The Cochise Trading Post 11/12/14 Meridian ACUPUNCTURE & WELLNESS Talena W. DeBaun, BA, MAc, LAc, CLC Specializing in: Each Treatment specifically designed for You! Hike into our office 10%! for FOOT PAIN relief off 520-881-6125 520-444-2349 cell Call for Appointment 25+ years in Tucson ~ 5+ years in Cochise County FOR SALE: 1993 Jayco 10’ Popup Camper, opens to 20’, 2 yr-old canvas, nice shape, clean, $2100 OBO. 520-221-0271 Tombstone WANTED: Guard/guard couple for 40 southern AZ acres in exchange for free rental site for your camper/trailer, no SDD. 520-398-2692 D e s e r t S ky l i n e apartments 255 N. 9th Page 6 520-586-9652 For a Free Classified Ad FOR SALE: 2010 Jonway 150cc motor scooter, one owner, 8000 miles, 60-70 mpg, great for short trips, $750. 520-642-3215 Elfrida FOR SALE: Sears Road Talker 40 base station works good $25. 220 V space heater, brand-new $20. Kerosene heater, hemi, it works good, $25. 520-826-3447 Sunsites FOR RENT: In quiet area of Tombstone Efficiency Apartment, Utilities, stove & fridge included Rent: $490 (371 sq.ft.) 3 Br House, W/D hookup, fenced yard $800/mo Security Deposit required Contact 520-805-2441 WANTED: Volvo 240 station wagon for parts. Need a left rear Pearce, AZ body panel from a 1993 - 1988 Affordable Computerized Longarm Quilting or older may fit too. Don't need · Hundreds of Patterns · Bring or Mail-In Service a title if you don't have one. I can 520-732-9888 by Gail Penney pick up at your place, have car trailer. Call Steve 520-236-8623 FOR SALE: By owner 3 BR/ 2¾ FOR RENT: Private RV space Whetstone BA, office, indoor pool, on 3/4 fenced lot. Located in FOR SALE: Over 100 real good outbuildings & RV hookups, 30 Pomerene, $200 plus utilities. DVD movies $2 each. 520-3647045 or 520-456-5408 min. east of Tucson, 5 acres, Call 520-586-4341 below appraisal. Will consider trades. 520-678-2649 FOR SALE: Queen-size bed & solid knotty pine chest of drawers Primary Care for Adults & nightstand, $100. 520-5075699 Sunsites Dr. Azam, MD, MPH Vail Internal Medicine Real Silver U.S. Coinage David Strout, Nurse Practitioner Be prepared in the event of economic collapse. Instantly recognizable U.S. Mint silver coins - silver halves, quarters, dimes - Silver Barter Coins. email: Now Serving Patients from Benson & surrounding areas ~ New Patients Welcome Same Day Appointments Available Convenient Blood Draw Available on Site FOR SALE: Brand new flat screen TV, Furniture, Kirby vacuum cleaner, ceramic roosters, assorted tea kettles, 1948 electric baseball game, fine China, 12 pc setting. Call for directions in Richland Ranchettes 520-8262655 WANTED: Length of steel culvert pipe, 18 inch diameter, 6 to 10 feet long (approx.). Call 520-490-4415 " Your Doctor, Your Health " Also a Medical Weight Loss Expert Now offering a Customized Medical Weight Loss Program. Call Us: (520) 762-1557 25 minutes from Benson, I-10 Exit 279, turn right 13180 E. Colossal Cave Rd, Suite 150 DO YOU NEED TO MAKE A CHANGE IN YOUR COVERAGE FOR NEXT YEAR? We have over 35 years' experience with Medicare Plans Our Agency, Sellyei & Rundle, is Proud to be The Major Insurance Agency Providing Medicare Plans For You, Your Family and Your Neighbors. · We have the Right Medicare plan to meet your healthcare needs. · We are Insurance Brokers and represent All the Major Insurance Companies with Medicare Plans available in Cochise County. Call us today to schedule an appointment at 520-307-3507 or attend one of our Seminars listed here: November 24th, Comfort Inn, Benson 630 S. Village Loop, Benson AZ 10:00 AM HealthNet, 12:30 PM Private Client, 3:00 PM UnitedHealthcare November 25th, Holiday Inn Express, Sierra Vista 1902 S. Hwy. 92 Sierra Vista 10:00 AM Private Client, 12:30 HealthNet, 3:00 PM UnitedHeatlhcare December 2nd & December 6th Benson Senior Center 705 W. Union St, Benson AZ December 4th, Holiday Inn Express, Sierra Vista 1902 S. Hwy. 92 Sierra Vista 9:00 AM United Healthcare, 12:30 HealthNet We are also at WALMART in BENSON & SIERRA VISTA for our 6th year at the Medicare Insurance Booth. Come in and see us at 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Monday - Friday The Cochise Trading Post 11/12/14 Page 7 520-586-9652 For a Free Classified Ad · Horse Training · Clinics · Lessons · Dog Training Located at Robertson's Horse Training Arena - 714 N. Madison in Benson (North off I-10 Exit 304) Contact 520-591-2494 or 520-591-3631 & Facebook The City of Benson via the City's attorneys, Mesch Clark & Rothschild are conducting the final FREE Informational for the Benson community Session Date: Monday, November 17th Time: 6:00 - 7:30 pm - Beverages & Snacks Included Place: Benson Community Center - 705 West Union Street Topic: The Ins & Outs of Premises WANTED: Minerals, rocks, and lapidary/ jewelry making equipment. 520-265-4055 FOR SALE: 1991 300SE Mercedes Benz, smoke silver, 6 cylinder, power everything, very clean and no body damage, $2800, mileage 125,000. 520460-6498 Willcox. FOR SALE: 1999 Ford E350 Chateau Super Duty 7-passenger van, V-10 gas, 124,000 miles, clean, well equipped, Michelins. trailer hitch, Ziebart rustproof, $8500, will consider offers. 520-221-0707 or 314-614-0957 Benson Liability, Nuisance & Trespass Presenter, Gary J. Cohen, will go over issues pertaining to premises liability, trespassing, what constitutes a nuisance, and briefly landlord/tenant rights and responsibilities. Please let us know if you are coming by sending an e-mail to Candy Canton at or call 520-624-8886. FOR SALE: Ruger 10/22, has original wood stock, 2 mags. $175. Call 520-266-1959 McNeal area 520-515-9464 Sierra Vista (WING) FOR SALE: Lawn tractor trailer with steel dump bed, solid tires, greaseable hubs, 1000 lb. capacity, $175. 541-620-0508 Benson FOR RENT: In Mescal, Ground set 2BR/ 2BA home. Fenced, treated against mold, mildew & dust. Security windows, carport, outbuildings, $650/mo. 520-7208814. WANTED: To purchase an older 38 revolver with 6 inch barrel and a 12 gauge shotgun. These are for training purposes, price is important. Call 520-508-6662 FOR SALE: Immaculate Brick Duplex: Upgraded throughout, tile floors, all appliances. move in or great income property. Must see. Bisbee area, reduced to $129,000. 520-366-1849 WANTED: Washing machine, must work. 954-292-2988 Benson RV LOT FOR SALE In Cochise Terrace RV Resort, lot #25, with a Fleetwood Park model, 1 BR/1 BA home in mint condition. SOLD FULLY FURNISHED. 10 x 12 shed with washer and dryer, lot fully landscaped patio, 22 x 26 x 10 carport awning. Low, low yearly expenses & taxes. $77,900 in Fee. Call Bob at 520-586-3039 Herbs · Chef Salts · Bath Salts · Herbal Teas Asian Teas · Candies · Organic Sugars · Spices On 4th Street in Benson, Tues-Fri 11-4, Sat 10-1 across from the Caboose! 520.586.7822 Annette Buechel ND, MNA FOR SALE: Scuba gear: fins, vest, dive bag, 4 pair goggles, powder & oil. All you need is a tank, regulator & weights, all for $300. 