Honoring Our Veterans  Honoring A Decorated Vietnam Veteran…Meet Al Owen Veterans Day

Friday Night Football
Veterans Day
Cedar Creek
Tuesday, November 11
West Nassau
Games begin at 7:30 p.m.
Volume XI Issue 22
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Honoring A Decorated Vietnam Veteran…Meet Al Owen
Dawn S. West
As we prepare to celebrate Veterans
Day, it is my pleasure to honor local
Veterans. Our community is filled
with them. This Saturday morning a
special ceremony will be held to honor
all of our local Veterans at the Veterans
Appreciation Ceremony at the Hilliard
Airpark at 8:30 a.m. Make sure to come
and enjoy some coffee and donuts prior
to the ceremony at 9 a.m. The service
is to honor you, so make sure to make
plans to attend!
Alva Al Owen of Hilliard is one of the
most decorated Veterans I have talked
with. I shared with him that he should
write a book about the experiences he
has witnessed in his life. He is one of
the friendliest people in Hilliard and
welcomed me into his home like I was
one of his own! As we sat and talked,
his wife Sarah sat listening and also
remembering many of the times he
reflected on.
Al grew up around airplanes
and learned about them
his entire life so it’s not
surprising that his career
choice involved flying. He
was a sophomore in college
when he received his notice
of the draft. He was advised
to join the US Army for
their flight schools. Al
joined in June 1967 at the
age of 20. He quickly went
through Basic Primary Flight School
and headed home to marry Sarah in
November 1967. He returned to school
and graduated from Advanced Flight
Training in April, had a 30 day leave
and then headed for Vietnam where he
served a one-year tour. The duty of his
crew was to replace a crew that was
killed in a mid-air collision. His crew
wasn’t told of this at first but eventually
found out. His first night in Vietnam,
they were mortared. He learned very
quickly what to do when
that happened. “We were
with a great company. We
all looked out for each
other,” said Al. “The war
was difficult and we really
relied on each other for
strength and security.”
He has an amazing
recollection of many of the
events that happened while
serving in Vietnam. Many
things have been written
Dawn S. West
As Veterans Day approaches, all of
our Veterans will be recognized and
celebrated at a special ceremony in their
honor Saturday morning at 9 a.m. at
the Hilliard Airpark. The event will be
held prior to the opening of the Hilliard
As we celebrate the two, Veterans
and Timberfest, local resident and
Vietnam Veteran Carrol Franklin
brought it to our (Westside Journal)
attention about a local late Veteran, Mr.
Spencer Haddock. Mr. Haddock lived
in the Kings Ferry area and his father
ran one of the saw mills there. The elder
Mr. Haddock was hauling logs before
Rayonier and Container were here.
Spencer Haddock was a WWII Veteran
who served his time in Germany. Mr.
Haddock passed away
in 1996. “Spencer was
working man. He taught
his children how to log
and they learned early,”
said Carrol Franklin. “I
know when those boys
got home from school
they went to the woods
to help their father.”
Spencer left quite
a legacy behind of
respect, character and loyalty with his
children and grandchildren. Spencer
and his wife had four children, Evalina,
Wayne, Sidney and Rowland. Each of
the children still have logging in their
families as you see:
Their daughter, Evalina, married
Harold Pickett. Two of
their sons, Harry and
Roger, continue to be
in the logging business.
Harry Pickett is the
owner and operator of
Pickett Logging. Harry
was chosen Logger of the
Year for the southeast in
2012. Harry’s son Jarrod
also works alongside
his dad in the business.
Roger Pickett owns and
operates P & S Logging.
The oldest son Wayne owns
Haddock Logging and his son Ed, owns
Ed Haddock Timber.
Sidney Haddock owns and operates
Sidney Haddock Timber. His son
Lynn is also a logger by trade as is his
in a journal form and reads just as if
you are going through it with them. In
February of 1967 he was awarded the
Distinguished Flying Cross for Heroism
while participating in an aerial flight
evidenced by voluntary actions above
and beyond the call of duty. In November
1968 he received the Award of the Air
Medal for Heroism while engaged in an
aerial flight in connection with military
operations against a hostile force. These
are just a couple of the many awards and
medals he received during his service.
Each one of the awards can be followed
up with the exact scenario of what
happened in that particular incident. He
See 'Decorated Veteran' on page 2
P.O. Box 607
Callahan, FL 32011-0607
Callahan, FL
Permit No. 4
Veteran and Logging…A Legacy Lives On
grandson Brandon.
Rowland Haddock owns and
operates Roland Haddock Logging.
Rowland was chosen ‘Logger of the
Year’ in 1986 for the entire southeast.
He has two sons Rowland ‘Peanut’, Jr.
(deceased 2004) and Rodney Haddock
who owns and operates Haddock
Timber, Inc. Sidney’s grandson Gavin
Wilkes works with Rodney in the
logging industry. Rowland’s grandson
Blake works with his grandfather in his
The legacy of logging lives on, not
only in this family but in many logging
families in our area. The logging
business has come a long way since
Spencer Haddock began with the use
of cross cut saws to today’s high tech
See 'Veteran and Logging' on page 3
Page 2 N Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014
Decorated Veteran
served his country in active duty with
the US Army for 3 years and 4 months.
He then joined the Florida National
Guard as an Instructor. The awards and
accolades didn’t
stop while serving
active duty, he
also received them
as an instructor.
In March 1978
while instructing
a pilot flying a
helicopter doing
static line jumps,
the helicopter suffered a complete
separation of the 90 degree gearbox
and tail rotor. Al was able to handle the
situation and although the helicopter
was destroyed, all of the crew walked
away uninjured in the accident. He
received the Award of the Florida Cross
for his actions that day and saving the
crew from death. Other awards and
medals received are: Distinguished
Flying Cross Medal Ribbon; Bronze
Star Medal Ribbon; Air Medal Ribbon;
Republic of Vietnam (RVN) Campaign
Medal Ribbon; Army Good Conduct
Medal Ribbon; Reserve Good Conduct
Medal; National Defense Service Medal
Ribbon; and The Vietnam Service
Medal Ribbon.
Earlier this year, Al returned to
Vietnam for a 15 day trip with his
In the Kitchen...
Continued from page 1
son John and a member of his flight
crew. “The trip was wonderful and the
country is beautiful. Nothing like it was
back then,” added Al. “The country has
changed so much.
There were only
a couple of things
old times. I really
would like to go
back again!”
He continued
with the Florida
Guard until 1980 when the schedule just
wasn’t working out with his fulltime job
at the FAA. He retired from the FAA
after 30 years of service. Al still owns
a plane, which his father built with the
help of Al and his two brothers Kimmel
and Bryan. The plane is housed at the
Hilliard Airpark. His company has
reunions every two years and Al and
Sarah try to attend when they can. He
has a special place in his home for many
of his memories and photos.
“I loved serving my country and I
loved the organization and discipline of
the military,” continued Al. “I probably
would have stayed in longer but the
schedule didn’t work. I loved what I did
but I was faithful and concerned for my
family. That was my priority.”
Spicy Sweet Potatoes
4 sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 teaspoon Cajun pepper seasoning
6 tablespoons olive oil
1 pinch salt
2 tablespoons brown sugar
Preheat oven to 375º. Place sweet potatoes, olive oil, brown sugar, Cajun seasoning, and
salt in a large resealable plastic bag; shake to coat potatoes evenly. Transfer mixture onto
a baking dish. Bake, stirring occasionally, until sweet potatoes are tender, about 1 hour.
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Letters to the Editor
Thank you!
Dear Editor,
A huge “Thank You” to folks who
attended the Northeast Florida Fair on
“Feed The Hungry Monday, October 20,
and brought food for the Barnabas Food
Pantry. Barnabas would especially like to
“Thank” all the volunteers who helped with
the collection, sorting and packing of the
donated food. A very special “Thank You”
is due Pastor Gerald Wollitz of the Rivers
Edge Church in Hilliard for coordinating
volunteers from the church congregation to
It’s amazing what great things can be
accomplished when a few compassionate
people join together to help their neighbors
struggling to make ends meet. Barnabas
Food Pantry received over 3,339 pounds of
food from the Monday night fair attendees
which is over 1,200 pounds more than what
was collected the previous year.
