THE FLAME November, 2014

November, 2014
For it is by grace you have
Pastor’s Message
been saved, through faith—
and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— Recently I joined one of those point tracking and coupon groups at Sears. I like their
not by works, so that no one tools, so with the promises of future discounts on tools, I joined up. They send me Emails with specials, and this morning’s specials are Craftsman Quiet Snow Blowers. Being
can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV
Inside this issue:
Pastor’s Message
Memorials,1st Sunday
Breakfast, Family Night, ,
Anniversaries, Virginia
Jones Circle, 4-H
YAH, Mission Committee, Youth News, Welcome
Bible Study & Meal,
Communion Offering
Financials, Crockett Gar- 5
den Club, Biblical Garden, Flowers for church
Activity Calendar
Prayer Concerns, Birthdays
Youth Pictures
Youth Pictures
Recipe Corner
that this is my third winter in Crockett, and I have yet to shovel snow, I am in no hurry
to purchase one. In fact, I bet the local Sears does not have one unless it was shipped
here by mistake. I don’t even need to think about if I need a snow blower or not. My bet
is if I lived here another 100 years I would not need a snow blower. The advertisement
was nice. The promises of a quiet, trouble-free operation were well done and they are on
sale! If you call in and tell them the size of your driveway they will even help you pick the
best one to meet your needs. By now, you have guessed even with this great advertisement: No Sale. Why? Well it is obvious: I will never need a snow blower in Crockett, TX.
This leads me to this question: Do we make the same mistake in the church? That is, do
we assume that people in the world need the equivalent of a spiritual snow blower even
though there is no chance of snow in the forecast of their lives?
I almost dismissed the advertisement from Sears before I read it because I really don’t
have time to read an advertisement for something I don’t need. In this case, the offer
goes in the deleted e-mail bin before even being considered.
Paul was a master of evangelism because he understood something besides scripture. He
understood his audience. He understood their need. He understood their thinking. He
became a student of the lost. And after all, isn’t being a student of a person a means of
loving them? In 1 Corinthians 9:22 Paul said. “When I am with those who are weak, I
share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common
ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some.” Many people do not consider that God brings real solutions to real people with real problems. Paul understood
that to spread the good news, he had to learn what the problem was. Then Paul had faith
that God has real solutions for real people in real places.
The world is shifting quickly, so we must ask ourselves: Do we continue to try to sell the
world the equivalent of a snow blower in Crockett through slick marketing, or do we
engage people and find their pains, and hurts, and hang-ups? The only way we will learn
the questions and problems people have is to be in relationship with non-church people.
We as the people of God need to go and make relationships. And when we do encounter
these questions and problems, we must be prepared that a one-size-fits-all answer may
fall short. People may need to start with a relationship with a person who knows God.
We all need friends. Real friends, and real relationships.
Are we willing to become whatever is necessary so that some maybe saved? God became
human so that we may be saved. Let us not be afraid to follow His lead.
Happy Anniversary
In Loving Memory of Pat Kelley
Mary Miller
Billy & Julia Hill
Virginia Circle
Clayton & Ruenette Starr
Bill Pemberton
Walter & Virginia Moffitt
Jimmy & Hazel Powell
Mike & Jan Maiden
Ray & Jacque Fleming
Esther Dorrell
Charles & Dorothy Tipton
Tricia & Carl Brown
Jimmy & Judy Leediker
Eugene & Dorothy Harrison
Doris Selman
Carroll & Dana Fox
Kelley & Carol Bitner
Helen Ramsey
Melanie Brown
Jeanne Frye
S.J. & N.A. West
James McLeod
Matthew & Evelyn Johnson
Dorian Sullivan
Mary E. Walker
Billy & Benita Sharp
In Loving Memory of Mildred Hooks
Clayton & Ruenette Starr
First Sunday Breakfast
Don't be left out, come join Matthew Johnson and his crew, John
Massingill, Jimmy Powell, Bil
Wakefield, Carolie Wakefield,
Ruenette Starr, and Clayton Starr
for a delicious breakfast, in the Family Life Center
at 9:00 am every first Sunday of the month.