520-678-7047 Sierra Vista 330 East 4th Street, Benson Buy 1 Flavored Sea Salt get a second ½ Off Buy 1 Box of Tea get a second ½ Off With this Coupon ~ Nov. 2 thru 30, 2014 Featuring: Pecan Trees 2 for $5.00 We also have Ornamental Shrubs Highway 80, St David FOR SALE: Flatbed Trailer, 2003 Eagle Premier, 7x16 wood deck, 7000 GVWR, 2 axles. Elec. brakes, 2 ramps stow under trailer in back. New tires, $2,200. 520-457-8777 Tombstone FOR SALE: Samsung front load washer and dryer. Excellent condition, original owner. Moving to a house with appliances. $600 for the pair. 520-686-2197. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO EDIT ALL CLASSIFIED ADS 520-720-4211 Clip-N-Save FOR SALE: 2000 Palm Harbor 3BR, 2BA Manufactured Home. Screened back porch, carport, awnings. vinyl flooring/ carpet, ceiling fans all rooms, $65,000. In Sierra Vista Village. 520-255-7550 WANTED: About 40 acres w/residence in small canyon, 4500' elevation or less, no cell or high tension towers or lit up facilities or farming. Call 520398-2692 Servicing C&B Cochise County Handyman Chris 520-461-5025 Services Brent 520-468-8106 Minor Plumbing, Electrical & Remodeling Licensed & Insured Call us - 24 Hrs a Day/7 Days a Week The Cochise Trading Post 11/12/14 We make our fudge fresh in Benson! 760-238-3700 Coconut-Covered Cashews - chocolate & vanilla Choc. Pecan, Choc. Walnut, Many More! EVERY SATURDAY 8am to noon AT S. San Pedro & 5th Streets, Benson FOR SALE: 2 RV sunshades $15 each. 2 vacs Bissell $45 & Dirt Devil $65. Blinds $12.50 each. 520-586-8617 Benson FOR SALE: 2 “Cover Max Deluxe” large-size motorcycle covers, always garaged, $75 each. One fullface SHOEI helmet like new, medium-size, $75. 520-6423215 Elfrida WANTED: Front right side headlight for 1997 Mazda pickup. 520-720-7407 Benson FOR SALE: Handwoven blankets, full-size, one is 100% cotton, the other is acrylic yarn, $125 each. Also dresser, Queen headboard, 1100 W microwave. 520-456-2824 Huachuca City FOR SALE: 3 building lots, 7 miles North of town, (Benson) on Ocotillo. Zoned commercial or residential, water, power & septic on lot, $22,000. 520-686-1684 FOR SALE: 1990 Ford Bronco, automatic transmission, power steering, $2000 OBO. 520-2046823 Mescal FOR SALE: Ping-Pong table by Sears, paid $450, will sell for $300 if you pick up, will deliver for $500. 520-345-6082 Need Help with Holiday Lights and Decorations? Located at: GADSDEN HOTEL Conveniently located just off Hwy 80 in Benson ~ call for directions. We can also pick up at your home or business! FOR SALE: Oak dinner table; Indian jewelry; depression glass; gas weed eaters; assorted clocks; china cabinets; copper items; crystal statues. Please call for directions in Richland Ranchettes 520-826-2655 FOR SALE: Older travel trailer $600 OBO. 520-507-5699 Sunsites "WHERE PHONE CONFERENCES ARE FREE" CALL TODAY 520-364-3844 Full Service Groomer 723 W. 4th St. Benson Need Extra Cash ?????? Sell some of that junk in your garage. Or that stuff you have in the closet Your "FOR SALE" ad is FREE! in The Cochise Trading Post Call 520.586.9652 520-245-0343 FOR SALE: 2 jewelers’ tumbling machines, both work good, extra belts, 3 barrels, $20 for both. Also single rollaway bed in good condition $75 OBO. 520-826-3447 Sunsites FOR SALE: Stand up freezer, 32" wide, Frost free, $100. 520720-8263 St. David FOR SALE: Jet power wheelchair, red, very good shape, $700 OBO. 520-586-7014 Mescal C Lowest Prices FOR SALE: 1994 GMC pickup, 4 x 4, V-8, 5 sp, air, short bed, body & upholstery good, $2500. 