Over the past year, Barnabas experienced
over a 50% increase in food provided to more
than 14,000 people in Nassau County. To
keep pace with the growing need, Barnabas
recently expanded its food pantry to provide
more fresh and frozen food to people who
need it. Last year Barnabas provided 1,666
households with food equating to 143,000
meals to Nassau County residents.
Barnabas Center is a multi-service
organization that serves as a safety net for
Nassau County residents in crisis by providing
assistance with rent or mortgage payments,
utility payments, and comprehensive health
services (i.e., medical and dental care) and
mental health counseling for lower income
For more information about Barnabas
programs, please visit www.BarnabasNassau.
Thank you,
Barnabas Center
Rachel T. Hodges
The NCSO Citizen's Advisory Team will hold their monthly meeting Monday,
November 10 at 7 p.m. at the Meeting Place on Hilliard.
This week's Bible verse is from Mr. Paul Stephens. It is Psalm 92:1, "It is good to
give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High."
Sometimes in the midst of life's craziness it is good to have a reminder that the
Lord needs to hear our thankfulness! Thank you Mr. Paul for your verse!
Please send me your news and favorite Bible verse!
904-654-5528 • hilliardhapps@yahoo.com • 28170 Franklin Rd., Hilliard
MCCI Senior Corner
Activities November 11,13 & 14
Honoring Veterans
Brunch 11:11 a.m.
Zumba Gold
2 p.m.
Healthy Living
11 a.m.
Zumba Gold
2 p.m.
Social Friday!
9 a.m. - Noon
MCCI Anniversary
Party Saturday 2-5 p.m.
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There is also a bonus round! See ya there!
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PO Box 607
Callahan, Florida, 32011
(904) 879-4180 • Fax (904) 879-1750
Email: news@westsidejournal.net
or ads@westsidejournal.net
The Westside Journal is published every Thursday by
Westside Journal, LLC, owned by Roger and Dawn West.
Printed by Florida Sun Printing in Callahan, Florida.
Mailed free of charge to all residents in postal zip codes
32011, 32046 and 32009.
Advertisement Deadline: Monday at 5 p.m.
Classified Deadline: Tuesday at 12 p.m.
Dawn West.......................................Publisher
Roger West........................... Owner/Reporter
Jessie Pickett...................... Graphic Designer
©2006 by Westside Journal, LLC. The publisher reserves the right to
refuse advertising space to any ad deemed unsuitable for placement in this
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Live Oak Baptist Church
invites you to a free
Thursday, November 27 at 2 p.m.
Please call 879-3400 to make your reservation before November 9
O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting. 1 Chronicles 16:34
Live Oak Baptist Church
36178 Congregation Lane • Callahan
Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014 N Page 3
Veteran and Logging
machinery. Back in the beginning days,
loggers were lucky to get one load
hauled. Today’s loggers can sometimes
haul around 400 loads each week. These
men are hard workers and safety is the
number one priority in their businesses.
This was taught to them by their
fathers and their peers. Their trucks
are clean and safe and meet all safety
Continued from page 1
requirements before hauling anywhere.
They are all top professionals and love
what they do. Logging is a hard business
and a trade not just anyone can do.
The legacy of Spencer Haddock
lives on each and every day when these
men go to work. I’m sure he would be
proud of the fine example each of these
people live each and every day.
Genealogy Tidbits
Claude Arpen
West Nassau Genealogical Society (WNGS) and the Hilliard Library presents
‘Discover Your Family Heritage by Researching Your Family Roots.’ The program
is free and open to the public. Beginners and advanced levels are welcome. The
program will be held Friday, November 14 from 1-3 p.m. This is a first of a series
of meetings to help you find your roots. Call the library at 845-2495 for more
There will also be a member of WNGS at the Callahan Library Tuesday,
November 18 from 1-3 p.m. to help in research of your family tree.
Our speaker for the Monday, November 10 meeting is Gloria Toomay, presenting
problems and solutions in researching your genealogy.
To learn more, come join us at the West Nassau Genealogical Society meetings,
the second Monday of each month at 10:30 a.m. at the Callahan Lions Club, located
on US 1 north of the fairgrounds. Visitors are welcomed!
Events Around Town
GNCCC “Lunch & Learn” Thurs., Nov. 13, Noon,
$15, Pig BBQ Callahan. Guest speaker: Mr. Tony
Vecchio, Jacksonville Zoo Celebrating their 100th
Anniversary! Open to public!
The NCSO Citizen’s Advisory Team will hold their
monthly meeting on Monday, November 10 at 7
p.m. at the Meeting Place in Hilliard.
Friendship Alliance Church will hold a Bake Sale in
front of Callahan Barbecue Friday, Nov. 7 from 5-8
p.m. Stop by and enjoy some yummy home-baked
goodies. Proceeds will send children to Bible Camp.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Connections will meet at the Callahan Library
Thursdays at 2 p.m. Veterans are also welcome! For
more information call 310-9766.
The Callahan Librarian will be holding a volunteer
orientation from 4-4:30 p.m. on Friday, November
7. All volunteers must be 12 or older and fill out a
volunteer application available at the library’s front
desk.For more information, call 879-3434.
The 10th Annual Yulee Holiday Festival and
Parade will be held at the Yulee Sports Complex
Sat., Dec. 13, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. To participate in the
parade or as a vendor call (904) 845-3264.
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Just My Opinion
Roger R. West
As I sat here on the day before
the mid-term elections reading and
reflecting on the dire straits our country
is in due to the left wing radicals, I
tended to become very discouraged.
Then I thought about an email that I
received from a good friend and it made
me realize that the best is yet to come!
The email contained a short story about
vanilla. I do not know who the original
author is but I just have to share it with
you. It is titled: Vanilla Ice Cream
Defies Evolution…
Nearly everyone has enjoyed a
yummy bowl of vanilla ice cream.
It is a wonderfully delicious dessert.
However, vanilla ice cream wouldn’t
exist if evolution were true. Let’s start
out with a little history. Until more
recent times, Mexico was the only
producer of vanilla. In the 1520s, a man
by the name of Hernan Cortes traveled
down to Mexico and loved vanilla. So he
brought some back with him to Europe.
For the next 300 years Europeans tried
but were never able to produce vanilla.
See, vanilla grows up a tree as a vine.
Eventually the vine produces an orchid.
In order to make the vanilla bean, the
orchid must be pollinated. The problem
is, it only blooms one morning per year
for pollination. If it isn’t pollinated
within 12 hours, it withers. To make
things more difficult, a hood-like
membrane covers the part of the vanilla
orchid which produces pollen. This
makes the production of the vanilla
bean very difficult.
In 1836, Charles Francois Antoine
Morren traveled down to Mexico to
figure out why they weren’t able to
produce vanilla in Europe. As Morren
was studying the vanilla orchids, his
attention was drawn to a little bee
(the Mexican Melipona Bee). The bee
landed on the orchid, lifted up the little
hood-like membrane, collected pollen,
and flew off to the next flower. This bee
was pollinating the orchids. After some
time, the orchid produced a vanilla
bean. To this day, the Mexican Melipona
Bee is the only insect that knows how to
pollinate the vanilla orchid.
This simple fact puts evolution in an
extremely difficult position. Without
the Mexican Melipona Bee, we simply
would not have vanilla today. The bee
and the vanilla vine had to be made at
the exact same time. Not to mention
this bee had to be given specific
information about how to pollinate the
vanilla orchid. Again, no other insect
knows how to do this. This bee had to
be made, designed, and purposefully
created to pollinate the vanilla orchid,
and thus produce vanilla.
So much of our world points to the
Creator. As silly as it sounds, even
vanilla ice cream proclaims the glory of
God. So, the next time you sit down to
enjoy a full bowl of vanilla ice cream,
remember that you are enjoying a tasty
treat which is only possible through the
power of God!
