Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust R V INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT Accredited by NAAC with "A" Grade CA-17, 36th Cross, 26th Main, 4th 'T' Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 041. Ph: 080-42540300, www.rvim.in 2014 Only for Achievers MANAGEMENT FEST r 14, Novembe 2014 2014 R V Institute of Management RV Institute of Management is one of the 21 leading educational institutions run by Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust, started in the academic year 1999-2000, with a purpose of providing quality management education to aspiring youngsters. Our aim is to educate, train & empower potential future managers to develop capability to lead business enterprises effectively in reaching their corporate goal, and thus set a benchmark for others to emulate. Only for Achievers Imperium 2014 is a National Level flagship programme organized by RVIM to foster growth among participants by driving them into real life Business situations. In the Business World, challenge lies in application of adroit management skills amongst economic & cultural diversity. The participants would have first hand insight about critical thinking and decision making in the most trying of circumstances. Imperium 2014 encourages the participants to be proactive & contributes to enhance their foresight to deal with business dynamics. Only the shrewd & erudite will make headway in Imperium. It is an ideal platform to test ones potential & will help the participants to hone their skills. 2014 2014 Only for Achievers Only for Achievers Svasyah - Best CEO "Uneasy lies the Head that wears a Crown" Ÿ Solo Event Abhigyna - Business Quiz “Beat the Master” ŸTwo members per team Ÿ Bring three hard copies of resume and a video profile of 90 seconds Ÿ Laptop compulsory Coordinators Syed Viqar Ahmed - +91 9741330858 Koushik - +91 9686789487 Coordinators Irfan Yatoo - +91 9611918370 Sourabh - +91 8147310204 Samyogam - People Development Vikraya - Marketing “Explore the challenges of PEOPLE management “ 'Brand' yourself Ÿ Two members per team Ÿ Laptop Compulsory Ÿ Two members per team Ÿ Laptop compulsory Coordinators Nikin Raj - +91 9964689090 Daniel - +91 9611219052 Coordinators Anand Prabhu - +91 9738229790 Shabareesha - +91 9590793833 2014 2014 Only for Achievers Only for Achievers General Guidelines Samrodha - Finance “Money is the beginning and it is the destination” Nvyakalpa - Business Plan 1. Registration fee is Rs.750 per team (includes all events) consisting of 11 members. Individual event registration fee is Rs.150/- per team. 2. The Fest is only for Post Graduate Management students. 3. There is no restriction on number of teams from a college. 4. Register your team on or before November 10, 2014. 5. All participants should report at the venue by 9.00 am on the day of fest. "InnoVation" is the mantra Ÿ Two members per team Ÿ Two members per team 6. The participants must bring their own Laptop. Ÿ Laptop compulsory Ÿ Come with your own innovative business idea 7. One student can participate only in one event. Ÿ Bring three hard copies of brief description about your idea 8. Participants must be dressed in formals & College ID card is mandatory. Ÿ Laptop compulsory 9. Misconduct and misbehaviour will result in immediate disqualification. Coordinators Rakesh Ramesh Babu - +91 9901385542 Shoaib - +91 8553985606 10. Judges decision are final and irrevocable. Coordinators Guru Prasad - +91 7204347917 Vaibhav - +91 8951571078 2014 Only for Achievers Organising Committee Chief Co-ordinator Dr. T V Raju Co-ordinator Mr. Gowrisha Members Director Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Ms. Pavithra S T Ms. Sowmya D S Asst. Professor Student Co-ordinators For Information Mr. Suhas M - +91 8123301318 Ms. Bhavya Vikas Asst. Professor Ms. Pushpa M Asst. Professor For Registration Mr. Shivayogi - +91 9611916218 Ms. Maithri R For Assistance Mr. Sachin - +91 7204643260 Mr. S K Manjunath Teacher Trainee Public Relation Officer VENUE R V INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT CA-17, 36th Cross, 26th Main, 4th ‘T’ Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560 041 e-mail : imperiumfest2014@gmail.com | www.rvim.in
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