520-686-0498 Sunsites FOR SALE: 40 acres, between Las Vegas & Kingman. Trees, good hunting & camping land. Reduced to $28,800, owner will take payments. 520-488-0110 leave message Mi Casa Restaurant hise c o Cle Comp aning le te 520-335-9669 FARM FRESH EGGS Now Available! 7 DAYS A WEEK by APPOINTMENT 1052 N. G Ave. Douglas, AZ 85607 WANTED ROOMMATE: To share large house, $280 a month, close to stores in Benson. 954292-2988 Call 24/7 ~DON'T BE FOOLED BY PRICE MATCHING~ 520-686-1724 Licensed & Insured ~ FREE Estimates DIVORCE - Custody, Child Support CRIMINAL - Felony and Misdemeanor DUI, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, DRUG POSSESSION TRANSPORTATION OF DRUGS, ASSAULT Any Location! Any Condition! ~ACCURATE SCALE~ Call us and get paid today! A+ RATING on ANGIE'S LIST Painting ~ Plumbing Serving Drywall Installation & Repairs All of Roof Repairs / Elastomeric Coating Cochise Landscaping, Hauling & More County CIVIL AND CRIMINAL TRIAL LAWYER CASH! The ONLY BUYER in Benson who CONSISTENTLY pays you MORE! ~ We pick up old appliances & cars ~ Handyman Services SERVING Douglas, Bisbee, Sierra Vista and All OF Cochise County SINCE 1987 WE BUY HOUSES! BUYING SCRAP METAL KREPPS SOLUTIONS MATCHETT LAW FIRM · · · · Page 8 520-586-9652 For a Free Classified Ad LLC The Holidays are almost here... Too Busy to Clean? ½ hour, 1 hour & 1½ hour massage sessions whatever your budget allows 7 DAYS A WEEK ~ 7AM - 10PM In Private Home Showers Available VIP Massage Benson Location 520-971-5884 Move Out/Move In Regular Cleaning Light Cleaning Deep Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Pre/Post Party Cleaning Pre/Post Construction Cleaning Custom Cleaning Options Available Low Pricing Available · · · · · · · Call Angelina today! 520-249-6599 or 520-586-4738 FIND US ON FACEBOOK! The Cochise Trading Post 11/12/14 FOR SALE: 1988 Ford Bronco II, 4 wheel drive, parked in front of Saint David Barbershop, 133 E. Patton St. (Hwy 80) $875. 520-720-4649 or 520-230-9025 or 520-226-4645 FOR SALE: Shihtzu/Chihuahua puppies male & female, have 1st shots. 520-720-4211 Saint David WANTED: Older Chevy Geo for parts, also a TV stand for flatscreen TV. Please call Cal at 909-913-2904 or 520-803-6653 FIREWOOD Honest Cords ~ Quality Dry Wood 38 Years Experience The DiPeso Group 251 W. 4th St 586-2122 Multiple Listing Service Michelle Owens, Mgr 825 McNeil Rd, Benson 2 Bedroom/ 1 Bath Open floor plan, Tile throughout, $550/month 520-586-1433 FOR SALE: 1980 Sea Star Day Cruiser, 22½’, Mercruiser inboard/outboard, 350 Chevy motor, needs some work, w/ trailer, $1000 or trade for a vehicle, serious inquiries. 520226-7337 Sierra Vista $189,900 3BR/3BA Tastefully renovated, spacious open floor plan w/ great patios & unending views of the Dragoon & Chiricahua Mtns. Elegant country living! FOR RENT: 3 BR/2 BA house, super updated, desirable neighborhood in Sierra Vista, $1000/month plus security deposit. 520-364-7045 or 520456-5408 Sierra Vista FOR SALE: Connex box storage container, 40' x 8', double locking doors, very good condition, painted beige, $3000. 520-4056015 Willcox FOR SALE: Kawai home organ, 4' wide, 2 keyboard, pedals, nice bench, plays well, must sell, ask for Kay 520-221-1842 Firearms Training 520-824-2299 GET YOUR CONCEALED WEAPON PERMIT - CCW FOR SALE: 1986 35' 5th wheel trailer $1200. 