So you might ask why I feel the best
is yet to come. It is because I already
know how the whole story ends. There
is a Creator, there is a God, and He will
redeem his followers from this wicked
world. So, yes, this life is short and
the best is yet to come for those who
Now that’s not just my opinion…
that’s God’s promise!
Page 4 N Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014
Jesus Lifted His Eyes to Pray
Pastor Tim Carpenter, Friendship Alliance Church, Callahan
We know that body language can communicate our
moods, attitudes, and thoughts to others. Sometimes we are
unaware of what we are saying. Other times, those around
us may not pick up the hints. But I do believe that our own
body language can impact our own thinking, too.
Consider the position we take in prayer. Often we
bow our heads and close our eyes so we can shut out
distractions. There are some times we may need to do
that. But should we always pray that way? I believe that
our body language can impact our prayer life.
When Jesus stood before the tomb of Lazarus in full view of everyone, He needed
the miracle of His life. He did not close His eyes and bow His head. He lifted His
eyes up to the broad expanse of the heavens, and prayed an unimaginable prayer…
the restoration of a man dead for four days! To pray beyond our thinking we need to
gaze into the infinite.
On the night when Jesus was about to cross the Kidron to enter the garden, face
the cross, and impact the future of all His disciples for all the ages, He did not bow
His head and close His eyes to pray. He lifted up His eyes to heaven. He saw The
Father’s glory. He saw what had been done for His disciples and what needed yet to
be done. And He saw us. He prayed for the generations of believers who would be
impacted by His disciples. He saw the unimaginable and prayed for it to be done.
Our body language can impact our prayer life. When we need God to do His will
outside our tiny perspective, we need to look up into the starry night to see God’s
will beyond our thoughts. When we need God to prepare us for His work to be done
for the future generations, we need to look into that blue expanse and columns of
clouds with splashes of rainbow splattered all about.
The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ needs to pray beyond our traditional ruts
now because we are facing greater challenges than the Church has ever encountered
before. We are on the edge of the end of the Last Days. The time of tribulation and
persecution of the church is rising like a wave coming upon the beach. The church in
the United States is weak from its riches and spoiled life of favor and privilege. The
younger generations are right in questioning the legitimacy of what we now proclaim
because we fail to live it. In our own town we cannot get the pastors together to
pray as we ought in these times, let alone God’s people in gatherings outside our
closed doors and walls of our buildings. We need to pray beyond our own limited
imaginations. We need to pray for God’s will to be done in ways we never thought
And we need to begin praying like that right now! Will you answer the Holy
Spirit’s prompting to pray like Jesus for His people to be one and His love to be
clearly evident to a hurting world?
Life is about God and He is about right relationships.
November 14th
at 7 p.m.
Callahan Town News
Dawn S. West
The Town of Callahan Town Council
met Monday night for their first meeting
of November. The first order of business
was the second and final public hearing
on the Land Development Regulations.
Ordinance No. 2014-O04 passed with
four amendments revised.
In other business,
Resolution 2014-R26
was approved which
concerned donating
$500 to the American
Cancer Society Relay
for Life.
Cheer Coordinator
Cherree Griffin, representing Callahan
Athletic Association Pop Warner
Cheerleaders, was on-hand requesting
monetary assistance for a cheer
competition which will be for two
cheer teams that include 28 girls and
sponsors. The council gave a figure
of $500 for discussion. “I don’t feel
like this is something we need to do,
not that they are not deserving, but we
have been giving out a lot of money,”
said Councilman Marty Fontes. “I don’t
really see where we will get a return on
our investment. Probably none of these
girls even live in Callahan, maybe 30
“I disagree,” said Town Treasurer
Cathy Smith. “These girls are
representing Callahan. We have a sign
with two different cheerleading squads
that ranked in the state for competition.”
Resolution 2014-R27 was also
approved by a vote of 4-1, which
concerned donating
$500 to the Callahan
Athletic Association
Cheerleaders for a
in Orlando for two
In around the council table,
Councilman Bass advised the council
that the Board of County Commissioners
are set to vote on the contract with the
town at their November 10 meeting.
Town Treasurer Cathy Smith
announced to the council that this
was her last night serving as the Town
Treasurer. “I have really enjoyed the job
and learned a lot while serving.”
announced to the council about the
passing of Mrs. Mildred Caulkins. Mrs.
Caulkins celebrated her 100th birthday
in July.
Church News
Ephesus Baptist Church in Hilliard will have a Fall
Festival Saturday, Nov. 8 at 4:30 p.m. Food, Games
and Singing! Fun for the whole family! For more
information, call 845-3426.
Please join Second Baptist Church of Callahan,
45019 Johnson Rd. for our 56th Anniversary of
the church and 1st Anniversary of our Pastor.
November 5-7 nightly at 7 and Sunday, Nov. 9 at 3
p.m. Dr. Malachi L. Clowers, Pastor. This is a Come
One-Come All event!
Bryceville First Baptist Church, 7732 US Hwy 301,
will have their 79th Homecoming Sun., Nov. 9,
with Bible Study Fellowship at 9:45 a.m. and a mini
concert with "Light Soldiers" at 10:30 a.m. with
worship service at 11a.m. Dinner to follow.
True Faith Christian Fellowship in Callahan will
host a Revival Nov. 9-12, Sunday 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.
Mon.-Wed. 7 p.m. The church is located at the
corner of A1A and Petree Road, Callahan. For more
information call 339-1061.
True Faith Christian Fellowship Church
45019 Petree Rd. • Callahan
November 9 - 12
Ever yone Sunday 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Welcome! Monday - Wednesday 7 p.m.
Dr. Paul and Louise Tyson
For more information, call Bro. Billy Parrish at 904-339-1061.
Live Oak Baptist Church
36178 Congregation Lane • Callahan
Love offering will be taken.
For more information, call 879-3400 Mon. - Thurs. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
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Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014 N Page 5
CES Warriors of the Week
Each week, Callahan
Elementary School
chooses a student to
represent their class
as the Warrior of the
Week. The students
are chosen by their
teachers for good
citizenship in their
class and at school.
Communities In Schools
Celebrates With Callahan Families
Erin Petty
their children's success recently at a
Communities In Schools (CIS) Success
Breakfast. Twenty-five CIS youth were
recognized for their academic progress and
achievements during the first nine weeks of
school at Callahan Middle School.
A pancake breakfast was provided by
the AMVETS of Nassau County Post 2007
and additional food donations from Panera
Bread and Walmart provided a wonderful
buffet for all attendees.
CIS Nassau is a non-profit 501c3
organization that serves students in six
Nassau County Schools by placing a Site
Director and Student Service Coordinator
inside schools where
they are most accessible
to students, families
and school staff. Over
5,000 secondary students
have access to walk-in,
large group and referral
through CIS Nassau;
with approximately 600
receiving more intensive
case management, individual and small
group academic assistance, remedial
tutoring, before or after school academics
and enrichment, individual coaching and
mentoring, family support, food, clothing,
college and career exploration, healthy
lifestyles education, and referrals as needed
to outside resources. CIS works with
guidance counselors, teachers and parents
to coordinate and/or provide additional
student supports as needed.
For more information about services
for your child, or to donate your time,
talent or treasure, visit their website at:
www.cisnassau.org, or call (904)321-2000.
Your support keeps the “community” in
Communities In Schools of Nassau County.
The Embroidery Hut
Youth Leadership Nassau News
Lindsay McCance
The Nassau Youth Leadership Class
of 2014-2015 held their second session
(Environmental Day) on Wednesday,
October 22. They explored White
Oak, a real jewel of Nassau County.
They also received many presentations
from some of Nassau County’s finest
citizens. Amanda Marek, Ag & Natural
Resource Agent UF/
IFAS Nassau County
presentation on Invasive
Species. Sharyl Wood
of the Nassau County
School Board led a
interactive leadership lesson. Kerri
Albert of NACDAC gave a brief
presentation of what NACDAC is all
about. Lastly, Todd Duncan from Keep
Nassau Beautiful gave a presentation on
his passion for helping the environment.