James & Stacy Easterly
William & Carolie Wakefield
Walker & Alexis Lea
Jim & Ellen Brooks
Nov 12, 2014
6:00 PM
The women of the church are cordially invited to the monthly meeting of the Virginia
Jones Circle which meets the 4th Tues and
begins at 5:30 PM in the Neighborly Class.
The Homestead 4-H Club
would like to invite anyone
from ages 8-18 to attend their
club meeting on the first Monday of each month at 6PM in
the Fellowship Hall. 4-H is a youth development organization that stands for Head,
Heart, Hands, and Health that specializes in
teaching kids life skills. Call Kay Hamilton at
(936) 544-5967 for more info.
The Young-At-Heart group will
host a Thanksgiving Luncheon on
Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at noon in the Fellowship Hall. The YAH will provide the turkey,
dressing, sweet potatoes, greens beans and rolls.
We hope you can join us and bring your favorite
Holiday dish to add to the table.
The holidays are almost here once again. If you are
in need of getting rid of your unwanted items, such
as furniture, old pots and pans, nick nacks, etc.,
please let the young at Hearts come and pick it up
from you and put it in our garage sale.
For more information contact Carolie Wakefield–
President at (903) 512-0140 or Ruenette StarrTreasurer at (936) 546-5668
We had a great 5th Quarter on OCt. 3rd. The FLC was
full of youth & they were all well-behaved. Thanks to all
the adult volunteers and also everyone who donated
food & drinks. We couldn’t do it without you!
The Youth enjoyed hanging out with the Malaysians on
Family Night. They were especially impressed with the
We are having a used toy drive. So if you have neglected toys in good shape, there is a box outside the
Sunday School office. Pastor Carton’s church in Houston
has an outreach program for the homeless and the
toys will be given to those kids.
The Youth will be having our annual fund raiser fir
Christmas in Crockett. So if you need convenient parking come by the church and we’ll take care of you!
We still have some 2015 calendars available. Get some
before they’re all gone!1
Mike Morris was our Breakfast Chef in October. Biscuits and gravy. Yummy!!
Pictures on pages 8,9
Please plan on joining the Young at
Heart group activities. We meet the
first Wed of each month for “Game
Day” and the fourth Wed of each
month for a home cooked meal, our business meeting
and a guest speaker, sometimes we play Bingo We have
good fellowship, good food and trips during the year.
Hope you will join the group.
Questions — Carolie Wakefield (903) 512-0140 or
Ruenette Starr (936) 546-5668
God Bless!
Toni 5468399
New members
If you are interested in missions, the mission
committee will meet on June11 at 5:00 PM in the
Questers room.
Jim & Ginny Turner
November Communion Offering
The Epic of Eden Bible Study will begin OCTOBER 1st.
Please join us for the 12 week video study by Dr. Sandra Richter, where legendary Bible stories take on
new meaning as we gain a better understanding of the
Old Testament. This should be an interesting time for
learning and sharing, whether you can be there for all
12 weeks or for just a few. The study will be lead by
Judge Erin Ford and Pastor Patrick Evans.
Family dinner will be served at 5:30pm in the fellowship hall and the study will begin at 6:00pm in the
Builder’s Classroom. (You can bring your meal into
the study if you cannot get here until 6).
Dates and menu for meals:
Potato Soup, fruit, cornbread and dessert
Meatloaf, potatoes, green beans, rolls and
Pizza bread, salad and dessert
Turkey & dressing, vegetables, rolls and des
Chicken tortilla soup, chips, guacamole, fruit
and dessert
Barbeque sandwiches, chips, fruit and dessert
Chili, cheese, fritos, fruit, cornbread and des
Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and dessert
Soup, salad, rolls and dessert
Lasagna, salad, garlic bread and dessert
Shepherd’s pie, salad, rolls and dessert
Taco pie, salad, chips and dessert
November’s special offering on Communion
Sunday, November 2, 2014, will be dedicated
to Houston County SHARE.