520-720-6148 Saint David FOR SALE: 16' boat trailer, $300 OBO. 520-442-4109 Mescal FOR SALE: 1949-ish Dodge trifold hood. Large corner office style desk. Large double pane glass window about 60" tall x 72" wide. Good prices on all. 520586-9494 J-6 SPECIALS - THIS CLASS ONLY Veterans/ immediate families & Active duty military - $59 Medical Personnel, Seniors & Law enforcement - $60 SIGN UP BEFORE THE CLASS FILLS UP! Individuals, Families & small groups can schedule private CCW or other classes. Call us! Guns For Sale - Class 3 Dealer Ammo available for sale to Students Basic Firearm Safety and Marksmanship - 3 hours Family Firearms Training - 3 hours Low Light Shooting Techniques - 2 hours Mark Ball ~ Owner ~We'll spruce up your World~ 520-409-1904 FOR SALE: 6 Big Rig Firestone radial tires, 10R/22.5, good tread, re-groovable, $150 each (They sell new for over $600). 520-3456214 Pearce FOR SALE: Queen bed $75 or make an offer. 520-586-7472 Benson FOR SALE: 1994 Ford F-350, 4 door, 7.3 diesel, low mileage (131,000 miles), $8600. 520-9547835 or 520-507-3624 Kansas Settlement area Over 30 Years Experience Free Estimates Bonded ~ Licensed ~ Insured Reliable ~ Clean ~ Quality Work 1081 E. Birch Rd (Hwy 191/E. Birch Rd) Cochise, AZ Cochise Sports and Recreation, LLC 520-824-2299 Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover 520-826-7786 Come and see all of our Natural Meat Products including Local Grass-fed Beef Store Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 4pm Irma Bernal Independent Beauty Consultant (520) 686-3593 Mention this Ad and get 10% discount WANTED: Outdoor female guard dog, must like children, family, horse, pet dog & cats, but keep trespassers away from house. 520-398-2692 ROC 272910 USDA Inspected - Custom Processing FOR SALE: Miscellaneous farm equipment. 520-678-2649 Sunsites FOR SALE: 1991 Volvo, runs good, has occasional start problem $650. Call Donna 520720-8153 St. David GO SMOKELESS! Check out Benson's locally owned & operated vapor shop! · Premium USA grade e-juice flavors · Wide variety of tanks & batteries · Modern Facilities · Our certified instructors have over 36 years experience between them. FOR SALE: Rare find, buildable lot in Quarry Canyon, Old Bisbee, view. Owner will carry, $41,000 OBO. 520-227-1282 FOR SALE: 16 fully fenced acres, 1600 sq.ft. living space, 2 BR / 2 BA, 17 mature trees, 2 barns, Dbl car garage, shop, storage shed 2 miles E. of Elfrida, $132,000 by owner by appointment. Call 520-642-3215 Elfrida Marquess Painting llc Recognized in 34 states & in National Parks & Monuments NEXT CLASS: Sat, January 17th - Reg. cost $75 Full Cords 1/2 Cords 1/4 Cords 520-305-1046 REALTOR 20 S Ewing 3BR/1¾BA, fenced,2 car garage $850 131 N Sibyl 2 Bd mfg home in St David $500 1541 W Cottonwood Bluffs 3 Bd/2 Ba Soothing Back Yard $925 485 E 3rd, 1BR/1BA, Site built, train lovers dream $400 HOME FOR RENT Page 9 520-586-9652 For a Free Classified Ad 640B W. 4th Street Benson, AZ Phone 520-720-8050 Mon - Friday: 10 AM - 6 PM Saturday: 10 AM - 4 PM (located between Barney's Auto Sales & Long Realty) The Cochise Trading Post 11/12/14 Sally Frattarole Below Market Value! 36 + Acres Cell: 520-285-7975 Tierra Antigua Realty Page 10 520-586-9652 For a Free Classified Ad ROC173764 Brad Cooper 2 Multiple Listing Service REALTOR Specializing in Custom Home Building & Remodeling Reduced to $250,000 $229,000! 36.18 totally fenced ACRES! Below market, quality built home with so many upgrades and features. Furniture included at $229,000. New appliances: stove, microwave, washer/dryer, dishwasher, freezer, plus extra refrigerator, cedar lined closets, 5 flat screen TVs, 3 pellet stoves. 