HOLY FAMILY CHURCH The Mother Church of Auburn 85 North Street, Auburn, New York 13021 Tel. 315-252-9576, cell # 315-246-3112 E-Mail FGathenya@dor.org November 2, 2014 All Souls’ Day Parish Office 252-9576 Office Hours Mon-Tues- 9-4 Wednesday - 9-Noon Thursday - 9-Noon Closed on Fridays Pastor Ext. 10 Fr. John Gathenya Secretary Ext. 14 Celeste D’Alberto Faith Formation Ext. 16 Nancy Smith Pastoral Minister Ext. 13 Helen Delaney Bookkeeper Ext. 15 Lisa Camardo Facility Supervisor Jason Emerson Pastoral Council Chair Jennifer Furnia Finance Council Chair Robert Ringwood Co-Chair Laurie Piccolo Building & Grounds Chair David D’Alberto St. Joseph School 253-8327 Principal: Susan Nedza Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 9:00 am & 11:15 am Reconciliation Saturday: 3:30pm Baptisms By Appointment Marriages By Appointment auburnholyfamily.org and facebook.com/ auburnholyfamily My Dear Parishioners, In the pastoral life of the Church, the month of November has traditionally been designated as a special time to pray for our beloved dead. This Sunday, November 2 is the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, or All Souls Day. In all the Masses, the Church invites her sons and daughters to pray for those souls who are in purgatory, undergoing a process of purification before they enter into the presence of our merciful and loving God where they will experience eternally the joy of heaven. In all the Masses we shall pray for all of those who are being purified from sin before entering the presence of God. We will pray especially for all members of our parish who have died in the past year at the 9:00 AM Mass! Every death brings a sense of loss, grief and frustration for those who love the person who is no longer physically in their midst and viewing death through the lens of faith is what gives people hope for “the prospect of a joyous reunion.” “When a member of the Catholic community dies, the Church, who is our Mother and Teacher, exhorts the remaining members of the Church, in particular the family members of the deceased, to gather to offer the Holy Eucharist for their beloved dead, thus commending the deceased to the merciful love of God and pleading for the forgiveness of his or her sins.” As your pastor, I’m extremely concerned because of the growing practice of Catholic families in not providing their deceased with a Mass of Christian burial. It’s something that’s concerning, because there are many benefits to have a funeral Mass, both for the living and the deceased, and yet in a growing number of cases families are settling for prayers at the funeral home or graveside while omitting a funeral Mass. All you have to do is open up to the obituary page in the morning--you look at the obituary and there's no funeral Mass scheduled. This is unfortunate! Not to have the Mass of Christian Burial offered for our beloved deceased family members, especially someone for whom attendance at Mass had been an integral part of his or her life as a practicing Catholic, is to deny that person a source of healing and forgiving grace. Many times their survivors especially their children don’t recognize its importance. Funeral Masses are available even if the person who died wasn’t practicing their faith. Every baptized person is a member of the Church and they’re always beloved by the Church, and “absent public scandal”, that is, the reasons that kept them from coming to church regularly are not reasons to forgo a funeral Mass. Some people have also indicated that it is the cost that makes them deprive their deceased loved one’s the benefit of having a funeral mass. This should never be a factor in your decision making: the funeral stipend is $275 of which $100 goes to the organist, $75 to the cantor, $100 to the parish could be waived. If you don’t have the money, don’t worry about it. The poor are not to be denied fitting funerals! Pre-planning one’s own funeral takes a great deal of the pressure off the surviving family and friends. Funeral pre-planning (also known as personal funeral planning) is a wise and increasingly popular practice that's becoming increasingly accepted and appreciated in the U.S... For a variety of reasons, an increasing number of people choose either to exclude or to minimize the Church’s involvement in bidding farewell to their beloved deceased. Perhaps the principal reason is the general falling away from Christian Faith in our highly secularized culture. If the people handling your funeral arrangements are not devout, practicing Catholics, then their understanding of God, sin, redemption and the afterlife may differ vastly from the Church’s Faith. Chances are they will not see the need to pray for your soul. By pre-planning, you are able to make sure things are done in the way you would like them and you will know that you are relieving your loved ones of some very burdensome future responsibilities. You can begin the funeral planning process long before you are even close to death or seriously ill. If you are