A special thanks to all of these
individuals for their time and also to
CBC National Bank for sponsoring
lunch. White Oak Conservation donated
the field experience as part of their
expanding education programs and in
support of Nassau
County’s youth. To
find out how you
can visit White
Oak visit www.
whiteoa k wildlife.
org or call 904-2253200.
If you would like to learn more about
4-H Youth Development opportunities,
call the Extension Office at 879-1019.
WNHS Warriors of the Week
teachers, advisors
will choose two
students from West
Nassau to serve as the Warriors
of the Week for the school. The
students will be recognized and their
photos will appear on the front office
Hannah Plummer Elizabeth Nofzinger
bulletin board.
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Amazing Pet Care, LLC
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FREE Consultation!
Email us at: 1amazingpetcare@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook: Facebook.com/AmazingPetCare
The Town of Callahan
is requesting your presence at a
Retirement Reception
In honor of
Mayor Shirley Graham
Reception will be held at
The Callahan Fire Department
542300 US Highway 1 • Callahan, FL 32011
Friday, November 7, 2014
6:30 p.m.
RSVP: 904-879-3801
or admin2@townofcallahan-fl.gov
12601 N. Main Street • Jacksonville
Like us on Facebook!
Page 6 N Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014
N New Beginnings & Milestones N
Happy 1 st Birthday
Kinsley Danielle Cravey
Kinsley Danielle Cravey celebrated her first birthday
on November 5. She will have a “Look Who’s Turning
1” owl party Sunday, November 9 at her Grandma and
Papa's house in Hilliard with siblings Carlee and Chase
and lots of family and friends joining in the fun! Her
proud parents are Christopher and Peggy Cravey of
Proud grandparents are Danny and Ann Bazemore
of Hilliard; and Edgar and Glenda Cravey of Callahan.
The Best Service at the Best Price
Call BILL &
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Open for Lunch & Dinner 7 days a week!
John M. Drew
Tax Collector
86130 License Road
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
Public Notice
2014 Tax Roll Open for Payment
John M. Drew, Tax Collector, has received the 2014 Nassau County Tax Roll
as certified by A. Michael Hickox, Property Appraiser. The Tax Roll is now
open for payment of 2014 taxes via the internet at www.nassautaxes.com by
E-check (no service charge) or by Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American
Express (service charges apply). Payments are also accepted via U.S. Mail and
at the office locations listed below.
The tax roll includes real estate taxes, tangible personal property taxes,
centrally assessed items and special assessments listed as ad valorem taxes
and non-ad valorem assessments. These taxes are collected on behalf of the
following taxing authorities: Nassau County Board of County Commission
(including MSF - Municipal Service Fund), Nassau County School District,
City of Callahan, City of Fernandina Beach, Town of Hilliard, Amelia Island
Mosquito Control, St. Johns River Water Management District and Florida
Inland Navigation District.
According to Florida Statute 197.122 Lien of taxes; application. – All
owners of property are held to know that taxes are due and payable annually
and are responsible for ascertaining the amount of current and delinquent
taxes and paying them before April 1 of the year following the year in which
taxes are assessed.
Therefore, if you do not receive your tax bill at your current billing address
or if you are a new property owner and do not receive a tax bill, you must
contact the Tax Collector’s Office to confirm taxes due.
Discounts for early payment of assessed taxes shall be: four percent in
November; three percent in December; two percent in January; one percent
in February; and zero percent during the month of March. If payment is made
by U.S. Mail, discount amounts will be determined by postmark date.
This notice is pursuant to, and in compliance of, one or more subsections of
the 2014 Florida Statutes as found in Title XIV Chapter 197.
Tax Collector's Office
Historic Courthouse
Callahan Office
86130 License Rd.
416 Centre Street
450077 SR 200, Ste. 13
Fernandina Bch., FL 32034 Fernandina Bch., FL 32034
Callahan, FL 32011
Hilliard Office
15885 CR 108
Hilliard, FL 32046
(904) 491-7400 and (866) 815-4690 Fax: (904) 432-0222
Mr. and Mrs. Timmy McCullough
Celebrate 25 t h Anniversary
Timmy and Amanda McCullough of
Hilliard celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary November 3. The McCulloughs
were married November 3, 1989 in
Fernandina Beach.
Timmy is owner operator at Timmy
McCullough Trucking and enjoys hunting.
Amanda is a paraprofessional at Hilliard
Elementary School and she enjoys thrift
store shopping. They both enjoy spending
time with family and friends. For the special
milestone, they enjoyed a week-long trip together to Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg and
Bryson City. They have two sons Dusty, 20 and Austin, 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Vickers
Ashley Danielle Doyle and Clint Mitchell
Vickers were united in marriage October 24 at 4
p.m. at The Mathis House Glen Venue in Glen St.
The bride is the daughter of Harold and Suzy
Jones of Callahan and is employed as a Manager/
Buyer at Insight in the Jacksonville International
The groom is the son of Johnny and Rebecca
Vickers of Callahan and is employed as an EMT/
Coordinator at ERgent Care. He is also a certified
firefighter and starting the paramedic program at
FSCJ in January.
Serving as bridesmaids were Kelsey Eagen, Christine Doyle, Shelby Smith,
Jennifer Brown, Jana Lovelady and Shannon Crisp. Serving as groomsmen were
Johnny Vickers, Chris Wakefield, Ren Beazley, James Bell, Shawn Vickers and
Chance Doyle.
Following a honeymoon trip to Roatan Honduras and Cozumel Mexico, the
couple is residing in Callahan.
Pain & Stiffness from
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Over 37 years of Affordable, Professional Care
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School & Sports Physicals • Auto • Workmans Comp • VA Patients
Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014 N Page 7
halloween around town
Southeastern Bank
Dana's Hair Studio
Teenie's Hair Salon
Sharon's Salon
Mendy & Co.
Fall Festival at Life Care Center
The residents at Hilliard Life Care Center enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at their
Fall Festival last Thursday. Many residents also came out to enjoy the fun and food!
Residents enjoyed eating hot dogs, sausage dogs complete with peppers and onions,
snow cones, popcorn and even funnel cakes. They played games and enjoyed time
with their families!
Page 8 N Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014
Cleaning, LLC. Office, Commercial & Residential.
FREE estimates! 10% off your first cleaning! Call
904-200-2519. Visit: audreyscustomcleaning.com.
Offering edge to edge and custom quilting, batting,
wide back fabric and binding. Call Chris at 904-9947608. tfn
A CLEANER WORLD! Your local commercial &
residential cleaning service! We also offer carpet
and tile cleaning, stripping and waxing of floors in
your home or your office with competitive prices!
Call today for a FREE estimate, 635-9964. tfn
Phone 845-2177, cell phone 904-446-7316, open
M-F, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 37145 Alice St. Hilliard. Pick-up &
Delivery Available. tfn
wash anything, hot or cold water. FREE estimates.
Call 904-507-9263. tfn
A-1 AFFORDABLE CONCRETE, metal buildings,
slabs, driveways, pole barns, quality work at an
affordable price. Get your FREE estimates at (904)
307-4278. tfn
8:30A – 6P; Saturday, 8:30A – 4P; Sunday, Noon4P. Online pharmacy, digital x-rays, laser therapy,
879-3775. tfn
Estimates on New Installations. Same charge
weekends or After hours! $69 service call when you
mention ad! Licensed & Insured. Owner Timothy
Reeves, Reeves Climate Control (904) 238-8492.
AFFORDABLE TREE SERVICE, trimming/removal,
licensed and insured, difficult removal specialist.
FREE estimates. Call 904-845-3957. tfn
THE MOWER AND SAW SHOP! We service most
brands and types of lawn equipment. Pick up and
delivery available. 904-472-0600, Callahan. tfn
ART’S LOCKOUT SERVICE. Locksmith/Lockout
Specialist. Licensed, bonded, insured, 24/7
emergency services, auto, home, business. Serving:
Nassau, Duval, Charlton & Camden Counties. 904294-0314 or ArtsLockoutService.com. tfn
residential, full service lawn maintenance and tree
service. Firewood also available. Call 904-2198219. tfn
DOZER WORK, land clearing, debris removal,
culverts and driveways. Call Frank at 759-3900. tfn
Installation and service of all brands! Locally owned
& operated. FREE estimates! Call 945-5404. tfn
CONCEAL CARRY CLASS – (First Founders)
Firearms Safety School. $45 per person, Saturday
morning classes. Exceeds state standards.