12 x 24 ft workshop with benches & shelves, 400 amp service. 60 gal compressor, 8 kw generator, 22 hp John Deere tractor with mower, Troy Built rotor tiller, Swisher 42'' brush hog. Extra large carport, over sized garage with day room and 1/2 bath. Water to trees on timers. Ceramic tile patios, 40 ft storage container with concrete ramps. Full RV Hookup. Plus more!! Must see to believe - too much to describe in this limited space. Free Ads Free Ads Free Ads For Sale For Rent Wanted Yard Sales Community Events All Non Business Ads are FREE! No Kidding! 25 Words or Less FOR RENT: 3 BR/2 BA home, large shed, fenced back, covered patio, carport, Benson schools, available to see and move-in November 15. A steal at $698/month. Call 480-313-4410 FOR RENT: 2 BR/1 BA mobile home in Benson, $450/month & $450 deposit. Call 520-221-0228 FOR RENT OR LEASE: 2 BR/ 2 BA home located off of Route 191, on Birch Rd. New paint & floors, fenced backyard, lease purchase could be possible with a small down. 520-224-4588 Super Special: 1 Chicken or Steak Jose Ole Chimichanga, 1 Can of Local Grocery Store Shasta Soda & 1 Reese's Peanut Butter Cup $2 8am - 8pm 7 Days A Week 10382 N Hwy 191, Elfrida Super Senior Discount 96 oz Milk only $2.99 (whole,2%,Fat Free) Tuesday! 520-642-0312 Homes, Horse Properties, Mini Farms and the Unique St. David Properties Diane Kurzhals, Broker/Owner Don't be a TURKEY, order your Thanksgiving Flowers Now! Elfrida Valu FOR SALE: 3 tires, 215/65/16, good tread on them $20 each. 520-826-3447 Sunsites FOR SALE: 1994 37' Champion edition, 5th wheel, 2 slides, electric steps & jacks, very clean, hardly used, $15,000. Call 520586-2475 or 520-266-9620 for information. (520) 720-6230 ARNOLD'S FLOWERS Call 520-586-9652 or e-mail FOR SALE: 3 RV extension cords, 30 amp, 30' long, like new, $25 each call 520-226-1902 Huachuca City FREE RENT: For your trailer, or live in ours, in return for help with chores twice daily. No pets. 520-686-0835 Pomerene FOR SALE: Cascabel Land, 26.42 Acres, stunning views, capped well, lower level land rising up to flat mesa. Recorded Survey, Mile Post 22, North Cascabel Road, $69,900. Financing Available. Call 520686-1724. FOR SALE: Matching couch & loveseat, fabric, good condition, $100 for the set. 520-909-9199 Mescal Christopher's Heating & Cooling Service & Installation ~ Free Estimates Time for your Chris Sawyers 26 Years Experience Winter Tune Up? 520-586-2490 Owner Call Chris! Licensed, Bonded FOR SALE: Thompson Center Arms rare Cougar 50 caliber muzzle loader w/ Williams scope. Beautiful walnut stock, in new unfired condition, w/ accessories. Only a few were made, $700. 520-266-9706 Sierra Vista 520-220-7312 DRIVERS NEEDED: For Benson dialysis patient, Mon, Wed & Fri. From Benson to Sierra Vista DaVita Dialysis. Patient’s appt: 10:15am-2:15pm. $15 per trip. If you can help, call Judy at VICaP, 520-586-2387. ROC K39 - 286316 FOR SALE: 2 x 4s & 2 x 6s, doors, used windows, chainsaw, dishwasher, smoker, blind, 1" black plastic pipe, bread machine, fans, used wire run, pinch bar. Call John 520-384-3161 November at the Arena PO Box 444, St. David, AZ 85630 Office: 520-720-9688 Cell: 520-850-5681 250 N. Prickly Pear Ave. Benson, AZ 85602 (520)586-9983 Saddle Roping Ranch Style home on 4 acres Just outside of Benson City limits $229,000 Call us to Book your Party Events and Special Occasions Keep an eye on Facebook for upcoming Roping
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