ill or in the process of dying, funeral planning can be a proactive way of dealing with the inevitable. If you pre-plan your funeral, you actually help your family to avoid some of the normal stress and chaos associated with death and funerals. Helen Delaney, our Pastoral Minister, and I are committed to helping you prepare for a funeral. In order to assist you prepare and celebrate the funeral Mass, we have compiled a guide to assist you with frequently asked questions and a practical understanding of the celebration Cont. Pg. 3 Page Two Holy Family Church, Auburn, New York MASS SCHEDULE Sunday, November 2 9:00 am Jane Marullo - Patty 11:15 am Katherine Healy - Jack & Ann Leide Monday, November 3 12:15 pm Judith M. Nolan - Mark & Martin Nolan Tuesday, November 4 12:15 pm Betty Engle - Mike & Huguette Evangelista Wednesday, November 5 12:15 pm Noel Dobbins - Al & Josie Thursday, November 6 - No Mass Friday, November 7 12:15 pm Anna Beauchine Farrelly - The Donnelly Family Saturday, November 8 4:30 pm Michael & Anne Olusczak - Alice & Linda Joan E. Morgan - HF Bereavement Committee Saverio Trinca - Wife & Family Sunday, Novmeber 9 9:00 am Sue Buehler & Dolores Manzone - Al & Josie 11:15 am Eugene Savio - Sylvester Leide Financial Stewardship for October 25/26 Attendance 510 No. of Envelopes Mailed 534 No. of Envelopes Used 183 Last Week’s Giving $4,303.00 Weekly Collection Goal $6,650.00 (Under)/Over $(2,347.00) This weekend the second collection will be for St. Joseph School. God Bless you for your generosity. Your support is needed and greatly appreciated. A sanctuary lamp will burn this week in memory of the deceased members of the Morgan/Burns families. We welcome Carsen John - Turner Tomandl to our faith community. Congratulations to his family. November 2, 2014 Faith Formation Offertory Procession this week at the 9 am Family Mass—our newly Confirmed young people. Next week 4th Grade Faith Formation will bring up the gifts at Offertory time. Food Pantry Donations: Featured donation for the month of November is canned goods. The Ministry of Sacristan: Sacristans assist in the preparation of the sacred vessels before Mass and clean and store them after Mass. The sacristy is the room behind the sanctuary (where the altar is located) where the vessels and supplies are stored. If you would like to learn more about this ministry or train to become a sacristan at Holy Family for our weekend Masses, please call Kelly Pines at 253-8137. The 2014 Holy Family Halloween Party on October 26 was a success due to the efforts of members of the parish. Thank you to all the parishioners who contributed time, effort and items for the party. We are especially grateful to the following people who assisted with the party: Alexa Driscoll, Maeve Canty, Jack Canty, Meghan Giannotta, Carly Dolan, Jude Griffen, Mike Riordan, Simon Mills, Ronan Murphy, Dan Harper, Deonsay Harper, Krysha Pierce, Dante Liberatore, Zack Crosby, Mary Gareau, Ralph Mills, Sharon Mills, Jennifer Ringwood, Maria Staehr, Rebecca Mills, Sam Katovitch and Margaret Liberatore. Special Thanks goes out to our two Corporate Sponsors: Wegmans and Kinney Drug Store on Owasco Street. Valerie Curtis and Barbara Quinn Holy Family Church Part-Time Maintenance Position. Basic maintenance of buildings and property including lawn maintenance, snow removal, painting, cleaning, and other miscellaneous duties. Up to 28hrs/week with occasional weekends. Any knowledge of electrical, plumbing, masonry and carpentry work would be helpful. Must have a valid driver’s license and be able to lift at least 50lbs. and climb a ladder at least 10ft up. Salary according to Rochester Catholic Diocese scale. To apply for this position please come to the Rectory at 85 North St. during the following office hours: Monday and Tuesday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Wednesday and Thursday: 9:00 am until Noon, closed on Fridays. For further information, please call the Rectory at 252-9576. Nicole Dennis & Zachary Nevidomsky Soup kitchen volunteers for November 8th: M. Castiglione, M. Crowley, M. Finn, E. Nolan, K. Spinelli Thanksgiving Masses: The formal and official Thanksgiving Mass for the Auburn Catholic Community will be celebrated on Thursday, Thanksgiving morning, 9:00 am, November 27, 2014 here at Holy Family but in KEEPING OUR TRADITION especially for those who will miss this gracious opportunity due to other important and necessary engagements, we shall celebrate a Thanksgiving vigil mass here at Holy Family on Wednesday, November 26 at 5:30 pm. And we shall take a collection at these masses to benefit the Lunches With Love program as our way of expressing our gratitude to God. We will be selling Sherwood Forest Farms wreaths and evergreens starting the weekend of October 18/19. Their evergreens are harvested in the forested mountains of the Pacific Northwest. The Cascade Mountain Range is home to the Noble Fir they use in their fresh products. We will have a sample of a wreath for you to see. All orders