Exercise your 2nd Amendment right! Call K.C. (904)
591-7779. Located in Callahan. tfn
C & C SAW & MOWER. We fix anything! Chainsaws,
lawnmowers, weed eaters, outboard motors,
welding. Call Chuck at 904-507-9263. tfn
MOTORCYCLE REPAIR: Metric or Harley, engine,
suspension, carburetor, electrical. Pick up or
delivery available. Call 904-338-6981, Russell. tfn
JW CARPET CLEANING and more! Two room or
whole house specials available. Call for pricing,
904-507-1345. tfn
pants hemmed or zippers replaced? I do alterations
and sewing of all kinds! Call June at 716-3453. tfn
SMART FAMILY WORKS, LLC. Fence installation,
repairs, lawn care, landscaping, debris removal.
FREE estimates. Commercial/Residential. Serving
NE FL & SE GA, 904-428-4130. tfn
AIR POWER HEATING & AIR: Repairs, installation
on all makes and models. Serving Hilliard, Callahan
and Jacksonville. Call 845-1900. CAC1815504 tfn
Emergency Service; FREE estimates on new work.
Financing available. Ponce Electric, Inc., (904) 8790110 or visit: www.PonceElectricInc.com. Owner
Bill Ponce, State of Florida Certified Electrical
Contractor # EC13005682. tfn
experience, FREE estimates, Licensed and Insured.
Call Danny at 904-222-5054. 112714
TUTORING! Math, Chemistry, Physics, $10 per
hour, Callahan. Call Mitch at 879-2912. 112714
PIANO LESSONS! All ages, 4 years to adult.
Experienced teacher. www.joelpacepiano.com,
joelpace@juno.com. 904-766-9544. $65 per
month. tfn
BAM TOWING - 904-759-9052 Will tow to shop
of your choice! We buy junk cars. Can move prebuilt sheds! tfn
GRINDING, serving area over 30 years, insured,
FREE estimates, Roger Braddock, 813-9514. tfn
CDL CLASS A DRIVER to haul containers, TWIC
required, $800-1100/week, home nightly. Call 904955-4889. tfn
Classified Deadline is Tuesdays at Noon
879-4180 • news@westsidejournal.net
Facebook. Select waterslides or bouncers starting
at $100. FREE local delivery, FREE set-up.
Specializing in all party needs! We have everything.
Call 904-507-1345 or 904-507-1970. tfn
load, Callahan/Hilliard area. Call 416-6082. tfn
BLUEBERRY PLANTS, 1 gallon, $3 and up;
Persimmon, Pomegranates, Fruit/Nectarine trees,
FUYU Persimmon Trees and more! Call 845-2686
or 318-6166, Visa/MC accepted. 122414
FILL DIRT, Hard pan, sand, asphalt millings, 18yard load; and land clearing services. Call 904-8138898 or www.axismgt.com. tfn
ASPHALT MILLINGS for driveways, 8-yard truck,
$265/load. Call Frank at 759-3900. tfn
OAK DINING TABLE with 2 insets, 10 chairs, China
cabinet, $500; round CERAMIC TOP TABLE with
4 chairs and buffet, $250, Callahan. Call 904-8615845. 110614
USED BRICKS FOR SALE, antique bricks from
building Circa 1911; yellow cleaned, $1.50 each;
red solid, $1.25 each; not cleaned, $1.15 each. Call
(904) 248-0967. 110614
USED WASHER & DRYER, both work well, $50
each. Call 904-415-1919. 110614
SUPERVISOR, 2-3 days a week, days hours paid
$7.93/hour; after 2 weeks increase in pay. Hatching
chick farm. Please call 352-347-5454 between 8
a.m. – 4 p.m. 111314
1+ ACRE LOTS AVAILABLE for new home
construction. Clear Lake Estates, Lem Turner. Call
904-813-9187 for information. Low Interest Rates!
lots, 1 with 3BR/2BA mobile home, older subdivision,
close to schools and town, Hilliard, $40,000 for all
or best reasonable offer. Motivated seller! Call 904415-1919. 11614
garage apartment, 6 ¼ acres,
3 miles outside Alma, GA, 1
½ hour drive from Callahan, wildlife: deer, rabbits,
squirrels; private and quiet, $147,000, firm. Call 912253-9915, FMI go to owners.com. 111314
2 AND 3 BEDROOMS, mobile homes in Callahan
area, 904-742-4299 or 759-4048. tfn
Opportunity for Elderly (62 years of age or older),
Disabled and Handicapped (regardless of age),
with or without children. Eligible applicants for 2BR
apartments with Rental Assistance should come by
the office at 37119 Cantebury Drive, or Phone (904)
845-4496 TDD 1-800-374-4463. This institution is
an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. tfn
3BR/2BA, A/C, washer/dryer hook-up, MHP
Geneva Lane off Pine St., Hilliard, $500/month; plus
deposit. Call 509-2539 or 338-5533. 112014
FRESHLY PAINTED, nice, 3BR/2BA, MH, Callahan,
private lot, W/D hook-up, appliances & water
furnished, close to schools, shopping, Jacksonville.
$850/month; $850/deposit. Rent references, proof
of income. 904-219-4240. 110614
2BR/1BA SWMH, Callahan, no smoker, no pets,
$550/deposit; $600/month. Call Francis at 2286009. 110614
2007 JEEP LIBERTY for sale, 4WD, Reese hitch,
regularly maintained, top mechanical condition,
non-smoking, 3.6L/4cyl., $6,250. Call 351-8118.
MCCLELLAN HOME REPAIRS! Specializing in all
types of home and mobile home repairs: windows,
doors, bathrooms, decks; anything in need of repair,
we do it! 879-9631. State certified CBC058526. tfn
MAN AROUND THE HOUSE, remodeling, repairs,
painting, driveways, etc. You name it, very fair
prices, 30 years experience. No job too large or too
small. Call Glen at 879-4067. 112014
TWO FAMILY YARD SALE, Friday & Saturday!
Items too many to list include tools, appliances,
housewares, clothes, furniture and many others.
Something for all! 11037 CR 121 at Cortez Road
west of Bryceville.
HUGE YARD SALE! Friday & Saturday, 8 a.m. – 4
p.m. Iris Blvd. off Old Dixie. Pictures, bikes, tools,
fishing, go-cart. Too much to list!
YARD SALE, 54193 Sunshine Drive, Callahan.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Dishes,
clothes, toys, movies, shoes, pictures, heater, wet
vac, PC pipe, miscellaneous. Rain cancels!
MOVING SALE! Toys, Kids Clothes, Housewares,
Women Clothing, Tools, Lawn Mower, etc. Saturday,
8 a.m. until?
SATURDAY, 8 a.m. Until? 27904 Conner-Nelson
Rd., Hilliard. Follow Signs! Lots of items, household,
furniture, children’s, toys, clothes, etc.
HUGE MULTI-FAMILY SALE, Saturday & Sunday,
8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 45618 Musslewhite Rd., Callahan.
Clothes, computers, bikes, tools, just too much to
list! No early birds!
MULTI-FAMILY SALE, Friday, 8 a.m. until? 44099
Comanche Rd., Callahan. Clothes (women’s &
men’s), miscellaneous items, Play station games
and much more!
sf, 44036 Woodland Cir., Callahan/Ratliff Rd. area;
Thursday-Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Saturday, 7 a.m.
– 3 p.m. Reformed Hoarder liquidation! Too much to
list; must see to believe! Photos on Craigslist.
BIG SALE! Friday & Saturday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. US
301, 2 miles out of Callahan, turn left on Kingbird
Rd. Look for signs to 44743 Swallowfork. Generator,
baby items, furniture, almost new bicycle, women’s
clothes, smoker, tires, nice junior clothes, new
Christmas items, lots of jackets, DVDs, refrigerator,
electric heaters, new box spring and more!
