A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute (Moscow, Russia)

A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute (Moscow, Russia)
Physical Sciences Department of the Russian Academy of Science (Moscow, Russia)
13th WORKSHOP, April 8-10, 2015
Supported by:
The Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations
The Russian Academy of Science
The Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Dedicated, in memoriam, to
Prof. Vladlen V. Korobkin (1938-2014)
The 13th Workshop on Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their Interaction with Electromagnetic
Radiation will be held in Moscow, Russia on April 8-10, 2015. The event is a continuation of the conference
series Complex Plasmas and their Interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation and Complex Systems of Charged
Particles and their Interaction With Electromagnetic Radiation, which convened in Moscow in 2009-2014.
Organizing Committee
Contact: shiryaev@kapella.gpi.ru
Oleg Shiryaev, Chair, A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
Michael Romanovsky, Co-Chair, Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Moscow, Russia
Namik Gusein-zade, Co-Chair, A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
Advisory Committee
Pavel Pashinin,
Vladimir Fortov,
Vladimir Krainov,
Myron Amusia
Vyacheslav Belyi
Boris Chichkov
Werner Ebeling
Anatoly Faenov
Alexander Ignatov
Michael Kalashnikov
Henry Norman
Oleg Petrov
Gerd Roepke
Sergey Triger
A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Moscow
Institute for High Energy Densities JIHT, Moscow
Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology, Moscow Region
Hebrew University, Jerusalem
N.V. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere,
and Radio Wave Propagation, Moscow Region
Laser Center, Hannover
Humboldt University, Berlin
Institute for High Energy Densities JIHT, Moscow
A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Moscow
Max-Born-Institut, Berlin-Adlershof
Institute for High Energy Densities JIHT, Moscow
Institute for High Energy Densities JIHT, Moscow
Rostock University, Rostock
Institute for High Energy Densities JIHT, Moscow
Key Topics
Interactions of structured plasmas with powerful electromagnetic radiation
Laser-driven charged particle acceleration at extreme intensities
Generation of atto- and zeptosecond electromagnetic pulses, high harmonics excitation
Dynamics of complex dust plasmas and their interactions with electromagnetic fields
Non-ideal plasmas and their interactions with electromagnetic radiation
Presentation Formats. Registration and Abstracts. Conference Fee
Speakers will be given 30 minutes for invited talks and 15 minutes for regular contributed talks. To register,
please submit an abstract, limited to one page, to the Workshop Organizing Committee. No registration fee is
charged at the Workshop
The building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Leninsky Ave., 32a