will arrive the beginning of December. Visit sherwoodforestfarms.com to see all of their products. These evergreens will make wonderful decorations for your home and great gifts for the holiday season! This sale is to benefit our ongoing Roof Renovation campaign. LITURGICAL LEADERS MEETING will be held on Monday, 7:00 PM, November 3, 2014 in the meeting room located in the basement of the Rectory to plan and prepare for Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas and New Year! Page Three Holy Family Church, Auburn, New York Behind the Scenes: This weekend we celebrate All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day which are two important days in the Catholic Church. The Feast of All Saints is a great feast honoring God’s saints, but it is also a reminder of Christ’s promise to us. God gives us the hope that one day we shall all join Him and all His Saints in heaven, if we follow His example with love. Some Saints are recognized by the Church with special days but most of the Saints are unknown to us. These unknown Saints may include members of our family and friends, who help and guide us here on earth. On All Souls’ Day we are called to remember and pray for those who have gone before us. We pray that they may soon be with God sharing in His glory. OUR PARISH THIS WEEK Sunday 10:00-11:00am - Faith Formation Classes - School 10:00-11 am- Catholic Shop - School Monday 6:30 pm - Leadership Committee - Rectory Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00 am - Clothes Closet - School 10:00 - 11:00 am - Catholic Shop - School Wednesday 7:00 pm - Parish Life - Rectory Thursday 6:00 - 7:00 pm - Clothes Closet - School 6:00 - 7:00 pm - Catholic Shop - School 7:30 pm - Choir Practice - Church Saturday 3:30 pm - Confessions Altar Servers Saturday, November 8 4:30 pm N. Hoskins Sunday, November 9 9:00 am J. Siddall, M. Staehr 11:15 am G. Gorney, M. Gorney, C. Liberatore Lectors Saturday, November 8 4:30 pm S. Marullo, A. Botindari Sunday, November 9 9:00 am P. Ferrari, M. Castiglione 11:15 am S. Weldon, J. Renahan Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, November 8 4:30 pm J. Burns, P. Donnelly, M. Lavey, C. Tomandl Sunday, November 9 9:00 am R. Bryant, C. Siddall, B. Tonzi, M.Warter Nursing Home: K. Pines 11:15 am M. Pagano, K. Pines, E. Renahan, B. Wilson Sacristans Saturday: 4:30 pm - Sue Marullo Sunday: 9:00 am - Bill Tonzi Sunday: 11:15 am - Kelly Pines November 2, 2014 Please pray for our sick and our Armed Forces, especially Sue Daly, Joan Petrucelli, Siobhan Phillippe, Sonja O’Brien, David Walton, Ray Cuddy, Mary Guido, Paul Mallon, Sandra Petrucelli, Joe Graney, Rev. Conrad Sundholm, Carter Hergert, Paul Vitagliano, Sister Rita Kaufman, RSM, Virginia Dranscak, Leonard Smith, Joanne Komanecky, those listed in our Book of Petitions and those serving our country: LCpl Brian Baxter USMC, Capt Gregory Baxter USMC, LtCol Joseph E. Brooks USAF, PFC Earl Doyle Jr. USA, PFC David Orasi USA, Sgt Tom Ellis Sr. USA, CWO4 Roger Graf USA, Sgt James Johnson USMC, Sgt Kristen Adams Jones USMC, Sgt Caleb Jones USMC, SSgt Donald Luckinbill USAF, Pvt Justin Miller USA, Sgt 1st Class Jason Mero USA, TSgt Diana O’Connor USAF, SSgt Angel Gonzalez USA, Cpl Eddie Gonzalez USMC, Pvt Zachary Gonzalez USMC, 1SGT Zachary Howell USA, LCpl Marshall Ziegler-Greer USMC, E3 Alexandria Slywka USN, Capt DJ Benzing USAF. Please call Celeste (2529576) if you would like to add or delete from the list. (Cont. from Pg. 1) of the Funeral Liturgy. You will find an insert in this weekend bulletin which can be used by your family to prepare your funeral, or you can personally use these references to prepare your own funeral, write down your choices, and give copies of these choices to your parish for filing, to the member of the family who will be in charge of your funeral or give to the funeral director to include with the other items found in your prearrangements. Again, funeral mass is your Christian right-its denial is a grave injustice and deplorable to any deceased devout Catholic who would have desired a Mass of Christian Burial. Worse still is when no arrangements are made for Mass to be offered for the repose of the deceased at any time after the funeral. When one of our members dies, we as Church all mourn. For us the celebration of the Mass is our comfort and prayer. I pray that you are comforted in our faith and as we celebrate the Church’s Liturgy that you find your faith fully realized in the Eucharist. For the deceased members of our community who are denied funeral Masses by their children or relation, the community of Holy Family will embrace the responsibility to remember these faithful members of our parish in memorial intentions. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.” God bless and l love you all, Fr. John "Cherish you visions; cherish your ideals; cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built." HOLY FAMILY CHURCH, AUBURN, NY 315-252-9576 06-0081
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