SHARE is a non-profit organization
formed by local churches in the Houston County area to help people in a crisis situation, burnout, loss of job or who
become unable to work. SHARE stands
for Serving Humanity: Assistance, Relief and Encouragement. Help through
SHARE is for short term only until
other arrangements can be made. Services SHARE offers are food, clothing,
prescription medication, utilities, gas
vouchers for medical appointments,
dentist and eye glasses and furniture is
available for burnout victims. The Share
center is open each week on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 am until 11:30 am. Volunteers are needed on
a regular weekly basis. Boxes will be
available at church entrances for the entire month of November for donations
to SHARE. Recommendations for donations are diapers, toothbrushes,
toothpaste, soaps and personal hygiene
items. Please call SHARE at 936 5445600 if you would like more information
November Communion Offering: SHARE
Crockett Garden Club
Our financial condition is doing well.
Our giving and income is $13,423 over
budget through September. Because of
the income being over budget we have
already paid 100% of our apportionments and special
offerings. I just want to say well done congregation.
Presently we have $80,000 in our operating account.
This is an excellent number because you do want
several months of expense in the bank as liquidity.
Our expenses are tracking close to budget with some
exceptions. Our utilities are over budget and our
property upkeep is over budget. We are trying to do
more maintenance out of operations. We will be
working on the 2015 budget and we hope to increase
our budget for growth. That is we will be looking at
ways to increase outreach. I am also prayerful that in
2015 we will continue to decrease our dependence
on the endowment
Biblical Garden
BEANS -- may refer
to Fava Bean Vicia faba
in 2 Samuel 17, or
Chickpeas Cicer arietinum in Isaiah 30:24.
Both were used for
food and as medicine
to treat cancer.
The Crockett Garden Club will hold their monthly
meeting in the First United Methodist Church Family Life Center on Thursday, November 6, at 9:30
am. Jim Renfro, Master Naturalist, will present a
slide show and talk on “Birds in Your Garden”.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.
The Crockett Garden Club will have a Fall Plant and
Bulb Sale on Friday, November 7, from 10 to 5 at
the Old Filling Station across from First United
Methodist Church. Bedding plants offered will be
Alyssum, calendula, dianthus, pansies, snapdragons,
and violas. Bulbs for sale will be daffodils, hyacinth
and grape hyacinth, iris, ranunculus, and white spider lilies.
Local honey and handcrafted Bluebird houses will
also be for sale as well as many surprises. All profits
are used for community beautification projects.
Several groups from out of town have toured the
Plants of the Bible Garden this month and more
plant specimens have been added to the garden. If
you have not visited the garden here on the church
grounds, do make plans to come by. The weather is
great and the plants are looking happy!
If you would like to provide flowers to beautify the church please sign up on the flower chart in the hallway
of the main building or call the church office 544-2044. You will receive a call or an email will be sent to
remind you of your Sunday.
Nov 2 Barbara Cook
Nov 9 Chuck & Deborah Kennedy
Nov 16 Open
Nov 23 Open
Nov 30 Open
Dec 7 Bill Pemberton
Dec 14 Sarah Clark
Dec 21 Open
Dec 28 Open
November Altar Guild: Jacque Fleming & Joey Maiden
November 2014
10:00 AM Weight Loss Yoga (FLC) 8:00 AM Walking group
4:45 PM Kids Yoga (FLC)
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
5:30PM Exercise Class– (FLC)
6:00 PM BFF Yoga
7:00 AM UMMen Breakfast (FLC)
8:00 AM Walking group
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
10:00 AM Chair exercise (FLC)
10:00 Am YAH Game Day
