MIAMI COUNTY QUILTERS GUILD PO BOX 473 PAOLA KS 66071-0473 Volume 34, Number 11 November 2014 October Minutes Opening: Janna Renner, President, called the Miami County Quilters’ Guild to order at 10:00 a.m., October 2, 2014 at the Paola Community Center and at 7:00 p.m. There were 68 members in the a.m. and 24 in the p.m. We have one new member from the quilt show, Shelby Minden, in attendance in the a.m. and guest Valerie Davidson was at the p.m. meeting. MEMBER UPDATE: Verna is back today, had surgery and awaiting pathology report for treatment. MINUTES: Sept. minutes need numbers and winners of drawings added. Minutes were approved with additions. (Lewis/McCracken). Evening guests Michelle Ramsdale& Amanda Berry, BOM winner Lora Rinehart, Door-Teresa Pfau, Name tag-Carol Cooper, Food/Uplight-Lora Rinehart. CORRESPONDENCE: A thank you note from Paola business, Midwest Surveys, Inc. and a check received for $200. Note from Kenna Peterson for the fire quilt given to them. January meeting is 1/8/15 not 1/1/15. MEMBERSHIP: Jana read the proposed changes to the by-laws to obtain the 501(c)(3) status for the guild. A motion was made and seconded (Scott/Kueser) to approve changes. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT: Lisa Haigh presented the Treasurer’s Report – a balance in checking of $10,149.93 and $4,115.48 in the CD. Not all bills have been paid for quilt show, so this is preliminary figures. Report is on file for anyone wishing to review same. PROGRAM: Becky Maimer announced upcoming programs and workshops: Oct. 11 Pam Hill will conduct a workshop on wearable arts (jacket). Sign-up sheet and materials list is available today. Joyce Geiger will have a program on the “wondercut” ruler in November. Garage sale is scheduled for Nov. 15th, please bring items day of sale. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Kat Fife asked for updates: Pat Thomson is still collecting for Uplift – still need men’s t-shirts. Uplift prizes won by Jennie Miller in the a.m. and Ginger Vail in the evening. Patti Walters will be ready in November to take up the neck pillows for the hospital. Winners of food pantry drawing were Gail Mock in the a.m. and Jeanne Ainsworth in the pm. Patricia Project continues. Kathy Scott still needs plastic bags for her charity project. Veterans Quilts: Joyce Geiger has scheduled a work day for cutting and preparing kits for over the winter months October 20th. Joyce asked for help in delivering 6 quilts from last presentation…all were taken by members. She has quilt tops ready for quilting, and blocks ready for assembling into tops. Dec. 13th is the next presentation in Louisburg. It is a 6:00 p.m. pot luck, our members are invited. MCQG QUILT SHOW: SHOW WAS A HUGE SUCCESS. THANKS TO ALL MEMBERS WHO HELPED IN ANY WAY…IT TAKES A “GUILD” TO DO A SHOW AS BIG AS THIS. THANK YOU!!! Winners in the various categories can be found elsewhere in the newsletter…Congratulations to winners. About 270 paying visitors were counted with door receipts of $800. Members didn’t pay. The cookbooks brought in $420; The two baskets raffled off brought in $540; Boutique brought in $1,714.50 (including the $410 from quilts sold displayed in Paola businesses). And the silent auction netted $1,616. Bingo netted $65.20. 2014 Opportunity Quilt total sales were $3,136. Eighty-one workers were eligible for the worker drawing. Cee Kueser is gathering suggestions for boutique items for the Kansas City Regional show next year where we will have a booth. RETREAT: Attendees may come after lunch at 12:00 noon. Spring retreat will be either 3 ($175) or 4 ($250) days depending on your preference. Dates are April 30, May 1, 2 & 3rd. Janna has sign-up forms today. COOKBOOKS: Sales are going well for cookbooks. Regina has most of the cash for the next payment and thereafter will be “profit”. OPPORTUNITY QUILT: 2015 Quilt is with quilter. Tickets will be available soon. We need a volunteer to take charge of this project in 2015. Please contact Janna. BLOCK OF THE MONTH: Karin McCracken showed the pattern for next month. Dianna Cook won the blocks (only 3 turned in, hoping more show up next month)on the a.m. drawing. No blocks were made for evening. Name tag drawing – won by Linda Town in the a.m./ Lora Rinehart in the p.m. Door prize was won by Teresa Pfau the a.m. and Karen Kaiser in the p.m. Linda Rogers will take over Block of the Month in December with January’s block. OTHER: Kathy Nicholson brought quilt magazines for giving away. Nancy