SATURDAY, 8:30 a.m. until? 615605 River Road,
CR108 2 miles past Bypass Road on right. Antiques,
furniture, construction materials, rustic wedding
decor, wine fridge, boys clothes size 3T-5T, women's
clothes, shoes and more!
LITTLE WHITE HOUSE: Extended Summer Clothes
Sale! Buy one, get two FREE (men’s and women’s)!
Glassware 20-50% OFF, Books, BOGO, New items
arriving daily! Special prices on beautiful crystal for
your Thanksgiving table. Layaway available for your
Christmas gifts! Gold and silver jewelry available.
Located behind Noah’s Ark, Callahan.
NEWLY REMODELED 2BR MH, Callahan, private
lot, w/d hook-ups, appliances, furnished water,
close to schools and shopping, $775/month; $775/
deposit. Rent references, proof of income. Call 904219-4240. 110614
FOR SALE OR RENT-TO-OWN fixer-upper frame
house in Callahan, 2BR/1BA unfurnished, needs
repairs, nice neighborhood, near schools, $38,000.
Call Norma 912-843-2165. 110614
3BR/4BR, 2BA house in Hilliard, 3 bedrooms,
bonus room or 4th bedroom, den, close walk to
park, HMSHS and 6 miles to Elementary school.
NO Smoking, NO Pets. Credit background and
tenant history checks, $980/month; $1000/deposit.
Possible purchase option. Call 904-307-9564 or
philprops@windstream.net. 110614
ADVANCED DISPOSAL in Callahan is now hiring
a 2nd Shift DIESEL MECHANIC. Diagnostic skills
and heavy truck experience required. Must have
tools. Excellent pay and benefits. Good working
environment. To set up an appointment, call 5070241 or 424-7244. Ask for Marty or Brandi. 111314
$400 cash. FREE haul off with title. Call 904-7654302 or 318-5026. tfn
$ WE BUY HOUSES $ Mobile homes and land, any
area, condition. Call for FREE assessment. Wallace
Companies, 904-955-4386. 010615
APPLIANCES, water heater and scrap metal, FREE
pick-up; riding mowers, $10. Call anytime, 904-2289941. 112014
WE BUY JUNK CARS! Free Haul Away! Call
Johnson's Automotive at 879-6788. 112714
WE BUY JUNK CARS and unwanted appliances
and we also do tractor work. Call Laidback Scrap
Removal, 507-9580 or 879-1595. 112614
CHILDCARE AVAILABLE for 1 family in Callahan,
M-F, 6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CPR and First aid
certified. Call 904-924-4182. tfn
Our Lady of Consolation
Catholic Church
541668 US Hwy. 1 • Callahan
Mass times are as follows:
Saturday Evening
5:30 p.m.
9 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.
879-3662 for more information
L&D Enterprize, Inc.
Pond Digging • Land Clearing
Bush Hogging • Dirt Leveling
Hard Pan • Top Soil
Fill Dirt • Sand
Licensed Septic
System Contractor
Plan your
Holiday Party
The holidays are coming and we've got
the perfect place for your gatherings!
Over 4,000 sq. ft. of insulated rental space!
Open WiFi  Kitchenette  Serving Counters
Tables and seating for 150  Pre-hung icicle lighting available
551625 US Hwy. 1 • Hilliard • 904-334-2897
13447 US Hwy. 301 S.
Starke, FL 32091
Interviewing Experienced
Internet Sales Professionals
• Growing organization...We promote
from within!
• Industry's Top Pay Plans & Bonus
• Ongoing Professional Training
• Advancement Opportunities!
• Benefits:
• 401K Retirement Plan • Health Plan
• Life Insurance
• Dental Plan
13447 US Hwy. 301 S.
Starke, FL 32091
No experience required
$2,000 Salary
during training period.
401K Retirement Plan
Life Insurance
Health Plan
Dental Plan
Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014 N Page 9
Military & Veterans 
Appreciation Night 
Join us in saying "Thank You" this Veterans Day to all those serving
and who have served, in the Military, at our Military and Veterans
Appreciation Night. The event will be held Thursday, November 13, at 6
p.m. at the West Nassau High School Cafeteria. There will be free food for
everyone and drawings for military personnel and veterans who attend.
All Military Personnel, Military Retirees and Veterans will be honored
and thanked.
This is a community event sponsored by local civic organizations and
businesses working with West Nassau High School JROTC, with assistance
from the West Nassau High School Band. The JROTC cadets are again
preparing a patriotic show that will be the highlight of the evening.
Police Reports
Names, Addresses and all information appearing in the Police Reports are taken from the Sheriff’s
Department files and do not necessarily indicate guilt, only that arrests were made or charges were filed.
Thursday, October 2
Clayton Gene Cobb, Jr., 26, 542090 Lem Turner Road, Callahan:
Aggravated Stalking, Follow, Harass, Cyberstalk after Injunction; Pre-trial Release
for Domestic Violence
Tuesday, October 28
Joshua Owen Roswan, 19, 553217 US Highway 17, Hilliard: Nassau County
Capias Violation of Probation Domestic Violence (x 2)
Brenda Kay Baisden, 23, 37093 Testone Lane, Apt. 3, Hilliard: Bond
Surrender Driving While License Suspended/Revoked
Wednesday, October 29
Tari Dejuan Mitchell, 32, 45035 Johnson Road, Callahan: Duval County
Warrant Writ of Attachment Failure to Pay Child Support
Brenda Kay Baisden, 23, 37093
Testone Lane, Apt. 3, Hilliard: Nassau
Capias Failure to Appear Driving While
License Suspended/Revoked
Saturday, November 1
32, 45043 Vera Avenue, Callahan:
Possession of Firearm by Convicted
3 Acre Minimum
Bulldozer, Excavator and Tractor Work Available
Tillman Roofing
Shingles • Metal • Flat
Roof Repairs & Roof Maintenance
FAX 904-527-1463 • www.tillmanroofing.com
Residential • Commercial • Industrial
24 HR
Jumbo Commercial Machines!
Comforters • Rugs • Sleeping Bags • Cushions
Same Day WASH & FOLD
24 Hour
State of the Art 24 Hour Laundromat!
SR 200 • (Winn Dixie Center) Callahan • 879-5773
Machines Available 24/7
Baker & Rhodes
Attorneys at Law
Gary Baker • Matthew L. Rhodes
Marital & Family Law • DUI/Criminal • Personal Injury • Auto Accidents
(904) 879-4111
45328 Green Avenue • Callahan
Ask us how to cut them in half!
Tropic Aire
Air Conditioning
& Heating Contractor
$30 OFF
We sell and service all brands of cooling-heating systems!
24th Annual
Any Repair
Dayspring Village
Dayspring Secret Santa Program is seeking volunteers to help
meet the needs of the mentally ill. We are seeking volunteers
who can help solicit donated gifts, provide baked goods for
resident snacks, share their musical talents to help share the
Christmas spirit through song. The 2014 Secret Santa Program
Coordinator is MICHELLE HOLBROOKE, she can be reached at
mgcook66@gmail.com or at 904-583-1900, you can also contact Doug Adkins at
The gift of the giver is the center of our Christmas tradition. Your participation
will have a life changing impact as it is through the love that is shared at Christmas
that people begin to grow and recover. Whether it is a donated wrapped gift,
leading a craft project or baking some homemade goods, your contribution will
help us share the gift of Christmas in a special way. We hope and pray that you will
help us share the joy of Christmas in 2014, you will certainly be blessed!
Merry Christmas & God Bless You!
AL #5766
Rewards up to $3,000
Remain Anonymous & the Call is Toll Free
1-866-845-TIPS (8477)
If you have information about a crime, you can call
our Tips Line and remain completely anonymous.
If your tip information leads to an arrest, you
could receive a cash reward of up to $3,000.
Check out our website for additional information.
1-866-845-TIPS (8477)
Text "TIPS326" plus your information to
CRIMES (274637)
Page 10 N Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014
Mildred Lee Caulkins
passed peacefully on November
1, surrounded by her loving and
devoted family.