10:00 Am Gentle Yoga (FLC)
5:30 PM Meal & Bible study (FH)
5:30 PM UMYF (FLC)
6:00 PM Children’s Choir (Builders)
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
10:00 AM Weight Loss Yoga (FLC)
1:00PM Bridge (FLC)
4:00 PM Cub scouts
5:30 PM Aerobic/ Stretch exercise
6:30PM Boy scouts
10:00 AM Weight Loss Yoga (FLC) 8:00 AM Walking group
4:45 PM Kids Yoga (FLC)
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
5:30PM Exercise Class– (FLC)
6:00 PM BFF Yoga
11 Veterans Day
8:00 AM Walking group
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
10:00 AM Chair exercise (FLC)
10:00 Am Gentle Yoga (FLC)
4:30 PM Worship Meeting– Library
5:30 PM Mission Comm (Questers)
5:30 PM UMYF (FLC)
5:30 PM Family Night Dinner /
Malaysian Drummers (FLC)
6:00 PM Children’s Choir (Builders)
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
8:30 AM Worship at Shiloh– Communion
8:00 AM Walking group
9:00 AM 1st Sunday Breakfast (FLC)
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
9:45 AM Sunday school for all ages
10:00 AM Chair exercise
10:50 AM Worship at Crockett– Communion 10:00 AM Gentle Yoga (FLC)
12:00 PM Bridge
4:30 PM Girl scouts
5:30 PM Trustee Meeting
6:00 PM 4H Meeting
6:00 PM BFF Yoga (FLC)
10:00 AM Weight Loss Yoga (FLC)
1:00PM Bridge (FLC)
4:00 PM Cub scouts
5:30 PM Aerobic/ Stretch exercise
6:30PM Boy scouts
10:00 AM Weight Loss Yoga (FLC) 8:00 AM Walking group
4:45 PM Kids Yoga (FLC)
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
5:30PM Exercise Class– (FLC)
6:00 PM BFF Yoga
8:00 AM Walking group
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
10:00 AM Chair exercise
10:00 AM Gentle Yoga (FLC)
12:00 PM Bridge
4:30 PM Girl scouts
6:00 PM BFF Yoga (FLC)
8:00 AM Walking group
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
10:00 AM Chair exercise (FLC)
10:00 Am Gentle Yoga (FLC)
5:30 PM UMYF (FLC)
5:30 PM Meal & Bible Study (FH)
6:00 PM Children’s Choir (Builders)
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
27 Thanksgiving Day 28 Office Closed
Office Closed
8:30 AM Worship at Shiloh
9:00 AM Welcome Center Open
(Donuts & Coffee-FH)
9:45 AM Sunday School for all Ages
10:50 AM Worship at Crockett
10:00 AM Weight Loss Yoga (FLC)
1:00PM Bridge (FLC)
4:00 PM Cub scouts
5:30 PM Aerobic/ Stretch exercise
6:30PM Boy scouts
6:30 PM Finance Comm (Questers)
7:00 PM Church Council (Questers)
8:00 AM Walking group
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
10:00 AM Chair exercise
10:00 AM Gentle Yoga (FLC)
12:00 PM Bridge
4:30 PM Girl scouts
6:00 PM BFF Yoga (FLC)
8:30 AM Worship at Shiloh
9:00 AM Welcome Center Open
(Donuts & Coffee-FH)
9:45 AM Sunday School for all Ages
10:50 AM Worship at Crockett
8:00 AM Walking group
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
8:00 AM Walking group
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
10:00 AM Chair exercise (FLC)
10:00 Am Gentle Yoga (FLC)
12:00 PM YAH Luncheon/meeting
5:30 PM UMYF (FLC)
5:30 PM Meal & Bible Study (FH)
6:00 PM Children’s Choir (Builders)
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
10:00 AM Weight Loss Yoga (FLC)
4:45 PM Kids Yoga (FLC)
5:30PM Exercise Class– (FLC)
6:00 PM BFF Yoga
8:30 AM Worship at Shiloh
9:00 AM Welcome Center Open
(Donuts & Coffee-FH)
9:45 AM Sunday School for all Ages
10:50 AM Worship at Crockett
8:00 AM Walking group
9:00 AM Exercise (FLC)
10:00 AM Chair exercise
10:00 AM Gentle Yoga (FLC)
12:00 PM Bridge
4:30 PM Girl scouts
6:00 PM BFF Yoga (FLC)
10:00 AM Weight Loss Yoga (FLC)
1:00PM Bridge (FLC)
4:00 PM Cub scouts
5:30 PM Aerobic/ Stretch exercise
5:30 PM Virginia Jones Circle
(Neighborly Class)
6:30PM Boy scouts
6:00 PM Community Thanksgiving
8:30 AM Worship at Shiloh
9:00 AM Welcome Center Open
(Donuts & Coffee-FH)
9:45 AM Sunday School for all Ages
10:50 AM Worship at Crockett
Prayer Concerns
Betty Jenkins - At Winfield, continuing physical therapy, but still having extreme back pain .