Hart Kline and Jane Drugg will do the beginner’s class in January and are asking for “quilt mentors” to help new quilters begin their classes on the 24th of January. October Birthdays: 10/1 Louise Burgoon and Carol Pritchett; 10/5 Virginia Adams and Kathy Trimmer; 10/7 Vicki Bledsoe; 10/11 Jan Putzier; 10/12 Jerri Hefling and Darla Larsen; 10/15 Shasta Reynolds; 10/16 Betty Ross; 10/19 Janice Schlichting; 10/24 Michelle Chrysman; 10/28 Myrneice Reimer; and 10/29 Linda Soetaert. A motion was made to adjourn (Geiger/Rogers) Motion passed. Show and Tell followed. Meeting time & place Our next meeting is Nov. 6, 2014. Our guild meets at the Paola Community Center, 905 E. Wea St, Paola, KS, at 10am and again at 7pm. Guests are invited to attend 2 meetings before joining, and everyone needs to be sure to turn off their cell phones! UPCOMING WORKSHOPS & Programs: All workshops start at 9am and go to 3pm unless noted otherwise and are at the Paola Community Center unless otherwise noted. Lunch is on your own. Meeting programs: Nov—Joyce Gieger will demo the Wondercut Ruler—if you have one please bring it. Workshops: Oct 11—Create Wearables(jackets) with Pam Hill—sign-up & $5 fee will get you the supply list. Pam suggests getting a large enough sweatshirt (at least one size larger) and you may want to add length, too. Contact Becky Maimer if you did not get signed up and are still interested—there are openings. Nov 15—Guild garage sale—start sorting your donations! You will need to bring them to the Community Center, priced that morning by 8:30. Community Service Projects We continue to support the Uplift Project (homeless supplies) and Patricia Project (re-usable feminine hygiene for Third World women. Candles & TP(in a Ziploc bag) & water are very helpful for the Uplift, with cooler weather, underwear, sweatshirts, gloves, hats are appreciated. Quilts of Appreciation for Miami County Veterans Joyce reports that the presentation planned for Louisburg Korean Vets is scheduled for Dec. 13 at the Amer. Legion potluck. Please contact Cee Kueser if you can help so she can let the Legion know additional numbers for the potluck. Joyce will hold a Monday, Oct. 20 cut/kit/sewing workshop(9-2pm-Paola Comm Center) for all that can help. This is an effort to get enough tops ready for the winter so that next Spring/Summer an additional 200+ quilts can be prepared for MiCo VietNam Vets. Reminder that if you have a war-time Vet that is a family member that you have made a quilt for, please contact Joyce so she can get a label to you and also insure that we are not doubling our lists. Retreats Fall, 2014 Retreat (NEW!) will be Oct. 7,8,9, 2014. Nancy McKay chairs the Fall retreat. You may arrive any time after 12noon—but please have your lunch eaten beforehand! Spring 2015 Retreat—Dates are April 30, May 1,2,3. Janna Renner and Karen Ulanski are chairing. Janna said there are 2 sign up options. Sign-up sheets are attached and must be accompanied by a deposit. Opportunity Quilts The 2015 Quilt is being quilted and will make its debut by November. Remember that $10 of your membership dues are opportunity quilt tickets that you can either keep or sale. It’s never too early to start selling your tickets! An Opportunity Quilt Ticket Coordinator is needed—this person will keep track of tickets/collect $$/and help schedule showings of the 2015 Quilt. Member dues tickets are handled by Membership, so this is coordinating ticket sales beyond that. Please let Janna know if you are willing. MCQG Cookbook Books are available at $10/book. Besides Regina York (Bucyrus), Shirley Walker & Becky Maimer (Paola) and Sue Pierce (Louisburg) will all have extra books available. Next month—Linda Towns potato/cheese/ham casserole that did not make it into cookbook—but was a hit at the show! Drag N’ Brag Show What a successful show! The larger space of the Paola Middle School was a real hit and the proceeds from all areas were successful, too! And the quilts! Wowzer! While we know there are some things to “tweak” for next year, the one thing that we do need is for EVERYONE to enter a quilt! The larger space will certainly allow that to happen. “It was an honor to be part of the quilt show this weekend. Every year, I am amazed at the amount of energy and willingness to help with the Miami County Quilt Show. As your chairperson, I am proud to be a part of such a time honored tradition. The quilt show represents accomplishments, and whether those very successes are small or large, they are still gifts treasured from the heart. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the lessons learned. Thank you for the friendship and the willingness to teach others to become better quilters for life. I do believe that we are a special group of individuals. Thank you for being YOU!!” Karen Ulanski, Quilt Show Chair Best of Show: Teresa Pfau Pieced Bed Quilt: 1. Teresa Pfau – 13000 Pieces 2. Joyce Geiger – Yellow and White with Red Flowers 3. Ruth Fladung – Wedding Ring Appliqued Bed Quilt: 1. Kathy Scott 2. Kathy Havelka 3. Theresa Dugan Wall Hanging: 1. Janna Renner – 8 Point Star 2. Diana Cook 3. Janna Renner – Flowers Baby Quilt: 1. Karen Kaiser--Farm 2. Deb Dameron--Cowboys 3. Janna Renner—Mariner’s Compass Wearable Art: 1. Pam Hill – Jacket 2. Pat Noel – Jacket out of Salvages 3. Jane Drugg – Pineapple Bag Beginner: 1. Carol Cooper 2. Kat Fife 3. Brandi Winkler *Machine Quilting: 1. Verna Garrett on Charlotte Bousman’s Bed Quilt 2. Cee Kueser on Kathy Havelka’s Appliqué Quilt 3. Verna Garrett on Janna Renner’s Cat Quilt *Hand Quilting: 1. Ruth Fladung—Wedding Ring 2. Kathy Scott—Appliqued flowers 3. Elaine Elliott-pieced bed quilt *Member’s Choice: 1. Joyce Geiger – Pieced Bed Quilt Yellow and White with Flowers 2. Teresa Pfau – Pieced Bed Quilt 13,000 Pieces 3. Kathy Havelka – Appliquéd Bed Quilt *only voted on by members of the Guild Opportunity Quilt Winner: Bridgette Medlin of Paola (neighbor of Erma Anthony) Boys Quilt Winner: Raffle Baskets: Joyce Jackson Midge Tomcray Austin Gardner of Spring Hill (neighbor of Jane Drugg) Girl’s Quilt Winner: Lucy James (grand-daughter of Sue Pierce) Door Prize Winners: Denise Reynolds, Kathy Scott, Sheri James, Erma Bauer, Carleen Seaborn, Jessica Schermon, Mary Hughes, Lisa Rickey, Carol Glover, Amy Cygan, Linda Town, Donna Prothe & SueEllen Golloday. Block of the Month Karin McCracken reminds members that even if you do not desire to win the BOM, making at least one block in patriotic colors allows the Guild to use it for either charity quilts or Quilts of Appreciation. Linda Rogers has volunteered to become the BOM Chairperson starting in Dec. Thank you to Karen for all your work! Kansas City Regional Quilt Fest Check out for details on quilt entries and more. Our Guild is committed for “white glove” duty along with Leavenworth’s Guild and any other volunteers. This is a great duty as it means we get to look—and touch!—all the quilts! We will also need Guild volunteers to work our Opportunity Quilt & info table at the entry and the boutique vendor space. There will be workshops this winter to get us all sewing boutique items for this vendor space. You may entry a quilt two ways—either in the judged section, which is strictly up to you; or in the Guild space—this will not be judged. Details on how you may enter a quilt in the Guild section will follow, but the quilt criteria for both is on the KCRegional Quilt Fest website. FYI MCQG members are displaying their quilts at the Miami Co. Extension office (monthly). Go by and see! November—Jessica Drugg December—Becky Maimer HELP WANTED! Potential new member, an experienced quilter that moved back to KS from Calif! Wants to meet and “hang out” with quilters! Needs ride from Parker area for morning meetings and willing to pay for gas. If you can help, contact her daughter, Eileen Browning at 913-549-0547. If you haven’t met Ty yet, she’s very personable and would like to join us! Birthdays Elaine Heck, 11/1 Karen Ulanski 11/3 Belle Gifford 11/8 Ann Detwiler 11/12 Joyce Jackson 11/14 Kathy Armstrong 11/16 Lisa Haigh 11/19(23?) Charlotte Bousman 11/21 Jackie McLean 11/27 Diane Jennerich 11/28 Food Pantry Canned meat, vegetables, fruits—ongoing need for 1lb dry beans, pasta, instant potatoes, coffee (instant & regular), TP, pet food, cleaning supplies. Please be sure that your donations are not expired. All day meeting collections will alternate between the Osawatomie and Paola food pantries and the evening meeting collection will go to the Louisburg pantry. Monetary donations are appreciated also. Miami County Quilters Guild P.O. Box 473 Paola, KS 66071-0473 Calendar of Events Original Sew & Quilt Expo—Oct 9-11, Overland Park Convention Center, OP, KS Lee’s Summit Quilter’s Guild Show, Oct 24-25(9-5),Woods Chapel United Methodist Church, 4725 NE Lakewood Way, L.S. MO $3 Starlight Quilters Guild “Look What We Made”, Nov 14 & 15(9-6), Abdallah Shrine Temple, 5300 Metcalf, OP KS $3.
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