 2o1 4. J. MRi5951878 K. KARIUKI, Advo cate Jbr Lucy' Nj GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8 e ri Ng' ang' a I42 MBOI-KAMITI FARMERS COMPANY LIMITED (Incolporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 300-{0900, Kiambu I-oss oF SHARE CERTIFICATE WHEREAS John Kamau Mwangi, is the shareholder of Mboi Kamitr Farmers Company Limited vide share certificate No. 10164. And whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the original share certificate is mrssing or has been lost and whereas all efforts made to locate the certificate have failed, notice rs glven that after the exprry of thfiy (30) days from the date hereof, provrded that no valid objectron has been received, a duplicate certifrcate will be rssued MAKINI AUCTIONEERS AGENCIES Dated the 29th October,2014. DISPoSAL oF UNCoLLECTED GOODS NOTICE is given pursuant to the provisions of the Drsposal of Uncollected Goods (Cap. 38) of the Laws of Kenya, to the owners of Lorry Scania I 13M (360) KAP 056Q TrailerZA 1161, to take delivery of the said Lorry Scania 113M (360) KAP 056Q Tratler ZA 116l which have been lying at the premises of Opera (E.4.) Lrmrted next to Coast Silos at Mikindani in Mombasa within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notlce upon payment of storage charges, Auctioneers costs and any other incidental charges plus costs of publishing this notrce. Failure to whrch the said items will be disposed off either by public auction or pnvate treaty without any further reference to the owner's rn order to defray the storage charges. Auctloneers costs and other related charges in accordance with this Act But should there be any shortfall the owners will be liable thereafter. Dated the 29th October,2014. G. M. KINYUA, MR/6110062 SHARE CERTIFICATE issued, and the original certlficate detailed above will be deemed to have been cancelled, provided that no objection is received within that period MAKINI AUCTIONEERS AGENCIES MR/6110061 Njathi Kiarie. Dated the 29th October,2014. made. Dated the 4th November,2014. S. Makini Auc tion ee r s Age nc ie s, Mombas a. C. W. KINUTHIA & COMPANY, Advocates for John Kamau Wangi. MR/5951902 No. 8I43 MBOI-KAMITI FARMERS COMPANY LIMITED GAZE.I"IE NoTICE (Incorporated rn Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 300-00900, Kiambu Loss oF SHARE CL,RTIFICATE Share Certificate No.124O8 in the name ofAnastasru llahu Karhtkr. WHEREAS Anastasra Wahu Kanuki, of P.O. Box 53474, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as propnetor of share certrficate No. 12408 in Mboi-Kamitr Farmers Company Limited comprising two (2) shares, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to chow 3011 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November, 2014 that the sard share cerfificate rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiry of thrty (30) days from the date hereof, a new share certificate shall be issued by the said company to Anastasia Wahu Kariuki. GAZEI-IE NOTICE NO. 8148 CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi MOSES GATITU WANG'OO GATITU WANG'OO & COMPANY, Advocates for Anastdsta ll'ahu Karnkt MR/6110102 l-oss oF PoLrcY Policy No. Cul2l7l26 m the name and on the lfe of Erick Munyao Kimanywa. GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 8 144 THEKENYADEFENCE I.oSS oF LoCAL PUCHASE ORDER NOTICE is issued to the general public that a l,ocal Puchase Order (L.P.O.) Serial No. 2206100 has been report lost or stolen. APPLICATION has been made to thrs company for the rssuance of duplicate of the above numbered pohcy, the onginal having been reported as lost or misplaced. Nohce rs grven that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thrty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy wrll be lssued, whrch will be the sole evidence of the contract. Dated the 22nd October, 20 14. JOAN NJUKI, Life Manager The L.P.O has now been considered as cancelled and shoul not be accepted in exchange of any goods or services. MR/5951732 The Ministry of Defence and the Government shall not accept any responsibility ansrng from transactions undertaken against the lost GAZETTENOTICENO 8149 document. E. N. MADISON INSURANCE MURIMI, Head Office. P.O. Box 47382-{0100, Narrobi for Pnnctpal Secretary. MR/6110103 Loss oF PoucY GAZETTE NoTICE Policy No. SMI 458308 in the narne of Robert Munga Bichage, of P.O. No. 8145 l5l, Box ICEA LION LIFE ASSI,JRANCE COMPANY LIMTED (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 46143-00100, Nairobr Loss oF PoLICY Pohcy No.02O|CEN028648 in the name of Muthee Robert Gathungu. Notice having been given on the loss of the above pohcy, Kisumu. NOTICE rs grven that evidence of loss or destruction of the above policy documents has been submitted to the company and any person in