Betty & Louis Hansen- Mrs. Hansen is at Crockett Care Center for recovery. Room #25.
Bob Harrman (1 st Cousin of Bill Pemberton)- Having heart surgery- Prayers
Broxton Davis (Rosa & Dan’s grandson) –I wanted to share a big big thank for your prayers for our grandson, Broxton Davis. He
received a new "port" for taking his "factor" three weeks ago. He came through the surgery very well and is now on doses every other
day, rather then daily. His mother and father (my son, Jay Paul Davis) are expecting their second boy in February. Thank you for your
continued prayers for healthy children and family! I have a new request, however, for my granddaughter, Riley Marek. Her parents are
my daughter "Megan" and her husband Heath. Riley has an unusual and rarely diagnosed illness which is very serious. she is going to a
specialist on Wednesday. Please pray for her healing and for her family. Thank you again for your wonderful, faithful prayers!! Rosa
Buddy Dobbs had colon reattached doing well.
Charles DeBolt (Jacque Fleming's father)- health concerns.
Connie Axelson ( close friend of Marie Massingill and a retired Crockett teacher )- Has moved to therapy wing and is much proved.
Connie Cook - double mastectomy, prayers of healing
David Corley (Karisa Burke’s brother) - prayers needed for addiction recovery and safety
Donna McLeod Naudeau- (daughter of James & Jeanne McLeod) diagnosed with congenital heart failure.
Doris Dancer & JD Dancer–prayers of healing
Ernest (Buddy) Dobbs (Amanda Bailey’s dad) - is waiting for re-attachment of colon soon. It is just a wait and see time now.
Dr. Fred Sperry (Jeanne McLeod brother) - he will be returning from the first of two dental missions in Slovakia.
Gerald Sylvester – continuing health concerns
Greg Marshall - may his faith remain strong during this difficult time
J.D. Simkins- (Carolie Wakefield’s son) Dermamyatosis is back, Pray for another remission.
Jeanette Bender (longtime friend of Ray and Jacque Fleming-) cancer, prayers of healing.
Jennifer Gressett (Debbie Kelly’s niece) - She has finished radiation and chemo. Has surgery and rehabilitation ahead. Prayers for
Josh McMinn -He is a pilot and has been sent to Syria. Prayers for him, wife and family.
Juanita Brenner (Kirk Brenner’s mom) - Fell and broke her hip. She had hip replacement surgery- Prayer of healing.
Kathleen Hail (Numsen’s niece) – Continuing w/trial cancer treatments.
Katie Baker (Joey Baker’s sister) - now undergoing radiation treatments. Prayers for strength and healing.
Kerry Mongeau (David Rice) – Praise report
Laura Holcomb – Not doing well. Her body did not respond to previous medication .Prayers of healing.
Linda Ory- (Danny Ory’s wife) Cancer, not responding to chemo. Prayers for Family
Linda Pieper (Anna Jones mother)- is in the hospital with a blood clot in her lung.
Marcela Starr– (Ruenette & Clayton’s daughter in law) She had a good report from her last PET scan. We want to thank everyone
for all their prayers and concerns.
Thanks, Ruenete
Mildred Hooks- Passed away- Prayers of strength for family.
Mike Childs (Bailey’s) –scans remain clear no new tumors.
Nancy Lawrence (Sonny & Lisa Tunstall) – treatments for illness
Odia McWhirter- Maintenance Supervisor for Houston County, to our prayer list. Under doctor's care with preliminary diagnosis of
lung cancer.
Pam Freeman- prayers of continued healing.
Pat Jones- Prayers of thanksgiving; the injury to her left foot is almost healed.