Mrs. Mildred Caulkins, of
Callahan, celebrated her 100th birthday July
16. She was born in Buffalo, Texas on July
16, 1914 to Commodore and Mattie Lee. She
was the youngest of six children. Her father
was in law enforcement, known as the Town
Marshall and her mother was a homemaker,
who died when Mildred was very young.
She remembers her father bringing home
the prisoners he had at the jail and chained
them to the tree in the front yard for lunch. If
the weather was bad, he chained them to the
porch. Times have somewhat changed!
Mildred held many jobs over the years,
which included working at an ammunition
plant during World War II; working at a
truck line transportation company; and at a
neighborhood grocery store. However, her
favorite profession was a homemaker, mother
and grandmother.
She married Vance F. Caulkins, who
worked for the railroad. Mildred raised
six children. She also raised two of her
grandchildren. Mildred attributed her
long life to her independent nature and an
occasional beer with good barbecue! She
enjoyed sitting on her carport and watching
all the activities going on in Ewing Park and
watching FOX news. Mrs. Caulkins lived
in her Callahan home with her dog Max!
Mildred is pre-deceased by her husband
Vance Forest Caulkins; and a granddaughter
Evelyn Manning.
The Town of Callahan honored Mrs.
Caulkins at a town meeting proclaiming July
16th Mildred Caulkins Day in Callahan. She
was honored by the town council and Mayor
of Callahan with a dozen yellow roses and an
engraved clock.
Mildred is survived by her six children
Jack (Sheila) Caulkins of Jacksonville, Bobby
(Vickie) Cotie of St. Paul, Minnesota, Vance
(Martha) Caulkins of Cullowhee, North
Carolina, Billy (Lois) Caulkins of Hilliard,
Ellen (Euell) Ogden of Odom, Georgia, and
Janet (Bobby) Gill of Fernandina Beach;
many grandchildren; great-grandchildren;
and great-great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were her grandsons and a
great-grandson: Vance Lee Caulkins, Jr.,
Lane Maverick Caulkins, James Everett
Howard, Jr., William Forest Caulkins, Jr.,
Derek Austin Sharp, Brett Lawrence Sharp,
Weston William Gill and Richard VanceForrest Beeny.
A large number of friends and family
members gathered in the Chapel at Callahan
Funeral Home for the visitation Monday,
November 3. Funeral services were held
Tuesday, November 4 at the First United
Methodist Church of Callahan. Burial
followed in Jones Cemetery.
Arrangements were under the direction
of Callahan Funeral Home, 617365 Brandies
Ave., 879-2336.
Condolences may be expressed at www.
Jimmy Taft Cook
Jimmy Taft Cook, 78, went
home to be with the lord on
November 3. He was born June
3, 1936 in Miami, Florida to
Emmett and Lilly Cook. Mr.
Cook was a member of the Old
Gospel Barn Church in Callahan. He
proudly served in the United States Marine
Corps and was a talented musician playing
the guitar, harmonica and vocals.
He is survived by his daughter Regina
Gately; two sons Tim Black and Brandon
Cook; three grandchildren Thomas Roberge
(his caregiver), Tyler and Ashley Black; two
sisters Gale Sitton and Jewell Deal; and four
brothers Emmett Cook, Dennis Cook, Bill
Cook and Dempsey Cook. He is preceded in
death by his daughter Carla Williams; two
sisters Doris Dean and Linda Phillips; three
brothers Johnny Cook (his twin), Robert Cook
and Larry Cook; many nieces and nephews.
The family will receive friends Thursday,
November 6 from 9-10 a.m. at Nassau Funeral
Home. Funeral services will start at 10 a.m.
with Pastor Pat Jones and Dorothy Church
officiating. Burial will follow in Jacksonville
National Cemetery.
Condolences may be expressed at www.
nassaufh.com. Funeral arrangements are
under the direction of Nassau Funeral Home,
Callahan, 879-1770.
James William Crawford
James William Crawford,
76, of Hilliard, went home to be
with the Lord on October 29. He
was born December 22, 1937 to
James Beal Crawford and Lola
Grace (Johnson) Crawford in Waycross,
Georgia. James was an avid Nascar and
Georgia Bulldog fan and was also a Ford man.
Mr. Crawford is survived by one brother
Bobby Crawford (Melva Kay) of Callahan;
two sisters Novadine Chase of Genesee Depot,
Wisconsin and Sandra Goodwin of Hilliard
who was also his caregiver; his beloved niece
Alana (Bobby) Isham; a great nephew Bobby
Isham; and a great niece Cameron Isham; as
well as many nieces and nephews who will
miss him greatly.
In lieu of flowers please make all donations
to the Parkinson's Disease Foundation.
The family received friends prior to the
service held Monday, November 3 at Live
Oak Baptist Church in Callahan with Pastor
Steve Wolgamott officiating. Burial followed
in the church cemetery.
Condolences may be expressed by signing
the guest book at www.nassaufh.com.
Arrangements were under the direction of
Nassau Funeral Home, 541720 US Highway
1, 879-1770.
Carroll D. Hayes
Carroll D. Hayes (Master
Chief US Navy Retired) of
Jacksonville passed into eternal
rest October 22. Master Chief
Hayes is the son of the late
Ivey D. and Clara Jones Hayes.
Carroll was born October 3, 1934
in Hazelhurst, Georgia. He was preceded in
death by his wife of 56 years Bertha Ellisor
Hayes; infant daughter Carol Ann Hayes; and
a brother Thomas W. Hayes.
He is survived by a son Howard D.
(Karen) Hayes; daughter Ann Lewis; sister
Madrid H. (Rick) Adams; four grandchildren;
and several great-grandchildren; nieces and
Carroll graduated from Jeff Davis County
High School in 1951. He enlisted in the United
States Marine Corps Reserve in June 1954,
and was honorably discharged on October
2, 1956. On October 3, 1956 he enlisted in
the United States Navy and was honorably
discharged October 3, 1977 as a Master
Chief (E-9) Rate HTCM-EOD DV., having
earned the highest rank given to an enlisted
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Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014 N Page 11
man and receiving it in record time. He was
selected to be a part of the Special Forces
(EOD) October 1961. Many compete but
few are chosen. Special operations training
consists of: diving demolition, explosives,
Military Munitions and their applications.
He completed his training in 1962 and he and
his team (Seabees) traveled to 28 countries,
islands and principalities during his 21-year
career with 3 years served in Viet Nam. Upon
returning to the states he was assigned as
Chief Recruiter, U.S. Navy Recruiter Station,
Dublin, Georgia from 1970-1972. From there
he was assigned to Special Operations, Cecil
Field Jacksonville, where he served honorably
until retirement.
Always looking for a challenge, Carroll
accepted a position at Florida Community
College Jacksonville teaching at the Geis
Marine Center for several years earning
the respect of the Dean, fellow teachers and
students. A man of many talents he loved
to play the piano and sing. He would play
anywhere he could find a piano to the delight
of all who were around. Carroll shared his
love of music with those in nursing homes and
rehab centers.
Master Chief Hayes, who spent his life
criss-crossing the world on land and under
the sea was the ultimate outdoorsman. He
loved to hunt, fish and was most happy when
he was shooting his guns. He entered many
competitive shooting competitions. Always
striving to do it better each time, while
amazing his fellow competitors with his
skills. He will be missed by his family, friends
and his beloved dogs Penny and Button.
Master Chief Carroll D. Hayes epitaph
reads: “If a man has nothing for which he
is willing to fight then he is an insufferable
creature who must be protected by men better
than himself.”
Carroll was a 32* Mason and a life
member of the National Rifle Association.
Memorial Services will be held Saturday,
November 8 at 11 a.m. at the Anchor Church
of God, 541798 US Hwy. 1 S, Callahan.
Condolences may be expressed at www.
callahanfh.com. Arrangements are under the
direction of Callahan Funeral Home, Inc.
in Stock
Arthur Ira McMillan
Arthur Ira McMillan, 54, of
Jacksonville was surrounded by
loved ones when he passed away Sunday,
November 2 after a short illness. Mr.
