Screenful Supercharge your agile team ” Information radiator is a large display of critical team information located in a spot where people can see it as they work or walk by. It shows readers information they care about without having to ask anyone a question. 66% OF ALL SOFTWARE PROJECTS FAIL* * source: Standish Group Software development factory REQUIREMENTS DELIVERABLES What actually happens in the middle? Quiz Can you answer these questions when asked? Do you know these metrics of your product? Who’s working on what right now? How many days does it take (on average) to implement a feature? Ratio of bugs found in QA vs reported by end users? Median time to fix a bug? Median time to fix a bug (by severity)? Average broken build fix time? (per component)? Where areTest the coverage bottlenecsofinyour yourcodebase workflow? Whatfixis to your average/best/worst velocity? Average time from QAteam’s to production? Time spent per release? Is time spent on fixing bugs or developing new features? Number etc. etc.of fixme/todo/deprecate tags in your code? What is the likelihood of releasing a version on time? What is the most likely release date based on the past performance? etc. etc. Screenful integrates with your existing tools and provides a real-time view into the key data and events in your daily work Q See how your sprint is progressing See who’s working on what Track your lead and cycle ;mes. Spot bo?lenecs. Are you releasing on ;me? All screens, all stakeholders Benefits in a nutshell More transparency & communication (less interruptions) Improved productivity (what gets measured gets done) Less firefighting due to better predictability Increased team motivation by making progress visible “ Analytical capability is increasingly packaged as a solution to address specific business issues, rather than created with generic business intelligence tools (Gartner, Hype Cycle for Analy0c Applica0ons 2012) “ ” A growing emphasis on industry and business process-specific analytic applications is going to take hold over the forecast period ” (IDC, Worldwide Business Analy0cs So<ware 2012-‐2016 forecast) Past, present & future Company founded MVP ready ELY €15k Protomo Private round €55k NewCo Factory Tekes KKS €66k First pilot 4 pilots Past, present & future BREAK-‐EVEN Series A (€500 -‐ €2M) Seed financing (€150 – 200k) Q4 2014 Q1 2014 10 customers Q2 2015 Q3 2015 80 customers Q4 2015 Q1 2016 Q2 2016 130 customers Q3 2016 250 customers Product roadmap POST-‐LAUNCH PRE-‐LAUNCH No;fica;ons Self-‐service setup Jira plugin Q4 2014 Pivotal Tracker integra;on Q1 2015 Pivotal Tracker plugin New screen: Release Burnup GitHub integra;on Gesture control via 3D camera New screen: Users & visits Q2 2015 GitHub plugin Q3 2015 Na;ve clients New screen: Demographics & interests Acquisition channels 1 Direct sales 2 Partner channels 3 Online marketing Pricing model Market size Geography Poten2al customers* Invoicing per customer (avg per year) Addressable market size Finland 500 €2500 €2.5M Nordics 5000 €2500 €12.5M Europe 100 000 €2500 €250M Global >400 000 €2500 >€1B * Potential customers are companies doing consulting or R&D in a knowledge intensive domain (ICT, Electronics, Media etc), and having more than 10 employees. Website feedback “Product looks really interesting” “I would love to test the beta and participate” “Looks great! Interested in trying out” “Hi, I like screens with information radiating from them” “Hey, your product looks really promising, I’d like to get access to beta” “I’d love to see how your product works” “I’d looooooooove to try that” “I’ve been searching for a way to do this for my team” “I have been waiting this for quite a while!” “Would love to give it a spin” “I saw your product on Betalist, and it seems really interesting” “Interested in trying because it might just answer our needs perfectly” “Screenful looks very very promising!” Meet our team Sami Linnanvuo CEO h?p:// samilinnanvuo Tuomas Tammi CTO h?p:// tuomas-‐tammi/0/461/79b Martin Radev Software Developer h?p:// Gevorg Harutuinyan Software Developer h?ps:// ~~225788ec1bc413b2 Technologist & entrepreneur with a passion to product design. Sami has co-founded several startups in both b2b and in consumer space. Sami holds MSc in Computer Science. Entrepreneur, technology leader and software developer. Tuomas has done products ranging from consumer web to mobile apps and sensor systems. Tuomas holds MSc in Computer Science. Martin is responsible of building data integrations to various data sources. He’s studying his MSc in University of Helsinki and enjoys attending to math and programming contests in his spare time. Our front-end wizard fluent in frameworks like AngularJS, D3 and Bootstrap. He’s building the UI part of our product. Gevorg is also studying for PhD in Nuclear Physics in Yerevan Physics Institute. contact us today! Screenful Twitter @screenful
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