Pat & John Martha Kelley—Pat Kelley passed away 10/11/14 – Prayers of strength for family
Rena Newton (Bryan Lake's wife) - suffering with Multiple Sclerosis
Rita Hobson (Lisa Tunstall's mother) - Thanksgiving that RITA HOBSON is responding to treatment to manage myasthenia gravis,
and continued prayers for strength and healing.
Robert Parry –( longtime friend of Ray Fleming) - just had cancer surgery and is recovering. Prayers of healing.
Sandra Wilson - had a good report last week and does not have to go back for three months.
Sandy Bear (Debbie Kelly’s sister's employee) - recurrence of cancer, probably in her spine and lungs, keep Sandy and the Gressett
family in your prayers
Sheryl Allen (wife of Chuck Allen and Joy Dubberly’s sister-in-law) - taking chemo for breast cancer after double mastectomy, some
side effects but great attitude
Susie Grisham – medical issues
Terry Huber- Health concerns
Thomas Whitting- (Koren Sulewski’s employee) - Stomach problems
Tom Gates-(Brother of Mary Ella Smith)-There has been slight improvement after a change in the type of chemo. Please continue to
pray for healing and peace and comfort for his family.
Tommy Tunstall (brother of Sonny Tunstall) - health concerns
Travis Hogan (great nephew of Virginia Sherer) –is in bad shape. He needs a heart transplant and may not make it until one is found
for him. Please say some extra prayers for him. He's only 29 years old.
Tyler Baker (14) ( Nancy Bailey’s grandson).- Had surgery from football injury last week. 2 screws in left knee and cast from thigh to
Sharron Brenner’s mom is having a procedure for her heart done on 9/26- Prayers
Julia Hill
Ray Hodges
Maurine Wilson
Pete Youngblood
Amanda Boyd
Patrick Alex Evans
Keyshaun Chatman
Suzy Cook
Joy Shupak
Martha Hunt
Deborah Kelly
Sam Jones
Thomas Shafer
Karisa Burke
Derrick Mask
Daniel Kelly
Mary Jane Walker
Billy Hill
Kay Hamilton
Those who are in care facilities and homebound:
Alice Davies – Pinecrest Assisted Living, Lufkin
Berniece Beeson – home
Betty Jenkins – Enchanted Pines
Betty Sossaman (Karen Shartle’s mother) – Enchanted Pines
James Ostler - Whitehall Nursing Home
Jean Brown – home
Jeane Beasley – Fairview Residents Center, Fairfield
Martha Evans (Patrick Evan’s mother) – Enchanted Pines
Mattie McLeod (James McLeod’s mother) - Winfield Health Care
Maureen Wilson – Community Care Center
Mike Ellis - Silverado Senior Living, Houston, TX
Ola Mae Garvey - Enchanted Pines
If you have birthday or an anniversary this month and your
name did not appear in this edition of The Flame please let the
church office know so we can put
your special day in the next time.
Family Night -Youth with Malaysians Drummers
Family- Night Youth with Malaysians Drummers
The Recipe Corner
4 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup milk
2 large eggs
1/4 cup chopped pecans
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups cornflakes cereal, crushed
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon butter, melted
1 1/2 cups miniature marshmallows
1. Preheat oven to 400°. Bake sweet potatoes at 400° for 1 hour or until tender. Let stand until cool to
touch (about 20 minutes); peel and mash sweet potatoes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°.
2. Beat mashed sweet potatoes, granulated sugar, and next 5 ingredients at medium speed with an electric
mixer until smooth. Spoon potato mixture into a greased 11- x 7-inch baking dish.
3. Combine cornflakes cereal and next 3 ingredients in a small bowl. Sprinkle over casserole in diagonal rows
2 inches apart.
4. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Remove from oven; let stand 10 minutes. Sprinkle marshmallows in alternate
rows between cornflake mixture; bake 10 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.
If you would like to share your favorite recipe please email the recipe to
First United Methodist
701 E. Goliad Ave.
P.O. Box 984
Crockett, TX 75835
PH: 936-544-2044
Fax: 936-544-3375
Return Service Requested
Pastor: Rev. Patrick Evans
Editor: Karla Popoca
To receive this newsletter by email
please notify the church office.