McMillan served his country when at a
young age he joined the U.S. Army. He
received an honorable discharge after many
years of faithful service. Besides his family,
he had two loves; one was working on and
rebuilding any and every old car he could get
his hands on; and the second and probably
most important was his passion for college
football. He stayed true to his favorite team,
the Florida Gators to the very end.
Mr. McMillan suffered greatly not just
from the illness that ultimately took his life
but by the loss he suffered many years ago
when he received the news that his mother
Zula Juanice Cheshire McMillan and his two
young children Timothy Lee McMillan (13)
and baby girl Kimberly Sue McMillan (3) had
all three died in a tragic house fire. He was
predeceased by his youngest brother James
Henry McMillan who lost his life at the very
young age of 13.
Mr. McMillan is survived by his wife
Violeta Comdi McMillan; his father Thomas
Daniel McMillan, Sr.; three daughters
Elizabeth Faye McMillan, Christina Marie
McMillan and Evelyn Mira McMillan; two
step daughters Laura Elizabeth Steinbacher
and Layonia Jayhes Konn; two sons Louis
James McMillan and Arthur Ira McMillan,
Jr.; one sister Felecia Ann Morris; and one
brother Thomas Daniel (Jessica) McMillan,
Jr.; as well as six grandchildren.
The viewing/visitation and funeral
services will both be held Friday, November
7 at Gray Gables Baptist Church, Callahan.
The family will receive friends from 10-11
a.m. Funeral services will begin at 11 a.m.
with Rev. Andrew Smith officiating.
Arrangements are under the direction
Janice Merlene Rhoden
Nobles, 58, of Callahan, passed
away November 4. She was
born in Jacksonville but lived
in Callahan for 35 years. She
worked for the Nassau County School Board
at Callahan Middle School as a Data Entry
Operator. Merlene was a loving wife, mother
and grandmother.
She is survived by her husband, Carlton A.
Nobles; sons Matthew (Christa) Nobles and
Carlton (Anna) Nobles; daughters Rebecca
Nobles, Jessica Nobles and Vicki Lynn
(Daniel) McEachern; granddaughters Bailey
Jane Nobles and Maya Nobles; grandsons
Jesse Nobles and Justin Nobles; her parents
Jesse Merle and Myrtice Rhoden; sisters
Mechele (Clint) Stokes, Edna (Les) Ditchek
and Melissa (Doug) Coaker; nephews Cody
Richard Schoening
Schoening, of St. Marys Fish
Camp, is gone. Loved by many;
the only one. Don’t be sad the
Yankee is gone.
Funeral services will be held Friday,
November 7 at 9:30 a.m. at Jacksonville
National Cemetery, Lane 2.
Thought of the week...
Courage is not having strength to go onIt is going on when you don't have the strength.
In Loving Memory of
ady W. Johnson
12, 1965 – November 4, 2009
Your life here on earth was finished five years ago when God called
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all shared together. You are my first love and to this day I love you
so very much! You have given me two beautiful daughters to remind me of the life we
shared together for 22 years. I wait for that day when we will be together again. We love
you Jady, Daddy and Papa!
Your loving wife always, Jennie
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Glenn’s Paint & Body
of Callahan Funeral Home, Inc., 617365
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Condolences may be expressed at www.
Stokes, JP Gertz, Christopher Coaker and
Joshua Coaker; nieces Shelby Stokes, Holly
McGlothlin, Heather Campanale and Caitlyn
Active pallbearers are: Alex Thompson,
Kevin Reed, Wade Faircloth, Levi West,
Justin Bullard, Chase Price, Steven Boatright
and Scottie Davis. Honorary pallbearers are:
Tyler Thomas and Bill Starling.
The family will receive friends Friday,
November 7 from 6-8 p.m. at First Baptist
Church of Callahan. Funeral services will
be held Saturday, November 8 at 11 a.m.
also at the church, with Pastor David Smith
officiating. Burial will follow in Jones
Condolences may be expressed by signing
the guess book at www.nassaufh.com.
Arrangements are under the direction of
Nassau Funeral Home, Callahan, 879-1770.
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Page 12 N Westside Journal N Thursday, November 6, 2014
Bulldogs Defeat the Warriors
The West Nassau Warriors hosted the
Bolles Bulldogs in a district matchup Friday
night. The Bulldogs showed up in full force
and took control of the game from the
beginning. The first quarter was all Bolles
as they scored on two different possessions
not allowing the Warriors near the end zone.
As the second quarter began, the Warriors
had the ball and were successfully moving
it down the field. Davion Dubose was able
to get into the end zone from 1 yard out.
The extra point attempt failed. The Warrior
defense played strong however Bolles was
allowed to score one time in the second
quarter. The score as the halftime buzzer
sounded was West Nassau, 6; Bolles, 21.
The third quarter once again belonged
to Bolles, as they scored on three different
possessions. The Warrior offense just
couldn’t get anything going. After a very
difficult third quarter the Warriors never
gave up during the fourth. Bolles scored
one time during the entire quarter. West
Nassau was able to get the ball into the end
zone nearing the end of the game. They
scored on a 31-yard pass reception from
Colton Paliana to Dubose. The Warriors
went for two on the conversion and got it
on a pass from Paliana to Garrett Delano.
The score at the end of the game was West
Nassau, 14; Bolles, 48.
Even though this was a difficult game
for the Warriors, they were able to tally up
10 first downs and 202 rushing and passing
yards. Individual leaders for the game were
Davion Dubose with 18 carries for 80 yards
and 6 receptions for 75 yards; Brandon
Jackson with 9 carries for 32 yards; Quinn
Coxwell with 2 carries for 30 yards; and
Colton Paliana was 7 of 16 attempts for 81
yards passing.
This Friday the Warriors will host their
county rival the Yulee Hornets at Warrior
field for their final game of the regular
season at 7:30 p.m. The game will also be
senior night where all the senior players,
cheerleaders, band members, ROTC
members will be recognized at halftime.
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Eagles Quiet the Flashes
Nick Clark
Another hard fought battle took place
in Hilliard last Friday night. Episcopal
came into Hilliard and struck quickly on
a 60-yard run only 26 seconds into the
game. After that, it became a defensive
struggle until Episcopal scored again on a
41-yard field goal. Hilliard came roaring
back as Bryce Jenkins hit Brian Clark on
a crossing route and Clark went 45 yards
for the first Hilliard score. The extra point
was blocked. Episcopal got the ball to start
the second quarter but was forced to punt.
When Hilliard got the ball back they took
over five minutes to drive down the field
before Jenkins dove in from 3 yards out.
Brayden Carroll added the extra point.
Episcopal took the ball and drove down and
scored on a 6-yard run aided by a huge pass
interference call on third and long. Hilliard
with a chance to drive and take the lead
going into to the half was forced to punt.
Episcopal returned the punt 60 yards for
another score. The score at the half was
Hilliard, 13; Episcopal, 24.
The second half was a defensive battle
on both sides. The Flashes defense only
allowed the Eagles one score in the third
quarter. Hilliard was unable to make it to
the end zone the remainder of the game.
The score at the final buzzer was Hilliard,
13; Episcopal, 31.
Jenkins ended the night with 19
completions on 40 attempts for 193 yards
and 1 touchdown and also had a rushing
touchdown. Clark ended the night with
81 yards on 6 catches with 1 touchdown.
The leading rusher for Hilliard was
Armani Scott with 51 yards on 18 carries.
Defensively, Thomas Castleberry lead the
way with two solo tackles, eight assists and
one tackle for a loss.
After the game, Coach Allison talked to
the team about working hard and continuing
to grow and improve as a team. This is the
second year in the last three seasons that
Hilliard has been in the playoffs.
Hilliard plays their last home game
Friday night at 7:30 p.m. against Cedar
Creek Christian and will also celebrate
Senior Night! Everyone come out and cheer
on the 16 seniors as they play their last
home game ever in Hilliard.
Friday, November 14 the Flashes will
travel to Hamilton County for the first
round of the state playoffs.