possession of the policy documents or claiming to have interest theretn should be communicated within thirty days (30) by registered post with the company, faihng any such communication certlfied copres of the policies which shall be the sole evidence of the contracts will be issued. a duplicate policy wrll be issued and where applicable any benefits due will be paid out unless an objection is filed with the undersigned within thirty (30) days from the date of thrs notice. DateC the 22nd October, 20 I 4. JOSEPHAT MUTHWII. r, Life. U nd e rwriting Mana ge MR/5951753 Dated the 16th October,2014. GAZEI-TE NoTICE MUIRIWAICHINGA, MR/595 I 843 Manag,e r, Ordinary Life Operarions No, 8I50 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) GAzEmE NoTICE No. 8146 Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Narrobr ICEA LION LIFE ASSURANCECOMPANY LIMITED Loss oF PoLIcY (Incorporated in Kenya) Policl, 1,J6. 161-10846 in the name and on lhe hfu oJ James Gaktnya Kinyonya. Head Office: P.O. Box 46143-00100. Nairobi Loss oF PoLIcY Policy No. 026/AEN/049043 in the name of Atanga Rita. Notice having been given on the loss of the above policy, a duplicate policy wrll be rssued and where applicable any benefits due will be paid out unless an objection is filed with the undersigned wrthin thirty (30) days from the date of thrs notice. RER)RT havrng been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notrce is given that unless objection rs lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of thrs nouce, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 27 th October, 2014. J. K. MITEI, Underwriting Manager, Lifu MR/5951889 Dated the 20th October,2014. . MUIRI WAICHINGA, Manager, Ordinary LiJe Operations. MR/5951843 GAZE.I*TE NoTICE GAZET"IE NoTICE No. 8147 ' ICEA LION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY I-IMITED I,oss oF PoLIcY Head Office: P.O. Box 46143-00100, Nairobr Polrcy No. 161-22690 m the name and on the Loss oF PoUCY Limited. Notice having been glven on the loss of the above pohcy, a duplicate policy will be issued and where applicable any benefits due will be paid out unless an objection is filed wrth the undersrgned wrthin thirty (30) days from the date of this notrce. E, i I lfe of Hellen Wavar Nloroge. Policy No. 100000125 in the name oJ Proctor dhd Girrl.t) (i:.-r ) I (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Off,rce: P.O. Box 30375-00100. Narrobr (Incorporated in Kenya) MR/5951844 No. 815 I BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED THINWA, Asststant General Ma,ruger, Operatiotts. REPORT havmg been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice rs given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Lrmited within thirty (30) days from the date of thrs notrce, a duphcate pohcy wrll be rssued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 27th October,2014. J. K. MR/5951889 MITE]. U nde rv' ritin g Mctna g e r, Life THE KENYA GAZETTE 3012 GAZE,I-I-E NoTICE No. 8152 7th November,2Ol4 GAZETTENOTICENO. 8I56 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASS1JRANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi Loss oF PoucY LOSS OF POUCY lfe of Anastasith Policy No. l6l-4/0,ffi in the rwme and on the Njokr Ndegwa. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 27 APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuance of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirry (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Dated the 2lst October, 2014. th October, 20 I 4. J. K. DAVID KOIGI, Oficer, Claims. MITEI, Underwriung Manager, Life MR/5951889 Policy No.37010794 in the name of Pauline Wanjiku Wanjiru. MR/5951700 GAzE'mE GAZE.rTENoTCENo.8I53 NoflcE No. 8157 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Keny a) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 3037540100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30059{)0100, Nairobi LOSS OF POLICIES LOSS OF POUCY Policy No. l2l-5243 in the name and on the life ofTania Binder. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate pohcy wrll be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all fuore transactlons. Dated the 27 rh October, 20 14. MR/5951889 U nde GAZE,I-IE NOTICE NO. J. K. MITEI, ruriting Manage r, UJe. 8I54 Policy Nos. 3'1004578137011569 in the name of David Ogega Obure. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuance of duplicate of the above numbered policy, tre original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policres will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Dated the 21st October,2014. DAVID KOIGI, Offcer, Claims. MR/5951700 GAzEmE NoTIcE No. BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED 8 158 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSI,JRANCECOMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporatcd in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi Loss oF PoLIcY Loss oF PoucY Policy No. lfi--2968 in the name and on the life of Joseph Njenga Karumbi. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be rssued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 27 APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuancc of duplicate of the above numbered policy, tre original having becn reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policies will be issued, which will be the sole evldence ofthe contract. Dated the 2lst October, 2014. th October, 2014. J. K. MITEI, Underwriting Manager, Life. MR/5951889 Policy No.37014545 in the name of Gilbert Onyancha Omwenga. DAVID KOIGI, MR/5951700 GAzE-nE NoTIcE No. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8155 BRMSH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED 8 I59 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASST'RANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Narobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi Loss oF PoucY LOSS OF POUCY Policy No. 1933'18'1 in the name and on the liJe of Abdullahi Wario Guyo. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbcred policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limrted within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 27 th October, Policy No. 37009351 in the name of Samson Kariuki Kanau. APPLICATION has bcen made to this company for the issuance of duplicate of the above numbcred policy, fie original having becn reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (3O) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policies will be issued, whrch will be the sole evidence of the contract. Dated the 21st October, 2014. 20 14. K. MITEI, ritin g Mana g e r, Life. J. MR/5951889 Officer, Claims U nde rw DAVIDKOIGI, MR/5951700 Officer, Claims I 1 I GAZET'IE NoTIcE NO, 8 1 3073 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th November,2014 GAZEI-IE NoTCE No. 60 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED 8I64 ICEA LION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated rn Kenya) 46143-00100, Narrobi Head Office: P.O. Box Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi LoSs oF PoLIcY Loss oF PoLICY Policy No.37OlO293 m the name of Lucy Njeri Mugweru. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuance of duplicate of the above numbered pohcy, the onginal having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company withm thrty (30) days from the date of thrs notice, duphcate policies will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Polrcy No.026/8AW019817 in the name Maina Alexander Njuki. Notice having been given on the loss of the above policy, a duplicate policy will be issued and where applicable any benef,its due will be paid out unless an objection is filed with the undersigned within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice. Dated the l4th October, 2014. MUIRIWAICHINGA, Manager, Ordinary Life Operations MR/5951702 Dated the 2l st October, 2014. oJ DAVID KOIGI, MR/5951700 Officer, Claims. GAZE.I'TE NOTICE NO. 8 I 65 UAP LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED GAzE.mENoTICENo. S16l (Incorporated in Kenya) OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 23842-{0100, Nairobi (Incorporated in Kenya) LosS oF PoLICY Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi LOSS OF POUCY Policy No. 6006726 m the name AlJetta Waruiru Mungai. oJ APPLICATION has been made to thrs company for the issuance of duplicate of the above numbered pohcy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policies will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Polrcy No. MP05461 in the name of Elrus Peter Mbau APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. duplicate Dated the 2lst October, 2014. ERIC AYUGI, Claims Assistant- MR/5951683 Dated the 2lst October,2014. DAVID KOIGI, MR/5951700 Officer, Clnrms. GAZET"IE NoTIcE No. 8 GAZETTE NoTlcE 166 CHANGEOFNAME (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobt LOSS OF POLICY Policy No.6005549 in the name oJ Elkana Odembo. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuance of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the offrce of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notrce, duplicate policies will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 15th October, 2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi, as Presentation No. 2345, rn Volume Dl, Folio 356/3406, File No. MNDilV, by our client, Linda Kasichana Masinde, of P.O. Box 2275500100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Linda Kasrchana Kupalia, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Linda Kasichana Kupalia, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Linda Kasichana Masinde, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Linda Kasichana Masinde only. Dated the 29th October,2014. PATRICK, TEDDY & PARTNERS, for Linda Kasichana Masinde, Jormerly known as Linda Kasichana Kupalia. Advocates MR/5951905 Dated the 2lst October, 2014. DAVID KOIGI, Oficer, Claims. MR/5951700 GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8 I 67 CHANGEOFNAME No. 8163 ICEA LION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated rn Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 46143-00100, Nairobi LOSS OF POUCY Policy No. 031/AEN/009690 in the name of Kiruri Beatrice Wanjiku. Notice having been given on the loss of the above policy, a duplicate policy will be issued and where applicable any benefits due rvill be paid out unless an objection is filed with the undersigned within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice. NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 29th August, 2013, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobr, as Presentation No. 2968, in Volume Dl, Folio 5711049, File No. MMXIV, by our client, Mumbi Esther Gathoni, of P.O. Box 2432500502, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Carolyne Esther Mumbi Gathoni, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Carolyne Esther Mumbi Gathoni, and rn lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Mumbi Esther Gathoni, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her by hcr assumed name Mumbi Esther Gathoni only. Dated the 28th October,2014. Dated the l4th October,2014. KHAYESI NJAMBI & KHAYESI, MUIRIWAICHINGA, MR/595r702 8 162 OLD MTITUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED GAZETTE NoTICE No. Manager, Ordinary Life Operations. MR/5951860 Advocates for Mumbi Esther Gathoni, furmerly known as Carolyne Esther Mumbi Gathoni. 3014 THE KENYA GAZETTE IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE KENYA GAZETTE NOW ON SALE ECONOMIC SURYEY,2OII Price: KS/z. 1,000 7th November,2014 THE following notes ile for fte guidmce of persons submrttmg "copy" for rnclusron rn the Kenya Gazette, Supplement, etc ' (l) THE FINANCE BILL,aOI Price: KSh.235 The Kenya Gazette aDtans Notrces of a general nahrre whrch do not affect legislatron They ae, therefore, submrtted to the Govemment Pflnter drrectly (2) l*gislatwe Supplement contalns Rules and Regulations whrch re by the Central Goyemment Because of thrs, they must be submrtted to the Goverment hlnter through the office of the rssued Anomey-General. 201u2012 ESTIMATES OF RECURRENT EXPENDITURE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA FOR THE YEAR ENDING 3OTH JUNE,2011 VOL. I Price: KSh.l,4O0 (3) Brll (4) typewntten with double spacng Copy should be cler, legible and contarn no alteratlons. 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I Price: K,Sft. 1,100 (2) Mrnrstrres wrll be requrred to pay for the Kenya Gazette and to meet thc cost of adYertisrng in lt It rs emphasrzed that these notes ae for gurdmce only, but rt is requested ftat persons submittrng copy for pubhcation frrst satlsfy themselves that such copy rs complete ln eYery respect. SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISEMENT CHARGES Wrth effect from I st July, 2012. subscnptron md advenrsement fee for thc Kenyo Gozette re as follows SUBSCRIPTIoN CHARGES. KSh. Annual Subscnptron (excludrng postage rn Kenya) Annual Subscription (mcludrng postage rn Kenya) Annual Subscnptron (overseas). .. Half-yerSubscnption(excludrngpostageinKenya). .. Half-yeu Subscrrptron (rncludmg postage rn Kenya) ....... Half-yeu Subscrrption (overseas). vol,. II K,Sfu. 1,100 Srngle copy wrthout THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCIES AND COUNTY ASSEMBLY WARDS ORDER, 2012 ,. .. ... .. 6,960 00 8,470 00 16,0 supplements Kenya Gazette Supplement No. l3 (Legal Notice No. 14 of 2012) Price: KSlr. 880 2011 Price: KSft. 1,000 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA Price: KSh.25O . to l2 pages.. to 16 pages to 20 pages.. to 24 pages.. to 32 pages r65 00 180 00 20 00 pilt thermf ADvERTISEMENT CHARCES. page Fullsrnglecolumn Full Three{uartercotum ..... Half ...,. . .. 00 00 00 00 00 155 00 r15 00 l15 m 'l d.p.rd,ng wereht Jon KSh. .. crs ... 27,8q W . t:,SrO 00 .... ..... column Quuter column or less. cts. 60 60 60 60 60 00 25 00 40 00 60 00 80 00 95 00 110 00 145 00 .. 10,4,10 00 6,960 00 3,480 00 Subscnbers and advenrsers re advrsed to remrt payments by bankcrs cheques, postal orders or money orders dram in favour of "Governrncnt Pnnters". Revenue stamps cannot be accepted Subscriptrons and advertisement chilgcs re pard in advance. S. N. MIGWI, AR. 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